angeles and this is america's late news, auction is at night. -- fox news at night. >> it's time for dancing in the streets. >> trace: brand-new reaction to donald trump being found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records period the verdict, no surprise being celebrated by the left. supporters of the former president have a much different take. >> what was going through your head? is. >> i almost fainted. it's disgusting, i'm telling you men. >> what they are doing to this man is disgusting. it wouldn't happen to anyone else. >> trace: the verdict appears to be igniting the trump base even more. campaigns is the digital fundraising system is overwhelmed but the former president appears to be unshaken by the outcome, vowing to continue the fight all the way to the ballot box. >> this was a rig, disgraceful trial with -- the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people. >> trace: we have team fox coverage. we begin with nate foy, he's live outside the new york courthouse with more on the unprecedented conviction period good evening. >> reporter: you just saw the emotion outside the courthouse. inside the courthouse, when that verdict was read, donald trump showed no emotion whatsoever. he is now a convicted felon pending an appeal for falsifying business records to unlawfully influence the 2016 presidential election. you saw trump stoic after court today. he is already turning his attention to november and this year's presidential election, saying this after court. >> this was a rigged, disgraceful trial. the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people and they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here. the whole thing, we didn't do a thing wrong. we will keep fighting, we will fight until the end and we will win. >> reporter: as for what comes next, a trump has 30 days to appeal. it's unlikely that he will go to jail because trump has no criminal history and these are nonviolent crimes. but jail time is possible. he faces up to four years for each of the 34 counts but under new york law the maximum sentence for this level of felony is 20 years. manhattan da alvin bragg reacted to the guilty verdict after court tonight. >> i did my job. my job was to follow the facts and the law without fear of favourite. that's what we did here and what i feel is gratitude to work on long side phenomenal public servants who do that each and every day. >> reporter: todd blanche challenged the verdict but judge merchan denied the motion. the only way the jury can find trump guilty is if they believe the testimony of michael cohen, blanche claims that cohen lied on the stand during his trial. he admitted to lying several times under oath. he's the only person directly connecting trump to the stormy daniels deal. so as we look forward, trump's sentencing hearing is on july 11th. that's just four days before the republican national convention in milwaukee so after spending 23 days in this courtroom now, trump is already as you mentioned raising money of this conviction and he can turn his attention back to politics. we will send it back to you. >> trace: thank you, let's bring in the cochair of the america first policy institute's centre for law and justice former florida attorney general ... former dod chief of staff along with... thank you all for coming on. jonathan turley said this earlier. i thought it was fascinating, watch. >> it's not good president and i think when people, perhaps some who are celebrating tonight and the celebrations are occurring all around us, i think that some may look back at this and wonder what we've done because there is great damage year. >> trace: how much damage does this do? how much trust is lost in the u.s. justice system? >> a tremendous amount of trust is lost in the justice system tonight. we all know that and this judge has committed reversible error every step of the way throughout this trial. i think all lawyers are convinced it will be reversed. the american people see through it. donald jay shutdown today because the internet crashed because so many americans were donating and it's back up and running now. the people were patient and is so people see what's happening around this country and what happened to him. i fully agree with the professor and what he said. it's a sad day for the justice system. >> trace: trump attorney todd blanche said this to jesse watters earlier. >> the district attorney says that these kind of cases happen all the time. that is not true. that does not happen all the time. it doesn't happen all the time in manhattan, it doesn't happen all the time in any jurisdiction in this country. >> trace: bread and butter? this is so unprecedented, it's amazing that he would say that. >> it's shockingly unconstitutional. it's great to be with you and i'm here to announce a measure that i'm working with congress that should be congress -- congress has bread-and-butter. i'm calling for the subpoenas to be issued to the judges company ... i want to know the bank records because money doesn't lie. on want to know how deep it is and how much of it went to the family and how much of it is going to the family after this false conviction and then we need to investigate the actual violations at this judge and his family conducted because he should never have been overseeing this trial to begin with because of the illicit campaign money that was flowing through their and the unconstitutional due process violations are only the beginning. america is calling for accountability of our judicial system and congress is the only lever that hasn't. i'm hoping for one or two brave members of congress that i'm talking to issue subpoenas asap. >> trace: he came under a lot of focus on this thing. it was one of those things where in the world of alvin bragg, you didn't even have to have one crime. you could pick of a buffet of crimes. and any one of those would get you a conviction. >> translating what you are saying through the lens of a criminal defence practitioner, what you're saying is there's a violation of due process. defendants have a right to proper notice. what are the charges? where the witnesses? in this case the judge allowed witnesses to be disclosed to the defence at the very last moment. similarly, this judge allowed structures to go to the jury >> it's really comical win you have the frightening sound of a prosecutor who has immense power over the citizenry in that area, they say it's not force or fear or favour, we let the law lead and we followed it. the reality is, favour was the horse and the lead and they found a way to go back to statements from 2017, don't forget, and bolster that underneath the felony charge to bring this case to a very biased court. >> trace: somebody said today that alvin bragg once a criminals protected and political opponents jailed. would you agree with that assessment? >> i would say look at the facts. donald trump as their political opponent and they've been chasing donald trump since alvin bragg was running for office. they actually campaigned and fun raised off the fact that they were going to prosecute and convict donald trump. the teacher james also hired... in her state attorney general's office. they have completely weapon eyes to the system of justice and done away with the rule of law. one of the most reversible errors that i saw occur was this judge gave a jury instruction that literally left the bottom of the envelope blank. it said you don't have to find unanimously beyond a reasonable doubt what the underlying felony is. you find -- you have to find that you think he committed a crime. that is ever about these people don't care because all they want to do is take a victory lap. >> trace: is there a feeling that the democrats stepped across a line here? >> of course they did. americans all over this country are donating, the website crashed and americans sea what's going on. you said the bread and butter that alvin bragg said what he did. that's not what that office does. that's not what the function of the office should be. it should be prosecuting violent criminals. crime on the subway. i believe there was a stopping just before the verdict came in at half of nypd was there protecting the courthouse not by choice. all of these prosecutors were in there watching the trial instead of prosecuting. that should be the bread-and-butter. violent crime in new york city. it was going after a political opponent trace. >> trace: standby for one second we will get back to you in moments. another big question facing the nation tonight is what impact today's historic verdict will have on november's presidential election. live with more on the political fallout. >> reporter: trump left the courthouse after his guilty verdict today appearing rather stonefaced saying this was a regular trial in part because the judge would not grant a change of venue. out of deep blue manhattan. >> and this was rigged, disgraceful trial. the real verdict is going to be november 5th by the people and they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here. >> reporter: the presidential candidate went to trump tower and waved his fist at the crowded. as many predicted, today's guilty verdict might ignite... drums donation website briefly went down today and... reading i was just convicted in a rigged political witchhunt. i did nothing wrong. and a text message, biden's campaign urged his supporters to counter trump donations, writing donald trump supporters are fired up and likely setting fundraising records for his campaign. while the rights comes to the aid of trump, joe biden and those who care about democracy need you. some known opponents of trump like adam shift posted on. first... now donald jay trump is a convicted felon. all our and affirmation of the role of law. a short while ago tonight, ivankovic trump posted this picture to instagram writing i love you dad. 67 percent of registered photos -- voters nationwide said an npr poll that today's guilty verdict will make no difference in how they vote. >> trace: that's a big number. thank you. let's bring in steve hilton, and ... thank you all for coming on. lauren do you think this helps or hurts the former president politically? >> zero, probably no impact. it's just a couple percentage points on the positive, a couple on the negative. all of that will wash out by the election. i think most of the impact is frankly a miscalculation that democrats are making that people really care about donald trump's crimes and possible crimes when most people just want to know is this person going to help me and my family more than the guy in office right now. so i do think if it is an impact, it's a huge miscalculation by democrats but likely nothing at all. >> trace: the biden campaign sent out this text, convicted felon or not, trump will be republican nominee for president. there is one other certainty as you read this, and supporters are fired up and likely setting fundraising records for his campaign. steve hilton, they got that right. >> how dare they by the way in the tweet you talked about caring about democracy. democracy? from these people? they undermined it today. they go on and on about january 6th. this is the democrats. much, much worse. it's not just a few rogue elements. this is the entire party. the entire establishment. the media echo chamber. all of them preemptively some -- subverting the peaceful transfer of power. these people, this failed, feckless establishment who from day one couldn't bear the idea that the american people with donald trump as their president. they've been trying to do this from day one. you had the last election... the laptop and the cover up there and now this. how dare they talk to anyone about democracy. they will not succeed because this is america and people will not stand for this. >> trace: even rfk junior said this is not democratic. he's running against both trump and biden but this is in my democracy. >> i think that point is where people will come down on. i don't have a strong opinion about anything happening in the courtroom but i know that this isn't america and i think in terms of president trump, preverdict he was winning. if the election was held tomorrow he would win. opposed verdict he is emboldened and that only helps him as well. it's not a good day for joe biden, i don't think he brought any new people to his side today and he needs them. >> trace: not sure it was a good day for larry hogan either, he said regardless of the results i urge all americans to respect the verdict in the legal process at this dangerously divided moment in our history, all leaders were godless of party... with more toxic partisanship, we must reaffirm what has made this nation great and the rule of law ... >> i'm not done with hogan. he's trying to win as a republican in a blue state. more power to him, i hope he takes that seat. i think that's very fair and even on brand for him. i'm not going to bash a moderate republican trying to win back the senate. >> trace: a lot of people say i'm not sure he's a moderate republican anymore. they say if you're shocked that the donation page crashed after the ruling you are part of the problem and will never understand why millions of americans support the former president touch grass and logoff resistance twitter. people don't understand what this is all about. >> that's right and they never have. laced near -- they smear trump and trump supporters. the anger and their failures, years and decades in the making. the more that they try to use these unfair, illegitimate, of all this means to bring him down, the more fired up the movement dot -- that donald trump created will be. >> trace: do you agree with that assessment? people don't quite get what this whole movement is about. >> donald trump is the blue-collar billionaire. he represents the everyday guy which is funny considering he's a billionaire. he's not afraid to fight. that's what they say. they say republicans never fight, you just apologize. donald trump doesn't apologize, he fights and that's why average hard-working americans want in our elected officials and that's why he resonates. despite democrats trying to put some logic on it, they can't because they refused to understand that piece of it. >> trace: republicans may be fighting before they know it. thank you all. >> what they are doing to this man is disgusting. it should happen to no one else, they're trying to stop him from campaigning. everybody can see that. >> i'm so pleased that there's finally some accountability. he has abated a lot -- the law for many years, decades and it's finally caught up to him. also this is -- we are fighting for democracy here. >> it's going to increase his chances to win. it's in the public's eye how they are using this judicial system just to penalize him to get him away from running for president again. >> trace: mixed reaction from voters after the guilty verdict for donald trump. let's go to our legal panel. thank you all, the new york times as the following donald trump fell in. the greatest good to come out of this sort of case is the proof that the rule of law finds everyone, even former presidents. they keep pushing this thing that this was just a run-of-the-mill case. >> if you really think about this and you distill all the theatrics into what it really is, the sand at the bottom of the ocean, what you're talking about here is a politician turned prosecutor who said i'm going after donald trump, elect me and i will do it. this should not be allowed. if he went into office and he didn't go after donald trump, he would be out of a job. this is foundation only the pollution of the legal system and it should send chills up all leaders and common citizens finds. >> trace: trumps us -- trump's attorney said this earlier. >> did your client get a fair trial? >> no. i don't think so. we've been saying for over a year that we couldn't get a fair trial in manhattan, we couldn't get a fair trial with the judge and it played out in lots of ways exactly as we expected. >> trace: what attorney thought this was a fair trial? >> non. i was in court last week when todd blanche and his partner were arguing the jury instructions which i always felt were the most crucial part of this trial other than picking the jury. they did a great job arguing it but the judge it shut them down every step of the way. it's a criminal case yet the judge would not allow the defence to put the will -- word wilful in front of intent. that's the burden in criminal case. 's response was it's not necessary do they know this case is going to get overturned on appeal? they won the battle they are going to lose the war. all they wanted was the short-term when so they can have him convicted. sentencing is four days before the public -- before the republican national convention and they can call him a convicted felon. it's backfiring. >> trace: the battle part of it, can you pinpoint where you think the jury thought the second crime or what you think the second crime of the three was? >> i don't think the jury knew. the judge gave him free reign. they said you don't have to figure out the second part of the crime. i've never seen a criminal jury instruction in my entire career read like that where it said the u.s. supreme court has specifically stated all elements of all counts of all crimes have to be proven beyond to the exclusion of every reasonable doubt and it has to be unanimous. the jury was removed from that option because the judge gave them a hall pass. to reflect on what joe biden said today, they said if donald trump is elected, he's going to terminate the constitution. today the constitution was exterminated by the disoriented rule of law in new york. i want to see all these constitutional hard-liners that are all in the radical left-wing media talking heads this week. i want to see what they have to say 100 biden's jury is sworn in next week and if they want those meticulous jury instructions to be given to hunter biden. what we saw today was a weapon eyes did system of justice cut apart due process with this judge and the prosecution and denied it donald trump every single right of due process he deserves. >> trace: is this overturned on appeal? >> beyond a shot about -- beyond a shadow of a doubt. this judge has tripped on his feet. >> trace: thank you all. coming up, rigged or right? the mainstream media still celebrating the verdicts. we will play you sound from other networks that you may find enlightening. later we asked you a few weeks ago whether trump had a shot in a deep blue manhattan courtroom, clearly the answer was no. what was your reaction to today's guilty verdict? didn't make you angry, sad, some other emotion and why? let us know. we will read your responses inse the nightcap. voices of people with cidp: cidp disrupts. cidp derails. let's be honest... all: cidp sucks! voices of people with cidp: but living with cidp doesn't have to. when you sign up at, you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. when your cat's hungry, you definitely know. when he wants your attention, he makes it clear. when he wants to be left alone, he makes it obvious. but if your cat has oa pain, also known as osteoarthritis pain, he may be saying “ow” in different ways. it's a long-lasting condition that makes it painful for your cat to move like they once did, like when walking or climbing. red flags are everywhere. but cats are really good at hiding their pain, so you just need to know what to look for. visit to learn about the signs of oa pain and how your vet can help. >> to conceal a scheme to corrupt with the 2016 election. while this defendant maybe unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes through the courtroom doors. by following the facts and the law and doing so without fear or favour. >> this was done by the biden administration in order to hurt political opponent. i think it's a disgrace and we will keep fighting, we will fight to the end and we will win because our country has gone to hell and we will fight for our constitution. >> trace: money on the left in the mainstream media celebrating today's historic guilty verdict for donald trump. the senior national correspondent kevin corke's live in washington with that story. >> reporter: it may not carry the weight it once did but the long repository of news of the day seemed to revel a bit in the verdict. guilty 34 times, each word linking to an article about the historic verdict. it wasn't just drive getting into it, this is reportedly what the upcoming new yorker cover is expected to look like. interpretation of the eventual fate, albeit highly unlikely. and opinions range from delight to discussed on television as well. >> the former president of the united states now a convicted felon. unbelievable moment in american history. >> historic trial of the former president of the united states by his partisan adversaries. whatever you think of the results, it's inconceivable in new york that anyone else other than doll and trump whatever have been indicted in this way. by alvin bragg. >> trace: strong words >> perhaps the cbc of canada. they perhaps put it best, of verdict, an appeal and for americans, a plunge into the political unknown. that it is. >> trace: kevin thank you. let's bring in the spectators. washington editor amber duke and seattle talk radio host... i want to play a little media montage. this is a joyful media montage from today. watch this. >> thank you to the jurors, thank you to this judge. >> this is a moment of democratic reset. >> accountability is happening here. >> this was a jury that throughout the process was extremely attentive. >> miracle is too strong a word but a day for celebration. >> the jog -- judge who he is attacked repeatedly without any basis is -- it's a remarkable moment. >> you have to live with it. >> trace: miracle? the last guy didn't know the crime any more than anybody else did. he couldn't pick out the crime either and yet so overjoyed. >> it's incredible. cannot surprised to see these people gloating. they very much represent the same makeup that was likely on that jury because these are coastal elite liberals who love to trounce around manhattan and have been dreaming about this moment for years. i will say that media ought to be very careful because they enjoyed it trump as a cash cow when he was in office. their ratings were much better. a lot of them got six-figure deals and that -- all of that is going to go away if he does not get elected in november. they better be careful about getting what they wish for. >> trace: joy reed always gives my favourite soundbites and she did not disappoint today i want to play this. it's 20 seconds, but well worth the watch. >> the one good thing that happened here is that this case was brought in a state that no republican controls because if it did, the same thing that happened in georgia would've happened here. thank god for the state of new york, donald trump's home state beak -- because there was no way for him to interfere with the process of justice. >> trace: she saying the republicans were matchmakers for them in georgia. that's what happened, it was all a big deal. >> who knew we could find love so easily. i didn't know republicans were capable of doing that. it seems so mindnumbing lay down. what is so funny about all of this, we have had over the course of the last few days coverage that has -- it's gone from dr jill biden telling us that democracy is in peril and we are about to lose our democracy if this guy gets elected by the people to today is actually a great day for democracy because one party rule, one-party system in new york with a corrupted judge was able to move forward with a politically motivated case against a former president we hate and we are trying to destroy his life. these people don't really know what the definitions are of the terms they are using. i think most people at this point can see through this and we had that paul basically saying most people, regardless of the outcome, would not really change their position. it's about a small group of people and i think they are going to be alienated by this kind of coverage. >> anderson cooper had this to say today. >> clearly he's trying to leave this rig to system to a rigged system that he hopes his voters believe in. >> trace: who in their right mind would link this to politics? >> first of all, how could you not imagine after the lengths that that they went through to allow this case to even be brought in the first place and then ultimately bringing the process to return a guilty verdict that these same people wouldn't attempt to rig an election. on the other side, the biden campaign showed up with robert de niro to hold an event outside the trump trial and now members of the biden team are complaining that the media is covering this too much. you have them saying that they should be covering biden's speech in philadelphia as opposed to the trump trial in new york. will which one is it? do you want them to cover your campaign event outside the trial or not? >> trace: it feels like a russian can -- russian collision reunion. >> it really does. if they were doing this for the first time, perhaps it would be more effective. because they've been relentless and have been playing the same tune over and over again, people i think are able to see through it and frankly they are just getting really sick and tired. i was talking about this today. i was hearing from a lot of folks who are independence or moderate democrats who were sending in messages saying i don't like the guy necessarily but you've pushed me into his corner. i really think this is going to backfire, particularly in the states where they can't afford it if you are a biden supporter for it to backslide. >> trace: thank you both. coming up, a lot of people thank america is losing it's grace, losing its honour. it's not just by using the legal system to go after political opponents. it's our lack of pride, lack of patriotism. up next, we might change your mind. we are joint alive by middle school student who was running for commissioner of spirit and patriotism but was told to remove all parts of patriotism from his speech. he pushed back. we will show you what happened. he will join us onset next whether dad's vehicle is his prized possession or the family hauler... he needs to protect it. this father's day, give him the gift of weathertech. from laser-measured floorliners and cargo liner to keep his interior pristine. to seat protector to guard against stains and sunshade to block harmful uv rays. the cupfone perfectly secures his phone while driving. order these american made products or a gift card at happy father's day! >> whether it is disrespecting the people who protected us or eating during the national anthem at a sporting event. many people recite the pledge of allegiance without understanding it's meaning. if someone doesn't truly know what they are pledging to the united states of america, they might as well be... >> trace: that was jimmy reciting the speech that he was supposed to give at his catholic school. he is running for commissioner of the school spirit and patriotism but he was told his speech could not have any reference to patriotism. he and his parents fought back so let's bring in young jimmy and his mother. thank you both for coming on, we appreciate it. the principal told you to remove the patriotism stuff from your speech. i know you went back and he did a lot of edits and what happened then, tell us about this. >> she told me to remove everything regarding patriotism. so i immediately knew i'm not going to do that because i knew that was wrong. we made revisions and as she saw it the night before the election then i came in, i put in -- put it in a folder and i had my parents sign it and it came to school the next day. i came up to her and she is like i need your speech i need to see it before it goes on. i said i have it right here but i did not remove the parts regarding patriotism. she said you don't understand, you have to remove that part. grist you are not obligated to be speaking about this and then she said you are speaking to fourth through seventh graders, they don't care about patriotism that was a red flag for me. eyes said i've known about patriotism since kindergarten. i've been a president every year for halloween since i was in kindergarten, this year being reagan. i said i'm not going to remove that. >> trace: you're running for patriotism and spirit right? >> she said you need to remove this and i said i love my country and that's why a put in there. she said you need to come to my office and at that point i said no i'm going to say my speech and then if we are going to speak it will be in front of everybody and that's when my dad started speaking to her and i sat on the stage and put on my hat and sat down with a big smile even though i did feel a little bit humiliated later on. >> trace: he says you have to take out the patriotism stuff out... i did ask him to remove the political rhetoric from the original speech which he did and b. to the duties listed under the responsibilities of the commissioner of spirit and patriotism, they are saying we never said to remove the patriotism part. >> she did say that until we showed all of the evidence that we had and then they backpedaled on that because they couldn't use that excuse anymore. they decided to say he didn't turn in on time. we said no, we turned in on time and since then we haven't heard anything. >> trace: that beeping you here is the school backtracking. the whole thing is like your mom said, they got a screenshot of this that was taken down. the principal said this, this entire section she is telling you has to be removed. remember, your audience is fourth through seventh graders who want to know more about pap rallies and spirit for their school up your if i can, i want to put this up. i just want to read the first one. many people recite the pledge of allegiance for that understanding it's meaning it goes on jimmy what fourth or seventh grader doesn't know what the pledge of allegiance is about? >> it's sad because we are all out in front in the morning behind the stage that we actually did the speeches on and i hear kids giggling and making jokes. some kids will be tying their shoes or not even putting their hand on their -- over there heart. that's how i know. i play sports, i've been to dodgers games, i'm a braves fan though. >> trace: let's get him off. >> i will see people be on their phones. it's disrespectful from the two. i know the meaning of it and i know who i'm respecting when i do it. >> trace: are you glad that he fought? >> i'm so glad he did and we will continue to fight. it's our priority. if we don't stand up for our kids, no one will. >> trace: on days like today, we need patriots. we need more patriots and we need more speech about patriotism. fair? >> yes for sure. >> trace: we very much appreciate it. best of luck with this fight and at the school want to come back and join you on this we will have a debate. >> trace: are you surprised by the guilty verdict and trump's new york trial? more importantly, how do you feel? tell us why. we will read your responses? coming up next in the nightcap. >> trace: we're back with the nightcap crew. tonight's topic, trump convicted. we asked you a few weeks ago whether trump had a shot in a deep blue manhattan courtroom. the answer was no. what was your reaction to today's guilty verdict? did it make you more angry, sad, some other emotion and why? we would like to start with... >> neither. i think it's the time for strength, for motivation, to be able to conquer things that are just not rights. i think we need more of that. mad and sad takes too many minutes away from my life. >> i'm going to go with neither for a little bit of a different reason i think there's too much emotion on this on both sides and it's dangerous for democrats and republicans. democrats are assuming people care way too much about donald trump and his legal troubles. that might lose them the election. republicans can't assume that nobody will be alienated by this. there's a lot of small business owners in this country that cross every tv, dot every i and maybe they would never find themselves in the situation. everyone needs to cool down a bit and try to see the other side. >> no surprise there. at the deep blue jury pool. i thought maybe one or two people may have held out but here we are. the question is what is the implication moving forward. he was already impeached twice. it looks like he's going to continue running. we may look back at this and say the time that donald trump was convicted. >> look at history, twice impeached, now this. verdicts of hundreds of millions of dollars. this is par for the course. i think you can look at this one way which is so what or you can say this is wrong and the best medicine is to vote. >> i went from wanting to binge ice cream to wanting to... and get a contact time just to calm down but i feel hopeful because i feel people are going to come together, voters will do the right thing and put trump back in the white house. >> trace: my thing was the bottom line is i'm surprised he got this far because he read the indictment, you look at what happened. there was no crime. how does it get this far? doesn't get this far when you don't have a crime, you don't give somebody due process and say this is what you are convicting -- what you are accused of. they say china and north korea are laughing all along with alvin bragg. >> donated and volunteered, i'm livid. trump has my vote. >> history says not be kind >> jessica a little of both makes me want to fight harder to bring him back. johns has a totally... i feel like i've been stabbed in the back by my country for letting this verdict happened. thank you all for watching america's late news, fox news at night.seco i'm trace gallagher in los angeles we will see you back here friday night. in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. generalized myasthenia gravis made my life a lot harder. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. ♪ vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. ♪ most participants taking vyvgart also had less muscle weakness. and your vyvgart treatment schedule is designed just for you. in a clinical study, the most common side effects included urinary and respiratory tract infections, and headache. vyvgart may increase the risk of infection. tell your doctor if you have a history of infections or symptoms of an infection. vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. available as vyvgart for iv infusion and also as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. 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Reaction ,Everyone ,Los Angeles ,Thanks ,Trace Gallagher ,East Coast ,8 ,00 ,11 ,Watching America ,News ,Auction ,At Night ,Fox News ,It S Time ,Dancing ,Donald Trump ,Verdict ,President ,Counts ,Supporters ,Surprise ,Streets ,Being ,Falsifying ,The Left ,34 ,Oman ,It Wouldn T ,Head ,Stake ,Men ,Anyone Else ,Way ,Fight ,Fundraising System ,Outcome ,Campaigns ,Base ,Clinical Trial ,People ,Trace ,Rig ,Ballot Box ,Team Fox Coverage ,November 5th ,5 ,Reporter ,Courthouse ,Conviction ,Emotion ,Nate Foy ,New York ,Felon ,Appeal ,Business Records ,2016 ,Trump ,Election ,U S Supreme Court ,Attention ,Thing ,Everybody ,Fighting ,Thing Wrong ,Jay Trump ,History ,Crimes ,Jail ,The End ,30 ,Law ,Felony ,Alvin Bragg ,Sentence ,Level ,Manhattan Da ,Four ,20 ,Job ,Facts ,Fear ,Favourite ,Gratitude ,Merchan ,Michael Cohen ,Jury ,Servants ,Todd Blanche ,Motion ,Guilty ,Testimony ,Trial ,Person ,Times ,Sentencing Hearing ,Stand ,Oath ,Stormy Daniels Deal ,July 11th ,Courtroom ,Money ,Politics ,Republican National Convention ,Milwaukee ,23 ,Former ,Cochair ,Chief Of Staff ,Dod ,America First Policy Institute S Centre For Law And Justice ,Florida Attorney General ,Jonathan Turley ,Damage ,Celebrations ,Wonder ,System ,Justice ,Trust ,Know ,Step ,Terror ,Amount ,Hard Working Americans ,Internet ,Jay Trump Com ,Lawyers ,Country ,Professor ,Justice System ,Patient ,Doesn T ,Deep Blue Manhattan ,District Attorney ,Kind ,It Doesn T ,Cases ,Jesse Watters ,Butter ,Bread ,Jurisdiction ,Measure ,Subpoenas ,Congress ,Judges ,Records ,Company ,Violations ,Family ,Doesn T Lie ,Accountability ,Campaign ,Due Process ,Lever ,Hasn T ,Beginning ,Lot ,Crime ,Things ,Members ,Focus ,World ,Buffet ,One ,Two ,Defence ,Defendants ,Violation ,Right ,Lens ,Practitioner ,Saying ,Notice ,Case ,Witnesses ,Similarly ,Charges ,Structures ,Prosecutor ,Power ,Citizenry ,Sound ,Area ,Win ,Favour ,Horse ,Law Lead ,Statements ,Reality ,Lead ,Don T Forget ,2017 ,Opponents ,Criminals ,Somebody ,Felony Charge ,Office ,Opponent ,Running ,Assessment ,Fun ,Fact ,Look ,Estate ,Eyes ,Rule Of Law ,Teacher James ,Errors ,Attorney General S Office ,Jury Instruction ,Doubt ,Bottom ,Envelope Blank ,Course ,Democrats ,Care ,Line ,Feeling ,People Don T ,Victory Lap ,Donating ,Website ,What S Going On ,Function ,Sea ,Wall ,Prosecuting ,Prosecutors ,Subway ,Choice ,Stopping ,Half ,Nypd ,Impact ,Nation ,Second ,Standby ,Big Question ,Part ,Fallout ,A Change Of Venue ,Candidate ,Donation Website Briefly ,Fist ,Tower ,Joe Biden ,Nothing ,Reading ,Text Message ,Witchhunt ,Democracy ,Setting Fundraising Records ,Trump Donations ,Rights ,Writing ,Aid ,Who ,Affirmation ,Adam Shift ,Voters ,Picture ,I Love You ,Ivankovic Trump ,Role ,Photos ,Npr ,67 ,Poll ,Number ,Steve Hilton ,Difference ,Positive ,Points ,Couple ,Lauren ,Zero ,Negative ,Miscalculation ,Most ,Guy ,Text ,Certainty ,Dare ,Nominee ,Tweet ,January 6th ,Party ,Rogue Elements ,Establishment ,Transfer ,Media Echo Chamber ,6 ,Idea ,Feckless Establishment ,Day One Couldn T Bear ,Cover ,Anyone ,Rfk Junior ,Laptop ,Point ,Anything ,Opinion ,Terms ,Isn T America ,Preverdict He ,Larry Hogan ,Side ,Process ,Results ,Leaders ,Partisanship ,Republican ,Seat ,Brand ,Senate ,Twitter ,Millions ,Donation Page ,Problem ,Touch Grass ,Danger ,Making ,Failures ,More ,Fired Up The Movement Dot ,Billionaire ,Movement ,Officials ,Logic ,Doesn T Apologize ,Piece ,No One Else ,Campaigning ,Public ,Chances ,Eye ,New York Times ,Good ,Panel ,Let S Go ,Presidents ,Sort ,Proof ,Politician ,Ocean ,Sand ,Foundation ,Chills ,Pollution ,Attorney ,Client ,Finds ,Citizens ,Ways ,Lots ,Jury Instructions ,Partner ,Non ,Will ,Word ,Front ,S Response ,Judge ,Intent ,Burden ,Sentencing ,Battle ,War ,Battle Part ,Backfiring ,Three ,Career ,Reign ,Elements ,Exclusion ,Option ,Hall Pass ,Constitution ,Constitutional Hard Liners ,Media ,Weapon Eyes ,Hunter Biden ,Talking Heads ,100 ,Shot ,Single ,Prosecution ,Beyond A Shadow Of Doubt ,Verdicts ,Networks ,Feet ,Coming Up ,Didn T Make You Angry ,Answer ,Responses ,Nightcap ,Cidp ,Voices ,Shiningthroughcidp Com ,Cidp Doesn T Have To ,Cidp Disrupts ,Cidp Derails ,Little ,Inspiration ,Patient Stories ,Information ,Helpful Tips ,Finding Hope ,Cat ,Oa Pain ,Osteoarthritis Pain ,Condition ,Cats ,Spain ,Everywhere ,Flags ,Dow ,Climbing ,Walking ,Visit Catredflags Com ,Vet ,Signs ,Scheme ,Defendant ,Manner ,Courtroom Doors ,Order ,Administration ,Disgrace ,Shell ,Kevin Corke ,Mainstream Media Celebrating Today ,Left ,Story ,Weight ,Washington ,Bit ,Repository ,It Wasn T ,Article ,Interpretation ,Opinions ,New Yorker ,Fate ,Television ,President Of The United States ,Adversaries ,American History ,Whatever ,Words ,Doll ,Cbc ,Unknown ,Plunge ,Canada ,Media Montage ,Spectators ,Seattle ,Talk Radio Host ,Editor Amber Duke ,Jurors ,Reset ,Miracle ,Jog ,Celebration ,The Last Guy Didn T ,Basis ,He Couldn T ,Anybody ,Makeup ,People Gloating ,Cannot ,Liberals ,Cash Cow ,Deals ,Ratings ,Six ,Joy Reed ,Watch ,Soundbites ,Controls ,Home State Beak ,Georgia ,God ,Love ,Matchmakers ,Big Deal ,Coverage ,Jill Biden ,Rule ,Peril ,Life ,Definitions ,Paul ,Anderson Cooper ,Position ,Group ,Place ,Mind ,Lengths ,Trump Trial ,Event ,Team ,Robert De Niro ,Speech ,Philadelphia ,Collision Reunion ,Campaign Event ,Russian ,Time ,Tune ,Folks ,Messages ,Corner ,Independence ,States ,Supporter ,Grace ,Honour ,Backslide ,Patriotism ,Student ,Spirit ,Commissioner ,Black ,Pride ,Middle School ,Up Next ,Parts ,Onset ,Possession ,Vehicle ,Hauler ,Cargo Liner ,Seat Protector ,Uv Rays ,Sunshade ,Stains ,Father S Day ,Weathertech ,Floorliners ,Interior Pristine ,Gift ,Cupfone ,Phone ,Father ,Driving ,Gift Card ,Products ,Pledge ,Sporting Event ,Disrespecting ,Anthem ,Eating ,Allegiance ,Meaning ,Catholic School ,Someone ,Jimmy ,Parents ,School Spirit ,Mother ,Reference ,Principal ,Patriotism Stuff ,Edits ,Everything ,Revisions ,Folder ,Grist ,Graders ,They Don T ,Red Flag ,Kindergarten ,Reagan ,Put ,Stage ,Dad ,Smile ,Hat ,Sat ,Responsibilities ,Rhetoric ,Duties ,Patriotism Part ,Evidence ,Excuse ,We Haven T Heard Anything ,School Backtracking ,Screenshot ,Section ,Mom ,School ,Audience ,Rallies ,Speeches ,Kids Giggling And Making Jokes ,Hand ,Kids ,Heart ,Shoes ,Sports ,Phones ,Games ,Braves Fan Though ,Patriots ,Priority ,Luck ,Debate ,Nightcap Crew ,Topic ,Neither ,Angry ,Motivation ,Strength ,Sides ,Troubles ,Reason ,Nobody ,Situation ,Tv ,Small Business Owners ,Dot ,Question ,Jury Pool ,Deep Blue ,Implication ,Medicine ,Par ,Dollars ,Hundreds ,Ice Cream ,Indictment ,White House ,Somebody Due Process ,China ,North Korea ,Vote ,Both ,Back ,Totally ,Johns ,Twist ,Child ,Safer ,Packaging ,Tide Pods ,Adults ,Vyvgart ,Myasthenia Gravis ,Participants ,Activities ,Ability ,Gmg Treatment ,Side Effects ,Infection ,Infections ,Headache ,Study ,Muscle Weakness ,Risk ,Vyvgart Treatment Schedule ,Respiratory Tract Infections ,Doctor ,Reactions ,Injection Site Reactions ,Subcutaneous Injection ,Symptoms ,Vyvgart Hytrulo ,Neurologist ,

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