>> this evening president biden and his allies including former president trump, including former president obama, are trying to reassure support after our disappointing performance at the first presidential debate on thursday night. the democratic party officials, some members of the biden campaign this afternoon discussed the situation. we have the dnc chair standing by to talk about this. all of this after president biden struggled on stage with an ■çapparent cold. it was his opponent, fromer president donald trump who did battle with the truth. make no mistake, we will be talking about the debate over president biden's age on the program tonight but we will also not lose sight of the egregious lies told by his opponent, fromer president donald trump and his deeply troubling proposals. nor will we ignore the actions taken this week by his ultraconservative supreme court, criminalizing homelessness and putting our personal safety, the environment, and even our democracy at risk.■ç the stakes of this election are far too high not to be looking at the bigger picture. we have a lot to cover. let's get started. joining me now is the democratic national committee chairman jamie harrison. mister chairman, let's get into the debate it was a rough night for president biden but a deeply dishonest one for trump, the president spoke about his performance at a rally in north carolina friday. take a listen. >> i don't walk as easily as i used to do auras smoothly as i used to. i don't debate as well as i used to but i know what i do know, i know how to tell the truth. folks, i give you my word, i would not be running again if i didn't believe with all my heart and soul that i could do ç this job. quite frankly the stakes are too high. the stakes are too high. >> yes you can. yes you can. >> you heard the chatham, mr. chairman, the editorial board has called for him to leave the race as was mentioned, the campaign and the party held a call to check in just hours ago. what could you tell us about what was said? >> i think that the media is making the call, being more than what it was. a regularly scheduled call with our party leaders to update them on the state of the race. our path to the tree talking about the convention coming up in chicago in preparation for that and i broke the news on ç the call and told them my kids may be promised to take them on a disney cruise. that's about all that came out of the call but in all seriousness, going back to what the president said, he said he doesn't debate as well as he used to but when he gets knocked down he gets back up and that is the real important part of understanding this. since the debate, joe biden calling out allies from the 34 count convicted felon who is also liable of sexual assault in terms of donald trump, our grassroots supporters have helped us raise $27 million. you and i both know, we both run for office, people don't give up, these are small donor donuts■ç. they don't give up their hard-earned money if they don't believe that you have a pathway for victory and they need you to be strong. that's what we've seen post debate. i've seen some polls showing joe biden got more bounce coming off of the debate because they saw donald trump for who he is, a liar. someone who's lied about every single thing on the debate stage. he lied about the pandemic because he botched it and lied about the disaster, he lied about what he did for veterans because he was a disaster for our veterans. >> there's no doubt that he lied about many things . i will talk about that more tonight but let me ask you frankly. from not only the call from u.s. chairman talking around, have any ■çof your field people your people around the states, have they told you that they feel or that they are hearing that people want president biden to step aside? referring to the editorial by the new york times, are you hearing anything from your people on the field or are they hearing from their constituents that mr. biden, the president of the united states considering to step aside? >> we heard the handwringing coming from the pundits around in the op-ed's like the new york times but you don't hear from the people. what i've seen is this galvan is asian, particularly in the black community, i've seen the galvin is asian of support for joe biden. you know in the black community, in your family, you could say all that you want to say about a member of your family but don't let someone else say it. that's when you unify people ■ç and support. that's what i've seen in terms of support. people understand this, joe biden has always had our back and we will have his. we are still writing with biden. go to joe and make a contribution. let's give them to talk about. something to talk about. the people are galvanized and supporting biden because they understand it's joe biden who is the brick wall that stands up to secure our freedoms in the country from a wannabe dictator in terms of donald trump. >> speaking of lack issues. former president trump tried to claim immigrants take black jobs. i'm not sure what jobs are specifically black nor have i ■ç seen research that immigrants are taking a large amount of jobs that would go to american citizens of any race. what i do know is black unemployment fell to an all- time low under president biden. what should voters take away from this debate? especially being referred to as black jobs? >> they see donald trump for who they are. many of us on line, a black job actually inherited from a latino in terms of top risk, he was the chair before me. it's just nonsense. he puts black folks, latinos, asian americans in these boxes. we are only defined to do and be or certain things in his world but joe biden understands we, all ■çof us should be able live the american dream. i'm happy to serve under president that's appointed more people of color to the judiciary than any other president before him. 65% of the people that joe biden appointed as judges, lifetime appointments have been people of color. almost 30% of the people he's appointed have been black. he's appointed more black women to the appellate court then all presidents combined. the first black woman as vice president, the first black woman on the united states supreme court. he's overseen the most unemployment for black people in the history of the nation. cut up student loan debt. we've made a lot of progress under joe biden and it's not just his word but his actions. ç donald trump can't say that. >> former president trump didn't just lie about black unemployment. he also made misleading comments about abortion about january 6 and many other issues. the format didn't seem to allow for real-time fact checking so i have to ask, what could president biden do to call trump on more of these lies over the next debate? are you confident that they will be another debate? >> there's supposedly another debate in september. i know that joe biden said he wants to participate and we will see if donald trump does but it's incumbent upon all of us --. >> are you implying ■çthat he m not show up for the rematch? that doesn't sound like a courageous move. >> who knows with donald trump? the only thing that he is been the chief of is the liar in chief. you never know what this guy will do. the bottom line is this, it's incumbent among all of us, the political parties, grassroots activists and the media to make sure that we are calling out these lies. regardless of where this comes from. if we lie on our side, call it out but it needs to be called out. the american people need to know the truth about what's going on in the country and where these men stand on these particular issues. joe biden has been crystal clear about where he is in terms of roe v wade. he supports roe ■çversus wade a if he gets elected president again and we get a democratic house and senate, we will make sure it becomes the law of the land. with donald trump, we know he's responsible for ripping away that freedom and the right from the million americans women of america's women. he takes ownership of that. we need to be sure that we american people are educated on those things. >> one last question because i might run out of time and i need to ask. the supreme court is expected to deliver its final ruling of the session on monday. on the topic of presidential immunity, i'm extremely frustrated with this conservative supreme court for dragging out the decision at a time when it seemed unlikely that many of trump's criminal trials would finish before americans get the right to wod■ to vote. i'm even more disappointed with some of these decisions that have been made. just this week the court criminalized homelessness and made it more difficult for government agencies to keep our workplaces safe and our washer clean. for all of this talk about the debate, there are bigger issues attached and are at hand in the selection. don't you agree? >> i totally agree with that. people need to understand this one of the most important things that will happen in the selection in the ballot are our freedoms, those freedoms are determined by the court. donald trump has appointed three members of the supreme court right wing extremist members. the next çpresident of the united states will at 2 to 3 members to that court. will you give donald trump the real opportunity to put up five or six people on the court and to bring that extremism to bear? that means for generations to come, for my little boys who are 10 and five years old, they will have to live under a majority of donald trump. we cannot let that happen and i will do everything in my power and i know joe biden will do everything in his power to make sure that he wins so that we have some real and honest good people on this court. able who understand america's freedom needs to be for all of america's people and not just defined for the select few. >> under this court, we've lost women's right ■çto choose. we lost affirmative action and voting rights. if he gets two or three more, well, thank you for being on dnc chair, jamie harrison. i will let the audience finish the sentence for me. let's bring in the governor of maryland, westmore, thank you for being with us. you have been joining us here with us in wisconsin. tony evers on behalf of the biden campaign. i know that you're at a black coalition event. you opened a new field office in wisconsin. the wisconsin democratic coordinating campaign in madison. the state capital. i will be there to cover the weeks with some fake news before the republican ■ç @&c convention. just a few weeks, you're doing this a few weeks after trump reportedly called another wisconsin city, milwaukee. a quote horrible city. what is your sense of food in wisconsin? especially people's reaction to the president's performance on thursday night? >> milwaukee is a beautiful city but i could tell you right now the people i spoke to in milwaukee, they heard the former president loud and clear and i think it's noticeable and we are seeing it. every event that we've had so far has been three times oversubscribed. the energy that we are seeing on the ground now here in wisconsin for the president and vice president israel. is real. i think they realize in order to win the election we have to earn it. we need to go door to door, &ock by block. the energy and they're taking this very seriously. >> the washington post released an analysis . the democrats are struggling to recruit long young leadership. this is incumbent of younger voices such as yourself alongside other democratic governors such as michigan's gretchen witmer. josh shapiro to mention a few. what is your response to the criticism that the democratic party is somehow not recruiting younger new generation? >> i'm the youngest democratic governor in the country.■ç the only african american governor in the country and i'm here in wisconsin right now. we are going to door to door and we are working. here's the thing, people realize when it comes to young voters and to african-american voters and voters of color, everything is earned. nothing is given. you've got to go out there and you've got to earn it. because of the level of frustration that a lot of these communities are feeling, it's long-standing and it's historic. often times it's justified so we have to make sure that we are representing policies that are getting at the heart of some of these frustrations and the criticisms that people have. when you have with the president and vice president with president biden and vice president harris, you actually have that. we have historically low unemployment rates thapú■we hav across the country. we are creating pathways to create long-term not just jobs but full-time careers and focus on raising wages because gone are the days where people are working jobs and in some cases multiple jobs and sitting at or below the poverty line. we are able to address things like public safety. in my state, we went eight straight years the homicide rate was 300+ every year eight straight years. now over the last 18 months we've seen the homicide rate in the state of the city of baltimore drop at the fastest rate of any major american city with the exception of one and now the homicide rates in baltimore are so low the last time it was the slow i wasn't born yet so you are seeing what this actually looks like when you're working together and ■çy address the issues that young voters and voters of color care about. the receipts matter. that's why think that the energy matters as well. >> the gop is seeking out to recruit an army of election day poll monitors in suburban areas in an attempt to intimidate voters and further conspiracies of democratic voter fraud. following thursday's debate emma trump continued to hedge on whether he would accept the results of this november election saying that he would accept the outcome if it is "fair and legal and good election". he continued to insinuate that fraud last time was present around all of the voting and that it was wide spread, how alarmed are$çyou about this? these kind of accusations. >> it's incredibly alarming because you know, this country is the bedrock of democracies. the democracy from around the world was birthed from here. it was moved and mobilized from here. and in my home state of maryland, literally in the state house was when george washington actually resigned his commission for the first time showing that the powers do not belong to a person, it belongs to the people. the idea of democracy was something that i'm an old army officer, i served with 82nd airborne division in afghanistan. this idea of defending democracy i put on my life, i put on my life the line for. respecting the results of the election, ■çit depends on the result of the election. it's the most undemocratic, unpatriotic and un-american comment that you could possibly make. the response that we have if they want to spend their time and energy of being able to look at the election results, that's fine. we will make sure that these will be fair elections. people should have no concerns about the clarity or frankly the fairness of u.s. elections and the elections that are in the individual jurisdictions. there's no spin that they could put on the fact that of what's an overwhelming voter turnout could look like in november. >> talking about these issues and people that are younger like yourself in these key jobs, i want to ask you this while i've got you, you announced yesterday that baltimore ■çmultimillion dollar redline transit project will be a rail system instead of a bus fleet. this was one of your key campaign promises to make underprivileged neighborhoods with regional job centers, what are your thoughts on building infrastructure with an allied light president in comparison like president trump who held infrastructure throughout weeks of his presidency but did not end up taking any action? >> i'm excited about this announcement. baltimore is excited about this announcement. maryland is excited about the announcement. it will be a generational project. it could link people from whereç they live to where they work and where they lived where they worship, where they live to go to school, i could do this in means by a light rail that will be the type of world-class transportation system that frankly so many communities like ours have been neglected. they've never seen the light of day. now the fact that we could get this done matters deeply and i can tell you this, yesterday's announcement wouldn't have happened had it not been for the biden era administration and for not just the infrastructure capital that they put on board, maryland has received over $12 billion of infrastructure capital from the bipartisan infrastructure act it was the fact that they see us. they believe in us. they believe in cities like baltimore and in states like maryland.■ç they understand that you can't have economic mobility if you do not have physical mobility. our ability to make these infrastructure investments, it matters and i could tell you this to everyone listening, so do the elections. that's why we have to get out there in november because of you want to see that kind of progress then you need to put the right people in the right seats to make the progress actually happened. >> all right, thank you for being with us from wisconsin, we will have you back and i want to talk about how you dealt with 175,000 people we need more time to talk about that. thank you governor wes moore . tomorrow on inside, you could see from the speaker of the house nancy pelosi. right here on msnbc. all the trump lies you may have missed during the debate, coming up. we will be ■çright back. ♪♪ chewy, a citi client, uses citi's financial expertise to help drive its growth and keep its supply chain moving, so more pet parents can get everything they need... right when they 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they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. before before i begin ■çto address former president trump's performance at this debate i must give him credit for one thing, he certainly came prepared. prepared to lie through his teeth. nearly every time his microphone was turned on, a falsehood came from his mouth. he claimed that millions of black jobs were being taken by migrants when black unemployment has reached a record low under biden. he claimed democrats support abortion even after birth which is completely absurd. he tried to claim that everyone wanted the reproductive rights issue returned to the state as if we cannot remember reality prior to the dobbs decision. he tried ■çto claim the border was the safest in history when in fact, there were more crossings per year under trump than under obama until the pandemic when the borders were shut down all over the globe. he tried the same trick with carbon emissions, taking credit for reductions during the pandemic and claiming to have had the best environment ever. even as he traveled the country claiming climate change is a hope's. make no mistake, president biden had an off night at the debate. no doubt. if we were scoring the matchup on truthfulness or honesty, every politician will sometimes bend and stretch reality. there were claims from president biden that didn't pass the mustard with fact checkers. we have nevwr had a presidential candidate lie as brazenly and as repeatedly as trump. with so little regard for the consequences of his falsehoods, real people have been deceived and damaged by the untruthful things he has said. no matter how much he gloats, this election is far from over. trump lies because he is afraid of the truth and he thinks that his voters are too stupid to know the difference. i have deep confidence in the american people to distinguish wrong from right. the did this in 2020 and if we remain focused on the facts and on the issues, they will do it again in 2024. i've got you. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once-daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief and reduced fatigue with rinvoq. check! when flares kept trying to slow me down i got lasting steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check! and when my doctor saw damage, rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check! for both uc and crohn's: rapid symptom relief lasting steroid-free remission. and visibly reduced damage. check. check. and check! rinvoq can 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respond to president biden's disappointing performance. the new york times editorial board calling for biden to leave the race. "there's no reason for the party to risk the stability and security of our country by forcing voters to choose between mr. trump's deficiencies and those of president biden." former president barack obama urges democrats to stay the course proposing that the race is between someone who tells the truth and who knows from wrong to right and will give to the ■çamerican people. versus someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. joining me now is my political panel. our political analysts. susan, when you hear these takes, which approach do you think is correct in response to president biden's performance during this debate? >> well, it may not be a matter so much of decision , individual decision to make what we will see over the next few days is how big of a narrative there is to replace joe biden. i'm not saying that they should or should not but if it gets too big, the voices get too loud, that would definitely affect theçpresident's decision. that's not to say that this could move off the radar quickly in the sense of us having a huge supreme court decision on immunity for the former president and it's a holiday weekend. when we get back, we will basically see what the calling is, what the polling could be within the margin of error. he will keep going. >> when we give back after the fourth of july weekend, donald trump is going to be sentenced for his 34 felonies . juanita, what's your take on the panic after biden's debate performance? is it warranted? >> i think that debate was really hard to watch. there's no denying that. it showed a number of flaws ■çi president biden but also in donald trump. every time he bly, he'd make these outlandish statements about abortion on january 6, or black jobs, this left a mark. i say that with the full understanding that this conversation is one that could have happened if there was a national primary in the election cycle. i would like to posit this as an option for the democratic party and the future so that there are not panic discussions. imagine if joe biden stood on the stage with other democrats to defend his record and deliver these statements in a positive way, for 90 minutes. in march or april, that would impress him to perform even better last thursday so imagine the reality ■çis potential. that would alleviate these questions that have been asked about age, ability, mental standing. i think it's important for democrats not to just fixate on this moment in a panicked way but to reevaluate how they run these elections and even with the incumbent in office. i appreciate you and susan bringing up these points that there are these a additional factors to consider in the coming days because the presidential election isn't happening in a vacuum. understanding those inflection points whether it's donald trump's sentencing or more abortion rights initiatives on valid and critical states on ballots and critical states. there's a lot for them to look at as we approach ■çnovember an of course both of these candidates will continue to have the impacts. having these debates around abortion rights, jobs, the key issues that people care about like housing affordability. the supreme court rulings setting the stage for a harmful outcome of donald trump does win and project 2025 could be enforced with reduced executive powers, this is something that needs to be considered in the conversation as well. >> you know the democratic party. what would the effort to replace biden on the ticket even look like? he would have to release his delegates otherwise the delegates -- how would this even be possible? >> it only be ■çprofitable possible if joe biden decided to step down. even still, his name is legally going to appear on the ballots across the country. there is so much that needs to happen in order for any type of change to take place and not to mention an alternative individual would need to step forward to fill the void at the democratic convention. >> and biden's delegates would have to give them enough votes to win the nomination. >> right. >> there's so many pieces in play . joe biden would have to decide to step back and based on the rally he gave in north carolina on friday, he's not going anywhere. he said he vows to stay in the race. until that changes i expect joe biden to spend the next few weeks keeping his ■çallies in order behind the scenes. while the editorial board call for him to step down even though they didn't do that for donald trump, a convicted felon has been liable of sexual assault and has a history of violence against women. they didn't do that with him. joe biden is the only person who could decide to get the wheels moving on someone else stepping in during the election. >> susan , what should be anticipated from trump and the republicans now? do you think that we could see a little overconfidence on that side because the candidate made a lot of comments that aren't likely to sit well with undecided voters as they get more attention. >> the comments or the lies, the lies spewed during the debate are the same lies ppá he spews at his rallies. the same ones he will continue to spew. the question is, within the elements, how much change was there in the trump campaign? a lot. we know that they moved quickly to open up offices and field offices in pennsylvania. i hate to say it they don't need cheap fake videos, they've got the video from the debate of biden standing there slack- jawed with that gaze in his eyes that was on hinging. the trump campaign will continue moving forward. i think everyone thought this would be the flip that donald trump would get this horrible review and that he might have to name a vp candidate or a choice, rather, to change this news cycle but ■çright now, the next week will be critical for the biden campaign and for the trump campaign to take advantage of him while he's weaker and may be pivoting more to the independent voters. >> all right, we will sure watch this. i think wanita is right. these debates in the primaries would have gotten president biden ready. when i ran in 2004, we had 23- 24 debate. you get better each time. i had to check to see who you voted for in 2004. i'm told susan was republican and couldn't vote for me and wanita was too young to vote. coming up, donald ■çtrump ss he will stop immigrants from taking black jobs, whatever those are, i will explain in a moment. moment. oh no! with chewy, get flea meds delivered before the itching begins or after. but before is definitely better. good job. save 20% on your first pharmacy order and get it delivered right on time. >> i know >> i know a lot of voters ■çare exhausted you know who else is exhausted? every single player at halftime of the super bowl. every one of them is exhausted. what do they do? they go out there and they do it again. this is halftime with the biden versus trump contest for the future. there is a second have coming up. and yes, you have to play in both half's. welcome back to politics and nation. for months, the biden and trump campaigns have pursued the black vote specifically in urban areas. why this could swing an entire states thursday debate centered on this political reality. when the ■çcandidates were aske for their prescription for black america's unique challenges, trump swore to stop immigrants from taking black jobs, whatever those are. biden owned up to disappointment from some black voters asking another term to make good on their support from four years ago. mayor steve reid, a democrat, the president of the african- american men's association. mayor reed welcome back to the show. the impact of the black vote was addressed during the debate. both candidates have to make their pitches to the black voters. he could make enough to cause the electoral problems in certain states. ■ç do you get the sense that his muted performance, talking about biden, the only national stage between these two so far could further harm their voters? >> thank you for having me on your show. i think certainly, all of us know that president biden did not have the best night. you and i have been around him numerous times. we know who he really is. i think it's important for us to keep in mind what his record has been in office as the president and his particular policies within the■ç community around unemployment, under printer ownership, $60 billion invested in the hpc you, student loan forgiveness advocating for gun safety and legislation. we could go down the list. capping insulin at $35. a significant amount of policy winnings that he has under his belt. it's important for us to not be fair weather voters and look at what he's done and look at his vision for our future. >> two years ago you created a task force to address homelessness in montgomery. according to your office, nearly 900 people sleep on the streets every night. on friday the supreme court just rejected a constitutional challenge to an oregon cities law punishing people for sleeping on public property when they lack other options. how and ■çother mayors the kare bass we had at the show, how are you reacting to the course of this decision as you try to reduce homelessness in a more humane way? >> i think like a lot of mayors, like the mayors association, we are looking at compassionate approaches to homelessness. we know that a lot of this comes from illness and from those who cannot afford housing in their communities. a lot of them are women. unfortunately, a disproportionate amount of people of color around this country. we don't want to see cities arresting people with this decision. we want to be sure they are working together for the community groups as well as other organizations cities to address ■çthe issue. i think we have to be clear as the mayor has said about the affordability crisis not becoming another issue where we sink into a regression of our problem which led to mass incarceration. we don't want to see this. we want to be sure that we are working with those organizations and dealing with the homeless who have some solutions and in particular our veteran community to make sure that we are addressing this with a compassionate and collaborative spirit. >> among the lies donald trump told during the debate, the false claim that he was speaking in favor of the crime bill, referring to black americans as ■çsuper predators. not only did joe biden never said that he rejected the idea is that those incarcerated youth were super predators during the senate hearing in 1997. trump on the other hand has campaigned following with indicted black rappers, referring to these neighborhoods as crime-ridden health scapes and saying that his rapport with black voters is based on our love of convicted criminals like him, his mug shot. your thoughts on this mr. mayor? >> it is insulting . stereo typical of someone like donald trump. he's the one in his book in 2000 that wolf packs would be running and roaming the streets that. he's marginalized and insulted black people across the country in terms of how he used them and his policies and decisions. i think this notion is one of those, divert and distract from what he knows he's done and i want to make sure that for all of those who who may be out there and were considering even thinking about voting for president trump, that they consider what's at stake for the election. it's not just our democracy but many of the other things we continue to know■ç within our communities across the country. the frontlines of that, we've been the beneficiaries as our cities have. >> so they let me ask you this before i let you go, we are out of time but the atlanta journal-constitution just put out an editorial calling for president biden to drop out of the race joining for the new york times. we spoke to the dnc chair jamie harrison earlier in the program who says he's not hearing any calls for biden to step aside from voters or inside the party. what do you think of the editorials we are seeing? should we take this seriously and you heard this from people in montgomery or the other mayors that you're the president of the african- american mayors association. ■ç >> no sir, not at all. i think a lot of us recognize you could have a bad night or about performance and what we saw the next day was that president biden, you and i, the other mayors in our association has seen over the last three and half years, i think that there's this sense of making sure he's visible, vocal, and he reassures me he's not just up to the campaign but also the job itself. >> thank you mayor reed of alabama. two tragedies around the world that do not get enough attention. stay with us. suddenly life's feeling a little more automatic. like doors opening wherever i go... 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