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reports," the first evacuations from the gaza strip since the start of israel's siege. a major deal brokered to open that border crossing with egypt for foreign nationals, and injured palestinians as well. how soon the hundreds of americans trapped in gaza could be allowed to leave. and israel faing condemnation for a massive attack on a refugee camp in gaza. the idf claiming they killed a high ranking hamas leader. what we know about the strike that reportedly killed dozens of civilians including children. also ahead, an arrest for anti-semitic threats at cornell university, more on the suspect, a student himself and his threats as anti-semitic incidents rise across the country. and breaking news here in new york city, donald trump jr. expected to testify in a case that could threaten the future of his father's empire. what testimony from the trump children could mean for the multimillion dollar civil fraud trial. good morning, everybody. good to see you, breaking news as we come on the air at 10:00 a.m. eastern, i'm yasmin vossoughian in for my friend ana cabrera. we are seeing the first evacuations from the gaza strip since the start of israel's air strikes. the result of deal just brokered to get that critical border crossing with egypt open for about 500 foreign nationals including americans. we can confirm a few, less than ten have crossed along with a limited number of injured palestinian civilians as well. crowds of palestinians have gathered at this crossing. they're banging on the doors desperate to make it over this border. all this happening as israel faces condemnation for a massive strike on the refugee camp that the idf claims killed a senior hamas commander. a local hospital controlled by hamas says dozens of others were killed and hundreds wounded. nbc news has not verified those numbers. i want to give you some reaction to someone who was at that camp. >> i want to start us off with nbc's meagan fitzgerald for us joining us from cairo, egypt, who has been keeping a close eye on that rafah border crossing. this just happened in the last couple of hours or so, megan. what are we learning about the rafah border crossing. how many people are expected to make it across? >> reporter: yasmin, great questions. we do know that the rafah border crossing is open. this is a process. the people that are allowed now to leave gaza and enter egypt have to go through administrative procedures before they're officially allowed to leave and enter onto the other side. as you mentioned, we're talking about more than 500 people here. that's the number that we're given. the u.s. state department tells us at least under ten they tell us are americans that are going to be going through this process. we've talked with one. we had an opportunity to speak with our family today. you can imagine the relief that they are feeling as the bombing just intensifies in gaza. so we are watching already that many of these dual nationals have made their way across the border, but then the other piece of this is you've got some 80 injured, severely injured palestinians that have also been able to leave. so we've been watching all throughout the day here. ambulances rushing these people out through the rafah border crossing into egypt. right now we know many of them are undergoing these urgent medical procedures in many cases, yasmin, to try and save their lives. >> what type of resources do these injured palestinians have once they reach egypt, obviously needing likely more treatment after the injuries that they faced inside gaza, and secondly, talk me through, if you will, the diplomatic talks that took place in order to open up this border crossing temporarily. >> reporter: yasmin, it's a phenomenal question because that is the big question here, after these palestinians have been treated, will they be sent back to gaza. that is something that we are out to officials to try and confirm, to try and get a better understanding. we know that in many of these instances, this is a dire situation for a lot of these severely injured people. it's also very possible that we could report that there are some deaths, that medical officials were just not able to save them. this is something that we're also closely monitoring. as far as negotiations, look, we know that there have been high level negotiations between qatar, the israelis here in egypt, and of course the americans. around the clock is how secretary of state blinken described it. he was speaking yesterday and saying that this is their main priority and then less than 24 hours later. this is what we're seeing. but keep in mind, there are still many more americans inside that are trapped and hopeful to get out. on the same hand, we're also being told that we will see more people crossing the border tomorrow. a very fluid situation that we are monitoring, but certainly a glimmer of hope that those negotiations that have been taking place for the last several weeks are certainly starting to work, yasmin. >> do we feel as if considering the success of the opening of this border crossing, megan, that this is kind of a one-off situation and/or these talks could lead to something more. >> reporter: you know, i think we have every reason to believe this could certainly lead to something more. i mean, the united states has been very candid, very direct in saying that their number one priority here is to safely get the americans that are trapped in gaza out. they've sent in u.s. ambassador david satterfield who is the special envoy to the middle east specifically focusing on the humanitarian aid crisis, the humanitarian situation. so we are hopeful that we will continue to see more and more americans released, but at this point it's yet to be seen, yasmin. >> i want to bring in kelly cobiella to talk more about the strike at the gibalia refugee camp. i know you had to dip inside for a moment. there were some air raid sirens happening there. we're happy that you're safe and able to join us once again. talk us through this strike at the refugee camp. >> reporter: yeah, so the idf said that this was a large-scale strike at that refugee camp, and i'm sure we've all seen the pictures now, this does not look like sort of the refugee camp you might think of. it is an area with a large number of apartment buildings, high multistory apartment buildings, and the iidf said thy had some intelligence on a top hamas commander at that location, and they took action. they targeted him, and they claim to have killed him. his name i was ibrahim bhari. the hamas officials say he was not there at the time, and that he was not killed, and accuse israel of killing dozens if not more civilians. you can see just the devastating images there, the massive crater in that neighborhood and also people who have been, you know, using their bare hands to look for their loved ones over the past sort of 12 hours or so, really devastating scenes there of the victims. but look, israel is not backing off from. this they blame hamas for they say hiding -- using civilians as human shields. they say that hamas had a command center underneath that building, and that is what they were trying to strike and that when that tunnel system, that subterranean command center was hit, that the buildings collapsed on top of it. just within the past hour as well, yasmin, we've heard from hamas leader of the -- their military wings. he said that seven civilian hostages were killed in that strike. three of them foreign passport holders. he made this statement on the telegram channel for hamas's military wing. they didn't show any sort of evidence that this was the case. the idf not commenting on that latest statement, and you know, we have no way to verify it. hamas has made similar claims in the past, yasmin. >> all right, kelly cobiella for us. thank you for walking us through this that, appreciate it. i want bring in robert mardini. thanks for joining us on this. appreciate it. a couple of things that we just touched on that i'd like you to talk a little bit about. first and foremost, the opening just in the last few hours or so of the rafah border crossing allowing for some americans to cross. about ten or so have crossed along with severely injured palestinians. what do you know more about this crossing? what does this include to you? >> well, i think first i need to acknowledge that is this a positive step, even if the icrc is not directly involved in this operation, it shows that there is a glimmer of hope and humanity prevails and when severely injured people are evacuated to seek medical treatment, so this is a welcome step. having said that, this should not deflect the attention from the humanitarian tragedy unfolding in the gaza strip, for scores of other severely injured people are to date lacking access to medical treatment. and this is what my colleagues are doing everything they can to support hospitals and to ensure that medical treatment is also delivered inside the gaza strip. >> do you know, robert, how they're distinguishing who, in fact, needs medical treatment and should be able to cross the border into egypt? >> we don't have very clear assessment of this because of the intensity of the fighting, our teams are not able to have a full picture of the -- of the humanitarian situation on the ground. what we know for a fact is that the remaining hospitals are at a breaking point. they are struggling to treat a mass casualty influx, unprecedented in previous escalations, and this is why the surgical equipment that we were able to get inside the gaza strip is a lifeline that now we need to be able to deliver to those hospitals in order to ensure that as much as possible medical treatment is being delivered inside the strip. of course -- >> please, go ahead, no, please go ahead. >> no, of course, those cases which require, you know, medical and surgical services that are not available inside the strip should be allowed to seek treatment outside and across the border. >> what can you tell us about the casualties at the refugee camp? i know we're getting differing reports from the hamas health ministry, the gaza health ministry versus what the idf is saying as well. do you know anything about the number of people that died there, or the strike there, and the type of access they have to hospitals nearby? >> it is too early to have an exact assessment, but what i can say is the images we see are deeply distressing. it is beyond heartbreaking to see children taken out from under the rubble. i mean, let's not forget that idp camp or refugee camp is hosting the most vulnerable of the vulnerable in the gaza strip who have been struggling from succession of previous rounds of escalations. it is extremely densely populated and this strike is a stark reminder of the human cost of this conflict and i can only as representative of the icrc remind parties to the conflict of their obligations under the geneva convention to take every precaution. >> robert, i know you've always been involved in talks of releasing the hostages, making sure they're in good health as well. can you update us on anything that you know about them? >> well, the plight of the hostages is -- remains one of our top priorities and we want the families of the hostages to know we are leaving no stone unturned to ensure that they are well treated, that we have access to them, that we can check on their health and ensure that at least they have the opportunity to exchange messages with their families. as for -- i mean, at this point in time, we haven't had -- with them, unfortunately, but we stand ready to facilitate any negotiated agreement for new releases. >> robert mardini, thank you, and thank you for the work that your organization is doing right now. we are back in just 60 seconds, donald trump jr. set to testify at his father's $250 million fraud trial today. the fiery words we're hearing from the former president this morning. plus, hate on campus, more on the student arrested for anti-semitic threats at cornell, including new details from police about the scary nature of those threats. also ahead, the scare in the air, a pilot indicted for allege edly threatening to pull a gun on his co-pilot. later on, a trick or a treat, depending on who you ask, the bitter halloween cold and today's freeze warning impacting millions across the country. we'll be right back. ight back. at over 13,000 us school districts, which have become top targets for ransomware attacks. but there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. which is why thousands of schools like the fairfield-suisun unified school district switched to google tools for education. so they can focus on teaching and 22,000 students can focus on learning, knowing that their data is secure. 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>> reporter: well, yasmin, the attorney general's office accuses three of trump's adult children of knowing of and participating in what they call this years' long fraud scheme to over value their assets and get better terms as a result. we were expecting to hear from don jr. today. it's unclear if we'll get to him today. we're hearing from two other witnesses today, we're expected to. and they're going to testify to things like the terms that the trump organization was able to get on loans as a result of the value of their assets. and also, how a value of an asset impacts interest rates. we can expect him to be questioned by the ag's office in his capacity as executive vice president of the trump organization. and he and allen weisselberg signed off on these statements of financial condition. these documents that the trump organization would show the banks to get their loan terms. these statements are what the ag's office said contain these over valued assets. we're going to expect a lot of did you sign this document. what conversations did you have about the statement of financial conditions? we can also expect some questioning around the park avenue apartment that in manhattan was valued at $292 million. the attorney general's office says that was inflated roughly six times its appraised value. we can expect don jr., yasmin, to push back saying that he relied on the expertise of other members of the trump organization, other accountants. in some video deposition that the ag's office has release, don jr. said he learned about general account principles at his accounting 101 class. >> let's pick up on what lindsey talked about. that is the role that donald trump jr. played in the trump organization along with allen weisselberg specifically during the time when the former president was president of the united states, what are your expectations from his expected testimony and how key he is to this case? >> so we already have a ruling from this judge that these statements of financial condition are false, and so really the issue now before the court is with respect to the remaining counts, these false falsifying of business records, was there an intent to defraud, and were these false statements material? were they relied upon? and so i don't think you're going to hear don jr. on the stand saying that he intended to defraud anyone. instead what he's going to say is, well, yes, i signed these statements saying that the information in these statements was accurate. however, i relied on my accountants. i relied on my lawyers. he's going to be pointing the finger at anybody else, and he's going to say things like -- based on what he said in his deposition, he doesn't recall who he worked on with it. just a lot of things to basically not help the a.g. advance her case that there was real intent and knowledge here of the falsity of these statements. >> let's bring up the schedule of events over the next couple of days as well as i move over to lindsey for a moment, so expected to hear from donald trump jr. today, tomorrow eric trump. . the former president on monday, and then ivanka trump, his daughter, onovber 8th, wednesday, i believe. who by the way is not named as a defendant in this case. talk us through the expectations here. >> reporter: right, and ivanka was taken off over the summer as a result of an appeal because the statute of limitations but when eric goes on the stand either tomorrow or maybe even later depending on the schedule of all this testimony, we can expect him to testify again in his role as -- in his role with the trump organization, but what the a.g.'s office says is for all aspects of management and operation of the trump organization. including project acquisition development and construction. we can expect the a.g.'s office to hone in on that westchester seven springs property. we can also anticipate eric trump to testify to not remembering certain conversations about the statements of financial conditions, not recalling all transactions because there were so many things happening at the time. these are some of the defenses that we've heard from his deposition, and ivanka, again, who's not named, we can expect her to speak to introducing the trump team to the wealth management team at deutsche bank and that old post office deal to turn it into a hotel, yasmin. >> kristy, i want to go from new york down to florida. abc news reporting yesterday that the former president the was in the scif viewing classified documents as essentially the secured room inside the courthouse and the mar-a-lago documents case. we know there is a motion hearing in the case today. what are your expectations there? >> so donald trump and his team are going to continue to try to move this trial date, and the way that they are doing this is to continue to try to move any of these other pretrial deadlines that are in the case. one of them involves him just having to preview his general defense theories, which he and his lawyers have already done in various public appearances to the press. so they are going to -- now they're asking for three more month thes just to be able to file a very basic motion that they could conceivably file, even without discovery. so again, this is more trying to just move the ball. the special counsel's office is not having it. they've been very clear they have met their discovery obligations. they produced not only unclassified discovery, but classified discovery. it's set up in a place where he is able to be able to review it, and there are no reasons for these delays in the schedule. >> kristy greenberg, thank you, lindsey reiser, thank you as well. i want to turn to a different manhattan courtroom, closing arguments expected today in the trial of disgraced ftx founder sam bankman-fried. he testified in his own defense yesterday, a risky move that might not have paid off. prosecutors highlighting contradictions between what bankman-fried said publicly and did privately at his company. bankman-fried a charged with seven counts including securities fraud. he faces life in prison. coming up next, a cornell student arrested for making online threats against jewish students. what we're learning from prosecutors about the suspect and the nature of those threats. plus, the new warning from the fbi director about how hamas could inspire attacks here, and what's being done to safeguard communities. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. 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>> thank you so much for having me. and you know, the fbi and dhs are really wonderful, more broadly our national security community is really wonderful at surging resources during these heightened threat environments. so we can expect the fbi and dhs to have put in place joint terrorism task force, and other intelligence sharing capabilities in order to monitor these threats as we deal with the heightened threaten -- the propaganda that is being promoted by terrorist organizations across the globe as a result of the israel-hamas conflict. and i think what we can expect from our governors and what we should expect from our local law enforcements is our first responders are the most important piece of this puzzle when we're dealing with domestic threats. they're the ones on the ground, they're the members of the communities. they're the ones monitoring us. making sure our first responders are fully equipped to deal with this threat, that they're receiving intelligence from our national partners in a timely manner and there's coordination amongst those is really important as we deal with this domestic threat. >> the last time we saw a surge in threats like this one, especially when it came to islamophobia was directly after 9/11. there was not the element of the online threat as we have now, right? all the platforms that we have online now. so when we see now this surge of anti-semitism, i know for instance this cornell university student, this suspect, he was found through his online threats, right? what is being done to focus in on that element and weed out those online threats? >> so anytime -- the united states is really wonderful as far as the laws on the books do not -- we promote free speech. we do not allow hate speech, and because of this really, you know, really strong laws on the books, there's resources available to the fbi to dhs to monitor these threats, and fully prosecute people who go after people based on religious hate. and so that's what we can expect, i think, from our, you know, our law enforcement at this time is that they are actively monitoring these threats. as long as there is the will by prosecutors, by law enforcement to go after these people, the law on the books fully support the prosecution of these individuals. hopefully they are held to full account. >> i want folks to understand this 21-year-old cornell student has been charged for posting threats to kill or injure someone, and he faces a maximum of five years in prison, lauren tomlinson, thank you so much, appreciate it. coming up next, everybody, the clash in congress. how the new house speaker is sets up a showdown over aid to israel not just with democrats and the white house, but his own party. plus, more on the breaking news we're following this morning, that deal to open the border crossing between gaza and egypt at least to some, we'll be right back. l be right back right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. i'm kareem abdul jabbar. i was diagnosed with afib. the first inkling that something was wrong was i started to notice that i couldn't do things without losing my breath. i couldn't make it through the airport, and every like 20 or 30 yards i had to sit down and get my breath. every physical exertion seemed to exhaust me. and finally, i went to the hospital where i was diagnosed with afib. when i first noticed symptoms, which kept coming and going, i should have gone to the doctor and told them what was happening. instead, i tried to let it pass. if you experience irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light-headedness, you should talk to your doctor. afib increases the risk of stroke about 5 times i want my experience to help others understand the symptoms of atrial fibrillation. when it comes to your health, this is no time to wait. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the new deli heroes. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. it's a pretty big deal. kinda like me. order in the subway app today. we are grocery outlet and we are your bargain bliss market. what's bargain bliss? 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>> reporter: it's such a good question, yasmin. we just don't know that information at this point. you also brought up a good question when we spoke about 30 minutes ago what happens to these people in the hospitals. these palestinians once they recover, god forbid. you know, willing that they recover. what happens? do they then go back to gaza? these are the questions that we don't know. it's still a very fluid situation where we're still trying to learn as much as we can, but we do know that according to the state department, we will likely see more americans crossing over into egypt tomorrow. >> meagan fitzgerald for us, thank you for being there. we appreciate you. the house returns in two hours with a new speaker at the helm, and he's already facing a clash with the white house and senate over aids for israel. speaker mike johnson planning to force a stand-alone vote for aid to israel, and coupling it with spending cuts including to the irs. that plan already facing dissent from the white house, the democratic-led senate, and at least two members of johnson's own party. joining us now from capitol hill is nbc's julie tsirkin. you can't start off without some drama of course in the house and the new speaker at the helm there. his bill is heading to the house rules committee for a hearing later on this afternoon. it seems like this was a move to really unite house republicans. i think the question is is it actually working? >> well, and it still can unite house republicans. you talked about marjorie taylor greene and tom massey, he could still get the votes needed for this israel stand alone aid to israel to pass in the house. the question is will it get anywhere in the senate. you have republicans over there who are divided on this issue. in fact, senator lindsey graham, a staunch, staunch supporter of ukraine. he is not in favor of separating those two. there are other republicans echoing in that chorus, speaker johnson for his part will have an opportunity for the first time to meet with senate republicans, two sources told me he's attending republican lunch later this afternoon. to many of them he's still an unknown entity. this will really be johnson's chance to pitch them not only on stand-alone israel aid and this plan going forward when it comes to national security, also for government funding bills with that deadline right around the corner. >> all right, julie tsirkin for us, thank you, julie, appreciate it. coming up next, a mixed bag of economic signals is raising a big question ahead of an announcement by the federal reserve today. could we be in for yet another rate hike just before the holiday season. plus, a pilot indicted for allegedly threatening to shoot the plane's captain while they were flying. we'll be right back. we'll be right back. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? 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>> for what it's worth, the federal reserve doesn't want the economy to tank and for economic activity to stop full stop. they want a balance of those two things, enough economic activity to make sure that people aren't losing their jobs but also not too much economic activity to make inflation go higher. what they've seen in the inflation data so far, it's kind of going sideways. it's much lower than it was a year ago. inflation data so far, it is kind gove ing of going sideways. the pace of price increases in this country right now is about 3.7%. economists want to see that somewhere closer to 2%. but the federal reserve is saying we already made interest rates so aggressively high as part of our campaign over the last year and a half, let's call it, they can continue to keep them there, but not cut rates, right? that's the reason why the expectation as far as market pricing goes is for them not to raise interest rates in the meeting today. 97, 98% chance according to market bets. >> how high could they go if they continue to raise interest rates? not this month, maybe, but what about next month? then we're into december, ahead of the holiday season. november 17th could be a possible government shutdown if they can't get a budget across the finish line there. what are expectations for december? >> it is an economically precarious time, certainly. what the federal reserve said is that even if we decide not to raise interest rates, which they have done in the last meetings where they also decided not to raise rates, they have the optionality on the table to continue to raise interest rates if inflation looks like it is going in the wrong direction. if the next, let's say, two reports show inflation rising on an annual basis, they would do that. with the government shutdown, they don't raise or lower interest rates because of what is happening over on the other side of washington, d.c. but still watching that to see if there is any cascade effect if there is a shutdown once we get to the end of this month, could that crater economic activity, that might weigh on whether or not they raise interest rates in the next meeting. but jerome powell in his press conference at 2:30 eastern will say we'll have the optionality if inflation goes to the -- >> are people still buying houses? >> mortgage rates are at 8%. you would be like why would i buy a mortgage, especially when rates are 3%, some people financing lower than that during the pandemic. but people are apparently still finding opportunities out there and saying, well, maybe i'll buy this house and then refinance it if rates go down sometime in the future. we have seen the home buying data, new home sales data well above estimates. >> brian cheung, good to talk to you. thank you. coming up next, from boo to brrr. it was cold, everybody. the frosty halloween trick-or-treaters experienced this year with millions facing cold advisories from an early blast of winter. we'll be right back. an early blast of winter. we'll be right back. 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that seems like it is a first, or a few. i'm sure it happened times before, but nonetheless, talk us through it. >> reporter: you say winter is coming, it looks like at least winter is here. feels like winter is here. look how i'm dressed. this is one of the few times we have gotten snow in chicago on halloween. one of the top five coldest halloweens in chicago in the city's history. this is intense, even for the windy city. you can see behind me the snow is starting to melt. we're talking about november 1st. we have several weeks of fall left. so this is really early. it is the result scientists say of a blast of cold canadian air that just swept through the country. tens of millions feeling it. and here in chicago, people were just having, like, a few days ago, they told us nice, warm, sunny walks along the lake and here they get hit with this early taste of winter. this morning, old man winter is clocking in early. slamming tens of millions of americans with a brutal arctic blast in the heart of fall. how did it hit you? >> like a ton of bricks. >> i'm not ready. i'm not ready. >> i'm not ready, no, not at all. >> no, not at all. >> reporter: a rush of cold canadian air sending temps plummeting across the south and east coast, the startling drop as much as 25 degrees below the average, which could shatter as many as two dozen record lows this morning. this after snow slammed the midwest and great lakes tuesday. in rochester, slick conditions ascending drivers off the road. heavy snow pummeling cleveland and slowing traffic on a major highway. south of chicago, more than a dozen cars were involved in a pileup crash, while in the windy city, snow blanketing streets within minutes, even catching us off guard. >> this just really picked up, like, out of nowhere in the middle of downtown. this is crazy. the stakes high, of course, for halloween. mother nature forcing countless trick-or-treaters to layer up their costumes with coats and hats, including this taco. >> i love food. >> reporter: a gremlin and even a lemonade vendor. the call of candy pushing them to power through. >> is it warm or cold outside? >> snowy. >> we can do not believe it is snowing on halloween. what a trip. >> reporter: but the spirit of the holiday living on, despite the bone chilling cold snap that's got millions checking their calendars twice. >> i think it is sweet and getting me in the christmas mood to tell you the truth. i love it. even though it is halloween today, but i'm loving it. >> reporter: yeah. good to have a positive outlook. i love that kid in the taco costume. that is so fantastic. had to wrap up like a little burrito. we heard a lot of people saying they're powering through. one quick piece of advice, experts are pointing out temperatures like this can wreak havoc on your car. so a good idea to get your battery checked. knowing we have about a month, plus, until winter actually hits despite appearances, like this is nuts. what is this? back to you. >> it is nuts. i said to myself when i saw you

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Cornell S Jewish Student Thes , Rise , Isis , Stephanie Gosk , War , Connection , Rages , Killing Jews , Threat , Nother Level , Extremists , Whole , Homeland Security Committee , Groups , Allies , Likes , Actions , Inspiration , Terrorist , Haven T , Caliphate , Junior , Ivy League School , Patrick Dai , 21 , Series , Antidefamation League , College , Posts , Increase , 400 , College Students , Surge , Part , Ways , Muslims , American Jews , Oman , Bombs , Inflames , Palestinian American , Landlord , Houston , Illinois , 6 , Jacky Rosen , Lawyer , Voice Mails , Las Vegas , Nevada , Court Appearance , Request For Comment , University , Level , Deputy Assistant Secretary , Department Of Homeland Security , Lauren Tomlinson , Estate , Dhs , Monitoring , Beginning , Security , Community , Environments , Joint Terrorism Task Force , Propaganda , Terrorist Organizations , Capabilities , Heightened , Globe , Sharing , Responders , Law Enforcements , Governors , Puzzle , Ones , Partners , Coordination , Manner , Element , Islamophobia , Platforms , 9 11 , Anti Semitism , Books , Laws , Free Speech , Hate Speech , Law Enforcement , Four , Maximum , Folks , Law , Prosecution , Posting , Individuals , Five , House Speaker , Clash , Party , News , Showdown , White House , Congress , Democrats , Afib , Inkling , Kareem Abdul Jabbar , Breath , Airport , Physical Exertion , 20 , 30 , Symptoms , Heartbeat , Stroke , Risk , Shortness , Chest Pain , Fatigue , Atrial Fibrillation , Heart Racing , Light Headedness , 5 , Grocery Outlet , Bargain Bliss Market , Bargain Bliss , Stop , Save , Sale , Wines , Gathering , November 7th , 7 , Side , Trucks , Petroleum , Saw , Government , Petroleum Trucks Crossing Into Gaza , Video , Meghan , Undertaking , Updates , Paperwork , Spokesman , Ministry Of Health , Need , Instructions , North Sinai , 16 , 81 , Rest , North Sinai Hospital , Kids , Clarity , 35 , 117 , Progress , Egyptians , Land , State Department , Answer , Meagan , God Forbid , Vote , Speaker , Helm , Senate , Mike Johnson , Over Aids , Plan , Julie Tsirkin , Spending Cuts , Dissent , Irs , House , Drama , Bill , House Republicans , House Rules Committee , Marjorie Taylor Greene , In The House , Votes , Tom Massey , Lindsey Graham , Republicans , Supporter , Staunch , Favor , Ukraine , Lunch , Time , Sources , Entity , Speaker Johnson , Chorus , Chance , Julie , Corner , Bills , Government Funding , Reserve , Holiday Season , Rate , Announcement , Signals , Hike , Plane , Captain , Limu Emu Doug , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Mark , Doug , Bell Ringing , Center Stage , Baby Grand Piano , Guy , Bibu , Mustache , Liberty Bibberty , Infrastructure , Power , Megawatts , Pay , Rails , Open Road , Limu Emu Squawks , Networks , Running , Target , Systems Running America , Cyberattacks , Google , 336 Million , Thing , Dripping , Sneeze , Dude , Style , Plop , Fast Cough Relief , Perfumes , Dyes , Alka Seltzer , 5g , Towel , Business Unlimited , Christina , Verizon , Gentle , Hotspot , Healthcare , Business , Original Medicare , Humana , Vo , Revolution , Kitchen , Switch , No Matter What , At Humana , Doctor Office Visits , Deductible , Deductibles , Peach , Prescription Drug Coverage , Coverage , Plans , Prescription Drug , Vision , Dental , Premiums , Medicare Advantage , States , Costs , Cap , 49 , Protein , Energy , Human Way , Decision Guide , Ahh , Woo Hoo , Minerals , Vitamins , Sugar , Nutrients , 25 , Gurus , Cargurus , Flight , Passenger , Delta , Incident , Tom Costello , Least , Flying , Inspector General , Jonathan Dunn , Delta Airlines , Department Of Transportation , Weapon , Flight Crew , Count , Member , Crew , Indictment , Care , Program , Flight Officer , Volunteer Pilots , Firearm , Tsa , Flight Deck Officer Program , Emergency , Flight Deck , Violence , Nbc News Dunn , I G , Officer , Word , Pilot Riding , Altercation , Refraining , Cockpit Jump Seat , Alaska Airlines , Joseph Emerson , Passenger Plane , Engines , Charges , Attempted Murder , Horizon Airlines , 83 , Mental Health Emergency , Crime , Endangerment , Intoxicants , System , Attorney , Stuff , Oregon , 48 , Rates , Economists , Fed , Interest Rate Decision , Thigh , 22 , Jerome Powell , Brian Cheung , Jobs Numbers , Spending , Doesn T , Fed Chair , Activity , For What It S Worth , Decision , Economy , Federal Reserve Doesn T , Tank , Balance , 2 , Inflation , Inflation Data , Jobs , Campaign , King , Space , Price , Somewhere , 3 7 , Meeting , Market Pricing , Half , 97 , 98 , Government Shutdown , Budget , Market Bets , November 17th , 17 , Optionality , Meetings , Table , Finish Line , Direction , Basis , Inflation Looks , Next , Let S Say , Washington D C , Cascade Effect , Shutdown , Press Conference , Whether , Mortgage Rates , Houses , Mortgage , Pandemic , 3 , New Home Sales , Opportunities , Saying , Estimates , Blast , Winter , Millions , Treaters , Halloween Trick , Advisories , Boo To Brrr , Catch , Stop Taking Eliquis , Stroke Risk , Shot , Warfarin , Heart Valve Problem , Bleeding , Eliquis Patients , Medicines , Help , Bruise , Bruising , Artificial Heart Valve , Blood Thinner , Friend , Centrum Silver , Charge , Adults , Youuu , Scientists , In Real Time , Researchers , Tourists , Areas , Coral Reefs , Help Life Underwater Flourish , Winter Is Cong , Gears , Autoworkers , Workers , Deals , Uaw , Voting , Job , Union , Ford , Stellantis , Gm , Chilly Chicago , Freeze Warnings , Southern United States , Swath , Maggie Vespa , Snow , Guys , Halloweens , History , In The City , Feels , Tens , Left , November 1st , Cold Canadian , Lake , Taste , Walks , Old Man Winter , Warm , Nice , Heart , Clocking , Arctic Blast , Ton , Bricks , Slamming Tens Of Millions Americans , Brush , Drop , Average , Air Sending , East Coast , Road , Highway , South , Drivers , Traffic , Snow Pummeling , Cars , Great Lakes , Rochester , Cleveland , Out Of Nowhere , Downtown , Streets , Pileup Crash , Middle , Off Guard , Costumes , Mother Nature , Trick Or , Taco , Food , Coats , Hats , Gremlin , Lemonade Vendor , Call , Candy , Halloween , Cold Snap , Bone , Trip , Spirit , Holiday Living On , Snowy , Outlook , Mood , Calendars , Experts , Advice , Car , Kid , Burrito , Havoc , Temperatures , Taco Costume , Idea , Nuts , Battery , You ,

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