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a long track tornado cutting through neighborhoods just north of nashville. southern kentucky not spared either. more than 28 reported tornadoes spotted across the south. major cities in the northeast are now bracing for as much as six inches of rain and powerful wind gusts. that threat is expected to last through the night and into the monday morning commute. our team is on the ground in tennessee. and the latest on where that sprawling system is heading next. overseas in the war between israel and hamas, the new warning from qatar that the opportunity for a truce is narrowing as the idf intensifies its campaign, saying it struck 250 targets just in the past few days. the world health organization sounding the alarm with the health system on the verge of collapse. large crowds gathering desperate for food. our team is on the ground where families are fighting to stay warm and stay alive. james longman reports from israel. the woman challenging donald trump for the republican nomination, my one-on-one with former u.n. ambassador nikki haley. what she thinks should happen in gaza and why she says trump should not be president. on the campaign trail, a former president doubles down, repeating his controversial remarks on what he would do on day one of a second term and what president biden had to say at a closed door fund-raiser. mounting pressure on campus one day after the resignation of university of pennsylvania president and head of the board of trustees. why other ivy league presidents are under intense scrutiny with their jobs on the line. police in texas arrest the suspect in the murder of a high school cheerleader as her mother begs for justice. what we're learning tonight. months after his heart stopped in practice, bronny james is back in uniform and back on the court. his proud dad front and center. and america strong tonight, with hot chocolate and warm wishes, the sisters from chicago, their special holiday tradition spreading the joy of the season for a great cause. >> announcer: from abc news world headquarters in new york, this is "world news tonight." >> linsey: good evening, everyone. thanks so much for joining us on this sunday. i'm linsey davis. as we come on the air tonight, more than 50 million people in the northeast are under a flood watch from virginia to maine. but we begin with that deadly tornado outbreak in the south. at least six people are dead in central tennessee. including a 2-year-old little boy. this fireball erupting as the twister battered madison, a state of emergency declared across all of tennessee. crews are searching for homes for those trapped and injured. the trail of destruction is visible for miles. homes and businesses destroyed, reduced to rubble within seconds. these devastated communities are now struggling to piece their lives together, facing a grim holiday season. one of the tornadoes knocking out power to tens of thousands and in some areas those outages could last for days. the same storm system spawning at least 28 tornado reports in just two days. abc's melissa adan leads us off tonight from tennessee. >> reporter: tonight, deadly tornadoes and severe storms leaving a trail of destruction across the southern u.s. at least six killed including a 2-year-old boy and dozens more injured. after an outbreak of over 25 reported tornadoes across the region. this tornado blowing through northern nashville, damaging electrical equipment, igniting a massive explosion. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: officials say three people in that same neighborhood were killed, including that 2-year-old and his mother, after the winds blew one of these mobile homes onto the other, leaving nothing but mangled wreckage. the tornado's path coming through this street, taking down power lines, leaving debris everywhere. attendees of a nearby church banquet racing to take shelter inside. the church now severely damaged. the pastor there says none of the roughly 40 people inside were hurt. >> got to say good morning to our loved ones again. we all walked out alive. >> reporter: authorities today warning damage from the storm still poses a threat. >> there's still a significant risk of debris and unstable structure areas. it is critical that you exercise extreme caution when you navigate through affected areas. >> reporter: tonight, more than 50 million americans under flood threat with the deadly system sweeping east, bringing torrential rains and damaging winds from northern florida to new england. here in tennessee, a state of emergency remains, linsey, and tonight, we're also learning that there were hundreds of buildings destroyed. the vast majority of them homes or apartments. linsey. >> heartbreaking any time, but especially in the midst of the holidays. melissa, thank you. >> linsey: millions in the northeast are bracing for potential flooding and a dangerous commute on monday morning. let's go straight to meteorologist lee goldberg lee, what can we expect tonight? >> reporter: linsey, this is a full spectrum storm. everything from severe weather to snow. the hudson behind me calm now, will be probably white caps in just a few hours as we get into the brunt of the storm. on radar, rain up and down the coast with severe weather in the carolinas early. now we're focused on the northeast. look at the flood alerts from baltimore to bangor, maine. high wind alerts along the coast, and inland, we could get up to a foot of snow in upstate new york and northern new england. the timing. new york city, get ready at 10:00, very heavy rain and gusty winds. over the overnight, a fire hose is going to set up from long island, connecticut, rhode island, and central mass. half a foot of rain. and boston, this is your morning commute. very heavy rainfall and gusty winds. could gust to 60. cape cod up to the maine coast, and look at the inland snow, and finally, it begins to pull out. allow for a lot of delay in the morning hours. have your mobile alerts on overnight and pack your patience in the morning. a quiet stretch will follow. linsey. a real mixed bag there, lee. thank you. >> linsey: now to the israel/hamas war. qatar is warning the window for a cease-fire is narrowing and the world health organization cautions gaza's health care system is collapsing. displaced people desperate for food, water, and sanitation. diseases are said to be running rampant. abc's james longman reports from israel. >> reporter: ongoing bombardment in gaza is narrowing the window for a truce. that's qatar's warning tonight as they urge the u.s. to play a broader role in pressuring israel and agreeing to a cease-fire. it was the qatar brokered truce that secured the release of 110 hostages. 137 remain. over the weekend, israel says it struck more than 250 targets in gaza, forces deepening the ground fight in khan younis, claiming to have found ak-47s and grenades ready for combat. this is a war being fought in and around people's homes. abc news producer is there. >> you're hearing in the background the exchanging of fire. the ground invasion continues for the five days, and there is heavy machine gun used. >> reporter: thousands of civilians caught in the cross fire. more than 18,000 now dead, according to the hamas run health ministry, and the humanitarian crisis worsening. crowds forming at food distribution sites. the world health organization warning that gaza's health system is collapsing. >> the impact of the conflict on health is catastrophic. >> reporter: overcrowding in the shelters could lead to the spread of disease. the idf says they're doing what they can to protect civilians but new videos drawing criticism. we have seen videos out of gaza showing idf soldiers in gift shops smashing toys and other video i saw of two idf soldiers burning material that was going to be handed out, humanitarian goods, water. what goes through your mind when you see videos like that? >> they're unacceptable. they're fringe events that need to be dealt with. and we are dealing with them, with disciplinary measures. >> reporter: tonight, abc news has been given special access to the idf base, where victims of the sexual violence during the october 7th attacks were identified. we're more than 60 days since these attacks and yet there are teams here still going through identification processes. i mean, that speaks to the level of violence. >> 100%. it's very difficult to identify bodies that have been obliterated. they came to us with eyes open, with their mouths in grimaces. with their hands clenched. these women died in agony. i know that and our teams, we saw that. >> just horrific details there. james longman joins us now. james, the war has of course raised tensions across the region, and israel now claiming after it defeats hamas, it may turn to a wider fight against hezbollah? >> reporter: yeah, linsey. just today, israel carried out a series of strikes in southern lebanon, and israel's national security adviser has said if hezbollah remains a threat, they could turn their attention more fully onto lebanon once the war in gaza is over. linsey. >> all right, james, thank you. >> linsey: back here at home, one-on-one with republican presidential candidate nikki haley who is surging in the polls, and now a frequent target of her gop rivals. i got a chance to sit down with the former u.s. ambassador on the campaign trail in iowa, where we discussed several issues including the war between israel and hamas and former president donald trump. >> as you know, the u.s. recently vetoed a u.n. security council vote calling for a cease-fire. groups like doctors without borders have said that that was a vote against humanity. i know that you have said no pause, no cease-fire, to date we're talking about 17,000 palestinians who have died, 7,000 of them children. my question to you is how does this end and at what cost? >> look, we care about the people in gaza. especially the civilians. we know hamas is there. we want to get as many people out safe. we have our hostages there, but the reality is the best way to help the people in gaza is to eliminate hamas. that's who's been controlling their situation for so long. that's who uses them as human shields. and so what we know is any time they have given a cease-fire to hamas, people die. they kill israeli soldiers. they kidnap israeli soldiers. we see what happens. american and israel value human life. that's what makes us a civilized country. hamas does not value human life. >> ambassador, certainly a big surge in the polls lately. want to start where the last debate left off, where one question went unanswered as far as is donald trump fit to be president. chris christie said he's unfit. i want to put that directly to you in a yes or no. >> it's not about fitness. i think he's fit to be president. it's should he be president. i don't think he should be president. i thought he was the right president at the right time. i agreed with a lot of his policies. the problem is, you see our country is in disarray, our world is on fire. and you can't defeat democrat chaos with republican chaos. and donald trump brings us chaos. >> we'll have more on this wide-ranging interview tomorrow night at 7:00 on abc news live prime. >> linsey: more now on the race for the white house. former president donald trump doubling down and defending comments he would be a dictator but only on day one if re-elected. maryalice parks has more from washington. >> reporter: tonight, donald trump indicted for illegally trying to stay in power after the 2020 election, joking again about saying he wanted to be a dictator for a day. >> and you know why i wanted to be a dictator? because i want a wall, right? i want a wall. and i want to drill, drill, drill. >> reporter: trump campaigning at a new york fund-raiser saturday night sing he hopes to exact revenge on democrats he thinks wronged him. >> i only can say to joe, be very careful what you wish for, because what you have done is a terrible thing. >> reporter: president biden this weekend campaigning behind closed doors in los angeles, telling donors, quote, the greatest threat trump poses is to the democracy. biden's son this week facing new tax charges that could end up being a headache for his father's campaign if court dates coincide with the election. hunter biden's attorney saying it's all overblown, and he paid his taxes back. according to a new "wall street journal" poll, trump leads biden 47/43 in a hypothetical matchup. and late today, trump abruptly cancelled his plans to testify in his own defense in that civil fraud trial about his business assets. he said on social media he has nothing more to say. he said he stands behind the expert witnesses his team has brought, and he said once again he thinks the case against him is biased. >> all right, maryalice, thank you. now to college presidents under fire after testifying before congress, accused of dodging questions about anti-semitism. the university of pennsylvania president resigned saturday. let's bring in reena roy. how much pressure are other university presidents facing to follow her example and step down? >> reporter: linsey, absolutely, the presidents of m.i.t. and harvard also facing growing pressure to step down after their testimonies. today, officials at harvard gathering for a regularly scheduled meeting, just days after that fiery hearing on capitol hill. it's unclear what exactly happened at that meeting, but harvard president claudine gay has apologized for what she said. she's accused of failing to condemn anti-semitism on campus in her testimony. there has been no public statement from the harvard corporation. that's quite different from what we have seen at m.i.t. the president there seeing a show of support from colleagues, even as more than 70 members of congress have called on all three presidents to be fired. linsey. >> all right, thank you. >> linsey: now to the arrest of a man suspected of capital murder in a shocking death of a high school cheerleader in texas. on tuesday, the mother of the 16-year-old lizbeth medina discovered her body in the bathtub of their home. here's abc's jaclyn lee. >> reporter: tonight, the man police believed killed 16-year-old cheer leader lizbeth medina inside her home in texas is on in custody on suspicion of capital murder. police arresting 23-year-old rafael govea romero who they say is undocumented, saturday night about 100 miles west of houston. hours earlier, police releasing surveillance photos of a man wearing a black sweatshirt seen driving a silver ford taurus. >> she was my motivation to keep pushing. >> reporter: the community uniting with candles and balloons to honor lizbeth at a vigil. >> 16-year-old female not conscious. >> reporter: her mother discovering her daughter in a bathtub just before 7:00 tuesday night, after the high schooler did not show up to a christmas parade with her cheer squad. >> my daughter was found in a way that no mother should ever find their child. >> reporter: linsey, police have not clarified if medina and romero knew each other prior or if this was a random incident. linsey. >> so tragic. jacyln, thank you. turning now to a major sports headline. bronny james back on the court after a terrifying health scare. the son of nba legend lebron james making his college game debut five months after suffering a cardiac arrest during a workout. here's abc's morgan norwood. >> reporter: tonight, before a sold-out crowd, all eyes on number 6, bronny james. the eldest son of nba superstar lebron james making his highly anticipated college basketball debut. just five months after a sudden cardiac arrest. >> you see the athleticism of bronny james. kind of like his dad. >> reporter: lebron james arriving at usc's arena. there to witness it all, as promised. in july, bronny james suffered a stunning cardiac arrest that in the moment raised concern about the future of his promising basketball career. doctors later finding a congenital heart defect. the 19-year-old undergoing surgery in october. bronny james could only play a limited number of minutes in the game, but playing at all just five months after his heart stopped, experts say, points to a remarkable recovery. linsey, tickets for usc's matchup against long beach sold out nearly two days before tonight's game, and on the reseller marketplace, going for as much as $17,000. i mean, at 19 years old, bronny james selling out arenas just like dad. linsey. >> just incredible. like father like son, morgan, thank you. >> linsey: there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this sunday. president zelenskyy prepares for an in-person appeal for aid from washington. and a massive fire threatening entire neighborhoods. what we're learning. when you have chronic kidney disease... ...there are places you'd like to be. like here. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure 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james and the lakers bring home another trophy, and what lebron had to say after the big win. 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Hostages , Safe , Situation , Israel Value Human Life , Human Shields , People Die , Fit , Human Life , Surge , Debate , Civilized Country , Chris Christie , Yes , Fitness , World , Country , Chaos , Problem , Policies , Disarray , Democrat , Dictator , Comments , White House , Interview , Race , Election , Washington , Maryalice Parks , 2020 , Drill , Saturday Night , Revenge , Thing , Behind Closed Doors , Democracy , Quote , Donors , Poses , Joe , Los Angeles , Morgan , Father , Attorney , Headache , Overblown , Tax , Taxes , Wall Street Journal , Trial , Matchup , Social Media , Poll , Plans , Defense , Fraud , Business Assets , 47 43 , Right , College Presidents , Witnesses , Case , Maryalice , Congress , University Presidents , Questions , Dodging , Example , Reena Roy , Meeting , Hearing , Testimonies , Harvard , Mit , Capitol Hill , Harvard Gathering , Claudine Gay , Statement , Testimony , Harvard Corporation , Oman , Capital Murder , Colleagues , Arrest , Show , Support , Members , Death , 70 , Bathtub , Lizbeth Medina , Body , Abc S Jaclyn Lee , On Tuesday , 16 , Suspicion , Custody , Houston , Govea Romero , 23 , Community , Sweatshirt , Lizbeth , Candles , Photos , Motivation , Balloons , Ford Taurus , Daughter , Schooler , Cheer Squad , Parade , Child , Linsey , Incident , Jacyln , Medina , Sports , Lebron James , Nba , Cardiac Arrest , College Game Debut , Workout , Health Scare , Legend , Morgan Norwood , Kind , Number , Son , Athleticism , College Basketball Debut , Eldest , 6 , Doctors , Arena , Basketball Career , Concern , Usc , Game , Heart Defect , Points , Surgery , Recovery , Experts , 19 , Tickets , Reseller Marketplace , Long Beach , Zelenskyy , Aid , Appeal , Sunday , Chronic Kidney Disease , Places , Brain Infection , Ga Farxiga , Side Effects , Ketoacidosis , Kidney Failure , Dialysis , Infection , Skin , Doctor , Reaction , Blood Sugar , Dehydration , Symptoms , Yeast Infections , Urinary Tract , Perineum , Stop Taking Farxiga , Medication , Astrazeneca , Heartburn , Heartburn Relief , Antacid , Zero Heartburn , Prilosec Otc , Zero , 24 , Things , Fries , Workplace , Burger , Soup , Salad , Retirement Savings , Benefits , Choices , Voya , Bicycle , Decisions , Well Invested , Visit , Assistance , Aid Package , Ukraine , Russia , House , Leaders , Chile , Terrifying Images Show Fast Moving Brushfires Carving A Path Of Destruction , Senate , Back , Red Alert , Firefighters , Blazes , L A Lakers , Trucks , Forest Service , 150 , 30 , Win , Trophy , Diabetes , Type 2 Diabetes , Lebron , Isn , Vo , Stop Mounjaro , A1c , You , 4 , 3 , Family , It , Don T , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , 1 , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Stomach Pain , Gallbladder Problems , Taking Mounjaro , Lump , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Vision Changes , Diabetic Retinopathy , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Plan , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Relief , Gels , Strength , Medicine Fast , Laser , Pain Relief , Pain Hits Fast , Tylenol Rapid , Get Max , Drilled Holes , T Mobile , Camera , Action , Precise , Action Star , Iphone 15 , Zoe , Four , 15 , Skiing , Lines , Stuntwoman , Pics , Slopes , Bucks , 5 Bucks , Sotyktu , Plaque Psoriasis , Feeling , Pill , Psoriasis Treatment , Jacket , Marshmallow , Finding Psoriasis , Thighs , Splendor , Infections , Changes , Reactions , Muscle Problems , Ability , Cancers , Tb , Labs , Lymphoma , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Jak Family , Risks , Liver , Find , Part , Vaccine , Triglycerides , Hiding , Dermatologist , Jak Inhibitors , Police Officers , Investigation , Index , Shootout , Philadelphia , Officers , It S A Miracle , City , Rounds , Hospital , Shot , Veteran , Duty , Police Chief , Records , Dover , Champions , Tournament , Indiana Pacers , Weren T , Garage , Crohn S Disease , Something , First , Moderate , Prescribed Entyvio , Biologic , Crohn S , Infusion , Clinical Trials , Ulcerative Colitis , Remission , Uc , Treatment , Sores , Pml , Liver Problems , Healthcare Provider , Dude , Sneeze , Flu , Gels Cold , Powermax , Dripping , Style , Alka Seltzer Plus , Plop , Fizz Winter Warriors , Platform , Change , Advil , Site , Gold , Shopify , Peace Of Mind , Spain , Worlddddd , Top , Inflammation , Source , Lea , Steve , Advil Liqui , Prescription , Prevagen , Vision , Memory , Alaska , North Pole , Sense , Hearing Aids , Stores , Prevage , Ma , Sore Throat Pain , Times , Vapors , Throat , Sore Throat , Milk , Menthol , Vicks Vapocool , Lactaid , Vicks , Phone , Lactose , Cold One , Friend , My Old Friend , Delicious Too , Kevin , Gifts , Toilet Paper , Deals , Toy , Nip , Cat , Excitement , Chewy , Holiday Joy , Mission , Tradition , The Spirit Of Christmas , Mara Come Kyla Winfrey , Selling Hot Cocoa , 20 , Neighbors , Homewood , Money , Toys For Tots , Marine Corps , Illinois , Family Effort , The Stand , 0 , 1000 , 11000 , 50 , Worker Bee , Stirring , Pots , Recipe , Mom , Vanilla , Dad Dave , The End , Donations , Distribution , Need , Kayla Go Shopping , Orange , Night , Point , Watching , Tummy , Gma , Kids , Disneyland Resort , 9 , Theme Park , Ticket Offer , Busts , Booms , Earthquakes , Unrest , San Francisco , Image , Innovation , Icons , Turning Point , Doom Loop ,

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