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todd: we begin our final hour of "fox & friends" with a fox news alert. moments ago egyptian officials say they received a list of 13 israelis to be released today. jake sullivan said there is reason to believe at least one american is expected to be part of today's planned hostage release. rachel: this comes on the heels of 13 israelis including four children being freed yesterday evening bringing the total so far to 26. joey: alex hogan is live in jerusalem. she has the latest. alex. >> reporter: good morning. it is officially 4:00 p.m. local time, meaning we could start to see the release of more hostages from now, moving forward throughout the day and while we do expect potentially to see one american citizen among those, we will continue to wait and monitor all of these changes but we're also seeing more footage come you out of the reunions of these family members many take a look at this video, 9-year-old emily, an irish and israeli citizen, her father initially thought she had been killed before finding out she was taken hostage. like the boy released the day before, she celebrated her ninth birth die while held hostage. in exchange, israel released another 3 39 palestinian prisons in exchange for 13 israeli hostages, celebrations broke out to welcome these people home, people lined up in the streets, israelis threw watch parties and today the question is will americans be released today. this is what joe biden's administration had to say. quote, we're disappointed we haven't seen americans on the list yet but we're hopeful for the next couple days, we're hopeful we can keep a pause in place and exchange in place because we want all of the house hostages out. had in terms of the health of the hostages, doctors say it's been overall a much more positive response than what they initially had expected with the first two hostages today officially now leaving the hospital. israel also says that it's releasing a list of hamas commanders who were killed before the cease fire saying the idf put enough pressure on hamas that this cease fire needed to happen to give them some relief, according to the idf. take a listen to this sound bite. >> we wouldn't be in a state where hamas was releasing anybody if it wasn't for the military might of the idf and pressure we induced on hamas in thereafter seven weeks, they wouldn't have having to n motive them to hand over anybody. >> reporter: we are hearing more conversations of the cease fire being prolonged, israel saying it's something they're willing to do as hostages are released. this is getting a lot of pressure from the government of whether or not that will happen and a lot of pressure from the families too, demanding that to happen. joey. joey: thanks, alex. let's bring in fox news contributor katie pavlich to give reaction to this and other topics for today. katie, when we look at this-a- >> good morning. joey: the first thing i want to know, did the u.s. have to offer anything to get an american on this list? i know that's problem he bring going into the weeds of conspiracy but it really is odd that no americans were released and now one is being added to the list after a couple of days, potentially one, after a couple of days of that kind of being a headline. >> well, let's go back to last week when the biden white house released a video featuring spokesperson for the national security council, john kirby, essentially bragging about the fact that they got this cease fire and hostage deal done. now we're on day three of four of this cease fire when hamas is supposed to be releasing hostages every day in exchange for violent prisoner whose were accused and convicted of potentially murder in israel and we haven't seen a single american release yet. jake sullivan did say he hopes there will be one american on the list. egypt allegedly has the name of who that american will be. president biden is being a little aloof. yesterday he is shown in and out of shops in nantucket, reporters shouting questions about whether american hostages will be released and his answer is i hope there's good news soon and hope is not necessarily a strategy especially in situations like this. i will i also add that yesterday hamas delayed the release of hostages and has broken their end of the deal as hostages are taken out of the gaza strip, they're harassed with rocks thrown at them. they're failing to uphold their end of the deal in the sense they're not supposed to separate women from their children who are held in gaza. they've done that as well. so the psychological war fare is on full speed here and the biden administration, president biden himself hasn't been as forceful publicly as maybe he was earlier in the week with the victory lap on the video saying we're happy the cease fire has occurred. rachel: yeah. i mean, i'm just so surprised that they're not doing more. if nothing else, because they're being accused all the time, the biden administration, of being weak, they've been criticized for the money they gave for the hostages in iran had that perhaps that fueled this incident and gave money to hamas. so it just seems to me politically that they would put everything into it and they've come out so -- i mean, y truly empty handed in so many ways, katie. >> politically you've seen a little bit of a shift in terms of the language that we've seen. we saw for weeks on end to their credit the white house saying any kind of cease fire would only benefit hamas when you had the president speak on friday, he changed his language a little saying a cease fire was a good thing of course for hostage releases but you've seen this fraction in the democratic party, you've seen pro-hamas rallies happening all over the country, violence breaking out, american and israeli flags being burned and ripped out of the streets new york city an elsewhere and that pressure is something they're looking at in terms of the politics here which is really unfortunate given how high the stakes are for americans who are still being held by terrorist group in the gaza strip. todd: kaye yo -- katie, in new york city, there's a horrific incident where a teacher had to flee for her life. think about that, just for showing support for israel. mayor adams writing this statement on x, the vile show of anticipate semitism was motivated by ignorance fueled hatred and will not be tolerated in any of our schools let alone in our city. we are better than this. here's a quote from the teacher who was chased. i have been a teacher for 23 years in the new york city public school system for the last seven at hill crest. i worked hard to be supportive of our student body and advocate for our community and was shake to my core for the calls of violence against me that occurred last week. your reaction to the latest act of anti-semitism in a heavily jewish city like new york sigh and then the follow-up is, where are the democrat jewish leaders like chuck schumer in response to this? >> well, it's absolutely horrific that she was being chased by a mob and had to barricade herself inside of a classroom. we've seen this also on college campuses. rachel: exactly. >> had people had to hide in attics. it's not a good reference to what we've seen throughout the course of history here and we have a new generation and we saw this previously with the black lives matter riots that we saw raging through american streets, that they think that violence is the answer and that violence and a mob mentality is completely justified so long as you're fighting against the resistance or colonizers, here's a teacher who dedicated her life to making sure students have a future, teaching them how to learn and how to think critically and they wanted to essentially -- i don't know what their intentions were. when you're barricaded inside a classroom, have you to fear for your life and i assume she can't go back to that classroom as a result of what happened and you have to look at the indock cry nation, ideology, tiktok destroyed an entire generation and the facts surrounding these cases of morality and you should be able to go to a rally or stand for israel without getting mobbed and barricaded inside your own school fea fearing forr life. rachel: riley gates, a few months ago she was fearing for her life in a university where she went to speak up for women's rights in sports and she was barricaded into a room. ben shapiro, charlie kirk, candace owens, i wouldn't doubt if you went to a college campus something would happen to you or me. and i bet in that school if there was a student or teacher wearing a mag a g-2 -- maga hat, something to happen to them. this is so much bigger. it's really as you said, those people on the left who feel they have this moral superiority, that they are in the right, a that they have social justice is on their side, the arc of history is on their side, they feel they have a right to shut other people down and it's veering into violence, threats of violence, it's a very dangerous time. >> they've gotten away with it. there are no consequences for the mob-like behavior and a vie license which we've seen, the double standard of justice and of course it's going to differcontinueand now we're seeh anti-semitism all over the country with teachers, students, people who can't go to place ocs ofworship in a safe manner y it's spiraled out of control. rachel: jewish americans are joining conservative americans on what it feels like to be on college campuses, element schools and high schools. thank you, katie. so great having you on always my arizona friend. >> thanks, rachel. see you soon. thanks. todd: we had a great interview you did earlier on this sad tiktok video, a viral video posted by a pennsylvania mom, registered nurse, talking about how difficult it is to survive in joe biden's economy right now. let's take a look at the tiktok video and get into more of your interview with this young lady. watch. >> i feel like my husband and i are doing everything right. we both have good jobs. i'm a nurse. i'm a registered nurse. i work full-time. he works full-time. we just got paid this past friday, right? we paid the mortgage. bought some groceries. put some gas in the car. and guys, it is tuesday. we have like 2 or $300 so last until next friday. todd: that's a story you hear over and over and over again. the last three years. and th -- let's go to what her b is. she helps people. she helps people to live. she is a registered nurse. rachel: there's four jobs between she and her husband had. she's a nurse, he's a personal trainer and security guard and they both clean an office building once a week. they're not asking for a handout. they're wondering what's happening to this country that you can have a family with four jobs and they're still struggling to make ends meet. something is going on. she admitted to that in the interview. >> i'm just glad that my voice was unintentionally empowering to people to seek out and say me too, and you know share that we're all in the same situation with the economy and the price of groceries and gas and just the struggle of middle class america where we're working our butts off and we feel like we have nothing to show for it. prior to covid i was working as a correctional officer at one of the state prisons and we did not struggle as much as we do now and i make more than i did then now. joey: that last part there, she answered in response to your question basically has it always been this way for you, has it gotten worse lately and oddly enough she said at one point in the interview, when she was in school and he was working full-time it seemed like things were better but i want to go back -- rachel: what changed, joey? what changed? joey: i tell you what changed. i wrote it down right here. she said it in the tiktok video. paid the mortgage, bought some groceries, put ghast the car. she didn't go -- put gas in the car. she didn't go beyond that. that's three areas of the economy that joe biden does not have a good answer for. hold him accountable for what he can do, what he has done, what he will or won't do to fix it if reelected. she didn't want to get political. but this is the pol policies ane talking points, the issues that are facing like she said the majority of americans. rachel: she said i don't want to get political. most people are saying i feel you. i'm going through the same thing. i think it was very brave of her to put this on. you're absolutely right. these are direct policies from the biden administration. your gas prices are higher because of his war on american energy and his obsession with -- his donors' obsession and his obsession with green energy. the groceries are more expensive because we keep printing and spending money as a government and that's also increasing inflation. your mortgage rates are going up as well. everything is getting more expensive and these things were not like this just three years ago. this is the problem i think that joe biden's going to have with thistle ebbing. it wasn't -- this election. it wasn't 10 years ago that times were good. it was three, four years ago and people remember. todd: i'm so glad you said the word donor. the democrat donor class, are they feeling economic impacts of this? no, they actually make money when the interest rates are high and everybody else is suffering because they can't afford a mortgage. okay? but they're telling everybody oh, no, you should feel great because inflation has gone down. one iota. nobody is feeling in the real world the impact of that minor drop in inflation. i made the example earlier, if gas has gone up 50% and goes down 2, gas is still up 48%. rachel: that's right. todd: you're still feeling that. so yes, don't listen to what they're feeding you like you should be feeling better right now. no, you shouldn't. inflation is still ridiculously high to afford the basic necessities and that is wrong. rachel: that's why we have the tiktok videos coming up and they're all over instagram as well, people are so desperate that they're doing -- resorting to this to vent and find some solace in these hard times. joey: people choose to use tiktok and they put videos out there, that's not endorsement of the platform that's where people are. that's where they're voicing their opinions and concerns. she put it out there and i'm glad we found it. todd: during your headlines an investigation underway after a police officer was shot several times in chicago overnight. unclear what condition the officer's in after he was taken to the hospital. police believe a maroon suv found near the crime scene could be involved. police still searching for a suspect. shoppers, maybe you're one of them, spent nearly $10 billion online this black friday. it's the most ever according to abob analytics -- adobe analytics. spending was 7 and-a-half percent from last year. it's coming from consumers using phones and tablets. inflation is top of mind of shoppers who used buy now, pay later plans to help the strain on their wallets. are you ready for this? this will be amazing, the prime time debate, gavin newsom facing a off against florida governor ron desantis this thursday on hand at this. -- hannity. should i have said presidential candidate gavin newsom? desantis explaining why the debate matters on a nation ma nail scale. >> he is running a shadow campaign, even people in his own party are saying that. the stakes are really high for america. he is looming to potentially run for the democrats so we've got to be ready for that. todd: so ron agrees with me. i should have said and potential presidential candidate gavin newsom. watch the debate this thursday at 9:00 p.m. eastern. that's going to be great. i mean, i think, one, it's going to be great because it's going to be great tv. on the issues you'll see opposed views and leave it up to the american people to decide which one they like. rachel: where do you want to live, california or florida? joey: on one side you have a candidate that's done really good on policy for a lot of americans but struggled with messages. on the other side you have a candidate who told everybody i did it because i did it and that's why i did or something like that. rachel: he decided if chinese come we can clean up the streets. >> his presentation works for some reason. rachel: he's so good looking and rolls his sleeves up. i said this before. it does count for something. joey: anyway, coming up, back to our top sorry, families of hamas hostages including our next guest desperately await new about their possible release. and more than two dozen are freed by the terror group. our coverage continues, next beer for these holiday deals. that's why we've made black friday bigger and better with golden gable deals. for one week, discover the best savings of the year for your home. can we get real clear about life with psoriasis? 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where are the israeli people in terms of getting all of the hostages out and the delays that have been happening, the deals that are being made, and sort of making that a priority? because there's a lot of controversy. we've had generals on who say, well, getting the hostages and the cease fire is allowing hamas to regroup. the families of course saying the hostages and their lives need to be the priority. what's going on? how is that being debated in israel? >> whats is going on in israel are we're getting some solutions, also political, and also military solutions. i'm not a political guy. i'm not a military. i think they're doing the best, they need to take all hostages out. they assure us, this is the priority, take the hostages out. if we need to go inside again and to do the next step for the war, i think they should do it. this is my opinion. but i don't want any war. we need to stop this war. the hamas, isis, started this war on us on october 7th. i believe in the government. i know they are doing the best they can by negotiation but the policies such as usa, such as qatar, such as egypt, and they're doing the best they can. the negotiation will continue, i believe this is the first step to take the hostages out. they need to the take care of all of them and to take them out. joey: i know that as a father, i have a 14-year-old son myself and i can't put myself in your shoes because i just -- i haven't experienced that but just know he that we're praying for your son's return as quick as possible. i know it's probably difficult right now but tomorrow's a new day and so we hope and pray that your son gets home safe. >> i appreciate it. yes, we are very hopeful. we are full of faith. the release has givens us all strength. we are all strong and we're waiting for my son. he is a strong guy. he probably is in a difficult situation. i can't imagine it. you can't imagine not to see your son for one day or if it's not -- maybe he's not on his mobile so this is 51 days. i miss my son a lot. i'm waiting for him. he's a manager of a restaurant. usually he comes at night so i'm waiting for him at night and now it's difficult. other nights are longer and longer. joey: thank you for sharing your store youly. rachel: thank you so much. more "fox & friends" ahead. >> thank you. my dad believed in hard work, and the farm was the perfect place to learn grit, determination and problem solving. we're taking that passion and channeling it through our farm to home bedding bath, and apparel at red land cotton. we grow cotton in the rich red earth of north alabama. and we want our products to be made here in the usa, from the seed in the ground to the final stitch. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20 rachel: fans in south carolina giving former president trump a rock star welcome yesterday at the clemson south carolina football game. to.todd: nikki haley attended n her home state. joey: the bottom line co-host sean duffy joins us you now. if you went back to youral ma matter would you get a welcome similar to that. >> this is unique to donald trump. all of the stands, the stadium is going wild for him and that's under the backdrop of democrats, liberals in the media and all of government trying to take donald trump out for the last six, eight years, whether it's russia collusion, two impeachment, now 94 prosecutions against him. and the guy's still standing. these guys are losing their mind. they're like we threw everything at donald trump. the kids are amazing. they're going nuts for trump. there's other footage of him walking through the stadium and mobs of people just trying to get their picture with him, get video of him. that's the testament to how bad i think joe biden has done, how far off base democrats are and what an opening it is for donald trump and republicans to win the younger voters. rachel: no question about it. again, what else could they do? to donald trump, i mean, what else can happen? what is going to happen with these prosecutions? how could they possibly affect the election? >> i think they're shocked that all that's been thrown at him that he's still number one in the polls, and beating joe biden in the six key battleground states. the one last thing is does donald trump get convicted of a crime and do they sentence him to jail? that's one thing we haven't seen that. it could make him go up in the polls, it could tank him. we don't know. that's what they're going to try to do, convict him, send him to jail. todd: even if there are aappeals and there will be appeals because the legal basis is baseless, he'll still be in jail if they put him in jail while they're being appealed. >> you can stay the sentence while they're being appealed. todd: do you think they'll stay the sentence in new york state? >> the problem is, could donald trump pardon himself. he could only pardon himself for the federal charges. the state charges, he can't pardon himself for. the governor can but he can't. maybe in georgia gets pardoned, not in new york. they'll send him to prison. joey: part of this is, hair talk about these cases lasting until after the election. is that good or bad for donald trump? >> well, so we already see it right now, we see the charges, we see the trial dates set. so the only thing that changes or upsets the apple cart is if there is a trial and he is convicted and then there is a sentence. that's what changes the dynamics. so some of the trails are set right in the middle of primary season. rachel: on purpose. when you walked in here, you were upset because you said we did that story on the kids chasing after the teacher and you said but you forgot this. this was a story about kids in a high school here in new york, they had a teacher who was -- they found out through facebook had been at a pro-israel rally and the teacher had to barricade herself in her classroom because students were planning -- i don't know what they were planning to do to her but they were about to attack her. >> the kids formed a mob on social media and ran her don. she had to barricade herself in her room. the point with this, we used to teach our young people that there's a difference of opinion, that there's free speech, that we debate, we argue but we don't beat each other up. that message is gone. you see kids what that see someone they disagree with and they want to chase them down and beat them up. what the hell has happened in america where that's what our kids believe? it's a testament to the degradation of the thought process in our youth. joey: if you want to know more about you have to say, i think you'll be hosting sunday morning futures. >> i am. we have a great show, we have congressman mike gallagher. we're going to talk about the secret chinese lab. his committee investigated it. we also have congressman ronnie jackson, we're going to talk about the border, historic numbers coming in through texas. also there's rape camps on the journey up, horrific for young girls, unpack all that with ronnie jackson. it's going be a great show. todd: i feel wrong sitting between the two of you. can we switch? you should be next to your wife. rachel: i feel better. todd: he's not in criminal in new york, he's in civil. messed it up because i was so upset that i was breaking you two up. rachel: you can't break us up. >> it's a seat warmer. todd: with that, fox news alert, you're looking live at the prison in the west bank where more palestinian prisoners are expected to be swapped for israeli hostages to. joey: f former israeli ambassr to the u.n. is here as the idf ground pause continues, next. but i wonder if you just take a few seconds to pray with me real quick. in the name of the father and son, holy spirit. amen. lord jesus, come to us now. help us to surrender ourselves completely to you. help us to listen to your voice. even when we're distracted or tired, we pray this in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit. amen. thank you so much. i just want to encourage you that if you want to join me in more prayer, check out hallow it's the number one prayer app in the world. ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ hi, i'm sharon, and i lost 52 pounds on golo. i realized i needed to make a change when i looked in the mirror and did not recognize myself. i felt sick, i felt sluggish, i was diabetic, and my cholesterol was high. after about a week or two of being on golo, i felt my energy increasing and my weight shedding. i was going to a christmas party with my husband, so i decided to try on the dress that my daughter wore to her prom when she was 18, and to my surprise, it fit me perfectly. my children have seen a changing in me. i'm not sitting around anymore, i'm just moving and just seeing that i got up and changed my life. we are not supposed to feel sick and tired as we age. since being on golo, i look and feel better than i did in my 20s. i truly feel like i'm back to the best me i can be. (soft music) todd: we are back a fox news alert. there is, quote, reason to believe at least one american could be part of today's planned hostage release. that according to national security advisor jake sullivan. trey yingst live on the ground in tel aviv with the latest. trey. >> reporter: hey, todd. good morning. a lot of anticipation tonight on the third night of the cease fire between israel and hamas, israelis hoping to get an additional 13 of their sit veins out and there are -- citizens out and there are reports that one could be a dual american national. this is hostage square in tel aviv. it's where families are coming each and every night, supporters of the efforts on the ground doing what they can to raise awareness about those hostages that are still held inside gaza. qatari officials say this is moving forward tonight. there were a few hiccups in the conversations but eventually in a matter of hours they expect those hostages to be handed over to the red cross and then ultimately into the hands of israeli intelligence agents at the border to confirm their identities and then bring them back here to israel. overnight there were some images of the families being reunited including that of a 9-year-old, emily hann. reunited with her father. you see relief on the faces of the familiar. families. they've been waiting for more than 50 days when the individuals were dragged into gaza by hamas and finally they're reyo reunited with their loved ones. so many are waiting for answers about their family members. earlier today one of those family members speaking out about what it was like to have their relative returned as part of the cease fire deal. the take a listen. >> the community has over 100 people that was kidnapped and some were murdered and there is no town to return to, no house to return to, and there are other shocking views so it's a mix between joy and sadness. >> reporter: a mix of emotions, that's really what we have heard from so many family members. tonight in hostage square i spoke with one man whose nephew is held with his family inside gaza and a 10-month-old baby among the group and you could see on his face, just the uncertainty about what lies ahead and he was very frustrated with people talking about lists. he said the focus should be on getting every single israeli home. todd. todd: you highlighted the key word there, trey. uncertainty. trey yingst live for us in tel aviv. thank you, trey. with that, let us bring is former israeli ambassador to the u.n. thank you for being here. what are you hearing regarding this report that an american could be released today according to jake sullivan. >> good morning. we definitely hope to see also an american on the list. we are committed to bring everybody back but no one can forget this 4-year-old that both of her parents were massacred in front of her, her brother and her were able to hide i next to the bodies of the mother and she was kidnapped by herself. she's an hostage for 50 days and we hope to see her tonight. we also remember what happened last night, that hamas played with the entire nation of israel, delaying the release of the hostages, so we hope it will not be the case tonight. but you know, we signed a deal with the devil. we are aware of that. we had no choice. that's why every time we take it day by day, hour by hour, and we hope to see the third group coming in tonight. todd: do you expect more of these quote, unquote delays by hamas in order to extract more concessions as these releases go forward? >> there is no reason for a delay. also, look what happened yesterday. the hamas organization raised a few issues during the day but they waited for the minute before they actually gave the hostages to the red cross, the last minute, so if they had concerns they should have raised it during the day. i hope it will be smooth but they should not play with us. you know, we are committed to the agreement. but if they will breach the agreement they will pay a heavy price. i want to remind you, in a few days we intend to continue the military operation to find the leadership of hamas, to make them pay for the a atrocities they committed. maybe now they feel secure but they should not because we're coming after them. todd: do you think based on what you said that the pause will extend beyond this negotiated period from both the israeli and hamas side, basically is there a temperment, is there a feeling that we could get more in terms of negotiated days of hostage release? >> because of our commitment to bring back the hostages, especially the children and the mothers, we actually in the agreement we put a note that we can extend that agreement another five days to release another 50 hostages so basically i think tomorrow we will know whether the hamas organization wants to extend the pause or not but i can tell you that we are getting ready for starting again the military operation, our troops are there, paying attention to the threats and i think more pressure on hamas at the end will bring all the hostages back home. todd: to hear you say it, it seems like the ball is in hamas' court. if not, it seems like the idf is ready to go. thank you, sir. >> thank you very much. todd: let's turn to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for the fox weather forecast. >> i like to show you the precipitation that is coming over the next week. i want to show you this right here. look at this incredible amount of moisture and looks like it's headed towards the pacific northwest. we need moisture in the area. it will probably be too much but we'll take it. it's a lot of snow and that's really beneficial eventually for the snow pack and filling up the he's voyeurs -- reservoirs. same for the four corners, a little bit of rain for southern california. one spot that needs moisture is across parts of the south. we're going to get them, maybe not enough just yet, maybe a little bit of flooding along the florida, georgia line this is the storm we're dealing with today, causing problems in the airports at least, chicago keep in mind one of the busiest airports in the country so if you're flying in or out of chicago or your flight is coming from there, could be looking at delays downstream from impacts from that. down to the you south of interstate 70 it's all rain and big rain right now across interstate 10 so if you're dragging this morning headed home across the i-10 corridor, across the pan handle of florida, north florida will have problems throughout the day today. todd: ready to save big on holiday shopping? kurt the s cy sigh -- cyber guys us with the biggest deals next. ♪ santa claus is coming to town. ♪ he's making a list, checking it twice rachel: all right. black friday is over but cyber monday is -- is cyber monday better than black friday? >> it's the number one day of sales for the holidays, period. todd: let's intro dues the guy who is going to tell us about that, the official god given name is kurt the cyber guy, here with the best deals. >> mom did that, thank you, mom. todd: good morning to you. it is cyber monday tomorrow. it will be the 27th, really the last day to get in on deals before they go down. you're expecting somewhere between 20 and 30% off on average. small appliances, gaming, electronics, those are really big this season. we've already seen as of black friday, sales were up 7 and-a-half percent this year. let's start with the hot item, the x-box series s. this is $50 off. we never see this on sale and it's $50 off if you get the starter bundle. and you get that at microsoft online is where they're offering that deal. we found it there. got it here in time. rachel: do you have to wait until monday or is that price now? >> it's now through monday. joey: is this the latest and greatest? >> it's the latest and greatest, ready to go out of the box, you get game pass for three months. it's a perfect gift for a gamer. to your left, this is something -- we had these on before. we did the cooler challenge, inspired by the wall street journal. these are polar bear coolers. we had this up against the yeti and coleman. the hard one stored ice two days longer than any other. i want to say it was nine days, polar bear coolers, 50% off the line. they have new colors as well. last year we had them on. it went out of stock super fast. he says he's got a lot of stock. i'm sorry if it's sold out when you get there. polar bear coolers. joey: out of georgia? >> yes, he's a cool guy. and this is a great idea. spacex uses two coating languages inside of this. this is 8 years and up, great for a kid, teaches them how to program essentially a dog that you can end up learning how to code and have fun at the same time. it does a bunch of tricks. rachel: this is an a.i. thing and is this going to take over? >> it's not connected, no. no one will die with this one. it's a brilliant thing, it's never on sale. rachel: my god, that's so fu funny. joey: i am not smart enough to play with that toy. todd: this may end up in my pocket. >> this is a charge card and these guys were on shark tank. this has got to be the number one stocking stuff gift. the deal today through monday is buy two, get one for free. you get one for yourself, get one for somebody else. and it's around $59, shipping is free for the limited time, limited inventory and only through monday and only at the for polar bear and this, you have to do code fox when you get there. rachel: is there a different in the colors? >> magic adventures telescope from leap frog, 110 times zoom, great for a young one that wants to get i into astrology and this ours number one anti-virus for two years running. go to, you get the lowest price it's ever offered,. todd: you're the best. more "fox & friends" moments away. ♪ let your heart be light. ♪ my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪'d todd for the rest of the next 20 seconds, i'm e going to do -- [laughter] because rachel found it to be enjoyable. rachel: it is enjoyable. guess what song that is. todd: final countdown. rachel: thank you for the recommendation, i saw the rockets and had a really -- rockettes and had a really, really good time. last wholesome thing in new york city, it was awesome. joey: have a great sunday. rachel: all right. ♪ ♪

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God Given Name , Let S Intro Dues , Appliances , Average , Somewhere , Gaming , Electronics , 30 , 27 , Sale , Starter Bundle , Item , Series , Microsoft , 0 , Greatest , Out Of The Box , Game Pass , Coolers , Polar Bear , Gamer , Gift , Wall Street Journal , Cooler Challenge , Yeti , Coleman , Nine , Stock , Colors , Spacex , Cool Guy , Idea , Languages , Yes , 8 , Dog , Kid , Learning , Bunch , Tricks , Fun , A I , Toy , God , That S So Fu Funny , Charge Card , Stuff Gift , Pocket , Shark Tank , Shipping , Somebody Else , Inventory , Aquaball Com , 59 , Code Fox , Leap Frog , Magic Adventures Telescope , 110 , Astrology , Tours , Cyberguy Com , Heart , Rhythm , Psoriatic Arthritis , Skyrizi , Joint Pain , Groove , Joints , Stiffness , Fatigue , Swelling , Starter Doses , Source , 90 , Reactions , Doctor , Plan , Infections , Infection , Risk , Ability , Vaccine , Movement , Song , Countdown , Rest , Laughter , Guess , D , Have A Great Sunday , Rockets , Recommendation , Rockettes ,

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