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having. ♪ >> hello from new york city. the only thing higher than the rent is the table. it's a mess in this town. are you smoking marijuana? he's like no. he said you go then. let's meet tonight's panel because it's a hot one. cohost the biggest untestable time, justin timberlake is to driving karen fisher is here and we are excited. was that too soon for timberlake for your latest disaster? >> too soon for both. >> i was waiting. >> timberlake if you want to help, he has a new album out, the only cover photo from the son. joining us in the middle, something to stand for hit theaters june 27 and according to the e-mail from his publicist, i should mention his new movie something to stand for june 27, multi media back on the show, great to have you on ag again. >> it's great to be had again for the%. >> we had an interview for you be in studio. >> we didn't feel like that was a show. [laughter] it was great fun. >> i want to give you credit because most big-name celebrities to the show once, we get an angry letter from the publicist. to your credit, he wrote the angry letter yourself. >> , angry letters and fonts. >> host of the fox true podcast, i know her as a woman who text me twice a week that i'm exa exactly. emily compagno, the college of the fat because it's an italian thing so we will see each other on tv like somebody hit the stromboli last night but you deserve credit because you go out of your way to make sure i know you're kidding. last week you apologized and you gave me the ozempic which i thought was nice. [laughter] how dare you insult my collection. claiming the videos of joe biden glitching out in public, keepsakes. >> you call this keep fake video and that's exactly what they a are. >> the president reportedly made several angry most networks. i'm taking any joy but this is completely unedited and worth noting, didn't come out saturday after the controversy ensued probably because on the backfire three days later and biden tells people he's batman which of course would be a huge liab liability. a lot of people consider you cheap and take. i love you but isn't it crazy to think for all the political strategy money lying around d.c. the best defense they could come up with was a shaky song it wasn't me? [laughter] i know you have the opinion. >> real pictures made with ai so who knows what's real and fake. >> i'm a new woman. >> they keep calling the video selectively edited but they are not giving us a counter video to show us like isn't that kind of a cheap take on its own? >> stud horse. [laughter] >> it's unfortunate they still call me. [laughter] in this day and age when ai is as confused as many elected officials, the only thing we can do is look around and hope we are not the thing into which the hand is going to be inserted for the goal from which -- >> don't you, young. [laughter] >> i don't know what that means but i'm realizing we can curse on the show. >> slightly. [laughter] >> she was nice to me is a fox news host and sent me home with a nice day of anthrax but doesn't she look like she knows she's lying? >> that's a generous interpretation. [laughter] i think she to be handling it better. no one believes was coming out of her mouth. if she does, i guess there are two people in the bow of delusion that i thought was just joe biden so she doesn't but then she should see it differently and say that's when president helping out another. >> that's why i don't want her to leave because she does a lot of, she will snap. a moment on national tv where she comes out and goes what you want from me he has dementia. he said cannibals ate his uncle i can't take it anymore. that's good tv. >> a few good men. >> you can't handle the truth. >> everybody in this play is like a character in the emperors new clothes. like somebody is the emperor somebody for a little kid and like no, the duties naked. [laughter] just nodding and going amazing outfit. amazing. >> if there was any doubt about the presence day, he cleared up later with me. >> thanks for the members of congress and hope, security secretary -- [inaudible] >> this is a show that tells anyone how to vote but democrats are becoming those people who need to put their dog down but they are not being honest with themselves. to be clear, i only need to put them down in the political sense. if you want to put a dog down for real, i would have looked casino on the show but the can't have a president of the united states who quit talking in the middle of a sentence because he's finished. the duties sending in the team on second down so don't do this to the poor guy and don't keep insulting our intelligence with terms like it takes especially during the week we finally got language both parties agree on. check it out if you missed it. climate protesters sprayed orange paint all over stonehenge but the new term is [bleep] [laughter] i mean, look at this. look at these dirtbags. i'm going to evangelize stonehenge. a bunch of losers. you think people who defiled ancient monuments deserve the electric chair or firing squad? >> i think had a urine suit which i discussed with my buddies on dirty jobs and essentially was like a suit of armor and you would put the perpetrator and it and it was watertight. you'd be fed to a device in the back left to say in the suit as long as it took for to fill with his own feces thereby slowly rotting skin off causing unimaginable stress and pain yes, you are in suit. [laughter] >> we didn't have the budget for the suit here, we want to change summary like that, we put on a chesa, same thing. could this be something to unite us and everybody hates these people? the guy throwing a can of soup, i'm going to hang out with that guy. >> that's why is always am a fan of the jolanta guys and the drivers who step out of the cars be the guys blocking the fre freeway. the poor woman who ran up and grabbed the guy, i want to see more. i left the protesters blocking the road, coachella body slamming -- give me more that. i hope it happens affirmatively exciting time i hear back from a get on my pepper spray and get to work. >> i love that. we need a sequel. remember falling down when he snaps? if you call it falling down, they would think it's about biden as a liberal comedian, how that -- >> i'm a comedian the macular everything but how did it make you to tell a trump joke? >> they've been over but i was looking, spring the pain is bad for the environment, that is the problem here. >> no it's not stonehenge said to be 500 years old which is the age difference between bill belichick and his new girlfriend. he 72 and jordan hudson is 24. this photo is courtesy tmz sports and they were seen in public this week for the first time since matching of the popular dating apps copy needs daddy issues. emily, who are former cheerleader, did you catch yourself checking out coaches who are 50 years older? >> i was there when lane was there so in terms of the age difference but when i saw this i literally threw up in my mouth, i feel don't we all have the genetic code rules like for example, i have two older sisters growing up, anyone older than my oldest sister to me was agent. off-limits. at that was disgusting. no amount of money or charm or humor or insert anything that would allow me to get over someone who's 100 years older than me. >> don't say insert anything. [laughter] >> you take a lot of sex questions on the air. >> i do. i think people know i'm involved in sex. >> a lot of dating advice, do you ever feel request from 24 -year-olds on how to their boyfriends metamucil? >> no but looking at this woman, i think she's an entrepreneur. can i say it? anything goes. [laughter] >> you think of the new movie, happy couple might want to take out on date night? >> have i told you about the urine suit? [laughter] is extraordinary and get to the initial awkwardness, get some really engaged. >> but the publicist i did try to plug the film warmer times. i gave you all i've got. [laughter] >> june 27, something to stay up for. >> always be closing. kidding. longtime fan of the nfl. i'm glad he found a new way to deflate his footfalls. finally, the biggest celebrity news of the week was in fact, justin timberlake's dui arrest the wind will not kick the guy while he's down. i know a woman who does it for $50 on craigslist. let's stay focused. timberlake was driving drunk in the hamptons after reportedly blowing is not going swimming out of his lane. back in lance bass things you can go straight. the 43-year-old said he reportedly will be arresting officers he had one martini shown here. [laughter] witnesses told the new york post the singer was wasted the hotel and pick up someone else's drink while that patron went to the bathroom which you should never do especially if bill cosby is at the party. it's a long season, nobody goes, does this increase either of our chances with jessica biel? >> yes and no. justin is michael something to stand for. [laughter] i want to tell you for the records, he was always early, stay they never blew align. very professional so upset nothing bad to say about the guy but when you see him and something to stand for this weekend, you will know what i'm talking about. he's just magical. he doesn't sink in the movie. >> were not kidding? needs a bloodline, is why i l left. [laughter] >> artificial insemination. [laughter] >> who do you think was more hammered, generally for you when we accidentally walked you in my garage? >> that story. >> true story. we were blasting music and emily goes into my garage to get beer out of the fund fridge, not knowing jenny has automatic locks on everything. she's locked into the music is blasting and her phone is on the patio so no one knows she's trying to get us, she's stranded in the she's there. this went on for like two hours because everyone was that hammered and we finally found her. >> i drank everything. i was like well, this is how i die. it's attacked fund fridge. >> we opened the door, she was going pain through a slice of bread. [laughter] don't you think he should've called you were given joey the tone drives one? just a silly joke. >> i am rejoicing, i'd like to watch celebrities demise but this one i feel like all of america is like this is me getting back. [laughter] it feels good. i love it. [laughter] >> heating up across the nation saturday night, dagen mcdowell is here to go off the meter, comedy with the guy who originally brought it back. tonight's game night is so controversial, i'm not going to tell it to you because we can only legally say the name once. fox news saturday night go. let's go. ♪ zed some home maintenance jobs aren't worth the risk. that's when we called leaffilter to protect our gutters. leaffilter's patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good. guaranteed. they gave us a free inspection, and we got our system installed that week. our leaffilter trusted pros will clean out your gutters, repair or replace your gutters, and install leaffilter, america's #1 gutter protection system. honestly, my only regret is not calling sooner. it's true, leaffilter has saved us so much time and the peace of mind. now we can focus on what we really enjoy. join millions of satisfied homeowners. get leaffilter. call 833 leaffilter today, or visit - [narrator] life with ear ringing sounded like a constant train whistle i couldn't escape. then i started taking lipo flavonoid. with 60 years of clinical experience, it's the number one doctor recommended brand for ear ringing. and now i'm finally free. take back control with lipo flavonoid. ♪ is next guest is a brilliant that -- i'm not just saying that because she's packing heat. she's a fox news paper, killer cohost of foxes, the task is felt in the south. dagen mcdowell is in the house and the crowd goes wild. [applause] this is a big deal and great to see you. >> no it is not, it's a big deal for me. this matters and i have to say this, every cent of get on the road, he never been further than the second question from the audience in terms of what dagen mcdowell like? i try to answer honestly but i want them -- i mean this, i want to give them real insight into you because i know you as a lot of things and even as a runner although in new york it's hard to tell who's exercising and who's getting chased but let's talk about dagen mcdowell off the meter. are you ready? who is dagen mcdowell liberty crush as a kid? >> mine? >> yes. >> bert ward was the first one. >> from rocky. >> no, that was bert ward. >> you are right. [laughter] >> a horrible misunderstanding. [laughter] >> do you think is a child i was lusting after a crusty old racist? >> if you were, i would give audience insight into you so it would be a successful question but no, i don't accuse you of such thing. >> bert word, who else? bay city rollers, i had the bay city rollers outfit. >> that survive i'm not that far from it. i'm a member of the gay city rollers. [laughter] >> gene simmons, any of the members of kiss until makeup came up in your like -- [laughter] >> kiss without the makeup is like strip clubs when the lights come on like oh no. >> in person and then you're like -- [laughter] dry heave. david was kind of like that, to. dry heave for me. >> he had a going on in the 80s the. >> i have a lot of crushes. [laughter] daydream a lot. >> was the first concert been? >> ac/dc. >> rad. >> general admission so you had to like jump over the railing like the doors open and you run as a 12 or 13-year-old and you run and jump over the railing onto the floor and there were no seats -- what was i doing? for my parents. [laughter] >> how america was your upbringing. i love this house like firework? >> fishing, not from a hunting family but fishing and lived on a small lake, a large pond fishing for crappie. pretty america. i didn't think it was but that has always driven a ford f1 pickup truck which actually got my drivers license and and he used to take us out to get soft serve after dinner. but he wouldn't do that until we learned how to the ice cream properly so it wouldn't make his truck sticky. [laughter] >> you had a diet who went for ice cream. my dad went to hooters. i'm kidding. >> it was america. my grandmother the across the street from the elementary school and my other friends lived down the street, a town of 1000 people in the rural south. >> good living. if you are not a tv star, who comes up first that every one of my cuba days? >> this is my job, not a star. >> i go on the road every weekend, you are one of two questions, the first is usually, are you gay? because of what i'm wearing in the second -- everyone knows y you. would you be doing? >> i have a backup job in my brain. i've always had a backup job. i still think i can tend bar especially now because i can eject people. a bouncer and a bartender. right now had work in a shelter. i would do that because i'm too old -- >> you got michael they're down the road -- i'm kidding. [laughter] he was in virginia tech. >> we caught dogfight. [laughter] >> i mean, roosters. [laughter] >> thank you. crappie, softserve and cockfight all in one. >> where else would you get this on a saturday night? new film, something to stand for in building statues next. ♪ a trip to nation's capital not too far from where i grew up to reacquaint myself with memorials and monuments built to honor people in this film. ♪ in other words, a field trip. roger along for the ride. assuming the old truck makes it. [laughter] the clip from the phenomenal new film called something to stand for june 27 and it is stars micro. let's focus on the film because of had enough of his depot [bleep] [laughter] mike rowe, what is the origin story of making this film? sensing a gratitude problem in the country, what did this start? >> like every other good thing, it's a forest gump thing. i started writing short stories for podcast and the kind of worked in the became a book, these short stories and somebody made a tv story out of it and then a few hundred of them said look, the events, they do deals with theatrical chains, what about a shamelessly aggressively patriotic movie for independence day? i had nine stories are so told him that so they are mysteries, some things you know and some things you don't. brought us together and call it something to stand for because that is the title of the last story in the movie and i was inspired a few years ago and it seems like people didn't know whether to stand or kneel and we declared war on our statuary and monuments memorials and i just got i want to do a political move me but i do like patriotic so i went to d.c. and visited the national mall and talk to park rangers and meet some guys, on a flight so it is weirdly honest for me but very patriotic and when the dust settles, i hope it might at least to reinvigorate a level of something that looks like gratitude. >> national pride because you've got to be invested to go to these were monuments driving down town which is more dangerous than most of these wars. [laughter] which has its own issue but i think the term you're getting to at least one i use my head, something called american privilege, people think -- we are lucky to be here, people would get an and cry because they make it to america used to say was the most powerful thing in the world because i would make an extra $300. [laughter] i can't believe we have to pass staten island to get to 108th street but you are finding yourself in an optimistic place, do you not? we close to a course correction were people will get it? >> i think gratitude is a ch choice. it's not like your hair or skin color most are sign or blood type, we can choose, left to right, to be grateful for progress was made in a think the thing that worries me and bothers me like torturing things can be true once, we are not done yet. there is a ways to go. we can really improve our country but to ignore the fact that we've gone 1776 through 1812 to the second world war, we have come for and whatever improvements need made, i think we still have a lot to be proud of and celebrate and to be grateful for and you know it better than anybody, nobody wants a lecture or sermon or lesson, you have to entertain and i hope that's what the stories do but it was great to vote go back to my first field trip as a kid. >> is that true? >> we end up at fort mchenry not far from where i grew up which to go there and the key bridge half of which is now at the bottom of the river suddenly the whole metaphorical idea of the country constantly under construction like the plane landing -- spoiler alert, great fun to do the happy accident and i think it will be a feel-good during the summer. >> you guys are inspired, emotional. since there's so much focus on tearing down statues, i test the ladies with who we should build statues for in the modern era. this is superficial, could be serious or tongue-in-cheek. one of my focus on day-to-day people, i have 815-year-old son, i think we need a monument to soccer moms, and thinking of them was full of alcohol and the fan. what is yours? >> my first one was justin timberlake. >> was never had a statue on side. [laughter] not bad. >> i think is that you should bring people together and what brings people together in a common enemy, wouldn't that be good? okay. wikipedia. [laughter] >> can we bring back his shame suit? who deserve a statue? the obvious answer is me. >> with respect, the question i've been thinking, 2150 years from now, what statues are common now? our great, great grandkids are going to look back and go those mediators, what were they thinking? [laughter] we don't know. it's so much easier to judge than think and the romans had an expression, damnation where they would try to erase you from memory by defacing, not removing but defacing your statuary so no new themes, no new ideas, we've been building for a while. >> to have somebody who would get a statue? >> i was thinking a group statue it's all those people in queens who banded together to identify, catch and be the guy who raped a 13-year-old girl in broad daylight. >> i agree one 100% but i have to stop you, i swear on anything holy, i thought you're going to say def leppard. [laughter] >> a group statue. >> check out micro movie in theaters june 27. coming up, comedy and to her one and only dave and later on a truly tasteless game even by the standards of this show. ♪ following kills people offended by them movie because michael meyer -- wouldn't it be way more homophobic if we didn't kill the gay couple? like the dude doesn't even talk and all of a sudden he's got opinions on sexuality? he just walks in and sees to gay dudes and he's like -- [laughter] next guest all america's hearts and his solar wallet growing up in detroit, the sensation of super star host comedy that g girl. good to see you. this is a big deal. >> i agree. [laughter] >> i like this. you look like a magician who doesn't realize is going to be in to death in an l.a. [laughter] >> i wish i looked like a children's musician who doesn't belong around children. >> lose 40 weeks a year. [laughter] >> you and i have different starts, i started in manhattan telling and force it detroit comedy scene like? >> we had like six or seven different clubs you could go into the hood and do those rooms. one was a tough room like the owner of the club was found shot in the head with his hands missing -- suicide but you could go up to those clubs suburban rooms so it was cool because he got to perform and all forms of life. >> we had under shows, bring the audience to get on stage. he didn't have to do that? >> nobody in detroit to bring. >> three truck outlines in a wild dog and a stringer from the news. [laughter] did you have moments of the way up, like a fool's gold break when you are new and naïve you think you made a breakthrough but it doesn't constitute progress whatsoever. a good example for me i thought they told me i was opening up for guy jean and i call up everyone's, an elvis impersonator, did you have any of those? >> said, my first one i got was chapelle who i love that was the biggest thing ever and i went on stage in there like just bring him on and when i called his name, he didn't come out so do need more time like no so i walked out and said they will be a moment and i was booed by thousands of people. it's really something so i thought that would be the break of my career. it turns out it was just it was just a hurtful feeling. [laughter] it's cool though opening for a guy like that when you're young but to be booed by 7000 people because you're not him. >> did you get a contact high off dave? >> i did. >> one thing i like to bring up when it comes to comedy, we are winning and what i mean is censorship and cancel culture, that was a tierney and we never changed our act. no time for you pull back as evidenced by the clip, homophobic jason but you think moral comics now have gotten over the social pressure of you got to work and operate in a separate in a certain way? to elections ago you had to think a certain way, we didn't do that but you think people are coming out? >> i think absolutely. you're going way too hard on one side to try to build a fan base or you can pull back and be extremely safe or please left which is a comic you can only please yourself as weird as it sounds. >> the sound like something that happens in a la quinta three times a day. >> this road, think. [laughter] >> just pleasing myself. [laughter] >> the do not disturb sign on the door. >> no molest sign. [laughter] it has to be about you and who you really are and if you're not doing that then you are not -- that you can't break out by trying to fit in so you've got to get out and do you so that's why you have a sledgehammer and watermelons. >> is indeed. [laughter] >> please don't go anywhere, tonight our game is so outrageous we can't tell you what it's called but prepare yourself can strapping next. ♪ is there you are. the play game on the show every week to give people an escape from the political infighting and this latest attempt to lower the temperature is called roe v. wade. [laughter] >> the game nobody wins. >> before you go marching outside of supreme court justices house, you should know it's a celebrity quiz and i will read the headline and you will guess what the story is about. world-class mania, the whole roe versus wade thing. [laughter] davis back to play, micro will serve as our celebrity judge and the winner gets a trip to see mike's new movie and the loser gets to trips. [laughter] are you ready to play? 107 beers on a cross-country flight, was a row or wade? >> was on was the thai. [laughter] >> do you still his valor. >> that wouldn't be -- [laughter] >> number two for emily. pull the shotgun in the nude on the drone flying over his house. row or wade? >> i hope it was you. >> i can confirm. >> 2016 san francisco. >> a drone awakened me, i wasn't altogether, i had a shotgun and ran out to the deck and got of the known as it was pulling away and right in that moment my fingers on the trigger and the camera tilts down on the drone and i'm thinking they are recording the summer. it san francisco. i'm going to jail so i just walked away with all of it. >> next time you find yourself naked, distilled yourself you are performing for schoolkids. >> the only man with a. >> who is this lady? went viral because they wanted fugitive look like him on a police department facebook page so not him but a fugitive. >> i feel like real. >> is a true? >> that happened, too. a big year for me. [laughter] >> naked, guns and -- the guys on camera in a hoodie with a ball kat and it did look like me coming out of dirty jobs. >> plus they got you naked. question for future on the simpson, who go or wade? >> row. >> you are incorrect. simpson baseball episode at the back. you have brought shame on your family. >> is it a tie? >> i did a stand-in for troy. >> but not as me. >> you get partial credit them. >> he got a little bit in. >> the infamous wonder boehner had. narrated by row or wade? >> i would hope that was wade. >> you are all the way wrong. >> i did that. fish deboning mechanism like an iron rod and you put it in. >> you can put this away. >> a chance to win also known for his singing reported a country album and 96 cultivating fast, grope or wade? >> it seems like he's done everything. >> he has developed, has he not? >> i'm going to go with wade. [laughter] >> karen fisher wins the game. she was going to refuse to play because of the title. she was going to throw up rock. instead, she goes home -- right there. yellowjacket winner will be crowned next ♪ look at this guy parallel parking. >> i want to get everyone. >> the two people i love in the city of people like this driving for the first time and they are nervous and overwhelmed but you can spot people driving the c city. we are never doing this again. i told you to take the train. >> just stop yelling. >> you wanted to go. i got you jersey boys right h here. [laughter] >> there's a lot where they are like all over the bronx and you can sign your them romancing. >> so can't believe that chick puked in my kat. the moment you've been waiting for, the coveted gil objective the best palace on the show this evening. still the night across the bo board. actual work. karen once again against her standards and ideology politically, you could have easily walked off. mike was great, fantastic. the criteria is sliding and sketchy but when we present the yellowjacket tonight we should remind you it's brought to you by something to stand for which can be seen in theaters june 27 and micro brought home the yellowjacket. unbelievable. [applause] >> be honest. when you are caught firing a shotgun naked at the drone, or you glad you were naked? >> this would have been the only thing i was wearing a perfect world. gun would have gone off by itself. >> you will love the party. [laughter] >> fox news saturday night with jimmy failla. right here on fox news, follow us on social media and fn saturday. for more, a city near you, everybody calm down to her. tickets on sale at fox across you can listen to my radio show weekdays noon to 3:00 p.m. eastern. good night from new york city, i'm jimmy failla. see you next saturday and you can be republican, you can be democrats, just don't be a [bleep] [laughter] . [ ♪ ]

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Summary , Can , Chesa , Soup , Drivers , Guys , Protesters , Fan , Cars , Jolanta Guys , Fre Freeway , On The Road , Road , Pepper Spray , Coachella Body , Everything , Comedian , Sequel , Falling Down , Problem , Environment , Trump Joke , 500 , Bill Belichick , Difference , Girlfriend , Jordan , Hudson , 72 , 24 , Time , Daddy Issues , Tmz Sports , Lane , Coaches , Public , Matching , Cheerleader , 50 , Genetic Code , Rules , Anything , Someone , Example , Amount , Insert , Sister , Charm , Sisters , Agent , Off Limits , Humor , Don T Say Insert , 100 , Sex Questions , Sex , Hair , Request , Dating Advice , Boyfriends , Entrepreneur , Couple , Urine , Awkwardness , Film , Times , Fact , Celebrity News , Footfalls , Dui , Kidding , Nfl , Wind , Driving Drunk , Swimming , Craigslist , Hamptons , 0 , Things , Back , Officers , Someone Else , Singer , Lance Bass , Hotel , Witnesses , Martini , New York Post , 43 , Nobody , Party , Justin , Patron , Chances , Bathroom , Season , Increase , Bill Cosby , Jessica Biel , Records , Nothing , He Doesn T Sink , Story , Garage , Bloodline , Artificial Insemination , True Story , Left , Emily , Jenny , Fund Fridge , Beer , Blasting , Phone , Automatic Locks On Everything , Patio , Everyone , Door , Bread , Joke , Slice , Tone , Wall , Comedy , Dagen Mcdowell , Nation , Game Night , Meter , Name , Saturday Night Go , Let S Go , Gutter Protection System , Gutters , Jobs Aren T Worth , Risk , Zed , Filter Technology , Leaffilter , System , Inspection , Pros , Repair , Debris , Guaranteed , 1 , Homeowners , Regret , Millions , Peace Of Mind , Call 833 Leaffilter , Visit Leaffilter Com , 833 , Life , Ear Ringing , Lipo Flavonoid , Narrator , Train Whistle , Brand , Doctor , Experience , Couldn T Escape , 60 , Guest , Packing Heat , Deal , Applause , House , South , She S A Fox News Paper , Felt , Task , Foxes , The Crowd Goes Wild , Question , Audience , Matters , Runner , Exercising , Bert Ward , Liberty Crush , Dagen Mcdowell Off The Meter , Rocky , Child , Misunderstanding , Racist , Insight , Who Else , Bert Word , Member , Rollers , Many , Gene Simmons , Gay City , Bay City Rollers , Kiss , Makeup , Strip Clubs , Flights , Like , Person , Oh No , David , Heave , Dry Heave , Crushes , The 80s , 80 , Railing , Concert , Doors , Admission , Ac Dc , Rad , Seats , Floor , 12 , 13 , Parents , Upbringing , Firework , Fishing , Crappie , Family , Pond Fishing , Lake , Pickup Truck , Dinner , Ford F1 , Ice Cream , Truck , Diet , The Street , Dad , Grandmother , Friends , Elementary School , Living , Shooters , 1000 , Tv Star , Job , Star , Cuba , Backup Job , Questions , First , Second , Work , Brain , Bar , Bouncer , Bartender , Shelter , Virginia Tech , All In One , Roosters , Softserve , In Building Statues , Trip , Memorials , Words , Capital , Field Trip , Roger Along For The Ride , Clip , Let , Depot , Origin Story , Stars Micro , Mike Rowe , Short Stories , Forest Gump Thing , Country , Gratitude Problem , Tv Story , Deals , Look , Events , Podcast , Book , Hundred , Stories , Chains , Independence Day , Mysteries , Title , Statuary , Move , War , People Didn T Know Whether , Flight , National Mall , The Dust Settles , Park Rangers , Gratitude , Level , Pride , Head , Most , Issue , Wars , Privilege , World , Cry , 300 , 00 , Place , 108th Street , Staten Island , Course Correction , Peach , 108 , Think , Choice , Sign , Progress , Right , Color , Blood Type , Ways , Second World War , 1812 , 1776 , Whatever , Improvements , Anybody , Sermon , Lecture , Fort Mchenry , Lesson , Half , Idea , Bridge , Bottom , River , Accident , Construction , Plane Landing , Spoiler Alert , Focus , Down Statues , Ladies , Statues , Thinking , Monument , Alcohol , Soccer Moms , Tongue In Cheek , 815 Year Old , 815 , Statue On Side , Shame , Wouldn T , Enemy , Wikipedia , Statue , Answer , Respect , 2150 , Grandkids , Mediators , Romans , Expression , Your , Memory By Defacing , Group , Building , Ideas , Themes , Queens , Girl , Identify , Check Out Micro Movie , Anything Holy , Def Leppard , Standards , Game , Coming Up , Dave , Michael Meyer , Dude Doesn T , Opinions , All Of A Sudden , Sexuality , Dudes , Hearts , Wallet , Detroit , The Sensation Of Super Star Host Comedy That G Girl , Children , Musician , Magician , Death , Doesn T Realize , L A , Comedy Scene , Manhattan , 40 , Rooms , Clubs , Room , Shot , Hood , Hands , Suicide , Owner , Missing , The Club , Six , Stage , Shows , Eforms , Stringer , Truck Outlines , Like A Fool S Gold , Breakthrough , Guy Jean , Chapelle , Elvis Impersonator , Need , So , Thousands , Break , Feeling , Career , Opening , Contact High , 7000 , Censorship , Culture , Tierney , Homophobic Jason , Pressure , Comics , Elections , Fan Base , Comic , Side , Sound , La Quinta , Do Not Disturb , No Molest , Watermelons , Sledgehammer , Don T Go Anywhere , Roe V Wade , Escape , Attempt , Temperature , Infighting , Headline , Nobody Wins , Celebrity Quiz , Before You Go Marching Outside Of Supreme Court , Micro , Winner , Loser , Mania , Celebrity Judge , Row , Trips , 107 , Valor , Thai , Drone , Shotgun , Wouldn T Be , Nude , San Francisco , 2016 , Deck , Camera Tilts , Trigger , Fingers , It , Summer , Yourself , Oman , Lady , Page , Fugitive , Police Department , True , Guns , Camera , Hoodie , Ball , Episode , Who Go Or Wade , Simpson , Simpson Baseball , Tie , Stand In For Troy , Bit , Wonder Boehner , Mechanism , Iron Rod , Fish Deboning , Away , Country Album , Chance , Fast , Grope , Singing , 96 , Home , Rock , Guy Parallel Parking , City , Driving , Train , I Got You Jersey Boys , Them Romancing , Bronx , Evening , Objective , Palace , My Kat , Chick Puked , Gil , Bo Board , Criteria , Ideology , Fantastic , Yellowjacket , Theaters , Unbelievable , Perfect World , Shotgun Naked , Gun , Follow Us On Social Media , Fn , More , Radio Show Weekdays , Tickets , Sale , Fox Across America Com , Eastern , 3 , Don T Be A , Republican 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