lebanon border and the north at this hour. this as the idf now says it's expanding ground operation into gaza. we'll have a live report on the ground in southern israel in just moments. welcome to fox news live, everyone. i'm anita vogel. >> hey anita, i'm griff jenkins. more pro-palestinian protests are planned across the country. in washington, police made arrests for defacing public property and in new york city where protesters disrupted friday night rush hour. cb cotton kicks things off with us for the latest here. >> hi, griff. the ongoing conflict continues to drive protests across the country. more pro-palestinian groups and far less justice coalitions, calling for a cease-fire in our nation's capital accusing the biden administration of helping to commit genocide against palestinians, take a listen. >> every single day this government and this institution send millions of dollars to the apartheid state of israel, shame, shame, shame! >> and hundreds gathering in d.c. on friday, blocking the entrance to union station, chanting cease-fire now. and again, reports coming into our news room early this afternoon about vandalism. there, too, others yelling from the river to the sea, condemned by many calling anti-semitic. >> and some are saying we want 48, a reference to the map before united nations formed israel and new york city, traffic was gridlocked as hundreds rallied outside the new york city public library. and similar demonstrations continuing on college campuses and hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters barging onto the campus of university of michigan, demanding to speak, and calling on companies to divest helping people in israel. people there chanting things like this. >> will never be defeated. the people united will never be defeated. >> and as these pro-palestinian demonstrations continue, griff, we're watching specific groups call on their supporters to specifically boycott or picket our news organizations and businesses and griff, we saw this in new york city. griff: we did, indeed. cb kicking things off for us in new york. anita. >> hundreds of officials representing 40 government agencies sent a letter to president biden tuesday protesting the administration's israel policy. lucas tomlinson is live on the north lawn of the white house with more on this. hi lucas. >> good afternoon, anita. welcome to washington. remember when the biden administration wanted to pivot to asia, and this is focus on hamas-israeli war and hundreds focusing displeasure in the dissent letter and now former secretary of state mike pompeo writing to our colleagues at fox digital talking about this letter, saying, quote, people who serve our country in any government institution, whether in the military or the state department, swear allegiance to the united states and should commit to the mission of the president elected by the people and his administration. if they're able to do so, they should resign or face termination. pro-palestinian protests continued in the nation's capital and mounting criticism within the biden administration, hundreds of officials from 40 different departments and agencies, signed an anonymous letter demanding cease-fire, opposing. >> and this one not anonymous, from the obama and biden administration, the krac courag leadership and supporting the handling of the war and israelis. 66% of americans favor the israelis, 22% the palestinians, 8% neither. where the good news ends, the president's support on a host of other issues, including this one still underwater, the president's job approval rating and national security 40%, the israeli-hamas war 39% and guns, immigration, the economy, inflation all underwater. here is the president in san francisco earlier this week. >> the strength of our economy is driving growth and spurring investment throughout our region. >> now, president biden turns 81 on monday and if it's like last year's birthday when he turned 80, it was not well-publicized. >> a lot on his plate for his birthday. thank you, law lucas. griff: we're joined by the member of the house armed services committee christy hoolahan. thank you for joining us on a saturday and weighing in. we keep seeing the protests and i want to get to that and get your thoughts. let's dive into what lucas was reporting, multiple letters, one of anonymous of the people in the administration, condemning the administration's actions and the other supporting. what do you mike make of this? what do you make of the split, the divide, if you will? >> first of all, thank you very much for having me again. it's a pleasure to be here and this is a really, really complicated situation and there are obviously quite diverse opinions on what we should be doing right now. and it is the right of people to express their opinions, to articulate those in a safe and peaceful manner. it is also the right of people within the government to do the same. that being said, i do agree with the prior commentary that you're advising which is we serve-- all of us serve, many within the government serve at the pleasure of the president. if for whatever reason they're not on board with what the president is doing, they have options and it should be their responsibility to make sure they are aligned with what it is the administration is trying to do with a fair amount of pushback, but they make sure that they understand we're under one commander-in-chief. griff: congresswoman, are you concerned about these growing protests, we had large one on the mall, i covered it. and pro-palestinian and i was covering the one that got violent in front of the dnc. i spoke to one of the protesters that was late wednesday night outside the dnc where it got violent, and i asked her specifically about why they're doing this and she basically said that so many democrats are out of touch with the party's wishes. listen here, i want to play it for you and get your reaction. >> we call our congress people. we have come to their office as constituents and tried to ask them to do what 80% of their base is asking for and call for a cease-fire. they're not listening. griff: does 80% of the democratic base support a cease-fire in your opinion? >> i don't believe that that is the case, to be really honest. when we're in our offices we certainly are used to having constituents reach out to us and we appreciate that, with their opinions, usually the opinions go one way or the other. people don't usually call you when they're happy with what it is you're doing. it's hard for us to ascertain what the percentage is. and importantly, i serve all of the people in my district, serve in a district 40% republican, 40% democrat, and independents. and i try to do the best i can to try to articulate the opinion and ideas to washington and to the leadership. but also, just as importantly, it's my responsibility to lead in reverse as well, to tell people what i'm learning, what i know about what's going on and help to educate them what's going on in the global environment so we can all be hopefully as unified as possible during this really very difficult time. griff: based on what you know, are you calling for a cease-fire? >> no, at this point in time, very importantly, it is very much the responsibility israel to protect and defend its sovereignty. it's also the responsibility of israel to make sure that they're doing that under the laws of war. i have certainly called for that. i have also called for strategic pauses and humanitarian pauses and i believe that's appropriate, but we also want to make sure that we are understanding that hamas is a very vile and violent terrorist organization that absolutely needs to be taken out of power in the gaza area. and so, i believe that that can be done, should be done, but i also know that it needs very much to be done with respect to the internationally established law of war. griff: some of your colleagues, notably those in the so-called squad, rashida tlaib, alexandria ocasio-cortez and ilhan omar, and some are reporting that progressive democrats like the squad have gone to your minority leader jeffries and asking for some help in countering apac, the largest israeli lobby in the u.s., that is trying to get pro-israel democrats in the primary to challenge them. what do you make of that? >> so, it's really important that when we're having these conversations that people like us who are in positions like ours, members of congress, lead with humanity, with civility and decency and we lead with the interest of trying to unify our communities. so i think it's important when i listen to rhetoric from either side going on that i ask questions, that i seek unity and harmony and i understand that rashida and ilhan and those folks have different life experiences than i do or many in my communities do and i'd like to ask questions, and ask faith leaders in my community figuring out how to keep people together. thankfully in my community we have been trying to speak across the faiths and it's important. because if we don't have civil and decent conversations then we-- it's hopeless. i think that that's what's important right now. very evil forces, frankly, are trying to divide us, very, very evil forces and we need to be listening to each other. griff: congresswoman, i just want to point out for our viewers, you're seeing on the screen there, those are live rockets in gaza. in the last 20 seconds or so i've got here, ask you a question, you talk about unity as we watch rockets over gaza and you have a very big division with progressives in your party. do democrats have a problem in the house come next november over this issue? >> i think that democrats have demonstrated their humanity, their civility and their decency and i think this is a complicated issue and there are many, many people who-- there's more than enough sorrow going around right now. what we are trying to do is make sure that the hostages are freed, we're trying to make sure that the palestinian people are safe, that the israeli people are safe as well. and those are not, i think, complex issues. i think those are the values of the democratic party. griff: congresswoman krissy houlahan. thank you. as we take a look at rockets and flares, in israel. thank you very much. >> thank you for having me. >> griff, the idf says it's expanding its ground operation in gaza as the situation at al-shifa hospital has deteriorated. our trey yingst has the latest on this. >> good afternoon. israeli forces continue to push deeper into the gaza strip today. we're following reports of a school that was hit earlier with many palestinian civilians sheltering there. we're waiting still from a comment from the israeli military to determine the exact source of this strike, but it's one of the developments taking place out of gaza today. it comes as the israeli released video of hamas striking positions across the strip and trying to use their air force and artillery units across the border and infantry troops that say they're operating in an area of gaza, an indicating going from the mediterranean sea on the western side and pushing eastward as they work their way block by block and street by street, a lot of difficult battles for the israelis. just tonight released a new number saying 57 israeli troops have been killed since the ground operation began three weeks ago. now, inside gaza, the focus remains often on the al-shifa hospital at the heart of gaza city where there are hundreds of palestinian civilians sheltering in place there. the israeli continue to look for hamas infrastructure, but have not yet released any evidence to support that headquarters is at the hospital. this comes as on the northern front, israeli forces are pushing back against hezbollah strikes. as many as 25 rockets were fired into northern israel. the israelis responding with artillery and air strikes against hezbollah positions. as hezbollah climbs the ladder. you can see on the map, 6 1 strikes against the u.s. interests, and a concern on the ground in the north and south of israel could expand to a much broader regional conflict. >> trey yingst live for us in israel. thank you for that report. for more on this, we're joined now by nathan sales, the former ambassador at large and coordinator for counterterrorism in the trump administration. nathan, thank you so much, mr. ambassador, i should say, thank you for joining us today. great to have you on the set. >> thank you, anita, for being here. >> we've watched trey's report at the hospital and a lot of tension on that. although they're looking, they haven't found yet it's been used as a headquarters. they found ammunition, military supplies, hamas paraphernalia. we haven't seen any evidence of tunnels or used as a headquarters. what are we to make of that? >> we need to stay tuned. we know for a fact that hamas fighters are there, why are there so many rpg's and other weapons? the israeli intelligence services said that hamas is using this facility as a command center in the tunnels underneath and we've had confirmation from the u.s. intelligence community. president biden said we know with a level of certainty that hamas is using this facility illegally under the laws of war, it's a war crime to take a protected structure like a hospital and militarize it. the president has said and the military community said we know they're there. we need to be patient as observers and wait and see. israel can't pull back the curtain all at once because it doesn't have full control over the facility. let's see what happens in the coming days. >> if the united states has intelligence that this exists there, are we sharing with israel so they can better find what they're looking for? >> one would hope. we know that the counterterrorism and intelligence and military cooperation between the united states and israel is second to none. they have incredible and exquisite capabilities and we do, too. over the years we've built a strong partnership involving the sharing of information, sharing of expertise so my hope is that whatever resources the united states has, we're making that fully available to the israelis so they can win this war and also, do it as quickly as possible. the quicker this war is over, the better it is going to be for palestinian civilians. >> for everyone. just want to bring our viewers to attention on the screen, those were live flares over gaza, so, of course, there it is, 43 days into the war still, lots of activity there. i want to ask you about the hostages. still over 200 people missing, i think 246 is the number. we keep hearing that there is a deal in the works. the egyptians, the qataris, the united states, they are talking. what can you share what you know? >> this is probably the most heartbreaking part of the past six weeks, a six weeks filled with images. there are children, babies being kept under the tunnels. today is the 9th birthday of a girl aviva. and a boy, 10 months, can you imagine that, 10 months. >> no, i cannot. >> and the talks are going at an advanced state it, seems. we don't know what the sticking points are. it may be, we've heard chatter that hamas is releasing israel's call to release children, the women. hamas sees the children, the babies as pawns, it's valuable for hamas to have these precious and vulnerable children because they know what it does to people like you and me, and it turns our stomachs, and that's exactly the card that hamas is trying to play here. >> i have about 10 seconds left. if you had to guess, would you say that any hostages will be home by christmas, especially the american hostages? >> god willing, but it's pardon to say. we know at that israeli forces have found the bodies of hostages taken into gaza, and that the hamas probably killed them there. and my hope is that they find a solution so they can come home. >> we all hope that. >> ambassador sales, thank you. griff. griff: anita, calls to ban tik tok are reigniting after osama bin laden letter to america justifying the 9/11 attacks went viral on the app this week. the social media giant removed the hashtag letter to america from search function after some users posted videos expressing sympathy towards or praising the mastermind behind the deadliest terror attack on u.s. soil. alexandria hoff has the latest. >> yeah, the videos promoting the letter are easy to find. it's poses like a clothing ad or review. some say it's an existential crisis. >> i need to stop what you're doing and go read a letter to america, it's literally the craziest thing i've reads in a while, while i can't say i'm surprised. i'm pretty shock. >> this isn't an argument for bin laden, but he had some good points. >> he could have left some out of it, but the rest of it, you know, he was eating. >> when say they eating, they've done something welcome. this is amplifying the gear that the chinese are coaching, and they met with people denying pro-palestinian content, and it's reignited call to ban the app. >> the idea that bin laden was, that israel was the great satan and what china wants them to believe and iran wants this they believe. >> and one went viral for promoting the letter. lynn is a pro-palestinian activist who share this. i did not share the letter to promote hate or violence against anyone nor do i agree with extremism, i'm shocked by what i read and wanted to have a conversation about it with my followers and said that tik tok banned her account. >> alexandria hoff live for us in washington. thank you. >> well, griff, ex-chairman elon musk is criticized for his endorsement of a recent tweet that several activists and lawmakers are calling anti-semitic, it's said to be part of a conspiracy theory that inspired the pittsburgh synagogue shooter. and some called it unacceptable and several major advertisers says they'll cut their spending on the x platform. griff: iceland officials rush to protect a power plant from an impending volcanic eruption. what? 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>> anita, it's the first time in 50 years a volcanic eruption could be impacting. grindavik was evacuated and it has a sign acrossed through the name of the town and the famous blue lagoon tourist attraction, indicating nobody can go past here except for search and rescue and construction vehicles. over the last week, there has been thousands, literally thousands of earthquakes, very small, but enough to crack open the earth in some cases and damage buildings, and roads and infrastructure in grindavik. we have spoken with some residents who have been allowed to go back to pick up personal belongings and this is what they have to say about it all. >> i was on the other side for five hours, just to go home to get some stuff from the house and i'm not sure about the town. it looks awful, to go there and see everything. >> iceland is now building trenches and a wall to protect a geo thermal electric plant near grindavik and the blue lagoon area from possible lava once this eruption, if this eruption happens. there's a 10-mile long tunnel underneath the town of grindavik and this area that's figure up with a magna. the question, where will that eruption happen and how much lava will come out if it does happen. >> well, the intensity is really not-- what happens, we have more small earthquakes, so what has lessened is the size of the earthquakes, but the intensity is still high, so, the outlook is rather bleak, in my opinion. >> so about a thousand earthquakes since midnight. the seismic activity is continuing, which means even though the magna has not inched closer to the surface over the last couple of days, they think there's a high probability of eruption still here. so we're keeping our eyes on it. here from grindavik. >> scary for the residents. bryan, are you feeling the earthquakes? a thousand overnight you said? >> yeah, it's a great question, we are not feeling them which gives awe idea how small they are. they're about a magnitude one. so we're not feeling the earthquakes, but indicative of a lot going beneath the surface. it's a matter of when and where according to the scientists, but looks like most likely point of eruption is about 60 miles north of grindavik which would be good news for the town, but with mother nature we don't know. they expect it to be a lava and gas event not so much a smoke event. anita: we'll keep our eyes on that. bryan, thank you for that report. appreciate it, griff. griff: anita, when we come back, new data from customs and border protection revealing the number of chinese and iranian national encounters at the u.s. southern border this fiscal year. that's next. j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app. >> tech: cracked windshield on your new car? 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>> you're right, former president trump is going to have a huge turnout when he shows up at dodge later today. the largest turnout in any of the political events in iowa the last few days, however, the former president is not running the traditional campaign and we've seen with the caucus, skipped some high profile events. the latest fox news survey showing the former president dominating among g.o.p. primary voters and his support up three points since last month. florida governor ron desantis, and haley numbers are going up. she was here in iowa for a thanksgiving table discussion about the issues impacting evangelical voters and told the crowd while sitting next to two of her rivals, she's ready to give america a fresh straight. >> the way you have to do that, have a new generational leader, we're got to leave the negativity and baggage behind us. and ron desantis is in campaigning with iowa governor kim reynolds and she recently endorsed his campaign. and asked on a one-on-one interview whether it's going to make any difference in this state. >> i think she's universally respected, but it's not so much that she endorsed, but why did she do it. we now have advertising talking about why she did it. >> desantis has been playing up that endorsement in recent days and launching a new ad specifically mentioning the governor and getting some of those in the faith community, after tim scott dropped out. he dropped out last sunday and the faith leaders have to decide who they're going to support. an hour and a half outside of des moines it's clear that the trump supporters are coming out in large numbers and he'll have quite a few people to speak to when he arrives two hours from now. anita: no doubt and the field is getting smaller and it's going to get more and more interesting. mark meredith live on the ground in iowa. thank you, mark. griff: we're getting brand new numbers from the southwest border. cvp sources telling fox since the new fiscal year began on october 1st, they've encountered more than 6500 chinese nationals. you can see here on the list, it's including over 1500 uzbeks, and iranians, these are the ones that we know about. in october, 1,000 known gotaways. and that the border gotaways are a source of great concern for the agency. >> our most immediate concern that individuals or small groups will draw twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out attacks here at home. we cannot and do not discount the possibility that hamas or another foreign terrorist organization may exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil. griff: joining us now for more on the border crisis, much rodney scott. i've been talking with you, chief, since the day you retired. when you retired, you were saying then, some two years ago, that you were concerned about a national security crisis at our border, not just a humanitarian crisis, which we see playing out every day. and now you have the head of the fbi constantly reminding the american people that there is a concern here and you can't separate the openness of the border from that concern. your thoughts? >> thank you for having me on again, griff, and that background. telling as he was sitting right next to the secretary of dhs, mayorkas, who continues to deflect, wray went on to remind the numbers not just encounters, but the gotaways at the southwest border. it only took 19 to pull off the 9/11 terrorist attacks. the threat is there and we have intelligence going back to before 9/11 and even more so after 9/11, that terrorist organizations were going to try to exploit vulnerabilities in between the ports of entry because they knew we were tightening up our security at the ports of entry and that's really what we're working on right until biden took office and then biden undid everything that the prior administration had put in place and created this crisis. but the numbers you highlighted at the beginning, you know, i don't know what numbers are going to wake america up right now, but the fact that these different nationalities are involved and now there's well over 170 different nationalities, it's overwhelming border patrol and the threats are real. we really need to secure our border. griff: we do. let me ask you, chief. when you began your career way back, was there 170 different nationalities coming across in these kind of numbers? >> absolutely not. early in my career, in the '90s, we've talked about this before. the border was out of control, san diego and el paso, but in between the ports of entry in more remote areas we really didn't have a lot of traffic and it was primarily people from mexico coming across to-- for whatever reasons, but primarily economic reasons. and then the second wave or the second highest numbers were latin america. but what we called back then exotics, just by the definition of the word was any countries outside of the western hemisphere. and now they're overwhelming border patrol and people don't understand how hard it is to process them, there's no background information available on them and that's the other thing that director wray kept hitting on. i'm surprised he still has a job, he undercut the dhs secretary a lot in that hearing, he said flat-out. having people come into this country that we really don't know anything about and having them released into this country is a significant concern to the joint terrorism task forces across the entire country. that should be a wake-up call and that's from somebody even in this administration. griff: should be a wake-up call indeed. we'll see if the house republicans do ultimately succeed in impeaching secretary mayorkas. in the last minute i have here, chief. i want to highlight a tragedy this week on november 14th end of watch in douglas arizona for border patrol agent freddy ortiz who is out there day in, day out, working along the men and women in protecting the country. the chief tucson secretary where agent ortiz worked said this among other things, if we put it on the screen for you, saying that ortiz's on duty death on an atv when it crashed, he died on impact, is a tragedy and a stark reminder of the dangerous nature of our mission. i want to give you an opportunity to weigh in. >> so my thoughts and prayers go out to the ortiz family and united states border patrol. i want to remind everybody, especially watching any media other than fox. a lot of mainstream media showing going on at the border as a humanitarian, economic issue. freddy ortiz were chasing people trying to get away from him in the united states, trying to avoid law enforcement, the known gotaways that we're talking about, but a lot of other gotaways that we don't see. the threats are real. there's no negative to a secure border. the chaos that biden created not only does it kill more migrants and more americans with the fentanyl and everything else, it's a direct threat to the border patrol and cvp officers. we need to secure the border and reestablish law and order along our southwest border and end this chaos that's killing so many. griff: and agents i talk to say what they want right now more than anything isn't manpower or resources, they want policy change to try and get this under control. chief rodney scott, thank you so much for your time and our thoughts and prayers go out to agent freddy ortiz and family and friends. chief, thank you very much. >> thank you, griff. griff: anita. anita: well, as more americans say they're concerned over inflation and high prices, starbucks faces the largest strike in its history as employees say the company is not living up to its ideals. >> customers don't know that there's even a union, don't know the workers are standing up and they believe, like i did, that starbucks is a progressive company and standing up for the environment and people and justice and the reality is, they're not at all. this is a tempur-pedic mattress and it's designed to help make aches and pains a thing of the past by relieving pressure points and supporting your body in a way no other mattress can. for a limited time, save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic adjustable mattress sets. >> welcome back. thousands of starbucks workers staged walkouts at over 200 locations of the popular coffee chain this week calling for better working conditions, the workers united union chose the annual red cup day, one of the busiest days of the year as they give away reusable cups for holiday drink orders. for more on this, we're joined by madison ventures plus, managing director mitch roschelle. mitch, say it isn't so. i think there were a lot of unhappy people who showed up to starbucks for their regular cup of coffee and didn't get it. not only didn't get a red cup, but maybe didn't get their coffee because they didn't have enough workers. what was the big gripe here? >> well, i think the big gripe is the progressive ideology over a company that probably cares more about their workers than arguably most companies do. they want higher wages, but the average wage of a barista is about $18 an hour, which is above, you know, the $15 floor that people think is, you know, a living wage for an hourly worker. and you get 100% tuition reimbursement if you work for starbucks so i'm at a loss to figure out what more the workers want from the company. anita: well, the tuition reimbursement is a perk there. they had some complaints. maybe the economy isn't working so well for them. i want to take a look at polls on the economy. let's take a look at this one. the first one asking people if they see any signs the economy has started to turn around. and look at this, 67% of the people say no. now, that's down a little bit from a few months ago, but still, people are very concerned about the economy. let's put up one more. this one asking if people are concerned about inflation. look at that, 89% say yes. now, that's down just a little bit from september, but 89% is a huge number. and finally, let's look at-- take a look at a poll that talks about condition of the economy. 20%, only 20% of those polled say the economy is in excellent or good shape. mitch, what accounts for these paltry numbers? >> let's start in reverse, the 20% who said it's in good condition clearly work for the dnc or the west wing. the polls speak volumes about how people left, right and center feel about the economy. right now we're going into the holiday season. americans have gotten through this inflation cycle by loading up on credit card debt and inflation, while the picture is improving, okay, inflation hasn't gotten that much better because inflation is-- since inflation reared its ugly head prices are up 20%. they haven't fallen by 20%. so the question you opened the segment with, you know, workers, workers salaries haven't gone up 20% so people know they're behind and that's what the polls reflect. >> yeah, real quick in the 30 seconds we have left here. do you expect this picture to improve before election day? because it always seems to improve right before the incumbent party is up for reelection? >> i think it's improving on the margin, you know, so the 89% was 91%, i think, two months ago when the poll was taken and inflation is still higher than the fed's target. so, i don't see inflation going away. and in fact, the only reason why things are getting better is because the fed's policy of making interest rates higher is working a little bit, but the goal of the fed is to slow down the economy, which could end up coming to a halt and that recession we were talking about could show up in time for the elections. >> oh, boy, that will be interesting. mitch roschelle, thank you for interpreting the numbers for us, have a good day. >> you bet, have a good day, anita. griff: and nations airports could have a test, and remains plagued with delays and cancellations, we've got all of that coming up next. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. 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(vo) visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. >> triple-a expects 55 million americans to travel over the thanksgiving week holiday. with millions travelling by plane. dana marine mc nichol is there. >> i can tell you the start of the travel rush is here. it's calm although it goes in wave. airport officials tell us passengers need to arrive at least two and a half hours before their flight. it may seem excessive, but tsa expect to screen over 30 million passengers over the holiday, making it the busiest ever. here at atlanta international airport, some are flying early to avoid next week's crowd. the busiest days to fly tuesday and wednesday of next week and sunday after thanksgiving. tsa says 2.9 million passengers could pass through security check points, from the skyways to highways, the worst time mid day thanksgiving and then friday afternoon. we have some good news for drivers out there, gas prices are about 40 cents cheaper than they were last year. griff: all right, danamarie, thank you very much. we'll come up and hear live from israel. the hunter biden investigation is heating up. we've got that coming up. personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. wow... we can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ahh, -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein 30 grams protein, one gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients for immune health. 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