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of charity, but because the people of ukraine and the future is in our strategic interest. >> foreign correspondent, richard engel has more from ukraine. >> reporter: it is not as a traditional piece summit as you would think. russia is not there. they are not negotiators there trying to work out a cease- fire. this is a summit on peace in which president zelenskyy and his close advisors are meeting with allies of ukraine, including representatives of the white house. they are trying to come up with a formulation for a peace agreement. what a future peace agreement could look like that is acceptable to ukraine, that guarantee means their autonomy, security, guarantees security of western countries. a thing potentially could be acceptable to russia, as well. they are trying to come up with terms that they can accept and potentially enforce strata comes on the heels of the 10 year agreements where president biden said the next decades we will support ukraine with money, training from the military, web, providing a pathway to eventual nato membership. that agreement could be undone by a future american president. the u.s. was clearly trying to make ukraine feel strong and look strong as it goes into the summit to try to formulate an eventual peace agreement or a concept for one. in this context, vladimir putin chimed in and said his terms for stopping the war, his terms for a peace deal, are keeping forever the parts of ukraine that russia already occupies and large parts of this country which russia does not give my. he also says this country must swear never to become part of nato. through demilitarization or the conditions that ukraine and the white house had described as unacceptable. let's go to decision 2024. president biden in california. tonight he will be joined with former president obama. a star started fundraising event that has already raised $20 million. the headliners include, george clooney, julia roberts, jimmy kimmel, jason bateman, jack black. donald trump will speak to supporters later on in detroit. he celebrated his birthday on friday. some reaction today to dts new use of the word horrible. >> this is a disaster for donald trump and the republican party. there is so much that goes into selecting a city for your convention or also working from that convention. you're working closely with the mayor. you are working closely with the governor. all of the security and emergency officials. it is amazing how donald trump just stepped in this. this is the city with the largest number of voters and probably the most prominent battleground state. it is idiotic. >> no reaction to the serene court reversal on bump stock devices. congress should act on gun laws. >> i am sure that justice alito will come up with some other explanation as to why even if congress did ask why the law is unconstitutional in some way, i am sure the second amendment as all of those gun manufacturers will wood again -- we know that this is the most ineffective and unproductive congress in the history of congresses. we know that nothing is getting through and we absolutely know when it comes down to anything that has to do with guns, they are beholden to those corporations instead of being beholden to the people that actually put them into power. >> senate democrats say that they will escalate efforts to potential ethics violations from justice alito and clarence thomas. a new investigation into jared kushner's firm with ties to foreign investors. senate finance committee chair says there is a concern that the payments might be used to influence kushner and his father-in-law. we have several correspondents in place for all these new headlines. in detroit, dasha burns. welcome. what is set to take the stage at the turning point event. what is his focus on his visit to michigan? >> reporter: just because he comes here to the turning point event, he will meet with a group of black pastors as part of his continued effort to try to get folks in the black community. detroit is a majority/minority area. his policy, his platform begins that of president biden. then he comes to the turning point event where a few minutes ago, steve bannon kicked off the events here. some pretty heated rhetoric. he literally asked the audience here, are we at war? hearing a big response saying, yes. he closed by saying it is victory or death. he once again claimed without evidence that democrats are going to try to steal the selection. on january 6th of next year, they will once again try to steal the election. of course, no evidence. it riled up this crowd. he called for the release of all of those arrested because of the january 6th insurrection to a massive standing ovation. a lot of applause, that is the tone of this event here. this organization is closely working with the donald trump campaign to get out the vote. they have a ballot chasing initiative in states like arizona, wisconsin, michigan, where they are trying to get voters out. steve bannon opening this up with some pretty inflammatory stuff, considering the history we have seen with elections and donald trump supporters, alex. >> nuts now go to harry gilchrest with the president in los angeles. what do they hope to accomplish with tonight's event? >> reporter: the first is to raise a ton of money. the campaign says that so far the event has raised $28 million. that tops the last big one. that new york city fundraiser raised $26 million. a big goal is to raise this money. in these battleground states we talked about hiring more staffers and organizers and it will go toward launching more media campaigns as we have seen so many the last several of weeks targeting specific parts of the biden coalition. groups of people they think they need to speak to directly in order to bolster support going into the election in november. the other part, messengers. building a message and gathering a group of messengers with these people who are filthy rich out here in hollywood. who have major followings across social media and places they show up. we will see the president and former president obama, speak to them. listen to what jamie harrison had to say about the event. >> this is going to be a great event. we will have president obama, president biden, george clooney, julia roberts, we will get an opportunity for folks to talk about how unified we are as a party moving into the selection. we would do everything possible to compete in the battleground states or the proceeds of these events go to what we are doing. >> reporter: tonight you can expect to hear president biden and president obama talk about the fight for democracy. concern about freedoms being stripped away from americans. this is going to be an opportunity for these two men to give these potential surrogates in the audience in a theater in downtown l.a., marching orders. some talking points so when they are in social media platforms and traveling the country, they will have these points from the campaign to show support for president biden. to make the effort with the campaign to win reelection. >> thank you for sharing. let's go to nino legal headlines for donald trump. he wants the gag order in the hush money case lifted before the first presidential debate. the supreme court did not issue its ruling friday on his claims to absolute presidential immunity. a texas man is charged with threatening an fbi agent saying that god's will, if the next election is stolen. the charges come as former members of dts circle threat of retribution. >> you need to take him literally. you also, i hate to spend my time, but the priorities of things. >> katie vang, the hosts of the katie fink show. what more are we learning about the role dts rhetoric could play and the charges related against the fbi? >> everything you just went through from mar-a-lago, to the manhattan case, even the arrest made to the fbi agent is that. the danger to law enforcement. the people that dissipate in the judicial system. who is the perpetrator? donald trump. we have a man who was arrested in texas because of threats he made to an fbi agent related to the hunter biden case. in florida, classified documents case, jack smith is moving to the bond conditions because of the threats he has made and the lies he has made about how the mar-a-lago search warrant was executed on that place. you have the manhattan case. the fact that donald trump wants the gag order lifted, it was put in place in new york because of the threats being made by donald trump for the safety of the witnesses. you have a chance to many judges to maintain respect for the first amendment rights for donald trump but realizing that legally the first amendment rights stop when you use them to perpetrate threats and pose a danger to others. >> this 43-year-old, timothy mueller said -- it is pretty vile. the first presidential debate is 11 days away. sentencing date for donald trump. two weeks he will become the gop nominee. his motion to terminate the gag order. it accuses of and breadth of political motors. >> i do not expect the judge to terminate that before sentencing. i asked her if we could expect the bond conditions to continue passing. i agree with her because he would take an appeal of that conviction of his sentence he will get from the judge. while it is pending he will likely be out of custody with the ability to move about freely. even though that seems to be hypocritical to a lot of people as compared to other criminal defendants, he is the presidential nominee for the gop. the gag order will not be lifted because it was restricted as beginning. in this instance, a narrowly tailored -- it was a restriction on the ability to attack others. why lift a gag order that does not prevent donald trump from exercising his political free speech rights and talk about issues and policies at play for this presidential race? otherwise you will see that state intact. >> legal experts believe trump rolled the dice to take the hush money case to trial. nbc news is reporting the rnc is bracing for the possibility that he cannot attend the convention. how severe is the sentence likely to be? does the judge need to take politics into consideration? >> absolutely not. politics do not come in. we look at the judicial system with lady justice being blind. that applies to us and the media. it applies to people like the judge. politics do not play into any of this. donald trump to get anything from probation to jail. there are a lot of factors in favor of him getting a jail sentence including the lack of remorse. we do not punish criminal defendants for exercising their right to go to a jury trial. you're welcome to do that. if you're going to go to a jury trial and they find you to be guilty, if you continue to show no remorse or continue to be criminal in terms of the stuff you have going on, including multiple indictments, that is what will affect her into the judge's consideration. last week donald trump did the presentence investigation interview with a probation officer in new york. via zoom which was an anomaly. we will not be able to see that report but it will be generated and given to the judge and the other parties in this case. we will expect to see the judge do what he thinks is right. donald trump is welcome to appeal but the judge has been calling balls and strikes. >> yesterday the presidential immunity did not come down to supreme court. many anticipated it. what you think is behind the hold up? >> i don't know? they got until the end of the term. that is technically the end of june but we have grumblings that maybe it will bleed into the beginning of july? i hate to think there is something like the justices saying that they will drop a grenade and go on vacation. it happened before with the dobbs decision. i'm a little bit concerned about -- whatever happens, we have to deal with the consequences. i am fully confident you will not get a ruling from the slippery court that he will have absolute immunity. >> thank you. we will talk next week about what has gone down. you may watch the katie fink show. mr. trump goes to washington. his first visit to capitol hill since the january 6th attack. we will be back in 90 seconds. s i have upped my dish game. i just scrape... load... and i'm done. in that dishwasher? in that dishwasher. only platinum plus is packed with more dawn to remove up to 100% of grease and food residue. get the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for ya? 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>> what impressed me most, the weakness of the republican party. the elected leaders of the house and senate. republicans, standing there. mitch mcconnell, after the impeachment trial, although he voted, not guilty, he stood minutes later and said the former president was personally responsible for the attack on the capitol. the extraordinary groveling and weakness of so-called leaders. how could they do this? how could they surround with such fealty. a failed former president. the most distasteful man. now, a felon. i thought it was absolute weakness that we saw. we were delayed, having a hearing on of all things, da, elvin bread. as the chairman said when he came in late, we are 62 minutes late because we had an important person to great. their notion of a vip is very sad. >> was donald trump inside the capitol or just in the area? >> from what i know he was at the republican club. that's where i walked into work that day. there was no crowd. if he was looking for crowd size, there was no crowd. the only people hanging around where the media. they were waiting to see him go in and out. i do not believe he came in, i don't know? >> we did not clarify he stepped into the building. some of your colleagues launched a task force to stop the project 2025. that would dismantle parts of the federal government and install trump loyalists as civil servants. the president of the heritage foundation told that democrats are okay to try but we will not give up and we will win. what makes the initiative worth fighting against? >> it is really un-american. if you take a look at it, what we pride ourselves on, agencies that support elected officials and government officials who are legislating for a president acting as executive. instead what they want to do, replace civil servants. people who are working for the good of the country without a political slant. they want to replace him with loyalists of this president should he be reelected. that appends the whole system. we are supposed to be served by people who are not driven by political ambition or aims but by the good of the american people. it is a very scary initiative project 2025. it is very nationalistic and isolationist. i believe it will not be successful and i believe that donald trump will not be successful in being reelected. the danger in the meantime from what you reported, the danger, the willingness to call for violence. saying victory or death. to this candidate, it is scary because it is very damaging to democracy. >> it's also quite expensive. about 1000 pages long. durbin revealed that justice clarence thomas failed to disclose at least three private jet trips gifted by harlan crow. harlan crow's lawyer provided details during its investigation. your colleagues are working on legislation to bring in and unaccountable supreme court. will that help when it seems some justices are skirting the limited ethics rules already in place? >> it is a very sad day. the suffering court to have played fast and loose. we are watching now with justice alito, i am part of the task force. jamie raskin, and others, are calling for the reform of this. calling for rules of ethics that are enforceable. the courts wants to police itself. imagine hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts and travel, home repairs, mortgages, tuition and other things, unaccounted for. now mr. thomas is coming up with some reporting as to these very expensive trips with harlan crow. the reason it matters, we want our justices to abide by ethical rules. this means that justices should avoid the appearance of impropriety. when harlan crow and others are contributing to their enjoyment of life, how can you have confidence in a judicial system like that? i hope the legislator, by way of what we are doing on the task force, we will be able to rein in the supreme court. we actually have that requirement. we have that obligation. we have the responsibility to do that. they are not above the legislative branch. >> it is good to see you as always. thank you. princess kate, makes her first public appearance since revealing she has cancer. we have more pictures when we return. that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. 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(vo) new and existing customers get iphone 15 on us when they trade in any iphone. verizon organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best garden i have ever had. good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an iunderlying issue.em it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. breaking news, a much anticipated return to the public stage. catherine, princess of wales for the first time since revealing her cancer diagnosis. crowds gathered to catch a glimpse of the princess traveling in a carriage from buckingham palace. megan fitzgerald is outside of buckingham palace with more on all of this. i can imagine what the reaction was for those waiting to catch a glimpse of kate. she looked so great. >> reporter: she related. as you know this is one of the most highly anticipated events here in the royal calendar. this year was different. this year was special. that moment when we saw the princess stepped out to the balcony with her husband and children, the king and the queen, it was an extraordinary moment. a lot of people did not think that we would see it today and understandably so. she continues to have chemotherapy treatment. getting the first glimpse when the princess of wales was inside the carriage, with her children, rolling down -- thousands of people relying -- the crowd just erected with excitement. this is an extraordinary moment given everything that we know about her health. we had an opportunity to catch up with people in the crowd. listen to what this moment met to them. >> she looked very well. fingers crossed for continued recovery. >> you feel like a family. everyone comes together and we were celebrating something that brings a lot of people together at a time when there is so much going on to divide people. these kinds of things foster the sense of being british. to see the king with his health elements as of late, being out and celebrating, meant so much. >> reporter: that is a touching and meaningful moment to a lot of people. it comes after the kensington palace released the picture yesterday of the princess of wales. she sent the message to the world that she wrote updating us on her health. i will read part of what she said. i am making good progress, as anyone going through chemotherapy he knows, there are good and bad days. my treatment is ongoing and will be for a few more months. in her message, she says, she is now -- not out of the woods yet. this personalizes her. anyone who experiences cancer or know someone who has, has an understanding of good and bad days. the strength that must have taken for her to stand on the balcony. to greet the public, is sends a powerful message. >> it was extraordinary to see. she looked great. that was heartwarming. you had the plum assignment, thank you. kate's appearance was anticipated by those looking for signs of improvement. her office said she has started working occasionally from home. she meets with her official teams when she feels able. her illness coinciding with the king charles recent diagnosis and his return to public. today's ceremony marks a significant moment bringing the family together publicly for the first time this year. joining me is emily nash. welcome. first of all, remind my viewers what the significance is of trooping the color? before her health troubles, did the princess participate? >> yes, it's an event to mark the official birthday. this is the kings second birthday. it is something we have seen the princess attending since she became a member of the royal family. she would've been missed had she not made the appearance. >> if you look at the year overall, tumultuous is a way to describe it for the family. how important is the public messaging today of, we are still here? two it was so important. this was a huge symbolic moment. she has not been seen since christmas day. there has been a vacuum of information around that since she put out the video message in which she shared her diagnosis. it was very important that she appeared today. to prove the people that she is making progress and doing well. as we heard she is having good and bad days. this was one of the good days. >> very much so. his surprise everyone at how wonderful she looked. her announcement that she would attend, she was clear to your point the recovery has a way to go. other any more details about her treatment and diagnosis that you can share? i will say to megan that preceded you, she used the word, preventative chemotherapy. i have not heard that word before. sometimes chemotherapy can attack the cancer and sometimes use to prevent. is a something you have information about? >> that is correct. this was a preventative chemotherapy. we heard from the princess, it is ongoing for at least a few more months. it is very much still going on for her. like anyone going through that treatment, some days will be better than others. it tells us she has been advised by her medical team to focus on the things that bring her joy and what is giving her strength. giving her the ability to stand up there on the balcony with her family. to be there with her children, that's exactly one of the families so essential. supporting your children is very much at the heart of what she does as a mother. i think that would have given her strength and motivation to make that appearance. >> i understand that prince lewis brought a little bit of joy with his antics. emily nash, thank you for joining us. a powerful heat dome is coming. that is one extreme weather stories coming up. ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ breaking news, millions across the u.s. are in the path of record-setting high temperatures next week. from indiana to the east coast. some cities could feel over 100 degree highs. florida is repairing for more potential rain after the barrage of flooding. people under flood watches, this weekend floods in areas with century the ground. joining now, nbc, sam, in miami. how are residence coping? >> reporter: right now it has been mostly scattered showers. we have the apex of calyx on wednesday. thursday and friday could have been really bad. the intensity was never strong enough to spawn the catastrophic flooding. where i am now, the street behind me a couple of hours ago had a foot of flooding behind it. there were some trucks that come in and suck the water out of the street. it just left 90 seconds ago and now you can walk around. this is a snapshot. most of the neighborhoods have cleared up but property owners are trying to figure out how to make their living space habitable. florida just now taking a breath after four rounds of rain. with the weeks worth of rain water cascading through these neighborhoods. including this portion of miami- dade that has seen two feet of water. in north miami, 3 to 4 feet of water on the ground even at this point. if you don't have a tow truck or suv to get out, some people have been stuck without able to leave for days. >> is unsanitary to see people living -- walking through the water. >> reporter: serious trouble in the air. 7000 delays across the country on friday. inclement weather, proven incredibly disruptive minnesota still recovering. back in florida, residents are still trying to dry out. what are you doing with that? >> soaking water out. >> reporter: this man using a vacuum in his house. >> i have not seen miami lake this -- i have seen it like this at hurricane time. not during nonrelated hurricane. >> reporter: governor desantis downplaying the severity of threats. one month after reducing the footprint of climate change. >> the most recent briefing i found was more of a typical south florida afternoon type shower. >> reporter: do you think it's of citing to hear the governor described this as a normal thunderstorm? >> of course would you cannot get mad at mother nature, but they have been having it happen over and over. >> reporter: we look at the totality of the rainfall, around 20 inches of rain for many parts of south florida. the everglades saw 28 inches. hollywood, florida, had around 19 to 21 inches to the north. miami shores. as far as what that means historically, tropical systems bring hurricanes, between 10 and 20. hurricane irma, from 2017, had 21.5 inches. similar numbers historically. that is why folks are reacting with alarm. that is not how this is supposed to work. we will see what happens in the future? >> that did not seem like a normal miami south florida thundershowers afternoon. all right, thank you for the update. nothing to see here -- is it really? why what is happening off the coast of cuba is so concerning. boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. my mental health was better. but uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia, started disrupting my day. td felt embarrassing. i felt like disconnecting. i asked my doctor about treating my td, and learned about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ ingrezza is clinically proven for reducing td. most people saw results in just two weeks. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. only number-one prescribed ingrezza has simple dosing for td: always one pill, once daily. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. take control by asking your doctor about ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ (dad) we never thought that with verizon, about ingrezza. saving on the the best in entertainment was gonna be so easy before... we had to pretend we had seen all these shows... now that we have verizon, we can stop pretending. 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>> this is vladimir putin trying to send a message that he can project power outside of the places that russia normally operates. they have had long alliances with cuba and venezuela. from time to time and send the ships out. they just completed an exercise in the northern atlantic. coming two weeks after president biden authorized ukraine to use some american provided weapons to strike targets within russian territory. cases of self-defense, against military administrations being used to attack ukraine. putin said at that time, if he can do it, i can do it. i think that is why you see the ships making the port call right now? >> is there for tat going on? thursday the u.s. military announced that an american ship showed up to guantanamo bay. does this move contradict the, do not be alarmed that we are hearing from the pentagon? >> these things though not -- it is sent a message. it happened during the cold war. we sent ships and fleets to particular places and made a point of showing our result. that is obviously what the presence of the american submarine is meant to do today. we understand you are here, we are here too. america has more naval power than the russians do and they will be in trouble if they try to start something. that is the gameplaying. we are in the cold war mentality. we show our ships and they show their ships. everybody is on edge in case something more drastic were to happen. >> we believe that they pay let's move to the campaign trail. republican national committee is trying to figure out a way for their presumptive nominee, donald trump, to address the convention even if he cannot attend in person. because as he awaits sentencing for his convictions. does it indicate republicans are expecting him to face jail time or a home confinement? >> it sounds like they are prepared for that eventuality. the sentence happens a few days before the convention opens. we do not know what the judge will do. it is likely that even if he were to issue a sentence of imprisonment or home confinement, there will be an appeal quickly and the sentence may be stayed or delayed until the appeals are heard. it's hard to imagine he will be behind bars during the convention. the judge does not want to inflame the situation or seem to be out of the ordinary. most defendants after being convicted have a chance to appeal before they actually serve their sentences. >> why are they planning for this? a source says on thursday that donald trump slammed the city of milwaukee. that is the whole city. donald trump calling it horrible and overrun by crime. donald trump campaign is denying but d.c. is capitalizing off the comments. splashing across a dozen billboards in milwaukee. you spend time getting to know donald trump while you wrote your book. does it seem like donald trump thinks he might not make it to milwaukee? he signed up what an early spin on the situation? >> it is not smart to insult the city you are mentioning. especially if it is the heart of a battleground state you need to win. wisconsin is one of the three most important states in the selection with pennsylvania and michigan. the president biden holds onto those three he most certainly will win it even if donald trump takes the other states like georgia and arizona. you do not unnecessarily want to offend people in that state. it's a fascinating situation where republicans are trying to explain away their nominee. at first they said he did not see it then they said that he did but he didn't mean it. he was only talking about crime or the position of the protesters during the convention. either way, it certainly is a gift to the democrats. they understandably are taking advantage of it and trying to make a case to the people of wisconsin that maybe donald trump is not their favorite choice for president. >> don't you love that we have to interpret a presumptive republican nominee? thank you so much. we will see you again soon. the chickens coming home to roost for alex jones. ck helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. 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Attorneys , Communications Director Will ,

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