you hear that? you hear it? underneath the music? crickets. republican party getting remarks from donald trump. donald trump on a 2024 campaign of vengeance and vile remarks vowing to root out his political opponents and labelling everyone against him as vermin and making some rather extreme plans to round up every undocumented immigrant and put them in camps. meanwhile, donnie trump jr. is back on the stand as the defense team begins their case in civil fraud. plus, cnn cameras going deeper into gaza than any past reports. this time up close near hamas tunnels under a hospital. running to the heart of the terrorist operation. welcome to "the lead," i'm jake tapper. you know, it is become cliche to ask americans how they respond to something that donald trump has said to ask if such a thing were taking place in neither country, what they might think. it is so cliche that i've never asked you engage in this exercise. but his comments as of late have been so stark, and so shocking, that i am now going to ask you to remove yourself from what you may now have all become numb to, and in terms of american politics, and try to look at what we're all being subjected to from a different perspective. say, a top politician in, i don't know, canada, and ask yourself, what would be your response? what would be your response if a candidate for canadian prime minister started calling anyone in canada who opposed him, who criticized him, calling them vermin. vermin that he would root out and expunge from the fine nation of canada. what would you say? no doubt you would be shocked. or disgusted, no doubt any major political candidate using language that recalls mussolini and hitler, you would be disgusted by. >> we pledge to you, that we will root out the communist, marxist and fashionist tlugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. >> what would you say if a potential prime minister in canada, a leading candidate to run that great country, said that he or she after being elected was going to use the government to exact revenge on anyone who had criticized him. >> if i happen to be president, and i see someone who is doing well and beating me very badly, i say go down and indict them. >> okay. so you know this is not a theoretical exercise. "the washington post" has reported that donald trump has been mapping out plans to use specific parts of the federal government to punish his critics. to go after his opponents. and that according to people who have talked to trump, trump has said in private that he wanted the justice department to investigate and possibly prosecute among others his former chief of staff, general john kelly and his former attorney general, bill barr, his former attorney ty cobb and former joint cleave of staff general mark milley. another plan that donald trump is being open about, rounding up the millions of undocumented immigrants in the united states, and putting them in camps. putting them in camps. detention camps. to await deportation. so, there is no candidate in canada like that. you know that. and i'm sorry to my canadian brothers and sisters for even sugging such a thing. and there are -- conservative leaders all over the world, the conservative leader of the u.k., and a conservative leader in italy, one in greece, they don't sound anything like that. the only major western leader who sounds like this is donald trump. right here in the united states. and his language calling his opponents, quote, vermin, is shocking an his proposals about using the justice department to go after critics, it is unfathomable. and it is anti-democratic. now "the washington post" reached out to the trump campaign to get a response to how his language, this vermin terminology, echoes that of previous dictators like muse oliny and hitler. they said, those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes, grasping for anything because thaey're suffering from trump derangement syndrome and their existence will be crushed when president trump returns to the white house. what better way to prove you do not have authoritarian instincts than by promising your critics will be crushed upon returning to the white house. we'll start with kristin holmes who is following the increasingly harsh, dire, authoritarian language coming from donald trump and his campaign this weekend. >> reporter: former president trump ramping up his inflammatory rhetoric. >> the threat from outside forces is far less sinistic and dangerous and grave than the threat from within. >> reporter: denigrating his political opponents on left as vermin during a veterans day speech in new hampshire. >> we will root out the communist, marxism, fascist and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country. >> the white house condemning trump's remarks likening them to language used by authoritarian leaders. using terms like that about dissent could be unrecognizable for our founders but horrifyingly recognizable to american veterans who put on their country's uniform in the 1940s. white house spokesperson andrew bates said in a statement -- >> as the former president commands the primary with the combative rhetoric, his allies are planning a second term. proposals include the department of justice to go after his political rivals. >> if they do this and they've already done it, but if they want to follow through on this, yeah, it could certainly happen in reverse. >> reporter: the agenda would expand the hard-line immigration policies during the first time in office. >> we'll begin the largest domestic deportation operation in american history. >> reporter: with the mass detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants. >> i will shut down this travesty and terminate all work permits for illegal aliens and demand that congress send my a bill outlawing welfare pages to any immigrant of any kind. >> it is from the former president. >>s it poisoning the blood of our country and people are coming in with disease, people are coming in with every possible thing that you could have. >> reporter: trump's darkening receiptockir appears to resonate with republicans, tim scott who campaigns on a more optimistic message, ended his bid on sunday. >> i think the voters who are the most remarkable people on the planet, have been really clear that they're telling me that not now, tim. >> reporter: and jake, the trump 2025 potential agenda that we've laid out is just the tip of the iceberg. we've heard from sources who say that trump allies are building a data base of loyalists who would want to seven donald trump and follow through with the policies on day one as well as allies working with attorneys who are crafting executive orders that the former president could sign on day one to put out those policies. >> kristin holmes, thank you so much. i wan to bring in mayor huck and jonah goldberg. let me start with you. and let me start with this word vermin. which is quite provocative. here is how ronna mcdaniels responded to trump's remarks when asked about it. >> i'm not going to talk about candidates that are if a contested primary. that is -- you could talk -- >> will you condemn that. >> >> you could talk to him about that. >> and he was slamming on twitter saying she refused to condemn the gop candidate for using the same nazi propaganda that mobilized germany to evil. it is fair to assume she's collaborating. what is the rnc chair's responsibility here when trump uses -- i mean, i don't think it is hyperbolic to say that is mussolini hitler-like language. >> she would release it in the text originally in german. i feel about the piling on of mcdaniel about the way i felt about ramaswamy. the party is not a thing. it is this paper tiger. she's aint poed by trump. she's a creature of trump. and in a perfect world, in a better world, both parties would have a much more robust ability to screen candidates and there are some things that are under the peail and those days are behind us. >> and injure guy, joe biden, could lose to this guy. >> isn't that horrifying. someone who talks about democracy and the care acatures online and part of the public discourse, he's not -- he's neck-and-neck with that. i will say, though, that biden does have an opportunity here. given the war between israel and hamas, and given the challenges of china, that national security and the u.s. standing on the world stage is something that is becoming top of mind for americans and in a way that we have in the seen for many years. so if that context, talking about how the u.s. plays on the world stage, what does it mean to be american on the world stage, that certainly is an argument that favors biden not trump. >> and there is no secret here, jonah, about trump's potential second term plans. he will -- there wouldn't be a john kelly or a bill barr. there couldn't be guardrails. people were very critical of john kelly and bill barr, but at end of the day, they had some idea of what guardrails should exist. and like a doug mcgregor, who was a pentagon official in the trump administration, was criticized for anti-semitic tropes. he's out there on x today saying that israel support is only because of money. the same stuff that ilhan omar got criticized for. but nobody will criticize him for it. he could be like a secretary of defense because he's so loyal. >> this is one of the areas where i think ron desantis is right. he just doesn't press the case very much. which is that it is not the same donald trump any more. he's now become as weird as it is so say, far more of a caricature than he was in 2016 and surrounded himself -- it is important to point out, one of the bulwarks against a lot of this is federal society trump appointed judges who want no part of it which is why the lawyers around trump want to reject federalist society people and they it is an insurgent movement within the right that is not conservative. bannon said in an interview over the weekend that, he said, look, trump is a moderate in her movement. we have guys calling for how america needs a new pinot -- >> and democrats are shooting their own. you have dean phillips running against joe biden. you have people like congresswoman tlaib talking about how people shouldn't vote for joe biden. because she doesn't like his support for israel. there isn't the robust support for the democratic party from the democratic party. >> well this happens every time you have an incumbent president. you have people looking for their own opportunities to advance themselves within the party agenda. the idea that comments right now are going to permanently ding biden when it comes to election day, when it becomes the one-on-one binary choice, i think those are a bit overblown and there are concerns about biden as his ability to turn out voters in key districts and what the map looks like. you have the republican party in disarray on how they're all competing for second place and spending money and energy for second place for someone who is telling us he has no interest in upholding any of the norms of democracy or ever being accountable to the people, to the public. so that is the piece that you will not see any of the democrats argue that they will -- at the end of the day they will support the kooug of the united states. >> i agree. the right is a hot mess. donald trump would be a disaster as another term in office. at the same time, to my point about weak parties, the gop season the only weak party in the field. joe biden, according to most democrats and most americans, is too old for the job ab not up for the job. >> but only like three years older than donald trump. >> but that is not the point. it has to do with the mental acuity and the fact -- >> the perception of the voters is what it is. >> and most americans don't want either of these guys to run and if we live in a country with strong parties, neither would be the nominee. but instead, we have a democratic party that is too weak to find an alternative and republican party that is too weak to stand up to donald trump and it is a hot mess. >> okay. on that note. jonah goldberg and mayor huck, thank you so much. drinks are on me in about an hour and a half. donnie jr. just stepped off the stand and what could shut down the trump organization operations in new york. and an american teenager shot and trapped in hospital in gaza. hadar plea to the u.s. as the u.s. military accusesed that hospital o of housing g hamas. in our law and justice lead, donald trump jr. back on the stand today in new york against the trump family business. last week, when he was called by the state of new york, don jr. testified that he had no direct involvement in the company's annual financial statements. today, trump jr. was called as the first witness by his father's defense team and the son walked the court through a promotional power point of various trump properties calling his father an artist with real estate, unquote. pointing out details such as the vault, at 40 wall street, the inside of mar-a-lago and the library at 7 springs. this was an attempt to show that in anything the trump properties were undervalued in the financial statements. let's bring in fixer for donald trump, author of the book revenge and mia culpa, michael cohen. what do you think about him referring to his father as an artist if real estate. >> i'm not sure if i would call him an artist. if you look at properties that don jr. put up on the powerpoint, donald trump was not the creator. he was just the purchaser. mar-a-lago, obviously he didn't build. that was marjorie meriweather post and he didn't build sen springs nor did he build for example bedminster. that is the former delorian estate. and 40 wall street, obviously as well. he acquired that property. >> details, details sh michael. when you testified last month. >> yeah. it is always details. >> you described on the stand how you manipulated trump's financial statements and describing it as reverse engineering. do you think that is what don jr. is doing with this powerpoint presentation today? >> well, i think what don is really doing here is he's holding the trump line which is what we were all supposed to and required to do. in fact, they sh probably change the name from maga to mega and m m-e-g-a because i watched as the judge was getting visually nauseous from the lies that were being told by the trump team, by trump's counsel, by don jr., that he was merely a broker and eric trump just laid concrete, none of which anybody believes to be accurate or truthful. >> when it comes to this, or any other case, do you think that donald trump deserves to go to jail? >> so, look, that is a question that has been posed to me, the answer is, he needs to be held accountable. and do i believe if it was anyone else that that individual would already be in prison or jail, the answer is emphatically yes. but because he's the former president of the united states, and for four years he was debriefed on a daily basis, our national security seeks, i personally as an american citizen, would you be concerned because donald is the guy that would sell any of that information for like a bag of tuna or a book of stamps an i do really mean that. it is dangerous for america to have somebody like donald trump in an environment where he could share the information. look, he's already shared it already with members of mar-a-lago as well as other individuals that came to visit. so why would he not do it if it would benefit him somehow in some way in a prison situation. >> so what does accountability look like, do you think? >> a very significant home confinement scene. where he doesn't have people coming and going at leisure, he certainly is not going to be playing golf. he's going to have to fund the bureau of prisons to ensure that there is a guard that is there watching the property, his phones would be monitored. there there wouldn't be computer access. the same exact life other than the fact he's not sharing a cell with somebody, he's sharing the house by himself. >> what do you make of this washington post report that trump and his allies are looking at, if he becomes president again, to use the levers of government, the justice department to punish critics and opponents and are you worried that he would target you? >> well, 100%. first of all, he already did. december 14th, i'm going before the appellate court on the case of michael cohen versus the united states government. where he and bill barr, department of justice and the bureau of prisons, that they conspired to -- to infringe upon my first amendment constitutional right making me the very first political prisoner held by my own country because i won't wave my first amendment constitutional right not publish my book "disloyal" and not do television appearances an not do media, et cetera. if anybody thinks that this is a one-off, if donald trump becomes president of the united states again, it is not just going to be me being the very first person that this happened to, there is going to be a multitude people, possibly yourself included, jake. >> yeah, that has occurred to me. but our washington post article they talk about john kelly, bill barr, ty cobb and general mark milley. >> i mean, he talked about executing mark milley. you could imagine the man, a general who has given his life to serving and protecting this country as opposed to captain bone stur spur that avoided his responsibility that he wants to have this man executed because his angry at him. and then there is still americans that want to do what, they want to support him both financially and by voting? i don't understand what is happening here. >> michael cohen, good to see you, sir. thank you so much for being with us. >> good to see you, jake. coming up next, cnn deeper inside of gaza, bullets flying and buildings leveled. we'll show you the footage just in from our crew. the focus of the fighting in gaza has become hospitals in and around them, which israel insists hamas is using to shield its fighters. a u.s. official with knowledge of the american intelligence tells me that hamas specifically has a command node under the al shifa hospital that hamas used fuel intended for that hospital, and that members of hamas regularly cluster in and around that hospital. and yet, of course, hundreds of patients remain at that hospital and others in gaza. trapped by the fighting. nic robertson is embedded with the israeli defense forces and cnn reported under idf escort at all times, cnn did not submit the script and has remained over the final record. where were you today and what did you see? >> reporter: wie went to a hospital, a children's hospital five miles into gaza, close to gaza city. it is a long way inside and on the journey there we rode in open top vehicles a long way into gaza itself. driving along the coast highway or what is left of it. i have to say, i've never seen a scale and level of destruction in more than 30 years of war reporting than we saw along the road on the drive in. single story buildings, demolished and blown up. villas blown up. stores and demolished and blown up. and the idf said we've been in the buildings or some of the buildings where we found rocket-propelled grenades. this was an area that hamas was using to attack the troops as they went in. this is what they say they've discovered. and when i talked to the senior commander who was there with us about the level of destruction, he said, look, this is hamas hiding among the people. we went on that coast road witnessing all of this destruction. the road turned to dust and changed into an armored vehicle to go right into the center of the area around the hospital. the edge of jabalia camp. there was intense fighting around the hospital. tanks firing and we had to take cover several times from gun fights going on. we went there to see the top idf spokesperson admiral daniel hagari and he wanted to show us the connection between hamas and hospitals and schools. and one of the fis things he showed us was a tunnel connected and he showed us by power cables to solar panels on the top of a hamas leader's house. we could see the solar panels and see the cables going down into the tunnel. the tunnel was very close to the hospital. there were big diggers out there in the street despite the fire fights trying too find the tunnel connection to the hospital, he said that was under investigation. when we got to the hospital, the back of the hospital, they said they arrived there five days ago and that it was still occupied. they've negotiated with the hospital officials to evacuate all of the patients and staff from the hospital. that had happened. but he said when they were going to get into the hospital, they were taking fire from hamas. they blew their way into the back of the hospital and he showed us in there weapons caches and evidence that appeared to indicate ropes around chairs, women's clothing and other things that indicated that hamas may have been holding hostages there, including a rotor for guards, for guard duty in this underground part of the hospital. that is breaking the conventions of international humanitarian law when it could come to protections of the hospitals, from the red cross. >> 240 hostages hamas has held for more than a month now. thank you so much. also today, the idf sent a journalist, a video from a drone saying what the idf is a man carrying a rocket-propelled grenade launcher at a different hospital, the israeli ministry said it killed a group of hamas fighters embedded among civilians at hospital. we have been to hospital and spoken to some of the patients trapped by the fighting including an american teenager who was wounded trying to leave gaza and is desperately trying to get out. and we want to warn you, some of the report contains graphic content. >> reporter: darkness has descented on yet another gaza medical facility. a hospital where they're been trying to save lives with very little they have left. but it is become nearly impossible. this was just hours before gaza's second largest hospital was declared out of service on sunday. like other hospitals in the north, the fighting has been closing in, where thousands of displaced have been sheltering among them are two u.s. citizens. >> i want to feel like i could move any fingers. they are gone now. >> she was injured in an attack on the road south as they tried to make their way for a tlird time to the rafah crossing with egypt. the family blames israel whosemill denied to cnn that they struck that street on that day. >> i walked from the beach, like, it was probably three miles from beach to the hospital. i could have given up. i felt like all of my blood -- all of my blood dripped all over me. how i felt when i saw my hand falling, or how i felt my skin just -- and my bones breaking and how i saw my wrist just turn blue. i knew that my hand was gone. >> this interview with fara was filmed a few days ago by a journalist working for cnn on the eve of her 17th birthday before the hospital was almost completely cut off from the outside world. >> when i sleep, i dream of what happened to me. i can hear the rockets when they hit me. and my sister and my mom just screaming when they saw my hand fall. >> reporter: this is the scene just outside of the hospital. this video released by the israeli military captures a militant carrying a grenade they say was part of a group that attacking their forces. they denied anyone armed is inside and say the israelimill is surrounding and targing the hospital. israel said it is target willinghamas. but she was born in gaza and left with her family when she were 3. and they were back to visit family when the fighting boke out. the past few weeks have been hell trying to get back home and exchanging almost daily emails and calls with state department. >> i'm asked, is there a class, a class from the u.s. citizen for all of the united states citizens. pay tax for united states of america to support israel to shoot and to bomb my daughter and my wife. i need the president, i need mr. blinken to listen to this message. we are u.s. citizen. we are loyal to this country. send the red cross. send them to support the u.s. citizens. they are outside, they are not hostages with hamas. >> a father's desperation to make his family suffering heard but like so many thousands, he feels no one is hearing gaza's cries for help. >> i feel everything heartless. i feel like i'm dead. >> reporter: cnn, london. and our thanks to jamana for that report. without explanation today, president biden said hospitals in gaza must be protected. up next, i'll ask john kirby, the national security spokesperson, exactly what he meant. stay with us. this afternoon, president biden said that the hospitals in gaza, quote, must be protected. sure. obviously. but it not that easy necessarily, right. because a u.s. official told me that american intelligence is backing israel's intelligence that hamas terrorists are using al shifa hospital as a command center and stealing fuel from the hospital. joining us now, retired rear admiral and national security council spokesperson john kirby. so the innocent patients and doctors and nurses and people in any hospital should be protected. 100%. but u.s. intelligence according to the source that spoke with me said that there is a command node under the hospital. hamas command node under the hospital. and hamas people gather in the hospital. so when he said, the hospital must be protected, elaborate on that. >> he's referred to this extra burden that faces the idf as they go into gaza. because hamas does shelter themselves behind civilian infrastructure. be it hospitals, schools, tunnels under houses and apartment building and how they operate and conduct themselves. so it is a tough problem set for the israeli defense forces. legitimate targets are terrorists. and hamas leaders, of course, and their ability to continue to con duck plan resource operations, also legitimate targets, but when you bauery the targets in civilian infrastructure in a hospital where there is innocent civilians and kids, it makes it much harder for any military force to go after those targets because the hospital itself ought to be protected. so he's talking about this incredibly difficult conundrum that israeli military forces are facing right now. >> axios reports on details of a possibility of a deal if which 80 women and children kidnapped by hamas on october 7th would be released in ex change for palestinian women and teenagers who are currently being held in israeli prisons. i know you can't comment on the details of an exchange. but as families of hostages held by hamas come to d.c. tomorrow, are they going to be assured that a deal may be on the horizon? >> we have an opportunity to talk to leader here in d.c. including jake sullivan, our national security adviser. and he will let them know. he'll make sure they know that from the early hours we have been doing everything we can, working with partners in the region, including those who have direct kmcommunications with hamas, to get the hostages released. not just the small number of americans that they're holding but all of them. i don't think we'll be able to give them a whole lot of specific detail about the conversations and the negotiations that are on going. we don't want to jeopardize them or put in any chance of going under. but, i do believe they will hear a strong commitment from mr. sullivan, from this commission, that we're working on this very, very hard. >> i'm old enough to remember the iranian hostage crisis in '79, '80 and we've talked about hostages and detainees for years now. trevor reed and others. i'm struck by something in the last 30 days as the white house today confirmed that one of the estimated 240 hostages kidnapped by hamas and other groups in gaza, one of them is a 3-year-old american child. there are people in the united states, loud voices, who have shown this crisis in which there are americans and innocent people, innocent israelis taking hostage are actually rooting for the hostage takers. and we see these images seemingly every day of americans ripping down posters of kidnapped kids. >> yeah. >> kidnapped children. >> yeah. yeah. >> what are your thoughts? as you see this? because i've never seen anything like this? >> it is hard for me when i see images like that and hear those stories to think about this individual ripping down this poster going home and feeling good about what they did. feeling good about the dignity they robbed of a family, the humanity they robbed of a little baby, a little child being held hostage by a terrorist group. frankly, they ought to be mourning the loss, the theft of their own dignity and integrity by doing something like that. these victims, these hostages didn't ask for this. they were living their lives, going to a music festival and being at home with families. they didn't ask to be hostages and that was hamas's plan all along and they did. but they also deliberately set out to take hostages to use as bargaining chipping and that is what they've been doing. its reprehensible. and i don't think anybody think it should be okay to rip down posters of the individuals to go home and feel good about that. that is just theft. theft of your own dignity. theft of your integrity and theft of their humanity. >> and not that the politics of the victims matter, but so many of the people that were killed or kidnapped were peace activists who are on the israeli left who were netanyahu opponents who wanted a two-state solution who with working with gauze ans providing them with jobs. again, that doesn't patter. but admiral john kirby, thank you so much for being with us. >> yes. off to capitol hill next where speaker mike johnson is waging a war to try to prevent a government shutdown. i feel like i cover this every couple of momonths. facingng an uphillll battle. stay with h us. . in our politics lead, after a long holiday weekend, members of congress dragged themselves back to washington, d.c. this afternoon to try to prevent a government shutdown at the end of the week. how often do i do this story? i feel like they just put this in the teleprompter every three months. anyway, back to this, house speaker mike johnson introduce add two-tier plan, not because he wants two more shutdown crises, but he says it's to, quote, put house republicans in the best position to fight for conservative victories. cnn's manu raju is on capitol hill. speaker johnson's plan does have a familiar problem, manu. let me guess what it is. he doesn't have enough republican votes. >> reporter: that's absolutely right. in fact, at the moment johnson trying to court his republican colleagues. andy ogles says he plans to vote against this plan, also the first vote, the rule. that sets the parameters for the floor debate. it must be adopted in order for the bill to get approved. typically members vote along party lines. in this vote, members of the hard line freedom caucus have then et ned to sink it. congressman chip roy told a group of reporters that he plans to vote against that rule, leaving johnson little margin for error. >> right now i oppose this measure. i think it's ooh mistake. i don't support the rule, advancing it. i think he should switch directions like he did last week with a very good move by putting israel forward, paid for out of the irs expansion. >> -- the bill is brought up under suspension. >> that would be a very bad idea. >> if the rule is not able to be passed, then there are two options, one of which is to what's called suspending the rules. allowing the bill to be approved to avoid a shutdown by a two-thirds majority of the house. you heard chip roy say that would be a very bad idea. another thing would be to ask democrats to supply the votes to put the rule over the finish line. that is something that would cause significant blowback for the new speaker amid his right flank. it comes as democrats are non-committal about supporting the plan. house democrats say they're looking very carefully at it. it's suspected democrats will likely support this at the end of the day if it doesn't have spending cuts that chip roy and others demanded. the speaker going this approach to avoid fighting with democrats, but as a result picking a fight with his own party. >> manu, it's just you and me. no one is listening. do you ever get trouble covering the same story? seriously, no one is watching. >> reporter: it's groundhog day up here, jake, no question about it. >> you can tell me later. an alarming spike in incidents of anti-semitism and islamaphobia. how much is it different from past conflicts? stay with us. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the 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It ,Reason ,Animals ,Circus ,Use ,Animal Rights Groups ,Welfare ,Traveling Circuses ,Italy ,Cnn ,Communities ,Animal ,Streets ,Danger ,Rome ,Fact ,Kind ,Mayor ,Fans ,Lot ,Think ,Lion ,Saying ,Town ,Circuses ,One ,U S ,Lead ,Break ,At The Circus ,I Don T Know ,Bit ,Jake Tapper ,Music ,Donald Trump Jr ,Republican Party ,Remarks ,Campaign ,Crickets ,Vengeance ,2024 ,Opponents ,Plans ,Camps ,Defense Team ,Everyone ,Stand ,Labelling ,Immigrant ,Donnie Trump Jr ,Targing The Hospital ,Hamas ,Case ,Tunnels ,Heart ,Cameras ,Civil Fraud ,Thing ,Something ,Terrorist Operation ,Cliche ,Has ,Country ,Exercise ,Place ,Comments ,Wall ,Terms ,Perspective ,Being ,American Politics ,Candidate ,Response ,Anyone ,Canada ,Prime Minister ,Politician ,Vermin ,Nation ,Expunge ,Them Vermin ,No Doubt ,Language ,Communist ,Hitler ,Mussolini Hitler ,Confines ,Potential ,Marxist ,Fashionist Tlugs ,President ,United States Government ,Revenge ,Someone ,Washington Post ,People ,Trump ,Critics ,Parts ,John Kelly ,Justice ,Chief Of Staff ,Department ,Bill Barr ,Ty Cobb ,Others ,Plan ,Immigrants ,Mark Milley ,Millions ,Joint Cleave ,Deportation ,Detention Camps ,Brothers And Sisters ,Leader ,Anything ,Leaders ,Western Leader ,All Over The World ,U K ,Greece ,Quote ,Proposals ,Vermin Terminology ,Dictators ,Muse Oliny ,Assertion ,White House ,Existence ,Instincts ,Trump Derangement Syndrome ,Reporter ,Weekend ,Kristin Holmes ,Dire ,Threat ,Rhetoric ,Forces ,Sinistic ,Grave ,Veterans Day Speech ,New Hampshire ,Marxism ,Thugs ,Andrew Bates ,Veterans ,Founders ,Uniform ,Dissent ,1940 ,Term ,Department Of Justice ,Allies ,Primary ,Statement ,Rivals ,Agenda ,Time ,Immigration Policies ,Reverse ,Office ,Travesty ,Detention ,Work Permits ,Deportation Operation In American History ,Bill ,Blood ,Congress ,Pages ,Aliens ,It Poisoning ,Tim Scott ,House Republicans ,Disease ,Trump S Darkening Receiptockir ,Jake ,Voters ,Message ,Planet ,Bid ,Policies ,Attorneys ,Loyalists ,Data Base ,Tip ,Day One ,Sources ,Iceberg ,Seven ,2025 ,Jonah Goldberg ,Huck ,Crafting Executive Orders ,Word Vermin ,Ronna Mcdaniels ,Candidates ,Twitter ,Chair ,Responsibility ,Nazi Propaganda ,Collaborating ,Germany ,Rnc ,Text ,Piling ,Way ,Party ,In A Perfect World ,In A Better World ,Paper Tiger ,Mcdaniel ,Creature Of Trump ,Ramaswamy ,Poed ,Things ,Parties ,Ability ,Peail ,Joe Biden ,Isn T ,Part ,Guy ,Democracy ,Horrifying ,Care Acatures ,Public Discourse ,Opportunity ,Security ,Israel ,War ,Standing ,Neck ,The World Stage ,Challenges ,China ,Argument ,Context ,Mind ,About Trump S ,Secret ,There Couldn T Be Guardrails ,Wouldn T ,Idea ,Doug Mcgregor ,Pentagon Official ,Administration ,Tropes ,Support ,Nobody ,Money ,Ron Desantis ,Areas ,Secretary Of Defense ,Stuff ,Ilhan ,More ,Caricature ,2016 ,Judges ,Bulwarks ,Lawyers ,Federalist Society ,Federal Society Trump Appointed ,First Amendment Constitutional Right ,Bannon ,Interview ,Movement ,Moderate ,Guys ,Pinot ,Democrats ,People Shouldn T Vote ,Phillips ,Congresswoman Tlaib ,Opportunities ,There Isn T ,Election Day ,Concerns ,Choice ,Spending ,Disarray ,Districts ,Energy ,Map ,Interest ,Piece ,Public ,Norms ,Kooug ,Point ,Disaster ,Hot Mess ,Season ,Field ,Acuity ,Perception ,Three ,Mess ,Alternative ,Note ,Nominee ,Trump Organization ,Half ,Drinks ,Leave Gaza ,Teenager ,Plea ,New York ,Hadar ,Hospital O Of Housing G Hamas ,U S Military Accusesed ,Company ,By Don Jr ,Estate ,Family Business ,Involvement ,Law And Justice ,Father ,Statements ,Artist ,Powerpoint ,Properties ,Court ,Son ,Witness ,Real Estate ,Details ,Inside ,Vault ,Library ,Attempt ,Wall Street ,Mar A Lago ,40 ,7 ,40 Wall Street ,Fixer ,The Book Revenge And Mia Culpa ,Michael Cohen ,Creator ,Purchaser ,Marjorie Meriweather Post ,Didn T Build ,Didn T Build Sen Springs ,Example Bedminster ,Delorian ,Property ,Reverse Engineering ,Sh Michael ,Line ,Powerpoint Presentation ,Judge ,Name ,Maga ,The Trump Team ,Anybody ,Eric Trump ,Broker ,None ,Concrete ,Question ,Answer ,Individual ,Prison ,President Of The United States ,Accountable ,Jail ,Four ,Information ,Donald ,Bag ,Basis ,American Citizen ,Members ,Somebody ,Environment ,Book ,Stamps ,Tuna ,Individuals ,Home Confinement Scene ,Prison Situation ,Accountability ,Prisons ,Bureau ,Leisure ,Playing Golf ,Life ,House ,Guard ,Phones ,Cell ,There Wouldn T Be Computer Access ,Report ,Levers ,Appellate Court ,December 14th ,Versus ,100 ,14 ,Prisoner , Wave My First Amendment Constitutional Right ,Media ,Television Appearances ,Disloyal ,Et Cetera ,Article ,Person ,Multitude ,Oman ,Serving ,Captain Bone Stur ,Spur ,Voting ,Sir ,Buildings ,Bullets ,Coming Up ,Crew ,Footage ,Fighting Boke Out ,Hospitals ,Focus ,Intelligence ,Command Node ,Official ,Fighters ,Al Shifa Hospital ,Knowledge ,The American ,Patients ,Course ,Fuel ,Hundreds ,Times ,Israeli Defense Forces ,Escort ,Nic Robertson ,Children S Hospital ,Script ,Record ,Wie ,Five ,Driving ,Journey ,Vehicles ,Gaza City ,Coast Highway ,Destruction ,Road ,Level ,War Reporting ,Drive ,Scale ,Story Buildings ,Demolished ,30 ,Troops ,Area ,Some ,Stores ,Grenades ,Villas ,Commander ,Hiding ,Coast Road ,Center ,Vehicle ,Edge ,Jabalia Camp ,Daniel Hagari ,Tanks Firing ,Gun Fights ,Idf Spokesperson ,Schools ,Tunnel ,Top ,Panels ,Connection ,Power Cables ,Fire ,Fights ,Cables ,Solar Panels ,Diggers ,The Street ,Hospital ,Back ,Officials ,Investigation ,Weapons Caches ,Evidence ,Hostages ,Guards ,Women S ,Chairs ,Ropes ,Rotor ,Clothing ,Red Cross ,Hostages Hamas ,Law ,Conventions ,Protections ,240 ,Video ,Journalist ,Drone Saying ,Grenade Launcher ,Group ,Civilians ,Israeli Ministry ,Graphic Content ,Darkness Has Descented On ,Gaza Medical Facility ,Lives ,Thousands ,Closing In ,Service ,North ,Sunday ,Two ,Citizens ,On The Road South ,Fingers ,Attack ,Family ,Beach ,Street ,Crossing ,Rafah ,Egypt ,Israel Whosemill ,Hand Falling ,Hand ,Skin ,Bones ,Wrist ,Blue ,World ,Journalist Working ,Eve ,Birthday ,Fara ,17 ,Rockets ,Scene ,Grenade ,Sister ,Mom ,Israeli Military ,Israelimill ,Target Willinghamas ,Home ,Shell ,3 ,Class ,Citizen ,State Department ,Emails ,Calls ,Mr ,Tax ,Daughter ,Wife ,Blinken ,Many ,Family Suffering ,Desperation ,Cries ,Help ,Thanks ,London ,Jamana ,Stay ,John Kirby ,National Security Spokesperson ,Up Next ,Explanation Today ,Terrorists ,Command Center ,Rear Admiral ,National Security Council ,Nurses ,Doctors ,Source ,Burden ,Shelter ,It Hospitals ,Infrastructure ,Houses ,Apartment Building ,Problem Set ,Targets ,Duck Plan Resource Operations ,Military Force ,Kids ,Women ,Deal ,Children ,Possibility ,Conundrum ,Hamas On October 7th ,Axios ,October 7th ,80 ,Families ,Teenagers ,Change ,Sex ,Exchange ,Jake Sullivan ,Horizon ,D C ,Partners ,Everything ,Region ,Kmcommunications ,Detail ,Conversations ,Chance ,Number ,Negotiations ,Commitment ,Commission ,Hostage Crisis ,Iranian ,Detainees ,Trevor Reed ,79 ,Child ,Groups ,Loud Voices ,Images ,Hostage ,Crisis ,Israelis ,Hostage Takers ,Posters ,Thoughts ,Kidnapped Children ,Kidnapped Kids ,Dignity ,Feeling ,Poster ,Stories ,Ripping ,Theft ,Humanity ,Integrity ,Terrorist Group ,Baby ,Loss ,Victims ,Music Festival ,Bargaining Chipping ,Doing ,Peace Activists ,Politics ,Matter ,Two State Solution ,Jobs ,Left ,Gauze Ans ,Netanyahu ,Doesn T Patter ,Mike Johnson ,Government Shutdown ,Capitol Hill ,Yes ,Facingng ,Couple ,Momonths ,Uphillll Battle ,Politics Lead ,Story ,House Speaker ,Manu Raju ,Victories ,Shutdown Crises ,Position ,Votes ,Problem ,Speaker Johnson ,Rule ,Vote ,Order ,Andy Ogles ,Colleagues ,Parameters ,Floor Debate ,Party Lines ,Hard Line Freedom Caucus Have Then Et Ned ,Congressman Chip Roy ,Reporters ,Margin ,Terror ,Measure ,Ooh Mistake ,Move ,Forward ,Expansion ,Directions ,Irs ,Rules ,Suspension ,Options ,Speaker ,Roy Say ,Shutdown ,Majority ,Blowback ,Finish Line ,Flank ,Fight ,You And Me ,No One ,Chip Roy ,Listening ,Trouble ,Result ,Approach ,Anti Semitism ,Groundhog Day ,Incidents ,Spike ,Conflicts ,Islamaphobia ,Businesses ,Most ,Comcast Business ,Small Business Bonus ,Efficient ,Savvy ,Internet ,Business Internet ,Prepaid Card ,Network ,Anyone Else ,Yep ,1000 ,000 ,Possibilities ,Business Today ,

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