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their community members. but it's not just harvard, right. on friday night, amherst, a student was arrested after he punched a jewish student and spat on the flag. and nyu and columbia, jewish students don't feel safe. >> sandra: seems it's happening every day and continued reaction to it. thank you. >> thank you. >> we have made it clear we are going to continue to support israel against a brutal terrorist organization. we all need to remember who they are fighting, and they are fighting hamas and this is a group that literally para glided in on the 7th of october and started massacring and slaughtering innocent people in their homes, and at a music festival. >> john: national security council spokesman john kirby reiterating president biden's support for israel's eradicating hamas, protests are arriving on president biden's front door. john roberts here in washington, start off another week of war, sandra. >> sandra: more breaking news. sandra smith in new york. president spoke to the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu that happened earlier today. they discussed the potential for "tactical pauses" in the idf ground invasion to wipe out hamas. >> john: on capitol hill, attention turning to iran. a group of senators will have a resolution to warn tehran it will face consequences if they activate hezbollah. >> sandra: fox team coverage from across the war zone in israel. steve, rocket sirens sounding off all day. >> john: first alex hogan live in southern israel. what changes in the gaza strip the last few hours. >> continuing to hear the sound of artillery in the north by the northern strip of gaza but the south the rafah crossing was closed over the weekend, it has now reopened for egyptians and foreigners hoping to flee. united nations says it's a humanitarian nightmare, 720,000 people are sleeping in 150 u.n. shelters. the health ministry in gaza, run by hamas, claims more than 10,000 palestinians have been killed. the numbers are not verifiable, but idf is calling on civilians to head south as the forces press on in the north by land, air and sea. israeli fighter jets struck 450 targets, but the unprecedented war the biggest challenge. >> hamas has the art of tunnel warfare and unprecedented level and has to do with they have been working on the network of tunnels 20 years, finding out new ways to exploit whatever knowledge and know how it has of tunnel warfare. >> this professor said the tunnels are often fortified of cement, levels, small rooms, some feature metal doors, so even if the idf does clear secure an area, still the threat hamas would be able to ambush them from behind. expected 300 miles of these tunnels that hamas has built. to put that in context, the distance from boston to philadelphia. a tunnel just that long. so the concern of course in israel is could hamas build tunnels all the way here. john, sandra. >> john: they call it the metro under gaza. alexis, appreciate it. sandra. >> sandra: continuing coverage in northern israel, threats are rising from iran's largest proxy group, hezbollah, warning idf it will pay for retaliatory strikes against the lebanon border. sirens ring out across israel and troops prepare for escalation. steve is live on the ground in northern israel. steve, what happens there when the sirens go off? >> sandra, because this location is so close to the border with lebanon, when the sirens go off, you have just 15 seconds to get to shelter. so, most people keep their keys, their phones, their shoes ready and some people even in their vehicles, get out of the cars and head to a nearby building to try and get some shelter when the sirens ring out. at least 30 missiles today were fired during a one-hour period from lebanon into northern israel. leader of israel has boasted this cross border fighting is keeping elite israeli forces occupied while they are trying to fight hamas at the same time. israel officials say they prefer not to fight a two-front war, they are prepared to do so if necessary. >> i can tell hezbollah in the north israel is mobilized, watching, and if they are foolish enough, crazy enough to start a war, we are ready to respond. >> for most of the past month the cross border fighting has pretty much been within two miles from the border. but today, many missiles fired went as far as 25 miles, all the way to the suburbs of haifa. the longest since they fought a war with hezbollah in 2006. >> sandra: steve, thank you. john. >> john: alaska republican senator dan sullivan, thanks for being with us, appreciate it. the big fight in the senate is over funding for israel, a stand alone bill for 14. billion something for israel. and so what going to happen in the senate? schumer and other democrats and even some republicans like lindsey graham are saying no, funding for ukraine has to be in there. what should happen? >> look, i think the house, that was a good start. it was a strong bill with regard to israel. the key from my perspective, john, to make sure we are addressing all the national security challenges, what i call the new air of authoritarian aggression. ayatollahs in iran, all working together, interconnected. so the strategy has to be as well. four pillars i think are the key and when you get bipartisan support, israel of course, ukraine, indo-pacific and taiwan in particular and here is the key. the border, the border, that is the lynch pin. i was over at the white house and told jake sullivan, you have to have policy changes on the border, that is a national security threat and a huge way, and if you don't have serious policy changes on the border to stop the invasion of our southern border, you are probably not going to get a lot of republican support. >> john: i think it all needs to be lumped together, not stand alone for israel? >> look, schumer is not going to bring up a stand alone for israel. so the key is bringing together these different pillars and then also a taiwan pillar as well. you know, one of the things the administration put forward a pretty weak taiwan package. i'm hearing it's because they don't want to ruin the mood music when xi jinping visits president biden next month, or actually this month in the united states. we need to have a really strong package with new armaments, but i think the four pillars with the border as the lynch pin, i think that's the key. >> john: we have a tremendous amount of fire power, two carrier battle groups, pentagon released a photo of a boomer submarine in the suez canal. the location of the submarines is usually the highest top secret classified information we have. here is a picture of it transiting. you wonder about military readiness and brought to the fore because alabama senator tommy tuberville because of abortion funding for travelling in the military is holding back. >> we have a dangerous world. a really dangerous world. right now. and to say oh, don't worry, this isn't impacting readiness -- with all due respect to my colleague, that's just wrong. it's not even a close call. >> john: it's really interesting a lot of republicans, including you, are saying to tuberville, what are you doing here? >> a number of veterans came on the flow, i'm against the biden department of defense policy, i worked for senator tuberville for months on this. right now what he's doing is the wrong timing and wrong target. like i said, timing as you just mentioned, we have a very dangerous world right now and his hold is not -- is impacting close to 400 military uniform one star, two star, three star, four star generals. i say let's put a hold on the civilians who make the policy and john it's the wrong target. these are the warriors who have been fighting wars the last 30 years, deploying. the first guy i tried to bring to the floor wednesday night, silver star recipient, purple heart recipient, colonel to brigadier general, it makes no sense. they don't have the power to change the policy, they have nothing to do with it. we need those warriors on the field and this is personal me to me. i'm a colonel in the marines, my peer group, great warriors, we shouldn't be punishing them, not only undermining readiness, it's undermining morale. >> john: no sign he's going to back down. can you convince him? >> we'll see. i still have open channels with senator tuberville, a friend of mine, a colleague, we went at it wednesday night, i feel so personally committed to this, we are going to keep working it. issue of readiness today and the strategic risk to the force. what i'm starting to here is our general officer corps saying 30 years in, seven deployments, i'm going to get out. if we start driving our best flag officers out of the military, this is going to be viewed as a national security suicide mission. >> john: senator, thank you for dropping by. >> sandra: a quick look at the courthouse, former president donald trump you see returning to the courtroom where he will again take the stand here in new york city after a brief break. he'll return to the stand in his new york civil fraud trial and john, all of this after just a few moments before the president entered back into the room. we saw the new york attorney general, letitia james, also returned and arriving there every day. the president is back in the courtroom. >> john: as we were hearing from andy mccarthy, has all the signs of more of a political event than a legal event, despite the fact the judge admonished the former president for making a political speech in his courtroom. when you have an elected democratic judge and elected democratic attorney general who did campaign on a platform of getting president trump because the receipts out there on the video and statements, whatever, that's what she said, despite the fact she tried to walk away from that you have to wonder how much is political and how much is legal. we are told the former president will be talking after court wraps up about 4:30 this afternoon. >> sandra: and the former president's lawyer speaking outside the courthouse in the last hour. said the judge has clear issues with the facts. said her client has done nothing wrong, called what's happening in that courtroom third world stuff. we'll see what happens in the next couple hours. we will certainly keep our viewers posted and we are going to take a quick break and right back with our coverage. ♪ my name is josh sanabria and i am the owner at isla veterinary boutique hospital. i was 5...6 years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet. once alexandra called me to let me know that bank of america had approved my loan... it was important to me. we not only just provide the financing piece, we do everything that we can to surround them with the right people. all you need is a perfect, amazing team that will guide you through the right steps to be successful. and that's what bank of america was for me. 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and the only thing they want are facts that are bad for trump. that's why he's silencing him, telling him short answers, my client has done nothing wrong. his answers should be full and if they try to silence him we'll deal with it on appeal. frankly, i never thought she would bring the case, once you see the actual values, there is no there there. >> sandra: that was alina habba, said the judge has a clear issue with the facts in the courtroom, john. said her client has done nothing wrong, called it third world stuff in there, she said the judge is unhinged, slammed the table and yelled at her and her legal team, the judge admonished the former president said it's not a political rally and demanded his lawyers control him. >> john: she held nothing back in that news conference and we are going to hear from president when the things wrap up this afternoon before he heads down to mar-a-lago, 4:30, 4:45 or so. i expect he'll have a few things to say as well. as kerri kupec was pointing out, the research team have searched through the record and never a case like this brought in new york. >> sandra: it is something. we will bring you the news from the courthouse as it happens. >> the violence of the oppressor is far, far more and intense and ethnic cleansing is taking place under our eyes. i am not going to condemn hamas. >> john: thousands of people marching through washington to demand a ceasefire in gaza and pressure president biden to end all aid to israel. some even accuse the president of supporting palestinian genocide, vandalized the white house gates and left red bloody handprints. still visible this morning. jacqui heinrich on the north lawn, with exception of the lawn equipment, quieter today. >> a little quieter, at least one of those is a pressure washer to get the fake bloody handprints off the north lawn, the press entrance we use. it's not just protestors supporting the president of supporting genocide, coming from congresswoman rashida tlaib. she whipped up outrage online posting a clip that said we will remember in 2024, it had a montage of protest clips and words on screen reading joe biden supported the genocide of the palestinian people. the american people won't forget. biden support a ceasefire now or don't count on us in 2024. and apparently mounting anxiety in the president's re-election campaign also over his backing of israel. a high ranking official saying the president focused 2020 campaign on the battle for the soul of the nation but seems the administration is in a battle for its own soul. deputy national security adviser acknowledged this but held firm in comments this weekend. >> we respect the fact there are people who have deep personal ties to this conflict in a way that may be unusual in terms of recent world events. all of that said, some of the characterizations and the terms used we believe have technical definitions, historical resonance and weight, and that we do not accept their application to this particular war. >> new poll this weekend might make it harder to shrug off. biden loses to trump in five swing states, and abc news poll, three-quarters of americans think the country is heading in the wrong direction. former obama adviser david axle rod went so far to say that he should drop out of the race. >> john: remarkable tweets by axlerod, no question about that. jacqui, we will let you get back inside. i don't know if you saw his tweets today, he put out the "new york times" poll as well, but axlerod saying, you know, it's up to joe biden whether this is about the country or whether it's about him. that was pretty extraordinary. >> sandra: it could be a defining moment. update to the situation at the white house, john, phil wagman has posted pictures moments ago with black curtains now covering the graffiti of the anti-israel protests at the national park services. so this is at the gates of the white house, the pictures we are showing you earlier provided by griff jenkins. black curtains are now covering those. there has been some update to that. all right, meanwhile president biden talking up policies at amtrak station in delaware. but polls show voters are not buying bidenomics. poll shows trump with a substantial lead over biden. robert wolf, now funder and ceo of 32 advisers. bill mcgurn also joining us, wall street journal editorial board and former speech writer for bush 43. welcome, glad to have you both here. how big of a moment is this for the current president? >> you and i have been speaking about polls for a decade. we know they are not predictive, otherwise we would have president hillary clinton twice and president rick perry once and that did not happen. polls are instructive. it is clear there are things this president has to do and make sure his narrative on the economy like he's doing on infrastructure and rail gets out there. there's two book ends into a campaign. national security and i stand both with ukraine and israel, and the economy and happy to debate anyone on the economy. the issue is people don't believe it right now. >> sandra: is it they don't believe it or feel -- >> both, both. >> sandra: and i would be happy to debate you any day. a lot of metrics ignored that are really important. this is going to factor into all of this, right, bill. this is david axlerod, your thoughts on biden's issues, listen here. >> the issue is not for him is not political, it's actuarial and you can see that in this poll. a lot of concern about the age issue. just has to ask himself, is -- is this the best path. i suspect that he will say yes. but time is fleeting here. >> sandra: but it is ultimately up to him, bill. how big of a moment is this for democrats? >> i think it's a big moment. i agree with david axelrod. former president himself this weekend appeared to undermine with attacks on biden's israel policy, saying nobody has clean hands. so i don't think joe biden is inclined to go along with what they say. on the economy, i think the problem the democrats have, i agree with robert, people don't believe him. but there is an implicit message from the democrats to voters saying if you were smart enough, you would realize that you really are benefitting from bidenomics. then they go to the a and p or some, the local supermarket and they find that the box of cereal is nine bucks and they just -- they don't believe it. the white house tried to minimize inflation from the beginning. it's way down from what it was last year but it's still over twice what it was when joe biden came in, and there's no end in sight to the spending that's fueling it. >> sandra: bill, you should see robert, chom ping at the bit to respond to that. five alarm biden re-election fire, wall street journal is writing about. a compelling case by announcing he won't run again, say he wants to help ukraine and israel defend themselves and let younger democrats take on mr. trump and it seems, robert, as i know you want to respond to bill directly, it seems it is still all about the economy. poll after poll shows people are not happy with the way things are going. this is a "new york times" siena poll, "new york times" siena poll, who should be trusted more to handle the economy. 37% joe biden, go. >> like i said, polls are going to change and right now you have a campaign in the gop side and you have an incumbent president that is focused on ukraine and israel and is not campaigning. with respect to bill, i mean, listen. i'm an obama guy. i had lunch with him two days ago. i think he has no -- there is not a second choice. president biden is going to be the democratic candidate. he is, i believe, going to be the next president, all this shadow that we are talking about. >> sandra: oh, ok, ok. >> all the shadow candidate stuff that bill maher is mentioning and everyone else, at month end, you will have deadlines and at florida, nevada, new hampshire, california, and all of that incumbent of the candidate versus incumbent, whether it's glenn youngkin on the gop and newsom and pritzker on the democratic side are over. they are not on the ballots. i had a preemption. >> sandra: wind is at our backs and the american economy, if that was the case they would be happy with the current president. bill, quick final thought from you before we go. >> i would add to this -- to the fire. the demonstrations against israel, you know, you have the hamas caucus in the democratic party led by congresswoman tlaib. you know, with her statement accusing joe biden of abetting genocide. i would worry if i was a democrat about the convention in chicago, whether it's going to be rerun of 1968 when anti-war protestors clashed with the police outside and i think it could be very ugly. >> sandra: quite a prediction. bill mcgurn, thank you for joining us. robert wolf, interesting, we will continue the conversation i can promise you that. thanks to both of you for joining us. >> john: the judge has ordered a new democratic primary in the biggest city in connecticut after footage appears to show workers stuffing a ballot box. >> sandra: and some democrats like ilhan omar are vulnerable in next year's election. one says the anti-israel rhetoric does not represent her minnesota district. we will be joined live next. veteran homeowners. are you applying for a car loan? the monthly payments can be expensive. with an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. my mental health was much better. but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause 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and joins us from tel aviv. good to speak with you. i want to start out by asking you, you were staunchly pro israel, you have said that in the past. i'm curious as to whether you are also pro palestinian. >> john, it's not a rocket science. you stand with your ally when in need. foreign policy 101. ilhan omar, my opponent, knows who our allies are, yet she chooses to stand with our enemy, that's not the first time, that's not the second time. she always does that. what we are saying, or what, you asked me about my standing with palestinians, absolutely, i am for the innocent victims of the hamas terrorist. however, accusing joe biden of supporting genocide, even though i'm not a supporter of his, of course, but they try to white wash the slogan from the river to the sea, which is clearly throughout history palestinians used to chant it, which means they want to wipe the jews from israel. so, i am with the palestinian people. i feel for the palestinian people. but these -- the victims are no victims for the u.s., nor israel. these are the victim of hamas terrorists/islam jihad/iran/qatar. >> john: i asked the question in that way, bill ackman, of course the big hedge fund billionaire, harvard alum who has sent letters to harvard saying this rise in antisemitism on campus is something that can't be tolerated, has said he's pro palestinian and pro israel, he's anti-terror and that's what he thinks should be the position of people on the college campuses. you mentioned from the river to the sea, a slogan chanted at a rally that rashida tlaib was at, put out a tweet saying it's only aspirational, drew a strong rebuke from slotkin, saying it's code language for the destruction of israel. you are runnings as a republican, what do you make of the divide in the democratic party? >> i mean, who she's trying to fool, it's a well-known slogan. number two, i mean, these women and the hamas caucus, the hamas squad clearly cannot find it within theirselves to at least condemn what hamas is doing or say hamas is a terrorist group. we are with the palestinian people and we are trying to find a peaceful way to save the victims of these terrorist groups. but would they ever do that, absolutely not because there are clearly supporters of terrorists, which is very appalling because we cannot have in our government and in our congress people that support terrorists. they should be expelled and they should be voted out and that's what i'm trying to do next year. >> john: so ilhan omar, who you hope to challenge in the election next year, condemned the attack of october 7th but clearly she doesn't -- she does not have biden's back when it comes to the full support of israel to go after hamas. she wrote u.s. policy is essentially that netanyahu has no achievable goals in gaza and a ground invasion risks regional war, including u.s. troops and give him $14 billion in weapons with no restrictions and say there are no red lines as he bombs refugee camps? you know, you escaped saddam hussein's iraq in 1988, you know what it's like to live with a repressive, authoritarian regime. how would you describe hamas and what should israel do in response to october 7th? >> let me tell you. these words coming from 9/11, some people did something, and it's all about the benjamin. so it's quite clear her stance against israel. number two, i've lived, not only i've lived under oppression, we have suffered under the oppression until we fled the country. although i'm a journalist, i've been a journalist for 35 years. and i've covered war zones, i've covered isis when 2014 isis entered mosul and started persecuting iraqi christians. carrying the isis flag and chanting, what hamas terrorists are doing. i've watched the video from the israeli foreign ministry and i've seen it. actually last night. and i've seen that. these people carried isis flag and chanted while killing the jews. >> john: thank you for being with us from tel aviv. we'll be watching your campaign closely to see how that goes. appreciate it. >> thank you, i invite everybody to check dalia for congress. >> sandra: thank you so much for that. the u.s. deploying more military might to the mediterranean sea, looking at it here, this time in the form of an ohio class nuclear submarine. we are joined after the break to talk about that development and what it means for this war. 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>> the fact that you've got strategic officials advertising the location of strategic assets defies our playbook and frankly, somebody should be fired for doing just that. think about this. the families of the soldiers and sailors forward don't want their locations advertised to the world, it puts them at risk. and submarines from adversaries in the region, now they know to actively look for the assets. an serious military posture in the region and evidence of that on the screen. also just to show our viewers what we are looking at, as far as the ohio class sub in the middle east, this is a picture of it. november 5th, this ohio class submarine arrived in the u.s. central command capability. what could it do in the case of escalation? >> every military on the globe are well-known. the fact we disclosed that they are being deployed is against our playbook. but the submarine that you are mentioning has the ability to conduct strikes on targets with their missile assets. >> sandra: it can carry both guided cruise missiles and nuclear capable ballistic missiles. it's not known whether the sub is carrying any ballistic missiles is what we are told so far. when it comes to the eisenhower strike group, can you add your expertise here as far as what centcom has informed us, the area of responsibility is part of the increase in our regional posture there. you are talking about a major ramp-up of u.s. military force as this war continues, mike. >> with the aircraft carrier they have the ability to deploy fighter jets for strategic bombings and more importantly, it's about deterrence. it's showing our force projection forward and letting the world know if we need to act we will act decisively and violently. >> sandra: finish off with the screen showing the reported israeli ground operations happening in gaza. right now, sort of a focus on this northwest coast where we are told israeli forces have advanced along there. the gazan coast with reports of clashes with hamas in the area. i know that you wanted to sort of add to this as the institute for study for war says this is an israeli armored unit that is moving in along the coast there, as they are circling gaza city. as we await what is next, mike. what can you add to that? >> sandra, basically the idf is coming from all directions. coming across the beach, from the east and now the north along what is a coastal road. this is to surround the enemy, a form of siege warfare. and cuts them off from the world. basically taking their eyes, ears, energy, their ability to communicate, creating chaos and fatigue with the enemy on top of the bombardment every hour and in that. >> as you can see the surrounding area, this is where we saw some of the most significant ground fighting over the weekend, all around gaza city there. thanks so much for joining us, mike. appreciate that. >> thank you. >> sandra: john. >> john: sandra, shocking surveillance footage out of bridgeport, connecticut, showing two workers appearing to stuff a ballot box before the mayoral primary, the judge overturning the results of the election. we will tell you more about it after the break. stay with us. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. from pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dog's food to the farmer's dog, the effects can seem like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's just smarter, healthier pet food. it's amazing what real food can do. >> john: a connecticut judge ordering a new democratic mayoral primary in the city of bridgeport where workers were caught stuffing a ballot box days before the election. eric shawn has more. what is this all about? >> hey, john. in our country, it's one person, one vote. at bridgeport, connecticut, accusations, it's one person, multiple votes. take a look at the security video. it appears to show two women stuff ago ballot box with votes. supporters say the ballot were from their family members. critics say they were illegally stuffing the ballot box. the two woman, one a democratic official and the other, a city council members, took the fifth in court. joe gannon defeated john gomes by 250 votes. gomes says look at the numbers. 420 people, 420, use the ballot boxes. guess what? the ballot boxes had more than 1,200 ballots. three times the number of voters that used the boxes. so a judge ruled the images show credible evidence that possible ballot harvesting. that's when the you submit ballots for a lot of other people that is illegal in connecticut unless you're handing up ballots for relatives or a police officer, an election official or if you're a caregiver. >> the drop boxes are not the problem. the people that break the law are the problem. we're not here because of oversight or technicality or somebody didn't cross off a check box the right way. there was ballot harvesting. that's why we're here. >> officials say this is an isolated local issue in the state. they have appointed an election monitor tomorrow. bridgeport, no stranger to shenanigans. mayor gannon was first elected in 1991 and then convicted on corruption charges. resigned. served seven years in prison. gets out and re-elected as mayor and back at city hall. we'll see if he's re-elected tomorrow. >> john: something like that would never happen in washington d.c. eric, good to see you. sandra? >> sandra: israeli forces say they're circling gaza city as they cut the strip in two. we're live near the border next. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine. veteran homeowners, need to save money every month? call newday. pay off your high rate credit cards and car loan with an affordable va home loan from newday. you can save $500 every month. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan. pay off your credit cards and car with a newday100 va loan and save. ♪ if you're on medicare, remember, the annual enrollment period is here. the time to choose your coverage begins october 15th and ends december 7th. so call unitedhealthcare and see how you can get more of what matters, with our broad range of plans including an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. it can combine your hospital and doctor coverage with part d prescription drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan. these plans are made to support your whole health with $0 annual physical exams, $0 lab tests and $0 preventive care like mammograms and colonoscopies. and you'll get more for your medicare dollar with $0 copays on most covered dental services a $0 eye exam and an allowance for eyewear plus $0 copays on hundreds of prescriptions, at the pharmacy or by mail. now's the time to look at unitedhealthcare's variety of plans. so give us a call to learn more about coverage options in your area. with our right plan promise, you have our commitment to helping you find the right plan for your needs. and to help make life with medicare simpler, you'll get the all-in-one member ucard. only from unitedhealthcare, the ucard is your unitedhealthcare member id and much more. show your ucard when you visit your primary care provider, dentist or eye doctor, or fill a prescription at the pharmacy. and use it to access medicare advantage's largest national network of providers. you can count on unitedhealthcare to help you get the care you need, when you need it. enrollment ends december 7th. now's the time to learn more about america's most chosen medicare advantage plans and how they can open doors to a simpler healthcare experience with the all-in-one ucard. call unitedhealthcare today about the only medicare advantage plans with the aarp name and get more of what matters to you. (music ends) >> sandra: hi, mike. >> sandra, directly behind me is the northeast side of the gaza strip. looks like the fight is rekindling in that area. much deeper is gaza city where you mentioned the israeli ground forces have surrounded the city there. israel is bringing pressure from the sea with the navy. the israeli -- the gaza strip was pounded by forces overnight. some 450 targets were hit as the hamas-run palestinian health ministry says more than 10,000 palestinians have been killed. israeli ground forces say they have seized rocket historic and rocket launches from mosques and recreation centers giving hamas that p.r. angle that they can work on the counter fire comes back. in we're continuing to watch the battles form up out here. sandra? >> sandra: thanks, mike. stay safe. check back with you soon. john, great to be with you. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. see you tomorrow. "the story" with martha starts right now. >> martha: all right. very good. thanks very much,

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