0 it's the trial the world can't stop watching. we are seeing a motion picture play out in a courtroom. so inside the lives of the hollywood stars and the shocking twists that led them to now as johnny and who is ever heard screaming exclusively on fox nation, they say we only have ten seconds left. we have a lot more to say. have a great night. and welcome to hannity. and tonight, comedian dave chappelle under attack. a deranged amateur rapper now charged with assault with a deadly weapon after stormingit the stage with a gun shapedng knife and lunging at the comedian during a stand up routine. of course, the incredibly smart and stable ladies of the view, b they knew exactly who to blame. who do you think donald trump what do you think is happening ? i mean, it'san happeninget on airplanes. it's happening on street cornerscorners, peo. m people are just running. i mean,, the hollywood bubble i mean just went on air that contrary to what's going on , the pandemic, the opioid w crisis, the fact that trump was out there saying i things like just knock the hell out of l them, i promise you i'll pay for the legal fees and hads a heckler, not a politicalol thing. come on . ap i know you want to have it all on the positive, but this is really about security. like i don't understand why they didn't have it before it happened and it wasn't particularly right leaning right up on the stage and snapping first. but i think that's probably unleashed some incivility at least in the noise anyway. >> sadly joyless are as yet to i recover from her very severe case of trumps derangement syndrome. . y thankfully, dave chappelle, who i think is hilarious, really funny is okay. however, his attacker is not looking so good.g so good the at the assailant suffered multiple injuries during the attack, including an armri that looks nw totally mangled. simple lesson of life if you attack someone, an innocent person might want to expect tot get the living. well, adam schiff kicked out. or comingga up, piers morgan will get his reaction. also, dhs secretary may caucus on capitol hill again today where he struggled yet again a o explain why he hired a far left activist to police your thoughts and biden's brand new ministry of truth, the fulli lowlightsst. that's coming up straight ahead. but first, our topht storyry tonight comes to us fromou the white house apparently are cognitively struggling commander in chief thinks that trump's supporters represent the most extremeepre political faction in american history and because of them kids will soon be banned from going to school. they just make us all up. take a look. this is about a lot more an abortion. ab haveortion stageat change the law saying that children who are lgbtqer can't be in classrooms with other children. is that is that legit under the weight of decisionse written? what are the next things dre that are going to be attacked? because this maga hat crowd is really the most extremet political organization that's existed in american history h ai in american history. okay, we'll deal with that in aw minute. obviously that's a predictable democratic lie. we used to g get it every two years for years republicansst racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic zevo, xenophobic transphobia. you know the routine. but remembers-ic, obama said the people in pennsylvania, the bitter ones that cling to their god, their guns, their bible religion or as hillary called while half the country a basket deplorable or as fbi agent peter struck once referred to conservatives as trump supporting smelly wal-mart shoppers. now according to biden, seventy six million americans are the most extreme political faction in history. halflf the country joe . now of course, everything bidenl just said is simple, disgusting political scare tactic. nosc basis in reality, joe is demagoguing this potential supreme court ruling in the most dishonest way possible. in fact, late justice ruthlf bader ginsburg herself once all but predicted that roe v. wade would likely be overturned because it's on shaky legalde ground and for decades get this joe biden himself actually agreed with sean hannity and he wanted roe v..ut wade tossed out on aco constitutional amendment whereg the media mob asking joe what made him change his mind in the 70s. then senator biden stated quote, i don't like the supreme court decision on abortion.nk i think it went too far. i don't think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her bodypp that in the 1980s he supported that constitutional amendment with the recently passed orrin hatch of utah and a constitutional amendment that ban roe v. wade and letting statesetti decide abortion law. and in6, 2006, joey had this to say about abortion. take a look.bortion, wha tell me about abortion. where do you stand and how will you face that issue as it's, going to be very difficult. i do not view abortion as a hast a choice and a right. i think it's always a tragedy, not a choice or a right according to biden, even more recently yesterday joe biden referred to roe versus wade as the ability to abort a child, not a fetus, a clump of cells but a child. >> he used the word take a look. the idea>> that we're going tos make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to abort a child based on a decision by the supreme court i think goes way overboard. >> and today our very own peter doocy, he asked circle back jen psaki, chief propagandist for clarificationer . let's check out her answer. why president talking about the judgment to choose to abort child of the president's viewon on a woman's right to make choices about her own health care is well known, well documented doc, well stated. he could of working child. i understand, peter , butt what i'm telling you s is is what its position and how can you say this is notca a political issue when the president's statement about this talked about getting pro choice official selective, did i say it's not a political issue? yes. you actually said some call it t a political issue. >> it is not now no one really knows what joe biden thinks about abortion or frankly anything for that matternkly. he may not even know any of this himself, but the marching orders have been issued and now the entire democratic party is bent on lying to you, the american people and using this issue to inflame voters. >> listen to vice president kamala harris from late last night. take a look. a >>nd those republican leaders who are trying to weaponizes the use of the law against women, but we say how dare they ? a how dare they tell a woman what she can do and cannot do b with her own body?re how dare they how dare they try to stopto her from the terminating her own future? how dare they try to deny women their rights and their freedoms ? democrats are trying to unleash an angry mob justtju like they the summer of 2020 that fateful summer. remember five hundred andns seventy four violent riots left dozens of people dead. thousands of cops injured, billions in property damage. these wereag violent demonstrations, by the way. the the kamala harris publicly supported like she supported f the bail fund, like she supported defunding the lapd. the message washehe clear . j give usus what we want or we're just going to keep burningod in the neighborhood to the ground. here's a question, by the way.e where's that congressional committee looking into the five hundred and seventy four riots ,i guess of a riot doesn'tmp impact politiciansac. i guess they don't care about those rights. they only impact we the peoplede nowmo democrats are yearning for a similar call to action ahead of the midterms. let me tell you what we're notke going to do on this show. we are not going to take the bait. most americans haveup made up their mind as it relates to abortion. 67% oftion americans, accordingo gallup, they support restrictions on abortion. i know some radical democrats ak say they believe in fact that you can have an abortionn up until the moment before birth. that obviously is infanticidevia and thensy you can have an abortion even after birth. how insane was that statement? now this week a mob of far lefta agitators, they answering the call once again taking to the streets with fresh new protests, including one in los angeles that in fact didid turn violent. tonight i have bad news for democrats. you're going to try to distracte the entire country and think that this is the one issue that will savee you in twenty, twenty two . >> it will not even if roe v. wade iseg overturned, abortion will be legal in america other places. by the way, if it is overturned, abortion will still be totally legal in most every state abortion access willo exist for every so the question is why are they demagoguing, demagoguing the issue and lying to you, the american people because t every one of their policies have failed. thus a. he distractionaile that was an important issue. yeah. two people have strong, passionate views p on it. yes.. will abortion still be legal in america? yes. lstates like new york , california, they'll have the most liberal laws and while the american people are evenly divided on the issue of abortion, the vast majority of americans are deeply worried about other things. no the economy 40 year high of inflation, highest gas prices we've ever paid, high prices, the highest we've paidd for everything we buy in every store we goo to the disaster in afghanistan and the war in europe, the crisis at our southern border. poor leadershipn in d.c. now these are issues that directly impact everyry american every single day. and by the way, they know. who to blame. joe biden is an unmitigated disasternm and every poll shows it. democ so all democrats, the media mob, they wantra to inflame your emotions. they want you to focus on only one topic and don't want toen talk about any of the failures of joe biden. as a matter of fact, the mob and the media they cover foror joe biden. they'll tell you that the world is coming too an end. u it's not true . they'll try to use abortion as apo political wedge and lie o you and then you realize, oh , abortion is still legal. the states decide. we will tell you the cold hard truth, separate fact from fiction. they'll bring you the facts and we will cover all ofssue the issues that impact you the american people day in and day out. lethe left has lost touchit with reality. they have no good story tove n l obama. try hillary, you just need to tell you a story. to they don't have a story to tell as they make one up. there's only one way to bring y themou back to earth and that'sw for you, the american people to show up at the polls, vote them out of office in six months. mo, if you have not i registered, i strongly suggest you do itus now because in these six months we are now facing a very pivotal inflection point in this country. pivotal election, a turning point election. get this right now as ofte tonight , every single candidate the president trump hasnaed endorsed in a primary o, look at his record. fifty five to zero. wow. here with more, the founder of t valchekhe. we have played travis with us along with the author ofic the big new bookan battle for the american mind uprooting a century of miseducation, fox and friends weekend co-host pete hegseth. first, congratulationsnsatulatio on the book. will throw it outhrhr if "hannity" .com. but if you look at this one issue, i understand why democrats are doingy' what they're doing there are all these other issues they don't want to talk about. so roe a v. wade, if it does go away, the states will decide what the laws will be and i doubt if any states will totally, completely outlaw abortion. i don't think that's going toha happen. and if they did, people would have access in neighboring states, new york , california or anywhere else they wanted ton go that correct? correct. far this is the far left extremist ship is sinking with joe biden at the helm. they know it on every you just laid out, john. they believe that this criminal leak of a potential draft of a supreme court decision isto their life raft and they are clinging to it and screaming t from the hilltops. they just declared that you men' i don't want to speak fort but i presume clay and everyone else who supported the policies of donald trump or believed in america first is the mostca extreme movement in american history. they have pegged and maxnd their rhetorical response m and as you pointed out from the bitter clingers of barack obama to the basket of deplorable to hillary clinton, demagogery doesn't work politically as well and here kamala harris say how dare you all i think that does is make voters say where's that passion on any other single issue? and it only reminds voterstr and the electorate that the only thing they care aboutey is aborting babies or children as joe biden admitted, as opposed to addressing thingsi that are crushing the american people right now. so it shows the left tond the extremists that they areut and i don't think it'll be effective. but it's tragic here. we i demonizing the president. one side of the political aisles effectively is terrorists. i think what this is going to come down to look, i'm pro life. i do make exceptions. some of my friends disagree with me ,, the mother's life there are other people that i know in my life that i respect their opinion. they say they're pro-choice, but they always will sayar that abortion should be rare and it should be firstst trimester. what has happened with the democratic party in many of these blue states? i listed them last the night. they actually allow abortion up to the moment of birth. and then of course, ralph northam's comments post birth abortion, which is murder and i think they've gone so radicalsu on this issue. they'reeha the ones out of touch because 67% of americans think it should be legal but thereul should be restrictions like for example, mississippi saying fifteen weeks max. what are your thoughts? i agree with the vast majority of the american public and with a lot of what you just said, o sean. and notice what's goingnn on hew . the democrat party , which has spent basically a year and a a half all of joe biden's administration arguing that democracy is under siege is now outraged that nine unelected justices are poised to say, hey,oise let's letid 50 states decide what the law should be so that all of your state representatives, all of your state senators and your governors of bothh political parties can have a robust debate and figure out the appropriate policy in every state soso that thanks to federalism we can have 50 stater laboratories like i went to law school, seani , anybody who reas the roe v wade opinion almost r unanimously, regardless of their political opinions, if you take away what the result is, agrees that it's an awfulan opinion. you quoted ruth bader ginsburg saying as much and she certainly agrees that abortion should be legal. right. what is happening here is we are holding democracy accountable for forty nine years we haven't'tor been able to have a real debatet and i think this is significant. it's often about whether or nott the supreme court should be legalizing abortionio in some way.y.indi now it'svi aboutdu whetheral sta your individual state and whether you want to support people on either side of the aisle. that's what should be happening here. this this is democracy flourishing. this is judicial restraint. i this is the opposite of judicial activism. would this is a democracy in action. you t would think the democrats remember showing it wasn't too long ago in the supreme courtit they stood up and said every single american has to get a covid shot or you lose your job. w now they don't want for democracy to workant democ on ts issue. it doesn't add up. all right. i alwayst' good to see you. thank you . by the way, congrats on the new book about that soon as well. thank you . its new book writing us now with more, former congresswoman tulsi gabbard is with us. us i particularly the tulsi, i'd love to get your reaction to biden saying the maga hat crowd is the most extrememe political organization that's existed in recent american history. let's start with antifa blm, the group blm. what do we want that cops. what do we want them now? well,, you're a democrat. how do you react to that ? but this is obviously ridiculous. it's worse than ridiculous, sean. it is absolutely despicable and outrageous when you look at the president of the united states of america calling millionsnill of americans essentially terrorists, people who politically opposedy him ort voted against them. he's calling them terroristste in an attempt to intimidate themmimi into silence.ha and weve know this is because we've heard this beforere from both him and his attorney general. you remember when when his attorney general said, you know, anyone who holds extremist or anti authority viewsia will be targeted for investigation and potential prosecution by their domestict. terrorist unit. so he's essentially saying that thisis quote unquote maga hat crowd are worse than terrorists. this is outrageous.very and so for every american who's watching every american who's seen this , no matter how you feel about the maga hat crowd, n this is an authoritarian assault on our freedom a and we need to stand together very strongly against this attemptda to intimidate and silence anyone who holds political viewso that are different from or opposed to what this president and his administration are furthering this an assault on our democracy. democracy. i want your thoughts on on the rush to clinged to w this potential decision in the supreme court that would overrule roe v. wade. roe v number one , joe biden supported a constitutional amendment to get rid of it. he's not been asked the questionon. ruth bader ginsburg pretty much saying in arguing what i had said oh , my career, whichto i thought it was bad law. it'll be returned to the states. abortion is not going to be unavailable or illegaln in america. so the demagoguing that issue almost arguing the reasony they're doing it is becausean they don't have anything else that they can run on and say, hey, we did this , this and this and we're all better off because of it. >> am i wrong? well, i think when you look att the different efforts to assault e our freedom and democracy, it continuously points to the fact that they're afraid of the people, they're afraid of us , they're afraid of this question being put to the people through their statees legislatures for the people's voices to be heard. b i think it's also critical to point out that this leaks that'shi a very, very dangerous precedent for our supreme court for three importanteme reasons no. one is first of all, this person is a thief who stole this information, released it with a veryio specific intent to try toro incite protesters and intimidate and pressure ourr supreme court justices to make a political decision rather a decision that is based on the constitution number two, we have the fact that theha supreme court is not in place to legislate from the bench. people represented at the state level, at the federal level are charged to make laws not the supreme court. the supreme court needs to make decisions based on the constitution and the department of justice lastly needs to go and prosecute this crime, which is exactly what it is and make an examplef out ofou the person who leaked b this information because our supreme court justices cannot operateecusr under the fear that they will have partisann political activists in their house intimidating and threateningng a their abiliy to do their job per the constitution. and there was a apparently justice alito wasas supposed to give remarks at an event and he had to cancel and we know why. k tulsi gabbard, always great to have you. thank you for being with us. lat coming up now, last night, comedian dave chappelle. here we go again.he the slap heard around the world . now the tackle witnessed around the world. dave chappelle attacked on a stage during a live show. show we're going to play the tape. piers morgan weighs in as we continue to hi. bill o'reilly here. my new book killing the killers a secret war against terrorists is the best reporting i've done on my career. every day the usa is on the hunt to neutralize its terror killers all over the world. but how this war is actually being waged has been a mystery until now. killing the killers will keep turning the pages as all the killing books do available now at amazon. bill o'reilly, .com and bookstore's everywhere nail fungus is next up. he now starts improving the appearance of fungus damaged toenails in just two days. it's clinically proven formula penetrates the nail. the results you can see quickly autopsy nail give fungus damage toenails a makeover. disguises are so much fun unless they're in your kibble chicken meal. that's a key in this process into powder. it's time for fresh wholesome ingredients with nothing to hide. fresh pet only sorting through two centuries of fact and fiction can remember to shape the nation. we became the mindset of the british to show what really made us . you've got to focus on the threat of food or you're going to be down there to find us . we place their sacrifice in an extraordinary war is . kelsey grammer historic battle for america streaming now on fox nation when it comes to real estate agents experience matters the best agents know how to market your home for top dollar and navigate through a complex transaction and ideal agent. we created our smart solar system with top rated local agents to sell your home for as low as a two percent commission. i was amazed in the fact that my house sold in one deal saved me in the neighborhood of twenty to twenty five thousand dollars in the process was as easy as it gets. it was turnkey. i'm a very busy guy. they just took care of everything. they are the number one way to sell. i've used it agent two times i double agent guided me through the entire process. every step you want to have the best agents but you want to get the best deal using ideal agent with both properties. i've saved over thirty thousand dollars. our service is free available nationwide and zero obligation calls today or visit ideal agent .com. this order tonight .o far

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Tactic ,Basis ,Supreme Court Ruling ,Ruthlf Bader Ginsburg ,Nosc ,Ground ,Aco Constitutional Amendment Whereg The Media ,Shaky Legalde ,Woman ,Mind ,Bodypp ,Mob ,I Don T Like The Supreme Court Decision On Abortion Nk ,Sole ,70 ,Amendment ,Abortion Law ,Statesetti ,Orrin Hatch ,Joey ,2006 ,1980 ,Demagoguing The Issue ,In The Dark Of Night ,Right ,Tell Me About Abortion ,Hast A ,Wha ,Look Bortion ,Child ,Ability ,Tragedy ,Fetus ,Plus One ,Judgment ,Idea ,Word ,Cells ,Clump ,Photos ,One ,Supreme Court ,Decision ,Chief Propagandist For Clarificationer ,President ,Health Care ,Viewon ,Choices ,Answer ,Doc ,Statement ,Pro Choice ,Selective ,Official ,Position ,Anything ,Yes ,Marching Orders ,Matternkly ,Data ,Leaders ,Last Night ,Voters ,End ,Democratic Party ,Republican ,Law ,Women ,Body ,Use ,Rights ,Freedoms ,Dare ,Justtju ,Riots ,Thousands ,Summer ,Cops Injured ,Dozens ,Five Hundred ,Seventy Four ,2020 ,Way ,Washehe Clear ,Neighborhood ,Demonstrations ,The Lapd ,Property Damage ,Fund 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,Nine ,Wall ,Governors ,Bothh ,State Senators ,State Representatives ,Boise ,50 ,Anybody ,Policy ,Debate ,Thanks ,Federalism ,State Soso ,Figure ,Seani ,Law School ,Result ,Opinions ,Haven T ,Abortionio ,Factor ,Debatet ,Whether ,Way Y Indi ,Forty Nine ,Estate ,Action ,Restraint ,Opposite ,Individual ,Aisle ,Judicial Activism ,Job ,Courtit ,Covid Shot ,Workant Democ On Ts Issue ,Ryou T ,Single ,It Doesn T Add Up ,Tulsi Gabbard ,Congrats ,Good ,Tulsi ,Book Writing ,Antifa Blm ,Crowd ,Hat ,Extrememe ,Mac Democrat ,Cops ,Weve ,President Of The United States America ,Attempt ,Beforere ,Calling Millionsnill ,Themmimi ,Silence Ha ,Him Ort ,Anyone ,Attorney General ,Terrorist Unit ,Investigation ,Authority Viewsia ,Prosecution ,Thisis Quote Unquote Maga Hat ,Their Domestict ,Freedom A ,Viewso ,Attemptda ,Silence ,Rush To Clinged W This Potential Decision In The Supreme Court ,Number One ,Interesting Et He ,Illegaln ,Questionon ,Army Career ,Whichto ,Becausean ,Demagoguing ,Reasony ,Freedom ,Legislatures ,Efforts ,Statees ,Precedent ,Thief ,Voices ,That Shi ,Importanteme ,Three ,Information ,Protesters ,Intent ,Specific ,Constitution Number Two ,Everyio ,Constitution ,Fact ,Level ,Decisions ,Theha Supreme Court ,Place ,Bench ,Crime ,Fear ,Cannot Operateecusr ,Activists ,Department Of Justice ,Examplef Out Ofou ,Alito Wasas ,Event ,Abiliy ,House Intimidating ,Threateningng ,Remarks ,Around The World ,Slap ,Tackle ,Flat ,Bill O Reilly ,Killers ,Hi ,Tape ,Hunt ,Career ,Reporting ,Terror Killers ,Mystery ,All Over The World ,Fungus ,Books ,Killing ,Everywhere ,Appearance ,Bookstore ,Pages ,Fun ,Nail ,Disguises ,Formula ,Makeover ,Damage ,Toenails ,Results ,Process ,Nothing ,Ingredients ,Key ,It S Time ,Chicken Meal ,Powder ,Pet ,Threat ,Food ,Nation ,Mindset ,Fox ,Real Estate Agents Experience ,Sacrifice ,Agents ,Kelsey Grammer Historic Battle For America Streaming ,Home ,Dollar ,Agent ,Commission ,Transaction ,Solar System ,Rated ,Low ,Guy ,House ,Deal ,Times ,Sit Agent ,Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ,Twenty Five Thousand ,Step ,Service ,Properties ,Thirty Thousand Dollars ,Thirty Thousand ,Ideal ,Obligation ,Order ,

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