reciting the sma, one of the most important prayers in judaism. thanks so much to all of you for joining us. joining us. "ac 360" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- good evening, tonight new york's attorney general rests her case against the former president and his two adult sons. ivanka trump, who was initially a defendant, today on the stand, she largely distanced herself from detailed knowledge from her father's financial statements and valuations that went into them. on multiple other occasions, she said, i do not recall when asked about financing for several properties, including the former trump hotel in washington. as "the washington post" reported at the time, she oversaw bidding for the property as well as agreement for the general services administration for use of the landmark property. -- quote, she fully anticipates her daughter growing up in the business and being out there years down the road negotiating the renewal. the family sold the hotel last year. >> at the end of the day, this case is about fraudulent statements of financial condition that she benefitted from. she was enriched. and clearly you cannot distance yourself from that fact. >> the defense gets its chance starting monday. so, there's a lot to get to, starting with cnn's kara scannell, who was inside the courtroom all day, is now outside in lower manhattan. what stood out from her testimony today? >> reporter: one thing, anderson, was her demeanor. she was very controlled and she was very composed. she answered the questions, although not always to the satisfaction of the attorney general's office. but their main focus today were the loans she was involved in, and that was the golf course, known as doral in florida, as well as the old post office building that she helped negotiate to get the lease. they asked a lot of questions about that, showing documents indicates she was involved in the loans, that she knew her father's financial statements were provided. her testimony was she was involved at a high level and she introduced the relationship to deutsche bank to the trump organization. but she said when it came to the nitty-gritty details, she didn't recall them. like her brothers, don jr. and eric trump, who testified last week, distancing themselves from the financial statements. she said she had no involvement in them. she didn't know what went into the values on the statements. she didn't approve them. she didn't review them. consistently like her brother saying they did not have any involvement in them. you mentioned the old post office building. they had received the financial statements as part of the bidding process for that. and she was asked about a letter, an email, that the gsa had sent saying that they were flagging that donald trump's financial statements did not comply with county rules in all respects. so, she was asked about a meeting she attended with her father in washington, d.c. when they were pitching this project and asked specifically, did these financial statement irregularities come up during the meeting? and she testified she had no recollection of that, saying that during the meeting she was focused more on her vision for the project. her testimony lasted all day long. and then the new york attorney general's office rested their case. >> when does the defense start presenting the case? >> donald trump's team will begin presenting their case on monday. they have signalled they might call donald trump jr., possibly eric trump back to the stand. they also said they're going to call a number of experts, and they're going to call bankers. that was one element of the cross-examination of ivanka that came out today. they were able to get her on record saying that deutsche bank was happy with the loans. they're going to call bankers to say these financial statements were not important in their decision to give hundreds in millions of dollars of loans to the trump organization over many years. >> syracuse university of law school visiting lecturer and author of several books on donald trump, including "the big cheat: how donald trump enriched his family." assistant district attorney -- do you think ivanka's testimony was positive/negative for the case? >> i think it was slightly positive for the attorney general's case. i don't think -- i don't want to overstate it. but it's a white collar case. you're not going to have these giant dramatic moments in a trial. it's usually about papers and numbers and things like that. and you have these little elements of the crime that you build through the witnesses. and what ivanka provided today, the small nugget of knowledge that she provided today, was that the banks did rely on these p financial statements. and that is important for one of the elements of the crimes or the charges, i should say, which is that it was material. >> they're going to -- the trump team is going to argue, when they make their defense, apparently, that the financie ye years didn't care about the statements. >> the remaining six charges have additional elements. it had to be intentional. it had to be material. there had to be reliance on these statements. and it seems that that was the information that the attorney general was able to get from ivanka, by showing that they said it was important to them that his net worth -- at one point they wanted him to be able to have $3 billion, that that was the amount of money they wanted him to have or his net worth to be. she negotiated it down to 2.5 billion. and at one point, one of the banks, the branches -- the commercial part of the bank didn't want to give the loan. ivanka, what she did was she introduced them to the private wealth section of the bank. these things did matter. if they're going to be able to call people from the bank to say, no, it didn't, that changes it. but for today, that element, that little bit was given to the attorney general from ivanka's testimony. >> and david, i know you expected ivanka trump to minimize her role during testimony. can you remind viewers how involved she was in the trump organization? because before he became an adviser to her father at the white house. >> the testimony today showed actually she's more involved than even i realized. because she, in fact, negotiated, as karen said, his net worth down from a $3 billion guarantee to 2.5 billion. she signed off on emails and wrote emails to people that show her involvement. and she didn't refute any of the documents. she simply said, i don't recall, so many times that i think we may should be worried she may forget her childrens' birthdays. i think the most revealing thing she said was that donald trump, minority to pump up his net worth, got pledges from his three oldest children to count a portion of their wealth on his personal guarantee statement to the bank. i'm sorry. all across america, the bank of mom and dad often helps grown children, but the other way around is quite unusual. and it goes to donald artificially inflating his net worth. >> and she agreed to that? >> well, she signed a pledge, pledging part of her assets to her father, yes. >> and ivanka trump testified today that she didn't recall any specific discussions over annual financial statements. a, is that plausible, and b, does that matter? >> i think it's not plausible. there are some details that she may not have remembered that are not important. but clearly because she negotiated a much lower interest rate -- 6 fewer percentage points, roughly -- on one of the loans, that shows she was deeply involved in this. so her role, i think, in this was quite clear. but what she provided was evidence of certain transactions that, as karen pointed out, require proof of intent. and secondly, she didn't refute any of the documents. she said, i didn't write that or somebody phonied up that document. >> karen, what do you make of how ivanka trump distanced herself? i remember during the election -- there was all this talk about all these kids are running the corporation and, you know, they show up at corporate events and allegedly the two sons are running the corporation in their father's absence. it's not like -- certainly none of them are claiming the buck stopped with them. they all seem to be passing the responsibility off on unnamed accountants. >> i wasn't surprised that don jr. and eric trump distanced themselves because they are defendants in this action. she, if you recall used to be a defendant. but an appellate court said she was beyond the statute of limitations. so, why she did it and said she didn't recall is unclear. maybe loyalty to the family. i don't know. but she doesn't have as much to lose because she's not a defendant in the action. >> and david, if the judge rules against the former president, the end of this, what do the penalties actually look like? >> well, the judge initially revoked all of the business certificates, business licenses of the trump organization. there are more than 500 trump entities. they've been restored at least temporarily by an appeals court. if in fact it stands that donald trump doesn't have business licenses, he has to discourage these assets. the state will get its money first. donald trump will be at the end of the line. he may be able to acquire back some of his own, but he cannot do business in new york if the judge puts back in place the revocation of the business licenses. it's a corporate asset. >> so, what happens to trump tower? >> well, donald owns only part of trump tower. it's his apartment at the top. he owns the retail space and the office space. and that would be among the properties most likely to be sold. the problem trump will have is a sale following this trial is not going to be at premium prices. it's going to be at fire sale prices. and that could have a serious, depressing effect on trump's finances. >> and karen, as you said, the attorney general rested the case. the defense takes over. what are you anticipating from that? they're going to try to get -- do you think it's likely they'll call back eric and donny jr.? >> i think so. they didn't cross examine them when the attorney general called them on their case. i think that was a strategic decision so they could make a motion to dismiss at the end of the government's case. it's almost like reserving the right to do that. so, i can imagine that they would call them to the stand to get them to say whatever it is they want them to say and potentially even the former president. they could call him back and let him go on and on. because on direct examination, that's your time to talk and to give your story, as opposed to the yes or no questions, which is what he was -- what the government was trying to get out of him, was more specific. >> and the judge as well. >> and the judge as well. as long as it's on topic and it's relevant and it's admissible, then you have a lot more leeway on direct than you do on cross. so, you could see them doing that. and the bankers that they promised. so, we'll see. >> thanks so much. appreciate it. coming up next, what voters said last night about democrats and republicans and the issues and what it does or doesn't say about the electability of president biden or donald trump. also a live report from the pentagon and the air strikes american jets carried out on iraniaian targets s in syria.. it's no secret that in the last few weeks there have been some deeply troubling poll numbers for democrats. president biden with just 39% job approval and recent "new york times" polling shows him losing to the former president in four out of six key states. voters continue to vote for democratic policies, especially on abortion. and that pattern certainly held last night. >> i think it's about execution. it's about messaging. and we've got to do a better job. yesterday, to me, was a complete failure. >> north carolina republican senator thom tillis today after ohio voters approved an abortion rights referendum. and virginia's republican governor failed to flip the commonwealth senate, after campaigning heavily for republican candidates there. with me, van jones, senior data reporter harry enten, alyssa farah griffin, and david axelrod. democrats performing well at the ballot box since the dobbs decision. >> i like to look at things not just individual races but larger context. >> people say that about you? >> they do say that. they say that and they say i like data. we saw the kentucky governor's race, the virginia legislature. we've seen in special elections since the dobbs decisions, democrats consistently outperforming joe biden's 2020 baseline in every single congressional election. and of course the 2022 midterms in which the democrats had arguably the best performance for the white house party since at least 2002 and arguably the third best performance in the last century. so, we've seen it over and over and over again. the polls are saying one thing with joe biden doing poorly, but the election results, a lot of folks are voting for democrats and democratic policies. >> what does that mean for a third party candidate like robert kennedy jr. >> so, joe biden, donald trump, who of the least -- they would be two of the least major party nominees on record. and if you look right now, what rfk jr. -- you mentioned those polls. if you look at what he's getting in these states, high teens to low 20s across six of these battleground states. he is polling higher than any third party candidate has polled since ross perot in 1992. something's going on. we're not talking about this guy, but a lot of people seem willing to vote for him. and more than that, he could really shake up the dynamic. you said in four of those six swing states that donald trump was ahead of joe biden. if you add rfk jr. to the equation, look at arizona, pennsylvania, those are five-point leads for donald trump in those polls without kennedy. you add kennedy to the equation, all of a sudden, it's a tie. and all of a sudden, we have a tight race for the presidency. and i was surprised that no one seemed to be talking about this poll data at all because rfk jr., for better or worse, that dude is running and running strong and getting a lot of folks. and he could really shake up the dynamic of the 2024 campaign. >> what do you think about voter turnout? >> the couch is going to get a lot of votes i think. that's all you're looking at. the trump base is powerful. it's excited. they're going to want to come out. they're traditionally smaller than the democratic base. the democratic base seems depressed, except when it's time to vote. it's like everybody's sad all day long. and then it's time to go vote and people get mad and determined and go back to being sad. so, it is possible that there's something happening out there detached from biden, detached from trump. you do have the labor movement now up on its hind legs fighting hard. you do have groups like black voters matter that are now very sophisticated and well support. and you have the issue of abortion. we have the cost. we have the capacity. the question is, do we have the presidential candidate to win in 2024? >> i love ill lit ration. >> should democrats be concerned about president biden's chances? >> i think we're a closely divided country. so, people should take this seriously under any circumstance. but obviously there are special circumstances here. the country is in a sour mood, he's the incumbent, and there are issues of his age. if this is a referendum on joe biden, i think it is a perilous situation for him. on the other hand, if he can turn it into a choice and he can capture some of these issues that are motivating voters in these states and mobilizing voters, then i think it's a different situation. so far, he has chosen to play into the referendum strategy, by running ads about the economy that are more buoyant than people's view of them and talking a lot about bidenomics and so on. he needs to start talking about donald trump, and he needs to start throwing this thing into a comparative -- >> you ran into an issue with president obama -- >> we did. >> -- coming out of the 2008 financial crisis. >> we did. first of all, we learned a lesson about how we talked about the economy. but we threw the race -- for a year, we, sort of, anticipated that mitt romney would be our opponent. he knew he had economic credentials. we ran the race around who would fight for the middle class, who cares about people like you. we ended up winning on that basis. it takes day in/day out discipline to turn a place into a comparative race and stay out of the referendum tract. >> there's this, kind of, bizarre dynamic where the brand of the democratic party, in fact, is probably stronger than the brand of the joe biden. consistently on ballot initiatives and state-wide races outperforming joe biden's performance. on the flip side, on republicans, our brand is shot. it's having an incredibly hard type, especially around the issue of reproductive rights and abortion. trump is not a winner. he has not won major victories for the republican party dating back to the 2018 midterms. but he does energize people. what do we do to make voters want to come out for us in elections when donald trump is not on the ballot? and if donald trump, who's very likely going to be on the ballot, how do we not alienate the massive swath of voter who is see him as radioactive and repugnant. >> also how do you handle the abortion rights? >> nikki haley has given the most nuanced answer to this. i'm curious to see what she says tonight, when her chief opponent, at least in this debate, is ron desantis who are signed a six-week ban. 15 weeks is something i think you can communicate to a lot of the american public if framed with better adoption care services. and by the way, this isn't about restricting your rights. it's about solidifying -- the vast majority of the country supports 15 weeks. that's a good starting point. you have to communicate it. and by the way, you have to talk with compassion. we hurt ourselves so bad, as republicans, after dobbs, when it just became demonizing women who wanted them, criticizing the act of abortion itself rather than talking about crisis pregnancies being very real. >> glenn youngkin though -- >> he pitched 15 weeks. >> but kate bedingfield said very smartly last night, he, yes, took a more moderate position, but he didn't talk about it in a moderate way. he was using the old pro-life language to cater to the base of the republican party, but it did not resonate with independents. there's a way to communicate this that gets the broader swath of voters. >> alyssa said something important about trump. you want to be careful about, sort of, extrapolating from these elections that harry's been talking about. democrats have done quite well, dating almost back to when trump was elected to have every election after. a general election for president of the united states is a different kettle of fish. and trump will bring out a large turnout of people who aren't going to participate in these elections. it's a different kind of electorate. and that, i think, is important to keep in mind. >> that's why that kennedy factor could be so important. a lot of those folks that would normally sit out but may come to that ballot box, they may go, i hate both major parties. i think i'll go with kennedy. >> i agree third parties are going to play a huge roll in this election. new u.s. air strikes targeting military assets in the middle east. also ahead, a new video revealing hamas, tactics as israel says it is at the heart of gaza city. plus what it was like for a palestinian american couple who had gonene to the reregion to v theieir family.. you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? have we piqued your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible. in a moment, the latest on israel's war against hamas. first a new development in new u.s. air strikes in syria. natasha bertrand joins us with the latest. what happened with this air strike? >> reporter: anderson, two f-15s launched an air strike against a facility, a weapons depot for the iranian revolutionary guard corp. and its proxies, other groups that have been using this warehouse to store weapons that u.s. officials believe these proxy groups have been using to stage attacks on u.s. forces in the region. there have been over 40 such attacks in recent weeks on u.s. and coalition bases in iraq and syria. so, this was a way for the u.s. to both retaliate against the iranian-backed groups and try to destroy their infrastructure and weapons. according to defense officials who just spoke to us a short time ago, the u.s. used precision munitions to carry out these air strikes. and they saw secondary blasts coming from those warehouses, indicating there were weapons being stored there. secretary of defense austin released a statement about this. he is describing this as a very limited self-defense strike, a precision strike aimed at defending the u.s. against these kinds of attacks. there has been a lot of criticism, as you know, over the president's response saying they had been tepid. the u.s. says they're not looking to expand this conflict anymore. >> now to israel's war against hamas. israel's military in the heart on the floor gaza city. according to the idf, the tunnels were located near a school sponsored by the u.n. the idf also stated it destroyed at least 130 tunnel shafts since the start of the war. prime minister netanyahu said maintain security over the gaza strip for indefinite period. >> reporter: an israeli armored vehicle advances through the al shanty refugee camp. moments earlier, the same video shows a hamas fighter armed with a rocket-propelled grenade, moving slowly from behind the rubble. these are hamas propaganda videos from the perspective of its fighters, showing hamas militants peering around buildings and through the rubble before strike armored vehicles. cnn has geolocated several videos released in recent days to northern gaza, indicating hamas is likely still mounting attacks in areas israeli forces entered over a week ago. the videos provide a limited window into the group's guerilla tactics, and threats israeli forces face as they move deeper into gaza. >> as we're moving in, we're fighting more and more close combat, urban combat type engagement. >> reporter: the israeli military says its forces have encircled and are operating in the heart of gaza city. they face the dangers of dense urban combat and a vast network of tunnels hamas fighters are using to sneak up up on israeli forces. >> the nature of urban warfare is they go down a tunnel and come up somewhere else. we're not advancing. we're not rushing into this. we're taking strategic positions. >> reporter: israeli forces say they've destroyed 130 hamas tunnel shafts like this one since launching their ground offensive. >> we're just scratching the surface of that. >> reporter: but many more still remain. >> jeremy diamond joins us now. what's the evacuation options for civilians in gaza? >> reporter: anderson, in recent days, tens of thousands of palestinian civilians have used those evacuation corridors established by the israeli military over the last several days to flee south. in fact, just today, according to the united nations, 50,000 people took advantage of a five-hour window to evacuate south using one of the main arteries going north/south in the gaza strip. and all of this, anderson, comes not only as the israeli military is ramping up its military operations in northern gaza, but also of course as the humanitarian situation there has grown worse. access to clean water is limited. hospitals are running out of medical supplies, running out of fuel to carry out even basic operational matters. and sbisraeli forces are rampin up their ground offensive in northern gaza. israeli officials now saying that israeli troops are operating in the heart of gaza city, pressing forward with this advance, as the israeli prime minister vows no ceasefire unless hostages are released. anderson? >> jeremy diamond, thanks so much. many palestinian americans who made it out of gaza are just getting home, facing a particular heartache. they're relieved to be safe but worried every moment about their friends and family who are not. my next guests were in gaza on october 7th visiting family. they just got back to their home in massachusetts earlier this week. abboud -- join us now. welcome home, first of all. how do you feel? are you exhausted? >> we feel -- i had a mixed feeling, to be honest. i feel happy because we're safe here. we're back. but our thinking mind is in gaza because i still have my parents over there, abboud's parents still over there. we text them every minute to make sure they're okay. we made it here just because of unicef. i want to make sure he's okay, he's. >> youcef is your baby? >> youcef is my baby. he's going to turn two years next month. >> you got home in time for his birthday? >> yeah, yeah. >> what was -- you had gone there both to visit family -- >> yeah. >> and you'd spent a couple of weeks there. obviously you had no idea this was all about to happen. when did you realize -- was it on the morning of october 7th that you realized something has happened. >> exactly. >> yeah. i think october 7th it was 6-ish o'clock in the morning local time. and i remember hearing sounds of rockets launching. and i woke up wahfa and i said, i think that is the sound of rockets. and we checked out the windows and indeed it was. and then a few minutes later, we were trying to look at the news. and then it was unclear at the beginning. but then in a couple of hours, as the news rolled out of what was happening that day, realized that we are in trouble and that this is going to be a big event. >> what was -- going south, was it difficult, once you got together and headed down there? >> it was chaotic. i think early that day when we heard the announcement by the idf to head south, there was no time line given. there were no specific instructions given other than just go. south of gaza valley, a landmark. so, everyone scrambled. >> at this point, i mean, did you think the border might still be open? i mean, there was so much misinformation, so much -- people didn't know what was going on. but that rafah border has been shut this whole time. so, did you think you could get out at that point or just thought, get south and we'll figure it out? >> yeah, yeah. we tried a couple of times going to rafah border. but every time we wait for a couple of hours, and the gate, it's not opening. so, leave. >> you were in a house staying with dozens of other people. >> yeah, 40 people. >> 40 people. >> 40 people, yeah. we used to share everything with 40 people. >> and getting supplies and things, what was that like? >> it was so difficult. it was so -- >> your baby needs milk. >> oh, yeah. >> even that is -- >> even that -- yeah. we used to wake up every morning thinking about, like, how we're going to get water, bread, food. abood used to go with his brother on the line getting water and bread and come back after seven, six hours with one gallon of water for 40 people. and then, like, pieces of a bread. it's not enough for 40 people. so, we used to share. >> with a child, you mean, i think about it, obviously all those kids. was he scared? what was his sense of what was going on? >> i told myself, i have to be relaxed when i hear all the sounds. so, i started to teach him, okay, this is what you hear. this is the fireworks. remember the fourth of july? it's the same thing. i don't know if -- i don't think he trusted me. i don't think he believed that this is a fireworks. >> and the milk did run out? >> the milk did run out, yeah. >> yeah, the milk did run out at the beginning. i knew we were going to run out at some point. so, i started reducing his bottle. so, the last five days or weeks, we were completely out of milk. i used to give him water instead of milk. >> it's got to be this strange feeling of being relieved that you're out and yet your family is there. >> we're still processing what we experienced. i can't believe -- i can't believe our short trip just turned to a nightmare. >> and even though we're physically out, i think mentally we're still there. i think at some point, it cannot be worse to be on the outside. nothing is worse than being inside of gaza right now. if you're not dying from air strikes or shelling, you're at high risk of dying because of dehydration and lack of food. despite the little aid that's coming in, it's not really making -- it's not moving the needle. >> well, thank you so much. i'm so glad you're back. but i understand that that tug and that feel of family left behind. so, i'm sorry that you have that. >> thanks for having us. >> thank you. >> thank you, anderson. just ahead, back to u.s. politics and republicans taking the next step in their impeachment inquiry into president biden, today issuing subpoenas for hunter biden and president biden's brother's james. congressmen calling it a sham. one of them is congrgressman jae raskinin. he joins me next. i could use a little help. yeah, there's a lot of risk out there. huh ♪♪ hey, is this thing hard to learn? nah, it's easy. huh. you know, i think i'm going to ride it home. good thing you chose u.s. bank to manage and grow your money. with our 24/7 support at least you're not taking chances with your finances. yeah, i think i'm gonna need a chair. oh, ohhhh. one day after democrats won big on election day, house republicans issued subpoenas for the son and brother of president biden. hunter and james biden, as well as one of their business associates. they're also requesting interviews with others, including the widow of president biden's deceased son, beau. it's the first time the house oversight committee has subpoenaed members of the biden family. searching for evidence president biden completed an impeachable offense. hunter biden's lawyer called the subpoenas a political stunt. the white house called them an effort to distract them from their repeated efforts to govern. joining me now, jamie raskin. what's your reaction to these subpoenas now? >> i couldn't believe that one day after the voters of america re repudiated all the politics we've seen in the oversight committee, they decide to double down on their wild fishing expedition into the biden family and send out 25 subpoenas to biden family members, including not only, you know, hunter biden, jim biden, the usual suspects, hunter biden's wife, joe biden's wife, the late beau biden's widow, the widow sister. it's like a biden family reunion. but one person that they did not seek to subpoena was the one person who could unlock the whole mystery for them, which is rudy giuliani, who got all of these phony allegations started about joe biden with the burisma myth that he made up with lev parnas. but of course they've rejected all of the democratic efforts to subpoena giuliani and parnas because parnas has actually come out and said they travelled all the way around the world looking for some real evidence of corruption and couldn't find anything on joe biden. and they just concocted the whole thing. and parnas has now said, it's time to call off the whole wild goose chase. but it is amazing to me, anderson, that rather than take the lesson from what americans said yesterday, which is, cut out the extremism, the fanaticism, the politics of personal destruction. they're just diving right back in again. >> they've been making claims now for months, promises about what's about to be revealed. do hunter biden and james biden have any choice but to comply with the subpoenas? obviously trump has been critical of allies that defied subpoenas, including jim jordan. >> i haven't read any of the subpoenas yet. i just received word that they were out. so, i haven't seen them. so, i don't know what the particulars are. i don't even know what the authority is for them to be issuing subpoenas at this point because it was the republicans who insisted that you can't issue subpoenas in an impeachment investigation unless the full house has voted on it. and we ended up complying with that demand and that perspective with donald trump. and we made sure the full house vo voted on it. they have not had the house vote on it because they don't have the votes on the republican side to get a majority. if it was put to a vote in the house, the majority of democrats and republicans together would reject the maga agenda. i've got to look and see even what the authorization is for these subpoenas, if they're coming from, you know, the judiciary committee or the oversight committee and whether it's within their proper jurisdiction. but in general, yes, of course, everybody's got a responsibility to comply with congressional subpoenas, despite what jim jordan and other republicans have modelled with their terrible misbehavior. these are members of congress who blew off subpoenas that were rendered by the january 6th committee. so, i don't know the legalities of these particular ones, but certainly there's a general obligation. >> what do your republican colleagues say to you when you point out the impeachment inquiry has found no evidence of wrong doing by the president. >> well, some of them live in alternative universe. they watch a different network than yours, anderson, so they actually think that there's something there, even though it's perfectly clear to the rest of the country that they've found nothing. and, you know, they're suspending critical thinking skills. so, they'll say things like, yes, but what about these loans. and the loans they're talking about were perfectly lawful loans that joe biden, as a private citizen, made to his brother, jim biden, as a private citizen, which were interest-free that were repaid to him. and somehow we're supposed to construe from that some kind of crime or an impeachable offense. and they won't even listen to their own expert witnesses, and w who they called together in this single hearing that they've had about impeachment, all of who rejected the idea that there was any crime that is evident from the nine months of investigation they did, much less an impeachable offense. they just said, there's nothing there. that's their witnesses but they just dive right back in. and what we're hearing from them now is they're not going to do any more hearings, which is the best decision they've made yet. but they're going to be engaged in these depositions of people who they are in the process of rendering subpoenas to. >> congressman raskin, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> you bet. quickly, some breaking news. hollywood actors are ending their walkout. the union reaching a tentative agreement with the major film and television studios tonight. no details yet. if approved, it sets the stage, so to speak, for actors to return to work after 118 days. back to our top story tonight, ivanka trump taking the stand at her father's civil trial, specifically the effort to sepeparate hersrself from t famimily, the bubusiness, anand polititics. ivanka trump took t today in her father's civil trial, trying the best she could to distance herself from her father's legal troubles. randi kaye has more on that. >> when donald trump left the white house in january 2021, his daughter ivanka trump wasn't far behind. she and her husband jared kushner packed their bags and relocated along with their three young children to miami. first, they rented a condominium at a pricey ocean front building where rents are about $40,000 a month. the condo was home until they built a new house on a lot of land they purchased for $32 million on the exclusive indian creek island in the miami area. ivanka and her family now live about an hour and a half drive south of mar-a-lago, the private club her father calls home. >> in order to make america great and glorious again, i am tonight announcing my candidacy for president of the united states. >> when donald trump announced he was running again for president, ivanka skipped the announcement. instead ivanka issued a statement saying i love my father very much. this time around i am choosing to prioritize my young children and the private life we are creating as a family. i do not plan to be involved in politics. she added, while i will always love and support my father, going forward i will do so outside the political arena. cnn has also reported that ivanka and jared kushner have no plans to campaign on behalf of donald trump. a complete about-face from 2016. several people who spoke to cnn but wanted to remain anonymous to preserve personal and professional relationships with the family, one said ivanka would never go back to that life. she knows it's not something that would serve her or her family at this point. >> in 2020 i received the largest number of votes -- >> family, friends, acquaintances and members of trump's team told cnn trump's inability to move on from the 2020 election pushed his daughter away. during the last few years, ivanka has stayed out of the public eye. one of the few times we've heard from her was during testimony she gave to the house select committee investigating the january 6th riot. when asked about former p attorney general bill barr's statement that there was insufficient fraud to overturn the election, this was her response. >> i respect attorney general barr. so i accepted what he was saying. >> reporter: instead of focusing on her father's political world, ivanka has been spending time touring the real world. according to her instagram, she's been to egypt, prague, paris, and greece just to name a few. she's also been surfing and learning to fly. and why ivanka has largely been shunned by the elite social circles that used to embrace her, her reputational rehab is start to take root. kim kardashian posted this photo, that's ivanka on the right in white sequins, randi k kaye, cnn, palm beach, f florid. >> we'll b be right t back.

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