Transcripts For MSNBCW Ayman 20240623

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president rains in the file. democrats hoping the current president hits and where it hurts. plus, trump says he has picked a vpn continues to ramble on the issue of naming them. fake videos claim to show a wobbly biden. there is a true problem for the president. let's do it. we are just days from the first presidential debate. though it may appear like a rerun, this is far from a repeat. thursdays standoff between president joe biden and donald trump comes with huge stakes for them and for all of us. for the better part of the year polling has shown the race is essentially tied. depending on the poll that you are looking at, trump has held a narrow advantage. as the washington post highlights he has held a slightly larger advantage in some of these key battleground states, which certainly has democrats nervous. as for the rest of us, this will be the first time we see trump and biden in the same room since they last debated in 2020. of course, since then you would recall we've seen an attempted insurrection, a former president criminally indicted and convicted in just one of his many cases. more cases, as you know, are pending. viewers will also notice the debate being hosted by cnn rather than the usual nonprofit commission. there will not be a live audience nor and opening statement from the candidates. this is also the earliest debate in u.s. history which they say leaves the door open for missteps to linger in the news longer. the stakes are even higher when you consider all the higher we've had over there ages. biden is 81 and trump is 78. because coherency and competency are high bars, preparation is key and hard- core. biden is doing intensive debate prep with top staff and advisors this weekend. a former aide familiar with the campaign says debate prep has been like cramming for a final. campaign officials tell us biden is prepping to hold trump accountable for his extreme record and the dangerous things he has been saying including ripping away reproductive rights, promoting political violence and doing the bidding of alien air donors. as for trump he's preparing in his own way despite all of us knowing he will likely wing it as he usually does. unlike years past we are hearing that he has been holding policy discussions. the new york times reports that campaign advisors hope he sticks to the issues they view as widens weaknesses such as inflation and immigration. if you can believe it, they tell the times they hope trump does not regurgitate his dog's claims of a stolen 2020 election. trump himself has foreshadowed a bio line of attack planning to highlight a handful of crimes allegedly carried out by undocumented immigrants and falsely blaming them on biden. that should not shock you because fear mongering as we all know is a form of art for donald trump. we truly have no clue which version of trump we will see this week. after months of attacks on biden's mental fitness he said on a podcast that he expects biden to be a worthy debater and he does not want to underestimate him. yesterday he had this to say to his supporters in philly. >> it's been reported that right now crooked joe was in a log cabin to study and prepare. he did not do that. he is sleeping now. they want to get him good and strong so a little before debate time he gets a shot. >> not everybody agrees with that approach including somebody rumored as a vice president contender the gop south dakota governor who clearly seems to not even know the character of donald trump. >> in 2022 you said the personal insults are part of what you did not appreciate. should he avoid those insults on the debate stage? >> i don't think he has to get personnel in the debate at all. >> this might seem familiar to you as well. trump and company just like they predict are now predicting how their leader will perform or in this case their dad. >> back to the debates in the primaries in 2016. it was the same thing. it was attack after attack. they can't help themselves. you better believe that biden is getting a free pass and you better believe they will hit my father. >> we have the author of randy here. i will start with you and your response to what we heard yesterday. the baseless suggestion that biden is taking a medical supplicant. then you have kristi noem saying he should not go down this personal attack on thursday. what are the chances? >> are any of us surprised? he has always had a particular way of being a nasty bully and getting away with it. his base loves it when he name calls.'s base loves it when he lies.'s base loves it when he suggests that the game is rigged. in this instance he suggesting that the president will take some kind of performance enhancement drug so that in the event he can say i told you it was rigged. this is out of the same playbook we've seen time and time again. here's what i'm fearful about. the thing that concerns me most is that it is effective with his base. people who have been dying to see this matchup. what i'm looking for is to see how president biden will be able to come out and discredit this guy for once and for all and remind us that he has no business continuing to be on the national stage. >> the truth is trump cannot debate policy or nuance or substance. the only thing he has his mudslinging, name-calling and file a tax. is there any strategy to how joe biden should approach somebody who's going to do nothing but what i just outlined? >> one of the first things i would advise if i were advising his opponent is to stay on message. president biden needs to stay on message, stay on the things he thinks he has accomplished and ignore trump as much as he can because trump is going to try to press him and press him to get him to come off that. that is exactly what he's trying to do. biden, if he hits him trump can come unhinged. i think there are two things both parties are watching. number one, you do not want president biden to verbally stumble on anything, make any kind of gas, you do not want donald trump to become unhinged and talk when they are cutting his microphone off. i think it is good that there is not a live audience so they don't have to take so many breaks from the cheering and tearing. by the way, i think this debate is mainly for the independence. if you are in the loyal base you will vote biden no matter what or trump no matter what. this is for the independence. >> to that point when you think of some of the roles that have been established. no live audience so you won't have live cheering. the mic will be controlled by cnn meeting nobody can talk over the other person. there are no opening statements . do you think that will favor a person like joe biden calm, controlled, measured and disrupt somebody who is a bit sporadic and spasticity? >> i do. i totally agree. i think that will absolutely favor biden. right now biden is literally preparing. he is studying all of the issues. he speaking deeply about what is comebacks are going to be. he is rehearsing over and over. to have practice and to have a platform that is controlled i think will be good for biden. this is the thing. there will be millions of people watching this. there will be independence watching this. it's all going to be about the aftermath and how the debate gets chopped up and pushed around either by the campaigns in their advertising, what you see pop up on social media, and how the soundbites are going to resonate with real people who are listening. the question becomes, can these two keep it so synced -- succinct enough that there's content people can digest later on. >> very important point. one aspect is that trump is going to get the last word on thursday. that's based on a coin toss that he won. joe biden then opted to pick his podium on the stage. what do you make of that and how do you think that will affect the dynamics of the debate and trump of his position at the end of the night? >> i think trump loves to get the last word so that really plays into his hand. it will make him feel like he has already won in a certain way because he gets to close it . he gets to close it on his term so i think it is very important for donald trump to close it. on that aspect i think he's going to fill a little bit more confident. as for the next thing that happens after the debate, let's sit and watch you does better in the fundraising totals. you will have after the debate you are going to see where the moment to miss. i want to see where the small donor, the $10, $25 donor goes. i want to see the momentum and which candidate they fall behind. that will tell a lot of things if people want to put a little bit of money towards it. >> there is going to be a lot for biden to highlight. as we've mentioned twice impeached, four times indicted. you have the hush money conviction and the defamation lawsuit. there is a lot that president biden can hit donald trump on. does he go after him with that or does he go after him with how horrible he was in the four years he was president? >> i have to admit. i continue to be stumped by this notion of teflon don and how everything that you just laid out has not seemed to harm him at all. the horrific job he did while he was president did not seem to harm him at all and what is most concerning to me is that the future plans for the type of crazy policy agenda he would implement, this project 2025 is not completely making people panic and freaking people out. i am shocked that bringing that up over and over again has not seemed to mock him out of the game. i do hope that president biden keeps that at the forefront. i think at the end of the day trump comes across worse when he is belligerent and acting like a baby that is name- calling. i think the way that the president gets them offkilter is to attack him. it is really more about the way trump responds and reacts that diminishes him than the list you just outlined. >> joe biden has shown in the past he can go toe to toe so we will see how that plays out. >> trump says he has picked a running mate. for once, hard to believe the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. 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>> nobody knows. that was donald trump telling nbc news he has mentally picked a vice president and they will most likely attend his first debate with biden this thursday. sources familiar with the selection process tell us the north dakota governor and ohio senator are considered to be the top two finalist. we should note this is not the first time he has played with the media on his pick including when they will be announced. in january he told pals at fox he had made up his mind and would announce on one of the network grams. he then changed his story saying he would reveal at the convention next month in milwaukee. yesterday he said he would announce right around the convention, may be a little before but could be at the convention but will have some great people.". governor bergen and senator vance taken trump sycophancy to the next level claiming rather ironically that president biden has turned the united states into a dictatorship. your reaction to this news that they are considered the finalists? who do you see getting arose from trump? >> i am scared to death by all of the choices. and the fact that this guy could ultimately be in the white house again. none of them at all would be good for the country. frankly, they would all be extremely dangerous. i don't care which one it is, frankly. i think a lot of them are cut from the same cloth which is why they run around the country attempting to be miniature versions of donald trump. at the end of the day from my standpoint it does not matter whose name is being thrown around because all of them are equally as damaging for our country. >> you would think that trump would try to be strategic about it, try to pick a vice presidential candidate that may help them shore up voters that you lost in the primary season, perhaps nikki haley type of voters. do you see him at all thinking strategically behind getting one of these candidates? or is it all about trump and the one that will be able to serve him. who do you think gop voters might get behind? >> i think fans is the main show. trump is the main show. he does not want a candidate that will overshadow him so he will have to be very careful about who he picks. the thing that i like about doug for him is that he has the ability to not only raise but he can give big bucks. he's got a high net worth and a lot of friends with a lot of money. trump could be looking at him for the sheer fact of being able to raise big money. the other one is jd vance. that could help them in ohio but there's a lot of tapes when he was running for office that he really verbally annihilated trump. those tapes could come back to haunt him if he picked him as a vp over and over again of him saying pretty bad things about donald trump. then there is marco rubio who could help him with a certain sector of voters, but again, they really went after it when he first ran for office. it was pretty brutal. those tapes could resurface also. the person who actually stands to be the best candidate right now would probably be the governor just for the sheer fact that he can raise money and has not said too many bad things about donald trump than the other guys have. >> most notably he said to chuck todd that he would not work with donald trump or do business with him so it's ironic that he would end up working with him at the white house if he is reelected. bergen was confronted about his remark saying that this country is in a dictatorship under biden. >> art of where the word has come from has been nonstop media attack on president trump saying that he might use executive orders when he takes office. >> he seems to be admitting that he's full of it and also doing the whole, i know you are but what am i pick it is always projection. >> that is absolutely. let's never lose sight of the fact that the number one goal of they are able to reclaim the white house is to dismantle the government as we know it and flee or get -- reorganize it so the president could be a dictator autocrat that would remove civil servants that are tenured in the government, have worked there for years had be able to fire them and put in political appointees into very critical roles and completely destroy agencies like the department of education, fda, and so on. it is a whole lot of, i know that you are doing it and i will probably do it to but i will call you at about it. it is completely absurd. >> it is always projection when it comes to how they accuse and attack others. out of these potential pics, how do you see them matching up against the vice president kamala harris? if there is a vice presidential debate which has been the norm, we certainly hope there will be an this time around but how do you see them tearing up against her? >> if i were kamala harris i probably would not want to go up against jd vance. he really is an expert on policy. he is ivy league educated. he knows policy backwards and forwards. if i were her out of all the pics that they have listed i probably would not want to go up against him. he is very smart and he knows policy through and through. is very articulate and precise. that would be the one that i would not want to be going against. >> we should note that both florida congressman and senator tim scott seem to have fallen out of favor with donald trump. it begs the question, probably no strategy to him thinking about what kind of pick he will need. how will that help them with black voters if he ends up with the spot going to another white man? >> he does not care. let's be really clear about that. that is why his entire orbit as well as the potential pics that are being considered do not reflect the whole of america. there is a sensibility in this craziness that america is defined very narrowly by the kind of people that trump and his other white men want to hang out with. i do not inc. they are strategic about it because i don't think that they care. with the take away is from the last administration, from his last administration was that it did not really matter all that much at the end of the day. they don't even seem to be pandering in my opinion. >> thank you to the both of you. i greatly appreciate your insights this evening. next up, a big warning to the president about a voting bloc he needs. we will talk about that. stay with us. protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? 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more than a dozen republican-controlled states have banned abortion with limited exceptions. this week democrats will remind voters which party has effectively criminalized essential healthcare. vice president kamala harris calls out the gop attacks on women's rights saying republicans are creating a healthcare crisis in america. she will also hold two campaign events tomorrow. one in maryland and the other arizona to reportedly slam him for wanting to impose a national ban. the democratic congressional campaign committee will send mobile billboards to five swing districts quoting house republicans who praised the decision. right now access to abortion depends on where you live in accordance with 14 states that the and all abortions with at least three other states that ban abortions after six weeks which is before must know they are pregnant. just last year that led more than 170,000 women to travel out of state to find care. in the past two years, countless women have faced death because they have no access to care or because their doctors were too afraid to provide the care they needed because of the vague and confusing restrictions put into place. with me as the national campaign director for planned parenthood action fund. it's great to have you with us. thank you so much for joining us. it's not only republican lawmakers that are vying for stricter abortion access. you have activists that are still advocating for a full federal ban. i want you to listen to what a 26-year-old told nbc news this weekend at the faith and freedom conference. watch. >> some of us in the group are torn on trump which is why half the group is here and half is not. because of his comments regarding abortion we want a federal abortion ban. obviously he would not support something like that but we are hopeful if he surrounds himself with the right people and because he has been the most pro-life president in our lifetime, a lot of us are still supporting him because of that. >> how do you explain to people like this woman that we just heard from there that abortion care is healthcare or are people like her a lost cause in the selection? >> thank you for having me. first of all we are understanding that people are experiencing the loss of access to care right now. we are headed in to the first presidential election without a federal protection for abortion because of trump. it is in 21 states and counting. millions of women and more trans-and non-binary people are experiencing living in states without access to care. we know that donald trump and his allies never plan to stop there. they are just getting started. trump is bragging about paving the way for state abortion bans. if he is reelected he will eliminate access nationwide. the proof is and what he said and what people are experiencing. >> you have the current standing with women voters not looking as strong as it could be according to some of the latest bowling. the weakest numbers since 2004.'s lead among women is that it points compared to 13 points last election cycle. what do you attribute that to or how do you explain that. how did dems turn the tide in the campaign this week. >> like i said people are experiencing the impact of this crisis. trump and his allies are responsible for this crisis do we need to make that very clear. we need to communicate that president biden and vice president harris are the only ticket with a record of protecting reproductive freedom from expanding access to birth control and appointing more justices to the court than any ticket before them. that is the good news. the record is there. we also know that voters are galvanized around abortion rights. the kaiser family foundation found one in eight voters say abortion rights is the top issue for them headed into november. 61% see it as one of the most important issues. to your point, voters who say abortion is the most important issue are overwhelmingly black, democratic, women age 18 to 29. there is a record share of the electric that is pro-choice in voting that way. we know from the past cycles that when abortion is on the ballot reproductive freedom wins. our job is to be sure we are communicating with as many people as possible and ensure that voters vote their values for candidates and measures that would restore and in some cases expand access to care. >> we talked about how house democrats will target the gop this week. do you think that is enough to point the finger at republicans? do blame games work in the end and politics? whether need to be more substance from house democrats? >> work works. that means talking with as many people as we can. we will be spreading out across the country working with political advocacy organizations . certainly alongside the senate and house to do just that. it means communicating at doors and talking through digital organizing through phone calls, texts, all the ways we are communicating. we want people to vote for reproductive right champions. we want people to vote for constitutional amendments. ultimately we want them to know they are voting for themselves. that is what this november is about. >> we mention the impact across the country. you have more than 170,000 patients forced to travel out of state for care. talk to us about what you are seeing for your work. what should people who do not follow the issue no that is most pressing? >> in this devastating public healthcare crisis, our job has been to get care to patients and patients to care. through the political arm, what we are really talking about is, first of all, while it will take years to undo the harm caused by the supreme court decision and trump efforts to undermine access to abortion, the path back to restoring and protecting access begins right now with talking to your family and friends, other voters. in some cases that means taking action at the ballot not only for candidates who will hold reproductive freedom but constitutional amendments that can affirm a right to reproductive freedom in as many as 10 states this november. there's a lot to do and part of our job is to make sure that everybody understands that there's an opportunity to take direct action. i think that is what the political environment has really shown us is that voters are energized, galvanized to do whatever they can. more and more it's in our hands because we have an opportunity with candidates including biden and harris that will stand up for abortion rights. >> thank you so much. i appreciate your time and insights this evening. up next, president biden one said israel could get into a fist fight with this country and we would still defend it. those words resonate more than ever. ever. own for strong family ties. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 17 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is a kind of bladder and urinary tract 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infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪♪ jardiance is really swell ♪♪ ♪♪ the little pill with a big story to tell! ♪♪ tamra, izzy and emma... no one puts more love into logistics than these three. you need them. they need a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you with a plan that's right for your team. let our expertise round out yours. the white house took aim at fox and other right-wing outlets for a wave of what are being called cheap fakes or misleading videos that reportedly show president biden meandering or confused. the videos are being heavily trafficked and causing a lot of consternation because they strike at the heart of the biggest concern about him. the white house is right. independent fact checkers have taken a close look at the videos and found them to be deceptively edited and out of context which, of course is not stopping that rnc or anyone else from spreading them far and wide. the trump campaign has defended their use of these videos and attacked the media for pointing out the deceptive edit. the white house says allies should have a bigger concern. different video was released. this one authentic and on doctored that also took aim at president biden. >> it's inconceivable that in the past few months the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunition's to israel. america's closest ally fighting for its life against iran and other common enemies. the secretary assured me the administration is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks. i certainly hope that is the case. >> after having the gall to complain about not getting enough u.s. weapons in a timely manner he went on to compare himself to winston churchill. this video came one day after the washington post reported that under intense pressure from the biden administration two key democratic holdouts agreed to a major arms sale to israel. this comes eight months after the hug of netanyahu in tel aviv which was followed by a massive commitment to arm, fund, and defend the war even bypassing congress on weapon sales on multiple occasions. that's not all the netanyahu government is doing to defy this administration. new reports reveal the israeli military has handed over significant legal powers in the west bank to pro-settler civil servants. this furthers the goal of illegally annexing palestinian territory which makes the call for a two state solution seems even more farcical. this happens as israeli forces push deeper taking more palestinian lives and making a mockery of the so-called redline. how did the biden administration respond to this public scolding from netanyahu? what diplomatic tool did they use? two u.s. officials leaked that item's top advisors were enraged and canceled a meeting. one of those courageous unnamed u.s. sources was quoted as saying the decision to cancel the meeting makes it clear that there are consequences for pulling such stumps. if this was not embarrassing enough the next day the official israeli prime minister account posted the u.s. ambassador to israel told the prime minister yesterday that the ammunition and weapons the prime minister referred to are in the process of being delivered. just this morning the defense minister, wanted by the international criminal court for alleged war crimes posted this photo of himself boarding a u.s. air force aircraft in new york heading to washington, d.c. so much for that canceled meeting. for all the handwringing among some deceptively edited videos making joe biden appear wobbly and public the most visible display is the regular public humiliation that benjamin netanyahu relishes and delivering. who needs deep fakes or cheap fakes or fake news when you have the prime minister of israel doing this in reality. this brought to mind an old quote from joe biden in the early days of brock obama's administration vice president joe biden told the israel ambassador that israel could get into a fist fight and we would still defend you. during his presidency both biden and netanyahu have put that to the test. it's unfortunately looking more accurate with each passing day and each statement from the administration's. farxiga can s side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ annika. i found the bomb. ok johann. there should be a blue wire and a yellow wire. an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. cut the blue one. they're both blue! visionworks. see the difference. 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is he trying to hurt biden in the election? because he is speaking in english. >> the fact that it was in english suggests a political objective. he's a supporter of donald trump. he wants to weaken biden. we always knew this was something he was going to do but he also, in doing this strengthens himself with the radical extremists who form the core of his base in israel. of course it's just being himself. he's a liar, a lousy friend of the united states, one of the worst allies we've ever had. he does not listen to us. he does everything for the cameras. he does not do anything for israel and we are paying the price for that. i heard your read into this and i think you are absolutely right. it's time to be much stronger. >> why is the president, joe biden, someone who's experienced and a shrewd politician who understands politics falling for something like this time and time again. he was the vice president when he came and did that stunt during negotiations and undermined the administration then. he is now coming to congress this week before and election in the middle of an election when american democracies on the line that you said he is working to undermine him because he favors donald trump and president biden still stands with them. >> first of all, i think joe biden is to the marrow of his bones a supporter of israel and loyal to israel and wants to be productive and help israel. joe biden and everybody in his administration holds their nose when they have to deal with him because they have known, like american administrations have known since he arrived on the scene that he's not a reliable guy and will do things to undermine us. i think biden has gotten boxed in. and trying to show support for the country of israel he ends up providing support to the government of israel. the government of israel led by netanyahu has abused the support and ignored advice and gone into gaza and committed war crimes. it has used the united states as support against the united states politically in videos like the ones you have just seen. there is a point in a relationship like that where you just have to say, enough is enough. bbs in confidence, corruption, failure as a military leader, the fact that he helped make what happened on october 7 possible through failing to protect his own country make him a threat to israel, him a threat to u.s. objectives and i think we have to treat him that way. >> you bring an interesting point. there's a slight risk -- rift that has emerged on wednesday we had the idf top spokesman making a stunning statement saying that anyone who thinks we can eliminate hamas is wrong this flies in the face of what we've heard from both shortly after october 7 >> we set a specific target to destroy hamas's military capabilities and destroy its government capabilities of the 2 million people it holds hostage in gaza. that is something we are achieving step-by-step and i assure you we will complete the task. >> [ speaking in a global language ] >> it seems at this point that we are starting to see some daylight as to whether or not you can destroy hamas militarily as the spokesperson for the idf has said. summer worried now that netanyahu is setting up biden as escape go if and when israel fails to eliminate hamas as they stated shortly after october 7, the prime minister could say i did not get the weapons i needed from the administration to finish the job. are you concerned about that at all? >> i'm concerned because he is capable of almost anything. a goal that was set out by bibi and his team at the beginning of the war is completely unrealistic everybody that knows the situation knows it's unrealistic. not only can you not eliminate hamas but if you go in and wreak the havoc and destruction that they did you create the next generation of hamas or whatever group succeeds it. we know that. we flipped through that. we saw it in iraq and we said you have to be careful about this. they have ignored it. maybe one of the reasons we are not touching upon here. they actually wanted to destroy gaza and make it uninhabitable so ultimately palestinian control would go away and they could exercise more israeli control while simultaneously trying to take away the west bank from discussions about a potential two state solution. they want to end that conversation. what happened on october 7 was the world realized that there is only one possibility, as difficult as it may seem, for a lasting peace. that is an independent, secure, self determining palestinian state alongside an independent, secure, and self determining israel. that has to be the policy. it is the policy of the world and it is the opposite of the policy and the government of israel right now. that is an insurmountable problem. it will not be solved until bibi is gone. >> david, always a pleasure. i appreciate you joining us. >> my pleasure. a new hour of ayman coming up after the break. democratic congresswoman presley is standing by to talk project 2025 and a closely watched fundraiser. stay with us. ith us. you know what's brilliant? 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