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welcome to all of our viewers watching in the united states and around the world. on cnn newsroom, time is running out for patients in gaza's hospitals. as life saving equipment is shut down, due to critical fuel shortages. as humanitarian crisis grows, israeli leaders doubling down on their goal to eliminate hamas. plus, presidents will meet on the sidelines of a major summit in san francisco this week. xi jingping will make his first visit to the united states in years. we begin in the middle east. the humanitarian situation in gaza is growing more dire. israeli forces say they went deeper into gaza city on sunday, reaching the outskirts of the refugee camp and conducting raids in multiple areas. it's arrested 20 alleged hamas members, including some accused of taking part in the october 7th attacks in israel. multiple hospitals in gaza closing, due to air strikes and lack of fuel. health officials and aid agencies say patients, staff and thousands of displaced civilians trapped inside gaza's biggest hospital, due to fighting nearby. israeli military said it put 300 liters of fuel at the entrance to the hospital complex on sunday. providing this video of the fuel being carried by soldiers. cnn cannot independently verify the contents of the video. the idf says hamas blocked the hospital from receiving the fuel. but the director of the hospital says the staff had been too scared to go out to get it. the fuel would have run the generators for about 30 minutes. we have more and some of this video is graphic. >> reporter: these are the sounds of the final gasps from gaza's collapsing health care system. medical staff, working under bombardment for nearly a month. now, this chorus of frantic voices, seen here working under torchlight, tells its own story. the hospital, the second-largest in gaza, has now collapsed. the hospital is no longer operational. these scenes are across the gaza strip. these hospitals are out of service. the palestinian health ministry says. and those remaining, now on a cliff edge. >> translator: there was a direct injury in the head. internal pleableeding. we can't do surgeries. no oxygen. no electricity. we workman yuli. we're using a manual resuscitator. it needs an urgent surgery. he is less than a year old. >> reporter: remarkably, this baby survived. but his father, in the same building, whez an israeli air strike hit, did not. at gaza's largest hospital, newborn babies had to be moved. and three babies in the neonatal unit died when incubators was damaged in the israeli strike. the idf regularly says it isis targeting hamas. doctors here say the hospital is now completely surrounded. >> the situation is difficult. there is no electricity. they cannot communicate. there's a lot of targeting around the hospital. >> under a barrage of air strikes, it is impossible for patients and staff to safely evacuate. doctors are overwhelmed. morgues now long beyond capacity. with communications frequently cut off, contact between medical teams on the groupnd and the outside world is growing increasingly difficult. thousands of displaced civilians are thought to be in the compound, taking shelter in what once was a sanctuary in the midst of this unending nightmare. >> we thought the hospital was a safe place. but it wasn't. if we stayed another five minutes, we would have been killed. they started to bomb us. we ran away. >> israeli military says it is enabling passage from three hospitals in northern gaza. with additional routes being opened to allow people to evacuate southwards. >> translator: this is another form of torture. we have six kilometers to go. she got a stroke. she can't speak and is paralyzed. >> reporter: the united nations has raised doubts over the so-called safe zones outlined by israel. warning nowhere is safe for civilians anymore. and for those too injured, too sick, evacuation is impossible. many doctors on the ground, vowing to stay by their patients no matter what. >> israel says it opened an evacuation corridor outside of the hospital on sunday. but the red cross says it can't confirm if anyone left through it. cnn says dana bash sent netanyahu about the situation. netanyahu said the hospital is being used as hamas command center and israel is willing to help civilians evacuate. >> we called to evacuate the patients from that hospital. 100 or so have been evacuated. i called for hospitals. i have asked the emrirates to send a field hospital. i expect the u.n. to build it. there's no reason why we can't take the patients out of there. instead of letting hamas use it for terrorism. we are treading carefully. we're not going to give immunity to the terrorists. eveven though hamas has tried t prevent civilians from leaving, hundreds of thousands have left, sometimes having to go through hamas gun point and gunfire that wants to keep them in harm's way. >> dana bash spoke to jake sullivan. he says that israel is trying to eliminate hamas, as the militants conceal themselves among the civilian population. >> what israel is facing is a terrorist enemy who hides among civi civilians, who uses civilians as human shields. it has an added burden of establishing between terrorists and innocent civilians. that doesn't lessen its responsibility to operate according to the rules of war. we have continued to make that point publicly and privately. we will continue to do so as we go forward. >> is israel operating according to the rules of war? >> i won't play judge or jury on that question. i will state the principle of the united states on this issue. israel has a right and a responsibility to defend itself against a terrorist group that in the last couple of weeks has come out and said it would like to repeat october 7th, until israel no longer exists. a hamas folk spokesman says the permanent state of war with israel. that's what israel is up against. as i said and president biden and secretary blinken have said, we're democracies. we have to abide by the rules of war. we have to protect civilians the. that means being targeted and careful. to avoid loss of civilian life. the white house says one of the hostages that hamas is holding, is a 3-year-old toddler. that news arose from a readout between president joe biden and the amir of qatar. mr. biden said he hopes for a future where israelis and palestinians can give lied-by-side. hundreds of the nationals crossed into egypt. most in a single day, since evacuations from gaza began. >> 826 foreign nationals were evacuated out of gaza into egypt, through the rafah border crossing. the border was closed since thursday. this is the largest number of nationals evacuated. we spoke to one patient that only had one wish. to be able to walk again as he did before. both his legs were amputated. it gives you a sense of the scale and the intensity of the injuries that gaza hospitals have to deal with. so many of the hospitals have been cut down. and the doctors described grim and catastrophic conditions. there were five cancer patients, children, that went into egypt. not because they were injured, but because they couldn't continue to get care in gaza. because of the continued bombardment. 129 injured palestinians have been evacuated into egypt. the egyptians are deploying resources at the border. ambulances to get people into hospitals. this number is a small fraction of over 26,000 injured palestinians right now in gaza. in terms of foreign nationals, the only way to get out of the gaza strip, is if your name is on a registered list. and one diplomatic source says it's a long and arduous process to get foreign nationals on this list. once it is approved, those names are sent to israel and israel has the final say. they are using a political metric to get people out of gaza. if any country has spoken ill, they are probably at the bottom of the list. israeli foreign mill industry says they have no objection to foreign nationals leaving gaza, as long as they are not linked to a visit group. this was an important deal. brokered by the qataris, that included hamas, israel and the united states, to get people out of gaza. we've seen foreign nationals eva evacuated. injured palestinians, as well. it's a delicate process. in gaza, one convoy of ambulances were destined for the crossing. we've seen delays. it's all about foreign nationals to get on that list to get a way back home. 180,000 people marched against anti-semitism across france. it was the largest protest march since the desecration of a jewish cemetery in france 130 years ago. 105,000 took to the streets. and police officers were on-hand to keep them safe. demonstrations have been flaring in france over the israel/hamas war. french president macron posted on social media, a france where our jewish citizens are afraid is not france. chinese president xi jingping is set to travel to the unite. a look at what's at stake for the two leaders, next on cnn. plus, the u.s. defendants secretary travels to seoul, where agreements have been signed by south korea and japan, on counterering nuclear missssi threatats from nororth korea.. the pentagon says the loss of five u.s. service members after their helicopter crashed in the mediterranean during a training flight was not related to the fighting in the middle east. lloyd austin paid tribute to the troops and their service as he visited a war memorial in south korea on sunday. officials are gathering information about the crash. mr. austin and top defense officials from japan and korea have agreed on a plan for real-time data sharing. the agreement came during annual security talks in seoul, that austin has been attending. they largely focus on ways the three countries can counter threats from north korea, including a strategy that which the united states will use its military and nuclear asets to de deter pyongyang and allies. they also updated the bilateral deterrence strategy. in more than six years, xi jingping will soon be back in the united states. he is expected to meet with joe biden on the side shlines of th apec summit. the first meeting since the g20 summit in bali. the two leaders are trying to stabilize things in the midst of glowing political conflicts. a much anticipated meeting and a carefully staged, managed, meeting. >> that's right. once again, expectations are low while challenges and obstacles are plenty. remember when the two men met in bali, it was when relations at a historic low, after nancy pelosi's visit to taiwan. things were looking up after that meeting. then, the chinese spy balloon popped up. greez freezing up until recently. it's a big deal for them to meet in san francisco. but the biggest deliverable may be resumption of communications. government including a senior level. and people-to-people exchanges. we've seen positive signs on that front, with resumption of more nonstop flights between the two sides. and more american academic and cultural delegations visiting china. whatever comes out of san francisco, can be only tactical stabilization according to many experts. how they view the strengths and the other's intentions have not changed. being viewed as america's most menacing strategic competitor. and xi jingping has said america is out to contain china's global rise to suppress the chinese interests. that's translated into policy measures in key economic sectors and tech. widening counterespionage campaigns that's affecting american and other businesses operations and confidence here. not to mention, growing encounters with the mill tars, with each side pointing to the other being the culprit. that's assuming the communications that were cut off after the pelosi visit. just because the meeting is taking place doesn't mean the tensions are going away. that may get him to soften his stance. he is expected to deliver a speech to business leaders, meeting old american friends from the time he was a local official. if he wants to win american hearts and minds, send another pair of pandas. >> they just went home. appreciate your reporting. joining me from taipei, bethany allen, reporter for axios and author of "beijing rules" how china weaponized its economy to confront the world. good to have you with us. the american and chinese presidents due to talk for the first time for a year. what will you be watching for? >> i will be watching to see if they do announce that there will be a resumption of military to military communications. this is something that both leaders are preparing to launch, if they are able to come to that consensus. this is the top issue between the u.s. and china. will these countries be embroiled in a military conflict? one of the best ways to prevent that is with stronger ties with the militaries. we saw that with the chinese balloon incident and the military not picking up a phone call from the u.s. there's been dangerous maneuvers over the south china see. between the chinese air force and the u.s. side. what analysts repeat over and over, is that the risks of an unintentional military conflict are the biggest things the two sides can resolve. i would look for climate cooperation. this is something that the u.s. has maintained they are interested in working with china on. climate enjoy john kerrey has continued to meet with his k counterpart. and they would work with the u.s. to prevent chinesemade fentanyl from coming into the u.s. this is something that the chinese side last year, after nancy pelosi's visit to taiwan, they cut off a working group on fen fentanyl. i would be looking at that. is this going to reset the u.s./china relationship? no. >> there's too many friction points that need to be resolved. >> that's right. and taiwan is the greatest and most fundamental difference. the chinese side under xi jingping has become more aggressive in cutting taiwan off from the rest of the world. i live in taipei. over the past year, since nancy pelosi visited, chinese people liberation army incursions are occurring almost every day. the u.s. side, is not going to give up its legal position of assurances in having a strong and robust unofficial relationship with taiwan. and helping taiwan defend itself. this is intractable. but it could get worse. a meeting like this is helped to prevent it from getting worse. >> and the upcoming elections in the united states, of course. it will be another really crucial year. want to ask you in closing, president biden's policy has been to focus on china, rally support for ukraine and pivot away from the middle east. the world is on the conflict in the northeast. there's accusations about u.s. global standards. does china stand to benefit? does it strengthen its position in the global south? >> i think that's a -- that's a nuanced answer. if we want to speak simply, yes. especially when it comes to advertise real/hamas come flikt. many peel a sense of solidarity with the people in gaza. to see the u.s. is supporting israel, despite the large tonnage of bombs that israel is dropping on the gaza strip, to global south audiences, it can feel like are ducks of imperialistic war. to be clear, hamas committed a massacre in israel. i don't think that's slur in china. the sense that beijing's leaders are presenting a source of power in the world, that can offer alternative to what the u.s. offers and has offered in the middle east. that's appealing. and to speak less broadly on the global south, among arab populations, that the chinese government has been targeting. certainly this, has great appeal to see that beijing is not taking hamas' side. but has refused to condemn hamas and has criticized israel and the u.s. for what beijing says is going beyond the measures that would have been appropriate in such a case. >> thank you so much for joining us. greatly appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. coming up, hospital patients in gaza struggling to survive the war. and so are their doctors and nurses according to our upcoming guest. we'll look at the catastrophic state of health care in the her toir. welcome back. you're watching cnn newsroom." the director of the hospital in gaza says the facility is in a dire state from lack of trkty. hospital staff have been trying to keep babies alive, after the oxygen supply ran out. the world health organization says the complex is not functioning as a hospital anymore. water and internet for three days. israel's military claims it offered 300 liters of fuel to the hospital. but claims that hamas blocked the hospital. the hospital's director says while israeli officials did offer fuel it was enough to run the generators about 30 minutes. and the staff was too scared to go get it. with gaza health facilities in dire straits, israel says hamas is using the patients inside as human heshields. a senior adviser says israel is not targeting hospitals. >> we are making a maximum effort to protect hospitals. that's why we allowed fuel to go to the hospital. we offered to evacuate all of the patients and those in need of evacuating in ambulances, we're ready to facilitate that, as well. hamas is not allowing that to happen. hamas is using the hospital system in gaza as part of its military machine. medical groups in the u.s. are scrambling to offer support to palestinian leacolleagues. one nonprofit says it has raised more than $2 million to purchase supplies, including anesthetics and antibiotics to gaza. getting the supplies to gaza is another difficult task. joining me is the president and co-founder of palestinian american medical association. thank you for joining us. deeply distressing scenes that the world is witnessing from hospitals across gaza. are you in touch with gaza's medical community? are you able to get through? what are they telling you right now? >> thank you for having me first. we have been in touch until a couple of days ago. we were disconnected. a lot of the physicians are struggling to survive right now, with the current situation. as you know, the health care system is gaza has collapsed, unfortunately. 35 hospitals, half of them shut down a while ago. the remaining are functioning. they are flooded with patients. the doctors are struggling to do their john jobs, with no tools o medications and under fire and rocket attacks. i can just imagine the horror and the patients have to endure during the difficult conditions. some doctors are finding kids and families going to the hospitals and killed while on duty. it is beyond imaginable. and not justification for what is happening right now. >> what is the goal right now? what are you trying to do? hospitals are a focal point in this war. can you deliver medical aid and reach out to the community there? >> at this time, nothing is happening. nothing can be done. the supplies to the gaza strip has been just dribbling. and they're barely, not making dents in the situation. earlier in the month, we were able to get supplies. and we were able to support the hospitals with basic needs and medical supplies from the local supplies in gaza. those depleted quickly. doctors are describing desperate situations in hospitals. what do you think it will take to get health facilities running again? >> i mean, we need an immediate humanitarian cease-fire. this cannot continue like this. we need multiple supplies. we need medications, food, fuel to the hospitals. it is beyond imaginable. it is still a catastrophe. one child is killed in gaza every ten minutes. there's no justification of that. the need is for the world to move to push for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire. and unconditional and quick, swift of all of the aid waiting on the borders, to at least make a small relief of the people suffering there. >> that's the most difficult part of it, isn't it? there's aid close by. but the problem is how to get it into the enclave. in conclusion, how have people responded to your efforts to, you know, provide relief to people in gaza and to your efforts to raise funds for the people in gaza? >> yes. we have been conducting, you know, fund-raiser here. and we are -- as we speak, we are working on multiple fronts. we are preparing medical teams. we have 1,500 physicians from the u.s., that are on standby to do care for the patients there. we are procuring a lot of medical supplies from egypt. we have containers ready to be shipped. the logistics is backed up on egypt's side, too. we were hoping for things to open. the human toll is worse. this is, you know, unbelievable what is happening right now. >> thank you so much for your time. >> thank you very much for having me. benjamin netanyahu said he is working around the clock to free the hostages that hamas is holding. he reiterated that israel would agree to a cease-fire is if all of the hostages are released. one is to destroy hamas and the other is to bring back hostages. we think the world should join us. let it demand visits to the hostages. say this is unacceptable. i would like to see the u.n. secretary-general, who laid the blame on israel, to lay the blame on the savages. israel is fighting according to international law. the israeli army is tryingng to maximize terrorist casualties. we need the international community not to give sucker support and legitimacy to evil that hamas represents. hamas is holding 200 hostages according to israeli authorities. the conflict with hezbollah is escalating at the border with lebanon. and it holds the lebanese government responsible for theh fighting.. ben wedeman has more. >> repeporter: in may of this year, hezbollah put on a show for the media. acting out a future operation. leaving no doubt who the foe would be. that was then. this is now. hezbollah posts daily videos of attacks along the israeli border. a low intensity war has been raging, as well as other fa factions operating in south lebanon. with israeli forces battling hamas in gaza, and the lebanese isisraeli borderer area, seeini exchanges. it's a multifront war. saturday, the hezbollah leader proclaimed that the struggle with israel has reached a turning point. regardless of what the zionist do, israel is a different israel. existentially, strategically, and in terms of security. the day he made the speech saw the heaviest cross-border exchanges yet. the weapons both sides are using, ever more deadly, reaching ever deeper into one another's territory. israeli defense minister warned what we're doing in gaza, we can do in beirut. it's a s slow burnrn for now. but it could, at anyny momoment explode e into sometething much bigger. ben wedeman, cnn. the u.s. conducted its third round of strikes within the last three weeks against iran-related targets in the middle east. the u.s. defense secretary says a safe house and a training facility were hit in eastern syria. the u.s. says iran's revolutionary guard corps and the proxies have been targeting american troops in syria and iraq. the new u.s. house speaker is facing a challenge as a government fenunding deadline looms. and lawmakers show little sign they are willing to work together. chris christie is the first republican presidential candidate to go to israel since the attacks of october 7th. he met with families, hostages and toured where he said he could smell the death still a month later. he insists that the u.s. must continue to give israel what it needs to defeat hamas. >> the most important thing is to provide financial assistance and military hardware to do what they need to do in gaza, regarding the terrorist that attacked them and killed 1,200 of civilians. christie kwarned it would open the door for the evil foursome. christie's republican rifle, tim scott is suspending his campaign for president. his announcement caught many of his aides and donors by surprise. while scott says he won't endorse another candidate right now. the senator from south carolina plans to serve his term in congress, until 2028. members of congress are working against the clock with a friday deadline to keep the government up and running. the speaker of the house is pushing a plan that could provide staggered funding into the new year. it remains to be seen if the republicans will approve it. >> reporter: mike johnson unveiling a plan to keep the government open, with a handful of days before the end of the week deadline. facing fire from the right flank, about the lack of spending cuts in the plan. democrats didn't want spending cuts. democrats are concerned it does not have aid to israel and ukraine. they are criticizing the app approach being taken by johnson. this approach johnson leaves can achieve the objectives. how many folks on the right will try to push him out because of the lock of spending cuts. recall that not too long ago, kevin mccarthy, lost his job because, he advanced a bill without spending cuts. i asked mccarthy, if he believes that johnson's job could be at risk by taking a similar approach? >> no. you get a honeymoon. and they can't go through it again. >> reporter: even if he goes and r realizes the democratic votes, it would be safe? >> i don't think anyone can make a motion to vacate for this term. >> and democrats are weighing how they will proceed. i'm told it's uncertain how many votes he will need from democrats. democratic leaders said they would be open to this. house democrats are remaining mum. as we head to another week of shutdown fears on capitol hill. we'll be right back. iceland is under a state of emergency due to the threat of volcanic eruptions. this is a region known for seismic activity. >> reporter: there's been a lot of seismic activity in the last 72 hours. most of that focused on the southwestern portions of iceland. all of these dots indicating an earthquake that has happened. the vast majority of this earthquake activity has been shallow. we're dogtalking ten kilometers best. that usually signifies magna under the ground. this particular area is one of the most seismically active areas on the planet. the link between the eurasian and the north atlantic tectonic plate. because of the flurry of activity, iceland did state an emergency. in anticipation that something may or may not happen in the coming hours and days. one thing that will be kept a close eye on, the concern becauses all of the particulates going up in the aeroand impacts on air travel. we have two systems on the atlantic. both of the systems as they continue to slide, they will keep most of the winds around iceland pushing down towards the west and southwest. if there was eruptions, it would keep the particulate away from europe. it depends if there is eruption. something we have to keep a close eye on in the coming days. that wraps up this latest edition of "cnn newsroom." is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? it is with comcast business. powering all your devices with gig-speed wifi. and you get fast downloads and uploads. pick it up! pick it up! 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Isis ,Way ,Ideas ,Many ,Projections ,Friends ,Kind ,Anti Semiticic ,Overerarching Feeling ,Matttter ,People ,Nobody ,Politics ,Opinions ,O Share ,Conversations ,Id Don T Thinknk ,Discourse ,Ththis ,Dififferen Frfrom Me ,World ,Jew ,It T Consume M Everydayay ,Notot ,Yoyou ,Violence ,Wall ,United States ,Viewers ,Around The World ,On Cnn Newsroom ,Inside Gaza ,Hospitals ,Patients ,Leaders ,Israeli ,Goal ,Life Saving Equipment ,Crisis ,Shut Down ,Due To Critical Fuel Shortages ,Hamas ,Side Under Xi Jingping ,Plus ,Presidents ,Sidelines ,Summit ,San Francisco ,Situation ,Visit ,Middle East ,Forces ,Areas ,Refugee Camp ,Raids ,Outskirts ,On Sunday ,Fuel ,Air Strikes ,Members ,Part ,Black ,October 7th Attacks ,Gaza Closing ,October 7th ,7 ,20 ,Field Hospital ,Civilians ,Israeli Military ,Staff ,Thousands ,Fighting ,Aid Agencies ,Health Officials ,300 ,Video ,Cnn ,Contents ,Entrance ,Soldiers ,Hospital Complex On Sunday ,Idf ,Cannot ,Director ,Reporter ,Health Care System ,Some ,Generators 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,Side Pointing ,Mill ,Encounters ,Culprit ,Stars ,Tensions ,Meeting Old American Friends ,Official ,Business Leaders ,Stance ,Speech ,Pandas ,Pair ,Hearts And Minds ,Reporting ,Taipei ,Bethany Allen ,China Weaponized ,Author ,Economy ,Beijing Rules ,Axios ,Military ,Military Communications ,Time ,Something ,Launch ,Consensus ,Military Conflict ,Ties ,Militaries ,Phone Call ,Balloon Incident ,Maneuvers ,South China ,Risks ,Analysts ,Air Force ,Has ,China On ,Climate Cooperation ,Climate Enjoy John Kerrey ,Counterpart ,Chinesemade Fentanyl ,Working Group ,This ,Fen Fentanyl ,Friction Points ,Difference ,Rest ,Incursions ,Liberation Army ,Position ,Relationship ,Assurances ,Elections ,Rally Support ,Policy ,Closing ,Course ,Conflict ,Northeast ,Pivot ,Accusations ,Ukraine ,Global Standards ,Global South ,Answer ,China Stand ,Yes ,Peel ,Solidarity ,Come Flikt ,Bombs ,Audiences ,Tonnage ,Imperialistic War ,Ducks ,Massacre ,Slur ,Offers ,Beijing ,Power ,Alternative ,Populations ,Arab ,Appeal ,What Beijing ,Case ,Hospital Patients ,Health Care ,Guest ,Nurses ,Toir ,Coming Up ,Cnn Newsroom ,Facility ,Trkty ,Internet ,Complex ,Water ,Oxygen Supply Ran Out ,World Health Organization ,Gaza Health Facilities ,Dire Straits ,Senior Adviser ,Human Heshields ,Effort ,Need ,Hospital System ,Support ,Groups ,Military Machine ,Nonprofit ,Scrambling ,Palestinian Leacolleagues ,Supplies ,Purchase Supplies ,Antibiotics ,Anesthetics ,2 Million ,A Million ,Task ,Co Founder ,Palestinian American Medical Association ,Community ,Couple ,Physicians ,Unfortunately ,Half ,Functioning ,35 ,Fire ,Tools O Medications ,Rocket Attacks ,John Jobs ,Horror ,Families ,Justification ,Finding ,Duty ,Kids ,Aid ,Focal Point ,Nothing ,Dents ,Needs ,Health Facilities ,Situations ,Cease Fire ,Medications ,Food ,Catastrophe ,Child ,Ten ,Relief ,Borders ,Swift ,Aid Waiting ,Isn T ,Efforts ,Problem ,Conclusion ,Enclave ,Funds ,Fund Raiser ,Standby ,Fronts ,1500 ,Containers ,Human Toll ,Logistics ,Clock ,Is Holding ,Back Hostages ,Secretary General ,Blame ,It Demand ,Tryingng ,Savages ,Law ,Terrorist Casualties ,Israeli Army ,Sucker Support ,Legitimacy ,Evil ,Hamas Represents ,Authorities ,Hezbollah ,Lebanon ,200 ,Media ,Operation ,Show ,May ,Ben Wedeman ,Theh Fighting ,Repeporter ,No Doubt ,Attacks ,Videos ,Foe ,Fa ,Operating ,South Lebanon ,Multifront War ,Isisraeli Borderer Area ,Seeini Exchanges ,Leader ,Struggle ,Turning Point ,Saturday ,Security ,Edo ,Speech Saw ,Existentially ,Territory ,Weapons ,Defense Minister ,Another ,Burnrn ,Beirut ,Anyny Momoment ,Strikes ,Targets ,Defense Secretary ,Iran ,Safe House ,Hit ,Proxies ,Eastern Syria ,Training Facility ,Iran S Revolutionary Guard Corps ,Iraq ,Challenge ,Lawmakers ,Sign ,Fenunding ,House Speaker ,Chris Christie ,Candidate ,Death ,Republican ,Thing ,Assistance ,Terrorist ,Hardware ,1200 ,Tim Scott ,Door ,Campaign ,Foursome ,Rifle ,Announcement ,Christie S ,Christie Kwarned ,Surprise ,Aides ,Donors ,Term ,Senator ,Plans ,Running ,South Carolina ,Congress ,2028 ,2028 Members ,House ,Speaker ,Mike Johnson ,Funding ,Spending Cuts ,Handful ,Flank ,Democrats ,Approach ,Leaves ,Objectives ,Folks ,App ,Job ,Kevin Mccarthy ,Bill ,Risk ,Votes ,Honeymoon ,Dr ,Motion ,Shutdown Fears ,Mum ,Capitol Hill ,Iceland ,Region ,Volcanic Eruptions ,Threat ,Seismic Activity ,State Of Emergency ,Activity ,Earthquake ,Majority ,Portions ,Dots ,72 ,Area ,Earthquake Activity ,Shallow ,Planet ,Link ,Flurry ,North Atlantic ,Eurasian ,Tectonic Plate ,Anticipation ,Emergency ,Systems ,Eye ,Particulates ,Concern ,Aeroand Impacts On Air Travel ,Both ,Slide ,Winds ,West ,Atlantic ,Eruption ,Particulate ,Eruptions ,Europe ,Eedition ,Speed ,Business ,Network ,Downloads ,Comcast Business ,Devices ,Uploads ,Wifi ,Card ,The Next Generation ,10g Network ,00 ,800 ,59 99 ,10 ,9 99 ,12 ,Internet Bundle ,Powering Possibilities ,Four ,Hello ,

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