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2023. we start at 6:00 a.m. eastern time with a fox news alert. as you can see, a potentially perilous day for the biden family. house republicans threatening to hold hunter biden, the son of the president in contempt of congress if he skips a closed door deposition set to begin at 9:30 this morning. >> brian: that is scary music you requested, steve. also today the house g.o.p. is set to hold a vote on whether to launch an impeachment inquiry against the president. house judiciary committee chairperson jim jordan joins us later to discuss that and more. that's the head shot he gave us. >> ainsley: plus, nikki haley picking up a major endorsement ahead of next month's primary in the imran nit state. >> finally endorse nikki haley for president. you better your [bleep] i am. >> lawrence: don't go anywhere haley and new hampshire governor chris sununu will join us live on "fox & friends" for exclusive. let's go it lucas tomlinson with the high stakes proceeding on capitol hill. >> good morning, steve, ainsley, brian and lawrence. that's the big question this morning, will hunter biden show up? we will have our camera staking out the capitol waiting to see if the black suv arrives. last night on "special report" mike johnson explained why he is moving forward with that impeachment inquiry vote. >> the white house has stonewalled this investigation. it's gone methodically carefully as the constitution requires of us. it's a very serious matter. but, right now, they are not turning over documents. they are not turning over key witnesses. we will have to defend our subpoenas in court. so, to do that, you need an impeachment inquiry vote from the full house. we will have that tomorrow. i believe it will pass. >> president biden has not discussed his son's second indictment, at least not publicly. recall, back in may, he said his son had done nothing wrong. and then late last week, hunter biden was indicted on nine tax charges in california that include three felonies and six misdemeanors. that's in addition to the federal gun charges in delaware. the new tax charges centered around at least $1.4 million in taxes hunter ode between 2016 and 201 and that's since been paid. if convicted the 5 #-year-old could receive up to 17 years in prison. his lawyer says the special counsel is bowing to republican pressure. now, karl rove recently said president biden claims he was not involved in his son's overseas businesses but perhaps he should have been to stop him from working for that ukrainian energy company when his father was vice president, guys. >> brian: where is he now, lucas? he is somewhere in washington? >> ainsley: he left california. >> brian: thatson indication he could be coming today. >> flew all the way from malibu. probably not to take a white house tour. >> brian: can he get that any time. >> ainsley: don't wants him to testify if he doesn't he is held in contempt of congress. if he does, he can always plead the fifth, right? >> that's right. that's another thing if he does show up will he be pleading the fifth, ainsley. >> steve: sure. his attorney has said he called the bluff of the republicans and said he will testify in public on tv blue but the republicans say no, we got to go through privately beforehand. hunter biden's lawyer said that's problematic because then there are leaks and stuff like that. but, don't you think, lucas, given the fact and you just detailed those criminal indictments against hunter biden revealed at the end of last week. don't you think abbe lowell to be able to say you know what, guys? can't do it today because we have got to resolve all this other stuff with the department of justice first? >> lawyers always have a way of stretching things out. you are right, steve. >> lawrence: speaking of the department of justice. lucas, is there any chance, you know, congress holds him in contempt that the department of justice enforces the contempt hearing? >> something we will definitely be looking for, lawrence. it's definitely a sticky situation. we will have to wait and see this morning. >> brian: lucas, do you regret all the questions we gave you this morning? were you hoping to get in and out. >> we have to watch to see if hunter shows up. i think that's what we have to do this morning. >> brian: i will do that. that's why we have cable. >> ainsley: first we have the caucuses in january in iowa. i think you guys are going to that to cover it for "fox & friends." and then we have the new hampshire primary, the first primary in the country. and we have six weeks to go for that yesterday was a big day for nikki haley because she was endorsed by the new hampshire governor sununu. listen to this. this is him announcing he is supporting her, and then she comments as well. >> sweet older woman who has come to a lot of events. and i saw her coming in here shoe said so are you finally going to endorse nikki haley for president? you bet your [bleep] i am. let's get this thing done. we are all in on the nikki haley. undoubtedly. >> it doesn't get any better than this to go and get endorsed by the live free or die governor is about as rock solid of an endorsement as we could hope for. >> he is extremely popular in new hampshire. got about 1.4 million people. the question is he would have won re-election if he wanted to anyway. he has to do it every two years. he doesn't want to do it. he is not coming back. chris christie is a friend of his. he likes ron desantis. he says i like president trump. but he does not feel trump can win a general election. so it is nikki haley. lawrence lawrence so the problem they are going to run, into if i could quickly go through it. the national polls has donald trump in rcp average 60%. desantis is at 12%. haley is at 12%. then you go to iowa. donald trump is at 50%. desantis is at 19%. and haley is at 15. >> brian: desantis has that governor endorsement. >> lawrence: south carolina trump 49%. hail little 19%. desantis is at 11%. and everybody keeps saying, lawrence, why do you keep citing the polls? the only time i don't believe the polls is if the polls don't reflect what is happening on the ground. and i haven't seen this massive movement for ron desantis or nikki haley. we have seen it before when people were against, you know, bryan kemp as governor. and i said, look, i know donald trump put up this primary opponent with perdue but people like trump and they still like kemp. i haven't seen that with nikki haley or ron desantis. even if one of them gets out of the race. >> ainsley: especially when there is 30 point difference. >> lawrence: ainsley, one of them gets out of the race, and all of their support goes to the other candidate, it's still not enough to undo the support for donald trump. >> ainsley: despite who wins, if it's nikki haley or if it's donald trump, when you look at these -- we did these yesterday. when you look at georgia and michigan other states head-to-head matchup with biden both of them beat biden. >> brian: nikki haley double digits. >> steve: right. she does. it's curious. going forward, there is one more debate. i think less than a month cnn, drake in des moines. and ron desantis has said i'm in. the problem for all the other candidates, including chris christie is cnn's standard is you have got to be polling at 10% there are only three republicans who could actually qualify. ron desantis does. nikki haley does. donald trump does. ron desantis has already said i'm in for the debate. nikki haley's team has said we have a lot of opportunities. we don't know yet. but, if we go. donald trump should be there. and, of course, donald trump way ahead. so i'm not going to show. >> ainsley: do you think now -- what do you call it? the contenders are getting smaller and smaller, the group is getting smaller? inwinnowing. >> ainsley: do you think he will participate in the last debate? >> brian: no. >> steve: it would be great. he could put them away the way he feels he could put them away. he. >> lawrence: no incentive. already put them away. after endorsement, and endorsement. still not polling any closer. i don't think sanctioned by the rnc. so, there is a lot of candidates that are going to be required to show up. >> brian: to the trump campaign responded this way. sununu's endorsement means nothing, does nothing. for any candidate in the race. only endorsement in politics that matters is president trump's endorsement. nothing will stop him from securing the nomination and beating crooked joe biden and retaking the white house. >> ainsley: the governor of iowa didn't like trump because he went after her because she said she is not going to endorse a candidate a few months ago. so he went after her. so then she decided to endorse desantis. same thing with chris sununu he has been a staunch critic of donald trump for months now or for years, actually. so, he -- we didn't expect him to endorse donald trump. will this help nikki haley? >> lawrence: what i do appreciate about chris sununu is that he didn't lie to the public and say i'm going to be neutral. he made it very clear. >> steve: he just was neutral. >> lawrence: he said, look, i'm going to support someone at some point. i don't know, when but i'm going to do it. it's not going to be donald trump, but it's the person that i think is going to be best suited to win. you can disagree with him. but at least he didn't do what kim reynolds say i'm going to do like chuck grassley has already done. >> brian: lawrence, a big change from 2022 when mastriano failed and dr. oz failed and herschel walker failed and blake masters failed. people thought donald trump and the rise of ron desantis. people thought donald trump is beatable. time has passed. he can't win the general. now i don't know if you can make that argument when you have five straight major polls having not only the battleground states that biden flipped. but he has him winning four or five points. i know how quick things can change you can't no longer say he can't win. >> ainsley: like why dr. oz failed and mastriano. you cannot have an abortion. doesn't matter what the situation is. and i think that hurt dr. odds that had nothing to do with donald trump. >> steve: dr. oz's biggest problem running for for a senate seat in pennsylvania. he lived in new jersey. i know hey family home there that is the rap. >> brian: see if dave mccormick has better luck. >> lawrence: talk to governor chris sununu and nikki haley at 8:40. >> steve: we have a very busy wednesday. also coming up. u.s. agencies on high alert this morning. alarming new public safety warning ahead of the holidays you have all got to be concerned with. >> lawrence: nearly half of american teens say they use social media almost constantly, the effect it's having on your kids mental health. >> brian: i don't think good. let's jump to the end. happening today a potential major shakeup in the sports world. used to be the bullets. capital could say leave capital one arena as they eye a move to northern virginia. that's all ahead. make the music higher. dissolve some other photos ♪ since we have no place to go ♪ let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. ♪ it doesn't show signs of stopping ♪ and i brought some corn for popping ♪ the lights are turned way down low ♪ let it snow, let it snow, let it snow it snow ♪ when you finally kiss good night lief with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season. eye you're probably not easily persuaded to switch mobile providers for your business. but what if we told you it's possible that comcast business mobile can save you up to 75% a year on your wireless bill versus the big three carriers? did we peak your interest? you can get two unlimited lines for just $30 each a month. there are no term contracts or line activation fees. and you can bring your own device. oh, and all on the most reliable 5g mobile network nationwide. wireless that works for you. it's not just possible, it's happening. ♪ >> brian: hey, we are back with headlines now. we begin with a fox news alert. a u.s. warship shoots down a drone believed to be launched by the houthi rebels off the coast of yemen. you are looking at it. after the iranian group's attack loaded with jet fuel. the houthis firing two missiles that missed their intended target of the fdny battling four alarm fire in the bronx. live pictures, you are seeing them. the fire reportedly destroyed multiple businesses including a deli. unclear if anybody was hurt. bring you updates as we get them. also right now emergency crews are fixing a massive water break in brockton, massachusetts this is a live look at the public works department as they try to shut the water off to stop it from further flooding the roads with temperatures below freezing, not helping. there is concerns the water could turn to ice. causing a messy commute. unclear what caused the water main break. overnight 200 countries striking a climate deal agreeing to transition away from fossil fuels. what else is new? that means country also begin moving away from coal and oil with the goal of achieving net zero. greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. this is the first time a u.n. climate agreement is calling to cut back on fossil fuels. now for something totally different, here is ainsley. >> ainsley: thank you, brian. rising concerns this morning over the dangers of social media use among america's youth. a new study finding 46%, almost 50% of teenagers say they are using their social media almost constantly. and 96% use it every single day. here to outline the impact of it all is clinical psychologist kevin gilliland. good morning to you, kevin. >> good to be here, ainsley. >> ainsley: what are you seeing when you counsel little children and teenagers. how is social media or i guess the little ones aren't on social media. how is using phones affecting them socially. >> little ones are definitely on social media. this report says as much about parents as it does about our young adults, teenagers, or young kids. and the most concerning thing is the term constantly. and here's the fun fact. you don't need to be researcher. if the term "constantly" is used by anybody talking to you, it's not positive. the last time my wife said to me hey, you are constantly -- it didn't end well. so constantly what we're getting at repeatedly engaging in a behavior that has a high likelihood to become a habit. when that's not a healthy subject or topic, we are greatly at risk to develop physical and psychological issues. >> ainsley: tell us what we need to do as parents? i talked to one mom and she said her daughter was the last to get on social media. she is in high school. she said you don't want to be the first. but you definitely don't want to be the last. because her daughter was also going around her and trying to create social media sites without her mom knowing because she felt so bad being at school and being the last one. what advice do you have for parents? >> that i hear that kind ever comment from parents all the time. because we're trying to figure it out. you don't want to make either of those mistakes. what you want to be able to do is avoid the constantly. social media seems to have the least negative effect whether it's part of an overall life. where people are engaged with real friends in the real world doing real activities. and the thing about social media is the research is pretty clear. like other things in our life, we can't make a global statement about it. eating hamburger or having a pizza doesn't affect everybody the same way. you got to know how it effects your kid. >> and just have a conversation about it. and talk about what do you observe? are they sleeping more? are they moving around and less physically active? are they more withdrawn? do you see emotional states changing? those are the things you want to be mindful of what's the effect it's having on you. don't hang on to quantity what this report really talks about. what you want to look at is the quality of it. what are they doing? when are they doing it? and are they doing it in a way that takes them away from being present at a meal or with friends or in activity that should be enjoyable and rewarding? >> ainsley: you recommend watching television vs. the phone because some moms when you are cooking the meal for your kids, it's nice to have break for 20 minutes so you can get things together while they are distracted. >> yeah. look, there's no judgment. every kids. i raised kids. i didn't have technology. when we're so busy and pressed, especially these past couple of years, it's an easy thing to default. to say parenting is exhausting and difficult. doing it the right way pays defenders in significant ways. if you are doing it a little. be thoughtful about what it they are looking at and watching. >> ainsley: from gilliland, thank you for coming on. >> good to be with you as always. >> the obamas facing backlash in this film that they produced. warning white people about -- about white people, watch this. >> if the world falls apart, trust should not be dulled out easily to anyone, especially white people. >> ainsley: much more on that ahead. >> hunter biden is expected to show up at his deposition in a couple of hours, 9:30. "new york post" columnist miranda devine broke the laptop from hell story. does she think hunter is going to show up? will he plead the fifth? we will ask her, next. ♪ i can't believe she is mine. ♪ now all i see ♪ is you with fresh eyes ♪ fresh eyes ♪ appreciation ♪ iset comes and it my skin, thanks to skyrizi. goes ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in 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have anything to do with it the mayor ignoring the situation? that's something else. see what happens at this presser is it just a threat or do they have a site and ready to build with shovels in the ground. remember despicable display we saw with elite college presidents today? today a vote in the house to condemn basically everything they said. we know the university of pennsylvania is in the market for a new president. president biden will meet with the 14 hostage families thought to be still alive over in israel somewhere in gaza. he wants to let them know that he still cares about them and are has them very much in mind. they are -- at love worry among the families that the idf filling up the tunnels with water could cause the hostages ultimate demise and might actually flush them out. lawrence, take it away. >> lawrence: all eyes on capitol hill this morning where house republicans are gearing up for their closed door deposition with hunter biden. hunter and his legal team have not confirmed if he will even be there since he has insisted on a public hearing. but republicans threatened to hold him in con timothy if is he auto anno show. next guest following this since the very beginning. miranda devine. so, miranda, links to joe biden. what would you nail him on in this hearing, in this depo deposition? >> well, i would ask him, you know, did you ever commercialize your proximity to your father, your father's father. and how involved was your father? did he meet your business partners and, of course, we know the answer to that. it should be yes. but, you know, hunter biden, like his father, has not always been very ready with the truth. >> lawrence: so i guess the big question is, miranda devine, is the president hunter biden or is it joe biden? is hunter simply a witness that is being deposed today or is he someone that has done something illegal? i know he already broke the law when it comes to his taxes and the gun. i'm talking specifically when it comes to the corruption. did hunter biden do something wrong or did he witness and participate in something that was wrong that his father orchestrated? >> well, hunter biden, of course, is the son of the president. and he was also the desiated bag man for the president. he was the guy who was traveling around the world picking up the big fat checks. the money was coming into his bank account. his associate's bank account. these tens of millions of dollars coming from china, russia, ukraine, kazakhstan. you name it. and so he was very crucial part of this enterprise. at the end of the day, the public official who sold out -- sold out america vice president, was joe biden. he was the product that they were selling. he was brand. without him, there would be no business. and so he is the one who has broken faith with the american people. and he is the one that we should really be caring about. i mean, hunter biden is a sad case. a guy who ruined his life with drugs. and complete decadence and as we saw from the indictment how many millions of dollars he lavished on himself. so, you know, you have to feel a little sorry for the guy. but, the chickens have come home to roost in some ways. a lot of the alleged crimes hahaven't been charged because f doj was protecting him. and i think the only reason this indictment has occurred at all was because of those brave 'irs whistleblowers gary shapley and joseph ziegler. >> lawrence: i'm so glad you talked about the doj. if he decides not to show up and defies the subpoena from congress, it's going to be up to the doj to enforce that. do you see them doing it? when the democrats requested a republican to show up will they do the same thing. >> very recent prisoners as you just said steve bannon, he was charged with contempt of congress for defying a subpoena. same thing applies here. and i would imagine that since hunter has various legal problems, that hesitate pricy lawyers will be advising him to just show up behind closed doors. and plead the fifth. and so that's what i'm expecting. i think it would be foolish of him to just not show up at all. even though they are quite contemptuous of congress and its powers. hunter biden and his lawyers are. i think they realize that james comer and jim jordan and jason smith are quite determined to get to the bottom of this and they have already uncovered a lot of corruption and they are like dogs with a bone. and i think the american people should be grateful of that. >> lawrence: whatever happens, i think it's a defining moment for mayor garland. he said he was going to be that nonpartisan federal judge, becoming attorney general. let's see if he is man of his word. miranda devine, thank you so much. >> thanks, lawrence. >> lawrence: you got it. coming up, u.s. agency on high alert this morning. the new public safety warning just issued ahead of the holidays. and president biden has harsh words for netanyahu saying israel is losing global support. former national security adviser k.t. mcfarland says israel is doing the world a favor, trying to destroy hamas. she's next. ♪ nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, caususlack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve memory. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now. >> president biden expose go ahead a brand new rift in regions with israel's prime minister. as israel begins to lose global support for the war in hamas. biden tell campaign donors, quote: israel is starting to lose that support by indiscriminate bombing that takes place. we have to make sure that bye-bye understands he has to make some moves. you cannot say no palestinian state. yes, you can. here to react is k.t. mcfarland. k.t., why would he say this to fundraisers? >> fundraisers are the base of his party. that's going to be the part of the party that's probably anti-israel, maybe anti-semitic, these are the people who have historically not supported israel. that who he is going to say it behind closed doors. he can then deny it after the fact. is he not coming out yet and making a speech saying we have got a rift with israel. so, i'm not as concerned about this as i would be if there were indications that the united states was, for example, withholding intelligence cooperation with israel or withholding weapons resupply to israel. so far it's just the rhetoric and i'm not that worried about it. >> brian: is he talking about they have a disagreement. are what gaza is going to look like. and it also it doesn't seem like the president is on board with filling the tunnels up with sea water. and that's what exactly they are doing right now. >> yeah. so, this is the real rift of what happens afterwards. so far biden has stood with israel. again, with intelligence cooperation, backfilling the weapons. diplomatsly vetoing censure motions at the united states. so so far shoulder to shoulder. the question c comes what happes next? israel has done a very clever thing in their military strategy. they have taken out mid level of officers 10, 15, 20,000 level guys once they have taken out the top group nobody to fill in those jobs. in the past israel has gone into gaza or hezbollah or hamas and the palestinian territories and they have gone and kind of eliminated a few guys in the middle. but then one or two guys at the top. then what happens is everybody moves up the food chain and gets promoted up to the next. now made it so guys in the middle are gone and nobody to move up the food chain. that's why there are reports that a lot of these lower level hamas fighters are surrendering in droves. >> brian: let's talk about something else that should concern every american that is the fbi and dhs are now saying public safety could be in jeopardy this holiday season because of our support for israel during this time and the late anti-semitism exists among the terror networks. your thoughts about this because i have had more people tell me they have never seen such alarm from the fbi director and the counter terror director. >> yeah. i'm hearing the same things privately. that there is a heightened concern that it's not that they are worried about a september 11th kind of, you know, mass orchestrated attack that's going to cost millions of dollars to pull off. they are worried about the lone wolf. the one guy or a small family unit that said i'm mad at israel and i'm mad at america. america is israel. america is the great satan and israel is the little satan. let's go get them. the worry is -- those are the hardest ones, brian, to protect against. you don't see them coming. one off things, at a mall, a at a synagogue. at a school. that's why you are hearing the heightened alert and vigilance all americans should have as we go into the holiday season. >> brian: is there and do a cya. if i tell everybody and it happens. you can't say i didn't tell you. >> there is that, too. >> brian: all right. k.t. -- >> -- yeah. >> brian: thanks so much. i appreciate it. >> a pleasure. >> brian: meanwhile, let's go over to ainsley. you have the other breaking news. >> ainsley: we begin our headlines in minneapolis overnight. police arresting a man in connection with with a deadly shooting at homeless encampment that is set to be demolished. hours beforehand city officials announced they had delayed clearing the camp so everyone would have time to find the housing. homeless camp the site of numerous crimes in recent month. florida officials fining this high school for allowing a transgender student to play on the girl's volleyball team. the school violating the state's fairness in women's sports act which prohibits biologically male students from playing on girls public school teams. the school now has to pay more than $16,000 in fines. tennessee congressman tim burchted 16-minute christmas party is hailed as a huge success that's right. 1-6. a bipartisan crowd joined in on the fun yesterday. that included a brief visit from santa. and he says christmas brings everyone together in 16 minutes is all you really need. due to high demand. the party was extended by one minute after the success of last year's celebration. and those are your headlines. and now we're going to hand it over to our senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. i hope you would stay longer than 16 minutes. >> janice: have to down a lot of drinks in 16 minutes. >> steve: not a problem. >> janice: not a problem. exactly. they don't know our crowd. take look at the maps, my friends. well, it's warming up across the country and, of course, we are talking about air travel delays over 2 million folks. that's up from 140,000 last year. and you know the next couple of weeks are going to be very busy. we already have lots of delays and cancellations and not too many weather problems snow for the higher elevations of new mexico rockies up toward the colorado rockies. rain forecast for parts of oklahoma. louisiana over the next couple of days. that's going to cause some issues. not a huge storm. we do have something that's brewing this weekend. so, your highs across the country above average for much of the country and then take a look at the next seven days. area of low pressure comes out of the plain states and moves up towards the east coast and that's going to bring the potential for some big delays for the east coast on sunday through monday. if you are traveling. you want to certainly keep up to date on all the local forecast on fox will keep you posted as we get into the busiest travel holiday season of the year. back to you steve, ainsley and brian and l.j. >> steve: indeed. thank you very much. remember a couple years ago ago after they left the white house the obamas started writing books. they got a great big deal from netflix where they received millions and millions and millions of dollars and they did all sorts of stuff. one of the new movies that they have produced, executive produced and consulted on for netflix is called "leave the world behind." it's interesting. released on friday. follows two families forced to work together during a nationwide blackout. apparently it sounds like from the reporting i have seen apparently the former president read the script, thought the family was fairly close how a family would act in a crisis and how things would pan out in the real world and it sounds like he had some notes for the producers as well. >> yeah. there is one scene that is causing a lot of people online on social media to comment on x and tiktok and that kind of thing. they say it's about two families and you have a white family and an african-american family and the black couple is in bed. and this is what they say. and this is the scene that a lot of people are taking offense. to say. >> i'm not going to let anything happen to you, if that's what you are asking. >> i'm asking for you to remember that if the world falls apart, trust should not be dolled out easily to anyone. especially white people. even mom would agree with me on that. >> ainsley: libs on tiktok says they are demonizing white people. x user matt wallace called the clip, the scene racist. he said the racist clip from barack and michelle obama's clip is about to go viral. >> steve: we have not seen the movie yet. because it just came out on friday. there are some people who are saying, you know, those comments are taken out of context but nonetheless, other people are out there on the interwebs talking about how it's -- it had their eared perk up. >> i haven't seen it. i plan on watching it this weekend. but i think there is something that has been consistent with the obamas is that they want people to sea world view especially being the first black family to be in the white house. i don't know what that feels like. i have never been president of the united states. and i don't know what type of pressure they were under in that moment. but i do know what it feels like to be the first black man as a co-host on this couch. and there is different world views. different perspectives. i think the thing that concerns americans is they have had the tendency through that perspective to divide the country when there were moments where people may have had different perspective. you know yesterday. the crew we were just laughing before we came on air. there was a moment yesterday on -- when we were down stairs for the show where i made a cultural reference and no one got it. they got it because they have been around the community in the sense of, you know, playing sports. and they knew what i was talking about. but it never crossed my mind that my co-anchors were racist because they didn't know the reference. y'all just didn't know. >> ainsley: what did you say? >> i said something about the itis yesterday. i don't know what it means to just check out. itis is after have you eaten in culture where you are tired and, you know, i would have never suggested the people that we -- all our families know each other, we love on each other, y'all didn't know that somehow you were racist. and so i think there is this tendency when people have different perspectives now in america that you isolate. and you say let's not be around those people. and i think the country is tired of that type of rhetoric. >> brian: i don't know if i could add anything to that perspective. it is interesting president obama has both worlds. i mean, he was raised by his grandparents who were white. >> steve: in kansas. >> brian: he goes to college and has a different experience. so and hawaii. so, he has both -- he got a huge netflix deal. it looks like he got a great cast. i mean, is there anyone he didn't want? did you see that cast? julia roberts and ethan hawk? >> steve: i will say this before we started the show today i made a reference you had never heard of i asked chris the camera guy when was "make room for daddy on" which you had never heard of before. >> lawrence: can i never assure you i have no white people because. >> steve: generational thing. >> ainsley: how do you feel culturally everyone is different. we all were raised differently. i live up north but different cultures in the south. how do you feel when a movie does say when people feel like they are demonizing one race? is that racist if you said if it -- if the shoe were on the other foot like we shouldn't trust white people? i hate if that's true if that's how black people feel. i don't want them to feel that waway. >> lawrence: i think the statement. i didn't see the full movie but the statement on his face is discriminatory. you can't say that you -- you trust this group of people less and when i'm not on tv i'm with the military and training with my dog. one thing i appreciate is they have two missions, country and then get everybody home alive. they are saying hey the black person or hispanic person or the white person we are going to save them more. i just appreciated everybody can crack jokes and everybody can have a good time. they are just not looking at that. >> brian: all right. >> lawrence: the country as a whole wants to get there. there are certain people that kind of put gasoline on the fire. i don't know the intentions of the president and the former first lady. i'm just saying as someone that was the president of all of america, that line probably stinks to other people, you know? >> brian: still ahead on this hour. >> ainsley: nikki haley continues her rise as new hampshire governor chris sununu endorses her for president. they are going to join us live in a "fox & friends" exclusive interview fresh off the endorsement come up. >> steve: first, how to be joy ringing in a new year with a pile of credit card debt and regret after your holiday spending spree. rachel crow shares her financial tips. she is next on "fox & friends." hey, rachel. ♪ ♪ >> steve: welcome back. happening in two hours. virginia governor glenn youngkin is expected to make a major announcement. reports indicate that the washington wizards and washington capitals will leave the capital city of d.c. to play in a new venue across the river in the common wealth of virginia. todd piro joins us with more. todd? >> todd: monumental sports ceo could be looking to move his teams across the potomac despite muriel bowser's efforts to keep in d.c. new plans to renovate capital arena current home of the wizards and capitals. just yesterday see said the city taxpayers would foot the bill for the projects costing washington residents about 500 million bucks. she says, quote: this proposal represents our best and final offer and is the next step in partnering with monumental sports to breathe new life and vibrancy into the neighborhood and to keep the washington wizards and washington capitals where they belong in washington, d.c. end quote. he has completely slammed the arena claiming he pays too much for it despite capital one's reputation, the arena that is, as one of the worst in the nba and nhl. crime factors into that especially as bowser promised to clean up the area surrounding capital one arena as part of the renovations. he could be looking at 8 million square foot campus in alexandria, virginia for both teams featuring a music venue seat 3,000 next to the new arena and that could hope in 2028. glenn youngkin is holding a press conference at 9:00 a.m. eastern to discuss this proposal. steve, we will see. back over to you. >> steve: we will. and it would be safer over there todd, thank you. meanwhile, talking about making it a december to remember, a recent survey reveals that 25% of americans are still paying off their credit card debt from last christmas. here with tips you need to ring in the new year without too much debt. ramsey solutions personal finance expert, rachel cruze. rachel, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve, thanks for having me. >> you know, it's so easy to use a credit card today. but then, mid january, there's a bill, wait a minute. i don't remember that. >> yeah. and then january you usually hate the december you because you are thinking what was i thinking. scientific studies have proven that you end up spending more. and as much as 18% more. and so. >> steve: because it's painless. >> it's not your money. there is no emotion attached. even at ramsey we still like old school cash where you can spend it because you actually feel the exchange happen. because debit card is fine, too. you know money is actually coming out of your account. know the amount of money you have to spend for christmas. we may a little too late. we only have two weeks left. just being intentional and not let other people's expectations dictate your spending. >> one thing about crash and we were just talking about crime. sometimes i'm a little lehry of pulling out cash when i have been to different places. >> yeah. can i see that there is conveniences today. you have apple pay on your phone. there is ways to spend. that are convenient. you just have to be aware and have a plan. that's why i love a budget. >> steve: right. >> how are going to spend money on and dollar names next to their names and january you don't have a bill. >> steve: i have something that doesn't cost a lot of money great for children your new book i'm glad for what i have. and this is all about something that the kids don't learn much about today. it's about gratitude and contentment. >> contentment, yes. i have an 8,'6", and 4-year-old at home. >> steve: good luck. >> last year my son said when is the amazon guy coming today. i thought oh no what have i created? i want to teach them that having stuff is okay. it's not bad. it will not fulfill them the way they think it will. with toys and everything. that's the true message for adults too. great message for kids. beautiful illustrations and also a message for us as adults for contentment. >> steve: i have three children and two of the children have their own children. >> here, steve, take them for them. >> steve: thank you very much. brigitte and arthur thank you for that the thing is around the holiday time as grand parent i have to have toys for the kids. you do it once a year. >> yes, right. i think there are times to celebrate and christmas is definitely one of those. i do think we set our kids up with a high expectation of what to expect. and they are looking around and seeing what other people are getting. so, having the blinders on and doing what is best for you and your family. steve, the truth is, our kids they want us. on thanksgiving we went and roae bikes in the high school parking lot. they wants time with you as cheesy as it is. don't feel as a parent i have to get all the stuff for

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