Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC News At Ten 20170103

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britain's most senior diplomat at the european union, sir ivan rogers, has resigned just months before he was due to play an important role in the complex negotiations on the uk's exit from the eu. sir ivan faced criticism last month when it emerged that he'd warned the prime minister that securing a post—brexit trade deal could take a decade. tonight the bbc has obtained his resignation email to his staff in which he urged them to continue to speak truth to those in power and urged them to challenge muddled thinking about brexit. more on that in a moment but first here's our political correspondent, carole walker. behind the darkened windows, at the prime minister's side, as she arrived at last month's eu summit, sir ivan rogers tried to keep a low profile. but his warning that it could take the uk ten years to get a new eu trade deal overshadowed what was already a difficult occasion for theresa may. he was criticised for being too pessimistic, though downing street said he was just relaying the views of other eu members. some who've worked with sir ivan believe his departure is a real loss to the government. the only way we're going to deliver a successful, workable brexit is precisely with the expertise of people like ivan rogers, who's now been forced to the margins, forced to the sidelines, because of the angry zeal of brexiteers who just won't accept anyone who says anything different to what they so happen to believe in. theresa may is losing a figure who knows the corridors of eu power better than most. he worked for a former british commissioner in brussels, david cameron appointed him as ambassador to the eu in 2013 and he was a key member of the former prime minister's team as he tried to get agreement on a new relationship with the eu before the referendum. in an unusually outspoken tweet, the former top civil servant at the treasury, lord macpherson, said "ivan rogers, huge loss, can't understand wilful and total destruction of eu expertise." but leading brexit campaigners are delighted he's gone. sir ivan is part of the establishment that, frankly, haven't accepted the referendum result and are hoping that, frankly, it will never happen. i'm sorry to say, but the foreign office is stuffed full of these people, from top to bottom. for decades, they've been taking britain in completely the wrong direction, and i hope sir ivan‘s departure is followed by many, many more. whilst downing street is determined to convey a positive brexit message, sources who know sir ivan well and know brussels well believe his warnings of the difficulties ahead were dismissed because they did not fit that narrative and they fear it will be difficult to find a replacement who knows enough about how europe works and is acceptable to ministers in london. and whoever takes over as the uk representative to the eu will play a critical role. it's important that we have someone in thejob, as sir ivan was doing, and no doubt his successor will do as well, who will report back to the british government, and through the government to parliament, about what the other member states are saying and thinking. because in a negotiation it really pays to know where the other side is coming from. theresa may has said she'll trigger article 50 by the end of march and it won't be easy to get a new representative to the eu in place and ready for the start of those crucial brexit negotiations. carole walker, bbc news, westminster. with me is our diplomatic correspondent, james landale. you've obtained his resignation email to staff — just how strong a parting shot is it and who's it aimed at? 0stensibly this is just an e—mail to his staff in brussels but the target is clearly the government it does not take that much decoding. he says," i hope you will continue to challenge ill founded arguments and muddled thinking, that he will never be afraid to speak the truth to those in power. i hope you will support each other in the difficult moments when you had to deliver m essa 9 es moments when you had to deliver messages that are disagreeable to those who need to hear them." the clear implication is that this is the experience he has had as ambassador in brussels sending m essa 9 es ambassador in brussels sending m essa g es to ambassador in brussels sending messages to london, that those m essa 9 es messages to london, that those messages have been falling to some in downing street on deaf ears and he is not being listened to. that is why we think he has resigned, because of this frustration that he has felt that he has been speaking what he considers to be truth of power. he is clear in his unhappiness but in this long e—mail, four or five unhappiness but in this long e—mail, four orfive pages longer unhappiness but in this long e—mail, four or five pages longer he also makes clear his own unhappiness with other parts of the government's preparation for brexit, particularly in the says the structure of the negotiating team needs rapid resolution. he is critical of other pa rt resolution. he is critical of other part as well. this is a document that will become almost the set text of where britain's ambassador sees oui’ of where britain's ambassador sees our preparations for these extra merry negotiations that are about to happen and his own unhappiness and why he will not be part of it. thank you. the independent police complaints commission, which is investigating the shooting of a man by armed officers on the m62 motorway, says a firearm was found in his car. yassar yaqub, who was 28, was shot dead in what police have called a "pre—planned operation" at ainley top, just north of huddersfield. 0ur correspondent danny savage has the details. his report contains flashing images. for much of the day, the cars involved in the incidents remained exactly where they stopped last night. the two dark coloured vehicles and the silver mercedes in front of them are unmarked police cars. the two white cars were the target of the operation. as police boxed them in and stopped, shots were fired. bullet holes can be seen in the windscreen of a white audi. one man was killed and investigators tonight confirmed a non—police issue firearm was found in the car he was in. yassar yaqub was a 28—year—old fatherfrom huddersfield. he was cleared of trying to shoot dead two people, eight years ago. 0ne friend on facebook wrote, "you were no angel, but did not deserve this." the incident happened just outside huddersfield as the cars came off the m62 atjunction 24. at around 6.00pm, they drove on to this slip road and were hemmed in by police and brought to a stop. shortly after that, shots were fired and yassar yaqub was killed. three people were arrested at the scene. at the same time, in bradford, another vehicle was stopped as part of the same operation and two others arrested. as the busy motorwayjunction was closed down last night, many people were caught up in the chaos. there were these rapid response vehicles that kept pulling up, big large vehicles, then a couple of ambulances turned up. as soon as the ambulance pulled up, some of the policemen ran up and told the ambulance they had to get down, as quickly as possible, to where the incident had took place. it looked like somebody needed urgent medical help. at yassar yaqub‘s family home armed police arrived this afternoon making enquires. friends and relatives who were visiting soon left. the operation related to information received about a criminal possession of a firearm and i've been fully updated by the chief constable. the incident is not terrorism related. tonight, more than 2a hours after the shooting, the vehicles are finally being taken away for further examination. it includes the car mr yaqub was in and in which a gun was found. the independent police complaints commission is now overseeing the investigation. one of the questions they'll be asking is — did mr yaqub pose an imminent threat to life? what they won't have are images from body cameras as firearms officers in west yorkshire don't wear them. danny savage, bbc news, huddersfield. the main suspect in the new year terror attack on a nightclub in istanbul which left 39 people dead is still on the run. turkish police have detained more than a dozen people so far. 0ur turkey correspondent, mark lowen, has been allowed into the club where the massacre took place. three days ago, this place was full of joy, of life, of celebration. today, reina nightclub is a crime scene, scarred by terror. we were the only british media allowed in, briefly. a rare glimpse of where 39 people were killed on new year's eve. imagine the horror as 180 bullets were sprayed here. people jumping into the freezing bosphorus to escape. the owners of reina say they will re—open the nightclub, it's a sign of the defiant mood here. yes, people are sombre, yes, they're fearful, but turks have lived with a terror threat for decades, albeit on a smaller scale, and they're determined not to let it defeat them. watch the right hand side of this footage from the attack. a manjumps over a low fence outside the nightclub to avoid the bullets. then the gunman runs up to the door, shooting his way into reina. that man on the right of the video was nightclub manager, ali unal, who had a miraculous escape. translation: i felt bullets explode next to me. i threw myself over the fence, but tripped and fell. the bullets went centimetres over my head. when i fell, he must have thought he had hit me, so he went inside and i heard the terrible sounds. the suspect still hasn't been caught, new pictures show him at a bus station in the central city of konya before travelling to istanbul. so—called islamic state called him "their brave soldier." the turkish authorities have given no more information about him. raids tonight in a part of istanbul from where he's thought to have travelled to the nightclub. no arrests were made. security is being tiightened amid fears is could strike again here in revenge for turkey's operations against the group in syria. there have though been others detained, including two foreigners at istanbul airport. it's not clear what link if any they're thought to have had with the attack. those tired of terror went to the scene of the massacre today, a quiet commemoration. tributes were laid and thoughts gathered about how their country can rebuild and how the next generation can regain a sense of safety. i don't want to cry any more while i'm watching the news, you know. it makes me really sad and i don't want my daughter to grow up in this kind of environment, you know, with this news in the background and everything. i want her to be happy. and so a nervous wait to see if those who protect this country are really closing in on the man who brought horror to new year's eve. mark lowen, bbc news, istanbul. the us president—elect, donald trump, had the american car industry in his sights today when he fired off the latest of his often controversial tweets. mr trump criticised gm motors for importing one of its models of cars from mexico and threatened to impose a "big border tax" on them. just a few hours later, the car giant ford then announced it was cancelling plans for a £1.5 billion plant in mexico and said it would invest in the us instead. so, is mr trump's twitter strategy working? here's our north america editor, jon sopel. not yet the president but the new way of doing business is clear. if donald trump has something on his mind, you will read about it in a tweet or two. today out of nowhere it was the executives of gm getting a kicking from the president—elect. that left the american car giant scrambling for a response. the company pointed out that the model is actually made in a fire while the car is built in mexico —— cars built in mexico were for the global market but 4500 in mexico were for the global market but a500 had made their way to america dealerships. this is the issue that donald trump made his own in the campaign. we are living through the greatestjobs theft in the history of the world. our through the greatestjobs theft in the history of the world. 0urjobs are going to mexico. and he is not giving up on it with no us corporation immune from the naming and shaming. and it seems to be yielding results. today ford announced that it planned to do a $1.6 billion plant in mexico was being shelved and instead an existing plant in michigan would be expanded, creating 700 newjobs. the ceo admitted that it was largely down to trump's policies. the announcement we are making today of $700 million investment here in michigan and adding 700 jobs, one of the factors we put into that was the more favourable us business environment that we seek under president—elect ‘s trump. environment that we seek under president-elect 's trump. and bullying by tweet scored another victory as he rounded on republicans for wanting to strip congress's independent ethics committee of its powers. he went on social media to say... after this it tweet as house republicans gathered, word came out they had abandoned their plan. democrats warned this couldn't be presidency by tweet. the making america great again requires more than 1a0 characters per issue. the with all due respect, america cannot afford a twitter presidency. the republicans had wanted to show unity of purpose today, but at times looked more united with the democrats on the other side. with this pr disaster, they seem to have hit the ground stumbling. jon joins me now from washington. it certainly shows the power of his tweets. is that what we're going to have to get used to? i think it is the new politics that we are in. if you are a politician, a diplomat, a businessman, a journalist, you have to start your day now, not with a cup of coffee, look at donald trump's twitter feed. if you look at what he said in the past few weeks, various different countries have beenin various different countries have been in the cross hairs. he has rewritten american nuclear policy settled for a0 years. he has gone after individuals and gone after corporations. with the two exa m ples gone after corporations. with the two examples we have seen today there have been successes. he promised to drain the swamp, republicans look like they were going back on that. he whacked them one, they caved in. likewise, ford announcing it's moving its plant to michigan, not mexico. the so it used to be the case that with the president you would scratch your head and say — i wonder what they really think. with donald trump you know exactly what he thinks. how seriously do we take it? there was a really good comment by someone, a journalist a little while back he said, the mistake the establishment makes is it takes donald trump literally, but not seriously. whereas the public take him seriously, but not literally. i think that everyone has got a lot of learning to do in this new presidency. jon sopel, in washington, thank you. there's been more fighting in yemen, with 11 civilians, including five members of one family, reported to have been killed in clashes between pro—government forces and rebels. the rebels are known as the houthi. it's believed they're supported financially by iran. they managed to take over the capital, sanaa, in 201a. a coalition, led by saudi arabia, began an air campaign against them in march 2015. but the rebels still retain control of large parts of yemen and the front—lines shift constantly. nawal al—maghafi has been to the country and reports on the danger for civilians caught in the middle. this is where the battle to retake the capital begins. the mountains ahead are all that stand between the army and the capture of sanaa. their commander is taking us high up into the front—line positions. he tells me the terrain makes it a naturalfortress for the houthi rebels and his men are always exposed to death. it's the first time any international broadcaster has visited these areas. the army are just a0 miles from the capital. but the closer they push into the mountains, the harder the fight becomes. translation: every day we make some progress, we attack and we retake land. people are lost, but at least land is liberated. the rebels are retreating on a daily basis. but both sides have reached a stalemate. despite arms and air support from the saudi—led coalition, these fighters from the national army haven't made any major gains. and, as they fight for ground, the situation in yemen has deteriorated drastically. as the front lines shift, landmines have been left behind. the army say that the houthi rebels have planted tens of thousands of them in both military and civilian areas. the scale of the problem makes yemen one of the worst affected countries in the world. despite a lack of training, the army say they've defused over 30,000 mines in the past year alone. the locals in this area say all their farmland was mined. this is one of the areas that the houthis had control of as they were trying to take over marib. the national army and the people of marib then pushed them out. as they were doing so, the houthis planted landmines, scattered all over these fields. sul and his family fled once the fighting started, they thought it was safe to return to their home. translation: my wife was praying here in the room and my son and daughter were sitting with her. they had lunch and my son asked my wife to pass him a blanket. as she pulled the blanket, there was a huge explosion. the mine planted in his home killed his wife, 22—year—old son and eight—year—old daughter. "it hurts to remember what happened", he says, "we just want to forget." the houthis strongly deny the use of landmines in civilian areas. they say they only target military vehicles and accuse the coalition of planting their own mines. regardless of who's responsible, the prospect for a lasting solution remains distant and the yemeni people, stuck in the middle, continue to pay the price. nawal al—maghafi, bbc news, yemen. a brief look at some of the day's other news stories. a british soldier, who was killed in iraq yesterday, has been named as lance corporal scott hetherington of 2nd battalion the duke of lancaster's regiment. he died at camp taji, north of baghdad. it's understood that he'd been shot after the accidental discharge of a weapon. an investigation is now underway. tributes have been paid to a former chef from west sussex who's been killed fighting the islamic state group in syria. ryan lock, who was 20, had told his family he was going on holiday to turkey, but instead joined kurdish militia. he died during an assault on the city of raqqa in december. some british airways cabin crew are to stage a a8—hour strike starting on the 10th january. members of the unite union have rejected a new offer aimed at resolving a pay dispute. a previous walk—out, planned for christmas day and boxing day, was called off after talks. ba says it plans to ensure that all their customers can travel to their destinations. a court in france has given four chelsea fans suspended sentences for racially abusing a man on the paris metro in 2015. the four were also ordered to pay more than £8,000 in compensation to the black frenchman who was filmed being pushed off a train and subjected to chants. from paris, lucy williamson reports. a routine journey home, two years ago, that became a national scandal. frenchman souleymane sylla pushed off his train three times that night by chelsea fans singing racist chants. we're chelsea, we're racists and that's the way we like it. translation: because of them i had problems. because of them i wasn't able to ride the subway. because of them i almost got fired. because of them i was held back in myjob and my future was changed. avoiding the cameras at a paris court today, the two youngest accused joshua parsons and james fairburn denied their actions that night had been racist. another two men, including a 52—year—old former police officer, were tried in absentia. the panel ofjudges found all four defendants guilty of violence, aggravated by racism, handing down suspended sentences of between six and 12 months and awarding £8,000 of damages. translation: my client was found guilty because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. the court did not take into account individual responsibility. this is a misunderstanding and i think this decision is a warning for chelsea supporters. it tookjust a few hours forjudges to find the four men guilty, three have already been banned from matches in britain. french football has had its own taint of racism in recent years, but this episode, randomly caught on camera, has also tarnished the image of british football in france. lucy williamson, bbc news, paris. a government initiative on starter homes for first—time buyers in england is due to get underway this year. but the housing backlog is so big that it could take decades to resolve it. the roots of today's housing crisis in britain are often traced back to the sell—off of the nation's council houses. back in 1981, almost a third of english households were council homes. today, that number has dropped to less than one in ten. as our correspondent jeremy cooke reports. brick by brick. new homes for housing crisis britain, and not just any new houses, these are council houses. they're a rare sight, but this is birmingham, where they've built more council houses in the past seven years than any other local authority — on a mission to tackle a housing waiting list that stands at 18,000 people. the 0smonds‘ have been in their flat for eight years, but the family has long outgrown the space available. if we want to play, we have to just like play there for 10 minutes because we don't have enough space. now, they've heard it's their time to move into one of birmingham's new council homes. we've been trying and trying and trying to get a house. we never expected to get a new house. cambridge is one of a handful of local authorities who've just qualified for government money to start building council houses, but there are warnings that it will take 20 years to fix a problem that's already been around for decades. the fundamental problem is that government stops us doing what we need to do. the total value of all of our housing is £1.5 billion, if they just gave us the freedom to borrow against that, we could build 10,000 homes over the next 20—30 years. the government insists that the number of council houses being built today is at its highest rate since 1996 and that there are billions of pounds available to fund them. but the numbers are creeping back from an all—time low in 200a, when the uk builtjust 130 council homes. hard to believe that in 1953, that number was a high of 2a5,000. homes for the baby—boomers and beyond. news reel: archive: even by present standards, these houses are almost luxurious. the dinette has a serving hatch to the kitchen. today, it all looks very different. ageing tower blocks, once the future, are being torn down, clearing the way for a new approach to modern, social housing. these are completed 7 they are completed. there are people living in these already? new council houses and new houses for sale. now, in birmingham, it's back to the future — new homes by any means necessary. we're also bringing empty properties back into use in the city and we're also, where necessary, using compulsory purchase orders. so we're using all the tool kit, really. but when council homes are built, they do change lives. the 0smonds get a first look at their house and, for the kids, theirfirst garden. yeah! but for most of the la million on england's council house waiting lists, this is still a distant dream. jeremy cooke, bbc news, birmingham. it's one of scotland's most beautiful mountain ranges, but a couple from leicestershire, who disappeared after setting off with their dog on a new year's day walk in the cairngorms, have been speaking of their lucky escape. bob and cathy elmer, both experienced hill walkers, were caught out after miscalculating the length of their walk. they were forced to spend the night in a white out after the cloud suddenly closed in and it began snowing. 0ur scotland correspondent, lorna gordon, has the story. the brutal conditions of a scottish winter. out on the hills — 50 mph winds, freezing temperatures and deep snow. i'm not cold, to be honest. bob and cathy elmer had become disorientated in the appalling weather and had realised their only option was to hunker down when their torch failed. their footprints and those of their dog, spotted from a helicopter, helped narrow the search. the guy's in pretty good nick. then this, the moment a mountain rescue team found them and then guided them to safety. the snow was, at times, up to our waist. we eventually got out onto the plateau with the intention of trying to find the summit of cairngorm, and then my head lamp gave up, so we decided that we couldn't go on any further because we didn't know really where we were going. you couldn't see a hand in front of your face, so we decided to get the survival bags out and get down for the night in them. it was a move rescuers believed saved their lives and that of their dog, meg, who had her own separate survival bag. conditions were arctic and in the area they were, you know, no matter which way they walked, there was steep ground there and in the dark, with one head torch and disorientated, it would have been so easy to take a very, very serious tumble. this is one of scotland's‘s highest mountains and conditions further up towards the summit can close in quickly, catching out even the most experienced of climbers. and the couple's close call underlines just how dangerous winter walking can be. we survived. it's like they say, if we hadn't had the right equipment, we wouldn't be here. it is a grim place up there in the wintertime, especially when the conditions change. and, you know, if you're not prepared for it, you can seriously run into some serious situations. safely down, but not put off and determined to return to the mountains one day. but not that mountain! not that walk! but we'll be back. we'll definitely be back, but we'll probably be a little bit more careful next time. willie's a very careful driver, he'll look after you. keen, but certainly more cautious after their new year's day walk ended with the dramatic rescue. lorna gordon, bbc news, cairngorm mountain. newsnight is coming up on bbc two. here's evan.

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Message , Many , Difficulties , Representative , Replacement , Narrative , Ministers , Works , London , Doing , Someone , Member States , Successor , Parliament , No Doubt , Thejob , Place , Article , Negotiation It , Start , The End , 50 , Bbc News , James Landale , E Mail , Parting Shot , Westminster , Target , Decoding , Messages , Arguments , Other , 9 , Implication , Experience , Ears , M Essa , Essa G , Unhappiness , Frustration , Five , Four , Document , Parts , Negotiating Team , Preparation , Pages , Structure , Resolution , Rt Resolution , Orfive , Pa , Police Complaints Commission , Oui , Preparations , Text , Car , Police , Yassar Yaqub , Man , Shooting , Firearm , Correspondent Danny Savage , Fatherfrom Huddersfield , Officers , Details , Pre Planned Operation , M62 Motorway , Ainley Top , 0ur , 28 , Vehicles , Front , Cars , Incidents , Mercedes , Report , Flashing Images , Two , Issue , Operation , Shots , Investigators , Windscreen , Bullet Holes , Police Cars , Audi , One , Friend , Facebook , Eight , Incident , Angel , Slip Road , M62 Atjunction , 24 , 6 00 , Scene , Vehicle , Stop , Bradford , Three , Couple , Response , Ambulances , Others , Chaos , Busy Motorwayjunction , Family , Policemen , Ambulance , Somebody , Up , Help , Information , Relatives , Friends , Possession , Chief Constable , Afternoon Making Enquires , Terrorism , Examination , Gun , 2 , Investigation , Life , Firearms Officers , Body Cameras , Images , Threat , Questions , West Yorkshire , Nightclub , On The Run , Suspect , Terror Attack , Turkish , Don T , Wear Them , 39 , Massacre , Club , Mark Lowen , Joy , Celebration , 0ur Turkey Correspondent , Terror , Media , Crime Scene , Reina Nightclub , Horror , In , New Year S Eve , Glimpse , 180 , Bullets , Reina , Owners , Bosphorus , Hand , Attack , Fence , Scale , Turks , Footage , Terror Threat , Sign , Mood , Manjumps , Yes , Way , Ali Unal , Gunman , Door , Right , Video , Translation , Head , Miraculous Escape , City , Bus Station , Hasn T , Istanbul , Sounds , Pictures , Konya , Soldier , Authorities , Raids , Islamic State , Group , Operations , Fears , Tiightened , Revenge , Foreigners , Syria , Security , Arrests , Thoughts , Tributes , Commemoration , Link , Istanbul Airport , Safety , Country , News , Generation , Sense , Daughter , Environment , Background , Wait , Everything , Kind , Trump , Us , Car Industry , Sights , Horror To New Year S Eve , Mexico , Tweets , Motors , Models , Latest , Gm , Big Border Tax , Plant , Jon Sopel , Car Giant Ford , Plans , Strategy , Twitter , North America Editor , Â 1 5 Billion , 1 5 Billion , It , President , Business , Something , Mind , Nowhere , President Elect , Executives , Kicking , Car Giant Scrambling , Market , Company , Fire , Model , Theft , Campaign , Dealerships , A500 , Our , Greatestjobs , History Of The World , 0urjobs , 4500 , Corporation , Results , Immune , Naming , Shaming , Policies , Announcement , Ceo , Michigan , Newjobs , 1 6 Billion , 700 , 6 Billion , President Elect S Trump , Factors , Jobs , Investment , Bullying , Business Environment , 700 Million , 00 Million , Republicans , House Republicans , Strip Congress , It Tweet , Powers , Social Media , Independent Ethics Committee , Plan , Couldn T Be Presidency , Democrats , Word , Presidency , America Great , Characters , All Due Respect , America Cannot , 1 , Times , Unity Of Purpose Today , Ground Stumbling , Pr Disaster , In Washington , United , Businessman , Politics , Diplomat , Countries , American Nuclear Policy , Coffee , Cup , Chairs , Twitter Feed , Corporations , Individuals , Examples , Successes , Exa M Ples , Swamp , Case , Comment , Public , Mistake , Fighting , Yemen , Civilians , Everyone , Learning , Lot , 11 , Rebels , Capital , Coalition , In 201a , Air Campaign , Clashes , Forces , Houthi , Sanaa , Saudi Arabia , Iran , 201 , Control , Shift , Nawal Al Maghafi , March 2015 , 2015 , Mountains , Commander , Army , Of Sanaa , Reports , Middle , Battle , Danger , Positions , Stand , Men , Areas , Time , Terrain , Death , Broadcaster , Naturalfortress , Fight , Retake Land , Progress , Land , Sides , Air Support , Basis , Stalemate , Arms , Ground , Fighters , Situation , Gains , National Army Haven T , Lines , Problem , Landmines , Tens Of Thousands , World , Say , Area , Mines , Locals , Training , Farmland , Lack , 30000 , Over Marib , Wife , Son , Home , Fields , Room , Lunch , Sul , Blanket , Mine , Explosion , 22 , Use , Civilian Areas , Prospect , Solution , Price , Scott Hetherington , News Stories , 2nd Battalion , Iraq , Duke Of Lancaster S Regiment , Camp Taji , Shot , State , Discharge , Weapon , Chef , Baghdad , Islamic , West Sussex , Ryan Lock , Strike , Kurdish , Raqqa , Assault , British Airways , Cabin Crew , 20 , Offer , Walk Out , Pay Dispute , Unite Union Have , 10th January , 10 , Fans , Court , Sentences , Chelsea , France , Customers , Destinations , Talks , Ba , Paris Metro , Paris , Chants , Train , Compensation , Routine Journey Home , Scandal , Frenchman , Lucy Williamson Reports , 8000 , Â 8000 , Souleymane Sylla , Racists , Problems , Subway , My Future , Myjob , Cameras , Accused Joshua Parsons , James Fairburn , Paris Court Today , Racism , Client , Actions , Racist , Police Officer , Absentia , Damages , Panel , Violence , Defendants , 12 , 52 , Six , Responsibility , Misunderstanding , Decision , Supporters , Account , French Football , Episode , Camera , Football , Image , Matches , Taint , Starter Homes , Government Initiative , Buyers , Lucy Williamson , England , Council Houses , Council Homes , Housing Backlog , Households , Back , Housing Crisis , Nation , The Roots Of Today , English , 1981 , Number , Jeremy Cooke , Brick By , Homes , Houses , 0smonds , Birmingham , Housing Waiting List , Sight , Crisis Britain , On A Mission , 18000 , Seven , Play , Space , Flat , House , Cambridge , Handful , Money , All , Value , Housing , Freedom , Rate , Billions , 30 , 10000 , 1996 , Numbers , Low , Baby Boomers , Builtjust 130 , 2a5000 , 200 , 130 , 1953 , Dinette , Standards , Beyond , News Reel , Archive , Serving Hatch , Kitchen , Down , Approach , Tower Blocks , Social Housing , Sale , Properties , Back To The Future , 7 , Look , Purchase Orders , Tool Kit , Dream , Council House , Waiting Lists , Scotland , The Kids , Theirfirst Garden , La Million , Dog , Mountain Ranges , Leicestershire , Walk , Length , Hill Walkers , Escape , Cathy Elmer , Bob , Snow , Conditions , Winter , Winds , Story , Hills , 0ur Scotland Correspondent , Cloud , Temperatures , Lorna Gordon , Torch , Footprints , Disorientated , Mountain Rescue Team , Option , Weather , Helicopter , Search , Nick , Guy S , Summit , Waist , Intention , Plateau , Survival Bags , Face , Head Lamp , We Couldn T Go On , Rescuers , Meg , Lives , Survival Bag , Matter , In The Dark , Tumble , Winter Walking , We Hadn T , Climbers , Equipment , We Wouldn T , Call , Mountain , Wintertime , Situations , Keen , Willie , Rescue , Driver , Old Man , Commuter , M62 Last Night Police Say A Firearm , Black French , Now Ford , Heat , Newsnight , Bbc Two , Cairngorm Mountain , Evan ,

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