investigation into hunter biden and doj claims hunter chose not to pay $1.4 million in taxes between 2016 and 2019. instead he used money to fund a lavish lifestyle of parties, drugs, women and adult entertainment. there is new questions emerging about this indictment impact on president biden reelection campaign. one analyst saying it is like a nuclear bomb going off for the bidens. hello, this is "outnumbered," i'm emily compagno. joining me is tammy bruce, fox business anchor and co-host of bottom line dagen mcdowell, "fox and friends" co-host carley shimkus and kathy hochul of jake bequette show podcast, jake bequette. let's go to david in washington with the latest, david. >> david: the governments hunter biden chose not to pay $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes, but he had money to do so. this indictment was filed in central district of california, that of coers los angeles, which hunter biden calls home. between 2016 and october 16th 2020, the defendant spent on drugs, escorts, hotels, exotic cars, clothing and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes. charges include failure to pay in 2016 and 2017. also failure to file in 2017 and failure to pay taxes in 2018. then we move to felony of tax evasion allegations following false return which is a felony and following false return on another tax document in 2018, another felony. expenses include 1.4 million in atm withdrawals and payments to various women, at least $397,000 for clothing and accessories, tuition and education, 237,000 on health, beauty and pharmacy products and $214,000 on food and groceries, $188,000 on adult entertainment and drug and alcohol rehab and 42 on home improvement and 24 on entertainment and 23,000 on sports and recreation. hunter's attorney abbe lowell said if hunter's last name was anything other than biden, charges in delaware and california would not have been brought. he continues, after five years investigating with no new evidence and two years after hunter paid taxes in full, u.s. attorney piled on nine new charges when he agreed to resolve this matter with a pair of misdemeanors. that was the plea deal that fell apart in a public way. the nine charges are in addition to federal gun charges biden is facing in delaware and in both cases, he's ready to take chances on a jury and could go to trial in delaware and california the same year his dad is running for reelection. back to you. >> carley: david, thank you so much, bring your conversation back to the couch. i don't feel like giving advice to hunter. don't take those charges in front of juries, i've spent enough time in prison to know those in tax evasion or fraud, it is because they went before a jury. if you take a plea deal, you are eligible for early release. if hunter did a fraction of what is alleged, he is facing a long road ahead. >> average people, average joe can see corruption for what it is. we are seeing a long pattern of criminal behavior. this is who joe biden said was the smartest man he knows, half a million on hookers in 2018 when he told his exwife he couldn't pay alimony. he withdraw cash from atm's, how is that physically possible? going wild on streets of new york, l.a., washington, d.c., the son of the president and engaged in criminal corruption with china, ukraine, burisma, didn't report 1 million in income from burisma, huge scandal. >> emily: we will see whether he is convicted for those. to jake's point, he was having a great time, when you do so at the expense of the federal government and snubbing your nose at those who do pay taxes, at your wife and child who were not worthy of a few dollars to support. jake laid out million dollars on various women and adult entertainment, fail to identify payment to stripper and escort as personal expenses. he says he paid a stripper for artwork, there was no artwork exchanged. spend at a strip club. spend your money how you do it, do not do so at the expense of government, your fellow citizens or impunity you behave because of your last night. >> dagen: right, we all knew hunter biden was trash-tastic steady ball of steam. and andy mccarthy writes about this, the way the indictment is written, david weiss lays out because of the details, this man is a reprobate, deserving of prosecution despite what abbe lowell has to say. that kind of smacks david weiss in his own face because he refused to prosecute hunter biden for years and actually allowed the years of 2014 and 2015 to be time barred and those are the years the american people would want to see the details of the money coming into the biden family because that is when joe biden was still the vice president and david weiss told the investigators on this case, i can't bring charges because the u.s. attorney in los angeles and washington won't do it. that's a lie, it was run out of maine justice, up to merrick garland, the attorney general more recently to sign off on this, that was a lie. then david weiss cut the sweetheart plea deal to misdemeanors and three felonies. i digress, bigger issue is as andy points out what did the bidens give in exchange for all of this money coming in. this is the very reason to your ponent, you will not ever see this go in front of a jury. even in this indictment, there is no mention of joe biden, but you do get some conversation about all of the players in this, reference to jim biden described as a business associate and indictment lays out, it was agreed in 2014 that hunter biden was getting paid a million a year and then weiss, i will finish my thought, excuse me, i got rattled, then magically in 2017, when joe biden is no longer vice president, that is when the money gets cut in half. >> emily: here is my question, i've seen the government prosecute for a lot more and a lot less, i've sat in front of cancer survivors, mothers who were on the hook for $30,000, it spent more to prosecute them than recoup the money. what disheartens me is uneven justice or impunity someone can operate with. the question is, are you heartened that we might see justice and might someone be treated like fellow americans are treated, which is like crap from the irs or feel he will come off squeaky clean? >> tammy: i don't think squeaky clean is possible at this point, what americans notice, people commit crimes for desperation and you need money and there is, you are running from something, everybody has a reason. this guy was doing it for fun. this guy was doing it in bill clinton's words, because he could. that is what we look at and americans look at the amount of money, the choices to stiff the ex-wife, ignore and the child pretend the child is not his, while doing what he's doing and still the government is protecting. i think as people think this is going to be last straw for joe biden, if anything, especially with what is coming out, it is in joe biden's interest to desperately remain in the white house, one maybe to pardon his son, two to be protected as much as you can be as president in ways that you can be when you are a private citizen. there is interest in biden staying, that may be why he stays because of the nature of what is emerging in selection year, it will be up to the american people. we are seeing this despite attempt to keep it from us and i think we're going to be getting information we didn't before and juries will not like it no matter the jurisdiction. >> emily: carley, what are your thoughts on that for joe biden or of the impeachment investigation, what impact does this have on him? >> carley: next year will be interesting because it will be donald trump's legal issues versus the hunter biden stuff, we'll be spending time in courtrooms and it will impact the election, whether or not out only time will tell, you are right to bring up possibility of a pardon, karine jean-pierre said joe biden wouldn't do that, easy to say with distance between potential guilty charge, only time will tell if that ends up happening. i've heard joe biden say rich should pay their fair share, speech writers will have to ball up that piece of paper and throw it out. this is just a fraction of the sum total that could have been. shapley said david weiss slow walked this whole thing to let statute of limitations expire, the year biden was making money off burisma. david weiss involvement is perplexing, he said he had full authority this whole time, then why do the plea deal to get called out by the judge and whistleblowers and say nine charges and three felony counts seem more like it. bigger picture is joe biden and there will be a vote on whether or not to enter the formal impeachment inquiry, i don't think this does joe biden any favors and he's not doing himself any favors either. he said it is all lies and he never spoke to hunter biden's business associates when there are emails that show he was using pseudonyms to send messages. >> emily: it is explosive and tip of the iceberg, stay with us for more, including this, 24 hours after this indictment we've been speaking about president heading to the district where hunter is being charged to rub elbows with hollywood elite for a campaign money haul. stay with us. your heart is the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto, a medicine specifically designed for heart failure. entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, you can keep on doing what you love. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust you heart to entresto. with the freestyle libre 2 system, know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? 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raping, brutally murdering women. take it away. >> dagen: i watched the videotape of the october 7 massacre yesterday and the only way i can describe it is a biblical evil. and these are members of satan's army. and i will just leave it at that. let's start with the interviewer. all because you rip down a poster. it is not a farah fawcett poster. this person should be called the jew hater and evil antisemite this person is. we are talking about posters of potentially dead babies or babies who were hostages and she, her biggest concern she got videotaped and it was circulated and that's the atrocity in all of this. and her housing was denied and that she is the victim because someone videotaped her and put her name out there. in short, she's the typical person from the left, she is shocked that she actually -- these are the people who came up with tactics and invented them and destroyed people's lives with them with glee. >> tammy: you know, perfect point of this is that she -- by the way, seems to be proud of what she did, she is invested in it, why be upset about the video being distributed unless she knows this is not normal. she wants to prevail, even though she's on the wrong side of history and she is who she is. this is good example, a person within a framework of a university, we saw with congressional testimony, what is going on with rhetoric internally at nyu or harvard and we saw at coopers union, jews trapped inside of the library. i would hope reaction to this woman universal to the people who face jew hatred, which is a hate crime and that has been my argument all along, these actions reinforce terrorism and intimidation. that is a hate crime when you are doing it against someone because of ethnicity or who they are, she is not, i don't think she's an outlier, have it be universal and serious and not just because somebody made it on the internet. >> jake: these college campuses, i was in law school the day donald trump got elected. it was like washington, d.c. was a graveside, mourning funeral. at our law school every professor, 1st class after election, we had essentially a struggle session. they brought in mental health counselors, they were talking about how the world was ending. i think things are 10 times worse nowadays. my heart goes out, these young people are still there, they have to feel intimidated. i say, stay strong. >> tammy: and jewish community filming these people who are allies in support. >> to bring up that congressional testimony that was jaw-dropping where elise stefanik asked three college presidents from the most elite universities in the united states, the beholder there now. they couldn't give a straight answer on if calling for genocide of jews is hate speech or bullying. most obvious yes ever. they said it depends on context. dagen mcdowell and i watched that 45-minute video from october 7, only reason they are doing that is because of things happening on college campuses and media, this horrific terror attack and genocide of jews took place a few months ago and being brushed past. it is unbelievable what is happening. this is the beginning of world war ii all over again. >> emily: so much more to come, including this. it turns out it pays off to have conservative parents. new study shining light on parent's politics and their kid's mental health. stay with us. limited card everye i get gas. 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ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. >> carley: parents political beliefs play a significant role in mental well being of teenagers. according to gallup, 55% with liberal parents -- conservative or very conservative parents. the study author writes more likely to adopt parenting style with warmth and high level of discipline. tammy, what do you think about this, correlation between parenting and politics? >> tammy: it is interesting. i was pretty much an orphan, i was the product of an affair. did not have my father around. my mother was working in jimmy carter's horrible economy, never home, never went to school and i became a leftist. i was an organizer. i was a victim. i was watching the trajectory of that and i found the light and changed my point of view. i can tell you that knowing conservatives now, knowing their kids and watching, just entire environment is not surprising. you have structure, i was making my own breakfast, instant breakfast, no microwaves, when you are on your own, there is a level of des operation and fear that guides your life. having support, someone having your back matters and that moves through the conservative value framework. liberals can argue for that, as well. it is different world view in the liberal world and not surprising. >> carley: fascinating look back at your childhood that i didn't know about. look at you now. >> jake: that's great stuff. >> carley: conservatives said their kids did not get their way in argument, 80%. only 53% of liberal parents said the same thing. liberal parents are cooler, less structured. >> jake: we don't need a gallup poll to know that. my parents were loving and conservative. hard work, structure, dedication, goal setting, things that give great boost to a young child and set them up for success and good to see that reflected in public data. >> carley: emily, what do you see about this? >> i agree. it is conservative values, raising your child that they are enough, they are independent and can be free thinking. they are equipped because of god and because of family and setting fundamental values. on the left, kids are victims, it is your skin color, gender, you will get this. you see it in portland and baked into schools and administration, you need to expect things differently or have the short end of the stick and conservative families, no, you are amazing the way you are and the sky is the limit, it makes sense. >> carley: nothing to do with politics, but a good idea. my friend has a daughter who is seven and the whole class and school, small school, the parents sign a pledge thats none of the kids will get a cell phone until they are 13 years old. what do you think? >> dagen: if you have whacked out liberal parents telling kids the world is coming to an end because of climate change, cell phone or not, it is going to make them nutso and you see, it is well documented that climate anxiety among young people, the numbers are all over the place. some have it close to two-thirds of young people have climate anxiety. you need somebody like my parents who made us go to church, so we would not be selfish and know there is something greater than individual selves and know there is a higher power and also somebody like my mother, if i had come home and said, you people destroyed the earth and you took my future away from me. my mother would tell me, you know what it was like when i was growing up? polio, children in iron lungs paralyzed and died, shut up. >> tammy: and actual world war ii. getting drafted. >> dagen: food being rationed. >> carley: united nations calling on americans to eat less meet at annual summit, where they dined on gourmet steaks and burgers, we will show you what the chefs were serving up coming up next. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. go look at the sprinter gene. i wonder if you have it or that's why you didn't make the team. let me pull it up. sprinter... sprinter gene... don't have it. yup, i knew it. let's see. can't run. can't catch. too short. what else does it say? 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>> this government and those people want to mandate your behavior and remove choices and enjoy what they are removing from your life. the example are too soluminous, remember them, share with your friends and those and amplify the voice of those who lost their jobs because of decisions, have no option, whose dollar is worth less, frightened for their future because of smug decision-makers that remove that choice and option for your future, that is what you do with that information. don't believe them. >> dagen: more "outnumbered" in just a moment. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hi, i'm michael, i've lost 70 pounds on golo. i spent thousands on other diets that didn't work. on golo, i spent a couple hundred bucks and got back down to my high school weight. you're not gonna believe this thing is possible but it is. ♪♪ ♪♪ >> emily: last but not least, a new warning from the climate police just in time for the holidays, according to the grinches, artificial christmas trees may be bad for the environment. one expert says it's less harmful to support tree farms which are basically forests rather than putting a fake one in a landfill. the environmental impact only starts to "break even" if you keep the same artificial tree for at least eight years. so going back on what they have been telling us. so jake, real or fake. >> 100% real. my family, we were rebels, we always go out and chop the real tree. >> real man. >> smelling like a lumberjack at six years old. >> this whole thing back and forth when we had paper bags, made us use plastic bags, didn't want to cut down trees, now back to paper bags because plastic bags are bad for the environment. real trees, natural life, you know, get your tree. >> yes, i love real trees. did real trees growing up but i did buy a fake tree off amazon this year just because it's easier. >> you have some pet peeves, though. needles and creatures. >> bugs. >> you can love both. i didn't put up a christmas tree for four years after my mother died, and this year i bought a fake one from the king of christmas, great company, and i put up a tree. and i love it, and it's fake. >> king of christmas. >> i love it. >> emily: i love it. >> your mom wants you to put up a tree. does not care whether it's real or not. >> emily: thank you for watching us. let us know, real or fake trees. don't forget to dvr the show when you can't watch it live. here is "america reports". >> john: emily, thank you. breaking news of a new attack on americans overseas. sources sa

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,Vice President ,Lie ,Won T ,Case ,Investigators ,Justice ,Merrick Garland ,Felonies ,Sweetheart Plea Deal ,This ,Up To ,Maine ,Three ,Wall ,Reason ,Issue ,Points ,Go ,Exchange ,Ponent ,Jim Biden ,Reference ,Mention ,Players ,Business Associate ,Thought ,Cut ,Half ,Lot ,Question ,Mothers ,Cancer Survivors ,Hook ,0000 ,30000 ,Someone ,Irs ,Scrap ,Something ,Guy ,Everybody ,Crimes ,Desperation ,Fun ,Bill Clinton ,Choices ,Amount ,Words ,Ex Wife ,Straw ,Interest ,Ways ,Citizen ,White House ,Attempt ,Biden Staying ,Impact ,Information ,Thoughts ,Impeachment Investigation ,Jurisdiction ,Carley ,Donald Trump ,Issues ,Courtrooms ,Hunter Biden Stuff ,Election ,Distance ,Pardon ,Possibility ,Karine ,Jean Pierre ,Share ,Charge ,Paper ,Speech Writers ,Piece ,Thing ,Statute ,Limitations ,Total ,Sum ,Shapley ,Involvement ,Authority ,Making Money Off Burisma ,Picture ,Felony Counts ,Whistleblowers ,Judge ,Vote ,Impeachment Inquiry ,Whether ,Favors ,Emails ,Lies ,Business Associates ,More ,Messages 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,Great Question ,Elections ,Haul ,Plans ,Writer Strike ,Hollywood ,Remains ,Hair ,5000 ,25000 ,Meat ,Job Market ,Meal ,Gas Stoves ,Being Coo ,Labor Percentages ,Prices ,Sky High ,Joe Biden ,In My Eyes ,Dinner ,Le ,Hob Knobbing ,Things ,Litany ,Place ,Subway ,Police ,Criminal ,Limousine ,Malibu ,Trend ,Business Owner ,Grab ,Smash And Grab ,Cars ,Campaigns ,Businesses ,Interview ,Karen Bass ,Eventing ,Awards ,Democracy ,Attention ,Room ,Stake ,Oscars ,Candidates ,Work ,Films ,Remembrance Project ,Holocaust ,Horribleness Of Antisemitism ,Administration ,Policy ,Savages ,Israel ,Truth ,Prompter ,Fundraiser ,The Old Man ,Trump Wasn T Running ,Boston ,Class ,Terms ,Marquest ,Biden Bumble ,Jake ,Isn T ,Working Class Joe ,Power ,Left ,Union ,Entertainment Industry ,Democratic Party ,Economy ,Bidenomics Reeking Havoc ,Posters ,Nyu Student ,Change ,Experience ,Coming Up ,Versus ,Hostages ,Actions ,Consequences ,Flaky ,Ned S Plaque Psoriasis ,Camera Shutter Sfx ,City Ambience Sounds ,Car Screech 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