Transcripts For MSNBC Zerlina 20240708

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two black districts, and we'll talk to one florida lawmaker about how the fight ended later in the show. we begin with new audio msnbc has obtained from the book "this will not pass: trump, biden, and the battle for the future." ken mccarthy is speaking to fellow republicans in the days after the insurrection and makes a bombshell claim. >> let me be clear and i've been clear to the president, he bears responsibility for his words and actions, no ifs, ands, or buts. i asked does he hold responsibility for what happened, does he feel bad about what happened. he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. and he needs to acknowledge that. >> you just heard the house's top republican admit that donald trump not only bears responsibility for inciting the insurrection but that the former president has said so himself. mccarthy continued to double down on that. >> i know that this is not fun, i know this is not great, this is very tough. what i want to do especially through here is -- i don't want to rush things. i want to have all the information needed. i've had it with this guy. what he's did is unacceptable. nobody can defend that, and nobody should defend it. >> this audio from mccarthy is shocking but not necessarily unprecedented. in fact, there's been another high-profile republican who's used the same language in condemning donald trump for inciting the insurrection. that republican -- republican liz cheney who's been vilified by the republican party for seeking to hold drum accountable. kevin -- donald trump accountable. kevin mccarthy helped lead the crusade against her. he supported her losing her leadership role in the party and recently endorsed her primary challenger, despite the fact that he's espoused what appears to be the exact same views as liz cheney. except it was behind closed doors, of course. this comes on the heels of the reporting earlier week from "the new york times" that mccarthy vowed to drive donald trump out of politics, and that he would recommend donald trump resign from office. mccarthy has denied that reporting as totally false. but actually in a separate piece of audio, there's more than one tape also obtained of a phone call between mccarthy and his leadership team. he suggests those tapes suggest mccarthy wasn't telling the truth with his denial either. >> the only discussion i would have with him is that i think this will pass, and it will be my recommendation you should do that. >> you just heard kevin mccarthy tell liz cheney that he would recommend that donald trump resign from office. we don't know who leaked the clips. cheney has denied it's come from her, and so has republican whip steve scalise. don't you think this highlights the hypocrisy of the gop? what's clear is that we have likely reached a new phase in this investigation. joining me to unpack the drama is tim miller, writer at large at "the bulwark," and analyst harry lit man. these their suggests kevin mccarthy and mitch mcconnell knew that trump was guilty of seeking to overthrow our government, but they didn't do anything about it. we've all suspected that that was the case, now we have actual proof. speak to the significance of these new revelations. >> look, they don't suggest it, they make it 100% clear. if this isn't impeachable, says mcconnell, i don't know what is. he did this and -- and another little detail of mccarthy, he's scared when he talks to trump that trump is going to ask for a pardon deal with pence. he knows that he's got criminal liability. look, we are used to politicians kind of shading the truth, being a little cynical, whatever. mccarthy here, it's a tsunami of ambition swamping everything. what could be more serious than knowing that the commander in chief has committed impeachable offenses and very serious crimes, and he is now calling it, let me get this right, a manufactured political intrigue. that is such a breathtaking dereliction of duty to play this as not even serious and try to deny it. it's really deeply corrupt. >> i like that you use the word corrupt there. but one of the other words that literally earlier today -- and i don't want to say "alexa" because it will wake everybody's alexa up at home. literally, i was like, alexa, what's the definition of fraud. here it is -- wrongful sdepgds intended to result in financial or personal gain. explain how that's not what kevin mccarthy did here. he came out criticized liz cheney, he took away her leadership position, and he thought the exact same thing she did and said so on all of the tapes we have heard so far. how is it not fraud? >> it is. and it -- it may not be the legal definition, but it's fraudulent. it's also cowardly. it's creven and the example of a man who has -- has completely gotten rid of any consideration of what is the right thing to do or what is the wrong thing to do. he's set that aside completely in favor of his political career and his desire to be the speaker of the house. this is the thing -- the stark contrast him and liz cheney in this phone call the week after january 6 they agree. and mitch mcconnell's in the leaks in the book saying the same thing. mitch mcconnell and kevin mccarthy, had they done what liz cheney did, we wouldn't be here right now. donald trump would have been impeached, convicted, and prevented from running for office again. we could have been rid of this guy. if kevin mccarthy and mitch mcconnell had shown just an ounce of the courage or integrity that they tried to present themselves as having when they were having private conversations with people like liz cheney who actually, you know, follow up on the things that they say and they believe. look, kevin mccarthy said in this video that trump bears responsibility. i don't think that he understands what the definition of responsibility is. responsibility means accountability, responsibility means that you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. mccarthy refused to do that in the hopes that he can get the speakership next year, and it might work out. it's going to work out in the most embarrassing way possible. >> bee recent leap talked to him about -- we recently talked to him about how mitch mcconnell was asked whether or not he would have a red line that he would not be willing to cross. a lot of people acted like his answer was vague. i heard his answer as very clear. he said no, as long as it means i can win an election, there is no red line that i will deem important or relevant for me not to cross. i will cross it. don't you feel now that we know what all of these folks were saying behind the scenes that that backs up that answer? there isn't a red line he's willing to cross. he will defend the actions of donald trump even though he said the opposite thing in the past on tape. he will -- at least kevin mccarthy is on tape at this point. he will defend those actions as long as it allows him to win the next election. >> that's why it's such a great question from jonathan swann. mcconnell was stumped by it. his lack of answer is -- it gave a moral answer to the framework, that he does have no red lines. i think there is why mitch mcconnell is the example of the worst of these people. mitch mcconnell saw what happened on january 6th clearly. he understood that donald trump was morally responsible for it, he understand that the five people that are dead as a result of what happened on january 6 are dead only because of the actions of donald trump. he's -- he saw this 100% clear eyed. then a few days later he decided for political reasons that's not a red line for him. he can go along with that. doesn't matter that donald trump's responsible for an attack on our capitol, the deaths of five people, the injuries of dozens of police officers. he doesn't care as long as he can stay in power. you know, i wrote about this at the time for "the bulwark," i think that makes what mitch mcconnell has done worse in some of the todying trumpers who like what happened on january 6. he understands the consequences and just does not care. i think that jonathan swann exposed him during their interview. >> let's dive into the legal ramifications of the new revelations. how do they impact the investigation into what happened on january 6th, whether it be what the committee is doing or now that we know the doj is doing something, what the doj is doing? >> right. so let's start with the doj. look, this is mccarthy saying an admission, as the lawyers would call it, trump says "i bear some responsibility." so all the denials, all the what, me, all the i thought this was all perfect, you know, there's been some suggestion, oh, maybe he really believed it. obviously he doesn't. that's very, very potent evidence. now on 1/6, look, mccarthy has tried to hold off and really play the 1/6, you know, inquiry as just as sort of political side show. we are now talking about his understanding that impeachable offenses and federal crimes may have been committed. he is completely irresponsible. if he doesn't come forward now, he doesn't have to be subpoenaed, and just explain that part of it. he doesn't each have to be himself, but he really, really, really, really owes it to the american people to just answer the questions what did he mean, why did he now back away. that's just got to be part of the evidentiary record, and i don't see how he can hold to the view of who you going to believe, me or the audiotape. he'sclearly said it. it's time to stop pretending this isn't a grave matter. >> sam miller and harry lit man, thank you so much for being here and starting us off. please stay safe. coming up, horror in mariupol. what new images show about the devastation happening on the ground in ukraine. we'll get into that next. xt at , landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. i'm greg, i'm 68 years old. i do motivational speaking. in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. 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>> well, as we have seen what's unfolded the last two weeks, it's appalling, it's disgraceful, but not surprising, it's the russian real war. they have no respect for civilian, human life. they believe in the war of using artillery and rocket fire to kill people, to destroy infrastructure, so they can go in and occupy the area that they have bombarded. in is totally immoral. it's against all rules of war. it's being documented, and i hope the world will see this russian group led by putin and what they're willing to do to impose their will -- they don't do it at the ballot box, they did it with artillery. that's what he's trying to do. he could not force ukraine into his way of thinking. they're a democratic elected government. he's using his artillery, aircraft, and soldiers to impose authoritarian rule in ukraine. the good news is the ukrainians are standing up, they're fighting, but this fight will get tougher in the coming days, zerlina. >> you know, president biden announced thursday another $800 million in military aid to ukraine to help them in that fight. do you think it will be enough for the ukrainian forces to counter this new russian offensive in the eastern part of the country? >> well, as the president of ukraine reminds us daily, there's never enough when you're in a war because what you're trying to over-match the enemy. the challenge we have, the russian army outnumbers the amount of missile-capable systems they, have the number of artillery. the big move by the biden administration yesterday with 77 houses were trucks to pull them are impressive. we need more multiple launch rocket systems to match the russian artillery so we can shoot from long range. the united states have stood up -- it's time for our nato friends, more of them to stand up and send more rocket -- multiple launch rockets and more advanced drones in so they can over-match that russian artillery. if we can't cut down the russian artillery, they will continue to destroy people and infrastructure, and they will not stop destroying with artillery until there's some capitulation from the ukrainians, and that's not going to happen. more people will die, more france loss until we can kill that russian artillery. right now there's an old saying -- the one with the mostest can win the battle. right now the russians have more artillery and more mrls. shame on nato for not sending more artillery and more multiple launch systems and heavier drones early. we're at a critical place. ukrainians need this now. and i think the u.s. and night should send advisers in to help the ukrainians operate this new equipment. it's no -- it's going to be risky, but we can't afford for ukraine to lose. we've got to focus on ukraine winning, and if we're going to do it is to put advisers on the ground with the new equipment here sending. >> i mean, i think that you made a really important point on our nato allies. u.s. officials are saying the next couple of weeks here are going to be extremely pivotal for the future of ukraine in all of europe. lay out how important that additional aid, military aid is from our nato allies in addition to the $800 million we just added, in tomorrows of that future. it families to me like everyone i'm talking to all week long is saying the next couple of weeks are critically important, maybe the most important. >> i think -- now's the time to while nato allies have stayed together and they've done a good job in taking care of the refugees, but that's -- that's good work, but it's easy work. now it's time for them to sacrifice and put forth systems that can be easily transferred and/or sent in with advisers because the ukrainians need more firepower to kill that russian artillery. they need more air defense to kill that russian air force. if that's not happening, we're going to lose more people and lose more ground in ukraine. and nobody wants that. ukraine is defending the world democracy, not just theirs. we've got to help them defeat the russians now, or we'll be fighting the russians again. >> general, thank you so much for being here and helping us understand the latest on the ground. please stay safe. coming up, just as quickly as philly put on their masks, they're taking them off. what all of this mixed messaging is doing to our country. we'll be right back. country. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the ihop rewards program is here, and it's delicious. join the international bank of pancakes and start earning pancoins toward free food. only from ihop. hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. yeah i should've just led with that. with at&t business. you can pick the best plan for each employee and get the best deals on every smart phone. i looked on ancestry and just started digging and found some really cool stuff... it was just a lot of fun. just to talk to my parents about it and to send it to my grandparents and be like, hey this person we're all related to look at this crazy stuff they did in arizona 100 years ago. it actually gives you a picture of their life, so you get to feel like you're walking the same path they did. ♪ ♪ you're walking the same path they did. the insurance company enwasn't fair.ity y ca i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. llll theararnes rmrm now the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ i d d so my y quesonons eouout hicacase.y y son, ♪ call one eight hundred, cacalledhehe bars s fillion ♪ i d d soit was the best call eouout hii could've made. call the barnes firm and find out what your case all could be worth.uld've made. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ remember earlier in the week when philadelphia became the first major city to reinstate indoor mask mandates? well, just a couple days later, philly has abruptly reversed the decision. the city's board of health voted to rescind mandate citing decreasing hospitalizations and a leveling of case counts. but they didn't immediately release data supporting the claim. in this kind of mixed messaging, it may be why we're seeing people cheering on flights and celebrating as if no longer wearing a mask means the virus will just magically disappear. i can't shake these images here out of my head. it makes me think of a scene from the movie "contagion" which i know all of us watched at the beginning of the pandemic, you know you did. in it, a man finds out he's extremely ill and dangerous to the people around him on a bus. the very first thing the doctor does, played by kate winslet, she rushes over to him already wearing a mask herself, and she puts a mask on his face. and i've been think about this over and over and over again for the past two years because i know you all watched this. and for me personally, this is the week that has been the most frustrating in the entire pandemic. wearing a mask is something that is super, super easy for us to do, and yet many of us totally unwilling to do so. one small thing you can do to protect humanity. one small thing that might have helped prevent at least some of the nearly one million fell old american human beings who have died from the virus. one little thing. the word life comes before liberty and the pursuit of happiness for a reason. joining me to discuss, dr. bedelia. i got worked up there. director of boston university center for earnings merging infectious diseases. when you see what's happening with the mask mandates, do you think the politics surrounding masks contributed to people's disdain for masks? why did they become a political football? >> yeah, zerlina, you and i have had this conversation multiple times during the pandemic. masks are going to remain an important tool, you know, until we find ourselves of this mess. for me personally it may change how i travel in the future. if i'm taking long trips, i may even after this pandemic will consider continuing to wear a mask. the trouble here is that we are -- you know, we are entering a phase where the metrics that many of the states are following are separating infections from hospitalizations. and this confusion i think that you're seeing from philly is that they're shifting from just seeing the increase in cases and watching that their hospitalizations have been pretty stable or, as you mentioned, coming down. they're making a decision for their particular state. the trouble, though, is that -- this is confusing to everybody else who's listening. what i would recommend is that if you're in crowded spaces and you're seeing a number of cases go up in your community, if you're hearing your friends are getting sick, a good quality mask still remains one of the best defenses that you can do. if i can mention one thing, because masks have become politicized and are a lightning rod, a conversation around the pandemic, we sometimes forget that there are all these other tools that are also at risk now. i'm going to bring up the fact that the congressional funding for covid relief is stalled. that's money for vaccines, therapeutics, testing, that's just going to fall off and going to affect those among us who are uninsured, for example, get hit the hardest. that's about to happen in a few months. and there's no solution. we're talking about masks, but here we have all these other tools. and, you know, there's one other thing that you can do is call your representatives to act -- ask congress to act on that so we don't lose all the other tools keeping us safe and saving lives, as well. >> important, important point there. earlier this week you attended the white house sum on strengthening the nation's early system for health threats. and you tweeted that white house covid czar, the new czar, dr. i can't -- dr. jha said we can reasonably disagree on policies, but during this pandemic response many of us have been operating from different sets of facts, which is challenging. i mean, what is the white house's messaging strategy going forward here? i mean, as we've already said, a lot of the messaging around what to do in this moment of covid is confusing. >> well, i can't speak on past of the white house. you know -- but i do think that dr. jha's point is correct which is that i think one of the biggest tools that we have in our arsenal is to get information to people and -- timely for communities to make decisions for protecting the health in their communities. from that perspective, i think the investment that the cdc is making in the center for forecasting is going to be important for future variant, to understand cases are going up, to understand the impact in terms of transmissibility and the illnesses that that might cause. but -- but one of the major things that i worry about, by the way, and this comes down to the mask mandates to travel that you talked about, right, it's critical for this period in the pandemic that travel hubs occupy a really special place where people have gathered for a long period of time and disperse. they have a potential for exponentially taking the virus' new variants to different places. while they're trying to figure out the potential of new viruses, to me it seems an important role to continue the mask mandates. but the tough part here, zerlina, is if the mandates, if the -- the revoking of the mandate and travel is -- stands as it is, it actually impacts the cdc's long-term ability to pass public health restrictions or public health efforts to stop the spread of disease that's going to go beyond covid. that's highly worrisome, the way that this is going back and forth in the courts. because this further eroding the public health trust that we're seeing. >> i mean, i use" contagion" for a couple of reasons. i don't know how people didn't realize the first thing kate winslet did was put a mask on the man's face. she also told him to get off the bus right now away from the public. do you feel we have to get back to at least a clear message about the fact that public settings are different than like what you feel comfortable with with your group of close friends? and that the federal government is in the position that can mandate those policies so that everyone is protected, even the most vulnerable. >> i think the tough part here, zerlina, is to figure out when the power of the federal government should be utilized, right, and in what manner. and when you're seeing that the cases have come down and seeing hospitalizations in most parts of the world, most part of the country i would say although northeast is starting to see, by the way, increasing cases. the hospitalizations remain low. at what point should the government step in? and that's really the decision in my mind that probably the federal government has to make. at what point should though mandates come out? the cdc i think has had a great set of metrics that they put out during omicron that tries to outline that. i agree, extremely difficult. >> dr. bedelia, thank you as always for being here. please stay safe. coming up, we shall overcome. how florida democratic lawmakers are fighting back against governor ron desantis' new legislative maps. we'll be right back. welcome to allstate. where everyone saves when they bundle their home and auto insurance. isn't that right, frank? 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>> thank you, good to see you. the house democrats, black caucus members, they knew that it was time for us to stand up to what republicans in government are saying in is doing in the state of florida which is pushing the judicial system to see how far they can take it. when we've only had 11 congressional members in florida since reconstruction, and we only have five congressional members now. and when you start cutting seats to where that five now goes down to only two black access seats, that should bring a moment of pause to anyone. we know what it looks like to be discriminated against. we know what it feels like to be marge unanimousized. it -- marginalized. it was person for the house democrats to do just that. if you want to act like it's 1960, we will protest like it's 1960. >> i mean, in a lot of ways it feels like this whole moment happening in the state of florida is -- is on the culture war, it's about the culture war, on many, many fronts. ron desantis is playing in the culture war when it comes to critical race theory, when it comes to the "don't say gay" law. do you think that all of his focus on culture war issues is in any way to -- an attempt to distract from his handling of covid in the state of florida? we were just talking about the recent covid news. florida has had it terribly. >> yeah. well, it is a distraction away from the real issues. it's a distraction of dealing with the property insurance. it's a distraction from dealing with affordable housing. distraction from dealing with the education system and the teachers leaving the classroom at an alarming rate. yes, all of this is a distraction. trying to sue disney and take their special district away from them. trying to ban black history from being taught. all thereof is a distraction. but -- all of this is a distraction. but it's strategic distractions that americans need to understand that the republicans are on a mission across this country to try to take those back 100 years because when you're in distress, you start doing disastrous things because you know you're on your last attempt. but i can tell you this -- when you start awakening a sleeping giant and you start showing black folk that you have the potential to even think about taking us to where we used to be, trust me, we wake up very quickly. >> i mean, there's so much focus on other types of voters in the state of florida, whether it be the folks at the villages who are mostly republican or latinx voters, but there's not a lot of discussion about black voters in florida. i mean, is this the kind of move by the governor that will, as you said, awaken those folks that may not have been engaged up to this point? what impact could that have in upcoming elections? >> it could have a big impact, especially in a state with 22 million people with black people make up 16% of the state of florida. trust me, within black districts, black people are seeing the state of florida and governor desantis and the republicans for exactly who they are. so much so, i was at an event last night, and many of the black leaders who were there, they said what we're about to do, we're ready to get on the ground. that's exactly what we're about to do. next saturday we are organizing a statewide blackout florida where we are doing rallies all across the state of florida, in every section of the state. and it is a rally for black people to where we're not only going to be registering people to vote, we're not only going to be introducing them to who their elected officials are, but we're going to be registering them for absentee ballots because we know for a fact that's where our people vote at, they vote by mail. we're going to utilize that. i want everyone to remember this -- governor desantis won by less than 1%, by less than 1%. that was about 33,000 votes. i promise you those votes are in our community. >> when you get down to the raw numbers of it, it becomes really clear how much of an impact every single community can have. can you surprised at all by him fighting with disney world? i feel like the fight with disney -- it might have been a misfire. curious your thought on whether or not it's a mistake. >> no one messes with the mouse. disney is the largest employer of floridians here within the state. and trust me, people are not going to stop visiting disney world because the republicans and governor desantis is trying to tell them not to visit disney. people are going to continue to visit disney. as a matter of fact, more people are probably going to start visiting disney now that you see all of this that's happened. am i surprised, no, i'm not surprised. i'm not surprised that the governor is coming against anybody who is not on his side. if you don't agree with him, he's coming after you. he even told that to his own party. they cleared the primaries. that's just a type of authoritarianism that we're dealing with here within the state of florida. i can tell you this -- disney is a distraction. disney will be okay. you know who will not be okay? the people in my district who -- which i represent the largest black district in the state of florida, the third largest black district in the country, who are looking for relief from the government to assure that they can live healthy lives. they don't care about disney because many can't even go to disney world. >> an important point. disney is going to be all right. senator jones, thank you so much very being here, and please stay safe. coming up, making history in outer space. what one astronaut wants us to remember as she becomes the very first black woman to join a mission aboard the international space station. we'll be right back. we'll be ri. and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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(sigh) on tonal. ♪♪ ayahuasca. friday is earth day. president biden is signing an executive order to protect some of the biggest and oldest trees in the country. it requires the federal government to conduct the first ever inventory of mature forests on federal land. then the agencies need to identify threats to these trees such as wildfires and climate change and use that information to craft policies that protect them. president biden has also set the goal of conserving 30% of our country's lands and waters and cutting emissions in half by 2030. here to discuss jamie margoland, do you have any reaction to the biden administration's executive order on climate? i'll assume you do not think it goes far enough. >> yes, because very recently, biden also opened up more public lands to drilling so it's very interesting on one hand we need to take climate action, look at this new thing that he did today and then he'll continue to let the fossil fuel industry drill on public lands, he'll continue to worsen the climate crisis, he'll continue to allow the planetary crisis to get worse. >> one of the things that we don't have is time, right? there is a deadline. >> right. >> that all of the experts have told us that we have to hurry up here and you've tweeted that you quote are tired, you're tired of empty words, promises and praise because you're a youth organizer and activist and how empty words don't actually solve anything. how dire is the climate crisis? for those folks at home who aren't intimately engaged in this issue on a regular basis, lay out for them why it's an emergency. >> so the climate crisis is an emergency because it affects everything that gives us life. it affects our food systems, so our ability to maintain agriculture, to feed ourselves, it affects our water systems, so our ability to drink water. it affects our safety in terms of massive storms, hurricanes, wildfires, in terms of those sort of immediate disasters, it makes those way more common and more strong in the way that they appear all of these natural are now becoming unnatural disasters. it also affects the air quality, it affects our health, it affects the politics and in terms of our rights, there are studies and science that links inter -- like human violence and not just studies and science but actual if you look at the reality of things, when there is a scarcity of resources, when there is environmental unrest that can lead to political unrest that can lead to situations that make it easier for dictators to take control, for fascism to emerge, so there is a tie between the climate crisis and more and more extreme weather conditions and just -- i mean, when the entire life system of your planet is unraveling on a massive scale, when the entire, when we are in the sixth -- in a mass extinction, how is that not going to affect literally everything, because i think we forget that we are, we're a part of the food chain. we are a part of the earth, no matter how quote/unquote civilized and sophisticated we get. no matter how much we do technologically, we are still mammals on planet earth and we still rely on the basic necessities, water, clean air, food, and these are things that are not going to go away, these are needs that are not going to go away and these are things that are going to be rapidly impacted by the climate crisis and already are. >> i mean, you've said that the growth of youth activism around the issue of climate is not actually, because you guys are like meh, this is a sexy issue, i'm going to go be a climate activist. the burden is on young people because your kids are going to be here on those dates that all the scientists put in their scary papers and say this is the deadline. you guys are going to be here. so how do we create an intergenerational conversation so that young people can talk to the older generation so that they feel your sense of urgency. they may not be here themselves but their kids, their grandkids will be here. >> absolutely. >> how do we make them feel the same sense of urgency you do? >> the way we make them feel the sense of urgency, if we're talking about politicians, a lot of it is making sure they hear from us and not the fossil fuel industry. so right now, the united states gives away billions in fossil fuel subsidies which is essentially funding the climate crisis, it is putting money into the fossil fuel industry, and so i feel like with leaders, they already know the urgency and they know these things, but the people that they listen to, the people that they answer to are these corporations, these fossil fuel corporations, these lobbyists that they see way more often and see in a young organizer like myself. we have to maybe occasionally be able to go to washington, d.c., and lobby, but who they hear from daily, the people whose job is to do this for the fossil fuel industry, they answer to the people they end up funding. i don't think it's a matter of when it comes to leaders, have they heard youth or what do they need to hear from us. i feel like we've made ourselves very clear. i feel like there's not anything that they don't have. there's not any knowledge that they lack. it's they lack the, they do lack a lot of knowledge but they don't lack the access to it. it's a matter of decisions. they're actively choosing to worsen the climate crisis. one of the most inaccurate ways to describe the climate crisis is by saying leaders are taking no action. inaction would be a lot better than where we are, like i said, the fossil fuel subsidies. people can talk the talk but if you want to see what a society is prioritizing, follow the money, what is actually being funded, where is the money going, and who is funding these politicians and all of that leads back to the fossil fuel industry. so as well as other industries responsible for this crisis. >> jamie margolin always great to talk to you about this critical issue. it's not oh, let's care about climate. we all have to care about cli ma. i'm zerlina. be sure to follow us on facebook, twitter, tiktok and youtube. more news is coming up right here on msnbc. and a good saturday morning to you. i'm katie phang. this news cycle it's been a whil whirlwind including last night's january 6th mark meadows case. several top republicans including jim jordan, matt gaetz and marjorie taylor greene were present at the white house december 21st to strategize ways to overturn the 2020 election including pushing then vice president mike pence to reject on january 6th the legal slate of

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