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and donald trump's contentious testimony. did he help or hurt in his fraud case. and new revelations from benjamin netanyahu, who could patrol gaza after the war and what could trigger a pause in fighting there. good day to our viewers in the united states and around the world. it is tuesday, november 7. one hour from now, voters will be voting as the first polls open in a remarkably consequential election considering it is an off year. abortion on center stage in the state level races, none more so than ohio where issue one would enshrine the right to abortion in the state's constitution. ohio supreme court also weighing a law that would ban abortion after six weeks. abortion rights groups are urging a yes vote to protect the current 22 week limit. >> shall i e could be your neig niece, sister or daughter. but if she is raped or gets pregnant, a law in ohio would force her to have the child with no exception. >> in virginia, democrats hope their defense of abortion rights will help them win control of the house of delegates. virginia republicans on the other hand spotlighting crime as their best hope to take the state senate. >> michael fagans is endorsed by radicals who want to release murderers and rapists from prison. and karen greenhall is endorsed by virginia law enforcement. >> in kentucky andy baseshear hoping to keep his seat in that deeply red state and mississippi looking at republican tate reeves facing a tougher than expected challenge from brandon presley. fun fact about him, he is elvis' second suzcousin. let's bring in michelle price. thank you so much for being here on what is a big day here in electoral politics. let's start with abortion rights because this obviously is something that democrats have seen pay dividends for them after dobbs overturned roe v. wade. and they really are counting on it here. it is obviously on the ballot directly in ohio. but in virginia, you know, i'm not sure if you live in this media market, i see all the ads in northern virginia, it is relentless and endless as both republicans and democrats have been campaigning on this issue. how do you see it playing out? >> what is interesting about this, virginia we have the entire legislature up for election. and the argument that abortion rights supporters are making is basically -- we have two chambers there. and one controlled by democrats, one by republicans. argument is if you give republicans full control of the 2k3w0e6789, this will be a change for abortion rights in virginia. this is one of the few southern state that has not passed abortion restrictions after dobbs. but democrats are using this as kind of a proxy for 2024 to see if this is messaging that they can continue into those races across the country next year. >> and we saw some tough polling for president biden come out over the weekend that has the white house hand wringing about the presidential race. in the midterm elections, he had rough numbers then as well, the president, and democrats did many would argue better than expected anyway in terms of keeping the house majority, yes, it went to republicans but by a much smaller margin than a lot of people expected. what kind of signals are you looking for as results start to roll in tonight that will tell us what the landscape might look like as people prepare to head to the polls next year? >> what is interesting is last year's midterm elections, donald trump or donald trump's presence kind of loomed large over a lot of those races. there are candidates that he endorsed, sometimes they were further to the right than more moderate republicans. and in the wake of a lackluster showing, that took a lot of blame. this off year elections are kind of trump-free. even though he is in the news almost every day with his court cases, abortion is really the only national issue we're seeing throughout all of these. and in kentucky, andy beshear has separated himself from president biden so we're not seeing a direct link to joe biden's popularity in kentucky, but republicans are trying to tie into that. donald trump did hold tele rallies last night for tate reeves and daniel cameron, but those were quiet phone rallies. so it won't give us a great sense of how the 2024 presidential race will go with those candidates. but for the issues of abortion and party as a whole, we could look for signs there. >> and let's talk about glenn youngkin. not on the ballot himself this time, but he is definitely staking his political future on the results. and as we kind of outline, basically we're looking to see do republicans take total control of the state legislature in virginia in a way that would potentially as you alluded to allow them to pass an abortion ban. we've talked about how important that is. youngkin said if we succeed, i'll think about running for president. he wants to see what happens in virginia first. if things do go well for republicans in virginia, i mean, i have no doubt that there will be a little bubble of talk about what is glenn youngkin going to do, is he going to get into the primary race. but i'm not sure it will made a difference in a republican field that has seen donald trump dominant basically throughout. what are you looking for from the virginia governor? >> i mean, we are looking to see if he is successful by taking this, you know, the credit in the flip if there is a flip that he would have to immediately start working to travel outside of virginia, to file for some of these states. he has already missed the filing deadlines for new hampshire, the second primary, for nevada never. he could go to iowa, that is where he would probably start going first because he would have to organize for a caucus. but you'd have to see him ramping up spending money and hiring staff because voting starts within ten weeks in some of these races. >> yeah, it is very, very late, but i have a feeling that we'll be waking up in the morning tomorrow if complains do very well talking -- if the republicans do well talking about this. michelle price, i have a soft spot in my heart for the wire. thank you for being here. chaotic moments with donald trump, that is basically status quo, let's be honest, on the witness stand in new york. why the judge had to tell his lawyers to get him under control. plus israel's netanyahu talks about gaza after the war. whatat he said a and more importantltly what he dididn't . today marks one month since the hamas terror attack. and vladimir putin is trying to paint israel's resulting war in gaza as the u.s. and israel against the rest of the world. here is fred pleitgen. >> reporter: as israel's military continues its war against hamas, russian leader vladimir putin is framing the conflict as part of a global struggle of america and the rest of the world. >> translator: current ruling elites of the united states and their satellites that are the main beneficiaries before they extract the blood toll from it. >> reporter: while many nations around the world condemned hamas after the october 7th raid on southern israel, killing more than 1400 and taking hundreds of hostages, including russians, russia invited a high level hamas delegation to moscow for meetings. a top hamas leader saying the group would give preference to captives from what they call their, quote, russian friends. >> translator: this request from russia we treat more positively and attentively than others due to the nature of our relations with russia. >> reporter: and so far no russian hostages appear to have been released. still moscow not criticizing hamas. instead, ripping only into israel for the many palestinians killed by the idf's on going aerial campaign in gaza. >> translator: condemning terrorism, we categorically disagree that terrorism can be responded to by violating the norms of international humanitarian law including use of force against targets where the civilian population is known to be located. >> reporter: but for years, it was russia that waged a relentless bombing campaign against areas held by rebels opposed to syrian president bashar al assad. moscow is accused of deliberately targeting civilian areas including hospitals and markets wounding scores and killing even though kremlin denies the claims. and russia's war against ukraine continues. moscow once again harming civilian structures overnight in the town odesa wounding several. and vladimir putin trying to argue that russia is invading ukraine to help the palestinians. >> translator: these are our soldiers and officers and choice of a real man, a real warrior, is to pick up arms and stand in line with his brothers. be in a place where the fate of russia and of the whole world is being decided, including the future of the palestinian people. >> reporter: fred pleitgen, cnn, berlin. >> and max foster is joining me with more. i'm attempted to say okay, vlad, but let's take it seriously and explain what it is that he is doing here. as you know and as we've talked about extensively, the way that vladimir putin conducts himself in public is very much about he is very aware what is the public message he is sending, what is he trying to accomplish beyond the words that are actually coming out of his mouth. >> yeah, so his overriding message, and we've talked about this, re-establishing a new world order which effectively is making russia and china stronger and america weaker, always trying to undermine american leadership on the world stage. what i think is interesting here, actually before the war, you saw russia, putin, nurturing the relationship with israel and trying to create an alliance. what he is effectively doing is throwing that relationship under the bus, throwing israel under the bus and showing support for palestinians but also sympathy with the wider arab world. so if he can get more support from the arab world for his mission to create a new world order ultimately, that will work in his favor. and so he is working the current crisis to fit into that i think. >> and when you think of the way that russians interact with iran and the fact that saudi/israel pact or normalization agreement threatens iranian influence in the region and therefore also strengthenings the hand of america in the west, it does all fit together. there is a new interview out this morning that the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu did with abc in which he talks about the future for gaza, which you and i have talked extensively about what happens if israelis succeed to get rid of hamas. here is what netanyahu had to say. >> i think for an indefinite period israel will have the overall security responsibility because we've seen what happens when we don't have it. >> so he is saying that israelis will have to take control of the gaza strip after this. >> and it is interesting, how do you interpret that. so they will have security responsibility and it will be indefinite. what isn't clear about who will have governance over gaza. because a lot of people are seeing does what bibi said does he mean to occupy it after the war. because then it would also be responsible for governance which possibly suggests boots on the ground as well. i'm not sure anything that we've heard from him recently that is what he wants. so perhaps some sort of international peace keeping force operating in gaza, governing gaza while israel oversees security. very unclear what he meant there. but i think that it will interpreted by many as looking ahead to an occupation. but i don't think that it is as black and white as that. >> and certainly i think that the people who are calling for a ceasefire here in the u.s. are also likely to view it in that context in the occupation context. all right. max foster, thank you very much my friend. see you tomorrow. and just ahead here, the gop reveals who made the debate stage in miami tomorrow because we have that going on too. and how striking hollywood actors are playing the so-called best and final offer for movie studios. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? it is with comcast business. powering all your devices with gig-speed wifi. and you get fast downloads and uploads. pick it up! pick it up! oh we got this! because it's powered by the next generation 10g network. more speed for your business? it's not just possible. it's happening. get started for $59.99 a month for 12 months. plus, ask how to get an $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. comcast business, powering possibilities. welcome back. quick hits across america now. nathan woodyard who arrested elijah mcclain has been found not guilty in his death. he had died after an arrest. and a man who suffered a head injury at a pro panhandle demonstration has died. he hit his head on the ground in an altercation with a counter pro protestor. and actors are still on strike after the last best and final offer. and heat is across the south and east before a cold plunge later this week. and drought plagued northwest is expecting an atmospheric river and needed rain. let's get straight to the weatherman derek van dam. good morning, what have we got? >> i'm trying on to hold on to the extended summer weather that we've had. i went for the most beautiful trail run yesterday. and we still have fall foliage in and around the southeast, so we'll take it. temperatures are running 15 to 25 degrees above where they should be, but short lived so enjoy it while you can because it is this cold front that will bring the changes to the eastern half of the country. look how warm it was yesterday. in texas, el paso shattering the previous record. and all the way to memphis and parts of missouri. through about thursday, we have 80 potential record high temperatures stretching from the southwest all the way to the east coast. but look at all the records and oranges get replaced with the blues and greens. this is autumn and we expect the cold fronts so we have the juggle between the two different seasons that battle that happens. but this is incredible. had to note this. will lubbock lubbock, sooeks texas will be 50 on thursday and before that 85. so enjoy it, memphis to st. louis, temperatures in the 80s. and there is much needed rain, part of a larger storm system that will cool us off. >> i've been enjoying not having to bundle up the kids but heading that way. derek, see you tomorrow. just ahead here on this election day, what a sweep of gop in virginia could mean for glenn youngkin. and trump being trump. did he former president t just dodoom his famamily busineness york. e e former preresident jusm hihis family b business inin ne. his fafamily busininess in newe. his familyly business s in new . good morning. thanks for being up early with us. i'm cakasie hunt. about half an hour until the first polls open across the country. voters are voting. abortion rights playing a big role. in ohio issue one would enshrine abortion in the state's constitution and block a six week ban now being considered by the ohio supreme court. and also a huge factor in virginia where every seat is on the ballot. and two notable governor's races, andy beshear hopes to hold on to his job in the deep red state and mississippi looking at apple elvis flashback. ♪ that is the walkout music used by the democrat brandon presley.♪ that is the walkout m used by the democrat brandon presley. he is second cousin to the king. let's bring in our national political reporter daniel strauss. good morning, thank you for being up with us on this election day. a lot is at stake in these elections. the key test here, abortion rights. we don't often pay so much attention to these off year elections, but the issue is going to get an up or down test in the state of ohio and it is also going to play a huge role in virginia. what are you looking for? >> i'm looking for what is going on in mississippi where democrats have leaned on focusing on abortion as a contrast in a lot of elections to great success. in the mississippi governor's race, you have a democratic nominee who is anti-abortion. and that is a playbook that democrats have used in the past to more mixed success. but we should also just keep track in general of the other races you've mentioned. in virginia for instance governor youngkin wants to have a pathway for republicans to address abortion that he can apply to the national level. at the same time in ohio, this is a state that is trending red that democrats are hopeful that discussion of this topic will reverse the trajectory or lean of the state in the coming weeks and months. so abortion in general is one of the most important topics tonight that i'll be paying attention to. >> for sure. and let's dig in on youngkin for a second. he really has done this a little differently than some other republicans in that he basically has been putting abortion front and center in republican campaigns throughout. he has basically been saying that the he seems to have nodded that the final ad doesn't mention abortion, it is about issues like crime and immigration and inflation and other things. do you think that the youngkin team is going to look out like we shouldn't have done this? or do you think we'll be talking about glenn youngkin for president because they sweep and we have to do this. >> i'm terrible at predictions. i say michigan will beat ohio state this year. but look, crime in particular has baeen a topic that republicans have enjoyed. and even though youngkin has embraced as much of national atte attention, but no want to make their entire fortunes about one issue in the final days before voters go to cast their ballots. >> that is fair. and both the democrat and republican are thought of as potential national al figures down the line. and so what are you watching for? >> i mean, i want to know if beshear can get over the finish line. publicly and privately, i've heard from both republicans and democrats that it seems that beshear is unsurprisingly in the driver's this is a keen observation i've heard, that it is extremely hard to new york out an -- his father was a popular two term governor as well. and so the view among both voters of beshear and his father is that this is a politician who is not overly partisan. this is someone who is interested in providing for their voters and not interested in towing the party line. and that seems to be working in kentucky. but let's wait to see. >> yeah, good point. in a world where they elect democrats statewide in a way it hasn't in other states. so we don't want to overread it. daniel strauss, thank you very much. the foormer president signature confrontational style was on full display in the courtroom. he flashed with the judge engoron in the nearly four hours. he said the judge will rule against me because he always does. engoron saying you can attack me, but answer the question. he warned trump that it wasn't a political rally and asked one of trump's lawyers to control his client. saying that was a simple yes or no question and we got another speech. i beseech you to control him if you can and if you can't, i will. here is trump speaking after his testimony. >> i think it went very well. i think that we were prepared and they listened. this is a case that should have never been brought. it is a case that should be dismissed immediately. the court was the fraudster in this case. >> the case brought by new york attorney general la tee tistia seeking $250 billion in damages and bar will him from doing business in new york. jeremy, there is a lot to dig into here. what do you see in how the judge handled him? >> i've never been beseeched, so a little difficult for me to fully comprehend. but as an outsider looking in, it was bombastic, it was not helpful. it really hurt him these at times it appeared to be a strategy to enrage the judge and get the judge do something that might result in reversible error. as the attorney general office went along, slowly but surely, he let trump be on that long leash, and slowly but surely he said some things of value. not to trump, but to the state of new york. but not what you would expect in any courtroom in the united states, but i think that there were points scored by team james. >> so let's dig in to that. you said that there were things valuable to the state of new york. what are they? >> we heard about the apt and t apartment and the valuation of that property. and we heard that he was possibly or probably involved in that alteration when there was a change to that. so there is true knowledge there. and also addressing of loans from deutsche bank which we may hear from ivanka trump later this week. and there was acknowledge himself that he signed off on those loans. and so routinely when the former president talks and talks and talks, he eventually finds himself in a bad spot. and last i would say his defiance is not helping him. you are not giving evidence, just fortifying your lack of credibility. >> makes so much sense from a legal perspective, but i will say that i keep thinking about this from a political perspective. and one thing that trump has really done and we saw this from him going in when he talked about how this was all about his election and the system was after him, is that he is really trying to sow doubt in the system and say the system is out to get me. and do you think -- one of the things that we noticed is that the judge really went after his team in the first part and then they took a break and the judge seemed to kind of pull back. and i wondered is there a sense there that if the judge gives him too much, it will essentially hand him a card that he can play in the political arena when this trial is over to basically say again hey, the system is rigged against me? >> despite what trump has railed and said, engoron strikes me as a straight shooter despite claims of bias and things like that. but i would hope that was not part of engoron's calculation, meaning the greater political picture. i would hope that the attorney general's office is just concerned about justice. whatever that means is not for me to decide, it is for the court to decide, so i would hope that engoron realized let the man blow out his hot air. he will do it anyway. and then eventually let the prosecution or let the attorney general's office find what they need. so a political calculation? i don't know about engoron, but unquestionably from donald trump that was a win on his part to get out that i'm the victim card. >> all right. jeremy saland, thank you so much. now overseas. netanyahu speaking out on war against hamas. he says he is welcome to short humanitarian pauses but not a ceasefire absent the release of hostages. >> there will be no general ceasefire without release of house damages. and hour here or there, we've had them before and i suppose we'll check the circumstances in order to enable humanitarian goods to come in or individual hostages to leave. >> and jim should you dough is live with more for us in tel aviv. that seems short of what the biden administration is pushing for. >> reporter: it shows the gap between the israeli position and certainly many in the arab world and also perhaps what secretary blinken was doing with his shuttle diplomacy. many want something longer than a tactical little pause as described by israeli prime minister. they want something that relieves the pressure on civilians, prevents civilian casualties. the death toll has surpassed 10,000 and we heard quite strong language for instance from the u.n. secretary-general describing gaza as a graveyard for children. so there is a gap on what kind of pause or ceasefire desired by folks outside the country, but also frankly a gap on really the way forward on this. not just the ceasefire, but for how long. whose responsibility it is. and you wonder how you are going to bridge that gap because you also have a gap on what the demand is because the israeli prime minister is demanding the release of all hostages before any ceasefire. so that doesn't seem to be while understandably desirable does not seem to be a realistic option in the short term. negotiations as they were carrying out in jordanians and others was lease of women and children first. it doesn't seem like anyone believes that all the hostages will be released in any short time period. so you have a gap on what kind of pause you are willing to carry out and a gap on what the demand is prior to any ceasefire like that. >> and i know you are talking to israeli officials and others day in, day out. what is your sense of how they are interpreting global pressure around a ceasefire? the administration has warned that you have a limited amount of time to accomplish this. is that message getting through or not? >> reporter: frankly, i don't think so. there is a fundamentally different view. this is what i hear from israelis across the political spectrum, from soldiers and many politicians again across the political spectrum, this was a country attacked in a way it has not been attacked. 1400 killed inside israeli territory, invasion in effect from hamas. they maintained control for hours and killed women and children. so a pair dime shift in terms of how many israelis see this. they feel that they have to defend themselves thousand. it does not mean that there is no sympathy for the loss of civilian life in gaza. and you have critics inside israel of how aggressive the military campaign has been. but speaking of gaps, that is another gap. there is a way that israelis see this and a way that people outside israeli see this. and difficult to see how you bridge that gap as well. >> all right. jim sciutto, thank you very much. up next, who is in and who is out of tomorrow's republican debate in miami. plus democrats concerned about joe biden's poll numbers. >> i don't think the president should run. nice footwork. man, you're 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[ cheers ] yeah! woho! running up and down that field looks tough. it's a pitch. get way more into what you're into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. today is election day in america. tomorrow night the focus will be on the 2024 presidential race. rnc says five candidates will be on stage for the debate in america. chris christie, ron desantis, nikki haley, vivek ramaswamy. donald trump will not be there. jess, it is wonderful to have you here. and all eyes will be on nikki haley on the debate stage. and you have been covering her and you write this that voters like her, they want to vote for her, but even her fans doubt that she can beat trump. what are you looking for when she takes the stage tomorrow? >> absolutely. she will be -- nikki haley will have a two-fold challenge on the stage. she needs to show that she can kind of rise above the field of trump challengers. she needs to pitch herself as the one candidate that voters can coalesce around who give voters who don't want trump a shot at attempting to beat him. but at the same time, she also needs to show that she can win against a man who is not on stage, who has never felt the need to make the time to be there and who is currently running around with the polls. >> yeah, it is -- at this point, it is kind of like the guy who is not there is really the whole story. and i want to talk to you about that as well. we have the new polls out that show that trump in some of the key battleground states has a remarkable lead and is tied or within the margin of error in others. i talked to tim ryan yesterday, former congress cman in ohio. and he had pretty tough words for president biden. take a look. >> whole country wants to move on. and i think that it would be the right thing to do for the president to not run, for him to focus on what is going on in the middle east, focus on what is going on in ukraine. he is doing a good job. focus on the inequality, focus on the inflation but spend the next 14 months focusing on that and let new candidates emerge in the democratic party. >> and so ryan has said a version of this, but the timing is remarkable considering that we're now less than 365 days until the presidential election. >> slightly. what ryan is saying i think reflects alarm that is somewhat widespread. although not every democrat is willing to talk about it quite as openly as he is. but this big battleground poll from the new york times that came out earlier this week, it shows trump leading biden in five of the six swing states that essentially make up the path to the election. biden is leading trump narrowly in wisconsin, but trump is ahead in michigan, pennsylvania, arizona, georgia, nevada. and that is alarming to a lot of democrats. interestingly, nikki haley leads biden by a bigger margin in many of the states. one of her key arguments against trump is going to be electability. but when you see trump polling so well against biden on his own, in a way that almost takes a bit of the wind out of the sales of her electability argument. >> so it is a really interesting way to think about it. when i talk to democratic sources, they all say man, if the republican party picks anybody but trump, we are in trouble and would likely lose. but having been on the trail with the hillary clinton team, i'm skeptical about making any assumptions about any of this stuff. jessica, thank you so much for being up early with us. hope you'll come back. >> thank you. all right. former president trump sparring with the judge during his testimony in his new york civil fraud trial. we'll have the standout moments ahead. you'll be surprised to learn the jets getting blown out at home by the chargers. andy scholes has the bleacher report. >> and going into last night jets had a winning record and riding a three game winning streak. so the fans were holding on to the sdreem of making the playoffs. and all holding on to the fact aaron rodgers might return from the torn achilles this season. and he was out there on the field pregame doing some light throwing. jets could have certainly used him. they went three and out to start the game and darius davis returned a punt 87 yards for the touchdown. all the chargers would actually need on the night because jets offense was just awful. they lost three 23u78 bells. zach wilson had two and he was sacked eight times on the night. so both those teams now 4-4 on the season. arnold schwarzenegger made an appearance on the manning cast with a special guest. >> what is that? that donkey looks you eating, peyton. >> schwarzenegger's donkey lulu who i guess watches football with him monday nights making an appearance there. football better with donkys. and bronny james not playing as he continues to recover after going into cardiac arrest in a practice. but he could be back on the court soon. >> every week he gets to do more and more and more. we have a big moment at the end of this month to see how we can continue to go forward. if he is cleared, then we'll be not too long away from him being back on the floor and playing in game situations. >> boy, did we have stunning upsets. lsu getting blown out by colorado, 92-78. first to lose their opener since uconn in 1995. and fourth ranked michigan state goes down at home to james madison in overtime. spartans first to lose opener to an unrank raranked opponent sin did it back in 2005. and back to the women. the newest star freshman a human highlight reel. she goes coast to coast finishing with the lay-up there. 17 points for her as carolina blows out number 10 notre dame by 29. and finally if you need a laugh, on the left 7'4" purdue big man zach eddie. and on the right stanford guard at 5'8". and as you imagine, eddie would win the tip. i think that they were just going for the old davi

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Baseshear , Brandon Presley , Price , Challenge , Fact , Michelle , Second Suzcousin , Elvis , Something , Rights , Electoral Politics , Counting , Pay Dividends , Dobbs , Roe V Wade , Ballot , Media Market , Ads , Issue , Argument , Campaigning , Supporters , Making , Legislature , Two , Change , 2k3w0e6789 , 2 , Country , Kind , Messaging , Abortion Restrictions , Proxy , Elections , Weekend , Joe Biden , Polling , Hand Wringing , White House , Lot , People , Margin , Many , Terms , House , Well , Numbers , Majority , Results , Signals , Landscape , Candidates , Wake , Wall , These , Court Cases , Showing , Blame , News , Andy Beshear , Popularity , Link , Hold Tele Rallies Last Night , Sense , Issues , Phone Rallies , Daniel Cameron , Glenn Youngkin , Party , Signs , Whole , Outline , Way , Abortion Ban , State Legislature , Things , No Doubt , Republicans , Talk , Bubble , Virginia First , Governor , Field , Difference , Dominant , States , Flip , Some , Credit , Filing , New Hampshire , Nevada , Primary , Caucus , Staff , Spending Money , Iowa , Ten , Feeling , Judge , New York , Spot , Lawyers , Heart , Wire , Status Quo , Witness Stand , More , Southern Israel , About Gaza , Talks , Whatat , Importantltly , He Dididn T , Vladimir Putin , World , Hamas , Rest , Fred Pleitgen , Terror Attack , Reporter , Part , Military , Russian , Conflict , Translator , Elites , Nations , Struggle , Satellites , Blood , Beneficiaries , Toll , Hostages , To Moscow , Russians , Hundreds , Raid , Meetings , October 7th , 1400 , Captives , Quote , Leader , Group , Relations , Others , Request , Nature , Russian Friends , Palestinians , Still Moscow , Idf , Terrorism , Campaign , Targets , Force , Norms , Use , Bashar Al Assad , Population , Bombing , Rebels , Areas , Syrian , Claims , Moscow , Markets , Hospitals , Scores , Kremlin , Odesa , Ukraine , Several , Structures , Oman , Line , Soldiers , Place , Officers , Choice , Brothers , Warrior , Arms , Fate , Max Foster , Berlin , Cnn , Vlad , Words , Message , Public , Mouth , New World Order , Leadership , The World Stage , Support , Relationship , Bus , Putin , Alliance , Sympathy , Mission , Arab World , Crisis , Favor , Iran , Saudi , Interview , Fit , Influence , Normalization Agreement , Pact , Region , West , Abc , Israelis , Netanyahu , Security , Security Responsibility , Responsibility , Gaza Strip , What Isn T , Governance , Ground , Boots , Peace Keeping Force , Anything , Sort , Operating , Occupation , Governing Gaza , Ceasefire , Context , Friend , White , Occupation Context , Debate Stage , Actors , Offer , Miami , Movie Studios , Hollywood , Business , Network , Speed , Comcast Business , Downloads , Devices , Uploads , The Next Generation , Card , Internet Bundle , Powering Possibilities , 12 , 00 , 59 99 , 9 99 , 800 , Nathan Woodyard , Hits , America Now , Pro Panhandle Demonstration , Death , Arrest , Head Injury , Elijah Mcclain , Altercation , Head , Protestor , Heat , Strike , South , Plunge , Drought , Rain , River , Weatherman Derek Van Dam , Temperatures , Summer Weather , Southeast , Trail Run , 15 , 25 , Front , Changes , Half , Texas , El Paso , Record , Parts , Records , Missouri , Memphis , East Coast , 80 , Battle , Autumn , Seasons , Fronts , Greens , Oranges , Blues , Juggle , Will Lubbock , Sooeks Texas , To St , Louis , 85 , 50 , Storm System , Kids , Derek , Trump , Business Inin Ne , Sweep , Being , Busineness York , Famamily , Fee , Jusm Hihis , Preresident , Fafamily Busininess In Newe , Business S In New , Familyly , Family B , Thanks , Cakasie Hunt , Abortion Rights Playing A Big Role , Factor , Ban , Job , The Deep Red State , Elvis Flashback , Apple , Walkout Music , Cousin , King , Walkout M , Daniel Strauss , Morning , Test , Attention , Stake , Abortion , Success , Contrast , Role , Nominee , Playbook , General , Pathway , Track , Baeen , Trending Red , Lean , Discussion , Trajectory , On Youngkin For A Second , Topics , Dig , Sure , Campaigns , Center , Inflation , Immigration , Sad , Team , Michigan , Predictions , Beat Ohio State , Particular , Look , Atte Attention , Fortunes , Ballots , Finish Line , National Al , Driver , Father , Observation , View , Term , Politician , Someone , Party Line , Point , Hasn T , It , Signature Confrontational Style , Foormer , About Engoron , Courtroom , Display , Four , Question , Client , Speech , Wasn T A Political Rally , Court , Fraudster , La Tee Tistia , Jeremy Saland , Damages , Bar , 50 Billion , 250 Billion , Difficult , Beseeched , Times , Outsider , Terror , Office , Attorney General , Strategy , Leash , Value , Points , Dig In , Team James , Knowledge , Valuation , Alteration , Apartment , Property , Loans , Ivanka Trump , Deutsche Bank , Defiance , Perspective , Credibility , Black , Evidence , Makes , The System , Doubt , Hillary Clinton Team , Break , Pull , Trial , Arena , Calculation , Bias , Shooter , Attorney General S Office , Picture , Justice , Hair , Find , Prosecution , Victim Card , Win , Release , Pauses , Order , Circumstances , House Damages , Dough , Goods , Tel Aviv , Gap , Administration , Secretary Blinken , Position , Pressure , Prime Minister , Civilians , Casualties , Shuttle Diplomacy , Children , Secretary General , Death Toll , Instance , Language , Graveyard , U N , 10000 , Folks , Demand , Doesn T , Option , Women And Children First , Anyone , Jordanians , Negotiations , Officials , Amount , Day Out , Spectrum , Politicians , Territory , Effect , Invasion , Women , Dime Shift , Loss , Military Campaign , Speaking , Life , Gaps , Critics , Debate , Poll Numbers , Jim Sciutto , Up Next , Sports , Footwork , Nice , Nothing , Cheers , Games , Woho , Pitch , Stage , Focus , Rnc , Five , Nikki Haley , Jess , Chris Christie , Ron Desantis , Vivek Ramaswamy , Fans , Eyes , Don T Want Trump A , Candidate , Challengers , Rise , Guy , Story , Battleground States , Lead , Show , Congress Cman , Take A Look , Tim Ryan , Middle East , Inequality , 14 , Alarm , Timing , Version , 365 , Swing States , Battleground Poll , New York Times , Narrowly , Path , Georgia , Pennsylvania , Wisconsin , Arizona , Arguments , Electability , Trump Polling , Electability Argument , Bit , Wind , Sales , Gown , Trail , Sources , Say , Anybody , Trouble , Assumptions , President Trump Sparring , Jessica , Stuff , Civil Fraud Trial , Jets , Chargers , Bleacher Report , Andy Scholes , Aaron Rodgers , Holding On , Season , Game , Playoffs , Streak , Riding , Sdreem , Achilles , Three , Darius Davis , Throwing , Pregame , Touchdown , Punt , 87 , Zach Wilson , Teams , Offense , Bells , 23u78 , Eight , 23 , Appearance , Donkey , Guest , Cast , Eating , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Peyton , Bronny James , Football , Donkey Lulu , Him , Donkys , Cardiac Arrest , Practice , Playing , Game Situations , Floor , Boy , Opener , Lsu , Uconn , Upsets , Colorado , 92 , 78 , 1995 , Michigan State , Spartans , Opponent , Sin , James Madison , Unrank Raranked , Coast To , Lay Up , Star Freshman A Human Highlight Reel , 2005 , Left , Laugh , Big Man Zach Eddie , Notre Dame , Carolina , Purdue , 29 , 17 , Davi , Tip , Right Stanford Guard , 5 , 8 ,

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