Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Life 20240703

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mark: hello america, i'm mark levin this is "life, liberty and levin." sunday, thank you for being here, very important program. we have two great and important guests. senior pastor cornerstone church in san antonio texas, and a friend pastor john hagey and a truex pert o -- expert on international law, a professor at scalia school of law. what are the rules of law? we'll get to that. but before we do, you are seeing protesters. in capital building. we know who they are. and they have ignored it. i'm spend my opening talking about who these people are. are they just happening or just wokism? no. it is much worse. believe it or not we have been infiltrated. hamas network in america. and over at george washington university they wrote about it, they put a paper out this month, program on extremism. hamas network in america. the media are not looking at this. it available to everyone. i want to tell you 'it because that what i you will know about it. the months following 1987 formation of hamas muslim brother hood branches and off shoots activated themselve to form the newly formed organization. according to international documents in 1988 head of pa palestine section of muslim brotherhood traveled to united states for the formation of palestine committee of the muslim brotherhood in america, in 1992 ethe muss vision of the israel's palestinian conflict. palestine is the one for some muslim brotherhood prepared armies made up from children of islam and arab and islamic nation to liberate its land from the defile am of defilement of the children of the jews, which sprouted to a jihad that is continues to day of resurrection. and providing a zeal -- the document also called on committee to work to increase financial and moral support for hamas to fight, surrendering solutions, no peace, and publicize and focus on savagery of the jews, w reflecting the structure of brotherhood organizations, the committee was composed of heads of three u.s.-based organization that were set up to aid hamas in palestine. the general purpose islamic association of palestine, the financial arm represented by occupies land fund. which was holyland fun doing and united the organizations, each operating in its field, but interconnected, constituted public face here in united states, of th the secret structure of muslim brotherhood of hamas in america, they have infiltrated our country. this is not being discussed in media. this from george washington university. there was a meeting in philadelphia, members of this committee convened a 3 day meeting in philadelphia at marriott hotel near the airport. the closed-door meeting was attended by 20 top leaders of hamas support in no united states the fbi placed wiretaps into hotel taping most of the co the conversations, the transcripts of most were introduced as evidence during holyland foundation in 1993. attending meeting were representatives of three groups, making up pa palestine committee, most were united by blood ties and lived in tight knit communities such as washington, chicago and dallas. faced with two needs, the participants opted for two-pronged approach that differentiated between internal andic personic perseexternal strategy. engaging in various activities to aid, in coming stage, most important thing we could vo vide is to support vi is up jihad of palestine. i believe only way to bring the goals of oslo peace accord, to destro destroy them. the newly created holyland foundation, was too collect fundings for hamas, while giving impression that it was destining them to orphans and needy children. at same time, the participants commit i should have engaged in effort convince people that peace accords harmed palestinians. several participants argue that commit she have been particularly active in spreads this message among the youth. saying we don't want children who are raised here to grow up surrendering to issue of peace with the j jews. we don't see in 10 years growing generation of america surrenders to peace with the jews, there must be curriculum and teaching materials, and they argued --- >> happening right in our country. >> it has been for decades. if the internal strategy, needed to support hamas, they understood they could play an important role in aiding the group by influencing american public opinion and policymakers, that including the press, ahmed in particular. stress need to increase committee influence with congress. this could be achieved by infiltrating american media outlets, universities, research centers and working with islamic political oar -- organizations. and sympathetic ones. >> you see that happening all over, with tlaib and the squad and soft support for american policy, the groups hate america, they want to take america down, i have no involved with the 2020r riots. one of most important aspects of committee public relations campaign, ahmed spoke of need of pr broadcasting islamic point of view in u.s. media. the media savvy, followed up on akhmed's words with a presentation. stretching importance of training and qualifying -- branches and committees on media activism with somewhere courses on media. it has been heeded by u.s.-based hamas activists. and return to middle east over past few years, former palestinian committee head, and former uasr director, senior political adviser to palestinian prime minister. have published several editorials in american newspapers, discussions made it clear they understood that if within the muslim community they decided to openly support hamas, when dealing with the general public, they needed to take a more nuanced position. that is what they have done. the report goes on, i have shared this with many american reporters, news outlets they have ignored it. they said to be able to continue their activities in united states, participants efree a new organization with no ties to hamas, operating in ways that would made it appear as moderate in the eyes of americans should have been founded. drafted in 1991, this is in philadelphia. when they met. hope that will be official organization, the group, for political work, and headquarters in washington, god willing they said, it represents the political aspect to support the cause on american front. basing their judgment on ample evidence, u.s. authority believe to be counsel on american islamic relations. ahmed director, awad, attended philadelphia meeting were the chairman and executive director, they have infiltrated our country and our schools and our media. they still are. that is why you see a turn in policy. they have infiltrated the democrat party. with tlaib and other like her, this sn this is no joke, this is serious, it is being funded by enemies and terrorists. last week we talked about students for justice and palestine. it is their note as they claim -- not as they claim, grassroot, this is going on in our campuses, a terror affiliated anti-semitic network that operates with autonomy on 300 college campuses, who supports them? it has been linked to terror groups, some defined it campus front for hamas the university of california berkeley, students for justice and peace. organization whose leaders were former members of palestinian islamist terrorist organizations, and founded in 2005. they are a front organization to a front organization, that is fund biden mes and has platforms on 300 or more of our universities. you saw the huge numbers of people gather, on capitol hill, the office building. it is a jewish group, i provided this information to american journalists as well. ignored it the jewish voice for peace. what is the jewish voice for peace. the monitor, they said, the jewish voice for peace views itself as jewish wing of the palestinian solidarity movement and seeks end to israeli occupation of west bank, and gaza strip and east jerusalem, founded by radical marxist jews from our universities, they have enlisted and recruited a number of people. and part of a network of ngo's. to extent campaign that seek to demonize israel. this is where they get it. supporting convicted terrorist, during her deportation proceedings from united states, and hosted her, this group hosted her, as a featured speaker at 2017 national membership meeting, a popular front for liberation of palestine cooperative was convicted for immigration fraud after concealing her role in two terror bombings in israel. a terrorist group by u.s., eu, and canada and israel and jewish voice for peace, that was in the capitol building, celebrated and supported her. the enemy went. funded -- enemy went. with in. >> the media, several people in the media have been influenced by these very same organizations, the bbc, the u.s. media. and they throw out the same thing when you contribute se-- criticize them, you must be a racists. what about free speech, now you know the full story, i'll be right back. 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>> absolutely. jesus christ himself said, if men will not praise me, the very rocks will cry out in recognize me. the fact is that every few days, archaeologists in israel are digging up memorabilia of treasures that are thousands of years in age, written in hebrew with the name of hebrew rulers on the documents, as proof positive that thousands of years ago, that seed of abraham occupied this territory. mark: interesting that the palestinian authority does not want those archaeologists doing those, they say they are destroying the foundations of palestinian homes in the area, and demand they stop. is the real reason that they demand they stop, is that all this propaganda, and throughout meeft most middle east that jews be occupants to americanize their goal. >> that would be true. there is no such thing as two-state solution. hamas worships death. we have seen that in these past few days, in a pattern that is the most vicious thing that humanity has seen since the holocaust. they worship date. th-- death, the jewish people are people who pursue life. they pursue life. life and death, they are polar opposites there will never be reconciliation between radical is lamy a islam and judaism. a written contract in covenant in the word of god, many times for those who are stloa gslow to get the message that land belonged to seed of abraham forever and forever. mark: when we come back. you have founded, you are chairman of a group, christians united for israel. this does not get attention it deserves with millions of people who support it. when we come back tell us what this is all about. we'll be right back. providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org this she■s a hero moment. even today, only a quarter of stem graduates are women. they'd go, oh, you don't look like an engineer. there is this preconception. some things are for boys. but diversity drives innovation. my goal is to really flip the script. pick something that you love and go for it. how do we live in space? how do we live on the moon? i want to help figure that out. you can create the blueprint. if you can see her, you can be her. order ahead of an imminent ground offensive. are you encouraging the israelis to delay invasion. talking to the israelis. israel has not only the right, as we've said, but the obligation to defend itself. we're not in the business of second guessing what what they're doing. we are talking to them on a regular basis about how they do it. secretary blinken goes on to say that the us is ready to protect american forces in the middle east should the israel-hamas war escalate as expected. that growing reality now evident along israel's northern border with lebanon, where heavily armed hezbollah is intensifying its attacks. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is strongly warning the iran backed terrorist group against opening a second war front. while our state department advises all americans to get out of lebanon, some comforting news, however, for hundreds of thousands of palestinians trapped in gaza. a second aid convoy entered the region through egypt sunday. 19 trucks brought very badly needed medical and food supplies. a convoy of 20 trucks entered the besieged strip saturday, but the fate of more than 200 incidents incident in percent hostages still presumably in the hands of hamas remain in limbo at this hour. i'm jackie ibanez. now back to life, liberty and levin. welcome back, america. i'm with pastor john hagee, one of the great really leaders of the evangelical christian movement in the united states. pastor i asked you and i want to repeat at the break. you have founded this group, christians united for israel. why did you found this group and what does it do to starting at the beginning in 1978, i went to israel as a tourist and i came home a zionist. i was at the western wall praying and i looked over my left shoulder and i saw an elderly jewish man rocking back and forth, kissing the torah. and the thought went through my mind that man is your spiritual brother and you don't know anything about him, and he's terrified of you. so why don't you do everything in your power to bring christians and jews together in a non threatening environment where the jewish people are appreciated for their accomplishments and contributions to america and the world? i return home with that goal in mind whenever the idf bomb the nuclear reactor at osiris, the media immediately began to attack israel. i thought israel should be congratulated for ridding the world of this nuclear nuisance. and so i said we. i told my wife we need to have a night to honor israel in san antonio, where we bring all of the christians together and the auditorium downtown and have of a tribute to the jewish people and so that they know that we would like to have a time of being unified rather than divided. so we managed to get the auditorium downtown. and i invited all of the pastors of the city to come and our choir and our orchestra came and they sang hebrew songs. and i know that ben yehuda must have turned over in his grave if we took an offering and we gave it to hadassah and the women who received that offering wept, and the whole audience started weeping and i didn't really know how to process it until it dawned on me that for the first time in their life, they are seeing the love of god extended to the jewish people rather than anti-semitism. as the rabbi came at and was closing the event with the benediction, the security came to me and said, we've got a bomb threat on this building. long story short, people quickly evacuated . and there's where i determined we are going to have a night to honor israel in every major city in america. i made videos about how to do it. i sent it to the pastors of cities. i flew the wings off my plane going from city to city, organizing these events called nights to honor israel. they still are in abundance now. all over the world. then came ahmadinejad threatening to blow up israel, saying israel should be a one bomb nation. so in 2006, i organized ized christians united for israel. i brought to san antonio 400 of the leading evangelicals of the nation. i brought together television network owners, publishers, all of the people who made it happen for the evangelicals. i told them that we should, as a people, stand up for the jewish people. how many of them would go each year to washington dc with me? meet your elected officials. your congressmen have the talking points and state what it is we want as christians. you to do for the state of israel. it was a miracle all 400 of them raised their hand and said, we will do this. i said everything we do toward the jewish people has no hidden agenda and they got the message. they showed up. we had 3600 people come just five months later to washington on today. christians united for israel has over 10 million people because we are organized with a national structure by regions, by state, by city, and with the push of a button, we can activate 10 million people to go to israel's aid in washington, dc. in any capacity. that's the only issue we have is real israel and israel. and god has given us great favor and opportunities me to accomplish many things in behalf of the jewish people, all because jerusalem is indeed the epicenter of the world. jerusalem is the shoreline of eternity. jerusalem is where isaiah and jeremiah penned principles of righteousness that became the moral foundation of western civilization. jerusalem is where david said, if i forget the old jerusalem, hmm, let my right hand forget its cunning and let my and let my left hand and let thy tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth. jerusalem. jerusalem is the city where messiah is coming. jerusalem is the city that's important. both to christians and jews and i appeal to every christian who's watching this network right now. if you have not been a supporter of the jewish people, get on the right side of this issue, too, because i assure you he that keepeth israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. wake up, america. this is our opportunity to truly demonstrate our love and affection for what the jewish people have done for us. paul said we should consider what they have done and we are obligated to bless them in every capacity city we possibly can. how profound, pastor, on this sunday. may god bless you, sir. if people want to help christians united for israel, where do they go? go to cufi. org and you're in. all right. thank you, sir. hope to see you soon. god bless you, sir. thank you. we'll be right back. attention cpap users, germs and bacteria. air can grow inside your reservoir, tubing and mask and cleaning them can be an expensive, difficult task when you need to breathe easy, sleep great and stay healthy. what you need is clean zone. the affordable, portable cpap cleaner and sanitizer. just press and clean zone automatically cleans sanitizes and eliminates 99% of germs and bacteria from every surface of your cpap, reservoir tube and mask in minutes. no water, no added chemicals. no worries. you'll breathe in healthy, clean air and sleep peacefully. i used to bug him to clean the c-pap machine and i worried about how dirty it was. but with the clean zone i just attach it to the tube and within minutes it's clean. we love the price too. the secret is activated, oxygen that is created by clean zones, internal three generator plus it's lightweight, compact and portable. i looked at other cpap cleaners and when i compared quality and price, clean zone was my clear choice. i can sleep with a peace of mind knowing that i'm breathing clean clean zone works with virtually all make and model cpap machines. it's powered by a long lasting rechargeable battery and is maintenance free just press and clean zone. does the rest. you've seen other cpap cleaners sell for over $300, but you won't pay 300 during this special offer. you can get your clean zone cpap cleaner with the deluxe travel bag for just 99.99. that's a great price for a great night's sleep. clean zone comes with our full 60 day money back guarantee. but to make this the cleanest offer on tv, we'll double it just pay a separate fee. you can get two complete clean zone cpap cleaning systems with deluxe travel bags , all for one low price. here's how to order to order. call one (800)■a476-0581. or you can go online at clean zone now .com. call or click today. hey hi. check it out team jackets. oh nice. these are sick. nice. i love it. wait, why is mine say little baby cake? 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so the rules are very simple. in war, you are allowed to attack your enemies and you are only allowed to attack military targets, which means the actual combatants or things that they're using to support themselves. now, what about civilians? you are not allowed to target civilians. you're not allowed to attack civilians and sort of deliberately, solely for the purpose of killing them. but in any war that has ever been fought, it is impossible to have an immaculate war where only civilians are killed and international law allows what is called incidental or collateral damage. that is to say, you are allowed to strike military targets even if it is foreseeable that civilians will be killed. and there's a rule called proportion reality, which doesn't mean, as some people say, that the casualties of the two sides need to be somehow symmetric or similar. that's actually the opposite of the case. to win a war, you need to inflict greater casualty his on the other side, what it means is that if there's going to be anticipated civilian casualties from an attack, they need to be proportional to the anticipated military advantage. in other words, you can't take out a city block to get a sniper that's in a residential building, but you may be able to target the building. now, what are israel's military objectives in this war to prevent its genocide, to prevent the murder, torture and dismemberment of every member of the jewish people in israel? that's a significant military objective. and does permit civilian collateral casualties if they're not the point of the attack, which they never are. now, i'll add that there's a rule that the other side that needs to each party needs to separate military from civilians. hamas violates that rule by specifically co-locate rating their armed membership with civilian sites. but under international law, that does not immunize those sites from attack. in other words, you're not rewarded for using human shields because hamas chooses to use human shields, does not tie israel's hands. rather, it puts the responsibility for those innocent loss of life, which is very tragic and regrettable, squarely on hamas and, of course, squarely on hamas. they're called terrorists for a reason because they don't follow the rules of law. correct yeah, exactly. you know, the rules of war typically are about protecting civilians. in other words, you have to put your military sometimes at somewhat greater risk to protect civilians. but israel is trying to protect civilians, including its own civilians, because hamas's strategy is not to fight the israeli defense forces. marceau's strategy is to murder innocent civilians. so when israel is going after hamas, they're doing it in a way to minimize gazan civilian casualties, but also to prevent their own civilian casualties. this is a war for israel's survival. when we come back, professor, i want to ask you, because you live and work in israel and you live and work in the united states, why? why does joe biden and antony blinken continually lecture israel about the rules of war and proportionality when in fact israel is not violating the rules of law and proportionality and israel will do its very best not to commit so-called war crimes while its enemy is daily hourly committing war crimes when we come back, i'd like your answer to that. we'll be right back. dad, what's with your toenail? oh, that. i'm not sure. it's a nail fungus infection. that's gross. it's nothing, really. it's contagious. you can even spread it to other people. mom mom, come here. don't worry about it. it'll go away on its own. no, it won't go away on its own. it's an infection. you need a prescription on nail. fungus is a contagious infection. at the first signs show to your doctor and ask if jublia is right for you. jublia is a prescription medicine used to treat toenail fungus its most common side effects include ingrown toenail application site redness, itching, swelling, burning or stinging blisters and pain. jublia is recognized by the apma most commercially insured patients will pay as little as $0 copay. go to jublia .com. now to get started. where do i get bad press? 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yeah, it's a little bit obnoxious when president biden comes over and he said many nice things, but then he said, of course, don't punish gazans. civilians don't engage in collective punishment as if israel would ever do such a thing. biden has an interest. he needs to support israel. you know, at least openly and somewhat to not lose the jewish vote in the elections. but he also wants to keep this fight contained and keep israel from going all the way and actually taking out its enemies because hamas, the people who perpetrated this horrible massacre, are simply puppets of iran. and of course, biden's middle east policy, like obama's, has been focused on making nice with iran. he transferred $6 billion to iran. he is lifted sanctions on iran. so in the end, israel cannot be safe unless it takes out its iranian backed proxies on its doorstep. hezbollah and hamas. but ultimately, iran needs to be dealt with also. and the bigger this war gets, the more it's going to be a reminder of biden's failed middle eastern policy and his appeasement of iran. so he wants israel to do something because he understands israel has to do something. but he does not necessarily support israel going all the way, taking out hamas and actually preventing it from coming back, because that's what israel really needs to do. a country cannot live with a massacre like this every 20 years, which means israel must take out hamas and it must make sure it never comes back. and to see how you do that, you have to look at germany, which was also a totalitarian society, authoritarian society, but with broad popular support. that means you have to come, you have to take over, and you have to make them really understand that they lost and go through a policy. it means you have to change the borders. it means you have to really get rid of all the bad guys and not let the people who supported them come back into power. that is a long task. biden does not want israel to go that far. he's already said it. he said, we don't want you to end up occupying gaza. but that's what america did with germany. that's the only way to get these guys out. and without that, this is just going to be like a cancer that grows back again, god forbid, and just so america understands the gaza strip was fought for, egyptians were defeated. israel controlled it. and then israel tried an experiment. it gave the gaza strip to the palestinians who elected a terrorist regime that has used this so-called two state solution to try and pursue a final solution. correct it's very important to note israel pulled out all the soldiers, all the civilians from gaza in 2005, that people were saying, oh, the settlers are the problem every one came out. they handed it over to fatah. now, fatah was immediately replaced by hamas, which is actually a much more powerful that's a reason not to hand it over to fatah. again, they're not going to last. and since then, they have pursued a genocidal campaign against israel. so what have we seen? the only. thing that prevents these kind of attacks, the only thing that prevents us from being used as a base for holocaust like massacres of jews is israeli control over the territory. that is the only thing that is proved of effective control by the palestine authority. fatah has not worked and obviously hamas doesn't work all right, professor, we appreciate your input very, very much. so what's strange to me is the lectures to the victim where people were just slaughtered and said that the israelis don't fight wars to slaughter people. they fight wars to defend themselves. and these constant lectures by biden and the obama people who surround him, they're not just obnoxious. they send exactly the wrong signal to the enemy. thank you, professor, and god bless you. thank you for having me on, mark. we'll be right back. fox nation gives you crucial insight into the war on israel. timeline of terror. this isn't going to be days. this isn't going to be weeks. this is going to be months ahead. who is hamas? hamas showed no mercy to these people. they dragged women through the streets of gaza. who is benjamin netanyahu? he's calling for a unity government. and he said that israel will secure its borders. the war in israel in three shows timeline of terror. who is hamas? who is benjamin netanyahu? streaming now on fox nation, whether because of discomfort, lack of mobility, your lifestyle or occupation, you sit inactive way too many hours a day. that's sedentary. inactivity is terrible for your health. it's time to add some extra steps to your day. introduce ellipse. the premium quality automatic seated exerciser that strengthens legs increases mobility and boosts circulation without physical strain or impact. it's the easiest exercise you will ever do. ellipse fits perfectly under my desk and it is so quiet that none of my coworkers even know i'm using it. strengthen and tone your legs increase your mobility, flexibility and balance plus stimulate healthy circulation. my joints feel better, my knees feel better. my back feels better. it makes me feel stronger too. power assisted exercise that frees your mind to enjoy your favorite seated activities. perfect for home therapy. whisper quiet to use while you work my circulation is moving. i'm burning calories and it makes me feel energetic. plug it in, place your feet, select your speed and relax. ellipse does all the work. loosen stiff joints and tight muscles, reduce swelling, alleviate cramps and calm restless legs. ellipse is so smooth, so easy on my joints, my legs are stronger, my joints are no longer stiff. i can walk without pain. my mobility is as good as it was 20 years ago. other seated exercises produce harsh, jarring movement, but ellipses. 46% larger rotational diameter provides more exercise plus ultra smooth motion. that's safe, super low impact and feels great. call now and order ellipse. the seated exerciser that strengthens legs , increases mobility and boosts circulation. be one of the first 300 callers and get upgraded to the ellipse deluxe bundle a $100 value yours free. get the faster motor that produces more than five miles worth of steps per hour. the non-slip mat and wireless remote call now, are you thinking about buying an annuity before you do get the little known secrets to receiving guaranteed income and protecting your hard earned money? 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how does our country survive when 98% of the media do the bidding or the propagandists for terrorist regimes and terrorist organizations, despite the horrors they saw now and we all saw, how does our country survive when the media view their real objective and goal is to advance the fundamental transformation of america? and you can see what's happened to our country and how it affects other countries, how does america survive when these corporate media platforms use those platforms to advance ideologies that undermine our history? our founding, and our people? well, it doesn't. they've exposed themselves as forever. and there needs to be reformation. we don't have a free press. we have a press that's free to push an ideological, dangerous, hellish agenda. i'll see you next time on life, liberty and levin. good e a

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