Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20160614

Transcripts For MSNBCW Hardball With Chris Matthews 20160614 23:00:00

two against one. let's play hardball. good evening. i'm chris matthews in
washington. president obama doesn't like donald trump. if you didn't know that yesterday, you know it today. the president launched a blistering take down of trump condemning his rhetoric and his proposed muslim ban. trump is on stage and talking about the orlando massacre and responding to what president obama said about him today. let's listen to trump. >> again, north carolina, special place. we went through a weekend, the likes of which we should never have to see again. i wrote a few things down that i want to read because we can't let this happen anymore. we can't. we have to be so tough. we have to be so strong. we have to be so vigilant. we can't be led by weak, ineffective people. we can't. they're weak and ineffective. believe me, hillary clinton, weak, ineffective. you listen to her, i don't know
if you know, she has 550% more people she wants to come in than obama from a certain area. we just don't know what's going on. we don't know who they are. where they're coming from. there's no documentation. i just left a great governor, including pat, your governor. he's doing a fantastic job. i just left a whole group of governors and they say these people are being put in their communities. they don't even know who they are. they don't know where they are being put. they are snuck into certain communities and governors don't know who is coming in. what a mess we have. what a mess we have. i just wrote some of this down. we got to do it. normally, i talk about jobs,
which nobody can compete with us on jobs. we're going to bring them back from all these countries that have ripped us off like nobody has ever been ripped off before. we're going to bring our jobs back. guess what, we're not going to let our companies leave anymore. there's going to be a little bit of a repercussion when they start to lee. there's going to be repercussions. as we all know in orlando, over the weekend, a radical islamic terrorist killed 49 people, at least and wounded donzs more, doze dozens. it was the worst terrorist attack since september 11 and the worst mass shooting in our country's history. we want to live if a country where gay and lesbian americans and all americans are safe from radical islam.
[ cheers and applause ] which, by the way, wants to murder and has murdered gays and they enslave women. hillary clinton talks about women, and she talks about how she's going to do. she plays the woman card more than any human being i've ever seen in my life. frankly, i don't even think women like her from everything i see. she's taken $25 million from certain countries and much more than that when you add it up. that treat women horrendously, that kill gays. you know what will happen, folks, let's call for hillary and bill clinton to give back the 25 plus million dollars to the countries that we're talking
about. [ cheers and applause ] >> usa, usa, usa, usa! >> the killer's parents immigrated from afghanistan as the washington times reported. the children of muslim immigrant parents. they're responsible for a growing number for whatever reason, a growing number of terrorist attacks. we're not talking anything else.
we've seen that political correctness is deadly. they don't want to talk about the problem. i watched president obama today and he was more angry at me than he was at the shooter and many people said that. one of the folks on television said has trump gotten under his skin. he was more angry and a lot of people have said this. the level of anger, that's the kind of anger he should have for the shooter and these killers that shouldn't be here. now there are reports that the wife knew about the attack. the second wife. knew about the attack but may have not told the authorities, nobody really knows. her family reportedly is from afghanistan.
according to pugh, 99% of the people in afghanistan support oppressive sharia law. immigration from afghanistan has increased five-fold. we don't know what we're doing, folks. every year we bring in more than 100,000 lifetime immigrants from the middle east and many more from muslim countries outside of the middle east. a number of these immigrants have hostile attitudes. look at this one whack. this one horrible savage. look what he did in a short period of time to great, young people. look what he did and look at the
carnage and devastation and destroyed families that he's caused. they're hostile. if you're not with them, it's like forget it. hillary clinton's immigration plan would bring in millions of unvetted immigrants or very poorly vetted. how can you vet somebody when you have no idea where they come from, you have no idea about the paper work. frankly, they have better passports than we do because they stole our passport machines. how that happened is pretty amazing. including those who hate gays, women, jews, everybody. >> that's donald trump in north carolina. let's listen to president obama's blistering takedown of trump earlier today.
the president strongly condemning trump's rhetoric and proposed muslim ban. >> if we fall into the trap of painting of all muslims with a broad brush and imply we're at war with an entire religion, then we're going the terrorists work for them. we now have proposals from the presumptive republican nominee for president of the united states to bar all muslims from immigrating to america. we hear language that singles out immigrants and suggest entire religious communities are complicit in violence. where does this stop? do republican officials actually agree with this? that's not the america we want. we don't have religious tests
here. our founders, our constitution, our bill of rights are clear about that. if we ever abandon those values, we would not only make it a lot easier to radicalize people here and around the world, but we would have betrayed the very things we're trying to protect. >> i'm joined by conservative radio host and nbc political analyst, hugh hewitt. thank you for joining us. the big decision of the president to jump into this fight. it's now two on one. the president must see some opening on the issue of the muslim ban in the aftermath of the orlando horror. he still must think that most americans will rally to a side that says let's not discriminate
on religion even in this environment. >> i think it's a disaster for the president to have done this. not only are people in critical care and wounded by the terrorist, the actual talk that i thought out when the president attacked donald trump today comes in threefold is his leading from behind comments in august 2011 is red lined the next year and most obviously the j.d.'s talk from august of 2014. that's the dangerous mind set that they are not dangerous. we don't have to be alert. we don't have to be aware and you look at his foreign policy whether it's the disaster in libya to create a second isis -- >> what about the ban, the muslim bin. that's the line he wants to fight on. >> he wants to talk about strong men. he wants to talk about bans that donald trump is not pushing as
of monday. i think when he brings up this, they will remember red lines and leading from behind. that's ha what he opened up tod. >> i think the president saw an opportunity here. i think the president must believe he can run on this line. >> the president did a version of what george w. bush did after september 11. also by focusing this on the semantics, it puts it on republicans to explain in terms of policy, what would you do differently because we are having this debate about se manma --
semantics. now the republicans have to explain what they would do differently. even paul ryan's plan today, it's nickel and dime stuff. it's not materially different than a lot of stuff that the president's already doing and that hillary clinton is also talking about in her detailed plan. >> just to get this straight, if the fight is over the ban, hugh, who wins? down to immigration policy, it relates to terrorism, who wins? the people who say he's widening it to a geographic target. >> the more they're talking about the war gagainst isis, republicans win because this president -- >> who did i have on in the last hour? i didn't have anybody on. >> he had joby. >> all right.
fine. >> now about geography is a cute way of getting around the question. the places he's talking about putting ban on is muslim countries. we're going to say all the places they come from in the world will be banned. it's not much of a -- there's no real change. >> at least you can tell where they are coming from because it's their passport. you can't tell their religion unless they tell you. paul ryan echoes trump's critics speaking out against his proposed muslim ban. >> the vast, vast majority of muslims in this country and around the world, are moderate. they're peaceful. they're tolerant. and, so, they're among our best allies. i do not think a muslim ban is in our country's interest. i do not think it's reflective of our principles. not just as a party but a
country. the smarter way to go is have a security test and not a religious test. >> security test. bob corker of tennessee who strongly supported trump after his first foreign policy speech spoke to reporters about trump's comments today. here is what the senator had to say? >> i continue to be discouraged by the direction of the campaign and comments that are made. and i did not think yesterday's speech was the type of speech that one would give who wants to lead the country through difficult times. >> you know, it's interesting to try to figure out who is looking out for trump on the republican side. there's a lot of scaring away from him. that's what's going on now. i look at the latest poll that has hillary dramatically above him. we'll get to the numbers in a minute. he made a mistake with the mexican american judge and now it seems like he may be doing it again. here is bloomberg again.
hillary is up 12. that's pretty dramatic. another poll has about seven up. these polls come after the mistake, i believe, he made of the mexican-american judge. doesn't this double down on his ethnic focus? you can be a judge first generation from immigrant parents, you're still a mexican. he says assimilation doesn't occur. they continue to hold the identity of their ancestors who came here. i don't think that clicks with most people's experience. whatever accent or look they come with eventually is like the person next door. >> i think they vote for the future of their children. they will be looking at whether secretary clinton after all her mistakes in egypt, libya, syria is fit to run the foreign policy
of the country. they will look at the server out at the news today was hijacked by russians. people have to believe her server was totally compromised. it's a binary choice. who will protect children more? donald trump or hillary clinton. hillary clinton is compromised and disqualified. >> every time trump has a problem, we'll talk about hillary. you shifted the topic. you're talking about trump. you want to talk about hillary. >> i'm talking about the foreign policy debate that will frame this election. >> in future, i might as well only ask you about hillary because that will be your focus? >> i will talk about the election every single night. >> the fall position taken by hugh hewitt is that hillary sucks? >> not hillary successes but her server was compromise and she's
disqualified from being president. >> today the president and clintonercli clinton countered trump. here is secretary clinton. >> is donald trump suggesting that once the magic words are uttered it will stop terrorists from coming after us. trump is obsessed with name calling. from my perspective, it matters what we do. not just what we say. >> what do you think of that? magic words that trump wants used. >> i think it was a mistake for the president to have this argument over semantics. >> buckled. >> it lays the fact that there are substantive policy differences in terms of what we would do.
>> if you have adversaries they will take everything you say and twist it. >> two years when ted cruz started to push this radical islamic terrorism, the white house is like we're going to ignore him. americans assume there's something going on. >> sort of spooky thing he put out that they have different views. >> it does point it out. >> that comment, even republicans are widely pinning. you thought lindsey graham was so out raged but he put out a
statement. >> something sinister. >> he's not one of us. >> i understand you don't agree with that thinking. i want to give you a minute to respond. when he talks about the possibility, there's something else going on here. i don't know what it is. there's something in the president's motive that's a bit murky here. what do you think he's doing? >> i reject any insinuation of that. i hope he does not return to that line of argument. he ought to think to the president's record. you got to stick to the server and stick to the script like mitch mcconnell said. stay on the script. it's a comment like that that makes it hard for people like me to return to the fact that syria is a nightmare because he did not enforce the red line and libya is a branch of syria and
isis. we didn't stay. trump needs to stay focused on the president's fiasco's not on these intimations. >> i got a hit list like that. it's why did we go into iraq? why did we get involved with overthrowing a government without any idea of the bedlam to come. what side are we on in syria? i don't get it. we all have our list. thank you for coming on. isn't your organization one of those bans by trump? what does that feel like? is it like nixon's list? when we come back, the latest on the investigation into the orlando killer and new details about the wife of the shooter and what she knew and when she knew it. this is a horrible wrinkle coming here. a lot of people will be
surprised by it and angered by. this is hardball. pliers and emps globally but with cyber threats on the rise, mary's data could be under attack. with the help of at&t, and security that senses and tigates cyber threats, eir critical data is safer than ever. giving them the agility to be open & secure. because no o knows & like at&t
we heard hillary clinton use the term radical islam. today president obama addressed his critics who demand he use it as well. >> if there's anyone out there that thinks we're confused about who our enemies are, that would come as a surprise to the thousands of terrorist who is we have taken off the battlefield. there's no magic to the phrase radical islam. it's a political talking point. it's not a strategy. >> we'll be back with the latest on that investigation down in orlando now focused on the killer's wife, when we come back. you'reonna wanna try... ...every last one. like the new coastal lobster & shrimp. with a wood-grilled lobster tail, ...wild-caught red simp crusted with panko, ...and shrimp fresh off the grill and brushed with... ...summer ale bbq sauc or try the new lobster & shrimp overboard,
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welcome back. we have new details on the investigation into the orlando
shooting massacre. pete williams is here with the latest. the wife, this is fascinating, staggering information we're getting. >> here's what we're told by authorities. these are people who are familiar with what she has told the fbi. they say she's told them she was with him when he bought ammunition and a holster a couple of weeks ago. she drove him around to a couple of spots, including the pulse nightclub. he expressed some interest in carrying out some kind of terror attack. she says that she tried to talk him out of doing anything. that one of the reasons she drove him around was to have the opportunity to talk him out of doing anything that would harm people or be a criminal or terrorist act. she, of course, was unable to do so. now, the problem for her is, well, a couple of points. the fbi doesn't know whether what she is saying is true. they know the two of them were
driving around to various spots and the question is whether they were conducting surveillance or casing them. the second thing is, they don't know whether it's true that she says she tried to talk him out of these things. that's going to be something they will have to sift through. if it is true, if she did try to talk him out of it. if she had some sense he would carry out a terror attack and failed to tell anybody, then she could face criminal charges. it's against the law not to tell the police. they are considering charges against her. they're a long way of considering whether to file them. they are a long way from knowing what happened here. it's the subject of great interest to them. i would say it's the most active part of the investigation. >> just in general terms, if someone tells someone, i'm interested in doing something, like i'm going to kill a bunch of people but it's not a detailed commitment. it's just an attitude i have, is
that an accessory position to be in to know that without -- be the person doesn't tell you what they're going to do, go to the pulse nightclub and shoot some people? >> probably not. here's the distinction. under federal law, this gets a little technical. it's illegal not to tell the police when a crime has been committed. you may say to yourself, what crime was committed here? the answer is that the government lawyers are looking at is the act of preparing for the attack. buying ammunition, buying holsters, driving around looking at sites. that's preparation. that's a crime. if she failed to tell the police, they could charge her with this statute of failing to tell the police. that's the federal side. the authorities in florida will have their own interest in potentially filing charges. they have a whole different set
of statutes that may or may not have as high a bar. she could face state charges. >> who knows what she'll say after she's lawyered up. up next, the massacre in orlando has reignited the political debate over gun safety reform. i'll talk to a democratic member of congress who protested the lack of action. he did so on the house floor last night. a real protest against not doing anything. this is hardball, the place for politics. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to bloca specif source of inflammation that contributes to ra sptoms. doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. humira can lower youability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infectionsnd cancers,
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>> mr. speaker, i'm interested about three pieces of legislation that have been filed in response -- >> the gentleman is not -- >> welcome back to hardball. that was democratic congressman of south carolina yesterday asking speaker paul ryan to issue a point of order on the issue of gun safety. it was denied. the floor erupted as several democratic lawyer makers chanted where's the bill and no leadership. other members of congress walked off the floor during a moment of silence honoring the victims in the orlando shooting. up with of those lawmakers of connecticut joins us now. tell us all about it. give us the situation and your motive for doing it. >> i think this grew out of frustration that a lot of members have had just a steady,
dreary moment. sunday night, the night before after i learned about orlando, came across one of the fathers of one of the kids that was killed 30ish miles from my house at the sandy hook elementary school. i started thinking about that saying here the the people, the congress, that could pass some basic bills that are supported. you mentioned taking people who are on the terrorist watch list, no fly list and not letting them buy guns. common sense stuff that's supported by the vast majority of gun owners, these are the people that could get that done. yet, how do we respond to the next atrocity, the last atrocity, we stop talking for ten seconds. what happened in the democratic caucus, people said enough. we have to act. simply being quiet for ten seconds is not enough. you saw jim clyburn, he wanted to ask if some of these
statements, he's where the horrible shooting in the church occurred. he wasn't recognized by the speaker which is a conspiracy breach of protocol. >> to what? >> to not be recognized. >> the position of those who oppose everything you want to do. they don't want to do even the most reasonable thing. they just vote it down. to say if you're too dangerous to get on an airplane, you're too dangerous to get a semi-automatic weapon. do they ever say is it just fear. i don't want the be totally partisan here but is it slippery slope argument. you can't let potential terrorists have a gun, you'll take away from everybody? is that what they issay? >> you're either pro-gun or anti-gun. what about people like me who enjoy recreational shooting but there ought to be some safety regulation on how we do it. you're either pro-gun or
anti-gun. >> the anti-gun people are not winning. the pro-gun people have won the argument. if you do anything on gun safety, really. you're a bad guy. >> right. exactly. they have won the argument but not on the facts. the facts are on the side of people who say not anti-gun but basic safety regulations. how have they won the argument? they have won by using fear. there's all this hazy, gray idea of what's the idea behind that. is he going to promote his islamic agenda. what is he up to? if somebody's in your house, the only recourse will be the weapon. the fact is if you have a gun in your house, you're a lot less safe when they don't. >> a lot of people say they want guns and they want guns when the
government comes to take gun. >> thank you for coming over here. tomorrow u.s. congressman jim clyburn will be here on hardball talking about what he was trying to do yesterday. coming up, opposition research on donald trump's stolen by russian hackers. this is tom clancy stuff. stolen by russian hackers. new details on what putin's government have on trump. they hacked this out the dnc. this is now done electronically. a safety breach at the good old democratic national committee. you're watching hardball, the place for politics.
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the washington post broke the news that russian intelligence agencies have hacked a computer network of the democratic national committee in washington breaking into and stealing the files of opposition research on donald trump. while there's no clear indication of russia's intent, the nature suggests it was an act of traditional espionage and says trump hasn't been a politician for very long so they're playing catch up. two agencies were involved in the attack. any way, a spokesman from denied any government involvement in the incident. i'm joined by the reporter who
broke the story. how did the democrats at the national committee find out that the russians had their treasure-trove of dirt on donald trump? >> toward tend of april, the i.t. at the dnc started to notice something amiss in their networks. they knew it was serious enough that they should probably call in the experts. they alerted their leadership and they called in crowd strike which is a cyber security firm. they came in and started poking around and put its technology on their computers and found this was pretty serious. it was not just -- >> when you hack, you leave an impact? you leave an effect? >> right. they started looking around in the computers and servers for telltale signatures, malware, tactics and techniques of who might have been in the network,
how long. how did they get in? what did they see? what did they look at? what did they take? >> was it just to get the trump load or to get a little more stuff, do we know? >> there were two different groups. the first group that came in came in about a year ago. they were really just sitting on the e-mail server and the chat communications and they were reading all of that. they didn't touch the research. the second group came the towards the end of april and they went into the database of the trump file. >> that's all they wanted? >> looks like that's all they were interested in. two separate groups operating independently, not coordinated. >> do we know why would they want to know about the guy running for president. >> we would want to do the same.
it's classic political espionage. they are interested in who might become the next president of the united states. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> thank you. scooped it. up next, the hardball round table is coming here for our top story. the attacks on donald trump by president obama and hillary clinton today. this is hardball, the place for politics. and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the poweto know who'coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance withhe all-perful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands.
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we heard what donald trump said at the top of the hour about president obama and hill clinton. he's also calling out the post. >> we just took the press kit credentials away. i love it. we just took the press credentials away from the dishonest washington post. why should i have people following me around, sitting up there like big shots and they write very untruthful stories. i did it with the washington post. i'm so happy. >> i don't think they sit like big shots. the hardball round table joins us next as president obama and hillary clinton team up. it's two against one now on trump.
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because none knows &ike at&t. we now have proposals from the presumptive republican nominee for the president of the united states to bar all muslims from entering america. we hear language that singles out immigrants and suggest entire religious communities are complicit in violence. where does this stop? >> that's president obama today addressing the fight against isis but also directly taking on presumptive republican nominee, donald trump. you heard it there.
let's bring in the hardball round table now. you guys are covering him now, right? let's talk about it. heguys, the president and the candidate? >> i don't think so. if you've been following the polls, obama's popularity has steadily risen to the point he's measured at 53 -- >> is it good for him to become a politician again this. >> probably not if you're talking about poll numbers but i think he says, what am i wasting it for? if i have political capital want to defend my leg include. i think he believes what donald trump is saying creates a geopolitical quandary for the united states and he needs to stand against it. >> he does seem to hear trump. he hears him and it grates on him. >> let me tell you, this president is on social media, he
sees what's happening on social media, he also gets a daily rundown of what's being said by donald trump and others as well as what we see about him. but donald trump is -- >> how is he on social media? this is news. >> how is he? >> how does he do it physically? >> he has his blackberry. >> does he do that? >> yes, he does. he has a blackberry. >> he dent have blackberry people? >> the president makes sure he does not have misspellings like certain presidential candidates. >> you don't follow him on snapchat, chris? >> he's he's up there with the first lady and the kids -- >> she's on social media as well. >> i've got to get back on this page. he does it with his thumbs? >> yes, he does. seriously, no, the president is really social media-savvy. they are on facebook and twitter and he's well aware of the chat going on. he sees what donald trump says, he sees what we say in the press, he sees what other people say. the problem for this president,
once a politician, always a politician. this is a president trying to correct the record of someone who does not know about foreign policy as of yet. this president has said, he's made the point that i have killed osama bin laden, i've killed other jihadis, jihadi john and others. >> it is amazing that he has to point to the notch on this his belt to make a point. >> he has to. >> he felt he did. the president went further in his attack on donald trump today as did the democrat who hopes to succeed him in the white house, hillary clinton. here are both obama and clinton today taking to it donald trump. >> there's not been a moment in my seven and a half years as president where we have not been able to pursue a strategy because we didn't use the label "radical islam." not once has an adviser of mine said, man, if we really use that phrase, we're going to turn this whole thing around.
not once. >> first he is fixated on the words "radical islam." now, i must say i find this strange. is donald trump suggesting that there are magic words that once uttered will stop terrorists from coming after us? trump as usual is obsessed with name-calling. and from my perspective, it matters what we do, not just what we say. >> very different styles, same target. >> same target. that's as it should be. i think it's terrific for hillary clinton to have the president doing this. >> did they get him where they want him? is the issue that they got him on the muslim ban? they seem to be happy -- >> i don't think the issue matters as much as that they're talking about trump. if this election is fought about donald trump, donald trump loses. if the election is fought about hillary clinton, hillary clinton loses. that's why having the president in her camp, who's standing
there next to donald trump right now? jeff sessions? >> nobody. >> the rest of the republican party is running away from him. >> they've scattered. today somebody else put out -- it's like there's something came through in the pr the way it went out today, wait a minute, everybody's hiding from him. >> there was an rnc statement today that didn't mention donald trump, who is the party's nominee. he lacks surrogates clearly. from a messaging standpoint -- >> rnc told him not to do this or -- >> yeah. >> who would put that out unless it was something to undercut and cya? >> the bigger thing about the messaging, they're out to portray donald trump as woefully ill prepared for the job, somebody completely in over his head. that's why they went after the idea, all you have to do is say radical islamic terrorism and the problem goes away. >> isn't that a problem for the president not to say that? would he be saying -- >> he still managed to win 2012. >> he said it way before this. >> he said radical islamic terrorism?
>> i've heard him say it before. >> we'll have to look this up. >> look it up, trust me. >> you have to look it up, you said it. put a lot of work on my shoulders. just kidding. "hardball" returns after this. . or small. first to go. or best for last. eet. or not so sweet. whether it's tossed... or twirled. if it's easy prey. or plays hard to get. every last crunch, sprinkle and drip... shou be as clean as it is delicious. panera. food as it should be. i'm ter is.e at golf. but i'd like to keep beingterrif for as long as i can. nepatentednsure enlive has hmb but i'd like to keep beingterrif plus 20 grams of proteino help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. we'll have a free waffle. some free bacon. free eggs. should we add free syrup?
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man 1: meaning? man 2: it's not just security. it's defense. it's not just security. it's defense. bae systems. you're looking at a live picture right now from later tonight, we're expecting senator bernie sanders, he's going to be meeting with secretary hillary clinton in that place tonight. it's a primary, district of columbia being held, the final
primary of this campaign on the democratic side. polls will close at the top of this hour. senator sanders says he wants to get a sense of where clinton stands on the issues he cares most about. sam stein, april ryan, dana billback. in that order, what are they going to get done? >> two things bernie wants is reforming of the nomination promise, probably getting rid of superdelegates, and the platform. he wants the commitment to $15, i don't think he's going to get it, i think clinton is steadfast at $12. those are the things i'm looking for. >> value of tonight is going to be huge. in the beginning process of meeting each other and talking about demands and the beginning process of unification. the clinton camp has to remember the sanders people are saying that you can't put bernie in the corner. >> what's that mean? >> you don't remember the movie "dirty dancing"? that's what they're saying. patrick swayze told jennifer grey -- >> i think tonight's a lot about symbolism more than what bernie

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