division and partisanship in this event brought to you a joint partnership with the edward him kennedy is to do in the orange jeep catch foundation, the bipartisan policies center and a goal today is to try to foster discussion, based on principles, not politics much like the example of bipartisan ridge building it, semi democratic senator ted kennedy and republican senator orrin hatch and passing some of the most important legislation of their times such as the americans with disabilities act to, in the children's health insurance program. and forming an unlikely friendship, that transcended their partisan differences, and a spirit, and just a moment we will hear from independent senator bernie sanders of vermont and senator lindsey graham from south carolina and are used to facing off from their top post on the budget committee and clearly, they have very different views on the biggest issues facing the nation and for the next hour, we will try to find common ground constructive disagreements and search for the bipartisan compromise that has been the hallmark of the u.s. senate for more than two centuries and now without further ado, let's get started and please welcome senator bernie sanders in south carolina senator lindsey graham. [applause] [applause] [applause] >> bernie. [applause] >> senator sanders the floor is yours. bernie: holy me think the kennedy institute for hosting the event the "fox news" broadcasting it, my colleague lindsey graham for being here with me and no longer serving independent history of the united states congress so what i'm going to tell you today is not something that you will hear often on fox and cnn or abc or the washington post or in fact in the whole congress and what i will tell you is that the working class in the middle class in this country are in serious trouble we are moving towards that oligarchic form a society where a small number of billionaires, not only have extraordinary wealth they have extraordinary political power. we are living at a time when half of our people are living paycheck to paycheck in the wealthiest country on earth and when 70 million americans have no health insurance or are underinsured, when we have a starvation a minimum wage at the federal level of seven and a core, an hour anywhere half of the elderly workers can build workers in this country, have nothing in the bank as they fear retirement. what i believe is that now is the time, not to defend the establishment which is the way phenomenally well, when you have two people on top in america, one more wealth than the bottom 40 percent, two people, the top 1 percent of more wealth than the bottom 92 percent. ceos of major corporations today, are making it 350 times more than their workers and we have more income and wealth and inequality of any type in american history and now is the time that the american people to stand up and make it clear that enough is enough and we need to govern at the source to represent all our people, not just wealthy campaign contributors enemies that we have to and a corrupt political system which big money buys elections enemies that we have to wind a very unfair tax system in which billionaires don't pay a nickel and federal taxes and it means that we have to raise the federal minimum wage to at least 15 bucks an hour, hannah means that we have to joint every other major country on earth, and understanding that healthcare is a human right, not a privilege and stop spinning tr healthcare to enrich the drug companies and the insurance companies and a means of that medicare is going to have to negotiate prescription drug prices so that we can lower the cost of prescription drugs by 5. enemies that we cannot continue to be the only major country on earth, not to have paid family medical leave. enemies that we have to restore the $300 tax credit so that we are not continuing to be an agent of which has more the highest rates of childhood poverty in the united states enemies that we to repeat and expand medicare, dental care and hearing aids and eyeglasses it so that elderly people in this country can about the remaining years and dignity enemies among other things that we cannot continue to ignore climate change which is an existential threat to this planet and obviously, given the tragedies that we face in the last month in terms of guns, we need serious and real gun safety legislation it in the bottom line, let's create a government who works for all of us, not just the people on top and thank you. >> senator lindsey graham. >> will thank you very much this is not someplace. graham: were here to honor great friends and they fully tigers but they can work together and have a different take on things that bernie and we will get to that here in a minute but i like bernie and i hear this every day all of the time, and he believes it to, but i want to remind you that the democrats are in charge. and after hearing morning talk that we would leave it will bring think of all to keep people and not out on things are tough but they're going to get better write and socialism ends not the answer to all of these problems of his i just want to remind you a little bit about where we are out of the democrats they also the senate and white house and all these problems that we are talking about, they could change or fix if they could, their agenda is not working and so here's want to tell you, vote republican 2022, do yourself a favor, as herself the following questions, mi better better off today than i was two years ago and if you are, you are in a world of hurt two years ago because most people are not better off today there is a reason, policy matters and were all americans who loves his vision of america hannah disagree with it but admire his passion pretty but here is where we stand, a .6 percent inflation, the highest in 40 years and we go to the grocery store for $100 are looking to get a bag go fill up your car coming gotta take a mortgage developing car what has happen here, the policies that are being pursued by my democratic colleagues are not working on the average american is a world of hurt and 2 million people will come across the border illegally this year. the highest in history of the country, and in december of 2020, we have the lowest illegal immigrant crossings and 40 years in april, of this year, he was over 250,000. this is dangerous and it's irresponsible and you are paying almost $800 a day, to pay for an illegal immigrant child in custody is breaking the bank it is just a matter of time that some terrace comes over here and kills us all if they could because they don't see bernie and i much different, we are americans and their rise as we got a broken bordered we need to fix it in the crime is rapid predict and is defined of the police over to the relating and others, has taken a toll. i was victim of the airport by a couple of cops and he patted me on the back and come they thought that i was itself carolina in the bottom line is it is a tough time to be a cop now and he was to go into law enforcement, is time to let the cops know, you know the problem, the criminals are the problems we have a lot of problems, the republican and stop this madness and this is the most radical costly agenda in modern american history is not working for you in a needs to change and they want to do more if they could, vote republican to stop it packing the supreme court and we work hard to create a conservative majority and they want to increase the number of people in supreme court to make a liberal again they wanted federalized elections are doing away with about righties and instituting ballot are missing. they want to electoral college of new york and california will pick the president in perpetuity. the bottom line is it can be better. in 2019, when the lowest poverty rate in modern history, american families before covid-19, having highest incomes in the history of following statistics and women were doing better, we had a secure border, and the arabs and israelis were working together and we had a country that was moving in the right direction. window gas prices, and jobs were abundant and along come covid-19 we can get back to the pre- covid-19 america, but you're never going to get back as you change the leadership in this country in 2022. >> over anywhere, sooner sinners response to senator graham when we come back. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ ♪ entresto is the number one heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. trading isn't just a hobby. it's your future. so you don't lose sight of the big picture, even when you're focused on 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and back. a kohler-certified installer will install everything quickly and conveniently in as little as a day. they made us feel completely comfortable in our home. and, yes, it's affordable. i wish we would have looked into it sooner. think i might look into one myself. stay in the home and life you've built for years to come. call... to get a free kohler® highline™ comfort height™ toilet including installation with the purchase of a kohler® walk-in bath. and take advantage of our special offer of no payments for 18 months. >> matter of fact, call for the funding of the police when they do believe in his former mayor has to work very well with her police department, we need community-based policing that reflects the people in those communities we have to fight racism in every way that we can but i've for defunding the police. >> i know it is interesting to hear senator graham speak because other than the partisan rhetoric it, would you don't hear him talking about artifact of the most things that we are facing the company country that's with the us temple entered the establishment that's added does sen. lindsey graham have a major concern to not guarantee healthcare for all people, that some 60000 people of your die because they don't get to a doctoral time and he did not hear much about that in the opening statement and does he care that we have the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs and of the pharmaceutical industry right now has 1500 paid lobbyists in washington dc to make sure that in some cases that we pay ten times more for the medicine that we need ended lindsay talk about the fact that the average and south carolina and carolina and all of his country and tens of millions of workers are working for starvation wages entity talk about a corrupt political system in which billionaires today can start a super pack and i guess some familiarity with super facsimile help fund your campaign and you can spend unlimited amounts of money to elect candidates, we have an observed situation it with super packs and frequently spend more money than the candidates themselves and i did not hear lindsey talk about the crisis of climate change or the reality that scientists, is not sen. bernie sanders is what the best scientists in the world are telling us. and if we don't get our act together, planet were going to be leaving arkansas and future generations, will become increasingly uninhabitable we were talking about gray cities like charleston, south carolina predict the flooding, and their people thinking that not only charleston new york city, will e underwater by the end of the century and we gotta talk about that and you gotta talk about incoming well inequality and you have a concern that two people have more wealth than the bottom 40 do you have the concern in the corporate concentration of ownership three wall street firms now, stage iii, vanguard, who control $20 trillion in assets in the control hundreds and hundreds of corporations throughout this country in the bottom line is that we are moving towards oligarchy that we don't have and we say that we need a government that represents the working people in the middle class, i worry very much about the future of this country and appeal speak to some of those issues. >> will it will be god to speak to my campaign, i raised $112 million and the average donation was about 40 bucks and lindsey graham . calm in the bottom line is the america that we all seek to achieve where everybody can do well, is not going to happen it unless things change and you have not called for defunding the police when will you do me a favor and say publicly today that those who are calling for defunding the police, stop because you hurting the country and his people in the party, the liberal wing i don't know what you call these folks, but they believe the cops of the problem any save never done a bit people in your party are doing it all of the time and at the end of the day, i believe climate change is real but that is no reason to destroy the fossil fuel industry in this country and were moving to electric cars but that's going to be (202)034-2035 in your party is made us miserable when it comes to filling a partake in your party 210 million acres, how to production and you close ability to produce oil gas and you wonder why it because so much to fill up your car and what happened in the last ten years, the policy and do you think this is an excellent i would like to lower healthcare costs, but are not going to take away your private coverage and senator sanders has a bill called medicare for all, breach of the four for who found him begging you to take care for all and bring to the floor of the senate which looks just like this endless vote vote and the reason that it won't pass, is because going to take private healthcare away from 200 million americans and what is all government and religion is what he calls about $40 trillion in 2034, we will be spending as much to maintain medicare for all as we do for the entire federal government today and people will have less, get with the government gives you when they're ready to give it to you and so this idea of medicare for all destroys private healthcare and that is not the answer immigration it, what are you going to fix about her, in charge for two years and we have been telling you what you're doing it does work and i know you don't like trump but he got it right in mexico and his policy secured the border and were having more people come here illegally, then exist in the state of vermont and how easy would it be for some terrorist group to get into the middle of this, this human chaos so i would ask you to focus on lowering the gas prices, securing the border, and bring law and order back to america. and the only way you will do that sen. bernie sanders is to abandon the agenda that you charted for america because it is not working to accede tuned in more of the senate project debates after this. >> welcome the "fox news" live, i'm john scott who new york in a new group of americans are now eligible for objecting to get the covid-19 in earlier today the cdc approved pfizer and moderna vaccine for children as young as six months and federal health officials say that it will expand the vaccinations were roughly 18 million kids and vaccines are already headed to pediatricians, clinics and pharmacies and hospitals around the country and the first shots can be given out as early as monday and another tough time for air travel, with the holiday weekend just days away, airlines had to cancel more than 800 flights and delay more than 4400 others today and this comes after more than 3000 u.s. flights were canceled and another 13000 delay between thursday and yesterday and the airlines are blaming labor shortages, and whether disruptions and i am scott, nl back to the senate project, sen. lindsey graham and sen. bernie sanders. >> let's talk about the gas prices, they are outrageously high in vermont, their $5.5 in vermont a gallon. meanwhile, the major oil companies made $35 billion in profit in the first quarter of this year. at the end of the years decimated they're going to give $88 billion in buybacks to the wealthy share holders so i do think that we have to do something about the outrageously high price of gas and i think the president to bring the major oil companies in and tell them we will have a windfall profit tax on what they are doing it in order to stop them from ripping off the american people in the last time that oil prices were at $118 a barrel, which is what they are right now, roughly speaking and the average gas prices at the pump work $3.83. not over $5 a gallon and so i think in the midst of what is going on in this world, and that is a war in ukraine, and russia oil, i think what the oil companies are doing are taking advantage of that situation and raising prices to an outrageous level which is hurting the american working family. but the issue goes beyond oil. the issue goes to healthcare and you talked about the cost of healthcare i am sure you know, that in the united states, we spend twice as much per capita on healthcare to the people of any other country while major countries like canada, the uk and germany, they managed to provide healthcare to all the people and why is that, having oil companies in the not having insurance companies ripping off the system. what we need to do right now is to take a deep breath because this country in fact, sen. lindsey graham, he was right we are in a lot of departed all of this country vermont, south carolina and all of this country, people are hurting and what we don't need right now is - what we needed his thoughtful solutions to the major crises that we face and ultimately, at the end of the day, what we need is a government that represents all of us and not just wealthy powerful, special interests. that is what i'm working on, and you ask will medicare passing for tomorrow, no it will not buy the real question is not whether it passes or not commence with the market people want to combine you know what the american people do want, they do want medicare for all you talk about the joys and duties of private insurance, talk to the millions of worost their private interest during covid-19 and so i think it is time for the workers families to stand up amanda government represents all not just a few. >> so i'm calling on senator schumer to bring medicare for all to the force of that we can vote on that because of the american people wanted, and this people voting against it should lose their choco that's the way it works and so in terms of your proposal for medicare for all, i am challenging you and your parties run the senate, to bring to the floor for a goat and we will see with the votes are in this go back to gas prices and how do we go from energy independence to where we are now, policy matters. during the campaign in 2020, president biden and senator sanders, campaign against eliminating fossil fuels as we know it in america pretty basically shut it down, said on the production and the fracking, the me tell you about the oil prices, supply and demand in ths $2.38 a gallon, the price of gasoline, before covid-19 hit and we went into lockdown because we had to know we went to $1.77 nobody was saying, give the oil companies subsidy when it was a dollars 77. and were invited came into opposite way back to 238, what is happened between then and now, the policies you pursued in terms of energy production, have decreased in production in the united states in a very dramatic table $45 billion tax on energy production and you shut down the keystone pipeline, then he took the 2 million-dollar breakers that you put into production out of production at and you're wondering what happened to the gas prices what happened to the gas prices is you declared war on fossil fuels in the united states when you go to the pump, a victim of that war and us change that, let's give it to a rational energy policy, let's do an american a gas so there'll be less relying on mr. gassett was cut putin off of the knees and find alternatives to russian oil and gas and it is not the oil companies it that are driving these prices it they want to produce more, they just can't is not russia, it is a percent of the oil we use, hit is a policies that this administration it that stated the goal of this administration is to store the fossil fuel production in america and they are on track to do that evokes if you want to lower the gas and oil prices, vote republican to see if we can find if these democrats will go back to increase production in america so that we can lower the gas prices and in a way that works and all i can tell you is in terms of getting sick in america, more people come to america for healthcare the go anywhere else so i doubt there is nurses who have been through heck out there, god bless you coming of the closing argument from part one of the senate project. tezspire™ can help. tezspire™ is an add-on treatment for people 12 and over... that proactively reduces inflammation... ...which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. so, you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire™ is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire™ if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. by helping control your asthma, tezspire™ can help you be you. no matter who you are, ask your asthma specialist about tezspire™ today. >> form is for closing statement in section one sen. bernie sanders. sanders: sen. lindsey graham talked about we need to promote oil production this just with the oil companies really want to do and this year, they plan to provide any billion dollars oil production, but for the stock buybacks to go to the wealthiest people in the country, people who own it their shares. and as a nation, i think the time is very long overdue. for us to have the courage to do something which is not easy, and that is to take on the people who contribute to sen. lindsey graham enter democratic campaigns it and to tell the people on top during this pandemic it, is terrible pandemic it, which again million lives, with millions of people suffering with long covid-19 and as sen. lindsey graham said, doctors and nurses performed heroically entering of that time, you know what us and announce happening of the billionaires in this country, saw a 2 trillion-dollar increase in the wealth. and people in the insurance company and on the drug companies, and people own major wall street firms and so the challenge that we face is the envisioned of the society that we want for our kids, and her grandchildren. do we think that designation, how people are entitled to healthcare an ideal and is a radical idea no, is 50 miles away from i live and in candidate which means half as much for all people in virtually it every major company not radical is it radical to to negotiate prescription drugs prices and of course is not radical idea and why are we doing it because the pharmaceutical industry has endless amount of money in the dubai the politicians into lobbying to make campaign contributions and is it a radical idea to say that every kid in this country, no matter where they live, they have the right to get a higher education. i don't think so in other countries around the world already do that you go to many european countries, do you know how much it cost to go to medical school, truly, nothing so having to believe that we should make public colleges and universities, tuition free and is deal with the issue of guns. we are in a chamber today named after ted kennedy his two brothers, john and bobby, they were gunned down. that is the time is again, long overdue for the people of the country i think the people are prepared but the question is whether the congress is prepared to stand up to the power of the nra and pass real gun reform legislation it and were seeing some progress in recent weeks and will see how that plays out. i'm on a step forward but we gotta go further and are recoverable in a nation where anybody could walk into a consortium they had come out with an ar 15 which is designed it to mow down, people in a military fashion pretty we design of people able to have high-capacity ammunition magazines and are we satisfied with the situation at 70 can go to a gun show and not have a background check it and so the time now is for the sake of our children, and the sake of all of us, serious gun safety legislation and have the courage to stand up to the nra and the bottom line is, sen. lindsey graham talked about was in the senate and is right there pretty conservative. and paul at the polls show they are not representing where the american people are in our job is to create a government and elected officials who are prepared to stand up against while the campaigns and tributaries and fight for ordinary americans. >> thank you and i to remind you again, that your government is run by democrats and that is not mean that we have all of the answers in the republicans but i find this astonishing. graham: the people in charge of your government, not going to vote on things that bernie thinks will fix the problem with, why because they don't have other these ideas, because they won't fix the problem. here's the point, if you want things to change, you've got to get new people then in washington it to run the place because the answer to america's problems, sen. bernie sanders, is not more socialism in your own message, time to raise taxes on the rich in your completely on message, and why do we have such a problem with the border, sen. bernie sanders, it is been does the policy matters. 2 million people will come across his country illegally and only god knows how many we will miss and is a complete accident waiting to happen down there predict we went to and from having border, having mexico work with us, we change our loss of the beginning of control and it is all gone away and folks, if you don't change was running washington, the worst is yet to come when it comes to illegal immigration and the gas prices, the reason the gas prices are so high, is because the policies they've imposed, are not working for you. this is a painful transition as described with president of biden, their goal is to drive the fossil fuels into extinction in the united states. we are talking about getting lines to produce more gas and venezuela to produce more gas, the arabs to produce more gas, to lower prices here and we should be producing more oil and gas here we say the oil companies fault, that is baloney, there in the business, and the reason they are not producing more is because it is impossible to produce more under this administration and if sen. bernie sanders was in charge of people like him, he would get worse not better and all i can say is the gas prices are going through the roof and nothing is going to change until you change washington. i don't expect to fix many of these problems with sen. bernie sanders and i will try but they're playing the democrats up there and i think it would have phased-in approach, the energy production, one from being energy independent, to having a mortgage your house develop your car, how the heck did that happen in a happened because of the policies and you got a chance to fix this. and i would ask you to fix it, but the republicans in charge of the house and the senate to stop this craziness and see if we can find it path forward and 22 - 24, to get things back to more normal. people out there, sen. bernie sanders, are living in heck and $600 a month, due to inflation and wages are not going up. america deserves better than this, we can do better than this. but the path charted by sen. bernie sanders is full on socialism. full on unequivocal, socialism, from cradle-to-grave, that's not going to fix america, we are not a socialist nation. there is a better way and i'll promise you this, if i am chairman of any committee, particularly the budget committee, if we take over, i will sit down with the democrats and the republicans going to find a way to fix a national debt which is appalling. >> up next, sen. bernie >> up next, sen. bernie sanders and sen. lindsey graham talk about finding common ground on capitol hill. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette trading isn't just a hobby. it's your future. so you don't lose sight of the big picture, even when you're focused on what's happening right now. and thinkorswim® is right there with you. to help you become a smarter investor. with an innovative 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21 -year-old's, we can give states who have red flag laws, money to hire more psychologists and psychiatrists and more cops how we can do some things on the mental health front will maybe intervene these people's lives before it is too late. so this package with bernie's support if we can write it in the right way, will get 70 votes and that is no small thing. sanders: the political differences aside from all of the ideas that we disagree on between lindsey and myself any's keep saying that let's go to the senate without us have a bipartisanship, i'm all for that when i was in the house and probably passed legislation on the floor which and without republican support in any other member but at the end of the day there is a bigger issue lindsey, and the issues that we have to ask is in fact this moment in history, is the united states congress representing the needs of the majority of the people in our country are they representing powerful special interests. i think most people, will tell you, and tell me that the congress is way way out of touch with the needs of the american people and you may disagree with medicare for all, you may disagree with expanding social security and whatever it may be to start with the american people. i believe in bipartisanship more important i believe we have a corrupted medical system dominated by wealthy campaign contributors and i think we got into this disastrous supreme court decision and i think got a revitalize american democracy, i week after two have the republicans to say trump is not telling the truth and he did not win the election of that democracy with elements false is better than - and that is where i think lindsey and i disagree. >> final thoughts when we come back. .. announcer: type 2 diabetes? discover the power of 3 in the ozempic® tri-zone. in my ozempic® tri-zone, i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. announcer: ozempic® provides powerful a1c reduction. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. and you may lose weight. adults lost up to 14 pounds. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. join the millions already taking ozempic®. ask your health care provider about the ozempic® tri-zone. announcer: you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. bret: senator sanders, senator graham, we'll have to leave it at that. thank you very much. i'm bret baier, thank you all. brian: happy saturday night, welcome to "one nation," i'm brian kilmeade. general jack keane and what does it take to get ukraine back on the offensive and weapons to the front line. ainsley earhardt has a big announcement. what it means to be a dad. and why this guy is having a special

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