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hello and welcome if you're watching in the uk or around the world. hundreds of women in london have gathered in defiance of covid rules to hold a memorial for sarah everard. she was kidnapped and murdered two weeks ago and her death has become the focus of widespread anger in the uk about sexual violence against women. this was the scene a little while ago ago as groups of women gathered on clapham common in south london, near to where sarah everard was last seen. they held a candlelit vigil, despite the official cancellation of the event because of coronavirus restrictions. concern about case has been fuelled by the charging of a serving police officer with sarah everard's murder. and there's criticism too for the way the police have tried to break up saturday's event. there was supposed to be an official vigil here at 6:30pm. that was cancelled after the women's safety campaign group reclaim these streets failed to get a judge to overturn the metropolitan police's order that it shouldn't go ahead because it breached covid—19 restrictions. as you can see, many people have still gathered here tonight through this afternoon. many people have been coming here to pay their respects at their central point on clapham common which is very near to where sarah was last seen. lots of people paying tribute with flowers and coming to spend a moment in silence. as darkness has fallen here it has turned into more of a protest, with chance of reclaim these streets and speakers as well. it's prompted this wider conversation about female safety across the country and tonight borisjohnson the prime minister has tweeted saying, tonight carry and i will be lighting a candle for sarah everard and thinking of her family and friends. i cannot imagine how unbearable their pain and grief is. we must work fast to find all the answers to this horrifying crime. it was confirmed yesterday that it was sarah's body that had been found in woodland in ashford in kent and earlier, serving metropolitan police officer pc wayne couzens appeared in court charged with her kidnap and murder. eleanor wilkinson reports. arriving at westminster magistrates�* court this morning, pc wayne couzens believed to be in this police van. the 48—year—old met police officer joined the force two years ago. today he appeared in the dock — charges of kidnap and murder were formally put to him. he will next appear at the old bailey on tuesday. it's ten days since sarah everard disappeared in south london. her body was found here in woodland, near ashford, in kent. it was found inside a builder's bag and identified through her dental records. extensive searches are continuing close to where her body was found. 30 miles away, the police officer's house in deal, in kent, is also a focus. and an old garage, in dover, where he used to work is being searched. what happened to sarah everard has started a national conversation about women's safety. here in clapham, close to where she was last seen, a vigil had been planned for people to express their sorrow, but also to send a broader message that many women feel unsafe on the streets. but it has now been cancelled after organisers effectively lost a high court challenge over covid—19 restrictions. it doesn't end here by any stretch. we are encouraging people to light a candle in their doorstep or in their street at 9:30pm to remember sarah everard and her life, but also the lives of so many women that we've lost to violence of this kind. the case has also become a political issue. the government is seeking further views on how to tackle violence against women and girls. certainly, the messages that i have been having from women have been very powerful and important. the message i am giving back to government is do something, do something meaningful or my committee will be holding your feet to the fire over why not. but for sarah everard's family, what they are dealing with is unimaginable. they will be wanting answers as to what happened to sarah, who they say was bright, beautiful and a shining example. helena wilkinson, bbc news. so, while the official vigil by reclaim these streets was cancelled, as you can see, many, many people i hear, they are chanting, putting up banners and there is a police presence here. early on there were maybe only a handful of officers making sure that people were moving on. they were dropping off flowers and then leaving again. now there's a greater police presence here, estimating about 1500 people have gathered. earlier the duchess of cambridge visited to pay her respects and kensington palace said this. "the duchess wanted to pay her respects to sarah and her family. "she remembers what it felt like to walk around london at night "before she got married." reclaim these streets has urged people not to come to this point on clapham common tonight. it says it will instead be having this doorstep vigil at 9:30pm, urging people to come out on their doorsteps and light a candle or shine a torch but it says it will carry out a smaller, unofficial, non—public event a bit later on on brixton hill. the number of new coronavirus cases is increasing in many european countries as a third wave of the pandemic gathers momentum. this, as many argue the continent isn't vaccinating its population quickly enough. in the last few hours, italy has reported 26,000 new coronavirus cases, and it's not the only european country seeing high numbers of infections. poland's 21,000 new coronavirus cases reported on saturday is the highest figure since november. germany too has seen a big daily rise, the number there is up by more than 12,500 in the past 2a hours. new coronavirus cases in the netherlands have reached their highest level since mid—january, with nearly 7000 on saturday. it's italy however, where the toughest new restrictions are being applied. mark lowen reports from rome. it's just over a year since italy imposed the world's first national lockdown of the pandemic. now, the first country in the west to be overwhelmed by covid is in a third wave. with cases rising for the past six weeks, exceeding 25,000 a day, italy is closing its doors again. from monday schools, shops and restaurants will shut in more than half the country. for three days over easter they will close nationwide. the new prime minister, mario draghi, said urgent action was needed. translation: i am aware that today's l restrictions will have consequences l on the education of your children, on the economy and on everyone's mental health but they are necessary to avoid a worsening of the situation that would require even stricter measures. it's a bleak situation in some other parts of europe, too. poland has seen its second highest daily number of cases since november and germany is reporting a rapid rise among schoolchildren, with new variants to blame. the speed of vaccination programmes in most of the eu remains sluggish. italy has administered just over 6 millionjabs, about a quarter of the doses of the uk, with similar populations. austria's chancellor said vaccines were not being fairly distributed among the member states, with signs that some countries were striking side deals with manufacturers. mark lowen, bbc news, rome. france is also seeing a resurgence of covid cases. in the capital paris, intensive care wards are almost full and the government says it's considering stricter restrictions. but any move could meet some resistance. 25 theatres across france are currently being occupied by protesting artists, who are demanding that the venues reopen. the protests started ten days ago from the historical 0deon theatre in paris. it and other art venues have been closed for months due to the pandemic. earlier i spoke with baptiste chevalier duflot, who is among the protesters occupying the 0deon theatre. i'm here from the beginning, so it's been ten days now. and yeah we are occupying, we are in a way re—occupying these places because we used to be there, we used to work there, we used to show to people theatre and arts. and this is what we are doing right now. it is the function of theatre to open minds and to show music hearts and theirs is what we are doing everyday and people are really happy to see that. but doing everyday and people are really happy to see that-— happy to see that. but our people ha - to happy to see that. but our people happy to return — happy to see that. but our people happy to return to _ happy to see that. but our people happy to return to theatres - happy to see that. but our people happy to return to theatres at - happy to see that. but our people happy to return to theatres at the j happy to return to theatres at the moment? intensive care wards are all, 90,000 people have died. is this really the time that theatres should be reopening? i this really the time that theatres should be reopening?— this really the time that theatres should be reopening? i mean, you know, it is — should be reopening? i mean, you know, it is government _ should be reopening? i mean, you know, it is government choices. i should be reopening? i mean, you i know, it is government choices. they chose to open the trains, the national embassies are packed with. they choose to let the people, not going out, not going to theatres. we know that we can open safely. find know that we can open safely. and how would you _ know that we can open safely. and how would you go about doing that, open safely? is there not something else to consider like outdoor theatre, online performances? how would you open indoor theatres safely? we would you open indoor theatres safel ? ~ . would you open indoor theatres safel ?~ . ,., , . would you open indoor theatres safel 7~ . ,., . ~ ., safely? we have protocols. we know we can open — safely? we have protocols. we know we can open safely. _ safely? we have protocols. we know we can open safely. we _ safely? we have protocols. we know we can open safely. we did - safely? we have protocols. we know we can open safely. we did it. - safely? we have protocols. we know we can open safely. we did it. we i we can open safely. we did it. we didn't have any... we didn't have any problem with coronavirus spreading in theatres. we asked the minister of culture to show us a plan to reopen, you know. if the vaccination is the solution, we need to know when we will be able to open. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news. a huge car bomb in herat, western afghanistan, has killed at least eight people and injured around 50 more. dozens of houses have been destroyed. the united nations has condemned what it called an alarming increase in attacks deliberately targeting civilians, despite peace talks taking place between the taliban and the afghan government. russian police have arrested dozens of opposition politicians and activists at a meeting taking place in a moscow hotel. police confirmed that they detained almost 200 people. they say the people they rounded up were attending a gathering organised by a banned group to discuss municipal elections. bolivia's former interim president, jeanine anez, has been arreseted on charges of sedition and conspiracy. prosecutors accuse ms anez and several former government ministers of taking part in a coup against the left—wing leader, evo morales. ms anez has tweeted that she's been the victim of political persecution and a coup never took place. to myanmar, where at least eight protesters have been killed by security forces, as demonstrations continue across the country, against last month's military coup. international pressure is building on the authorities to stop using deadly force against unarmed demonstrators. the worst of the violence on saturday took place in the city of mandalay, where once again police opened fire on peaceful protestors. jonathan head reports. the days in myanmar�*s towns and cities are punctuated by protests, by lethal volleys of gunfire from the army and police... ..and by the funerals of those who have been killed. the death toll in this elemental battle between unarmed people and the military regime, whose authority they still refuse to accept, keeps climbing. today was another terrible day in mandalay, where opposition to the military coup runs very high. the police started, they showed up at 10am. by then the rally was already over. as i said, they were there to kill. they didn't have to kill, they didn't have to shoot a single shot. people were about to go back, people were about to disperse, but they did anyway. this lady has just lost her husband. he had volunteered as a neighbourhood guard, and joined a protest at a police station near his home in yangon last night, demanding the release of detainees. the police responded by opening fire. after five weeks of this, and around 80 deaths, people have still not given up. every day they rebuild the barricades that shout their defiance at the soldiers. every day, the soldiers pull them down. firing abuse, and shots, back at the people. jonathan head, bbc news, bangkok. and in the latest development, the leader of a shadow civilian government in myanmar, who is in hiding, vows resistance to military rule and urges protesters to continue their fight. translation: this is the darkest moment of the nation. _ the moment when the dawn is close. this is the time for our citizens to test their resistance against the dark moments. when forming our resistance, unity plays a vital role. despite our differences in the past, this is a time when we must grip our hands together to end the dictatorship for good. the headlines on bbc news. police in london try to break up an unauthorised vigil for sarah everard who was allegedly kidnapped and murdered by a policeman. a reminder of our top story. coronavirus cases increase in many european union countries as a third wave of the pandemic gathers speed. federal investigators in the united states say they've made significant progress in their probe into the killing by police of a young black woman, breonna taylor — exactly one year since the 26—year—old was fatally shot in her home by police officers. ms taylor was shot by police when they forced their way into her apartment during a botched drug raid. the officers made use of a so—called no—knock arrest warrant that did not require them to announce themselves. ms taylor's death helped spark black lives matter protests in louisville and across the country over the excessive use of force used by officers. larry madowo is in louisville for us. they louisville for us. did not find drugs in the know not they did not find drugs in the know not warrant they were executing and they were looking for a suspect who did not live there. it has been a year since it happen. the family received $12 million from the city of louisville but they say that because no officers were charged, that must be rectified. this square has been a centre of pushing for justice for breonna taylor and the activists who built it call it injustice square. i can go to two community activists. i saw you six months ago when we were here. are you still fighting for the same thing? you still fighting for the same thin ? ~ , ,., , you still fighting for the same thing? absolutely, i'm back here and bein: a thing? absolutely, i'm back here and being a cheerleader— thing? absolutely, i'm back here and being a cheerleader for _ thing? absolutely, i'm back here and being a cheerleader for the _ thing? absolutely, i'm back here and being a cheerleader for the people i being a cheerleader for the people who have — being a cheerleader for the people who have created this space, called injustice _ who have created this space, called injustice square park, for a good reason, — injustice square park, for a good reason, because it's about equality and allowing young people to emerge for new— and allowing young people to emerge for new leadership which for too lon- for new leadership which for too long has— for new leadership which for too long has not manifested as it should — long has not manifested as it should. the state of kentucky's argument, they say that the shots from _ argument, they say that the shots from police were justified because breonna _ from police were justified because breonna taylor's boyfriend fired first _ breonna taylor's boyfriend fired first. , ., ., . ., first. there is a contradiction. they are _ first. there is a contradiction. they are saying _ first. there is a contradiction. they are saying from - first. there is a contradiction. they are saying from the - first. there is a contradiction. - they are saying from the government, you stood _ they are saying from the government, you stood your — they are saying from the government, you stood your ground _ they are saying from the government, you stood your ground under- you stood your ground under kentucky's _ you stood your ground under kentucky's law _ you stood your ground under kentucky's law of— you stood your ground under kentucky's law of self - you stood your ground under. kentucky's law of self defence you stood your ground under- kentucky's law of self defence and when _ kentucky's law of self defence and when people — kentucky's law of self defence and when people breached _ kentucky's law of self defence and when people breached the - kentucky's law of self defence and when people breached the door. kentucky's law of self defence and i when people breached the door you did not— when people breached the door you did not know— when people breached the door you did not know they— when people breached the door you did not know they were _ when people breached the door you did not know they were police - did not know they were police officers — did not know they were police officers. now _ did not know they were police officers. now they _ did not know they were police officers. now they got - did not know they were police officers. now they got a - did not know they were police officers. now they got a lookl did not know they were police i officers. now they got a look at what _ officers. now they got a look at what they — officers. now they got a look at what they did _ officers. now they got a look at what they did and _ officers. now they got a look at what they did and say, - officers. now they got a look at what they did and say, was - officers. now they got a look at - what they did and say, was instilled a justified _ what they did and say, was instilled a justified shooting _ what they did and say, was instilled a justified shooting from _ what they did and say, was instilled a justified shooting from police - a justified shooting from police officers — a justified shooting from police officers. ., ., , ., ., officers. you have been one of the --eole officers. you have been one of the people who _ officers. you have been one of the people who have _ officers. you have been one of the people who have brought - officers. you have been one of the people who have brought the - officers. you have been one of the people who have brought the case j officers. you have been one of the i people who have brought the case to light. what are you fighting for? i'm fighting for what chris has said. — i'm fighting for what chris has said. for— i'm fighting for what chris has said, for people who want to protect the community, keep the fight in the middle _ the community, keep the fight in the middle of— the community, keep the fight in the middle of city government, because we still— middle of city government, because we still have a police officer still on the _ we still have a police officer still on the force and has not been fired. we have _ on the force and has not been fired. we have a _ on the force and has not been fired. we have a judicial process that failed — we have a judicial process that failed breonna taylor. we still have too many _ failed breonna taylor. we still have too many systems in play that put us in danger— too many systems in play that put us in danger of— too many systems in play that put us in danger of dying the way that she did. breonna taylor worked to save lives _ did. breonna taylor worked to save lives. ~ , ., ._ did. breonna taylor worked to save lives. ~ lives. when you say the system failed her, _ lives. when you say the system failed her, what _ lives. when you say the system failed her, what do _ lives. when you say the system failed her, what do you - lives. when you say the system failed her, what do you mean? | lives. when you say the system - failed her, what do you mean? that the process — failed her, what do you mean? that the process off _ failed her, what do you mean? that the process off five _ failed her, what do you mean? that the process off five warrants that were _ the process off five warrants that were bogus, that they lied. even at the post— were bogus, that they lied. even at the post office, everything has been confirmed _ the post office, everything has been confirmed as total lies. these police — confirmed as total lies. these police raids were unmonitored and they were — police raids were unmonitored and they were allowed to do this and do asset— they were allowed to do this and do asset forfeiture for too long and they thought this was another grab and go _ they thought this was another grab and go and they did not have enough intelligence to know who lived there — intelligence to know who lived there. when you have stand your ground _ there. when you have stand your ground laws that are really strong and you _ ground laws that are really strong and you have police who breach your door, _ and you have police who breach your door, you _ and you have police who breach your door, you get to protect your home. the city— door, you get to protect your home. the city of— door, you get to protect your home. the city of louisville has banned the no knock warrants but not in all of kentucky. as a going to happen? we are going to keep pushing for it. i we are going to keep pushing for it. lwas _ we are going to keep pushing for it. i was pushing for a housing bill and they put— i was pushing for a housing bill and they put up— i was pushing for a housing bill and they put up a bill and now they are trying _ they put up a bill and now they are trying to— they put up a bill and now they are trying to add trash moments that don't _ trying to add trash moments that don't give — trying to add trash moments that don't give us the justice, don't give _ don't give us the justice, don't give rihanna tailor the justice she deserves — give rihanna tailor the justice she deserves. if we don't stop this, we are all— deserves. if we don't stop this, we are all in_ deserves. if we don't stop this, we are all in trouble. we are high incarceration date and they are trying — incarceration date and they are trying to— incarceration date and they are trying to detain us.— incarceration date and they are trying to detain us. you've been doin: trying to detain us. you've been doing this _ trying to detain us. you've been doing this for _ trying to detain us. you've been doing this for two _ trying to detain us. you've been doing this for two decades, - trying to detain us. you've been - doing this for two decades, fighting in the community and agitating for black lives. what's different about this? ' . , , this? the difference is the summer of 2020 makes _ this? the difference is the summer of 2020 makes louisville's - of 2020 makes louisville's transition _ of 2020 makes louisville's transition process- of 2020 makes louisville's transition process and - of 2020 makes louisville's l transition process and young individuals— transition process and young individuals who _ transition process and young individuals who you - transition process and young individuals who you wouldn'tj transition process and young - individuals who you wouldn't have thought _ individuals who you wouldn't have thought of— individuals who you wouldn't have thought of over _ individuals who you wouldn't have thought of over the _ individuals who you wouldn't have thought of over the last _ thought of over the last year—and—a—half- thought of over the last year—and—a—half wouldl thought of over the last - year—and—a—half would have thought of over the last _ year—and—a—half would have emerged to try— year—and—a—half would have emerged to try and _ year—and—a—half would have emerged to try and give — year—and—a—half would have emerged to try and give an— year—and—a—half would have emerged to try and give an understanding - to try and give an understanding that the — to try and give an understanding that the powers _ to try and give an understanding that the powers that _ to try and give an understanding that the powers that be - to try and give an understanding that the powers that be must. that the powers that be must understand _ that the powers that be must understand there _ that the powers that be must understand there are - that the powers that be must understand there are no- that the powers that be must i understand there are no voices that the powers that be must - understand there are no voices on the horizon— understand there are no voices on the horizon now _ understand there are no voices on the horizon now.— the horizon now. thank you both. this is an issue _ the horizon now. thank you both. this is an issue that _ the horizon now. thank you both. this is an issue that has - the horizon now. thank you both. this is an issue that has got - this is an issue that has got national attention. there is a bill in the local statehouse asking the new attorney general merrick garland to investigate the case of fresh and breonna taylor was one of the names you heard a lot last summer alongside george floyd in the black lives matter movement.— alongside george floyd in the black lives matter movement. sport now, let's get a full roundup from the bbc sport centre. it's getting really interesting in the race for a top four finish in the english premier league. that's after chelsea dropped points at leeds. it was goaless at elland road which means that chelsea are still unbeaten since thomas tuchel took over, that's 12 matches. they remain in fourth but the teams behind them have games in hand. crystal palace claimed their first home win since january. luka milivojevic�*s first—half penalty was the only goal of the game as they beat west bromwich albion. palace are up to 11th but sam allardyce's team remain in the relegation zone, eight points from safety. palace forward wilfried zaha became the first premier league player not to take a knee before kick—off, claiming that the anti—racism gesture had become routine and lost its impact. i would be very surprised if there's any negative publicity for it because it's almost ludicrous to think that wilfried has done this because he doesn't care about racism. if anyone cares about racism and abuse and level playing fields and abuse and level playing fields and diversity it is wilfried zaha. he's right up there as the main protagonist. everton lost 2—1 to burnley. leaders manchester city are playing fulham, they lead 3—0. real madrid are up to second in spain's la liga but they had to come from behind to beat lowly elche 2—1. leaders atletico madrid are in action at getafe. 0-0. alaves drew 1—1 with cadiz. 0sasuna against valladolid was goaless. in germany, the champions bayern munich have stretched their lead to five points. they won 3—1 at werder bremen. second—placed leipzig play on sunday. there were wins for union berlin and mainz. third—placed wolfsburg thrashed bottom side schalke 5—0. borussia dortmund move up to fifth after beating hertha berlin 2—0. rugby union's six nations championship resumed on saturday. england beat france 23—20 at twickenham, thanks to a late maro itoje try. they have now won two and lost two with their final game next weekend against ireland in dublin. the title is beyond them but the victory scuppered france's grand slam ambitions. 0nly wales can do that now after they thrashed italy 48—7 in rome, scoring seven tries for their fourth win out of four. they now go to paris next weeeknd to see if they can complete the clean sweep by beating the french. sunday to enjoy with the families hopefully when we get back. we will get into the focus, shifting pretty quickly. it is cliched but there is plenty to work on because test weeks are special but next week is going to be special for a are special but next week is going to be specialfor a different reason. murray walker has died at the age of 97. affectionately known as the voice of formula 1, walker worked for the bbc and other broadcasters for over a0 years. world champion lewis hamilton has tweeted: "i remember growing up hearing your voice over the races. "you made the sport so much more exciting and captivating. "the iconic voice of our sport and a great man, "thank you for all you did, you will never be forgotten." earlier, we spoke to former world champion damon hill, who remembered murray walker getting very emotional as he commentated on his title win 25 years ago. he'd see me coming up through the ranks and he saw my dad, so he knew the story and was very sincere and summed up what winning the championship meant, not only to me but to lots of fans and himself. in the back of my mind we always thought murray was going to go on for ever but he will be there for ever because his record in broadcasting is so huge and his achievements so fantastic. and lovable. that's the biggest thing, that people felt love for him and he loved asked back. murray walker has died at the age of 97. that's all the sport for now. we have a lovely story for you now, a birth announcement of sorts. keepers at chester zoo here in the uk are celebrating the birth of a rare kind of giraffe. let's ta ke let's take a look. the calf, who doesn't yet have a name, was born to mum 0rla on the 3rd of march. he's already nearly two metres tall. the rothschild's giraffes are highly threatened in the wild and their numbers have halved in recent years. it's one of the busiest times of the year for british florists — mother's day in the uk takes place tomorrow, this sunday. demand for bouquets has surged over the past year, but producers have struggled to keep up and have been hit by new costs because of brexit. and now there's a warning the uk will have to pay even more for flowers in the future. 0ur europe correspondent nick beake reports. the skill of arranging flowers comes easily to morgan, but arranging his company's finances is proving a nightmare. covid supply problems from holland and brexit have driven up costs. prices to wholesale have increased. therefore we are buying at a higher price and we have to... in some cases we are adding pennies and in some cases we are adding pounds. some we can absorb, some we can't, so the increase to the consumer has definitely risen over the past three months. there is not a country in the world that likes lilies so much as england. if you are sending lilies this weekend, there is a good chance they began theirjourney in this corner of the netherlands. extra post—brexit checks on these sorts of flowers havejust been pushed back eight months by the british government, but when they do kick in, this grower will have to pay more than 100 euros every day for an inspector to come and issue a so—called phytosanitary certificate, to allow him to export to the uk. after two years of worrying about brexit, we thought... the first week it was a bit of a panic and we thought, you know, where is this going with all this paperwork and with all the costs? then we thought, ah, it wasjust a sort of millennium bug thing. in the end it is not too bad. but now with the whole phytosanitary things, we still think, yes, it is going to be an increase of cost again. business may be doing really well here, but sending flowers to the uk has become more complicated and more expensive since brexit and in the coming months there will be more paperwork and more checks, which will drive up costs further. the question is who pays for this? it looks like they are shifting stocks and shares, but actually it is all about seeds and stems. the buyers at this very early morning auction now factor in an 8% tax on flowers grown outside the eu, like roses from kenya that are sorted and sent on to the uk. but experts say it is not a simple case of brexit driving up prices. i suspect everybody is going to be reviewing their prices, simply because, for example, this week alone the flower prices on the dutch auction went up 41%. that is nothing to do with brexit or anything. and no business, whether they are gigantic or tiny, can absorb a a1% increase. it has been a chaotic year for the flower world, but this dutch distribution centre still runs like clockwork. a conveyor belt of celebration, but also of condolence. the ultimate symbol of how we are feeling at so many moments in the circle of life. nick beake, bbc news, in the netherlands. amazing to see so many flowers. now it's time for a look at the weather. we still have some big shower clouds lurking. it has been a blustery day with hail and thunder in places. there is rain in the forecast for tomorrow, but the chances are that the morning is actually going to be quite sunny, maybe even gloriously sunny for some. through this evening, scattered showers across the country, still a good breeze out there. but i think second half of the night it is going to turn clear, the winds will fall light and it will be quite nippy. rarly in the morning it will be close to freezing in newcastle and hull. for most it will be around 4 or 5 degrees. lots of fine weather in the morning, lighter winds, but a weather front is approaching and we are expecting rain in the second half of the morning, at least in northern ireland and around lunchtime, approaching many western parts of the uk. eastern scotland should have a decent day, and mainly the extreme south—east, but the afternoon overall for the bulk of the country is looking pretty wet again.

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Country , Afternoon , Bulk , South East , Coronavirus , Uk , Bbc News , Defiance , Headlines , Viewers , Around The World , Hundreds Gather , Cases , Sarah Everard , Protesters , Murder , Pandemic , Wave , Countries , Speed , Serving Policeman , South London , European Union , Eight , Chance , Sport , Violence , Chelsea , Myanmar , Cities , Security Forces , Draw , Leeds United , Premier League , Women , Covid , Memorial , Hundreds , Hello , Vigil , Focus , Clapham Common , Death , Groups , Danger , Scene , Two , Police , Case , Police Officer , Restrictions , Way , Event , Charging , Cancellation , Concern , Criticism , Streets , 30pm , Safety Campaign Group , 6 , 30 , People , Shouldn T Go , Judge , Order , 19 , Flowers , Central Point , Lots , Respects , Tribute , Darkness , Conversation , Protest , More , Speakers , Answers , Candle , Prime Minister , Safety , Family , Thinking , Grief , Saying , Friends , Carry , Spain , Crime , Body , Ashford , Wayne Couzens , Kidnap , Pc , Woodland , Kent , Court , Eleanor Wilkinson , Force , Dock Charges , Police Van , Westminster Magistrates , Met , 48 , Old Bailey , Ten , Searches , Records , Builder , Bag , Garage , House , Deal , Dover , Message , Sorrow , Lives , Doorstep , Stretch , Street , It Doesn T , Life , Organisers , Challenge , High Court , 9 , British Government , Issue , Kind , Messages , Views , Girls , Fire , Something , Feet , Committee , Example , Helena Wilkinson , Many , Police Presence , Chanting , Banners , Officers , Duchess , Presence , Handful , Kensington Palace , Cambridge , 1500 , Bit , Doorstep Vigil , Point , Doorsteps , Torch , Smaller , Brixton Hill , Number , Continent Isn T Vaccinating , Momentum , Italy , Poland , Numbers , Population , Infections , 21000 , 26000 , Rise , Daily , Germany , Figure , New Coronavirus Cases , 2 , 12500 , Level , The Netherlands , Rome , Mark Lowen , 7000 , World , West , Lockdown , Restaurants , Doors , Shops , Schools , Six , 25000 , Three , Translation , Children , Everyone , Consequences , Education , Economy , Mental Health , Urgent Action , Mario Draghi , Situation , 0ur Europe , Parts , Schoolchildren , Worsening , Measures , Member States , Chancellor , Most , Vaccination Programmes , Millionjabs , Populations , Vaccines , Variants , Doses , Austria , Signs , Historical 0deon Theatre In Paris , France , Side Deals , Intensive Care Wards , Manufacturers , Resurgence , Theatres , Move , Venues , Protesting Artists , 25 , Protests , Baptiste Chevalier Duflot , Art Venues , 0 , Places , Beginning , 0deon Theatre , Re Occupying , Theatre , Minds , Music Hearts , Function , Government Choices , 90000 , Trains , Embassies , Performances , Protocols , Problem , 7 , Minister Of Culture , Plan , Some , Look , News , Vaccination , Stories , Solution , Car Bomb , Western Afghanistan , Herat , Place , Increase , United Nations , Opposition Politicians , Houses , Dozens , Civilians , Peace Talks , Attacks , Taliban , Afghan , Russian , 50 , Activists , Gathering , Group , Meeting , Hotel , 200 , Ms , Jeanine Anez , Government Ministers , Coup , Conspiracy , Charges , Part , Elections , Sedition , Prosecutors , Arreseted , Bolivia , Evo Morales , Victim , Persecution , Military Coup , Demonstrations , Pressure , Authorities , Demonstrators , Worst , Building , Protestors , City , Jonathan Head , Army , Gunfire , Towns , Mandalay , Lethal Volleys , Funerals , Death Toll , Authority , Battle , Military Regime , Climbing , Opposition , Rally , 10 , Husband , Home , Lady , Police Station , Shot , Neighbourhood Guard , Yangon Last Night , Deaths , Release , Detainees , Opening Fire , Five , 80 , Shots , Soldiers , Firing Abuse , Bangkok , Fight , Leader , Resistance , Shadow Civilian Government , Military Rule , Development , Hiding , Citizens , Nation , Hands , Differences , Unity , Role , Good , Dictatorship , Story , Policeman , Investigators , Reminder , Breonna Taylor , Police Officers , Woman , Progress , Probe , Killing , United States , 26 , One , Arrest Warrant , Use , Drug Raid , No Knock , Apartment , Louisville , Larry Madowo , Drugs , Suspect , City Of Louisville , 2 Million , 12 Million , Justice , Square , It Injustice Square , Centre , Millennium Bug Thing , Community Activists , Reason , Cheerleader , Space , Cheerleader Thing , Equality , Injustice , Bein , Square Park , Injustice Square Park , Leadership , Argument , Kentucky , Boyfriend , Too Lon , Estate , Ground , Contradiction , Law , City Of Door , Self Defence , First , Ground Under , Lookl , Say , Shooting , Hi , Chris , Eole , Process , City Government , Community , Middle , System , Systems , Play , Everything , Lies , Unmonitored , Bogus , Post Office , Warrants , Police Raids , Asset , Grab , Asset Forfeiture , Laws , Intelligence , Wall , Knock Warrants , Ground Laws , Don T , Bill , Don T Give , Rihanna , Housing Bill , Trash , Lwas , Add Trash Moments That Don T , Fighting , Trouble , In , Individuals , Transition Process , Difference , Thought , Summer , Wouldn T , Transition , Wouldn Tj Transition Process , 2020 , Powers , Horizon Now The , A Half , Understanding , Voices , Attention , The Powers That Be , Merrick Garland , Statehouse , Matter , Names , George Floyd In The Black , Movement , Roundup , Race , Finish , Bbc Sport Centre , English , Four , Points , Goal , Hand , Games , Teams , Matches , Penalty , Luka Milivojevic , Crystal Palace , Home Win , Leeds , Thomas Tuchel , Elland Road , 12 , Wilfried Zaha , Game , Player , Kick Off , Team , Palace , Knee , Relegation Zone , Gesture , Sam Allardyce , Palace Forward , West Bromwich Albion , 11 , Impact , Publicity , Abuse , Racism , Playing Fields , Wilfried , Care , Diversity , Anyone , Manchester City , Leaders , Protagonist , Everton , Burnley , 1 , Real Madrid , Action , Behind , Goaless , Valladolid , Atletico Madrid , La Liga , Alaves , Cadiz , 0sasuna , Elche , Fulham , 3 , Bayern Munich , Lead , Wins , Play On Sunday , Union Berlin , Werder Bremen , Leipzig , Mainz , Schalke , Wolfsburg , Borussia Dortmund , Hertha Berlin , 5 , Rugby Union , Thanks , Beat , Six Nations Championship , England , Maro Itoje Try , Twickenham , 20 , 23 , Title , Victory , Ambitions , In Rome , Ireland , In Dublin , Grand Slam , 0nly Wales , Seven , Families , Win , Sweep , Weeeknd , Murray Walker , Special , Voice , Age , World Champion , Broadcasters , Races , Captivating , The Voice , Formula 1 , Lewis Hamilton , 97 , Damon Hill , Title Win , Oman , Dad , Ranks , Murray , Back , Record , Championship , Mind , Broadcasting , Fans , Achievements , Love , Thing , Birth , Sorts , Birth Announcement , Keepers , Giraffe , Chester Zoo , Giraffes , Name , Ta Ke Let S Take A Look , Let , Who , 3rd Of March , Mum 0rla , The Calf , Rothschild , Times , Mother , Florists , Producers , Bouquets , Demand , Costs , Warning , Correspondent , Hit , Brexit , Nick Beake Reports , Prices , Morgan , Pennies , Price , Skill , Nightmare , Finances , Company , Checks , Lilies , Consumer , Corner , Inspector , Grower , Flowers Havejust , 100 Euros , 100 , Paperwork , Phytosanitary Certificate , Sort , Panic , It Wasjust , Business , Things , Cost , Question , Roses , Auction , Shares , Stocks , Seeds , Buyers , Tax , Kenya , 8 , Everybody , Flower Prices , Experts , Dutch Auction , Brexit Driving , 41 , Nothing , A1 , Anything , Conveyor Belt , Condolence , Celebration , Symbol , Flower World , Dutch Distribution Centre , Nick Beake , The Circle Of Life , Rain , Chances , Weather , Shower , Thunder , Hail , Forecast , Half , Winds , Showers , Breeze , Rarly , Fine Weather , Weather Front , Newcastle , Hull , 4 , Lunchtime , Northern Ireland , Eastern Scotland ,

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