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0 another look at our breaking news in oakland, where fire burned at least two homes along interstate 5 80 at 35th avenue, and we'll have the latest on abc, seven years at four. tonight several developing stories as we come on the air. tropical storm fiona taking aim at puerto rico in the coming hours. with the forecast models now say about the eastern u. s. and its thousands more in queen elizabeth. there has been word of a disturbance tonight at westminster officers moving in and word of an arrest or tropical storm watches and warnings posted across the caribbean at this hour winds at 50 mph, puerto rico and the u. s virgin islands bracing for more than a foot of rain, dangerous flash flooding, mudslides and possible massive power outages. rob marciano timing this out, and he has the potential tracks tonight. remarkable sight in london at this hour, tens of thousands now waiting 20 hours in line to pay their respects to queen elizabeth king charles, his brothers and his sister, princess anne, standing vigil at the queen's coffin. former soccer star david beckham. among those in line for hours. you will hear what beckham said about it all after leaving westminster. james longman in london views on this immigration showdown here in the us what's happened now to dozens of men, women and children flown to martha's vineyard. where are they now? and florida's governor , ron de santis. what he's now saying were these migrants from florida or did he fly them from texas president biden slamming the republican governors behind this, accusing them of using migrants as props. tonight the governor's responding saying, do something about immigration maria via real in texas. the war in ukraine tonight. the new horror revealed after the russians left in these newly liberated areas, crosses marking the graves of an entire family. and tonight with vladimir putin now says about his goal in ukraine. and russia's timing for this tonight. former president trump and mara lago, a florida judge, ruling the department of justice cannot use the documents seized in their ongoing criminal investigation, at least for now, until a special master who she has now appointed goes through the documents tonight. the appeal now planned in pierre thomas, with late reporting here. your help tonight and news this evening about this new covid booster that covers the whole mccrone sub variants. it is now available in dr zhao tonight on the best time to get the booster for maximum protection. and here in new york city, bidding farewell the end of an era on broadway. and tonight, the queen and her sense of humor so many examples and what she once said to former president george w. bush. it was pretty funny. from abc news world headquarters in new york. this is dhtit vid muir.and it's great to have you with us as we near the end of another week together here, the remarkable and moving images coming in from london at this hour lines about 20 hours long and there are reports just coming in of a disturbance inside westminster near the queen's coffin what authorities are now saying there has been an arrest in james lawman is standing by, but as you can see, we're going to begin tonight. with this tropical storm fiona bearing down in the caribbean, puerto rico and the u. s. virgin islands. now bracing for more than a foot of rain, dangerous flash floods and mudslides. the u. s mainland, of course, watching this closely the forecast models beginning to come together and what they're showing. right now. it's encouraging, at least for now, at this hour. here's the track. fiona moving west at about 15 miles an hour with steady winds of 50 miles an hour and higher gusts. it's expected to grow stronger right now. the storm is about 400 miles from puerto rico. outer bands of wind and rain expected overnight, the real damage expected tomorrow. if you have seen in this time lapse satellite image, the clouds with circular movement there the flashes of lightning as well. puerto rico's power grid never fully recovered from hurricane marie 05 years ago this week, and they are fearing what this could bring to that, of course, many asking will this affect the eastern usob focasts akealing usight nfrco togh tonight fiona making a run at the caribbean, the u. s mainland watching to see where it will go next hurricane hunters flying through fiona churning in the atlantic thursday. it's gonna bring some heavy rainfall. it doesn't take a big hurricane to have big impacts on the islands. puerto rico bracing for up to 12 inches of rain winds threatening the u . s territories already fragile power grid, 3028 men and women that are all prepared, ready to tackle any outages that occur in april a fire at a power plant, triggering an island wide blackout lasting nearly five days for some. fiona approaching almost five years ago to the day that maria devastated the island , which we saw firsthand 100% of puerto rico. now without power everywhere you look down power lines like these which stretch right across the expressway. it would be the worst blackout in u. s history, nearly 3000 people losing their lives in the wake of the storm. and david. the peak winds from the storm are expected late saturday. fiona could be near hurricane strength when it arrives here in puerto rico, along with concerns about the power grid, there is real fear of mudslides with up to a foot of rain expected in some areas, david it's going to be a long 24 hours here, alright victor kendall leading us off from puerto rico. victor thank you. let's get right to senior meteorologist rob marciano tracking the storm again tonight for us. hey, rob. hi david. after getting knocked down just a little bit. the inter nown strengthening mode once again as it gets into the caribbean right now, right over guadeloupe, about 250 miles to the east of saint croix. tropical storm watches have been upgraded to tropical storm warnings for puerto rico now and the u. s virgin islands. a lot of rain coming into puerto rico, puerto rico beginning tomorrow. there, you see the swirling bands the center of this thing likely to go into eastern d are both islands will get 6 to 12 plus inches of rain in the mountains that will cause flash flooding and much. slides all but a certainty. once it gets back into the atlantic. it's forecast to strengthen to a category one hurricane, but you see the track their likely each of the bahamas and are longer range computer models with that trough digging into the northeast, coming into better agreement that this will likely stay out to sea the week to watch it. david rob marciano with us again tonight. thank you, rob. for that we turn now to london tonight. in news of that incident inside westminster, not far from the queen's coffin, word of an arrest and what authorities are now saying about this and of course, it all comes amid this historic security operation as the world prepares now to watch the funeral of queen elizabeth on monday tonight, the images the lines waiting to pay their respects now stretching five miles long, people are waiting 20 hours or more. for a chance to bid farewell at the queen's side for a time today, her children standing vigil king charles princess and prince andrew and prince edward all in military dress tomorrow, the queen's grandchildren will honor her by standing vigil as well. princes william and harry among them, of course, but again that late word of an incident at westminster and, of course, swift action. let's bring in james loman. he's live in london and james, what have you learned tonight? well, david, it does seem there has been some kind of disturbance in westminster hall . it seems that an individual who is lining up to see the queen then may have rushed the casket before then being tackled to the ground by police. the metropolitan police have issued a statement on twitter. they've said that officers from the parliamentary and diplomatic protection command have detained a man in westminster. he's been arrested under the public order act, and he is currently in custody. tonight london bracing for what authorities have called the largest single policing event in the city's history, the bbc reporting 1500 military personnel will be in britain's capital for added protection. one million people are expected to pack the area around westminster abbey and along the procession route for the queen's state funeral monday and tonight the line to view elizabeth's lying in state has grown so long. it had to be paused for eight hours, the government telling people to stay away the weight now nearly 20 hours long and the reports of several 100 people being treated after fainting while waiting in the line up to 40 have been hospitalist, the online tracker warning temperatures will be cold overnight. among those paying their respects. soccer star david beckham lining up with the crowds nation to have someone that has lead us the way her majesty has led us for the amount of time with kindness with caring and always reassurance, and peter stratford , a firefighter who helped save windsor castle from a devastating blaze in 1997, he received a letter from the queen now saying his goodbye, 70 years of age and i'm known all my life. 70 years she's been my queen. it's very touching. i was also able to view the queen myself this evening. a lot of people just before they leave, they turn back and look at the queen. and they just take it in one last time. and poignantly the queen's children again standing vigil at their mother's coffin. king charles, the third princess and prince andrew and prince edward all in military dress honoring their mother. the pain of loss matched in the new king's face. and let's bring back in james longman, now outside westminster hall and james obviously, quite an emotional moment there for the queen's children. we also know the queen's eight grandchildren , including william and harry will be holding their own vigil tomorrow. that's right, david tomorrow all the queen's grandchildren will be holding vigil among them, harry and we will see him in full military dress. we've only seen him until now in a suit. i think the whole nation is just so pleased to see the whole family reunited. david. that decision to allow him in uniform. come tomorrow will be awaiting that as well. james lawmen are thanks to you again tonight and one more note this evening. robin roberts and i are headed back to london. i hope you'll join robert and me monday morning will be honorably 5:30 a.m. eastern monday and all the way through the funeral for the final farewell again monday morning, our entire team there in london, robin and i hope you'll join us. we'll see you then. in the meantime, we continue this friday night with the other news and the immigration showdown here in the us this evening, florida's republican governor, rhonda santis, doubling down after flying migrants to martha's vineyard, massachusetts, without notice, saying he would do it again. and many questioning today were those migrants, even from florida, or did he fly them from texas as part of this today , those migrants were taken to a military base on cape cod, and this evening the growing legal questions over the governor's actions and what the migrants were told abc s maria via real in el paso tonight. less than two days after florida governor rhonda santos flew them to martha's vineyard to make a political 20.50 migrants from venezuela, put on busses and transferred to a military base on cape cod immigration attorneys telling reporters the migrants were lied to told there was a surprise present for them and that there would be jobs and housing awaiting for them when they arrived. he's obviously a sadistic line abc news confirming the dissenters administration chartered the planes and the migrants didn't even board in florida. they came from texas today. dissent is defending his move and promising . it's just the beginning. i mean, these are voluntary transportation that they're signing up for, but they're given a good ride. they're given everything, and that's just, you know, it's a humane thing to do the president calling out to santos for using human beings as political props. it's on american. it's reckless and we have a process in place to manage migrants at the border. republican officials should not interfere. with that process by waging a polluting these political stance. paso texas, it's clear that process isn't working. border patrol agents apprehended nearly 1300 people a day in this area is now chartering their own busses to help migrants head north from venezuela going to new york city . i'll take like 30 hours together, volunteers make sure these families know where there going. the act of bussing is a necessity for you guys. that's exactly it. we do not have the shelter capacity as you've seen. you know, on top of the people were bringing in, you know, there's over 1000 releases to our community a day. and when the shelters in town fill up, some families have no other choice but to sleep on a city sidewalk near the bus station. david abc news is karen travers pressed the white house today about what exactly they are doing to respond here in el paso , the administration says they are sending more people here to help respond. but city officials in el paso tell me they need transportation, maybe even a temporary shelter to help some of these migrants as they continue to come. in large groups. david real in texas. maria thank you to the war in ukraine tonight in the horrors uncovered a mass grave yard in a region retaken from russian forces. than 440 bodies have been found most believed to be ukrainian civilians, many with their hands and feet, tied most with evidence of violent deaths. and given these new discoveries, president zelensky once again calling on the world to label russia. a state sponsor of terror. nbc's tom sufi burridge in ukraine again tonight. tonight horrifying new evidence of alleged russian atrocities. authorities digging up body after body mass grave sites in the newly liberated ukrainian city of easy, um ukraine, calling it genocide, saying more than 440 people, including children are buried here. many victims showing signs of torture, legs bound hands tied behind their backs, some with broken bones and ropes around their necks. ukrainian officials showing the crosses marking the graves of an entire family. a mother a father, their six year old daughter and grandparents, all believed to have been killed by a russian airstrike tonight, president zelensky, reiterating his call to label russia sponsor of terrorism, something he pushed for last week. sitting down with david, the world has seen the atrocities. what does justice look like? i think that those responsible should not just go to hell. no, they should have fair trials. independent trials . now we asked the united states to recognize russia countries sponsor of terrorism today, the white house saying that labeling russia a sponsor of terrorism, could limit the flow of humanitarian aid into ukraine and acknowledging the horrors easy. um it's horrifying, repugnant. and sadly, it's in keeping with the kind of depravity in the brutality with which russian forces have been prosecuting this war. and after that stunning ukrainian offensive that liberated the harkey of region, vladimir putin today, admitting he won't achieve his main goal of capturing the entire eastern donbass region anytime soon, defiantly, claiming russia is in no rush. today the us releasing another $600 million worth of military aid, taking the total us spend on this war to $15 billion david, tom, sufi burridge in kharkiv again tonight, tom. thank you back here at home now into the battle over the documents seized at mara lago, a florida judge, ruling that the department of justice cannot use the documents seized. in their ongoing criminal investigation, at least for now, until the special master who she has now appointed goes through the documents. here's pierre thomas. tonight the justice department is preparing to appeal ruling by a federal judge temporarily blocking the fbi from using those classified documents recovered a donald trump's mar a lago resort in their ongoing criminal investigation. alien kenan, a trump appointee, says she's not willing to accept the government's assertions that roughly 100 documents are classified, even though they're labeled as such. including some designated as secret and top secret. the judge named a third party, a special master to review the 11,000 documents seized from the former president's home to help determine what's classified and what's not, and to help resolve matters of privilege per pick. former federal judge raymond dearie who has experienced in national security matters. she asked him to review the classified documents first. while the government cannot use the classified documents before a grand jury or interview witnesses. about their content. kenan told doj. she's not blocking investigators from quote, questioning witnesses and obtaining other information about the movement and storage of seized materials, including documents marked as classified. prosecutors believe all those presidential records belong to the government, especially the classified documents. they say trump cannot exert executive privilege period. but the judges made clear she is not taking the government's position on those records at face value. the special master has until november 30th to help. sort it all out. david alright, pierre thomas again tonight. thank you, peter. when we come back on a friday night, those new covid boosters are now ready. dr zhao here on the best time to get the new booster for maximum protection in a moment. that was quick and r bacatgsh e freeimited. means that earned him a bug spray and my sunscreen. you ready to go fishing bait? i also heard 5% on travel purchase through chase on this rental car and lake is calling 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number one brand doctors trust. tonight the end of an era on broadway. the phantom of the opera, the longest running show in broadway history, set to close in february, just after its 35th anniversary remarkable run so much talent when we come back the queen and what she once said to an american president. abc world news tonight with david york sponsored by aleve, just two pills for all day relief. hmm. when pain says i'm here. i say. so are they. i believe. who do you take it for? when it was time to sign up for medicare plan. mom couldn't decide. but thanks to the right plan promise from unitedhealthcare medicare plan expert to help guide her with the right care team behind her the right plan promise only from united healthcare. what do we want? delivered every month. clumping litter salmon pate, love that for me, choose the frequency and ship it. i feel so accomplished. now you can pet me great prices on everything pets want. chewie can't take my eyes off my eyes. my go to islam if 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once daily pill that goes beyond lowering a one c. we're on it honest. we're on it with guardians. ask your doctor about guardians. next on abc seven news at four breaking news in oakland as a fire destroys homes near interstate 5 80 plus tragedy in the south bay after a boy is hit and killed by a car while walking to school. join us for 87 news at four. finally tonight, the queen's humor. there were so many glimpses of queen elizabeth's sense of humor during her 70 year reign. the interview not so long ago in the buckingham palace gardens, she was asked why the sundial was firmly planted in the shade sundial neatly planted in the shade. isn't it good? yes had we thought of that. it was planted in the shape. it wasn't in the shade originally, i'm sure but there was that moment at the g seven just last year, leaders on the world stage watches the queen asks, are we supposed to be looking interested in looking ? and as if you enjoy? yes definitely. and, of course, her relationship with the us president's dancing with gerald ford riding horses with ronald reagan. and that's funny moment with former president george w. bush when he nearly thank her for helping to celebrate america's independence in 17 76 . you helped our nation celebrate its bicentennial in 17 and 1976. this was the queen's response, mr president. i wondered whether i should start this toast saying when i was here in 17 76. she made us laugh . we'll see you from london joined robin roberts and me for the funeral monday morning. 5 30 am we go on? i hope you'll have your coffee with us as the world bids farewell. good night. now from abc, seven live breaking news breaking news is in oakland. look at all that smoke and the flames, firefighters continuing to battle a brush fire that spread to homes. this is near interstate 5 80. good afternoon. thanks for joining us. i'm larry beale and i'm christian z. we have live team coverage on this fire, beginning with abc seven news anchor karina nova who has been following the fire since it started just moments ago, we learned the fire is under control, but at least four homes were damaged in the laurel district of oakland and one firefighter. er was injured for heat related injuries. this is a live look at sky seven and you can see firefighters are still there. they're working to put out hotspots. this is 5 18 year 35th avenue. and that's some of the smoke where some of that smoke came from. as people smelled it miles away. i want to show you video, a driver shared of the scene along 5 80 the traffic just a mess in both sides of the freeway. your 35th avenue is people watch that, and there's that smoke i was talking about. this is video of the massive flames and fire

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New York ,United States ,El Paso ,Texas ,United Kingdom ,Florida ,Togo ,Russia ,London ,City Of ,Ukraine ,Puerto Rico ,Westminster Hall ,Kharkiv ,Kharkivs Ka Oblast ,Massachusetts ,Guadeloupe ,Cape Cod ,Britain ,Americans ,America ,Ukrainian ,Russian ,American ,Pierre Thomas ,Peter Stratford ,Elizabeth King Charles ,James Longman ,George W Bush ,Larry Beale ,Ashish Jha ,Robin Roberts ,Karina Nova ,Doug M Hough ,King Charles ,David Beckham ,35th Avenue ,Breaking News ,Look ,Interstate 5 ,Fire ,On Abc ,Oakland ,80 ,35 ,Four ,5 ,Seven ,Two ,Queen Elizabeth ,Word ,Arrest ,Disturbance ,Models ,Eastern U S ,Stories ,Westminster ,Officers ,On The Air ,Thousands ,Tropical Storm Fiona Taking Aim ,Rain ,Caribbean ,Foot ,Mudslides ,U S ,Flash Flooding ,Tropical Storm ,Warnings ,Power Outages ,Watches ,Virgin Islands ,50 ,Charles ,Respects ,Rob Marciano ,Tonight London ,Tens Of Thousands ,Out ,Tracks ,Sight ,Sister ,Brothers ,20 ,Queen ,Coffin ,Line ,Us ,Immigration Showdown ,Standing Vigil 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Command ,Public Order Act ,Event ,Policing ,Capital ,In The City ,Military Personnel ,Bbc ,One Million ,1500 ,Government ,Area ,Estate ,Lying ,Queen S State Funeral Monday ,Westminster Abbey ,Procession Route ,Eight ,Reports ,Weight ,Line Up ,Hospitalist ,Tracker Warning Temperatures ,Waiting ,Fainting ,40 ,Someone ,Way ,Majesty ,Nation ,Kindness ,Crowds ,Amount ,Soccer Star ,Firefighter ,Goodbye ,Letter ,My Life ,Blaze ,Reassurance ,Save Windsor Castle ,1997 ,70 ,Mother ,Spain ,Loss ,Face ,Holding Vigil ,William ,Thanks ,Evening ,Decision ,Suit ,Uniform ,Note ,James Lawmen ,Eastern Monday ,Team ,Me Monday Morning ,Monday Morning ,Robert ,30 ,Rhonda Santis ,Questioning ,Notice ,Actions ,Military Base ,Questions ,Part ,Abc S Maria Via ,Busses ,Reporters ,Immigration Attorneys ,Rhonda Santos ,Venezuela ,320 50 ,Housing ,Jobs ,Surprise ,Administration ,Planes ,Move ,Beginning ,Dissent ,Dissenters ,Everything ,Bride ,Transportation ,Santos ,Human Beings ,Process ,Officials ,Agents ,Border ,Stance ,Place ,Swaging ,Process Isn T Working ,Border Patrol ,1300 ,Families ,Shelter ,Top ,Volunteers ,Necessity ,Guys ,Capacity ,The Act Of Bussing ,Bus Station ,City Sidewalk ,Shelters ,Community ,Town ,Choice ,1000 ,White House ,City Officials ,Tell Me ,Region ,Horrors ,Groups ,Bodies ,Russian Forces ,Mass Grave Yard ,440 ,Zelensky ,Civilians ,Evidence ,Many ,Terror ,State Sponsor ,Hands ,Deaths ,Feet ,Tom Sufi Burridge ,Discoveries ,Nbc ,Atrocities ,City ,Body Mass Grave ,Body ,Sites ,Easy ,Victims ,Bones ,Torture ,Legs ,Dbacks ,Ropes ,It Genocide ,Signs ,Daughter ,Airstrike Tonight ,Grandparents ,Necks ,Crosses ,Six ,Terrorism ,Justice ,Sponsor ,The World ,Call ,Trials ,Countries ,Shell ,Labeling ,Aid ,Flow ,Prepugnant ,Um ,Horrifying ,Offensive ,Forces ,Depravity ,Brutality ,Sharkey ,Worth ,Military Aid ,Brush ,Eastern Donbass ,00 Million ,600 Million ,Home ,Battle ,Sufi Burridge ,15 Billion ,5 Billion ,Department ,Alien Kenan ,Assertions ,Investigation ,Resort ,Donald Trump ,Fbi ,President ,Third Party ,11000 ,Raymond Dearie ,Pick ,Resolve ,Privilege ,Matters ,National Security Matters ,Storage ,Content ,Investigators ,Interview Witnesses ,Questioning Witnesses ,Grand Jury ,Information ,Materials ,Quote ,Classified ,Records ,Judges ,Position ,Executive Privilege ,Prosecutors ,Cannot Exert ,Peter ,Covid Boosters ,Pierre Thomas Again Tonight ,Face Value ,Friday Night ,David Alright ,November 30th ,Dr ,Sunscreen ,Bug Spray ,Travel Purchase ,Bacatgsh E Freeimited ,Don T ,Rental Car ,Dinner Hunters ,Big Time ,Lake ,Name ,Dining ,Gatherers ,Diner ,Chase Freedom Unlimited ,3 ,More ,This Is My Life ,Fee ,Uterine Fibroids ,Pill ,Risks ,Bleeding ,Heart Attacks ,Vibrates ,Blood Clots ,Embry Heavy Bleeding ,Bri ,84 ,Smoke ,It ,Reaction ,Don T Take ,High Blood Pressure ,These ,Bone Loss ,Osteoporosis ,Cancers ,Life ,Pregnancy Loss ,Changes ,Thoughts ,Fibroid ,Liver Tests ,Depression ,Doctor ,Small Business ,Business Internet ,Businesses ,Business Grade Internet Solutions ,Memory ,Verizon ,Embry ,Internet ,Business ,Chip ,Anything ,Network ,Cooking ,Copd ,Boosters ,Protection Americans ,Covid ,1 800 ,Vaccine ,Macron ,Variants ,Better ,Second Gentleman ,Difference ,Health Officials ,Winter ,Asthma ,Picks ,Running Show ,Breathing Problems ,Add ,Treatment ,Asthma Attacks ,Breathing ,Moderate ,Types ,Lung Function ,Little ,Reactions ,Steroids ,Chest Pain ,Pigs ,Breath Tingling ,Shortness ,Rash ,Infection ,Medicines ,Numbness ,Asthma Specialist ,Limbs ,Joint Aches ,Boy ,Last Thing On My Mind ,Most ,Retirement ,Workplace ,Benefits ,Solutions ,Steps ,Foia Well Planned ,Migraine Attacks ,Shop Items ,Handmade ,Mhm ,Affordable ,Stress Dot ,Q Libdeh ,Triggers ,What S Going On Outside ,What S Going On Inside Libya ,Side Effects ,Episodic Migraine ,Cause ,Tiredness ,Constipation ,Cgrp Protein ,Nausea ,Bundle ,Things ,Word Bundle ,Progressive ,Casserole ,Saving Hundreds ,Yes ,Nature ,Rodney Set ,Jon Hamm ,John ,Force ,Money ,Cough ,Rob ,Wasn T ,You ,The Phantom Of Opera ,Doctors ,Coughs ,Run ,Talent ,Broadway History ,Music Xdm ,Relief ,Abc World News Tonight ,Pills ,David York ,Aleve ,Mom Couldn T ,Plan ,Promise ,Care Team ,Right ,Guide ,Medicare ,Unitedhealthcare Medicare Plan Expert ,United Healthcare ,Eyes ,Frequency ,Clumping Litter Salmon Pate ,Prices ,Chewie ,My Go To Islam If I Eyedrops ,Overactive Bladder ,Redness ,Bloom ,You Re Not Alone ,Ac Sonics Therapy ,Bathroom ,Bladder Accident ,Non ,Onyx Therapy ,Bladder Specialist Effects ,Experiences ,Drug ,Results ,Decision Tech ,Market Events ,Insights ,Markets ,Moves ,Alerts ,Fidelity ,Shipping Manager ,Candidates ,Job Description ,Visiting D ,Mom ,Higher ,Guardians ,Diabetes ,Heart Risk ,Meetings ,Fried Foods ,Brakes ,Trails ,Ketoacidosis ,Risk ,Death ,Heart Disease ,Dehydration ,Adults ,Urinary Tract Infections ,Perineum ,Skin ,Yeast ,Symptoms ,Kidney Function ,Cell Phone Area ,Insulin ,Dialysis ,Blood Sugar ,On Abc Seven News ,Homes ,Car ,Walking ,Tragedy ,South Bay ,87 ,Shade Sundial ,Interview ,Glimpses ,Oreign ,Buckingham Palace Gardens ,Shade ,It Wasn T ,Isn T ,Shape ,Leaders ,The World Stage ,Relationship ,Dancing ,Ronald Reagan ,Gerald Ford Riding Horses ,Independence ,1976 ,17 ,76 ,Response ,Toast ,Laugh ,Coffee ,Abc ,Firefighters ,Brush Fire ,Flames ,Team Coverage ,Christian Z ,Control ,Her ,Laurel District Of Oakland ,Abc Seven News Anchor ,Injuries ,Heat ,Miles Away ,Hotspots ,Sky Seven ,18 ,Sides ,Traffic ,Scene ,Video ,Freeway ,Driver ,Mess ,

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