Transcripts For CNN Stanley Tucci Searching for Italy : vim

Transcripts For CNN Stanley Tucci Searching for Italy

no wonder espresso is invented here. i think i may need more of these to keep up with country. i am stanley tucci, i am italian on both sides and i am traveling across italy to discover how the food in each of these countries, 20 regions is as unique as the people and their past. it is delicious. here in milan, the menu is nothing like you would expect. up here in the north, forget about pasta and pizza, this is the land of rice and palenta. >> people from south of italy. >> there is not everyn a tomato in site. olive oil plays second to butter. i hate to say it but who needs more butter. milan is the second biggest city in italy. it is the capitol of london. the gateway to northern europe and all of the traded money that that brings. sophisticated, elegant and rich. the kcathedral, the biggest church in the whole of italy. this breathtaking architecture jewel pointing upwards is the perfect metaphor for this. >> where are you taking me? >> up. just up. >> bepe is a new york times. welcome to milan. >> he has the key to the most exclusive rooftop to city. >> wow, it is amazing. >> it is like a sand castle in the middle of the city. it starts in the late 1400 century. >> i have been told that milan is always looking forward more than other italian cities. >> absolutely. the success of milan and you walk around and you hear all these fantastic italian accents from sicily and all these young people coming all over europe and bring in new ideas. >> what are the politics like here now? >> it is tricky. it is milan is centered left and the rest is solidly on the right. the leaders can be unpleasant but the good thing of milan is normally italy if you have a right wing region and a left wing town that spent their time by annoying each other. >> and nobody wins cht. wins. >> in milan they decided wealth is more important. food is important and money is important. >> what's the thing that separates the cuisine of lombardi. >> it is risotto and something that keeps you going and it is swiss. >> never do that. traditionally food is never been a focus of the city. i think people are probably too busy making money to worry about what's for dinner. ♪ despite this, milan is a trailblazering city at heart. in the past few years, it is becoming a mecca. >> stanley. he's at the helm of the restaurant that's been making ways on the gastronomic seas. nobody knows how to make milan's classic dishes like him. >> oh my god, that was the record they found. true, milan led the way in the invest inventi invention. >> this is clarified butter. in this climate, olive oil gives flavor to butter. the king ingredient of northern italian cooking. smoo scooking.smell that. perfect terrain. >> when i was young we used to have veal cutlets every week. we love veal. i know you are not supposed to but i love it. >> humble rice is worth more than gold. they use the saffron to color those windows. >> those are expensive windows. >> yeah. oh my god. that's so beautiful. >> it is so thin and so perfectly moist. so good. >> that's it. he unlocks some of the secrets for this metropolis for me. to get to the heart of it, i may need to go underground. i'm a verizon engineer. we built our 5g nationwide so millions of people could do what they love in verizon 5g quality. and in parts of many cities, we have ultra wideband, the fastest 5g in the world. this is 5g built right. only from verizon. ♪ ♪ ♪like an echo in the forest♪ [singing in korean] ♪another day will return♪ [singing in korean] ♪like nothing ever happened♪ ♪ ♪ this is the destroyer of ransomware. ah, i'm the head of i.t., my name is paula. destroying ransomware is, like, the most epic thing anyone's ever done. it's actually really easy. i just use sophos. if she told you how she did it, your face would melt off and you'd probably die. i just told you how i do it. we'll edit that part out so your face doesn't melt off. this is the destroyer of ransomware destroying more ransomware. she knows we know she knows we'll never know how she does it. 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[ laughter ] >> so many people -- >> they're all from everywhere, all over. there is a lot of work . >> you are fantastic. you are just fantastic. this is wealth. ♪ ♪ this is worth. that takes wealth. but this is worth. and that - that's actually worth more than you think. don't open that. wealth is important, and we can help you build it. but it's what you do with it, that makes life worth living. principal. for all it's worth. are you managing your diabetes... ...using fingersticks? with the new freestyle libre 2 system, a continuous glucose monitor, you can check your glucose with a painless, one-second scan. and now with optional alarms, you can choose to be notified if you go too high or too low. and for those who qualify, the freestyle libre 2 system is now covered by medicare. ask your doctor for a prescription. you can do it without fingersticks. learn more at freestyle libre 2 dot u.s. ♪ tonight, i'll be eating the al pastor burrito from boca burritos right here in aurora. 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[music: “i will always love you”] humana. ♪if i should stay♪ ♪i would only be in your way♪ ♪and i...♪ ♪...will always love you♪ ♪i will always...♪ at panera, when we make a pizza... we don't just “make a pizza.” we use fresh, clean ingredients... to make a masterpiece. order our new pepperoni and four cheese flatbread pizzas for delivery or pickup today. panera. >> people try to stop fishing on the lake. >> what's going on is global warming. >> we have to do something to change. >> these fish that comes from these lakes. >> it is crucial of the diet. >> exactly. our tradition. >> we are going to fish. >> yes, i am excited. i love fishing. i never catch anything. >> today you will. >> how do you know? >> you can feel it. >> you feel the nimble. >> this is a nice one. >> this is a nice one. >> oh come on. >> that's what i am talking about. >> don't cut this. make sure it is in one shot so they know. you are invited to my place. >> i like to teach you how to cook. >> i am very, very excited. >> i have heard that like many people outside of milan. millions support the league. a political party born here in lombardi demanding the independence in the north from the south. its leader polarized the country with its extreme antiimmigration view. >> this is the complicated moment. i will have to find the right moment to break the subject with william while he cooks. >> so you don't cook the whole fish? >> you can but we keep our tradition. you remove just the 10 kilometers and everything change. >> really? >> this ises the nice and difficulty of italy. i think it is something that's in italian's dna. we say it is not difficult. >> the italians. >> yeah. >> you understand? >> yeah. now we are going to cook it. >> we need butter. a lot of butter. sage. sage with butter and the garlic. >> tell me about the political climate in italy now? >> it is difficult to make good for all titalians. something that's brewing in the south is not good in the north. mr. sevini is one politician that's born from the north and step by step you start to grow in the south. you work all over the world. what do you think about salvini's attitude towards immigrant. >> italy don't have the system to bring this people and help this people. >> piaz salvini is saying we art going to get them in the boat. it is hard to say with women and children. >> why today we have to say no more people here because there is not enough space. we would like to have good drinks and food. we don't like to fight. it is not in our dna. >> beautiful. >> you think of salvini, you have to speak about rice. >> true. >> you are italian. >> i want to talk to you about it. >> yeah. >> i agree that there does have to be rules in place. one of the reasons america is the way it is today is because it is accepted millions of italian immigrants and that is what i think, that's the issue i had with salvini, what we are doing is we are making an attempt to regulate the human instincts of saving people. >> very good. >> next time we invite salvini. >> i know him. >> you do? >> is he a nice guy? >> yes, he's like me. >> i am not so sure i would like to come back and meet salvii but i wosalvinibut i would come back to see william again. >> i believe the two things are connected. hospitality can be a political choice. with the new freestyle libre 2 system, a continuous glucose monitor, you can check your glucose with a painless, one-second scan. and now with optional alarms, you can choose to be notified if you go too high or too low. and for those who qualify, the freestyle libre 2 system is now covered by medicare. ask your doctor for a prescription. you can do it without fingersticks. learn more at freestyle libre 2 dot u.s. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪like an echo in the forest♪ [singing in korean] ♪another day will return♪ [singing in korean] ♪like nothing ever happened♪ ♪ ♪ when i had acne, i made up a lot of excuses. i actually am... writing a novel. y'know, i'm trying to be less popular these days. now? i use differin gel. take the 90-day challenge now and you'll get consistently clear skin too. do things differin. during photosynthesis, plants convert solar energy into chemical energy, cleaning the oxygen we breathe. and you'll get consistently clear skin too. plants clean the air. when applied to stained textiles, plant-based surfactants like the ones in seventh generation detergent trap stains at the molecular level and flush them away. plant-based detergents clean your clothes. it's just science! just... science. seventh generation. powered by plants. tackles stains. to support local restaurants, we've been to every city, including baton rouge... and even topeka. yeah, we're exhausted. whew! so, tonight... i'll be eating the roast beef hero (doorbell) excellent. and, tonight... i'll be eating the coconut curry chicken winter hill. (doorbell) (giggle) oh, they're excellent. i had so many fried plantains i thought i was going to hurl. do ya think they bought it? oh yeah. for nearly a decade, do comcast has been helping students get ready. we've connected 4 million low-income students to low- cost, high-speed xfinity internet. we're working with hundreds of school districts across the country to sponsor free internet and laptops. and parents are seeing an impact. and now we're turning 1,000 community centers into lift zones - wifi enabled safe spaces to study. so more students can be ready for anything. i'm trying to do some homework here. are you happy to be back? >> amaamazing. >> this is where we met. >> i try come back without my wife felicity. she followed me. >> i love that you got this on the lake and the snow peaks. >> that's the beginning of the alps. >> as much as felicity and i love spending time here by the lake, there is a place in milan i want to show her that's doing something extraordinary. a restaurant in the center embodies the spirit and history of milan almost like nowhere else . angelo, the master mind behind this, the haven for the hardworking milanese. >> felicity, nice to meet you. >> when angelo acquired this place, his mission was to create authentic and assessable to everyone, you can have lunch here everyday for $11 and hang out in the afternoon. in the evening, this becomes the hot spot, celebrating the region's finest foods and entertainment. >> oh my god, that's delicious. >> we are joined by angelo's nephew, francesco and our mutual friend. >> oh my god. >> oh, beautiful. >> si. >> for a long time it is the only place where people could afford to go anywhere that's not expensive. >> right . angelo could have picked a better location. as this place is created by the workers and for the workers. >> really? >> they use it to help each other. >> they use it to listen to music and they create a union. >> delicious. angelo created the spirit of the traditional. before i started this trip, i never would have imagined such place could exist in money-driven milan. this seems like a million miles away from the stock exchange. the trendy bars and the luxury brand stores. here in this milan, i recognize the power of the pioneers that change the face of italy of sheer hard work. [ applause ] whoo! this place for me is living proof that reality can be a vehicle for social change. after all, most revolutions begin around the table. i have driven to italy quite a bit. people don't really stop at stoplights that much. >> no, no, stoplight is just a suggestion. >> there is nowhere on earth quite like tuscany. the land is idealic and the art is devine and the food is out of

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, Revolution , Garment , Spear , Process , People Dressing , Fashion Family , Wear , Misonis , Multi Generation Dynasty , Family Home , Factory , 30 , Course , Sumirago , Show , Models , Treasure Hunt , Don T Walk On My Mushrooms , 16 , 88 , 1967 , Bras , Underwear , Clothes , Breasts , Problem , Runway , Light , Girls , Meal , Rosita , Grandfather , Veteran , Porccini , Mushrooms , Surprises , Finding , P , Pleasure , Family , U S , Rosito , Grandson , Mushroom Fs , Book , Ones , Job , Master , Kid , Garlic , Recipe , House , Water , I Don T , Cheese , Bread , Meat , Dish , Child , Case , Carrots , Gosh , Onions , Celery , Wine , Tradition , Peek , Painting , Missoni , Kids , Grandgrandma , Many , Grandma , Generations , Hub , Perks , Business , Table , Two , Magic , Talk , Beautifully , Six , Good , Guests , Work Ing , Wha , The Sun Is Shining , Breakfast , Privilege , Home Recipe , Mouth , Kitchen , Electrify You , Food Tradition , Fashion Creation , Thanks , Imagination , Skin , Acne , Excuses , Challenge , Y Know , Cat , 90 , Things , Money Manager , Naj , Money Managers , Clients , Cookie Cutter Portfolios , Fiduciary , Fisher Investments , Investments , Fees , Client , Portfolios , Commissions , Needs , Data , Leader , Benefits , T Mobile , Magenta Max , Phone , Fact , Costs , Smartphone , Taxes , Guys , Zero , Diversity , Values , Space , Culture , Village , Ciao , Palo , Cheeses , Currency , Cheese Wheels , 800 , 00 , Minimlk , Secret , Cows , Summer , Altitude , Graz On Alpine Grass , Smell , Sf , Extinction , 12 , Hard Work , Alpiners , Determination , Film Crew , Buckwheat , Favorites , Noodles , Kind , Area , Wheat , Paparazzi , Tuscany , 500 , Potatoes , Everybody , Jamie , Crew , Camera , A Thousand , Locals , Test , Effort , Lodger , Judges , Patriach , Oh No , Super , Compliment , Instinct , Talent , Anybody , Game On , Wings , All Star , Go Play Hey Now , Glitters , Rock Star , 1 , , Burger , Applebee S , Friend , Surprise Fees , Doesn T Play Games , 25 , Players , Livestream , Squad , Visible , Two 5 A Months , Boom , Friends , Humana , Computer , Tablet , Person , Human Care , Health Insurance , Um , Human Way , Follow , Healthcare , Numbers , Shoes , Ooo , Easy Peasy , Huh , Mhm , Music , I Will Always Love You , Delivery , Cheese Flatbread Pizzas , Ingredients , Pickup , Pepperoni , Masterpiece , Panera , Fishing , Fish , Lake , Diet , Lakes , What S Going On , Global Warming , Anything , Don T Cut This , League , Independence , Political Party , Subject , Antiimmigration View , Difficulty , Ises , Everything Change , 10 , Dna , Sage , Brewing , Titalians , Politician , Step By , Mr , Sevini , All Over The World , Piaz Salvini , Immigrant , Attitude , Boat , Children , Women , Salvini , Beautiful , Immigrants , Rules , Reasons , Human Instincts , Issue , Attempt , Doing , Hospitality , Choice , William Again , Novel , Plants , Solar Energy , Oxygen , Photosynthesis , Chemical Energy , Generation , Surfactants , Detergent , Detergents , Textiles , Trap Stains , Air , Level , Science , Tackles Stains , Baton Rouge , From Pikliz In , Doorbell , Topeka , Roast Beef Hero From Parm In Soho , Winter Hill , Plantains , Oh Yeah , Giggle , Hurl , Students , Do Comcast , 4 Million , Wifi , Community Centers , School Districts , Hundreds , Laptops , Parents , Impact , Spaces , Lift Zones , 1000 , Homework , Felicity , Snow Peaks , Amaamazing , Beginning , Alps , Spirit , Center , Nowhere , Angelo , Hardworking Milanese , Master Mind , Haven , Nice To Meet You , Mission , Afternoon , Assessable , 11 , Evening , Entertainment , The Hot Spot , Celebrating The Region S Finest Foods , Nephew , Our Mutual Friend , Francesco , Anywhere , Si , Workers , Location , Union , Delicious , Trip , A Million , Pioneers , Stores , Power , Stock Exchange , Bars , Change , Proof , Applause , Revolutions , Reality , Vehicle , Stoplights , Bit , Stoplight , Suggestion , Art , Earth ,

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