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that in the body camera that was released in january, and this is when pelosi said that depape pushed him aside and hit him on the head. the next thing he remembered was to wake up in a pool of his own blood. we expect this to wrap up this week, and david depape is facing decades in prison if he is convicted of the federal and state charges. >> veronica miracle, thank you so much. of collapse. and under investigation, the mayor is under scrutiny. moments from now, president biden is said to leave the white house and he is headed to san francisco for a summit, but the main event is a much discussed and much anticipated meeting with china's president xi jinping and the first time that xi has been back in the united states since 2017, and david culver is in san francisco, and if i could only say it, david. a lot has happened since the last two leaders met face-to-face, and what are you expecting from the meeting? >> yeah, kate. there is a lot over the past year, and you know, really, when we are looking at this relaegsship, it is characterized as complicated, and this is damaged between u.s. and china, and this is going to be a lot of back and forth repair between the two countries, and folks are looking at this as a step forward and step in the right direction and bring some sort of stability in a world that desperately needs it right now, but if you are going back in a year in the g20 where president biden and xi jinping was meeting on the sidelines in beijing, there was hope of stability coming out of it, but then we saw a spy balloon shot down over the u.s., and then a derailed trip by secretary of state antony blinken, and that led to a breakdown of communications between the u.s. and china at a time when there are rising tensions and deserved that back and forth dialogue, but it came to a crumble. then in the months that followed and leading up to today, we have seen back and forth communications to the minister levels to restore the dialogue to bring the leaders to the table, and there is good news in that front, and according to xi jinping who is on the front headed to san francisco. one of the areas of potential cooperation, and we know it is strange to look at the cooperation of china and the u.s. is fentanyl. we have been tracking this, and my colleagues and i have been looking at the precursers, the ingredients to make the drug go from china to mexico and the cartels are putting them together and smuggling them into the u.s. so having china stop it on their end would be a significant move on cracking down on this crisis. the other area looking at for communication would be these mil military comms and restoring that and bringing it back would help to ease is tension, and israel and hamas, and looking where china can play a role, and assuming that role of global peacemaker where they would like to position themselves would be among the discussion topics they would go through, and ultimately president biden a few minutes ago going through the climate, and that, too, is going to be one of the agenda items to go back and forth to discuss. that is the hopeful aspect of all of, this kate, and perhaps some resolution of those areas b sow many points of contention, folks are waiting to see what the read-outs are going to be. >> david culver in san francisco, thank you so much. fredricka? >> this morning, only one hospital of the 30 in northern gaza is able to receive patients according to the u.n. at al shifa, there is a moment of the babies taken off of the incubators and oxygen. the military has the incubator, but the it is not clear how they will be powered. and then at another hospital, hundreds of people are trapped inside as the fighting is raging just outside of the doors. the palestine red crescent society says they have not been able to reach the staff for six days now. now, they fear that they may be dead s. and t he al ren ran tee si children's hospital where they fear hamas has been held up underneath. and now, we would go to you for this report of how dire this situation is in gaza? >> well, we have been talking about the deteriorating situation for some time, and all of the hospitals are on the brink of total collapse, and one hospital left in northern gaza now able to provide the urgent care for so many in the region, but this is a situation of hospitals across the gaza strip are facing because of the ongoing siege of fuel getting into the gaza strip, and now many are without power or quickly running out of power, and certainly those in northern gaza. as we have seen, they are working without electricity, and doctors are seen operating and providing care in total darkness with many of them around them carrying the phone torchlights to see what that ri doing, and they are running out of medical supplies and essential medicine and not using anesthesia carrying out operations, and as we know, in addition to the hundreds of patients inside some of the patients, thousands in total, there are also thousands of civilians taking shelter on the completions, and concern over the al shifa hospital in gaza where there are hundreds of patients and hundreds of medical staff taking shelter outside of that hospital. we have been hearing from the medical teams on the ground who have described the morgues as full, and bodies piling up on the outside of the hospital, and one doctor saying that civilians are taking it into their own hands trying to bury their dead wherever they can as quickly as possible. you can imagine how desperate the situation is now in northern gaza. it is not just the situation inside of the hospital that is a point of concern, but the ongoing and relentless bombardment around the hospitals. as we know, on the ground fighting is edging closer, and circling some of the hospitals, and the air strikes are edging closer, and as we said, the idf said they are targeting the hamas targets, and it is believed there is to be a hamas headquarters below this hospital, but there is continued concern that civilians and patients in the hospitals could become a target as this war intensifies. fredricka. >> nada bashir, thank you. john. >> thank you, fred. crowds are gathering on the national mall in washington, d.c., at this moment for this afternoon's march for israel. tens of thousands are expected to show their support for israel and to condemn anti-semitism, and security is increased to the highest level. shimon prokupiez is there where the rally going to be taking place. and security has been increased and how many precautions are taking place there? >> there is a ton of precautions. the national guard is out here, john. dumpster trucks blocking streets. we are seeing the mounted, the mounted park police coming through, and i wanted to show you, john, the crowds, and they are coming, and some of the organizers say they expect up to 100,000 people. one of the security measures here, john, i wanted to show you are magnetometers, and they are using them as people come into the mall area, and they are stopping people, and they are going through the magnetometers, and this is one of the entry point, and inside, prohibiting people from bringing in items such as you would expect any large event like new year's eve, and this is the level of security is something that we would see at very big events like the super bowl, and it is very similar here. as the crowds continue to pour in here, john, you can see that the line is starting to stretch here for several blocks up this way, and then folks are just coming in through this area here. there is also an entrance on the other side, but certainly we expect these crowds to increase as the hours go by, about 1:00 or so is when the events here are to kickoff, and certainly, we will see a bigger security presence as we get closer to that. obviously, everyone here from law enforcement is on high alert given the events overseas. there is a lot of concern for any kind of counter protest. so far, we have not seen any issues of a police saying there is no specific threat or k credible threats, but they are not taking any chances of what we have seen already, and so much security here, and that is certainly going to increase as the day goes. >> and given the surge of anti-semitic incidents, you can understand why the security is so increased. keep us posted as to what is happening there, shimon prokupiez. and now, we will see if president biden is going to speak to reporters as he is leaving to speak with president xi jinping in san francisco. >> and now, all cameras on the mayor as he is meeting with reporters and facing questions this hour about the fbi investigation into his campaign fund-raising and possible foreign influence. first, we are also going to be heading back to capitol hill where the new house speaker just took questions from the reporters about the big vote this afternoon to avoid a government shutdown, and what is going to happen there. >> all right. breaking news into cnn as the house is pushing for them to avoid a government shutdown, we are getting word of tense moments. manu raju on capitol hill. and you heard from the house speaker last hour, but that is now kind of in the shadows of all that is taking place there. what happened? >> yes, apparently a tense interaction with tim burchett who is one of the eight republicans who voted out kevin mccarthy from the speakership, and he had a little dust-up in the hallways with kevin mccarthy, and i have congressman burchett with us, and congressman, please tell us what happened with yourself and kevin mccarthy? >> well, i was doing an interview with claudia from npr, a lovely lady asking me a question, and at that time, i got elbowed in the back, and it kind of caught me off guard, because it was a clean shot to the kidneys and i turned back and there was kevin. i for a minute thought what the heck just happened. and you know, i chased after him of course, and he is, as i have stated many times, he is a bully with $17 million and a security detail. he is the type of guy that when you are a kid, he would throw the rock over the fence and run home to hide behind his mama's skirt. he hit from behind and that kind of stuff. that is not the way we handle things in east tennessee. and i have a problem with somebody, i look them in the eye. >> reporter: so he walked down the hallway and hit you with the elbow. >> yeah, you can go on claudia's twitter account or x-account, because it is accurate. >> and you chased him? what do you mean? >> i ran after him, and what the heck, why did you do that? it is like, if you ever been hit in the kidney, it is a little different and you don't have to hit hard to cause some pain. and so, i just, and he of course, as he always did, does, he just denies it or blames somebody else or something. it is just a little heated, but i backed off, because i saw no reason. i was not gaining anything from it, and everybody saw it, so it did not really matter? >> he responded to you? >> yeah, yeah, he acted like, what are you talking about, and who are you kind of thing. it is just, that is symptomatic of the problems that he has had in the short tenure as speaker. >> were you face-to-face when you had that action. >> yeah, there is security detail, and they were doing their job, and it is not exactly like he would not turn around and face me, he kept scurrying to keep people between me and him. >> and were you yelling? >> yeah, i raised my voice to him, because it is inappropriate, and you don't expect somebody who was three steps away from the white house to hit you with a sucker punch in the hallway. >> did he raise his voice back to you? >> yeah, that high pitched kind of thing, and that is it. >> and did he walk into his office? how did this end? >> he kept walking, and i don't know where his office is, and he had the detail and his posse so to speak. >> did his detail try to stop you? >> what is that? >> did his detail try to stop you? >> one at the end, but i was not looking to knock him out, but i wanted to let him know that i know it was him. >> were you injured? >> i don't know injured, man? >> did it hurt? >> yeah, yeah, as a matter of fact it still hurts, because it is a shot to the kidneys and oddly enough, it is not anything that i am not going to do an ethics complaint on it, because he is not worth it. he is going to be gone here after christmas or next year, and like i said, he has the $17 million and he is going to keep, and messing in everybody's races, and he knows that. >> are you accusing him of assault? >> i continue know. ask a lawyer. it is over as far as i'm concerned. >> he said to our colleague melanie zanona that it is a tight hallway and i bumped into him, and it is not a intentional thing. >> there are 435 congressmen, and i am one of eight that voted against him, and in that hallway, there is plenty of room, and you can walk four side by side, and he chose to do what he did. it is going to end here, but it is a little asterisk on his storied career. >> he said that you are only concerned about press and policy, and this is why you voted him out, because you are concerned about the press. >> that is why he held a exclusive press conference with cnn. >> he doesn't think that you did it for any real reason other than the bolster your own profile? >> i have gone through the reasons. he doesn't keep his word. that is pretty much, this is pretty much just shows what he did. it is the just the way he is with him. he could have gone out on top, and he has chosen to go this route. i feel sorry for him. i pray for him everyday, and you may not believe that, but i pray for him, and i hope he finds some happiness in his life. >> all right. i will let you go. i just wanted to talk to you. and fred, if you are still with me. >> i am. >> pretty remarkable scene there. the congressmen from tennessee, one of the eight republicans who voted to oust kevin mccarthy, detailing something that you don't see a physical altercation in the halls of the capitol from the former speaker of the house hitting him in some pain, and saying that he hit him in the kidney and not going as far as assault, but saying that he is still in pain, and he went and chased him down to hallway and pushed back, but it is important to know that kevin mccarthy is denying this as i asked the congressman right there, and telling him that our colleague melanie zanona saying that it was a tight hallway and they bumped into each other, but it is the level of anger over the ouster of kevin mccarthy. when i sat down with him last week, he is still angry at people like congressman burchett. he said he is upset by his vote and only care about the press and they don't care about policy, but themselves. so it is a remarkable moment here in the capitol with the former speaker getting into a quite a physical altercation in the words of congressman burchett here moments ago. >> i mean, the level of intensity, and the level of emotion, and now it is physical. wow. that is an incredible account. manu raju, thank you so much. back to you, john and kate. where do we go from here? my goodness. >> well, we're going to talk about it. joining us is cnn political analyst and anchor john avalon and cnn political commentator and host of pbs "firing line" and i sorry i am tripping all over it, because we want to process it, and would you like to do a dramatic reading. >> what he was processing is the altercation that took place of an interview with claudia grasallis who tweeted the live reading of it. >> so now it is a dramatic live reading. and he said to go to her feed and this is it. >> the kidney shot heard around the world -- sorry, and burchett saying. there it is. hey, kevin, why did you elbow me in the back. hey, kevin, you got any guts? >> then he looked back at me and said, jerk, why did you do that. and this is when the chase ensued. burchett took off after mccarthy and the detail. i chased after them with my mic, claudia says. >> and burchett yelled after catch up to mccarthy, kevin, why did you elbow me in the back. and kevin says, i did not elbow you in the back. and burchett says you have no guts, and you have done it before. and the reporter says, what kind of chicken move is that. >> you did so. and burchett starts to walk away from kevin, and he tells me, the reporter, what a jerk, and he yells back, you need security, kevin. >> that is burchett telling me that is the first point of communication with mccarthy since he voted for his ouster last month. that is just it since the ouster vote, and he is a jerk, and he is just a childish little, ellipse. >> that is the former speak of the house, and member of congress, and what do we make of that? >> great job, everybody. so pathetic and petty and ridiculous, and people compare congress the high school, and this is not, it is junior high, and elementary schools better behaved than that. and this i s insane. >> and so, there is the highbrow, and the sophisticated and the people's house, and this is a demonstration of the people's house, and by the design of the founders this is ordinary folks trying to work it out, and sometimes we have good moments and bad moments, but what it is all that we are focusing on is actually the icing on the cake. the point is that they are about to stop the government from shutting down, good news, by doing the exact same thing that kevin mccarthy did but i getting democratic votes from getting the republic to coming to a standstill once again. and speaker johnson gets a honeymoon, and we get a side show, and we kick the can down the road. >> and maybe kevin mccarthy is upset. >> yeah, he lost his job for doing a deal with the democrats and doing the same thing. >> and in the same position as mike johnson. >> and he has a honeymoon period? >> i disagree, because i don't think it is a honeymoon period. >> but the republicans realize that disaster was a real mark and they need to stop living and dying on the quote, unquote principles. they need to get past it, and they can't get past it. >> this is not principle. >> you say tomato and say tomato, but what is really happening is the same thing over and over again. i just wish, you know, there used to be fiscal conservatives in the house of representatives and now it is only right wing crazies talking ant, and actually important public policy questions that by the way, centrist democrats should be talking about and all of us should be talking about frankly. >> and bipartisan questions that manchin and romney came out saying that there should be the way that you handle the people who are genuinely concerned and not stunt politics to lead to go. shutdowns and defaults to downgrading the u.s. credit. >> so, i am going to try to raise the level of discourse here. >> that would be great. >> but using this as an example. is this an example -- >> i love where you are going for this. >> the descending discourse of our body politic that a former speak over the house, and a current sitting member can get into an altercation, and i also add to this, and do we need to play the sound again? >> i think that we should. >> this is the leading republican contender for president of the united states -- >> oh, great. >> listen to way he talks about some of the political opponents. >> in honor of our great veterans on veterans day, we pledge to you that we will rout out the communists, marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections and will do anything possible, and they will do anything whether legally or illegally to destroy america, and to destroy the american dream. >> so how much of a line is there between language like that and throwing elbows or haymakers in the halls of congress? >> they are related. one is sand box politics and petty and personal, and the other is dangerous to the democracy. >> and the one that was not physical is the worst? >> yes, it is not just calling opponents vermin which is something that dictators and demagogues have done throughout history. it is the policies that are backing it. this is a revenge campaign that is embracing autocracy and there is a constituencies for it, and the cowards fighting in the halls of congress are backing the cat. they don't have the courage and spine to stand up to a real bully saying he is going to be running a vermin-based campaign and demonize those opposed to him. and so it is the policies that are connected, and until the congressmen have the backbone to stand up to the bullies, with will see more of this. >> margaret, have the last word on this, because i heard a republican, dusty johnson, he said this morning about this, i can't defend that rhetoric. i want to talk and win over the policy debate by being more hopeful, and that is not winning over in the republican base right now where donald trump, and this is why he is leading, because he is running the way he is running. >> yeah, i will continue to remind all of the viewers that the republican base that has stuck with trump, and 35% or perhaps 40, the primary republicans want somebody other than trump. if you are looking at the primary contests especially the early ones, and he has lock on the rest of the base, and the rest of us are dividing vote in order to ensure that the bad guy gets nominated again, and it is so crazy if we can't learn the lessons of our own history, and we don't deserve donald trump back, but i hope that we learn the lesson quick, because iowa is coming up. >> great to see you. >> you got guts. both of you got guts. >> it should be with these stakes. >> fredricka? hospitals destroyed by the war between israel and hamas. and more employees killed than any conflict in history, and we will talk about what staff is facing as they are trying to save lives. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. a horrifying scene playing out at al shifa hospital in gaza city. today, the doctors and nurses are going to begin to dig graves and bury more than 100 bodies. a journalist told cnn some of the corpses have been in the hospital's courtyard for five days. israel along with the u.s. intelligence officials are maintaining that hamas is using hospitals like al shifa to shelter their military operations. a cnn team embedded with the idf was taken into rentisi hospital where the idf says it found a stash of weapons and signs that the hostages were held there. something that the hospital director denies. >> by bringing us here to this hospital, and showing us the connection that you believe exists between the terrorists and possibly the hostages, what does this say about the other hospitals in gaza? >> al shifa is known by intelligence to be a terrorist hub, and also subpishspicious o holding hostages, and this is the terror cell of hamas. >> i am joined by laila baker, the united arab nations population fund, and so glad that you could be with us, and joining us from cairo. just to see the images of bodies outside of the hospitals, no ability for proper burials or for morgues, and the numbers are just so high. what is your reaction to this? >> in my 30 years of u.n. experience, this is the worst humanitarian crisis and situation. it is beyond imaginable. a hospital is a lifeline. it is a place of refuge. it is a place where you take shelter. by the continuous bombing and the assault on the hospitals that has rained down on gaza for the last nearly 40 day, it has turned the hospitals into morgues and a death trap. for the women who have to deliver in those circumstances, many times without anesthesia or a clean bed or even water, you can imagine what it mean for them and their families. >> how concern are you about the medical staff, what they are enduring without medical supplies and their own wellbeing and health as they also worry about their own family members? >> you know, under the international humanitarian law and principles under no circumstances are hospitals a target, but i think that if you are just thinking about the humanity, it is inconceivable that you would target a place, a hospital, a place where people are supposed to get well. if you were a physician, and you have taken an oath to help people, and i the they physicians who are left behind right now who are trying to care for the wounded, and who are trying to care for all of the people who they have to see on the daily basis without medication, without any surgical equipment, and oftentimes now without water or fuel, it is a dire, dire decision but a heroic one as well where they are risking their own lives to save those of others. you were alluding to the fact that the buys were die sog quickly, they could not even give them a burial. what kind of situation for humanity where we will all be judged for our inability to provide for a cease-fire, and protect the hospitals, the hospital staff and patients and those sheltering within them. >> and laila, the anguish and the outrage is widespread over the sick and the vulnerable in gaza hospitals unable, you know, to find safety and refuge and proper medical care. the israel defense forces is saying that the anger should be aimed toward hamas for putting the civilians and others in harms way, and the strategy is undeterred, and what possible intervention do you see? >> the united nations, and specifically for the united nations population fund. under the humanitarian laws, it is illegal to hold this many 2.2 million strong under siege without water, without shelter, without electricity, without medication, without access to any type of protection under the pretext of security. for us as the u.n., that is an outrageous proposal, and it is completely, it is completely a breach of humanitarian law. that is why we are requesting one, a complete cease -- >> all right. it is looking like we lost that signal, but i understand that you are asking for a complete cease-fire in that joint statement with the regional directors of your group, unicef and the w.h.o. asking for urgent international action. laila baker, the regional director for arab states with the united nations population fund, thank you for being with us, and joining us from cairo. john. >> all right. revealing new videos in the election fraud case against donald trump. what two of the former attorneys told georgia prosecutors about how far he was willing to go to stay in office, and then at any moment now, new york city mayor eric adams is going to be ek taing questions about the fbi investigation into the campaign financing g and possibible fore influencnce. we are hearing the former trump allies in their own words revealing new details of what they knew, did, heard through the efforts to overturn the 2020 election and video clips obtained by what they told prosecutors there to cooperate in their case against georgia, and jenna ellis is talking about telling dan scavino that the boss is not going to leave under any circumstances. listen to. this >> he said to me in an excited tone, and we don't care, and we are not going to leave. i said what do you mean. he said, the boss, meaning president trump, and everyone understood the boss because that is what we all called him, he said that the boss is not going to leave under any circumstances, because we are going to stay in power, and i said, it does not work that way, you realize, and he said, we don't care. >> that video was october 23rd, and the next day, ellis pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements, and neither scavino nor her attorney have commented on the statements. and as for sidney powell who has pushed some more of the fringe theories, she described the encounters of what she told the white house attorneys that he had lost the election. >> what was president trump's reaction when faced with the cadre of advisers would say he lost. >> it is like, well, they would say that, and then they would walk out, and he'd go, see, this is what i deal with all of the time. >> in exchange for her cooperation, powell pleaded guilty to six lesser misdemeanors, and what this provides and what we know from this. joining us is caroline polisi and white crime political attorney, and caroline, you are saying these proffer videos are gold mooin for prosecutors and why? >> this is part and parcel of fannie the prosecutor's plan all along. they wanted to get the lower chain co-op ray tortoise flip. these are gold mines for the prosecutors because they go to president trump's state of mind. we heard there that multiple lawyers were telling trump at the time that he lost the election. i think that the dan scavino quote from jenna ellis' perspective is a big deal saying that the boss is not going to leave. that is telling that regardless of the merit with respect to these election fraud allegations, it was not going to change president trump's mind at the time. he was going to fight it to the end, regardless of what the facts said. >> trump's lead attorney in georgia put out a statement to abc news about the they said this. the only fact to this nonsense line of inquiry is president trump left the white house in january 2021 and returned to mar-a-lago in florida. essentially, this was all meaningless because he did leave the white house. how strong of an argument is that? >> that's sort of classic trump brett va do. first of all, an out of court like that has nothing to do with the actual trial. it's meaningless. likely, his attorneys are a little nervous at this point. the proffer session ises not only police indicate trump, but lower level codefendants in had this case as well going back to that idea of flipping up the chain. so of the other co-defendants are likely talking with their attorneys now saying maybe i should flip too. >> this could be more proper videos to come, more plea deals to come as a result of what we're seeing. thank you for coming in. right now, thousands of people gathered on the national mall for a pro israel rally. the march begins about an hour from now. stay with cnn for live coverage. breaking news. new york city mayor eric adams answering questions about the fbi investigation into campaign finances and possible foreign influence. listen. >> i'm just going to continue. it takes a lot of discipline. this is an ongoing review. and as a former member of law enforcement, it is always my belief don't interfere with the ongoing review and don't try to review through the press. we are fully cooperating with the reviewers are looking for. we are fully cooperating with it. my role is to allow them to do their job without interference and i have to do my job of continuing to make sure the city navigates the various issues that we are facing. >> you have to do a budget modification on thursday. we already know that the next class of school safety officers are not going to be hired. i wonder if it's a multipart question, i wonder are you concerned about the fact that that cut is going to compromise school safety, but i also wonder if you can lift the balance of the other cuts you're going to have to make. if you could talk about how painful the first round of cuts is going to be for new yorkers across the board is also. >> that was mayor eric adams saying he was not going to answer questions about the fbi investigation into his campaign finances and possible foreign influence. he kept on calling it a review. our reporting is this is a federal investigation, not a review. >> he was issued a warrant. >> so there's a lot going on here not taking questions there. he will obviously face more of them in the days and weeks to come. >> thank you for being with us today. this is "cnn news central." 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Somebody , Hammer , Bedside , Home , Ties , Danger , Stay , Depape , Phone , Room , Ordeal , Calm , Pos , Nancy Pelosi , Saying , Help , Leader Of The Pack , Paul Pelosi , 911 , Police , Hand , Thing , Camera , Head , Body , Estate , Blood , Pool , Charges , Prison , Veronica Miracle , David Depape , Collapse , Mayor , Investigation , Biden , White House , San Francisco , The Main Event , Scrutiny , Summit , Xi Jinping , Meeting , China S , Time , Xi , David Culver , United States , 2017 , Lot , Leaders , Face To , Kate , Two , Folks , Countries , Relaegsship , President , Stability , World , Step , Direction , Sort , G20 , It , Sidelines , Hope , Spy Balloon , Beijing , Communications , Dialogue , Secretary Of State , Breakdown , Tensions , Led , Crumble , Antony Blinken , Trip , Front , News , Minister Levels , Table , One , Areas , China , Cooperation , Potential Cooperation , Colleagues , Fentanyl , Tracking , Drug , Cartels , Ingredients , Precursers , Mexico , Area , Mil Military Comms , Communication , Crisis , End , Move , Hamas , Role , Tension , Israel , Global Peacemaker , Agenda Items , Discussion Topics , Climate , Wall , Read Outs , Points , Aspect , Contention , Of , Resolution , Patients , Hospital , Northern Gaza , U N , Fredricka , Al Shifa , 30 , Military , Incubators , Incubator , Oxygen , Babies , People , Staff , Fighting , Hundreds , Palestine Red Crescent Society , Doors , Six , Tee Si Children S Hospital , He Al Ren , Dead S And T , Situation , Al Shifa Hospital In Gaza , Report , Hospitals , Care , Many , Region , Brink , Power , Electricity , Fuel , Siege , Gaza Strip , Doctors , Supplies , Essential Medicine , Operating , Anesthesia Carrying , Darkness , Phone Torchlights , Ri Doing , Civilians , Concern , Shelter , Some , Thousands , Operations , Total , Completions , Addition , Rentisi Hospital , Morgues , Bodies , Ground , Teams , Hearing , Wherever , Doctor , Hands , Outside , Point , Idf , Ground Fighting , Closer , Air Strikes , Bombardment , Edging , Targets , Headquarters , Fred , Target , Crowds , Anchor John Avalon , War , Nada Bashir , Security , Level , Tens Of Thousands , National Mall , Afternoon S March For Israel , Support , Washington D C , Place , Precautions , Ton , Rally , Shimon Prokupiez , Guard , Park Police , Organizers , Streets , Coming , Dumpster Trucks , Magnetometers , Mall Area , Security Measures , 100000 , Something , Event , Entry Point , Items , New Year S Eve , Way , Line , Events , Super Bowl , Entrance , The Other Side , 00 , 1 , Kind , Everyone , Law Enforcement , Security Presence , Counter Protest , Issues , Threat , Chances , Threats , Incidents , Surge , Reporters , Questions , Influence , Capitol Hill , Fbi , Cameras , First , Campaign Fund Raising , Government Shutdown , Vote , House Speaker , House , Word , Cnn , Breaking News , Shadows , Manu Raju On , Kevin Mccarthy , Republicans , Congressman Burchett , Hallways , Interaction , Speakership , Dust Up , Yes , Eight , Back , Interview , Congressman , Question , Claudia , Lady , Npr , Check , Shot , Kidneys , Thought , Security Detail , Course , Type , Times , Bully , Guy , Rock , Fence , Kid , Mama S Skirt , 7 Million , 17 Million , Reporter , Hallway , Problem , Things , Claudia Grasallis , Elbow , East Tennessee , Behind , Stuff , Eye , Twitter , Kidney , Hit , X Account , Him , Spain , Anything , Everybody , Reason , Saw , Problems , Speaker , Action , Tenure , Job , Voice , Steps , Sucker Punch , Three , Office , Detail , Posse , Walking , Oman , The End , I Don T Know Injured , Fact , Hurts , Ethics Complaint , Matter , Assault , Races , Congressmen , Melanie Zanona , Lawyer , 435 , Asterisk , Side By , Four , Press , Policy , Career , Press Conference , Profile , Reasons , Happiness , Route , Life , Top , Scene , Altercation , Capitol , Halls , Ouster , Colleague , Each Other , Upset , They Don T Care About Policy , Words , Intensity , Emotion , Where Do We Go From Here , Manu Raju , Goodness , Reading , Commentator , Firing Line , Host , Analyst , Pbs , Who , Processing , This Is It , Feed , Jerk , Guts , Chase , Catch Up To Mccarthy , Mic , Chicken Move , Speak , Congress , Member , Ouster Vote , Ellipse , Little , Junior High , Elementary Schools , High School , Highbrow , Sophisticated , Demonstration , Icing , House Of Representatives , Cake , Founders , Design , Republic , Votes , Government , Deal , Side Show , Honeymoon , Mike Johnson , Standstill , Centrist Democrats , Road , Honeymoon Period , Disaster , Position , Mark , Tomato , Unquote Principles , Public Policy , Want , Conservatives , Wing , Crazies , The Way , Politics , Shutdowns , Defaults , Manchin , Romney , Example , Discourse , Credit , Body Politic , Descending Discourse , Sitting Member , Sound , Republican , Honor , Contender , Opponents , Vermin , Communists , Country , Confines , Veterans , Marxists , Lie , Thugs , Veterans Day , Fascists , Elections , Cheat , The American Dream , Language , Sand Box Politics , Mother , Elbows , Personal , Haymakers , Policies , History , Campaign , Worst , Democracy , Demagogues , Revenge , Dictators , Courage , Constituencies , Autocracy , Cat , Spine , Backbone , Running A , More , Margaret , Bullies , Rhetoric , Dusty Johnson , President Trump , Base , Hopeful , Policy Debate , Viewers , Trump , Contests , Ones , Clock , 40 , 35 , Rest , Dividing Vote , Order , Lessons , Bad Guy , Both , Lesson , Stakes , Iowa , Employees , Conflict , Lives , Wifi , Homework , Book , Xfinity 10g Network , Battery Back Up , Data , Power Outages , Xfinity , 10 , 4 , Courtyard , Nurses , Graves , Journalist , Corpses , Five , 100 , Intelligence , Officials , Military Operations , Team , Hostages , Hospital Director , Signs , Weapons , Stash , Terrorists , Say , Terrorist Hub , Subpishspicious O Holding Hostages , Connection , Laila Baker , Terror Cell , United Arab Nations Population Fund , Cairo , Burials , Images , Ability , Numbers , Reaction , Experience , Refuge , Lifeline , Bombing , On Gaza , Circumstances , Water , Women , Anesthesia , Death Trap , Bed , Family Members , Families , Health , Wellbeing , Law , Principles , Physicians , Humanity , Oath , Physician , Medication , Decision , Wounded , Equipment , Basis , Others , Buys , Burial , Quickly , Cease Fire , Hospital Staff , Inability , Anguish , Safety , Vulnerable , Outrage , Sick , Intervention , Strategy , Laws , United Nations Population Fund , 2 Million , Under Siege , Protection , Access , Breach , Cease , Proposal , Pretext , Statement , Unicef , Directors , Signal , States , Urgent International Action , Arab , Prosecutors , Attorneys , Videos , Election Fraud Case , New York City , Georgia , Eric Adams , Campaign Financing G , Possibible Fore Influencnce , Ek Taing , Sort Of Classic Trump Brett Va Do , Video , Election , Allies , Details , Efforts , 2020 , Jenna Ellis , Case , Boss , Dan Scavino , We Don T Care , Tone , The Boss , Statements , Count , October 23rd , Aiding And Abetting , 23 , Sidney Powell , Attorney , Encounters , Fringe Theories , Advisers , Cadre , Powell , Exchange , Misdemeanors , Caroline Polisi , Proffer , Crime , Caroline , Part , Parcel , Fannie , Mooin , Ray Tortoise Flip , Prosecutor , State Of Mind , Plan , Mines , Lawyers , Perspective , Respect , Merit , Dan Scavino Quote From Jenna Ellis , Lead , Facts , Mind , Election Fraud Allegations , Abc News , Nonsense Line , Inquiry , Mar A Lago , Florida , 2021 , January 2021 , Nothing , Court , Argument , Trial , Co Defendants , Chain , Idea , Codefendants , Proffer Session Ises , Plea Deals , Result , Coverage , Pro Israel Rally , Discipline , Campaign Finances , Answering , Review , The Press , Don T , Belief , Interference , Reviewers , City , Class , Budget Modification On Thursday , School Safety Officers , Cuts , School Safety , Cut , Balance , Reporting , Board , Warrant , Inside Politics , Cnn News Central , Sports , Footwork , Games , Nice , Cheers , Pitch , Field , Woho ,

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