Transcripts For BBCNEWS Breakfast 20161225

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to make it a magical day for those who have been through the system. for a lot of care leavers the memory is about one. we are creating memories. matt goss is among the guests on the strictly christmas special tonight. i've been to take a sneak peek behind the scenes. and nick has the weather. good morning. a very mild christmas to you. it doesn't feel much like christmas, but it will turn cold at today from the north. windy, coming from scotland. the full forecast coming up. the queen has chosen ‘inspiration‘ as the theme of her christmas broadcast this year, and will speak of drawing strength from meeting ordinary people, who have done extraordinary things. she will spend today at her sandringham estate in norfolk with other members of the royal family. the duke and duchess of cambridge will spend christmas day with the middleton family at their home in berkshire. here's our royal correspondent nicholas witchell. the queen recorded this year's broadcast a few days ago. its theme this year is inspiration and in the broadcast will reflect on the achievements of paralympic and 0lympic achievements of paralympic and olympic athletes, any of whom she met at a palace reception in october and his achievements she will say a now inspiring others. and in this year when the queen has marked her 90th birthday, she will refer to the inspirational work of the many charities with which she has been associated during her rain and we'll talk about the work of the many unsung heroes she meets around the country. carers, community leaders and good neighbours. 0rdinary people, as she puts it, doing extra ordinary things. the departure of the queen and the duke of edinburgh cassandra to be delayed for 2h hours earlier in the week" were said to be from heavy colds. —— because both we re from heavy colds. —— because both were said. but there's no reason to think they would be to any other members of the royal family this morning the christmas day service. there will be sadness at the news that zara tyndall has lost the baby she was expecting with her husband. it would have been their second child. absent from sandrigham beach he will be the duke and duchess of cambridge and their two children. in a break with tradition they are having a family christmas in berkshire, at the home of the duchess‘s parents. let's speak now to our reporter emilia papadopoulos, who is at sandringham for us this morning. merry christmas and good morning. what can we expect from the day ahead? a very merry christmas and good morning. iam in santa —— santa can. ina good morning. iam in santa —— santa can. in a few hours the crowds will gather, all hoping to catch a glimpse of the queen and the royal family as they make their way to church for the traditional morning service. before that the queen will come to receive communion privately, thatisif come to receive communion privately, that is if she is good —— in good health. they were here to arrive on wednesday but came by helicopter on thursday. the royal watchers will definitely be hoping to see her majesty on christmas morning. many of them were also hoping to see the duke and duchess of cambridge, but i can tell you that they will be spending christmas with the middleton family in berkshire, along with prince george and princess charlotte. but they did have a festive lunch with the queen at buckingham palace on tuesday. at prince harry and other members of the family are expected to be here today. they all arrived yesterday for the traditional christmas celebrations and many other families this is a chance for them to all get together and catch up after a very busy year, so they will head the church later after a full english brea kfast church later after a full english breakfast and then go home for christmas lunch and settle down to watch the queen's speech. but we are expecting the queen and the duke of edinburgh to leave the family to church on christmas morning. thanks very much. a russian military plane has disappeared from radarjust minutes after taking off from the black sea resort at sochi. there were as many as 91 people onboard, 83 passengers and eight crew members. they say that the plane was travelling to syria and that search and rescue teams have now been dispatched to try to find it. britain's senior anglican and catholic archbishops are addressing uncertainty in their christmas sermons. later this morning, archbishop of canterburyjustin welby will talk about fear and division in the world as 2016 draws to a close. last night, the leader of britain's catholics spoke of similar issues. here's our religious affairs correspondent martin bashir. a traditional start to christmas and a solemn midnight mass at westminster cathedral. cardinal vincent nichols began his sermon by quoting the poet wb yeats, referring toa quoting the poet wb yeats, referring to a toby rowland year, with many fearing that things may fall apart at the centre can't hold. —— a turbulent year. the last six months in particular has seen widespread anxiety and uncertainty at many levels, in this country and in those major partnerships and neighbours that we have. with europe, with america, with the middle east, financially, economically. it is an unsettling time. the archbishop of canterbury, justin welby, who, like last year, will deliver his christmas message later this morning, will also address the division and uncertainty that is marked global politics. cardinal nichols said the answer to our insecurity was neither materialism nor the pursuit of selfish interest, but rather a renewed focus on the life of christ. cardinal nichols concreted his midnight sermon by emphasising the fact of christ's birth, which he said was marked in time, recorded in the gospels and celebrated today. the american president—elect donald trump says he intends to close his charitable foundation to avoid any conflict of interest with his presidency. the trump foundation is currently being investigated by new york's attorney general, to establish whether it supported a republican political campaign in florida in 2013. lynn sweet is a journalist for the chicago sun times in washington. at the bottom line here is that donald trump does not give any of his own money to the foundation. he has not given any of his own money between 2009 and 2014, sell at the heart of this is a foundation that goes to other people to ask for money. then there is another set of controversies and this is what the attorney general and new york is looking at, is whether or not there is self dealing. you're not supposed to use a non—profit foundation in the united states to make local contributions, or to help your business. that's at the heart of it. thousands of people are being urged to leave their homes in the philippines as a super typhoon roars towards the country's east coast. typhoon nok—ten is expected to hit today, bringing winds of nearly 160 mph. dozens of ports have been closed, as officials warn of potentially deadly two metre waves. tributes have been paid to status quo's rick parfitt, who's died in hospital in spain at the age of 68. the guitarist had suffered a series of health problems, and picked up a serious infection. the queen guitarist brian may said he had "truly joyfully rocked our world", while midge ure said the news was "dreadfully sad". the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, has cut some of his country's funding to united nations agencies. he's responding to friday night's un security council resolution demanding an end to settlement activities in the occupied palestinian territory. he said the resolution was biased and shameful. staff in a hospital in the american city albuquerque have been making the most of the special deliveries this christmas. new born babies have been keeping warm inside stockings. it's become something of a tradition and volunteers say that some parents still have their stockings, even though their children have grown up. although it seems not everyone this year was equally impressed by their festive outfits. we'll get the weather with nick in a few minutes' time. for many of us christmas is a time to reflect on the events of the past 12 months, and for christians living in syria that means reflecting on another year of devastating conflict and crisis. before the war began, christians made up around 10% of syria's population. it's estimated around half of them have now fled the country. pastor edward awabdeh is the head of a church in damascus. thank you very much forjoining us on bbc breakfast this morning. merry christmas to you. tell us what's happening where you are. thank you very much, merry christmas to you and all of your audience. we are really celebrating christmas this year, despite off the pain that goes on, but we thank god that we are enjoying this great event. we trust injesus enjoying this great event. we trust in jesus christ to change enjoying this great event. we trust injesus christ to change things and change hearts and bring the light back to country. i'm going to have to apologise to you, the connection we have to you is not very good and we have to you is not very good and we are struggling to establish what you are saying very clearly. i assure you can hear me. i wish you glad tidings and safety today, for you and all of your congregation and wish you well in the church where you are in damascus. thank you. christmas is a time for family, but if you don't have one it can be difficult. the poet was fostered as a baby and then he spent five years in and out of foster homes. so every christmas he has special christmas dinners for young people who have left the care system. we went to visit as he prepared for one of those dinners. not everyone has someone at christmas. you are better with words. i'd better with words. this man understands this. also, pollitt, broadcaster, orphan. -- author, poet. there was nobody there. i was on my own. if i visited a friend's house, i often felt i was the boy with no family who was going to visit families, you know? jingle bells, jingle all the way. here in hackney he is getting ready for one of his care leaders christmas dinners, a project that has grown from one city to five cities in four yea rs. from one city to five cities in four years. all of the gifts have been donated by strangers and the parties will all be run by volunteers. do we not know the words to jingle bells? the only reason we do the christmas dinner is so that those young care leaders go away with a memory that they can look onto next year. that's all christmas is, the making of a memory for you to look onto next year. so we all come around the christmas dinner table. and we remember it was incredible. for a lot of care leavers, the memory was a bad one. we are creating memories. this is his passion and for the team that passion is infectious. amanda is sorting everybody out. we have 20 volunteers, 60 young people on four hairstylists, artists, musicians, social workers coming down to do a really amazing christmas day for young people. sabrina is the hair woman and stylist and she is pretty incredible! as a care leaver myself, i know how important it is to give self—esteem and to make people feel like we care. this incredible person is ryan. he is going to be the chef for the evening. when i was 14 i we nt for the evening. when i was 14 i went into temporary foster care for a weekend and it sort of turn into nearly five years. christmas is about family and not everyone is lucky enough to have one. the best pa rt lucky enough to have one. the best part of the day was sitting down and having a meal with everyone. m essa g es having a meal with everyone. messages from previous dinners showed just how much they need to ca re leavers. showed just how much they need to care leavers. everyone looks happy. i would forget this day! everything was spot on. amazed by it, amazed by everything. i hope they have one next year as well! and that is totally the plan. merry christmas! just minutes after takeoff from sochi, a russian plane has gone down with more than 90 people onboard. merry christmas to you as well. it does not feel like christmas with the sort of temperatures we have at the sort of temperatures we have at the moment. well into double figures across many parts of the united kingdom. in edinburgh for example we begin christmas day at 13 degrees. the record is 15.6 degrees. we will keep on tracking that for you. we must say there is a great deal of cloud around to begin the day and that it delivers some outbreaks of rain across the north and western parts of the uk. we see this weather front developing taking rain southwards through scotland and northern ireland on through the day. so, yes. 15 degrees possible across parts of and north—east scotland that it will be a bit colder in the final later today and showers made turned wintry over the tops of the hills after a mild day. some may still get a white christmas. north—east england and wales, temperature could reach towards 15 degrees. cloud running into a large pa rt degrees. cloud running into a large part of wales in southern england with drizzly rain in time to time. 0vernight this is the more persistent band of rain pushing southwards from scotland and northern ireland across england and love into resisting bowler behind it. that leaves increasingly to snow across northern parts of scotland on boxing day. plus tree again today, as the east of the pennines. strong winds tomorrow for boxing day across north and scotland 0rkney and shetland with the storm konta. there is an amberwarning shetland with the storm konta. there is an amber warning in force and we could see some dust at 18 miles or possibly even more. plenty of showers pushing through scotland police hills it will be wintry but elsewhere across the uk will see a fairamount of dry elsewhere across the uk will see a fair amount of dry sunny weather but notice that the temperatures have dropped considerably from where they are today. from double figures to single figure temperatures. i'm glad to say that once we get past boxing day and into tuesday onwards we will see some quieter weather and the wind will begin to ease down as well. we will keep averages on the single figures in a letter is a good trade—off to lose the strong winds. a mild christmas day but hopefully we will have snow for some of the northern hills of scotland later today to give technically that white christmas for some of us. technical is all we need. absolutely. we will talk about your christmas dinner a little later on because you have been busy this weekend but also you talked about mild weather. would you fa ncy talked about mild weather. would you fancy camping in this weather?” a lwa ys fancy camping in this weather?” always enjoy camping. it doesn't even need to be mild. 0n boxing day as you start the day like this i know what will be chilly but plenty of sunshine and a day to be outdoors. i tell you what, of sunshine and a day to be outdoors. itell you what, someone else's going to completely agree with you. you will be interested in this. our next guest has ditched the cosy and warm for a christmas out in the wild. phoebe smith, is a wild camper and has woken up on christmas day in a tent. we can talk to her now. bv hello and merry christmas. you have even got on festive lights on your tent. where are you? i am in the south island, on top of a hill but i can attest to sudden gust of wind. how has your night being? nice fun. christmas eve is often a stressful time for some getting last minute presence and suchlike but for me all i had to was pictured tent. i set up the christmas lights and i have had a wonderful time. will you be there all day today? possibly not all day. i will wait until it gets light and then go for a walk and then by the time i'm ready to head indoors i will be ready for whatever food is there. what you into wild camping? someone like me am timid and the sort of wild camping scares me.” was camping in the red centre of australia where literally everything could kill you. and i thought i had never done this in the uk. when i got back to the uk i was determined to bea got back to the uk i was determined to be a little more adventurous and that was over ten years ago now and i have been a wild camp ever since. coming quite an addict at sleeping at extreme points and eating by myself. it's a hobby but it is fun. how myself. it's a hobby but it is fun. h ow ofte n myself. it's a hobby but it is fun. how often do you do it? as often as ican. i how often do you do it? as often as i can. i try and do it as often as i can run my full—time job and i can. i try and do it as often as i can run my full—timejob and i write books to encourage other people to fit in with their full—time job and just sort of have a little taste of adventure because the feeling i have when i got back indoors, like i said, after spending christmas eve outside, i will be so energetic. it is like a miracle, you can flip the switch and get the kettle on all the light on. on christmas especially helps you realise that the best things in life cannot be bought.” am glad you had a nice night. enjoy your walk later on. merry christmas. however you're celebrating today, we want to know what's going to make it a really special christmas for you. we've been asking some people in manchester what's going to make it different for them. ijust i just retired and ijust retired and this is my first christmas enjoying everything at home. it is cold and in australia it is hot. yes. we came over to spend it with and friends from australia. 0ur it with and friends from australia. our first christmas with a new baby. it will be important to us. it will be fantastic. my granddaughter was born on the second of august this year. my son i helped to deliver her. it is the first christmas with my first grandchild ever so it is really special and i have gone overboard. it is allowed, isn't it? so tell us why this christmas is going to be a really special one for you? you can e—mail us at bbcbrea kfast@bbc. co. uk or share your thoughts with other viewers on our facebook page. and you can tweet about today's stories using #bbcbrea kfast or follow us for the latest from the programme. christmas is traditionally a time for family and relaxation but sometimes it can be stressful. so if you're worried about it all getting a bit too much, we've got a team of experts here to guide you through the day. here with me is agony aunt suzie hayman and vet cameron muir. people will be wondering why we are talking to veterinarian this morning because many people will understand family stresses but how about pets? they can get distressed by all the noise and hubbub. strangers in the house can upset dogs and cats a lot. people do not quite understand the psychology, particularly of cats, they are sensitive to strangers in they are sensitive to strangers in the house. your house is their whole universe and it can affect them quite a lot. susie, how about the family? recently what you are doing is you are putting a lot of people with strong opinions on strong personalities into one room and almost saying to be cheerful today. exactly. and sometimes it is people you are not seems exactly. and sometimes it is people you are not seems ages exactly. and sometimes it is people you are not seems ages and there may be unfinished business there that had been pushed under the carpet for a bitand had been pushed under the carpet for a bit and all of a sudden it comes as often you spend christmas in that room, that one room altogether. there is a strong feeling sometimes of how that is how it should be. do not let anybody go anywhere as. and that can bring conflict because people can have too much drink and food and get stressed. in some ways it is inevitable that you will spend a few days together, eat a lot, drinkafair a few days together, eat a lot, drink a fair bit maybe. some families. so what should they be thinking about ahead of that? or just right now. it is not too late to think about it now and it is not inevitable. you can think very much in terms of pacing. you don't have to eat and to recall that marches, as much as you think. you don't have to stay together all the time. but young people go to their own rooms, and be in contact on social media with their own friends. and you yourself every now and then. the bedroom and put your feet up. i think it is let people separating come together. this is why i am in favour none sure you come together. this is why i am in favour none sure you are with your pets, getting up from walk no matter what the weather. we will go out on the self this. that fresh air gets you out and breaks the walls. it gets you outsider makes you feel better. and also, if you are with a group you start talking to different people in different ways because you are our walking. cameron, people will be busy with christmas day so it is almost easy to say that the pets will look after themselves. if the idea of a walk or good one? pets will look after themselves. if the idea of a walk or good one7m is good for both pets because they go out and get normality. they need exercise of their body and for physiology but it gives them bedtime. taking a petrol walk is important to their happiness. they do not like being trapped inside all day. it is important that they get outside. and routines. it is important for children and as an pets to have a routine. and so on holidays, let the whole routine go because we will have fun. actually, keeping to a routine is a more important thing. it makes me feel grounded and you know where you were and, actually, if phil is quite safe for children to know that it is bedtime, even on christmas day. to treat? how much do you indulge? susie, i treat? how much do you indulge? susie, lam treat? how much do you indulge? susie, i am thinking that the problem was indulging his you feel guilty afterwards and what that does to your psyche. it is not good for you. and that is why we say it is not inevitable that you will eat and drink too much. like everything, pasted throughout the day. presents as well. i do like the idea of a big launch it with a globe in everything because again an anti—climax when it is all done. most presents get lost. george and don't realise that they've gotten some link is the go straight onto the next thing. i'm a big fan stockings in the morning and then paste your presence through the day right up untiljust before bedtime when you have able, maybe, they didn't take it to bed. i think food and drink is the same. it is important. if you are awake at this time you are probably on the coffee to get his and doing all the things. careful of the caffeine you have throughout the day otherwise you will be hyperactive and careful of the alcohol. let us talk, cameron, about how easy it is to indulge our pets on christmas. because we are indulging. efforts were considered quite a lot of christmas because there are many things that he should not have. they should not have mince pies. cake. what is poisonous about an pies? grapes and raisins. quite poisonous to dogs. and it does not matter how much they have. chocolate. yes. the fatty leftovers that people are tempted to give to pets. that concerns us. it gives a lot of upset stomachs and we fully expect to see a lot of vomiting dogs on wednesday because they have been given too many bones. no cooked bones. they splintered and is bleak intestines. you may get away with it once or twice but sooner or later you will be unlucky. you and i are the same after christmas. i have postbag that is huge and you have the surgery that is full. take it slowly and get through it. thank you very, very much. we will see later in the programme still to come brea kfast. if you've been missing the glitz of strictly already, have no fear as it's back tonight for a christmas special. we'll take a look behind the scenes. headlines are coming up injust a moment. watching breakfast on christmas morning with me. the time is coming up morning with me. the time is coming up to half past six. let me bring you an update on the main news this morning. a russian military plane has disappeared from radarjust minutes after takeoff from the city of sochi. that is according to the defence ministry. russian news agency says there were as many as 91 people on board, including eight crew. reports suggest that wreckage from the plane has been found in the black sea. inspiration is the theme of the queen's christmas broadcast this year. she will speak of drawing strength from meeting ordinary people who have done extraordinary things. the queen is at her home in norfolk with other members of the royal family. the duke norfolk with other members of the royalfamily. the duke and duchess of cambridge will spend the day with a middleton family. britain's senior anglican and catholic archbishops are addressing uncertainty in their christmas sermons. later this morning, archbishop of canterbury justin welby will talk about fear and division in the world as 2016 draws to a close. last night, catholic leader cardinal vincent nichols spoke of similar issues. the american president—elect donald trump says he intends to close his charitable foundation, to avoid any conflict of interest with his presidency. the trump foundation is currently being investigated by new york's attorney general, to establish whether it supported a republican political campaign in florida in 2013. lynn sweet is a journalist for the chicago sun times.

Related Keywords

Bv Hello , Archbishop , Dread Christmas , Uncertainty , World , Child , Lemn Sissay , Sermon , Many , Care , Takeoff , Anxiety , Midnight Mass , Black Sea Resort , Off Sochi , Westminster , Drinkafair , Care Leavers , System , One , Weather , Memories , Behind The Scenes , Nick , Guests , Christmas Special Tonight , It Doesn T , Matt Goss , Queen , Inspiration , Theme , North East Scotland , North , Forecast , Windy , Cold , People , Things , Members , Royal Family , Duke , Strength , Drawing , Norfolk , Duchess Of Cambridge , Sandringham Estate , Home , Nicholas Witchell , Middleton Family , Berkshire , Others , Achievements , Athletes , Broadcast , Reception , Olympic , 0 , Country , Neighbours , Work , Rain , Charities , Community Leaders , Birthday , Carers , Heroes , 0rdinary , 90 , It , Heavy Colds , Departure , Edinburgh , Cassandra , 2 , Baby , News , Reason , Both , Sadness , Zara Tyndall , Family , Children , Tradition , Break , Duchess , Husband , The Duchess , Cambridge , Sandrigham Beach , Two , Emilia Papadopoulos , Parents , All , Iam In Santa , Qina , Crowds , Glimpse , Way , A Church In Damascus , Communion , Thatisif , Morning Service , Health , Majesty , Watchers , Helicopter On , Prince , Lunch , Prince George , Princess Charlotte , Buckingham Palace On Tuesday , Families , Brea Kfast , English , Chance , Home For Christmas Lunch , Brea Kfast Church , Traditional Christmas Celebrations , Russian Military Plane , Thanks , Queen S Speech , Plane , Syria , Crew Members , Passengers , Teams , Sochi , Search And Rescue , 91 , 83 , Eight , Fear , Division , Archbishops , Sermons , Close , Anglican , Catholic , Last Night , Britain , Leader , Canterburyjustin Welby , 2016 , Issues , Martin Bashir , Catholics , Affairs , Wb Yeats , Cardinal Nichols , Toa Quoting , Westminster Cathedral , Toby Rowland , Partnerships , Particular , Levels , Centre Can T Hold , Six , Justin Welby , Middle East , America , Canterbury , Europe , Morning , Message , Who , Global Politics , Interest , Insecurity , Focus , Answer , Materialism , Pursuit , Life Of Christ , Foundation , Donald Trump , Jesus Christ , President Elect , Birth , Gospels , Fact , Journalist , Campaign , Trump Foundation , Attorney General , Presidency , Chicago Sun Times , Lynn Sweet , New York , Conflict Of Interest , Florida , Line , Washington , 2013 , Money , Set , Heart , Controversies , 2009 , 2014 , Business , Self Dealing , Contributions , Homes , Thousands , Typhoon , Closed , Tributes , Hit Today , Waves , Ports , Officials , Dozens , Bringing Winds , Philippines , East Coast , 160 , Ten , Hospital , Brian May , Rick Parfitt , Health Problems , Infection , Series , Guitarist , Age , Spain , Status Quo , Midge Ure , 68 , Some , Benjamin Netanyahu , Agencies , Funding , Friday Night , Un Security Council Resolution , Dreadfully Sad , United Nations , Israeli , Resolution , Most , Settlement , Activities , Staff , Deliveries , Occupied Palestinian Territory , City Albuquerque , Volunteers , Stockings , Something , Babies , Everyone , Christians , Events , Outfits , 12 , Conflict , Half , Crisis , Population , War , 10 , Head , Pastor Edward Awabdeh , Bbc , Pain , Audience , Event , Hearts , Light , God , Connection , Church , Safety , Congregation , Damascus , Foster Homes , Five , Dinners , Words , Someone , Care System , Broadcaster , Author , Man , Pollitt , Orphan , Jingle Bells , On My Own , Friend , House , Nobody , Boy , Jingle All The Way , Care Leaders , Strangers , City , Project , Cities , Parties , Gifts , Yea , Four , Dinner , Table , Making , Team , Passion , Everybody , Sorting , Amanda , 20 , Social Workers , Musicians , Artists , Hairstylists , 60 , Sabrina , Care Leaver , Hair Woman , Stylist , Evening , Person , Chef , Self Esteem , 14 , Foster Care , Everything , Meal , Ca Re Leavers , Part , Messages , Rt , Spot On , Pa , M Essa G Es , Plan , Russian , Temperatures , Sort , Figures , Parts , Record , Example , 13 , 15 6 , Deal , Cloud , Outbreaks , Weather Front Developing Taking Rain Southwards , Bit , Northern Ireland , Showers , Hills , Stops , Yes , 15 , Wales , White Christmas , Temperature , Drizzly Rain , Southern England , Cloud Running , North East England , Snow , Scotland On Boxing Day , Band , Bowler , Love , Rain Pushing Southwards , Winds , East , Amber Warning , Tree , Force , Amberwarning Shetland , Storm Konta , Pennines , Scotland 0rkney , Police Hills , Elsewhere , Dust , Fairamount , 18 , Wind , Figure Temperatures , Amount , Notice , Averages , Technical , Letter , Northern Hills , Trade Off , Fa Ncy , Camping , Sunshine , Ys Fancy Camping , Lwa , Itell You What , Someone Else , Tent , Camper , On Christmas Day , Guest , Wild , Phoebe Smith , Lights , South Island , Fun , Hill , Top , Night Being , Presence , Suchlike , Walk , Food , In The Red Centre Of Australia , Wild Camping , Camp , Points , Addict , Eating , Sleeping , Bea , Hobby , Job , Ican , H Ow Ofte N , Feeling , Books , Adventure , Taste , Full Timejob , On Christmas , Kettle , Life , Light On , Miracle , Switch , Night , Manchester , Ijust , Friends , Yes , Australia , 0ur , Son , Second , Granddaughter , Isn T , Special One , Grandchild , Programme , Stories , Thoughts , Latest , Viewers , Share , Page , Relaxation , Bbcbrea Kfast Bbc , Bbcbrea Kfast , Co , Facebook , Cameron Muir , Suzie Hayman , Experts , Family Stresses , Pets , Dogs , Cats , In The House , Psychology , Noise , Hubbub , Room , Susie , Personalities , Opinions , Universe , Doing , Carpet , Ages , Bitand , Drink , Anywhere , Anybody , Ways , Terms , Pacing , Marches , Rooms , Contact , Social Media , Bedroom , Feet , People Separating Come Together , Self , Matter , Walls , Walking , Outsider , Group , Idea , Physiology , Bedtime , Petrol Walk , Normality , Happiness , Body , Routine , Routines , Routine Go , Holidays , Thing , Phil , Problem , Psyche , Lam Treat , Anti Climax , Presents , Launch It , Done , Globe , Don T , Fan Stockings , Same , Link , Bed , Untiljust , Talk , Coffee , Caffeine , Alcohol , Pies , Mince Pies , Cake , Grapes , Raisins , Efforts , Leftovers , Chocolate , Bones , Vomiting Dogs , Stomachs , Surgery , Postbag , Intestines , Look , Glitz , Breakfast , Scenes , Headlines , Update , Of Sochi , Crew , Wreckage , Defence Ministry , News Agency , Queen S , Archbishop Of Canterbury , Catholic Leader , Happy Christmas , Tribute , Russian Military , Naga Munchetty , 25th December , 25 , Sunday 25th December ,

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