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to the 2026 world cup, after they won the trophy in qatar last year — but after five years in thejob, he's considering resigning. translation: now something difficult i need to say- — translation: now something difficult i need to say- i — translation: now something difficult i need to say. i need _ translation: now something difficult i need to say. i need to _ translation: now something difficult i need to say. i need to stop _ translation: now something difficult i need to say. i need to stop the - i need to say. i need to stop the ball and start thinking. i have a lot of things to think about during this time. these players have given a lot to the coaching staff, and i need to think a lot about what i'm going to do. it's not goodbye or anything, but i need to think because the bar is very high, and it's complicated to keep going, and it's complicated to keep going, and it's hard to keep winning. these guys are making it difficult, so i need to think about it for a while. argentina needs a coach who has all the energy possible. ronnie o'sullivan says he is at a "crossroads" with snooker�*s governing body, and could quit the sport, if he has to reduce the time he spends competing in events in china that are not part of the official world snooker tour. the seven—time world champion made the comments during an exclusive interview with the bbc�*s amol rajan. you said, about china, you can no longer speak out. is it true, is a legal thing or do you think they are trying to stop you talking about the game you've done so much to promote? i have no option now, if i can't go and do what i need to do, which is play in china, do my stuff out there, i won't ever play again. we're at the crossroads now. why do you say that? there's not enough here in the uk for me to justify the effort, and in china, i'm playing great venues, great money, fantastic venues. i am promoting, doing my own events, basically, and i love it, and if it gets to the point where i am not able to or allowed to do that, i probably won't play. i will go and play chinese eight ball because i still want to play snooker, i might play the odd few tournaments if my sponsor says it's important for them for me to do so, i would do wht i have to do. on o'sullivan's remarks about playing in china and how the governing body doesn't appreciate him, the world snooker tour has told the bbc o'sullivan is "a legend of the sport" but that "we do not agree with these comments from ronnie. while we are delighted for him to build his profile in china and to play in his private exhibition events, our priority is to protect the interests of all players." australia's cricketers have arrived home after the world cup win that ended an almost unparalleled year of success for the team — a victory that captain pat cummins has called a career highlight. there have been plenty of famous australian sides over the years, but cummins says his has created its own legacy after their win over india on sunday gave them a sixth cricket world cup trophy, and that after becoming world test champions and retaining the ashes, too. yeah, really proud of. it's been a big year. ifeel like yeah, really proud of. it's been a big year. i feel like we've spent more time, about six months on the road, basically. and yet, to top it all off with this has been amazing. and yeah, there's things as captain that you do that don't always pay off, and sometimes they do. yeah, i was pretty pumped the other day. career highlight, playing with these boys. doesn't get any better than that. ~ ., . ., , that. more including the latest women's champions _ that. more including the latest women's champions league i that. more including the latest - women's champions league matches, but that's all for now. let's return to matters in the middle east. there has been some detail provided from washington on the course of the negotiations led by qatar. its been a delicate process throughout, not least because hamas refused for a long time to produce any identifying information about the hostages, their gender, their age, their nationalities. israel we are told had delayed its ground offensive, but the list became such a sticking point the ground war went ahead anyway on 27 october. and to add to the difficulties, hamas withdrew from talks in recent days, stopped responding, after israel moved in on the al shifa hospital, which tells you the events on the ground have been closely entwined with what is being negotiated. as for the approval of the deal, there were splits in israel, but mossad and ther internal intelligence agency shin bet both agreed that now was the time to get hostages out. let's hear then from israel. joining me now is israeli government spokesman eylon levy. welcome to the programme, thank you for being with us tonight. is this a good deal?— good deal? look, releasing terrorists— good deal? look, releasing terrorists is _ good deal? look, releasing terrorists is always - good deal? look, releasing terrorists is always a - good deal? look, releasing terrorists is always a very l terrorists is always a very difficult decision, but we are in a very difficult situation. hamas is holding 240 hostages, including over 30 children. they've been held incommunicado for nearly 50 days by the terrorists who burned, beheaded, butchered, tortured, mutilated, massacred, raped their way through these people's communities on the 7th of october. we are fearful for their safety, we have an obligation as a country to bring them home safely. forthe as a country to bring them home safely. for the last month, we've been putting unrelenting military pressure on hamas to agree to release these hostages, and now we have a framework to do exactly that, and we are looking forward to seeing them home, then continuing until we bring them all home. there'll be no one left behind.— one left behind. there was a legal challenae one left behind. there was a legal challenge of— one left behind. there was a legal challenge of the _ one left behind. there was a legal challenge of the high _ one left behind. there was a legal challenge of the high court - one left behind. there was a legal. challenge of the high court today to try and stop this, is why the three ministers came on the television tonight to explain tonight to the israeli public why they've taken this decision?— israeli public why they've taken this decision? , ., , this decision? this is always a very difficult decision. _ this decision? this is always a very difficult decision. minister - this decision? this is always a very difficult decision. minister benny l difficult decision. minister benny gantz said this is one of the most difficult decisions he's had to make, but we are dealing with a horrific situation of over 30 children, among 240 hostages who are being held by the terrorists who perpetrated that horrific massacre on october seven, and we have an obligation to bring them home. this war we are fighting now in response to the massacre has two main goals — the first is to totally destroy hamas's governing and terrorist and military capabilities and the gaza strip so it can never attack our people again, and the second is to bring the hostages home. now there is a process ofjudicial review, we are talking about releasing prisoners who have been convicted of security offences, including people convicted of stabbing and shooting attacks against police officers and civilians, and the families of those victims are right to appeal, but we feel this is the right... victims are right to appeal, but we feel this is the right. . ._ feel this is the right... you've rounded _ feel this is the right... you've rounded no — feel this is the right... you've rounded up quite _ feel this is the right... you've rounded up quite a _ feel this is the right... you've rounded up quite a lot - feel this is the right... you've rounded up quite a lot in - feel this is the right... you've rounded up quite a lot in thel feel this is the right... you've i rounded up quite a lot in the last few weeks, i know there's been tension in the west bank but were you preparing for a swap? have you rounded up more so you can swap? there's a lot of young people in this, as well.— this, as well. there are young --eole this, as well. there are young people who — this, as well. there are young people who have _ this, as well. there are young people who have been - this, as well. there are young i people who have been convicted this, as well. there are young - people who have been convicted of attempted murder, there are people on that list who literally have blood on their hands, they didn't manage to commit murder but they stabbed innocent people injerusalem and around the country. now we've been trying to stop this conflict from escalating in recent weeks. what hamas was hoping to do with the october seven massacre was drag 0ctober seven massacre was drag palestinians into the west bank in an escalation, as well. you palestinians into the west bank in an escalation, as well.— an escalation, as well. you think that can be _ an escalation, as well. you think that can be avoided? _ an escalation, as well. you think that can be avoided? we - an escalation, as well. you think that can be avoided? we are - an escalation, as well. you think| that can be avoided? we are very much hoping _ that can be avoided? we are very much hoping to — that can be avoided? we are very much hoping to contain _ that can be avoided? we are very much hoping to contain it. - that can be avoided? we are very much hoping to contain it. to - that can be avoided? we are very| much hoping to contain it. to stop the conflict spreading to lebanon and others... the conflict spreading to lebanon and others- - -_ and others... sarri to hurry but we are pressed _ and others. .. sarri to hurry but we are pressed for— and others... sarri to hurry but we are pressed for time. _ and others... sarri to hurry but we are pressed for time. i _ and others... sarri to hurry but we are pressed for time. i want to - and others... sarri to hurry but wei are pressed for time. i want to get there a few things. i want to show our viewers some video that has been released tonight — i need to make this clear this is from reuters who were embedded with idf. the footage was reviewed by the israeli army as part of the conditions of that embedment, but these are the pictures from beneath the al shifa hospital. so we've seen tunnels already, perhaps you can talk us through what we are seeing as we look through these pictures? this is really extraordinary. _ look through these pictures? this is really extraordinary. for _ look through these pictures? this is really extraordinary. for a - look through these pictures? this is really extraordinary. for a month, l really extraordinary. for a month, they've been saying hamas built a command centre under the hospital. media and international agencies didn't want to believe it, that hamas could be using hospitals as human shields. we moved in and are revealing that evidence, a ten metre long tunnel shaft leading to a 55 metre tunnel, a blast door where through there, we are showing a whole network of tunnels underneath that hospital that hamas was using as a command centre. that is of course a crime against humanity. hospitals must be protected under international law. they cannot be used under international humanitarian law for military purposes... hamas pulse michael strategy is based on using human shields. , , , ., shields. duties tunnels arrive in the hospital? _ shields. duties tunnels arrive in the hospital? because - shields. duties tunnels arrive in the hospital? because of - shields. duties tunnels arrive in the hospital? because of you i shields. duties tunnels arrive in i the hospital? because of you there are lots of doctors who have told us on air that they have no idea there was a command centre, they didn't believe there is a command centre. could they have been right, is it fair that both sides were right to? that you are saying it was there and they didn't know it was there because it wasn't visible to people working in the hospital? this because it wasn't visible to people working in the hospital?— working in the hospital? this is gaza's biggest _ working in the hospital? this is gaza's biggest open _ working in the hospital? this is gaza's biggest open secret, - working in the hospital? this is| gaza's biggest open secret, and working in the hospital? this is i gaza's biggest open secret, and in previous rounds of conflict, it was reported show hamas was using the hospital. 0n reported show hamas was using the hospital. on october seven, reported show hamas was using the hospital. 0n 0ctoberseven, hamas abducted hostages and drag them into the al shifa hospital. we've declassified the cctv footage of men with meat cleaver is guns abducting people into the hospital in plain view of the doctors who then stick around and chat with the hamas terrorists. so people knew in the doctors who have been interviewed by the media and denying it, i don't know whether. .. the media and denying it, i don't know whether... they've been complicit through their silence, with the abuse of the hospital. i with the abuse of the hospital. i don't dispute there is an enormous tunnel network beneath gaza. the question which the un and international human rights agencies ask is whether it's proportional, whether the collateral damage — and it has been huge — whether that was proportional to the attempts to get at this tunnel network beneath the hospital. at this tunnel network beneath the hos - ital. ., ., ., ., hospital. under international law, proportionality— hospital. under international law, proportionality means _ hospital. under international law, proportionality means that - hospital. under international law, proportionality means that with l hospital. under international law, i proportionality means that with each particular strike, the collateral damage cannot be disproportionate to the expected military advantage. in the expected military advantage. in the expected military advantage. in the expected advantage here is to destroy the terror organisation that perpetrated the deadliest massacre of dues since the holocaust, the deadliest attack in world history since 9/11. they told us that once to do it again and again. so we are doing everything we can under international law to try to get civilians out of harm's way, that's why we spent so long urging people to evacuate the areas where hamas has built its tunnels under schools, hospitals, mosques, and homes because we don't want them to be hurt. but we will destroy the terror organisation that perpetrated that horrific massacre that shocked the world, and proudly says it wants to do it again and again until it murders every man, woman and child in this country. murders every man, woman and child in this country-— in this country. we've heard reports from people — in this country. we've heard reports from people we _ in this country. we've heard reports from people we had _ in this country. we've heard reports from people we had on _ in this country. we've heard reports from people we had on the - in this country. we've heard reports i from people we had on the programme this week we suggested that maybe hamas doesn't have control of all the hostages, there are other groups in gaza that might have some of these hostages. what's not been talked about so widely today is that this deal that prime minister netanyahu secured through the qataris guarantees red cross access, so the icrc should be able to go in and see the other hostages to see how they are and report back. how important is that to families back in israel? ., �* , , important is that to families back in israel? . �* , , ., in israel? that's hugely important. we are talking _ in israel? that's hugely important. we are talking about _ in israel? that's hugely important. we are talking about hostages, i we are talking about hostages, including children, who have not had any medical attention, their families know nothing about them, hamas has been holding them in dark tunnels and it's been keeping their families in the dark. we know there were people taken into the gaza strip with horrific injuries, with whole limbs that had been blown off during the october seven massacre, and we don't know their condition. hamas has been psychologically torturing these people's families by not letting them know anything about their relatives's conditions, and we hope hamas will keep its side of the bargain. we don't expect it to be operating out of morality or develop a conscience, this is because we've put serious military pressure on it, and to grant the red cross access to all the hostages — that is the most basic humanitarian mercy that anyone can ask for. ., ~ basic humanitarian mercy that anyone can ask for. ., ,, , basic humanitarian mercy that anyone can ask for. ., ~' ,, , . basic humanitarian mercy that anyone can ask for. ., ,, i. , . ., can ask for. thank you very much for our can ask for. thank you very much for your thoughts _ can ask for. thank you very much for your thoughts this _ can ask for. thank you very much for your thoughts this evening, - can ask for. thank you very much for your thoughts this evening, and i your thoughts this evening, and thank you for your time on the programme. we will continue to watch events in the middle east, we are about 11 hours from that temporary truce beginning, at 10pm local time. stay with us, this is bbc news. more than 150 rogue iguanas captured in thailand, after officials say they were rampaging through the countryside, raiding farms, and damaging the local environment. the reptiles originate from central and south america, but are becoming increasingly popular as pets in thailand. environmental concerns have been raised over their activities. it's thought many have either escaped or been deliberately released into the wild. the cold—blooded captives, which can grow to more than 1.5 metres long, will be kept at wildlife centres, including one in the north—east of bangkok. translation: overall, - we captured around 200 iguanas. for those who are concerned of what happened after they were captured, we want to show you this place. we are preparing more cages and care by the veterinary team. the department of national parks, wildlife and plant conservation said about 260 people across the provinces have told officials that they own iguanas. that's more than 3,600 lizards in total. emily brown, bbc news. you're live with bbc news big night in the netherlands. polling stations have just closed, and we have our first exit polls, the far right freedom party has a comfortable lead, meaning geert wilders, who is meant to halt all immigration to the netherlands, will get the first chance at forming a new coalition government, doing far better than expected as the joint labour green ticket headed up by the eu's former climate chief. they are projected to get 26 seats. in third place pot i knew i would pronounce that wrong, she's coming up in a second, she's hoping to become the country's first female leader, leading the people's party for freedom, known as vvd, and democracy. margaret hook, who is stepping away from politics, are projected to get 23 seats. 0ur correspondent anna holliganjoins us now. my my apologies for pronouncing that awfully. but this exit poll tonight shows just how anti—immigration sentiment is now spreading right across europe.— sentiment is now spreading right across europe. absolutely, and it's really dominated _ across europe. absolutely, and it's really dominated this _ across europe. absolutely, and it's really dominated this debate. i across europe. absolutely, and it's really dominated this debate. let i across europe. absolutely, and it's i really dominated this debate. let me help you with her name — she was hoping to be the netherlands first ever female hoping to be the netherlands first everfemale prime hoping to be the netherlands first ever female prime minister. hoping to be the netherlands first everfemale prime minister. if these early examples are anything to go by, and that is quite unlikely at the moment because if these indications are confirmed, it means that geert wilders, leader of an anti—immigration freedom party, will be tasked with forming the new coalition government, but that could be slightly complicated and i'd like to bring in now somebody who understands all of this at can help us to interpret these results. a professor of political science at the university of amsterdam, sarah, just because geert wilders appears to have surpassed all expectations, including his own, it doesn't necessarily mean that he will be the next prime minister of the netherlands?— next prime minister of the netherlands? no, it certainly wouldn't mean _ netherlands? no, it certainly wouldn't mean that. - netherlands? no, it certainly wouldn't mean that. the i netherlands? no, it certainlyl wouldn't mean that. the other parties — wouldn't mean that. the other parties have been very clear that they don't— parties have been very clear that they don't want to govern with him, or govern _ they don't want to govern with him, or govern with him as prime ministen _ or govern with him as prime minister. so it will be very difficult _ minister. so it will be very difficult for him to convince other parties _ difficult for him to convince other parties on — difficult for him to convince other parties on the right to cooperate with him — parties on the right to cooperate with him. but parties on the right to cooperate with him. �* . ., with him. but the challenge here is when such a _ with him. but the challenge here is when such a significant _ with him. but the challenge here is when such a significant portion i with him. but the challenge here is when such a significant portion of l when such a significant portion of the population appears to have voted for geert wilders, it's very difficult to ignore those people without playing into this accusation that politicians are ignoring the voice of the people. that that politicians are ignoring the voice of the people.— voice of the people. that is certainly — voice of the people. that is certainly a _ voice of the people. that is certainly a case, _ voice of the people. that is certainly a case, and i voice of the people. that is certainly a case, and this . voice of the people. that is certainly a case, and this is voice of the people. that is i certainly a case, and this is also a great _ certainly a case, and this is also a great area — certainly a case, and this is also a great area of concern, because political — great area of concern, because political trust has been declining in the _ political trust has been declining in the netherlands in the last two years. _ in the netherlands in the last two years. and — in the netherlands in the last two years, and the exclusion of geert wiiders— years, and the exclusion of geert wilders from power could make his voters _ wilders from power could make his voters even — wilders from power could make his voters even more distrustful and dissatisfied with the democracy. how do ou dissatisfied with the democracy. how do you dissect _ dissatisfied with the democracy. firm" do you dissect these results, what do you dissect these results, what do they tell us about the netherlands?— do they tell us about the netherlands? ~ , , ., netherlands? well, the results are tear rollin: netherlands? well, the results are tear rolling us... _ netherlands? well, the results are tear rolling us... sorry, _ netherlands? well, the results are tear rolling us... sorry, i— netherlands? well, the results are tear rolling us... sorry, i should i tear rolling us... sorry, i should sa the tear rolling us... sorry, i should say the party — tear rolling us... sorry, i should say the party exit _ tear rolling us... sorry, i should say the party exit polls. - tear rolling us... sorry, i should say the party exit polls. there i say the party exit polls. there -a say the party exit polls. there party exit _ say the party exit polls. there party exit polls _ say the party exit polls. there party exit polls are _ say the party exit polls. there party exit polls are telling i say the party exit polls. there party exit polls are telling us | say the party exit polls. there i party exit polls are telling us that these _ party exit polls are telling us that these elections have been very much about— these elections have been very much about immigration. the right has emphasised this in their campaign, and it's_ emphasised this in their campaign, and it's not— emphasised this in their campaign, and it's not the centre right that's benefited — and it's not the centre right that's benefited from this, but the original— benefited from this, but the original anti—immigrate party of geert— original anti—immigrate party of geert wilders. the voters prefer the originai— geert wilders. the voters prefer the original over the copy. it also tells — original over the copy. it also tells us — original over the copy. it also tells us that a significant section of the _ tells us that a significant section of the electorate is distrustful, and therefore susceptible to voting for what _ and therefore susceptible to voting for what is — and therefore susceptible to voting for what is a populist politician. sarah, — for what is a populist politician. sarah, thank you very much. just to let you know what happens next — the final results are due on thursday, and then the whole complicated process of negotiating the next coalition government to lead the netherlands will begin in earnest. geert wilders has the first opportunity to try to form that new governing coalition.— governing coalition. certainly want to watch, thanks _ governing coalition. certainly want to watch, thanks very _ governing coalition. certainly want to watch, thanks very much - governing coalition. certainly want to watch, thanks very much for. governing coalition. certainly want i to watch, thanks very much for that. the other one we are watching is the united states. there has been a lot written these past days aboutjoe biden's future in the white house. polling suggests two thirds of americans think he is too old to run again. but whatever opposition there might be to a biden—trump rematch, that would seem to be what they will get. trump is nearly 40 points ahead of the other six challengers running in the republican primaries. and on the democrat side of the ledger, only a handful of names have come forward — dean phillips, the representative from minnesota who has barely made a dint in the polls. there's marrianne williamson — second time she is running on the left, but barely a ripple in the polling. and then there is another jason palmer, an entrepeaneur and investor, whojoined the race two weeks ago. —— entrepreneur. he's been in executive and leadership positions at microsoft, kaplan education, and the bill & melinda gates foundation. and at 51, he's young enough to be joe biden's grandchild. and yes, like many americans, he thinks it is time for some new blood. here's his campaign. i'mjason palmer, and i'm entering the 2024 presidential race because i believe we can do better for you and future generations. we have an ambitious and innovative plan to get us there and we need your help. our plan is people first. it requires upgrading our nation's system becoming a talent economy, powered by a mission—driven entrepreneurs and conscious capitalism. and i'm100% committed to core values like kindness, respect, and inclusion. we have got to change the way we behave in our national politics. i am pleased to say jasonjoins me now. welcome to the programme. so what would a jason palmer presidency look like? ~ , ., ., like? well, first of all christian, thanks for— like? well, first of all christian, thanks for having _ like? well, first of all christian, thanks for having me _ like? well, first of all christian, thanks for having me on. - like? well, first of all christian, thanks for having me on. the i like? well, first of all christian, i thanks for having me on. the number one thing would be focusing on building the talent in america. we have more than 330 million people in the united states, and many of those people are concerned about how their jobs and their lives are changing because of technological innovation, because of technological innovation, because of technological innovation, because of the global conflicts you were just showing on your show. and there actually are ways to upgrade people's skills and get them to work. we call them qualityjobs, salaried jobs that pay between 50000 and $90,000 a year. we know how to do it, i know how to do it because i've been investing in companies that help upscale people now for more than a decade.— that help upscale people now for more than a decade. there is an nbc oll more than a decade. there is an nbc all out more than a decade. there is an nbc poll out this — more than a decade. there is an nbc poll out this week _ more than a decade. there is an nbc poll out this week - in _ more than a decade. there is an nbc poll out this week - in a _ poll out this week — in a hypothetical head—to—head between donald trump and joe biden, 46% of the 18-34 donald trump and joe biden, 46% of the 18—34 —year—olds said they would vote trump, 44% biden. that's a huge change around from 2020, 60% of that group voted for biden in the exit poll. why has that support drifted away from the president? i poll. why has that support drifted away from the president?- poll. why has that support drifted away from the president? i spent a lot of time with _ away from the president? i spent a lot of time with young _ away from the president? i spent a lot of time with young people, i away from the president? i spent a lot of time with young people, and | lot of time with young people, and you sawjust lot of time with young people, and you saw just a lot of time with young people, and you sawjust a minute ago when my campaign launch video, young people don't feel like they are being heard on the issues they care most about. some of those issues are climate change, gun safety, actually making sure that they get to a qualityjob, that they have an economic future that's better than their parents. right now most young people believe their economic future is worse than what their parents had, and they believe that the current administration has been focused on different things than their future. they really want someone to step forward, and this is partly why stepped forward, who actually understands them, has been working with them have been working with them for more than 15 years, i was an entrepreneur in college before i started my first business. ijust understand young people, there might people. i still consider myself young, in fact! people. i still consider myself young. in fact!— people. i still consider myself young, in fact! compared to the president. _ young, in fact! compared to the president, you _ young, in fact! compared to the president, you are, _ young, in fact! compared to the president, you are, you're i young, in fact! compared to the president, you are, you're the l president, you are, you're the youngest in the field. but let me ask you this — i take everything you're saying, but i don't think i'm preempting the primaries to suggest he won't be the next president of the united states. why don't you take those thoughts and run for congress? 0r take those thoughts and run for congress? or is this a short way of doing that, a way to up your profile very quickly? h0. doing that, a way to up your profile very quickly?— very quickly? no, this is much more about making _ very quickly? no, this is much more about making sure _ very quickly? no, this is much more about making sure that _ very quickly? no, this is much more about making sure that the - very quickly? no, this is much more| about making sure that the selection is not a negative election, one that brings america down in ruins our reputation in the world like the last elections have. we really need to get back to civility, conversations with each other — the reason why i describe myself as the purple president is i've been able to bring people togetherfrom purple president is i've been able to bring people together from the left and the right, actually from all four corners of the political spectrum for my entire life. that's what you have to do as a business person and as somebody who is trying to move a movement forward. and although you say i won't be the next president — we need to let the voters decide. president - we need to let the voters decide.— president - we need to let the voters decide. absolutely, do you think you'd _ voters decide. absolutely, do you think you'd get — voters decide. absolutely, do you think you'd get a _ voters decide. absolutely, do you think you'd get a chance - voters decide. absolutely, do you think you'd get a chance to - think you'd get a chance to debate the president? mr; think you'd get a chance to debate the president?— think you'd get a chance to debate the president? my goal is to debate joe biden, absolutely. _ the president? my goal is to debate joe biden, absolutely. what - the president? my goal is to debate joe biden, absolutely. what would l joe biden, absolutely. what would ou need joe biden, absolutely. what would you need for— joe biden, absolutely. what would you need for that? _ joe biden, absolutely. what would you need for that? well _ joe biden, absolutely. what would you need for that? well right i joe biden, absolutely. what wouldj you need for that? well right now, in the united _ you need for that? well right now, in the united states, _ you need for that? well right now, in the united states, the _ you need for that? well right now, in the united states, the dnc hasl in the united states, the dnc has declared that there will be no presidential debates that are officially sponsored by the dnc. however, i'm an entrepreneur, a startup person. so behind—the—scenes we are working with a number of organisations to hopefully pull together our first debate in january, and a second debate in february — and of course, joe biden will be invited to those, but i've been a gorilla entrepreneur my whole life, and staging if debate is not hard. it doesn't need to be officially sanctioned, we can pull it together. d0 officially sanctioned, we can pull it together-— officially sanctioned, we can pull it touether. ., ., ., , ., it together. do me a favour, if you do ioecome — it together. do me a favour, if you do become the _ it together. do me a favour, if you do become the next president, i it together. do me a favour, if you| do become the next president, will you give me the first interview? 1 would give you the first interview, of course. . ., ,., . would give you the first interview, of course. i ., ,., ., , , ., of course. jason palmer, best of luck on the _ of course. jason palmer, best of luck on the campaign _ of course. jason palmer, best of luck on the campaign trail. i of course. jason palmer, best of| luck on the campaign trail. jason palmer, a democratic presidential candidate. stayed with us, we just had that press conference in jerusalem, prime minister netanyahu again reaffirming that the war will restart after the four—day pause. we are expecting a temporary truce to begin injust under 11 hours' time, and some of those first hostages coming out of the gaza strip. 0ur panel will be with us in the next hour, stay with us. hello there. there were a number of you that would have woken up to a stunning sunrise in england first thing this morning. we had a sheet of cloud overhead with just a few gaps at the right time to allow those sun rays through to illuminate that cloud sheet. and it really was spectacular. today has been dominated, though, by this warm front, bringing milder air, cloudy weather conditions, bit of drizzle here and there. some more persistent rain for the western side of scotland. but of course, that warm front�*s also been bringing much milder air with it. and you can see that in the kind of temperatures that we had across parts of northern england and scotland yesterday, compared with today. well, temperatures have been about seven degrees up. now heading through this evening and overnight, it is going to stay predominantly cloudy for northern ireland, england and wales. we'll continue to see an odd spit of drizzle here and there. no great amounts, but some heavy rain slides southwards across the hebrides and the highlands of scotland in particular. for most, though, it's a mild frost—free night, temperatures staying well up into double figures. but we are going to see a big change through thursday and friday as this cold front pushes its way southwards, introducing some much colder air. it's going to feel like winter has arrived. and that change takes place behind this cold front. this is what's bringing the rain to scotland. that moves southwards, reaching northern ireland and northern england through the afternoon. ahead of that you might see 1—2 cloud breaks, so you might see a slightly better chance of seeing some sunshine. but the best of the sunshine will be in the colder air that will be arriving in scotland through the course of the afternoon, where temperatures will continue to drop through the afternoon. it will feel a good deal colder, cold enough for some wintry showers across the northern isles and with some strong winds developing here on friday, we're talking about gusts reaching around 60—70 mph. that's going to make it feel really cold. wintry showers here. 1—2 showers pushing down the north sea coast to affect easternmost areas of england. probably one or two showers coming into parts of norfolk. but for most, it's a much colder day. 6—8 celsius — might be colder, but there will be lots more sunshine to go around. and it's a similar story, really, on saturday. still quite windy, but the winds losing some of their strength. so probably not gales any more for 0rkney and shetland. we'll still have a few wintry showers here running down into some of the north sea coastal areas. 0therwise plenty of sunshine but staying cold. temperatures around 6—8 celsius on saturday. hello, i'm christian fraser. you're watching the context on bbc news. our top story, the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, says his country will fight on to what he called absolute victory over hamas. he told the israeli people in a televised address that a four—day halt to the conflict which is due to start on thursday did not change the government's aims. he said the bombardment of the gaza strip would resume until hamas was destroyed. the first ceasefire in seven weeks of war in gaza is due to come into effect in the morning — at 10am local time. a senior hamas official said the pause in fighting would cover "all regions the of gaza strip", adding that there will be no warplanes or air traffic in gaza from ten until 4pm. an egyptian security source told reuters that hamas will begin freeing hostages a few hours later. under the agreement, hamas will release at least 50 of the more than 240 mostly israeli hostages they hold. we are told that on each of the four days, a list will be produced of a dozen hostages that will be returned. in return the israeli government has agreed a list of at least 150 palestinian prisoners that it will set free. it will also allow up to 300 trucks of humanitarian aid into gaza. and netanyahu also said the red cross would be visiting the remaining hostages. translation: the release of the i detainees and our prisoners from our prisons will not include murderers.

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