Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Faulkner Focus 20220921

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0 we'll stay in touch with you. good information to have. >> bill: the u.n. will be on the plate for harris when she takes over in a moment here. this is the leader and joe biden follows him. >> dana: he will be here and harris faulkner is next. "the faulkner focus" is next. >> harris: we begin with breaking news this hour. president biden is expected to speak at the general assembly of the united nations at any moment. he is next on the list there and they have been ticking along pretty expeditiously. we'll go to it live the moment that happens. we can tell you that we expect him to say something about russia because of what has just happened. we can't imagine that he won't address the nuclear threat from russian dictator vladimir putin today. putin mobileizing 300,000 additional troops. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus". the president will speak to the u.n.'s general assembly for the first time he has addressed that world body since putin's unprovoked invasion of ukraine. his address will come just hours after putin cranked up his war efforts, as i've just explained. putin has ordered a partial mobilization of reservists in russia effective immediately. the call-up after a string of humiliating setbacks at the hands of ukraine forces and he doesn't stop there. watch. >> those who try to blackmail us with nuclear weapons should know the prevailing winds can also blow in their direction. if the territorial integrity of our country is threatened we'll use all means to protect russia and our people. this is not a bluff. >> harris: nikki haley and former u.s. ambassador to the united nations is in "focus" with me. first peter doocy is at the u.n. peter. >> harris, we just watched as the presidential motorcade rolled past us on first avenue into the united nations. the president was in the back seat with an advisor going over the remarks. a lot of papers in hand. and we know that before the president got here, he is dealing with a lot of foreign policies problems with russia, iran and everything happening at the southern border. the way those problems might negatively impact the u.s. is not going to be his focus here. >> we believe that the president heads to new york with the wind at his back. >> so it's all good and president biden is hoping to keep threading a needle and talk about all the money and help the u.s. is giving ukraine without making it sound like the u.s. is fighting russia and putin head on. >> are we effectively at war with russia? >> no we are not. not at all. russia is at war inside ukraine. despite the rhetoric we heard from putin last night trying to make it about the west versus russia or united states versus russia or nato versus russia, nothing could be further from the truth. >> this week with the united nations gathered together in new york don't expect to hear president biden for russia to be removed from the u.n. security council. we're told it won't be in his script. >> harris: those are good notes to get started with the ambassador now. thank you, peter, very much. ambassador nikki haley former u.s. ambassador to the united nations and former south carolina governor, good to see you today. the president has a lot on his plate. i feel like every time you and i get together maybe somebody has ratcheted something up or stepped in something. where are we with the situation in russia? >> putin is getting desperate. he lost the confidence of his people and military. he literally had a dozen or so generals killed. you know it's desperate when he is relying on iran for drones and north korea for missiles. he has hit rock bottom. what that means is biden doesn't need to get more weak need. we need to make sure ukraine finishes this. the inroads shows they make progress, putin feels it and this is what he does. he wants to scare everybody to back off because he doesn't want ukraine to finish the deal. >> harris: so much respect for what you just said. the kind of leadership that requires intestinal fortitude is what needs to be applied now. you lean in when they are backing out. >> that's exactly right. what putin is hoping is that the u.s. will act the way the u.s. acted with afghanistan. they will do when putin tried to hack the -- we need to make sure ukraine has the ammunition. what biden needs to be doing at the united nations rallying with all the nato countries and rallying with our allies and saying what equipment are you sending ukraine, what else are you doing for ukraine? make sure we do that. today and this week he needs to rally the nato countries. >> harris: so when you hear that people are boarding planes. the flights are almost out to leave russia. russian citizens trying to get out of that country. what does it mean when a dictator calls up 300,000 reservists? >> you're in pretty bad shape. the idea he raised the draft age to 65. think about that. >> harris: that's everybody >> it's an amazing point. when you look at the inroads ukraine made. a lot of the military just bolted. they don't feel like they are winning this and feel like they have anything to stand on and see they get faulty rockets and drones. what we need to be doing is making sure that we and the nato allies are selling anti-drone equipment right now. that's the one thing that russia is getting inroads on. they do have the drones, they are causing damage. if we sent anti-drone equipment we could go ahead and help them finish this. >> harris: let's go to china. they're part of this, too. chinese president xi had a pretty lengthy from what we could see from the video discussion with putin just days ago. what do you make of it? >> i think we need to take it very seriously that he called russia their ultimate partner. he chooses his words carefully. ultimate partner means he is going to join with russia. their junior partners iran. china sees russia as being very sloppy right now. they think they are much better than russia. if you see they're starting to distance a little bit but don't let that fool you. they see russia as an ultimate partner and the west as the great sinners. they want to destroy the west and they'll use whatever means they can to do it. >> harris: their economy would fall if they didn't have us buying their stuff. >> our economy would be a mess if we didn't have them. there in lies the problem. we can't be that intertwied with china. >> harris: for the fourth time in a year president biden made comments that appear to shift the united states policy on taiwan. let's watch. >> president biden: yes, in if there was an unprecedented attack. the idea they can be taken by force, just taken by force is just not appropriate. >> china sent a hypersonic missile what will you do to keep up with them militarily and can you vow to protect taiwan? >> president biden: yes and yes. >> you are saying the united states would come to taiwan's defense if they were attacked? >> president biden: we have a commitment to do that. >> harris: so much back and forth on this and cleanup on aisle 7 from the white house. he shifted to defend taiwan. >> the thing about this is yes, we're used this as americans. it is embarrassing. i worry what our enemies think. when they see him say something like that what does it tell other countries. he doesn't need to talk about how he would handle anything. quit talking about it the idea is china should no don't mess with us or our friends and believe that. during the trump administration you didn't see china doing anything or russia doing anything because we didn't have to tell what our plans with. we just said you mess with us, we mess with you so stay away. that's what biden needs to do. he keeps changing policy clearly he is acting like he wants to go to war but every word he says matters and it affects our allies and enemies and he has to stop and i don't know how many times they can walk this back. >> harris: we expect the president within a minute or so and we'll just watch for this very moment. what should be the first thing that we hear? does he go to russia first? >> i think he should talk with strength and i think he should talk about what we'll do in terms of terrorism, iran, russia, china, all of that. >> harris: the president of the united states at the general assembly at the united nations. let's watch. >> president biden: the world has experienced great upheave all. a growing crisis in food insecurity, record heat, floods, droughts, covid-19, inflation, and a brutal, needless war. a war chosen by one man, to be very blunt. let us speak plainly. a permanent member of the united states security council invaded its neighbor, attempted to erase the sovereign state from the map. russia has shamelessly violated the core ten either of the united nations charter. no more important than the clear prohibition against countries taking the territory of their neighbor by force. again, just today president putin has made overt nuclear threats against europe and a reckless disregard for the responsibilities of a non-proliferation regime. now russia is calling up more soldiers to join the fight and the kremlin is organizing a sham referenda to try to annex parts of ukraine an extremely significant violation of the u.n. charter. the world should see these outrageous acts for what they are. putin claims he had to act because russia was threatened. but no one threatened russia. and no one other than russia sought conflict. in fact, we warned it was coming and with many of you we worked to try to avert it. putin's own words make his true purpose unmistakable, just before he invaded, putin asserted and i quote, ukraine was created by russia and never had, quote, real statehood. and now we see attacks on schools, railway stations, hospitals, war on centers of ukrainian history and culture. in the past even more horrifying evidence of russia's atrocity and war crime. mass graves uncovered, bodies, according to those who -- this war is about ukraine's right to exist as a state plain and simple and their right to exist as a people. wherever you are, wherever you live, whatever you believe, that should not -- that should make your blood run cold. that's why 141 nations in the general assembly came together to condemn russia's war against ukraine. the united states has helped with humanitarian aid and direct economic support for ukraine. more than $25 billion to date. our allies and partners around the world have stepped up as well and today more than 40 countries represented in here have contributed billions of their own money and equipment to help ukraine defend itself. the united states has also working closely with our allies and partners to impose costs on russia to deter attacks against nato territory. to hold russia accountable for atrocities and war crimes. if nations can per sue their ambitions without consequences we put as risk what this united nations stand for. this past year the world was tested as well and we did not hesitate. we chose liberty, we chose sovereignty, we chose principles to which every party to the united nations charter is beholding. we stood with ukraine. like you, the united states wants this war to end on just terms, on terms we all signed up for. that you cannot seize a nation's territory by force. the only country standing in the way of that is russia. so we, each of us in this body who determined to uphold the principles and beliefs, we pledge to defend as members of the united nations must be clear, firm, and unwavering in our resolve. ukraine has the same rights that belong to every sovereign nation. we will stand in solidarity with ukraine. we will stand in solidarity against russia's aggression, period. now it's no secret that in the contest between democracy and autocracy the united states and i as president champion a vision for our world as grounded in the values of democracy. the united states is determined to defend and strengthen democracy at home and around the world because i believe democracy remains humanity's greatest instrument to address the challenges of our time. we're working with the g-7 and like minded countries to prove democracies can deliver for their citizens and the rest of the world as well. as we meet today, the u.n. charter is very basis of a stable and just rule-based order is under attack by those who wish to tear it down or distort it for their own political advantage. and the united nations charter was not only signed by democracies of the world, it was negotiated among citizens, dozens of nations with vastly different histories and ideologies. united in their commitment to work for peace. as president truman said in 1945, the u.n. charter and i quote is prove that nations like men can state their differences, can face them and then can find common ground on which to stand, end of quote. that common ground was so straight forward, so basic that today 193 of you, member states, have willingly embraced this principle. and standing up for those principles for the u.n. charter is the job of every responsible member state. i reject the use of violence and war to conquer nations or expand borders through bloodshed. to stand against global politics of fear and coercion. to defend the sovereign rights of smaller nations as equal to those of larger ones. to embrace basic principles like freedom of navigation, respect for international law, and arms control. no matter what else we may disagree on, that is the common ground upon which we must stand. if you are still committed to a strong foundation for the good of every nation around the world, then the united states wants to work with you. i also believe the time has come for this institution to become more inclusive so it can better respond to the needs of today's world. members of the u.n. security council, including the united states, should consistently uphold and defend the u.n. charter and refrain -- refrain from the use of a veto except in rare extraordinary situations. to insure the council remains credible and effective. that is also why the united states supports increasing the number of both permanent and non-permanent representatives of the council. this includes permanent seats for those nations we have long supported and a permanent seat for countries in africa, latin america and the caribbean. the united states is committed to this vital work. in every region we pursued new, constructive ways to work with partners to advance shared interests. from elevating the quad in the indough pacific to signing the los angeles immigration and protection at the summit of the americans. adjoining nine arab leaders to work toward a more peaceful integrated middle east and hosting the u.s. africa leaders summit this december. as i said last year, the united states is opening an era of relentless diplomacy to address the challenges that matter most to people's lives, all people's lives. tackling climate crisis as the previous speaker spoke to. strengthening global health security. feeding the world. feeding the world. we made that priority and one year later we're keeping that promise. from the day i came to office, we've led with bold climate agenda and rejoined the paris agreement, convened a major climate summit. helped deliver critical agreements on the cop 26. we helped get 2/3 of the world gdp on track to limit warming to 1.5 degrees cell use i've signed legislation in the united states that includes the biggest climate commitment we've ever made in the history of our country, 369 billion dollars toward climate change. that includes tens of billions in new investment in offshore wind and solar. doubling down on zero emission vehicles. increasing energy efficiency. supporting clean manufacturing. our department of energy estimates that this new law will reduce u.s. emissions by 1 gig ton a year. our investments will help develop energy policies worldwide, not just in the united states. this is a global game changer and none too soon. we don't have much time. we all know we're already living in a climate crisis. no one seems to doubt it after this past year. we meet -- we meet, much of pakistan is still under water and needs help. the horn of africa faces unprecedented doubt. families are choosing which child to feed and wondering whether they will survive. this is the human cost of climate change and it is growing, not lessening. so as i announced last year, to meet our global responsibility my administration is working with our congress to deliver more $11 billion a year to international climate finance to help lower income countries implement their climate goals and insure a just energy transition. the key part of that will be our plan which will help half a billion people in vulnerable countries adapt to the impacts of climate change and build resilience. this need is enormous. so let this be the moment we find it within ourselves, the world to turn back the tide of climate devastation and unlock a resilient, sustainable, clean energy economy to preserve our planet. on global health, we have delivered more than 620 million doses of covid-19 vaccine to 116 countries around the world with more available to help meet countries' needs. all free of charge, no strings attached. we're working closely with the g-20 and other countries and the united states to help lead the change to establish a groundbreaking new fund for pandemic prevention preparedness and response at the world bank. at the same time, we continue to advance the ball on enduring global health challenges. later today i will host the seventh -- to fight aids, tuberculosis. with bipartisan support i pledged to contribute up to $6 billion to that effort. so i look forward to welcoming historic ground of pledges at the conference resulting in one of the largest global health fundraisers ever held in all history. we're also taking on the food crisis. with as many as 193 million people around the world experiencing acute -- acute food insecurity, a jump of 40 million in a year, today i announce another $2.9 billion in u.s. support for life-saving humanitarian and food security assistance for this year alone. russia in the meantime is pumping out lies trying to pin the blame for the crisis, the food crisis on the sanctions imposed by many in the world for the aggression against ukraine. so let me be perfectly clear about something. our sanctions explicitly allow russia the ability to export food and fertilizer. no limitation. it's russia's war that is worsening the food insecurity and only russia can end it. i'm grateful for the work here at the u.n., including your leadership, mr. secretary general, establishing a mechanism to export grain from black seaports in ukraine that russia had blocked for months and we need to make sure it's extended. we believe strongly in the need to feed the world. that's why the united states is the largest supporter of the world food program with more than 40% of its budget. we are leading support of the unicef efforts to feed children around the world. take on a larger challenge of food insecurity the united states introduced a call to action, a roadmap eliminating global food insecurity that more than 100 nation member states have already supported. in june, the g-7 announced more than $4.5 billion to strengthen food security around the world through usaids, feed the future initiative. the united states is scaling up innovative ways to get drought and heat resistant seeds into the hands of farmers who need them. while distributing fertilizer and improving fertilizer efficiency so farmers can grow more while using less and calling on all countries to refrain from banning food exports or hoarding grain while so many people are suffering. because in every country in the world, no matter what else divides us, if parents cannot feed their children, nothing -- nothing else matters if parents cannot feed their children. as we look to the future, we're working with our partners to update and create rules of the road for new challenges we face in the 21st century. we launched the trade and technology council for the european union to insure that key technologies are developed and governed in the way that benefits everyone. partner countries and through the u.n. we're supporting and strengthening the norms of responsibility. responsible state behavior in cyberspace and working to hold accountable those who use cyberattacks to threat en international peace and security. with partners in the americas, africa, europe, middle east and indoe pacific we work to build a new economic ecosystem where every nation gets a fair shot and economic growth is resilient, sustainable and shared. that's why the united states is championing a global minimum tax and we will work to see it implemented so major corporations pay their fair share everywhere, everywhere. also the idea behind the economic framework which is united states launched with pacific economies. we're working with the pacific islands to support a vision for a critical pacific region free and open, connected and prosperous, secure and resilient. together with partners around the world, we're working to secure resilient supply chains that protect everyone from coercion or domination. insure that no country can use energy as a weapon. as russia's war riled the global economy we're calling on major global creditors including the non-paris club countries to transparently negotiate debt forgiveness for lower income countries to forestall broader economic and political crisis around the world. instead of infrastructures projects that generate huge large debt without delivering on the promised advantages let's meet the enormous infrastructure needs around the world with transparent investments, high standard projects that protect the rights of workers and the environment, key to the needs of the communities they serve, not to the contributors. that's why the united states together with fellow g-7 part shers launched a partnership for global infrastructure and investment. we want to mobile eyes $600 billion investment in the partnership by 2027. dozens of projects are already underway. industrial scale vaccine manufacturing in sin gal. solar projects in angola. first of its kind small modular nuclear power plant in romania. investments with returns not just for the countries but for everyone. the united states will work with every nation, including our competitors, to solve global problems like climate change. climate diplomacy is not a favor to the united states or any other nation. walking away hurts the entire world. let me be direct about the competition between the united states and china. as shifting political trends the united states will conduct itself as a reasonable leader. we do not seek conflict. we do not seek a cold war. we do not ask any nation to choose between the united states or any other partner. but the united states will promote a free and prosperous world and what we have to offer communities and nations. investment is the design not to foster dependency but alleviate burdens and help nations become self-sufficient. partnerships not to create political obligation but because we know our own success, each of our successes increase when other nations succeed as well. when individuals have the chance to live in dignity and develop their talents everyone benefits. critical of that is living up to the highest goals of this institution. increasing peace and security for everyone everywhere. the united states will not waiver in our unrelenting determination to counter and thwart the continuing terrorist threats to our world. and we will lead with our diplomacy to strive for peaceful resolution of conflict. we seek to pull piece and stability across the taiwan straits and committed to our one china policy to help prevent conflict for four decades and we continue to oppose unilateral changes by either side. we support an african union led peace process to send the fighting in ethiopia. restore security for all its people. in venezuela, political oppression have driven more than 6 million people from that country. return to free and fair elections and continue to stand with haiti as it faces an enormous human crisis and call on the world to do the same. we have more to do. we'll continue to back a u.n. mediated truce in yemen which has delivered precious months of peace to people that have suffered years of war. and we'll continue to advocate for lasting negotiating peace between the jewish and democratic state of israel and the palestinian people. the united states is committed to israel's security full stop. negotiated two-state solution remains in our view the best way to insure israel's security and prosperity for the future and give the palestinians the state which they are entitled. both sides to fully respect the equal rights of their citizens. both people enjoying equal measure of freedom and dignity. let me also urge every nation to recommit to strengthening a nuclear non-proliferation regime through diplomacy. no matter what else is happening in the world, the united states is ready to pursue critical arms control measures. a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought. five permanent thembers of the security council reaffirmed that commitment in january but today we're seeing disturbing trends. russia shunned the non-proliferation ideals embraced by every other nation at the 10th npt review conference. today as i said we're making irresponsible nuclear threats to use nuclear weapons. china is conducting an unprecedented concerning nuclear build-up without any transparency. despite our efforts to begin serious and sustained diplomacy, the democratic peoples republic of korea violates u.n. sanctions. while the united states is prepared for a mutual return to the joint plan of action if iran steps up to its obligations, the united states is clear, we will not allow iran to acquire a nuclear weapon. i continue to believe that diplomacy is the best way to achieve this outcome. it was a great success of this institution, the non-proliferation agreement. we cannot let the world slide backwards nor can we turn a blind eye to the erosion of human rights. perhaps singular among this body's achievements stands the universal declaration of human rights, which is the standard by which our forebears challenged ourselves to measure ourselves. they made clear in 1948 human rights are the basis for all that we seek to achieve. and yet today in 2022, fundamental freedoms are at risk in every part of our world. from the violations of -- detailed reports from the u.s. reports detailing by the u.s. high commissioner to the horrible abuses against pro-democracy activists and ethnic minorities by the military regime in burma and repression of women and girls by the taliban in afghanistan. and today, we stand with the brave citizens and the brave women of iran who right now are demonstrating to secure their basic rights. but here is what i know. the future will be won by those countries that unleash the full potential of their populations. where women and girls can exercise equal rights, including basic reproductive rights and contribute fully to building stronger economies and more resilient societies. religious and ethnic minorities can live their lives without harassment and contribute to the fabric of their communities, lgbtq plus community and individuals live and love freely without being targeted with violence. where citizens can question and criticize their leaders without fear of reprisal. the united states will always promote human rights and the value enshrined in the u.n. charter. in our own country and around the world. let me end with this. this institution guided by the u.n. charter and universal declaration of human rights is at its core an act of dauntless hope. think of the vision of the delegates who undertook a seemingly impossible task while the world was still smoldering. think about how divided the people in the world must have felt with the fresh grief of millions dead, the genocidal horrors of the holocaust exposed. they had every right to believe only the worst in humanity. instead they reached for what was best in all of us and they strove to build something better. during peace, equal rights for every member of the human family, cooperation for the advancement of all humankind. my fellow leaders, the challenge to be faced today are great indeed but our capacity is greater. our commitment must be greater still. so let's stand together to again declare the unmistakable resolve that nations of the world are united still. we stand for the values of the u.n. charter. that we still believe by working together we can bend the arc of history toward a freer and more just world for all our children, although none of us have fully achieved it. we aren't passive witnesses to history. we are the authors of history. we can do this. we have to do it for ourselves and for our future, for humankind. thank you for listening to me. i appreciate it very much. god bless you all. [applause] >> harris: the president of the united states speaking to the general assembly at the united nations for 25 minutes. he did, in fact, start with russia and how could he not with the recent threats and the mobileization of 300,000 fighters, reservists inside russia. people are leaving, hopping on planes. running out of flights to get people out as their dictator goes full tilt further into a war with ukraine and makes threats wider than that. we're back with nikki haley former united nations ambassador and former governor of south carolina. the question of the day with regard to russia, ambassador, did president biden say anything to dissuade putin from going nuclear and going further into killer mode? >> what he did. it was a strong -- he came out strongly for -- against russia and called them out for the comments they are saying and called them out for the actions they've taken against ukraine. it was strong words. now get with nato, make sure you send anti-drone equipment and get the equipment. we don't need to send blank checks to ukraine. they need to have the ability to defend itself. i wish he would have gone further to call out the countries helping russia and china is helping, call out the fact that iran is sending drones and north korea for doing rockets. it could have made it a bigger isolation if he would have called out those countries. >> harris: why do you think he didn't? has he mentioned iran yet? took him a while. >> he wanted to be strong on russia and did that. in the united nations setting the best thing to do is call out everybody that's doing anything that is helping the bully, that's helping the dictator. but i think because he would mention iran later and china later maybe he didn't want to go too heavy. he should have said look at who is helping russia so when russia talks about nuclear weapons, these countries are helping. what are they doing to stop him? >> harris: we're talking about a mad man who tried to take a country. you can't go too hard. it is words but powerful ones if you use them directly. i don't want to relegislate too much. how we got here is really important. because the president talked about food insecurity. he talked about some things that really wouldn't be happening right now had he done something different last august. >> none of this would have happened had we not had the debacle in afghanistan. none of these threats around the world would have happened. but when you go and you show weakness, the enemy sees an opportunity. it wasn't just afghanistan. it was the fact when russia -- they didn't do it to destabilize us and see what we would do. we didn't do anything. the idea he is falling all over himself to get into the iran deal. it is literally unbelievable to me that you have had iran do strikes on american soldiers in syria, red listed with iran. assassination attempts to americans and biden granted somebody to give a speech at the united nations? why would you do that? yet do you want the iran deal so bad that you will let a killer who has tried to kill americans on u.s. soil, you are going to let him give a speech on the world stage? that's the question. that's the issue we should have major problems with. >> harris: i don't know if you caught it on 60 minutes the other night with lesley stahl and the iranian president was on and she said are you going to come back to that deal? and he said i don't like what they are doing. so there is nothing promised. biden could go through hoops and do all sorts of things and maybe not get that back. >> iran doesn't want the inspections to start or want them to continue investigating. the fact that they have haven't followed any rules up until now. it would be catastrophic for us to get back into the iran deal. >> harris: we have breaking news right now, ambassador. new york attorney general has just announced a lawsuit against the former president donald trump. let's watch. >> eric trump, serving as an officer or director in any corporation or similar entity registered and or licensed in new york. to bar mr. trump and the trump organization from entering into any new york state commercial real estate acquisition or from applying for loans from any financial institution in new york for five years. to pay for the financial benefits obtained as a result of the persistent fraudulent practices at an estimated $250 million. towards the end of my remarks i'll go into the other relief that we're seeking. at the center of this year long financial scheme were the statements of financial condition that were prepared annually by and for mr. trump. specifically from 2011 to 2021 these statements were compiled by the trump offerings executives and issued as a report by mr. trump's accounting firm. statements are explicit that the preparation was the responsibility of mr. trump. starting in 2016 the trustees of his trust, donald trump junior and alan weiselburg for the sole benefit of mr. donald trump. each statement was personally certified as accurate by mr. trump or by one of his trustees as part of the loan process. but the intent that the information in the statement would be relied upon by banks and insurers. mr. trump and mr. weiselburg would meet to approve the final statement every year. mr. trump made known through weiselburg that he wanted his net worth reflected on the statements to increase, a desire mr. weiselburg and others carried out year after year if their fraudulent preparation of the statements. and when asked about these meetings under oath as part of our deposition, both men, mr. trump and mr. weiselburg, invoked their fifth amendment privilege against self-incrimination and they refused to answer. when asked under oath if he, mr. trump, continued to review and approve the statement after becoming president of the united states in 2017, mr. trump again invoked his fifth amendment privilege and refused to answer. over the course of our investigation, we found that mr. trump, his children, trump organization created and used more than 200 false and misleading asset valations on his statement of condition over that 10-year period. they issued statements that were in clear violation of general accepted principles in the general accounting principles of the united states despite representing that these statements were prepared in accordance with these principles. some of the common tactics they used include representing that mr. trump had cash on hand that he did not have. ignoring critical restrictions that would significantly impact property values when setting valuations. changing the methodology used to value properties from year to year without reason or notice. and using vastly different methods to value different properties, even in the same year. and including tangible items such as brand premiums, the trump premium, and calculating an assets value. despite the fact they ignored the advice of outside professionals and ignored the advice and appraisals of outside professional despite claiming those individuals provided certain figures. for example, they received a series of bank ordered appraisals for the commercial property at 40 wall street, new york city, that calculated the value of the property at $200 million as of august 2010. and $220 million as of november 2012. yet in his 2011 statement, mr. trump listed 40 wall street with a value of $524 million, which increased to $530 million over the next two years. more than twice the value calculated by professionals. even more egregious, the $500 million plus valuation was attributed to information from the appraiser who valued the building at just over $200 million. another deceptive strategy they employed was to use objectively false numbers to calculate property values. take mr. trump's triplex. the triplex apartment in trump tower on fifth avenue. mr. trump represented his apartment spanned more than 30,000 square feet, which was the basis for valuing the apartment. in reality, the apartment had an area of less than 11,000 square feet, something that mr. trump was well aware of. and based on that inflated square footage, the value of the apartment in 2015 and 2016 was $327 million. to this date, no apartment in new york city has ever sold for close to that amount. tripling the size of the apartment for purposes of the valuation was intentional and deliberate fraud. not an honest mistake. mr. trump was intimately familiar with the layout of both the building and the apartment, having personally overseen the construction of both. despite his sworn testimony before invoking his fifth amendment privilege mr. weiselburg conceded that using the false square footage improperly inflated the value of the apartment almost three-fold. mr. weiselburg admitted this amounted to an overstatement of give or take $200 million. misrepresenting the size of the apartment was only one of the many ways that mr. trump intentionally misvalued his asset for the purposes of increasing his net worth and inducing banks to offer more favorable terms. mr. trump also routinely ignored legal restrictions on development rights and marketability on properties that would significantly decrease property values. for example, let's take trump park avenue in new york. this building contains both commercial and residential space. the unsold residential condo units owned by mr. trump and the trump organization represented -- >> harris: the new york state attorney general has just announced a rather lengthy and detailed layout of the lawsuit that she is putting against donald trump, former president. some of this is really inside baseball unless it is your tax dollars in new york. some people may even accuse it of being political because we're 48 days away from the mid-term elections and both presidents, the current and past, are certainly being looked at to help candidates out. we'll see how this plays out. we will certainly cover it and will bring you highlights as they happen. the big headline is all of this is the lawsuit by the state of new york today just announced by leticia james. let's move on. for the very first time ambassador haley is with me now to react publicly and to get her response to something that is getting a ton of attention right now. a personal attack on her. critics are pushing back hard on the view's co-host sunny hostin for accusing ambassador haley of trying to hide her indian heritage. it began with the panel talking about a potential 2024 white house race. let's watch. >> i would love to see nikki haley. >> the chameleon? >> she was an effective governor. >> there are some of us that can be chameleons and decide not to embrace our ethnicity. >> sunny, i don't think that's fair. >> harris: wow, she really is that racially ignorant. your response? >> it is not the first time and it won't be the last time that the hosts of the view come after me or that liberals come after me in whatever way. they can't stand the fact that a minority female would be a conservative republican. when i ran and won governor a reporter went to a high-ranking african-american democrat female and said how do you feel that south carolina now has their first minority governor? and she said nikki haley is not a minority. she is a conservative with a tan. so you look at what sunny hostin does and the idea that no, sunny is not her name. nicki is my name. it is on my birth certificate and an indian name and i embrace my indian heritage. i wrote two books who described the struggles my family had. what it was like growing up. the idea you can do this. you won't see her fired from that show. we won't see an apology from that show. they let liberals say that about conservative republican minorities all the time. yet nothing is done. had this been said about a democrat, all hell would have broken loose. >> harris: you know, just in terms of that 2024, i pointed out the politics of things that are happening on every scale right now whether it's a lawsuit against a former president. we are cooking down 48 days to the mid-term elections and then begins the real talk about 2024. and what will you have to say about it? >> i think we'll have to say what happens in november. we have to win the house and the senate and the 36 governors races. i said before once the elections are out of the way we'll look at the situation. if it looks like there is a place for me i've never lost a race. i'll give it 1,000 percent and we'll finish it. it is important we look at november. what i hope democrats realize when they look at what happened on the view it is democrats that are racist. the liberal extremists are the ones that are racist and think minorities are incapable of going to the dmv to get an i.d. and incapable of finding schools for their children. let's let independents, conservative democrats realize that no, it is not republicans that are racist or sexist. it is liberal democrats that have done this for a long time and i hope it goes to the heart of what happens in the house, senate and governors races come november. >> harris: i have always been grateful when people show you who they are. i don't want to think someone is one thing and you find out later no, they really are the enemy. so there is a favor to be thanked for all of this. it can be harmful to your feelings but at the same time, you know exactly where some of these people stand. >> look, none of this bothers my feelings. i brush it off my shoulders. >> harris: you were at the u.n. dealing with everything across the table from you. >> when they go after something like your name or looks they don't have anything else. it shows you are winning. i will take that win all day long. >> harris: ambassador nikki haley you were with me with the president today and breaking news. i appreciate you being here. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus". "outnumbered" after the break.

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Weakness , Syria , Red , Speech , Assassination Attempts , Soil , Issue , Lesley Stahl , 60 , Sorts , Hoops , Inspections , Haven T , Donald Trump , Lawsuit , Attorney General , Eric Trump , News , Director , Officer , Trump , Commercial , New York State , Organization , Corporation , Entity , Bar , Acquisition , Real Estate , Loans , Fraudulent Practices , Result , Center , Relief , 50 Million , 250 Million , Statements , Condition , Scheme , 2021 , 2011 , Preparation , Accounting Firm , Executives , Offerings , Trustees , Trust , Benefit , Junior , Alan Weiselburg , 2016 , Statement , Banks , Intent , Loan Process , Weiselburg , Insurers , Net Worth , Desire , Others , Oath , Meetings , Deposition , Fifth Amendment Privilege Against Self Incrimination , Privilege , Investigation , Course , Trump Organization , 2017 , Asset , Revalations , 200 , General , Some , Accordance , Tactics , The General , Property , Restrictions , Setting Valuations , Cash , Properties , Methods , 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