they're the targets of more than 60% of religious hate crimes reported in this country. since october, jewish day schools have closed or had to hire extra security. synagogues have gone into lockdown and college campuses in particular have seen a surge in antisemitic incidents including assaults. over the next hour, dana bash explores the roots of antisemitism in america and how they've spread. you'll hear from some on how they've started higding their jewish identity in public out of fear for their safety. >> sunday, october 29th in southern russia. barely three weeks after the october 7th attack on israel by hamas. deadliest day for jews since the h holocaust. an angry mob rushed a plane that jujust arrrrived in tel aviv.. theyey were e hunting fofor jew. >> they weweren't sayiying give israelis, which would have been terrible anyway. that was playing all over antisemitism. >> she's the u.s. state department's s special envoy to monitor r antitisemitism. she was sworn in in 2022 amid rising hate around the worldld.. since the attack on israel, how has s your rolole bebecome moro? >> we bebegan to s see first a e and then a spike then explosion and now tsunami of antisemitisi. worldwide. in paris, in london, in n germa. in a australia, it was bad for jews. get rid ofof the j jews. lelet's have a a jewew free zoz. it's not about being pro hamas or anti israel. it's about antisemitism. you know how when the yellow light is flashing, antisisemiti is like ththat amber l light an whwhat it's signalining g is th antisemitism is coming and it's a threatat to democracacy. >> i if antisemitism is a sisig that a demococracy is threreate what d does it s say about t th unitited states s right now?w? >> it's disturbing. it's disturbing. >> this new wave of jewish hatred is causing historicic levevels of antisemitic acts in america. >> we've just never seen a surge like this before. literally, we've seen the highest numbers that we've evev tracacked in termsms of act of harassmentnt, vandalalism and viviolence. 2022 w was the wororst yeaear rd the numbers already so high have exploded since october the 7th. >> with antisemitic incidents up nearly 400% according to adl data. >> while the jewish community is struggling to make sense of that madness, that horror, it has been incncredibly painful, compounding the grief and the sense of ainxiety to see the world turn on the jewish community. to see protesters in places here in the u united statates attack jewiwish people e in broad daya. vandalizizing zionisist t busis. i thinink if we try y to unders why is t this s happening g thi momentnt, i think we have seen antisemitism normalized in recentnt years. as that seseeps ininto the culu and sort of poisons the bloodstream then allows people to think, oh, it is okay to make it open season on jews. >> this papast month, we had 7 incicident repeports. there is n no questionon that t incidents s aren't going up. one ofof the thingngs we've oft- >> m mike maststers is t the ce the securere communityty netetw. a 24/7/7 comommand centeter whe analysts m monitor allll the wa downwn to the e dark web f for s against jews. >> our jewewish secucurity opererations cenenter. thisis is s the e national hub.. >> i i'm curiousus to see how m it's's changed s since t the lae wewe were hehere. i first memet t him in 2022,2, reportrting on an n already didisturbing r rise in antisise in america, but t october r 7thk theieir work to another levevel. says a active now. 31. whatat does thatat mean? >> therere are 3 31 risk eventst are occurrining in apppproximat imtapprproximatety toto a jewish facilility right . > and how m much more nonspec threats arare you seeieing n no? > 1 149 since october 7th. on averarage, the month h befor that wasas closer r to 50. those are an individual threatening to kill jews. we've had multiple threats of jewish day schools around the country receiving phone calls of individuals saying we're going to come in and kill you and imitating the soubnds of gunfir. indiana,a, virginia, washington d.c. and other states since october 7th. >> it opened the flood gates. and flood waters are breaching the walls of college campuses across the country. at harvard university in cambridge, massachusetts, a pro palestinian rally clashed with supporters of israel. >> george washington university, glorory to our martyrs among th messages projected on a library wall. >> some of the worst, stanford professor who literally herded jewishsh students s into a r co humiliatated them. the asassault of a a uc davis student putting up pictures of hostages to make sure they aren't forgotten and being physically assaulted in the process. a similar instance in columbia. >> many cities and campuses, missing persons style posters being torn down. >> the posters of kidnapped israelis have become a flash point. con confrontations going viral on social media. >> you are not a allowed to o - >> t they y tear thehem down be they donon't see them as people. they see them m as somomething inferirior. theyey see them as something su h human. this is the destination where antisemitism takes shape. >> it's children. it's innocent peoplele. >> that isis one of ththe thini fifind most disturbing. >> why? >> these aren't soldiers taken in battle. these were civilians who were taken away. these were women who are raped then taken. these are babies. but to tear down the pictutures and to do o it witith such an aggressive attitude, it's a form of hate. it's a form of hate. it's a form of contempt for r lifefe. >> antisemititism has bebeen paf ththe e fabric of societies for millenia. the difference between that and what we see in modern n times i what?? >> the d difference today y is it blelends a lot t of the trtraditional nonotions of nefes jewish powower being used d to advantntage of othther peoplple a very specific anti zionism and anti israel set of nararratives. >> a antisemitisism is deeply y intoto not just westerern n soc but muchch of ththe worlrld. it's v very hardrd to o eradica. antisemimitism has b been n cale longngest t or the oldldest hat with good reason. so this sosort of let t the lid for manyny anti-i-semites fofor a a few decades. it h hasn't been taken sereriou. pepeople have e said well,l, it as sererious as racism. it's not as serious as homophobia. as misogyny. or what you'll often finind is amonongst univiversity adadministratotors, these jewiw kidsds, they comome from well ld familieses. jews a are powerfuful, why are complainining? they'r're susuccessful. whwhy are theyey comomplaining?? when you encounter an act of prejudice, call it out for what it is. when george floyd was murdered, it would have been so inappropriate to say we condemn the racism that was behind t th and d the hohomophobia and theh anantisemitism, but somehow whe it comeses to o anantisemitisms couldndn't be calllled on out i own.n. >> what t does t the what ababo do? >> it dilulutes and toto a cert degreeee, rationalalizes and o justifies.s. i want t to be exactly c clear. criticism of israeli policy is not anantisemitismsm. but t when you question n the r of jews toto a natational l ide. when you q question ththe e exi of a jewish state, you move beyond. >> antisemitism in the u u.s. i now explodining on both sides o the political spectrum. in recenent t hihistory, t the antitijewish hatate that hasas explododed into violencece has from thehe rightht. from right wing exextremists.. whatat is happenening on c coll campususes tends to o come from leftft. >> yeaeah. therere's nono queuestion n tha culture onon campus when it coc to antijewish sentntiment is coming f from m left wing groupd alliances that are all built around this demonization of israrael wherevever jejewish st are e just tryrying to go about living their lives on campus.. >> so when you talk about demonizatition of isisrael, a lf progressivives would say you ca be antntiisrael and not antisemititic. that's's not true e anymore. > we have s seen the liline n antiisrael sentiment and antisemitism completely crumble. when students have been physically assaulted at university of georgia. at uc davis. at other campuses. no onene's asking them about thr views of the israeli palestinian conflict. this line has completely broken down. >> as war rages on, there's little hope of domestic attacks letting up. >> the death of a jewish man at dualing protests in southern california is being investigated as homicide. >> in the last week, we've seee a jewishsh m man assaulteded an kikilled in n southern calififo. we saw a woman t try to drive h car into what she thought was a synagogue outside of chicago. these look like outliers until you pull back and realize they'r're actuallyly data popoi a trend line of intensifying antisemitism and increasing probability of violence. >> ahead -- >> it really went from 0 to 100. >> clashes escalate on american campuseses. new w orleans, louisiaiana. rallies nearar tululane ununive tuturn violelent. >> they wewere chanting g israe you u can't hide, , we'll l chau wiwith genocidide from t the ri the sea.a. >> w when you hear from m the r to the sea, what d does ththat to you? >> they want to wipe us out. they want us gone. they don't want a two state sosolution. >> it is t the call fofor the anannihilationon of israelel an sense, the extermination of the jewish people. >> tulane students said the prprotests on opopposite side oe strereet began p peacefully.y. >> w we felt each other's presence. there wasn't really a sesense tt we were attackining each other. at that point. >> when did it turn? >> they would call us genocide supporters. we wouould say you're supporort gegenocide andnd some of their support for hamamas. >> there were two kids in the back of the truck. one was holding an israeli flag. once t the jewish student was ae to get the flag,g, he starteted gettining bashed over the e hea wiwith that popole. and d when i saw that, thahat'sn i ran in. i was trying to just get him out of the situation. >> then dylan was beaten and attacks by two older men he says were not college aged. >> i was blind sided by a man with a megapaphone who h hit me v viciouslsly which brbroke my no. i i went intnto cocomplete shoc. i went deaf for a couple of seconds. seemed like i wentnt blind for second. >> you're draped in an israeael flagag. you'rere holding a a phohoto o being held hostage in gaza. and you're getting beaten up. >> this was s a prpro hamas ral. at l least not in name. this was whahat was called a pro palestinian rally. and it was still violent. the assaulting the jewish person isn't going to free palestine and alalmost evevery single jew would agreree that it is an utt tragedy. the amount of civilians who have died in gaza. and while we're thinking that, we're thinking a lot of these people in this crowd who are saying these sensible things are also calling for the destruction of israel or referring to o zionism as genenocide and so wh you'u're not a able to sepepara radical ideas from the sensible ones, you know, that's when it gets dangerous. >> in a statement, tulane's president said we stand against all forms of violence and hate including antisemitism, islamophobia and racism. a line was crossed and we will do everything in our power to ensure it is not crossed again and we have much work to do to heal and unite our community.. >> s since octobober 7th, we ha seen so muchch cononflict bubbb up on collllege campuseses acrc the coununtry. for r jewish students in partrticular, ththey are goioin throrough trtrauma to o trauma.. mostst of ththem felt incrcredi trauma watching so many innocent israelis slaughtered on october 7th. and while they were mourning that, while they were feeling the threat and fear of what happened, in many cacases, p pe they knew or felt connecected t there were mobilizations of antiisrael student groups and other groups coming to campus to turn what had been a mass murder into an opportunity to further demonize israel. >> we've had 148 incidents reported to us on college campuses since october 7th. that is s an i increase of seve hundred percent from the month prior. >> tensions on harvard's campus flared when a coalition of student groups signed a letter the very night israeli authorities said civilians were raped, beheaded, and burned alive, stating israel was quote, entirely responsible for the hamas terror attack. on october 31st, a student at cornell was arrested for allegedly posting online, he would quote, bring an assault rifle to campus and shoot all you pig jews. he also allegedly threatened to stab and slit the throats of any jewish males he sees on campus, to rape and throw off a cliff any jewish females and beheaead any jewish b babies. >> t >> we get evevents from m aroune world. >> the poststs were caught in t command center. >> we have team members that have been on the cornell campus working with the a administrata and law enforcement. >> members of f your organizati are on the ground at cornell teaching the students how to be more safe? >> yes. >> the dean of the university of california berkeley school of law who's jewish says he's never seen the level of antisemitism as universities including among faculty, as rampant as it is now.w. >> i wasas stunned and saddedeno sesee statatements online celebrating hamas terrorist attack. i can read a few examples. for instance, students for justice in palestinian called the -- historic win for palestinian resistance. the columbia professor called it awesome and a stunning victory. a chicago art professor posted a note that said israelis are pigs. anything other than jewish pepeople beingng killed, people this? if they did, wouldn't they be widely condemned? >> at george washington university, a group recently projected antisemitic tropes outside the library. quote, free paleststine from th rivever to the s sea andnd quot glory toto our martyrs. > imagine a a world where af the e murder o of geororge f fl someonone was projecting messag about protect the police and george floyd was guilty. how offensive would that be? >> in this case, g w's presiden said these images included antisemitic phrases that have caused fear and anxiety for many members that are jewish and we wholly denounce this type of conduct. i went to gw. proud alumum.. stududied in thahat librarary fr years.s. i can'n't imagine e what it fef like t to knowow thehese hatate images a and phraseses were projecteted on the outside o oft building.. >> to sesee many people sisitti there ununder these projecectio was very uncomfofortable. and vevery dishearartening to o. >> g gali is a senior at gw. avaviv, a freshman.. his s grandmotheher liveves s i. didid she callll youou? >> yes. >> w what did she say? >> jusust asked ifif everything okay. wanted me to explain what i've been seeing g on campus and if itit's as bad as online. >> this is your grandmdmother i ashkhkelon on ththe border witha worrrried about you on a colleg campus in america? >> yeah. >> y your mom told you to take your - -- the jewiwish s symbol hangs ououtside the e door. your momom told yoyou u to put inside. >> yeah. >> yeah, didid. and ththen i i alslso o she ask changege my nameme on uber and r appsps that haveve my name on i because e my name isis israeli by r reading i it, you'd know i jewish.. >> i feeeel like we'e've c come college to learn andnd to meet people who are so different from us and maybe h have differenent popolitical idideas oror who han raisised in a didifferent rerel and right t now, i feeeel like can't hahave those c challengin conversations because i feel as if when i share my opinions, i will be shutdown. >> unchecked antntisemitism hah led to high profile donor backlash at harvard, columbia, the university of pennsylvania and others. >> school for whatever reason can't feel like it can defend israel and attack evil and call out hamas for what it is. the things they did were evil and they weren't willing to say it. >> some of the nations most prominent law firms s want collegeses to cracack k down on antisemitism or face recruitment problems. >> the madness has to stop. in the case of tulane and elsewhere, we need our university administrators to take control of the situation, to bring some order to this chaos in the way it's been directed against jewish students. >> we reached out to cornell, columbia, tulane, george washington and eight other universities who have experienced antisemitism on campus for an interview with the school's president. they all declined. columbia did announce on friday they suspended two pro palestinian student groups for repeated violation of university policies. >> it's very depressing. very depressing. have we failed? >> what's the answer? >> from what i've seen, we certainly haven't succeeded in critical, analytical thinking. something has gone wrong worldwide in higher education. and it's got to be resolved. >> uc berkeley's law school dean says his school has done a lot to address antisemitism. >> we require all ofof our law studentsts to go through bias training. that includes antisemitism as well as other forms s of bigigo as well l as i've cecertainly b wiwilling to express mysyself i condndemning antntisemitism m w see e it. i think that's important as a dean, as a leader of an educational institutioion, to speaeak out. > when wewe comome back -- - >> antisemitism m of thehe lefe likeken n it to climatate chcha. hotter a and hotter.r. increasese the spacece in which guesess what can happen. category five hurricanes. >> are we at a five now on the left? >> you better believe it. nice footwork. man, you're lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. now you can stream all your games like it's nothing. yes! [ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. seems like a long time ago. >> 2015 and jonathan greenblatt just began his tenure at the adl. >> hard to imagine given the explosion of jew hate today. >> antisisemitic incidentsts w bobouncing aroround at a very y number where they had been for years. >> what chchanged? >> 2016, p president t trump rar office. he welcomed people from the fringes into the front of the line. >> melania, so great, such a great supporter. >> the presidential campaign was at a fever pitch when joururnalt julia fileled a reportrt on mel trump.p. >> at the time, nobody knew who she was.s. >> the gq q article posted on april 27th, 2016. within 24 hours, she reacted on facebook, accusing her of having an agenda. >> the problem is that when your husband runs for president, everything is fair game. >> let's talk about what happened afterwards. we spoke in 2022 about what happened next. a neo nazi website posted this. filthy russian attacks and mel melania then go ahead and send her a tweet. >> i started getting these calls, photo shop of my face in a gas chamber or in an mug shot. some of these people were making overt connections between these actions and speech and their support for donald trump. >> some of your supporters have viciously attacked this woman with antisemitic attacks, death threats. >> soon after, wolf blitzer interviewed the then republican nominee. >> supposed fans of yours posting these. >> when pressed again, this. >> your message is -- >> i don't have a message to the fans. there's nothing more dishonest that be the media. >> so his silence was taken how? >> as permission. >> britain heller is a professor who compiles data about online hate. >> you actually saw data that backed that up. >> yes. we would see the number of attacking tweets on jewish journalists spike. it was the largest spike we saw in our data set. people took that as a green light. >> welcome back. an extraordinary and historic night. donald trump will be the next prpresident of the united state. >> after president trump won like the next day, the numbers went through the roof. >> people e who were extreremis whwho were beeeen quiet sasaw a opening.g. >> yes. we saw extremists feeling incredibly emboldened and energized. >> more than 86 community centers and schools across the country have received bomb threats in a wave of antisemitism. >> damage at this historic jewish cemetery in missouri. a synagogue in chicago and swastikas painted on this car in florida last week. in 2016, there was a 34% spike in antisemitic events. in 2017, a 57% increase. the largest since the adl dbega tracking this. that summer, the charlottesville rally. >> jews will not replace us! >> we did see this very strong resurgence of white susupremacy and neo o nazi rhetoric.c. we would h have bomb threats or leafafletting acrossss c campus demonizing jews for causing any problem in the world. >> conspiracy theories and antisemitic hate were amplified in the spring of 2020 with the start of the covid pandemic. >> what strikes me is that irrespective of where it's coming from, people rely on the same template of charges. jews are controlling, conniving, clever. they're manipulating. >> fliers that had antisemitic messaging involving covid-19. >> they have been found all over the country and it makes no sense. it would be laughable if it weren't so dangerous. >> and it was not t just the fa right t extremiststs. >> so mamany hypyper progresess grououps that hahad d made it t mimission to d destroy the stat israrael and a as part of ththa brought t so much hostilitity. at thehe same titime, , the whi supremacacist brand ofof antisemitism meets up withth the elemenents to squeueeze jewishs people rigight in the middddle. >> antisemititism of thehe hardt i liken n to clilimate chahange. startsts down hehere. hotter andnd hotter. some deneny y it. others d dismiss it. they can t they can adapt. when i it gets to pa a point up, category f five hurricane. >> are we at a five? >> better believe it. i feel like the odds of a mass casualty event are high right now. >> bringing together two extremes that would lay y the foundatition for whehere we are today. >> jew hatred has been swept under the rug. the rug is bulging from the rur up. there'e's no way t to ignore i . we arere seeing ththe eqequival charlottesesville every day in america. where people are chantining pro hamas sloganans. jewsws we will replacece you. that is s what we arare hearing we can no longer afford to allow willful ignorance or utter naivety to shape the world in which we're living. >> next, the dangerous online world of jew hate. i consider myself like a jewish creator. the e jewish answewer wawas -- s a lolot of c content crereators are jewiwish but unfortutunatelf you post anything about being jewish right now, you just get swa swarmed in the comments. >> it goes to this user for their creaeative litittle stick. i didn't't know yoyou could gegt emoji. very creativity. whether fortunately or unfortunately because i've been doing this for a year now, i'm kind of numb to the hate. >> this is like a mean word that i get cocommented onon a lot of vivideos becauause i'm jewish.h. >> i in the fallll of 2022, fra bernstein was startled by a jump in online hate following kanye west's now infamous antisemitic screens. >> if rahm is sitting next to obama or jared's sitting next to trump, there's a jewish person right there controlling the country. >> the trick if you do it like this -- >> then 29-year-old bernstein decided to transform his otherwise playful social media platforms into a safe space to embrace his jewish identity and educate others. >> i'm jewish and this month is jewish american heritage month. >> bernstein kept posting and his following kept growing. >> hi. welcome. >> his new purpose was clear. >> this person saying thank you because i've been working my tookis o off o on ththis new, n jewish community thing i'm b building. everything about what i'm trying to do with nice jewish is about spreading love and positivity. >> then came october 7th. >> breaking news out of israel. hamas militants across the gaza border in a dedeadly surprprise attack. >> octctober 7th happened. it just was just a wave of hate. what i experienced. visually online. thousands of comments a day coming out. this person said 6 million jewish people wasn't enough. reopen the chambers. they're talking about the e hololocaust. jewish people arare [ bleeeep ] terrifieied. i'm jewishsh and i'm scared. i've hadad likike acactual deat threats. you ththink i'm hahappy y abouts goining on in n the gazaza strit now? it's [ bleep ] awful. the fact from the other side people were cecelebrating g wha happppened? > which camame from the glor october 7th! >> and that's the problem. and so am i worried about the e physysical piecece of it? ofof course, i am. >> there's obviously like a real war that's going on now. a digital war going on, too. hate is contagious. >> these online spaces can create troll armies. >> i first spoke with oren sea gull in 2022 at the adl's center for extremism. jew hate was already corroded the internet. >> the biggest difference post october 7th is the volume. we saw on telegram, which is loved by extremists across the ideological spectrum. the threats against jews, israelisis and zioniststs incre by 1,000%.%. >> 1,0,000%. >> 1 1,000%. but t many of ththe platatforms a lolot t of peoplple get their informrmation and d where theie world viewew is s creaeated, th nonot a lot of transparency for researchers to be able to track these threats. >> with the information they could obtain, the adl's center for tech and society found when comparing the week prior to october 7th and the weeeek afte antitisemitism on x rose 919%. >> this is literally b before t blood had dried in israel. i hope s she getets raped d int bearining muslim children. in t this case, , they're refer toto the womenen that werere r hamas. >> peoeople whwho were alrlread inclined to o hate with cleaear emboldldened by whwhat they sas. > people whwho see a mamassao then go onliline t to try to undederstand it t and are hit t ththe head with messssage after message promoting g what they jt saw reenforcrces t to them that thatat's o okay. some w who are most engagaged i spspreading this hate e are 13-year-r-olds. 14-year-oldsds. > 13 and 14-y-year-old d kid? >> some of them arare. > another bigig problblem, o misinformation. and it's spreading like wildfire. this video said to be hamas attacking g israel. in fact, it was from a video game. plus, troves of posts falsely claiming israel is lying about the hamas attack and hired crisis actors to stage violence. others falsely claiming the e palelestinians c called in t th acactors. ththis post sasays among other ththings, i'm m going to s shoo ththe synagogogue. mimichael maststers saysys a a mimix of hate,e, fear,r, and disinfnformation i is overwhele sosocial platfororms.. >> we haveve seen coordinated efforts at misininformation n a disinfnformation.. >> from who? >> form ororganizationons that trying t to sew discord withinie community or create fearar. >> why you taking it off? >> herere, someone is filmed tearing dodown a posteter of an israeli believed to be held hostage by hamas. has your c concern about onlini raradicalizatition gone upup a since october 7th? >> we know messages of hate carry through and we see that from past historic incidents. whether it was the postings of the pittsburgh massacre. >> 11 dead, six wounded when a gunman opened fire on worships at a synagogue in pittsburgh. >> in california. >> i opened fire in a synagogue. i think i killed some people. >> the 19-year-old who injured three and killed one jewish congregant in april 2019 wasas fully y radicalizezed ononline. >> we know the impact online hate has in the real world. and i should note antisemitism that we see is oftften combined withth racacism and d misogyny antiarab and muslim bigotry. and i want to be clear about one thing. you can care deeply about the lives of palestinians without glorifying and justitifying g viviolence agagainst innocent people.. >> when we return -- >> this is a matter of if you believe i should exist in this world or not. . >> it's the night that the nazis came into our house and broke everything we owned and then took my father and grandfather. 90-year-old ruth sign if he would is a holocaust survivor. did veals and cries did not diminish at our destination. that was the last time i saw my father. >> she was 7 and soon after her mother highwayed the heart wrenching decision to let a french organization to take her and her sister to safety. >> the last time i saw my mom is when she insisted we get on that bus and i didn't want to get on that bus. i wanted to stay with her. i have this picture of watching my mother wave good-bye to me from the sfreet >> you experienced the kind of hate that no one should. do you see some of that hate here? >> absolutely. >> it needs to be taken out of the quietness of the world and spoken s so that chihildren arae toto undererstand. >> very ofoften n children of survivors say mymy parents are reasassured by what you u do. i'm gegetting ---- just saying . because i don't know if i'm up to that task. >> university presidents are being called out asking if they're up to the task. >> do you feel safe atat columb universisity? i sasay no. do you live safe in this t timef risingng antisemitism on campus from your school leadership? >> unfortutunately, no.. i don't.t. >> this is where the university can come in. not in these statements but about educating people. >> the university has an obligagation under title s six keepep their jewish stududents . >> y your free speech endsds wht preventsts me from spepeaking. college presidents need to find their are spine. allowing kids to intimidate other kidsds to hararass othere, toto t threaten otother kidsds. i'm sorry. the university presidents get an f if they're not educating kids on that. >> the biden administration thinks a threat to funding could be per swaysive. >> you have the responsibility under title vi to hahave a safa learning environmement. >> i certainlyly want to seeee campmpus d do morere to o comba antisemitism. i i want to see campus d do o m combat i islam p phobia a but at to c cut o out funds doesn't se constructive. it's just not clear what campuses will need to do in ororder toto c continuouslsly ny or avoid cututting off fununds. >> t there's such a focus in americanan society r right now bebeing very carefeful not to offend. various cultureses. various ethnicitieies. dedei ededucation n is a very b thing inin corporarate a americ. in schooooling. is antisisemitism evenen parart that? > there's no questionon in m mind t that if youou're dodoing educatation to try to o help yo employees s or y your stududent some cohorort undersrstand divey and equiuity a and inclulusion t including antisemitism you're doing it wrong. you can't be inclusive if you exclude jejews. > when you and i i talked in 2022, , my biggestst takeawaway our r conversatition was e educ. to e explain to o people what antisemitism is. does thahat work? isis that enouough right n now? >> it't's s not enough. whwhether r it's a goverernment ofofficial. whether itit's a teaeacher. whether it's as a religious leader. yoyou've got to spspeak ouout. >> does speaking out work? >> staying silent doesn'n't wor. >> i wanant t my kidids all kide safefe and securure but to be a toto b be proud of who they are. to show thatat. to demonstrate it. i refuse to take them it off my door. i refuse to be okay with somebody not wearing a -- that's our obligation and responsibility to our future generations as a jewish community, as an american cocommunity. >> what dodo you think the solution i is? >> at t the end of thehe d day, dialogue and cononversation n ie only way to geget t people to o connnnect and sharare ththeir ts and d share theieir idideas. >> many of my close friends ask me in a very kind way asking can you please explain to me why these projections were seen as anti-semitic because i don't understand and i want to. there is this overerarching feelining of nobody can ken gau in discourse. nobody is able to share their opinions. anand i want t to have these conversasations withth people w are different from me. i want to be able to learn. i don't think k this is a matte of pololitics. this is a matter of if you believe i should exist in this world or not. do you f feel sasafe? >> no.o. as a jew? >> i d don't l let it consumume everydayay l life and i dodon'tt dictatate what i do. the people who will use violence, that's when they win.

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Thehese Hatate ,Callll Youou ,At Gw ,Freshman ,I Didid ,Grandmotheher Liveves ,To O G Gali ,Vevery Dishearartening ,Avaviv ,Ifif Everything Okay ,Grandmdmother ,Colleg ,Itit ,Border Witha Worrrried ,Jusust ,Mom ,Yoyou U ,Momom ,Ththen Ii ,Didid ,Jewiwish S Symbol Hangs Ououtside The E Door ,Alslso O She Ask Changege My Nameme On Uber ,Isis Israeli ,Reading ,Appsps ,Haveve ,We E ,Andnd ,Differenent ,Popolitical Idideas Oror ,Han Raisised ,Didifferent Rerel ,Opinions ,Profile ,Donor Backlash ,University Of Pennsylvania ,Shutdown ,Led ,Can T Hahave ,C Challengin ,Antntisemitism Hah ,Others ,The School ,Nations ,Cracack K Down On Antisemitism ,Face ,Law Firms ,Elsewhere ,University Administrators ,Way ,Chaos ,Control ,Order ,George Washington ,Eight ,Violation ,Interview ,University Policies ,Haven T ,Education ,Answer ,Analytical Thinking ,Law School Dean ,School ,Training ,Bias ,Law Studentsts ,Uc Berkeley ,Leader ,Cecertainly B Wiwilling ,Condndemning Antntisemitism ,Bigigo ,Mysyself ,Hotter A ,Thehe Lefe Likeken N ,Hurricanes ,Speaeak Out ,Educational Institutioion ,Wewe Comome ,Hotter R Increasese The Spacece ,Climatate Chcha ,Five ,Left ,Sports ,Footwork ,Nice ,Nothing ,Cheers ,Games ,Woho ,Pitch ,Field ,Xfinity 10g Network ,10 ,Jonathan Greenblatt ,Adl ,Tenure ,2015 ,Number ,Jew Hate ,Antisisemitic Incidentsts ,Bobouncing Aroround ,T Trump Rar Office ,2016 ,Campaign ,Supporter ,Fringes ,Front ,Melania ,Nobody ,Fever Pitch ,She Was S The Gq Q Article ,Joururnalt ,Julia Fileled ,Reportrt On Mel Trump P ,2016 Within ,April 27th 2016 ,27 ,Problem ,Talk ,Fair Game ,Agenda ,Husband ,Facebook ,Let ,Neo Nazi Website ,Tweet ,Mel Melania ,Russian ,Calls ,Gas Chamber ,Photo ,Mug Shot ,Speech ,Death Threats ,Connections ,Donald Trump ,Actions ,Wolf Blitzer ,Message ,Fans ,Nominee ,Republican ,Silence ,Media ,Permission ,Britain Heller ,We ,Tweets ,Data Set ,Jewish Journalists Spike ,Estate ,Prpresident ,Roof ,Extreremis Whwho ,Extremists ,Bomb Threats ,Schools ,Community Centers ,Beeeen Quiet Sasaw ,Opening G Yes ,86 ,Damage ,Swastikas ,Jewish Cemetery ,Missouri ,Florida ,34 ,Events ,Increase ,Largest ,Charlottesville Rally ,Adl Dbega Tracking This ,2017 ,57 ,Campus Demonizing ,Leafafletting Acrossss C ,Resurgence ,Rhetoric C We Would H ,Neo O Nazi ,White Susupremacy ,Start ,Pandemic ,Spring ,Conspiracy Theories ,Covid ,2020 ,Irrespective ,Fliers ,Charges ,Template ,Conniving ,Clever ,Messaging ,It Weren T ,Progresess Grououps ,Fa Right T Extremiststs ,Mamany Hypyper ,19 ,Ofof Antisemitism ,Hostilitity ,Stat Israrael ,Ththa ,Hahad D ,Mimission To D ,Part ,Titime ,Whi Supremacacist ,Squeueeze Jewishs ,Thehe Hardt I Liken N ,Up Withth ,Startsts Down Hehere ,Elemenents ,Middddle ,People Rigight ,Clilimate Chahange ,Point Up ,Pa ,Drug ,Extremes ,Event ,Casualty ,Odds ,Jew Hatred ,Foundatition ,Whehere ,Jewsws ,Ththe Eqequival Charlottesesville ,There E S ,Chantining ,Arere ,Hamas Sloganans ,Hearing ,Ignorance ,Naivety ,Creator ,E Jewish ,Answewer Wawas ,Comments ,C Content ,Jewiwish ,Swa ,User ,Lolot ,Unfortutunatelf ,Creativity ,Whether ,I Didn T Know Yoyou ,Creaeative Litittle Stick ,Gegt Emoji ,Word ,Jump ,Fra Bernstein ,Cocommented Onon ,Vivideos Becauause ,Fallll ,Person ,Screens ,Kanye West ,Obama ,Jared ,Rahm ,Old Bernstein ,Space ,Trick ,Posting ,Purpose ,Jewish American Heritage Month ,Following ,On Ththis New ,Tookis O Off , B Building ,Jewish ,Border ,Positivity ,Breaking News ,Militants ,Love ,Octctober 7th ,Thousands ,Jewish People Wasn T Enough ,6 Million ,Hahappy Y Abouts Goining On In N ,Gazaza Strit ,Jewishsh ,Chambers ,Jewish People Arare ,E Hololocaust ,Terrifieied ,Bleeeep ,Likike Acactual ,Side ,Cecelebrating G ,Glor ,Bleep ,Happppened ,Wha ,War ,Digital War Going On ,Spaces ,Troll Armies ,Physysical Piecece ,Ofof Course ,Extremism ,Center ,Volume ,Internet ,Oren Sea Gull ,Israelisis ,Spectrum ,We Saw On Telegram ,Zioniststs Incre ,1000 ,Many ,Where Theie World Viewew Is S Creaeated ,Lolot T ,Informrmation ,Peoplple ,Information ,Researchers ,Transparency ,Th Nonot ,Ththe Platatforms ,10 000 ,1 ,Society ,Tech ,Weeeek Afte Antitisemitism On X ,Tb ,Blood ,Bearining Muslim Children ,The Womenen ,She Getets ,919 ,See A Mamassao Then Go Onliline T ,It T ,O Hate ,Hit T Ththe ,Messssage ,Whwhat ,People Whwho ,Head ,Undederstand ,Alrlread ,Sas ,Cleaear Emboldldened ,Peoeople Whwho ,O ,Reenforcrces T ,Few ,Kid ,Thatat ,Engagaged ,Them Arare ,14 ,13 ,Bigig Problblem ,Video Game ,Video ,Wildfire ,Attack ,Posts ,Palelestinians C ,Plus ,Crisis Actors ,Troves ,T Th Acactors ,He ,Ththings ,Ththis ,Overwhele Sosocial Platfororms ,Mimix ,Shoo Ththe Synagogogue ,Misininformation Na Disinfnformation ,Sasays ,Mimichael Maststers ,Someone ,Who ,Sew Discord Withinie Community ,Dodown A Posteter ,Efforts ,Create Fearar ,Form Ororganizationons ,Herere ,C Concern ,Upup A ,Onlini Raradicalizatition ,Fire ,Postings ,Gunman ,Worships ,Pittsburgh ,Massacre ,Six ,11 ,Congregant ,Radicalizezed Ononline ,April 2019 ,2019 ,Misogyny Antiarab ,Impact ,Bigotry ,Withth Racacism ,Oftften ,Muslim ,Thing ,Palestinians ,Justitifying G ,Glorifying ,Viviolence Agagainst ,Matter ,Nazis ,Father ,Sign ,House ,Holocaust Survivor ,90 ,Cries ,Veals ,Mother ,Sister ,Heart Wrenching Decision ,French ,Bus ,Good Bye ,Picture ,Kind ,Sfreet ,Quietness ,Very Ofoften N ,Survivors ,Parents ,Toto Undererstand ,Gegetting ,Chihildren Arae ,University Presidents ,Task ,Columb Universisity ,Atat ,University ,Statements ,Timef Risingng Antisemitism ,School Leadership ,Unfortutunately ,Title ,Obligagation ,Endsds ,Wht Preventsts Me From Spepeaking ,College Presidents ,Toto T ,Spine ,Kidsds ,Hararass Othere ,Otother Kidsds ,Responsibility ,F ,Administration ,Funding ,Swaysive ,Biden ,Om Combat I Islam P Phobia A ,Campus D ,Title Vi To Hahave A Safa Learning Environmement ,Seeee Campmpus D ,Morere ,Comba Antisemitism Ii Want ,Focus ,Toto C Continuouslsly ,Ororder ,C Cut O Out Funds Doesn T Se ,Cututting ,Off Fununds ,Dedei Ededucation N ,Americanan Society R ,Inin Corporarate A Americ ,Cultureses ,Very Carefeful ,Ethnicitieies ,Stududent ,Yo Employees S ,Questionon ,Schooooling ,O Help ,Dodoing Educatation ,Antisisemitism Evenen Parart ,Inclulusion T ,Cohorort Undersrstand Divey ,Equiuity ,To E ,R Conversatition ,Jejews ,Enouough Right N ,My Biggestst Takeawaway ,It T S ,Whwhether R ,Goverernment Ofofficial ,Spspeak Ouout ,A Teaeacher ,Silent Doesn N T Wor ,Toto B ,Kide Safefe ,Show Thatat ,Securure ,Wanant T ,My Kidids ,Somebody ,Door ,Obligation ,Generations ,American Cocommunity ,Theieir Idideas ,Geget T ,Dodo ,Solution ,Dialogue ,Friends ,Thehe D Day ,People To O Connnnect ,Sharare Ththeir Ts ,Cononversation N Ie ,The End ,Projections ,Because ,Ken Gau In Discourse ,Overerarching Feelining ,Of Pololitics ,Conversasations Withth People W ,Anand ,Jew ,Id Don T ,Life ,Consumume Everydayay L ,

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