0 s and cancercine. before treatment get tested for tv. tell your doctor if you've had an infection, flu like symptoms, sores, new skin symptoms, sores, new skin growths have had cancesome serrf you need a vaccine, preus, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. maybelyour doctor howe possible. maybelyour doctor howe possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur . feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara. janssen can help you explore cost support options. >> good evening and welcomee le to tucker carlson. tonight, one thing ware havend e isarned after many years in yoe news business is that every once in a while you've got eat s to eat some crowom to admit thas despite your best intentions, you were completely wrong.t >>are compleg about something. . >> tonight is one of those times for nearly four years now, we've been under the impression, an impression we regularly communicatedunicatt o yoto you, our viewers, that actr jesse smollett was the greatest b.s. artist since bill clinton, that he was a transparent rake's race. uzu who fooled the dummies ind b the national media but couldiel not foolmedia, us . that's what we thought. we thought jussie smollett was a liar. you remember his story. >> it did seem unlikely. late one night in subzero temperatures and a snowstorm, jussie smollett decided to venture out for a sandwicideh in downtown chicago when he wase as people are accostedd by two physically enormous trump supporters from africa who somehow recogniz twoe him despite his ski hat from his part in a little known musical drama series called empire, because campy musical dramas are apparently huge, nigeriuscle ahead trump voters from nigeria. >> so they knew him instantly right >> these two crazed african right wing maniacs also correctly guessed that h jesse smollett had voted for hillary clintoe d von and they v that. >> and so, as trump votersot seo often do, they begin pummeling i him about the face and screaming, this is maga country. this because that's one of the things people typically say about downtown chicago. it's maggertis country then because they were still angry. they're always angry. these nigeriany're racists pou bleach on jesse smollett through a noose around his neck and then ran off into the night howling with demented glee. >> you're so jussie smollett described it. >> when i see the attacker masked and he said this magnequench punches me right in the face. >> i was juss t jumpedmaga. >> and then i looked down and i see that there's a rope around my neck. e going to be ho yeah, they're going to be honest with you. we had some questions about that story. it just didn't sound rightund to us. somethinrighto us, sg was off cr nigerian trump votersum assaulting liberals in downtown ac chicago. >> how common is thicosting hisv >> chicago has 50 aldermene an and not a single one of them d is a republican . chicago is not had a republicancan mayor in 80 years. donald trump got 12% of the vote in chicago. we didn't really seem like mega country, but boy, were we wrong . no at only chicago, a right wing donald trump stronghold. are o last night, the qanon army came for lori lightfoot. >> lightfoot, of course, is the mayor of chicago and a consummate neo liberal. she's the one who preventednted chicago cops from chasing criminals on because chasing criminals is racist. she's the mayor who in chicagohn even further and further into debt for a good cause to payto for the department of climate and environmental equity. and in fact, lightfoot'stivist t commitment to equity is so profound that she banned whiteht reporters from talking to she took down not one but two statues of christopher columbus, who was a racist. thi >> so you would think if anybody would be safe in chicago, which is roughly 100% democratic party voters, it would be lawrence-lightfoot. >> oh, but no.lightf according to lori lightfoot,ootl the extremori e maga republican, the ones who tried to bleach jussie smollett, activated their sleeper cells around the city and they showed up at the polls en masse, which means lots of them at once. lo tsand the effect was to make loi lightfoot, the first chicago mayor inlightf 40 years, to los reelection. as lightfoot put it lastyears tt at her non victory party, these maga republicans hated her nott dicause of what she did, but because of who she is d,. she >> asked directly whether her defeat in the democratic primary had been unfair, lightfoot answered thidefeat sha quote, i'm a black woman in america. >> of course, now one ofof the m the many tragedies here and there are so mananrey layerf tragedy is that lori lightfoot insightful. she's always been saw this racist insurgency coming for years. , she was in twenty , twenty one mayor in recent months. >> there have been questions raised about your your yotemperament and your reaction to criticism. tribune editorial use the term, erasmo, of, well, how much oft e this do you think might have to do with the fact that you'rte and spec a woman and specifically a black woman? >>ifly a bla about 99% of you? >> yeah, because the thing is ,t there are no women in chicago.he it's a n entirely male and right wing city. mea and so alll ci opposition to loi lightfoot derive from her race and gender. it's not that people were angry about violent crime in chicagotn thatg never crossed your mind.a nev here insteader c is her explanat from last night's concession speech. >> obviously, we didn't wit nigh ny, the election today, but i standb here with my head held high and a heart for a i'm grateful that we worked togetherr to to remove a record number of ord numbguns off our streets, re homicides, and startedou making real progress on public safety. >> obviously, you didn't win. >> that's true. you got like the bad littlee ber mayo yr you were. >> but according to the chicago police department, we're also happy she was mayor because she made the city a lot better. >> here's what the police said in a statement, quote, over the past three years, record l robberies, burglaries and thefts hit record lows in chicago. >> each of these crime categories saw decreases not seen for the last fifty years.a oh, it's a lot safer than it's ever been in 50 years. >> is that true? well, let's check the same police department's own statistics. and here they ar here ie from 2019 to twenty twenty three in chicago. robberies went up, not robberi down, actually up 27%. >> theft nearly 40% murder. >> kind of a significant category. 59%. how about motor vehicle theft. is that upup or down. oh it's up two hundred and seventy percent. if if you average all that outsp that means all crime is up 33% .pe there were three hundred more murders by gunshot in twenty , twenty one than there were in 2019. were there were two thousanind more shooting victims. >> there were 30% more overall shootings. so that's not a safer city.h actually that's a much city that people are fleeing for their very lives. what's interesting is thatth makepeople in charge of making police safer are still working to make it much more dangerous . the top prosecutor in the city, lori lightfoot's ally, kim fox,a is rejecting thousands of felony cases every year, just not prosecutinndf felonyg crimen in 2020 two , for example,ad chicago prosecutors had a total 2 0,000 feof twenty thousand feloo come in the door.ut and out ofthey r thoseej they rd out of hand .2,003 two thousand they pursued outths of twenty thousand cases, just nineteen hundred two indictment ,not to conviction, to to indictment charging people. ose and those numbers are not an ana anomaly. they're similar for every othely ry year of lori lightfoot's historically disastrous tenure. pe of the as mayor. and what's happening?op what people are fleeing chicago, as noted becausean they don't want to get killed. >> and you can see that in the home prices where homee ar prices highest in america of the twelve highest priced home markets in america, nine are in florida. >>rkets because people are fle. they're the opposite is true ofr chicago. v the median home price is lessic than the median home price in the country as a whole. in fashionable chicago, the median home price in h chicago, two hundred and seventy thousand dollars. wh who did this? well, it was a group effort, but lori lightfoot was the mayor. but it's not her fault. know whose fault ibut itt is ?s, >> businesses and residents, pedestrians. they made themselves easy targes targets. >> watch. i'm disappointed that they're>> ant doing more to take safety and make it a priority. d a for example, we still havetw retailers that won't institute plans, like having securitymakig officers in your stores, making sure s that they've got cameras that are actually operational, locking their merchandise at night, chaining high end bags. these purses seem to bene something that is attractinged a lot of attention on these organized retail theft units. >>ft wait, what did she justd se blame the stores for gettingan robbed? how is that different from saying? well, you're wearingsaying y ha' top . >> of course got you r got. i mean, it's not different, actually . it's blaming the victim. it's disgusting. when was like to be a mayor of a city, blame crime victims for being victimized. >> you just saw lori lightfoot do it.. so crimema is no longer punished by and large in chicago unless you disrespect lori lightfoot's authority. >> and in that case, up straight to jail. >> watch now. i direct to superintendent brown to order all police district to give special attention to these parties. and this is how it's going to be. we will shut you down.will willill cite you. and if w ae need you, wewill will arrest you and we will take you to jail, period. >> we will take you to jail. we'll arrest you and take you to jail, not shoot somebody. >> if you break lori lightfoot's covid. but of course, covid law didn'tu apply to herse because why would dictators follow their own edicts? >> and so lori d foote immediately broke the stateicts. stay at home, order to get st ay-at-a haircut. and when she was busted getting her haircut, not a very goode haircut, we'll have to say. , ed >> she blamed, of course, everybody else. >> i'm the public face of the city. mtimen national media and i' the public eye. and , you know, i'm a i'm i'mero a person who i take my personal hygiene very seriously. as i said, ver i felt like i ned ha have a haircut. i'm not ableircut, i'm not to d. >> and so i got a haircut. y. so now lori lightfoot is gone. o who comes next?w, we have no idea. we don't live in chicago.don' we're not having to speculate on the state of local politics in that city. all we know is the moste knflamboyant, horrible mayor in the country was punished. chiche system worked. and if iagt worked in chicago,h maybe it could work in new orleans. where latoya cantrell is quickly destroying one of the most charming cities in the world. mat part of us , if we're being honest, we'll miss lori lightfoot. despite all the human suffering she causedman suff part of us td of enjoyed it by embodying every one of her party's excesses over the past four years. s,lori lightfoot inadvertently helped to expose them. >> here you had a completesomeo buffoon, someone who ran aroundi bragging about having a large. we're just telling you what she said. somehow running one of the greatest cities in the world at times, it didn't seem like even lori lightfoot could believe she was mayor. she clearly didn't really care for the job here. she is now. 3 4 f1 is a real happy, happy halloween. happy halloween. destroyer's wait. you don't want. >> and i'm happy to report. nsuw >> i'm calling out the census cowboy. ty tape, that just save the tape. save the tape. that's always our counsel from may of 2020 till now. march 1st of 2020 three . american politicians, the entire class have gone the completely insane and a lot of it is caught on video and future generations won't believe it wheson you tell them so. save the tape.. but tonight, we're goingover to celebrate. a lot of people have spent a lot of time over the years m trying to get rid ofay thisoulds mayor. >> and we woulay ad sat the y ap of that list, the chicago alderman, our friend, raymond lopez, who joins us tonight for an after actios,n report. congratulations, alderman lopez, on what happened lastt, i night. i have no idea what's going to happen next, but it's worth pausing for a moment. deposito say democracy work, dot not? >> absolutely. tucker, good evening. >>and before we start, let me just say our hearts and prayers are with an officer in chicagost tonight that it was shot in the line of duty in the mostcitt dangerous of american cities right now. bu nowt with what happened with yesterday's election, democracy worked and the andpendulum, i believe, is starting to swing in i the right direction. back to the middle, back towardsn the n, the mi come where the outrageous policies of. narratives and agendas are coming to an end. and i thinnck that we have one more chance in chicago, one more hurdle to reach whererc we finallyh be put this to rest ci where we could have common sense prevail across the entire city, where the law abiding citizens are the ones that werei fightingng for and that where the city is no longer safe for scriminals, but for the goodcio people of the city of chicago. >> you always set the most basic possible standards for governance. can you walkof bacon but can out without worrying about getting shot to death? and i think that's the placethere is one mor to start. so do you think yoe u saidchance there's one more chance? is there a candidateere a candiu think would uphold thate? standard? run yes, i thinkof we have a runoff in six weeks in the city off chicago. chicbecause nobody got the majoy of the votes yesterday. one of. which is paul vallas, the former cps school ceoicago. and former budget director for the city of chicago. he's backed by law enforcement ,supports all our first responders, and is basically billing himself as a problem solver. his opponent is a cook county. commissioner, brandon johnson, who is super left tied with our teachers union.d his and his claim to fame is being able to take away the background checks for renters. soo land that landlords don't kw who they're renting to money. i mean, just yesterday would not disavow looting in the city of chicago as a means as achica. so i justifiable means. we have som so i think we have some pretty clear choices in chicago. it's just up to the voters to not fall for the narratives, not fall for the race baitingin and gaslighting, but to focus on what we need to do to put ou our city back together. >> so one candidate is for restoring safe streets. >> the other won't disavowt looting. so it seems a pretty clear choice . an urman lopez, i hope you'llil come back with an update, th on that raceank . >> tha >> thank you so much. absolutely. thank you, tucker. in august of 2020, kyle rittenhouse shot three men in self-defense. there's no dispute that it was in self-defense. it's self-defens all on video. s and a jury reached thatfect same conclusion. that's a fact. he shot them in self-defense. but self-defense itself is no longer a defense. of the m it's becoming legal in thisen country. one of the men who tried to murder at a house with a guna in his hand , which is osen now video, is now suing kyle rittenhouse. how does that work? rittenhous rittee joins us to rh straight ahead. >> plus, our secont d gentlemen the dude is married. kamala harris, who won't kiss him without a mask on , hasharrs some thoughts about toxic masculinity. >> ladies and gentlemen, buckle up. let's take a journey through this great nation. i want to see what they saw. i want to see what changed this land. of free expression. get filthy, stinking rich for this horrible the brave. i always wanted to be that person to help somebody out when they 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,August Of 2020 ,Work ,House ,Guna ,Defense ,Thisen Country ,Hand ,Rittenhous Rittee ,Rosen ,To Rh ,Masculinity ,Thoughts ,Won T ,Secont D ,Ladies And Gentlemen ,Buckle Up ,Him Without A Mask On ,Gentlemen The Dude ,Kiss ,Hasharrs ,Nation ,Journey ,Brave ,Land ,Expression ,Big Ideas ,Welcome To Fox Nation ,Big Star Grab A Glass ,America Screaming Hey ,800 ,Com ,Credit ,Interest Rates ,Credit Score ,Credit Repair ,Tony ,Six Hundred ,God ,Good ,Looks ,Sleeping ,Mypillow Guy ,Mypillow 2 0 ,Better ,Pillow ,Touch ,2 0 ,Technology ,Pillows ,History ,All Of You ,Generation ,Haven T ,Pillow 2 0 ,Temperature ,Sleep ,Last ,Height ,Bill ,Individual ,Sleep Interruptions ,Support ,Feel ,Pattern ,Brand ,Side ,Thread ,Promo Code ,Feeling Good ,Teacher ,Com California School Controversy ,Age ,

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