Seconddegree manslaughter in the death of george floyd. State prosecutors are asking for a 30year Prison Sentence while chauvins attorneys are requesting time served. Vice president Kamala Harris taking a visit to the border to stem the migration crisis three months ago. Former President Trump is planning to go to the texas border with members of Congress Next week. We begin with the breaking news. Announcing a new lawsuit over the states restricted voting law weeks after promising action to protect Voting Rights nationwide. The complaint alleges that the state enacted those restrictions with the purpose of denying or bridging the right to vote on account of race or color. This lawsuit is the first of many steps we are taking to ensure that all eligible voters can cast a vote, that all lawful votes are counted and that every vote are has access to accurate information. We believe the civil rights of americans have been violated. We will not hesitate to act. Joining me now nbc justice correspondent Pete Williams and former u. S. Attorney joyce vance. First to pete outside the Justice Department. Tell me what are you hearing from the Attorney General about how this is going to work . What are the chances in this proceeding . So the key word in what the Attorney General said was purpose. Sometimes when the government sues over election law changes, it says no matter what you had in mind, legislature, this will have the effect of making it harder for minority voters to vote. In this case theyre being much more aggressive. Theyre saying no. Georgia designed this law to make it harder for minority voters to elect the candidate of their choice and the reduction in the amount of line voters can ask for ballots that cant be provided for them. Drop boxes. The number of drop boxes can be greatly reduced and they can only be indoor Government Polling Places and you cant give any food or water to people in line. The Justice Department said Plaque Voters tend to be in Polling Places where there are always long lines on voting day. This is the first of what will likely be many of these lawsuits against State Election provisions numbering what . Something like 16 by republican legislatures after last weeks election. The Justice Department also said its notifying the nations prosecutors and the fbi to be on the lookout and aggressively investigate any threats against election officials. The Attorney General said hes recently read news accounts. He didnt realize this was going on and hes today instructed that a memo go out telling him to be on the lookout and aggressively go after these, andrea. And joyce vance joining us, as well. Talk also about what the time line was here and they talked about how quickly it was passed with 90page bill just thrown on the bill, passed the same day and signed the same day by the governor. Did that have anything to do with this . The speed with which this was put together by the state . The speed is indicative of something that pete focuses on. Under section 2 of the Voting Rights act, the doj can challenge voting practices that either intentionally discriminate against blacks, minority or against provisions that have the discriminatory impact and the doj was very careful here to focus on the intent of the state of georgia, linking this notion of increased turnout and increased flat turnout due in large part to Absentee Voting Provisions and the easy availability of that mechanism and saying that georgia passed this law in essence out of racial animus with the intent for voters and one of the remaining big cases that the Supreme Court will decide is a case called bernavic which involves section 2 of the Voting Rights act and that case will be used to narrow the focus to make it more difficult for doj to bring these claims. By focusing this lawsuit very clearly on georgias intent to discriminate against voters, doj is hoping to head off any legal problems down the road once that decision is announced. And pete, it is clear from what Merrick Garland said that theyre going to look at these other 16 states plus other states . Is this a warning to all of these dozens of states around the country who are following in the footsteps . Without question, and the Justice Department will also be issuing guidance on how to conduct mailin voting and how to do mail audits. Look at the last election. There was a huge turnout in georgia especially among black voters and the legislature seems to be trying to do anything it can to cut that back. The governor of georgia has just issued a statement and he said the lawsuit was borne out of lies and misinformation. He tried to get congress to pass voting laws and now the Biden Administration is weaponizing the Justice Department to carry out its farleft agenda. We should probably assume that texas who is on the verge of doing similar legislation will be next, and it is always the Justice Departments concern. Pete williams, joy vance, a much more aggressive posture from the Justice Department on Voting Rights. Now lets turn to South Florida for the latest on the massive Search And Rescue effort after 24 hours after the deadly collapse. We are hearing from local officials as this operation is ongoing. Whats the latest . Andrea, i dont think theres any way around this that this morning was a blow to Family Members holding out help that the number of unaccounted for would be going down and not up, but thats not what we found out today. 25 people who are unaccounted for, but 159 now who are not. That figure was just over a hundred yesterday and weve seen a more than a 50 bump in the number of people theyre looking for that could have potentially been inside of this condo building. The conditions right now, andrea, are not making things easy for fire and rescue crews. It has been raining on and off. Not just raining, downpours and heavy winds and then it gets really hot and it comes right back. The reason its so difficult and there is a massive pile of rubble and debris. They told them to take shelter. You are getting another round of nasty weather today as we show you a live look right now of what is going on in the rubble and theyre going sub terrainiously and the rubble looking for cracks or voids where they may be able to find someone and the odds right now appear to be staggering. The fire chief in miamidade was asked this question, how dangerous are these conditions in which theyre operating right now. Heres what he had to say. This is the risk we have to take. Risk versus benefit. Every time there is hope with people that are trapped, we do risk our lives. Andrea, we also have it confirmed that there were three additional fatalities today. Now we are at four. Family members are being notified and next of kin. So we may find out the identity of the second, third and fourth victim, but again, 59 people unaccounted for. There is a team, standards and Technology Looking at what went wrong and deciding whether or not they have to do a deeper dive and potentially changing Building Code and obviously, it is very early in that process and well be speaking to someone from the nist and well have more on that on nbc nightly news. Let me send it back to you, andrea. You alluded to it with the fire chief and the safety of those workers under ground in the garage area with the water from the water main and the flooding from the main and just the stability of the structure itself . Reporter the actual characterization from the mayor here is that it is extremely dangerous what theyre doing and not just because of the falling debris and the Structural Integrity that is Still Standing and that can collapse at any time. Theyve been buttressing the side of it to create more stability and we watched as that excavator over my shoulder was taking chunks of the building out and perhaps the weight and its not entirely clear why they were doing that and at any point that building can go and all of these workers are valiantly walking through and trying to plunder through the debris and massive piles of what they find. And massive into the courage as there are so many families depending on some resolution. Andrea . The heroism and the resilience of the family is extraordinary. We want to focus on that Rescue Operation any bring in former Fire Chief Downey and now chairs the urban Search And Rescue for the International Fire chiefs association. Thanks very being with us. The video is just heartbreaking and stunning. How are these teams going to work under these conditions . Well, as was reported and what youve seen in other interviews, thats what these Fire Rescue Personnel are trained to do, they have extensive training, extensive experience and this is what they do and many of these have trained their whole career to be able to operate in this environment and they measure the risk versus the reward. Right now theyre in recovery, rescue mode, im sorry, rescue mode and theyre going to be taking a little more risk in order to try to locate survivors. This is a very meticulous, a very deliberate process that theyre going through right now. Can you elaborate on something that we heard from the fire chief this morning about the sounds that the crews may be hearing down there and what theyre listening for . You know, in my experience in collapse structures, theres a lot of times were always reacting to sounds. Thats only one bit of evidence well use when locating a survivor. The sounds could be created by a person. The sounds can also be created simply by the settling of the building. The steel moving, the concrete moving, unless theres something audible such as a voice or, you know, has a rhythm and a tapping which im not aware of any of that occurring. Sometimes its just one other thing that we look for, but not something that proves anything definitive. And i know that the investigation into what happened here is just beginning, but is there something unique about florida, geologically, the barrier reef or the barrier island, i should say, the sand. Something about the way buildings settle that should be cause for alarm even beyond this building . I certainly wouldnt be speculating, but i can tell you in almost 40 years in the fire service ive never seen a collapse like this, and so all of us that are involved in this type of work are going to be interested to hear what caused this collapse and hopefully learn from it and make provisions so it doesnt happen again, but i couldnt point to any one thing that would lead to this collapse right now. Chief downey, thank you so much. Thanks for all your service and we all just pray for the Rescue Workers and the victims and their families. Thank you very much. Yielding to pressure, Kamala Harris is at the southern border today following criticism for not going sooner. Get them out. Afghan interpreters who risked their lives for years helping our troops. We will speak with seth burton meeting with bush. Stay with us. You are watching Andrea Mitchell reports on msnbc. Mitchell reports on msnbc rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever. 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A taliban commander told nbc news that he and the fighters are surprised at how fast their forces are moving, this as the u. S. Intelligence Committee Says the Afghan Government could collapse as soon as six months after american soldiers leave according to a new Wall Street Journal report this week. It plans to relocate thousands of afghan interpreters, drivers and their families who worked with americans in afghanistan over the last two decades and theyre in grave danger because of the talibans approach. President biden was asked about this on thursday. Do you know anything about these reports with the afghan nationals who helped serve in the war . Weve already begun the process. Those who helped us will not be left behind. Joining me now is massachusetts congressman who served in iraq and has been leading the way on this whole issue of the afghanistan people who worked for us. Congressman, we are starting to hear how fast the taliban is advancing. Also, the Afghan Government can collapse six months after the u. S. Leaves. Whats your reaction to that . Its startling in some ways and this is exactly the worstcase scenario that weve been telling the administration we need to prepare for. The Biden Administration delayed our withdrawal and the trump team did no planning whatsoever for the withdrawal itself and the evacuation of our allies. These amazing afghans who risked their lives not just for their country, but for ours as well and nonetheless, its on the shoulders of the Biden Administration to make the evacuation happen. We dont have the time to go through the regular visa process and it takes 800 days to process your special immigrant visa and thats a program under which our afghan allies were able to come to the United States and we only have 80 days until the withdrawal and not 800 and we have to have an evacuation. As i said to Secretary Austin when he came to the hearing in the house, i said why have you not started this evacuation already . And did you get a real answer . I didnt get a real answer, but i will tell you this, that Secretary Austin as a veteran and the chairman of the joint chiefs as an active duty army officer, it was very clear from the testimony that they understand the urgency and the moral imperative to borrow chairman milleys words of getting them out now. We made a promise to these heros that we will have their backs and we have to live up to that promise, not just for them, but for every American Service man or woman and we dont want 10, 20, 30 years from now for people looking back at america and how we deal with the afghans and saying i dont want to work with you, america, because you abandoned your allies and look at what they did to the afghans. Is that also for the families . Because youre talking about at least 18,000 for the drivers and translators and others who helped us and with your families, you are talking about 50,000 and up. You well know theyve been waiting up to ten years while the visa program has not been working for them. I got a call from the white house this past weekend and the round numbers that they were accounting for was an average of 3. 5 Family Members for every one of the 18,000 who were already in the cue, and i dont know if thats the exact right now and thats what we should be anticipating and i assume that the president s commitment is to that full number of personnel. Obviously, if you have someone like me who has got two young kids at home, a wife. Im not going to leave my wife and kids to come to america. Weve got to get them out as well or they, too, will be threatened by the taliban. Make no mistake. The taliban is pretty clear here about what they will do. They will hunt these afghan american heroes down. They will kill them and if they can, theyll rape and kill their wife and kids in front of them before they cut off their heads. Thats not mincing words. Thats exactly whats on the line here and thats a spectacle that no one wants to see. And are we talking about bringing them to guam, to other countries provisionally while we get this visa program in shape . Yesterday i released a detailed plan for how you can conduct this evacuation to guam and the reason we looked at guam is because its been done in the past. We evacuated about twice as many as 70,000 afghans, twice as many with these refugees in the end of the vietnam war and we have evacuated the kurds to guam, as well and its a convenient place to process the visa and go through the longer Security Checks and other things that need to happen before these refugees are able to come to the United States. Its a u. S. Territory and they have the facilities and the experience to do this. So we laid out this detailed plan for the administration so no longer can they say hey, we need to work up a plan. We have a plan and weve give 10 to you. Frankly, i dont care if they use our plan or come up with a better one, they just need to start this right away. The taliban, meanwhile, as they proceed are taking our equipment, our tanks and theyll be fully armed with u. S. Equipment. Thats right. So they are going to be descending on kabul, as well. Some of additional things from the Administration Since their announcement yesterday are we need to have a clear plan for how youre going to get afghans from other parts of the country to kabul, assuming thats the main evacuation that will take place from Kabul International airports and you need to get afghans from around the country into the Evacuation Plan in place and we need to understand exactly where theyre going to go and we need to have someone put in charge of this effort and there needs to be a clear commander of what will eventually be a significant, doable and nonetheless, large military operation. Finally, i want a commitment from the administration that they will see this mission through until the end. Thats got to be clear. They need to get everyone out. Every last person, every last Family Member who wants to come, who is in danger, whose life is threatened by the taliban. We need to get them out and we cant get to a point a couple of months from now where that is too dangerous, no. We need to see this mission through. I believe that people like Secretary Austin and general milley are committed to that. It certainly sounds like President Biden is, as well. Thats the kind of commitment that we need going forward, now lets get the plan in motion. I know you have a plane to catch. Thank you very much for stopping to talk to us. I really appreciate it. Thank you, andrea. And after criticism for not visiting the border since taking office, Vice President Kamala Harris is there today in el paso, texas. This hour shes at a Port Of Entry in el paso where migrant Asylum Seekers are processed. Earlier she toured a Border Patrol station after democratic lawmakers after her trip to the Central American capital. Being in guatemala, being in mexico and talking to mexico as a partner on the issue and it was about addressing the causes and im coming to the border at the invitation of the congresswoman is about looking at the effects of what we have seen happening in central america. So im glad to be here. It was always a plan to come here. Nbc news correspondent jacob soboroff, the auth ar author of separate. Youve been covering this and you have your bestselling book documenting all of the missteps of the previous administration. What hope do you have now . Andrea, they have a Long Way To Go and the Vice President is here for multiple reasons. One, of course, is that el paso is where the Trump Administration began their Family Separation Policy and from a messaging perspective, they see this as an important place to come as they tried to establish in their words a fair and humane immigration process. Republicans have criticized them and the Vice President specifically for not going to the Rio Grand Valley as part of the border and theyre at a much higher level and you hear progressives and other democrats critizing the administration for not moving fast enough to get to that humane system including back that title 42 policy, the trumpera cdc order that is expelling people on the grounds of Public Health and putting them into danger if you talk to advocates and that still exists today. There is a lot for the Vice President to see and a lot to learn while she is here and still a lot of change to be made from the era of the Trump Administration. They say they started that process and advocates say they have a very Long Way To Go. That regulation 42, was that covid based . Was that a predicate for that restriction . It was, andrea, but Public Health experts and doctors including a long list associated with Columbia University says there is no Public Health basis to keep that regulation in place. Today, as i talk to you as the Vice President is on the border, there will be people, pelled under the United States under this covidregulated, and its not based in Public Health and its based on frankly, xenophobia and ive taken it, ask title 42 has to go away and the republicans are saying they havent done enough and they are going back to the policies of the Trump Administration that separated 5500 families that the administration to this day is trying to reunite. As many as 2100 children still separated from their parents and thats the focus at this moment and they certainly want to go talk about that when she meets with advocates, lawyers and members of Civil Society which is a Large Community in the el paso area. Thank you very much. Coming up, sentencing day. We are live in minneapolis as the man convicted of the murder of george floyd learns his fate this afternoon. In florida, highly trained rescue teams are digging through the rubble. It is terrible weather today. 159 people still unaccounted for and we will bring you updates as soon as we get them. This is Andrea Mitchell reports on msnbc. El the differ. More protection, more sun, more joy. Beach defense® from neutrogena® The Suncare Brand used most by dermatologists and their families, neutrogena® for people with skin. Neutrogena® when sending a text at 3am. Is something you wont regret. Craving pizza. Personalized help for that late night craving. One of the many things you could expect when youre with amex. Im here and suddenly. My migraine takes me somewhere else. Where theres pain, and nausea. But excedrin pulls me back in a way others dont. And it relieves my symptoms fast for real migraine relief. 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Two month after being convicted on all charges in the murder of george floyd, former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin will be sentenced excuse me, in a Minneapolis Court today. Chauvin is facing decades in prison after being convicted, seconddegree murder, thirddegree murder and seconddegree manslaughter. Earlier today judge peter cahill denied a motion for a new trial and floyds Family Members are expected also to be in the courtroom for the sentencing. Joining me now from minneapolis, nbc correspondent Shaquille Brewster and Melissa Murray and civil rights attorney david henderson. The judge said there were aggravated factors like chauvin abusing his position as a cop, doing what he did in front of children. How is that likely to impact the sentence . Well, it could possibly increase that sentence, andrea. Derek chauvin is facing up to 40 years in prison and legal analysts say you can ignore that number because Sentencing Guidelines have him serving something significantly lower than that. He could be facing 10 1 2 to 15 years, but with the judge agreeing to those aggravating factors it is likely that they can exceed that 15year mark. Prosecutors are asking for 30 years in prison. The Defense Prison is asking for probation and time served. So you have a wide gap there and when you listen to why the defense team is asking for that probation. They bring up factors like Derek Chauvins age. Hes 45 years old. Law enforcement officials are known for having shorter life expectancies. They mentioned the stability of his family and the support hes receiving from his family and they say hes the product of a broken system. Thats something that may come up today when we hear the sentencing hearing. We dont know how long that sentence will be and thats a sentence that judge cahill will be explaining the aggravating factors that at least four of them exist in this case and that can lead to a longer sentence potentially, andrea. Nbc spoke to one of the jurors about what it was like and her expectations for the sentence. At the time youre not even considering it being a part of history. Im just trying to do the best to my ability. So afterwards it really was like a shock wave seeing everyone talking about it, reposting it. I trust judge cahill. I think hes a great judge and i think hes a great man and any decision that he makes im all onboard with. David henderson, chauvin is among 11 nonfederal Law Enforcement officials ever convicted of murder since 2005. So what is your your expectation, if you will, and the projection of what kind of sentence were likely to hear today . To build on something shaq said because it characterizes the way you think about sentencing and that is its the state versus Derek Chauvin, not george floyd versus Derek Shoafin and the reason thats important is it highlights why the aggravating factors are so important. The video we saw of George Floyds death was absolutely horrific and it was very difficult to keep watching it over and over again. Its so bad that its easy to forget that Derek Chauvin murdered george floyd while looking into the eyes of a 9yearold little girl. That child has to live for the rest of her life with the reality of watching a man be murdered in front of her as does her cousin. Thats yet factors come into play and that is part of the what judge cahill found and the one that jumps out is that he killed george floyd with particular cruelty. Its possible that he walks out with probation and very difficult to see him walk out with lower than 12 1 2 years which is the midpoint of the recommended sentence under the guidelines. At the same time, prosecutors have asked the judge to more than double the recommended sentence. Its unlikely that well see that, as well. We will see an upward sentence is and it sends a message for these types of crimes across the country. Melissa, when you think of the images that are seared in everyones mind and as david was saying, will always affect those children. The posture of Derek Chauvin with his hand in his pocket, isnt that part of the image . The nonchalance for nine minutes, more than nine minutes. I think that was an important part of the strategy, to show that Video Testimony over and over and over again, so that not only the jury, but judge cahill could see Derek Chauvins demeanor as the act took place and as he says, it would be very difficult for the judge to give this particular defendant what is requested from the defense, just probation and time served. The magnitude of the crime and indeed the recommended sentence from the Prosecution Signals that this will certainly be more than what Derek Chauvin is asking for today. David, i want to get your reaction to something that happened in brooklyn, new york, that on juneteenth there was a statue of george floyd and now its been vandalized after being unveiled. The battle over police reform, and i think that his case makes us feel as though the conviction of Derek Chauvin is omega and its really alpha. We are still at the very beginning of this discussion and thats been reflected in the cases that weve been discussing since this conviction. Dante wrights case, Ronald Greenes case, and andrew brown jr. s case and pose questions that are far more difficult for us as a nation and these are other discussions like Critical Race Theory that are directly related. So i think that this is definitely a victory. What is concerning about George Floyds case is what a herculean, and obvious guilt and the fact that his staff su being vandalized the way that it is shows you we have miles to go before we sleep on this topic. Shaq brewster, Melissa Murray, david henderson, thank you all so very much and the fallout. What changed following our interview with the capitol Police Officer who was beaten and tased on january 6th suffering brain damage . New video just released by miamidade fire rescue showing us first hand the hazards that these elite crews are up against when digging through the rubble. 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The original call taker was dismissive, rude, and the effort to schedule an appoint. And that phone call never happened. That was d. C. Police officer Michael Fanone that suffered beatings that he endured from rioters at the Capitol On January 6th telling me he had still want heard back from House Republican leader Kevin Mccarthy over repeated attempts to discuss fanones calls for an independent investigation into the insurrection and its causes. Now weeks after initially reaching out, fanone has finally heard back from mccarthy. The two are scheduled to meet this afternoon. Mccarthy confirmed that. Nancy. Joining me now is capitol hill correspondent leigh ann caldwell. What do we know about this meeting coming up . Andrea, we dont know a lot other than the fact that they are meeting and its going to take place this afternoon. What we dont know is why Leader Mccarthy Finally Relented and decided to meet with officer fanone. Mccarthy has mostly refused to answer questions about this whole scenario to the press and so its been unclear what his game plan is here, but he has decided to meet with him, and it does come, as you mentioned, the day after Speaker Pelosi announced the creation of a select committee. Thats another issue that mccarthy has dodged questions on. He was asked at his News Conference multiple times who hes going to appoint, what members he will appoint to the select committee if hes going to appoint members at all. He gave no answer, said he hasnt spoken to the speaker about it. So there are a lot of questions that remain about leader mccarthy, his plans here especially since part of the reason it was expected that he opposed the creation of a January 6th Commission is because it was thought that he could actually be subpoenaed and have to testify against what he knew about the former president and his role. So mccarthy has always been under the spotlight on this issue and hes really been trying to balance what happened on january 6th with his loyalty to the former president , andrea . And of course, its known that he had a critical phone call, at least one phone call to donald trump in the white house during the insurrection, and a very angry one according to many reports and Everyone Wants to hear from him exactly what the president said and why he didnt approve troops. Thank you, leigh ann caldwell. Thanks very much. A busy week on the hill for you and also there on capitol hill, the growing reaction to President Bidens endorsement of a Bipartisan Senate scaled Back Infrastructure Package trying to parallel a much larger democratic bill with more social programs requiring only 51 votes. Its a strategy with no recent precedent and the likely opposition of republican leader mitch mccon who has successfully blocked so many democratic priorities over the last five years. Will the coalition hang together . Joining me now sam stein, politico, matt messina for president obamas reelection campaign, and michael steele, former chairman of the rnc. President biden saying we have a deal and our Capitol Hill Team is saying the deal is possibly in jeopardy and even republicans are not happy that democrats are insisting that these two things be tied together and the president made it very clear yesterday that theres no deal without both being passed. Correct. This is already getting quite complicated. What we see is republicans saying that the tighe of the two legislative vehicles was not a component of the negotiation, that they never expected that the president would veto the bipartisan Infrastructure Bill if he did not get the democraticonly Reconciliation Bill and theyre beginning to show signs that theyre endorsing and the very thing they themselves crafted. If biden were to reverse course and say that he would sign the bipartisan Infrastructure Deal even without the agreement on the Reconciliation Bill, then he would risk losing the liberals and senator bob casey told our reporters last night that he could not support a bipartisan Infrastructure Deal, unless he had a human Infrastructure Deal, too. Hes hardly considered a liberal in the caucus, but if thats where he is, think about the other lawmakers if biden were to not insist they were packaged and it is a very difficult road ahead for the white house which finished a difficult road just to get to this agreement. Theyre really on a seesaw. Jim messina, i saw other senators and democrats saying no deal without both, without the Larger Program and without the Climate Change issues. So if a bipartisan deal gets scuttled, can democrats keep sen more manchin and senator sinema onboard with the 51 votes under the socalled reconciliation rules. We understand the president spoke to senator sinema today oneonone. As you said, this is difficult negotiations and this was the entire theory of bidens president ial campaign. He can bring both parties together. He can get big things done and thats big announcement for him. Im not as worried about the back and forth today. The deals are always difficult. Biden had it exactly right which he said it is was a deal that neither side will like. Republicans know that he will use a reconciliation or some number of things in conjunction with this as part of the negotiation. I was out there right before they cut the deal talking to a couple senators that said they made that very clear with republicans. I think they will figure out the timing of this, but overall that is such a big deal because it shows that we can actually get some things done. Last night 11 republican senators endorsed the deal and that was enough to stop a filibuster. So this is a very big deal, it has never been done the way they are trying to, a separate deal and a reconciliation deal. Theyre going to have to figure out the how to, but overall this is proop that biden is doing exactly what he said he would do. Putting the pricks aside, and get the parties to start to work together. So michael, what is the thinking among republicans. Do you think the republicans who backed the deal with stick with them . Theyre going to get an enormous amount of pressure to peel off this arrangement. It is countering the deal. I think the president was pretty clear about what he wanted and he is certainly those representing the interest in those meetings making that very clear. But the reality of it is that they got a little boxed in. They got the democrats were able to get republicans on board with a deal and then announce the rest of it. And now theyre sitting there going wait, you agreed to all of these social programs, too . So there will be an enormous amount of pressure to peel off two or three of those supporters that are currently on aboard from the republican side. This is something that the American People want done. At least we know all of the infrastructure, the hard infrastructure piece. People want that. Polls may show a softening on other stuff, but even that has the kind of support among the American People that democrats will point to and go get this is why its a package. So sam, the white house is signaling that this will go until the fall, likely will go to fall, with the staffers writing the bills over the august recess. Whatever is left of the recess after everything else. But pelosi and schumer are talking about votes in july. That doesnt seem realistic. No, and keep in mind the agreement for all of the details, and that is just the bipartisan Infrastructure Deal. But theyre going to have to pass a budget that allows them to go to reconciliation and that will be complicated because they will have to hit a Top Line Number that could incorporate all of the money for infrastructure and social programs. There is no so many hurdles. It doesnt make since to me. Im exciting to talk to officials about it, this will drag well through august. They may get a few procedural voting, but the real hard work takes weeks and months. And we understand now that there will be a vote next week on the select committee now that they cant do the commission. But im wondering, michael steel, what do you think of Kevin Mccarthy first refusing for weeks and weeks and finally agreeing to meet this week . Its funny how narratives catch up with you. You let this sit out and fester. You have members of the caucus that wont shake the Hands Of A Dc Police Officer who protected the capital and was injured as a result of that effort. And now he is out here and he is telling his story. And hes letting you know that these guys dont care about us. Were nothing more than a Talking Point to rally a red, white, and blue fundraising event. At the same time you have nancy pelosi announcing this select committee. The pressure is ratcheting up. Now theyre trying to course correct to get on the right side so that when the investigations again you dont have someone like him out there as a witness saying let me tell you not only what happened then, but how this was part of a further conspiracy or whatever. So yeah, theyre playing catch up. And you know, its embarrassing but here they are. Theyre not really ashamed here if is a shameless effort. Im hold enough to remember when the republicans were the Law And Order party. Yeah. Now theyre going up against Capitol Police that defended the capitol. Well leave it there. Have a great weekend and thank you to all of you. That does it for us for this edition of Andrea Mitchell reports. You can listen to the show with the latest snooze and updates. Go to tune in dotcom to listen commercial free. Chuck todd is up next with mtp daily. Have a graek weekend, everyone. Good afternoon, im chuck todd here in washington. We have a busy hour here today. We have new reporting on the president s bipartisan Infrastructure Deal. Is it on the verge of collapsing . Less than 24 hours after it was announced well go to capitol hill for the late nest a moment. Also kamala hill will deliver remarks in about 30 minutes. We expect she will

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