Showing that she carries on no matter what, and this is really a personal moment for President Biden. Its shaping up to be a rough summer in the skies. At least 2,900 reports of unruly behavior by passengers this year. The number of People Killed by guns in america continue to rise this weekend as theres a scourge of Mass Shootings. I am pamela brown. You are live in the cnn newsroom this sunday. President biden might be in brussels tonight but his mind is likely in geneva, as the president gets ready to meet with the American Allies at the nato summit tomorrow. Both biden and putin can agree on one thing ahead of the meeting, u. S. russia relations are strained. I think hes right. Its a low point. It depends on how he responds to acting consistent with international norms, which in many cases he has not. Senior white house correspondent, phil mattingly, joins us live from pwrbrussels. Phil, what is the president saying about the likely Tension Meeting coming up with the russian president . Reporter the leadup to the big meeting in geneva, one, the idea from the u. S. Perspective that theres not lot of u. S. Expectations anything major will come out of the facetoface meeting, and he expanded a little bit on his thought process, something many u. S. Leaders have tried to do over the course of the last seven years, and most of the time not coming out with the results they want. Its about making myself very clear what the conditions are to get a better relationship are with russia. Were not looking for conflict. We are looking to resolve those actions that we think is inconsistent with international norms. Autocrats have enormous power and dont have to answer to the public. It was just a very interesting and honest take on things, and its certainly based on where President Putin comes down on things, and the president will make clear the red lines that if putin crosses that there will be repercussions, and will kneed t offer some assistance and exchange for perhaps a better relationship. Theres no question about it. Expectations are low in terms of d deliverables but the hope is getting the relationship into a better place. Both leaders acknowledging its at a low point, and trying to get to a more predictable relationship. The meetings the president is having in the leadup to this sitdown with President Biden are important. And when the nato meetings started tomorrow in pwbrussels, and they are hoping this will bolster the support as he moves in the meeting. Thank you so much for bringing us the latest from belgium. And its a privilege only four american president s have claimed over the queens nearly 70year reign, and it marks the first time Queen Elizabeth has hosted a world leader since the death of her husband, prince philip, earlier in the year. Queen elizabeth hosting her 12th president going back to the 1950s. You saw the Guard Of Honor at Windsor Castle and President Biden inspecting the troops, and many of the troops have worked closely with our american counterparts and were looking forward to being inspected by the commanderinchief skpand t went inside for a tea, and those conversations always remain private. Those conversations are never leaked, although last time President Biden did release some detail and they discussed brexit, but usually an opportunity for visiting Head Of State to have time with the worlds longest Head Of State amid all the history shes seen during her reign. The bidens were in the castle for about an hour and left and their tour will continue. Our thanks to max foster. We will get a look at the highly anticipated meeting with russian president , vladimir putin. Be sure and stay with cnn for complete coverage of that. Back here in washington we learned that the Trump Justice Department secretly obtained the apple data of then President Bidens White House Council in 2017. They were seizing that when don mcgahn was the White House Council, and a separate source said Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein are claiming to others they were unaware of the requests for don mcgahns records. Today democratic leadership offer as stinging rebuke of the actions. What has happened here are fingerprints of a dictatorship, not a democracy. What the administration did, the Justice Department, the leadership of the former president goes even beyond richard nixon. I am joined by peter welch. Nice to see you and thank you for coming on the show. We just heard strong words from congressional leaders. Do you agree with their view . I do. Two astonishing thing, one is personal, and its astonishing that donald trump was not only atta attacking adam schiff, but he was going after his own lawyer. Second and more importantly for our country harbgss weaponizing the Justice Department, and bar and sessions were complicit in this. Where you have the president who is essentially using the Justice Department as a political arm to carry out his attacks against political opponents, you are violating the rule of law. In this case hes attacking an independent branch of government, and thats without precedent. I want to be clear. Theres a lot we dont know. Some of this is suspicious given the way the trump doj behaved in the past, and theres still a lot we dont know. This could be a situation where they were collected, don mcgahns information, and it was a larger sweep where the investigation was targeted elsewhere. Do you all this raises just questions about the power of the Executive Branch and the tools they are able to do . It racises the question, and the Justice Department went back several times to get a gag order, and we in the public has no knowledge of what we were up to. This subpoenas dont produce themselves or sign themselves and they have to be requested and thats a prosecutioorial action, and we saw how barr was invasive, and i would say lied in response from questions from then senator harris about any investigations under way. This is incredibly serious because it is an attack on the legislative branch and its an attack on the position of checks and balances. The language that senator schumer used, i think, is appropriate here. Just to be clear, as you all know, bill barr is claiming he doesnt recall any of this. In 2018, this is before he took over the doj, and Jeff Sessions is claiming he was not aware and so is Rod Rosenstein. You have received any information, congressman, from doj or apple or any other information from lawmakers like yourself was handed over to doj . Anything to help piece this together . I have not. Thats why we want the Inspector General to shoo this investigation. Keep in mind barr hired cronies from outside the Justice Department to be a separate branch in effect that was dedicated to doing the Political Missions of donald trump. Thats how serious barr got about containing it. Their loyally was not to the constitution. Their loyalty was to President Biden a President Trump and hs srepb denia. None of the doj leadership knew about this. Even if they went to appearing and did not know who the numbers belonged to, and it raises questions either way. I wonder if you could talk to barr and sessions if they do testify, what questions would you ask them . What did they do and how did the subpoenas get issued . Its very straightforward. A subpoena does not issue itself. There has to be a request made by a prosecution for authorization from the grand jury. All lawyers know that practice any kind of law in Criminal Court that grand juries were very coordinated with the prosecutor before them. Barr, if you notice, his answers are very vague and hes incredible vague and forgetful. Let me before we let you go, congressman, under the obama administration, as you know they were very aggressive and targeting reporters, 20 reporters from the ap, for example, and do you there should be more safeguards, or more parameters for the Leak Investigations . I do. I do. I think, you know, we depend on a free press and the free press does things that administrations dont like, and i think there has to be protection for the press when its doing its job, and then President Trump went after a sitting member of congress, members of congress, who were doing their job as democratic Elected Representatives in a separate branch of government, and thats in addition to what he did for those reporters whose information he was subpoenaing through barr, i believe. Congressman peter welch, thank you for joining us on the show. Thank you. Coming up for you tonight, the terrifying fallout from trumps big election lie. Georgia Election Workers reveal the vile Death Threats they are getting. And then we are joined life about a Flight Attendant later on the show. And first, down but not out. Well be back, soon. A razor thin vote ends netanyahus 12year run, and were live in jerusalem tonight. L degree and his knowledge to help people that were voiceless in his country. That put a fire in my heart. It made me realize where i got my passion for social justice. Bring your Family History to life like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com i dont just play someone brainy on tv im an actual neuroscientist. And i love the Science Behind neuriva plus. Unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of Brain Performance. More Brain Performance . Yes, please neuriva. Think bigger. [peaceful music plays] [soft cymbal crash] tonight President Biden talks to the new Prime Minister of israel, Naftali Bennett. What did President Biden and bennett discuss . Well, the two got on the phone rally quickly after Naftali Bennett was sworn in, and President Biden offered his warm welcome, and one name the white house did not mention today, benjamin netanyahu, after 12 years the man known as the ultimate political survivor by some even king bb was finally dethroned. The balloons were left hanging as netanyahu waved goodbye from what might have been the final election night. His party won enough seats, but not enough to break israels political disfunction, four elections in two years. As he left the stage the Many Political enemies he collected along the way began gathering to oust him. We never intended to stay he launched his political career in the United States as israels ambassador to the u. N. A bloodbath rocks the cradle of civilization. Is there one man who can stop it . He honed his skills with the media that barely knew how to pron pronounce his name. A connection with the media and u. S. That would define the rest of his political path. A representative of israel during some of its most intense periods. I must say this is the darnedest way to conduct an interview. Soon after netanyahu pulled off his first stroke of political Imagine Tkpwin 1996. Something in the range of about 1. 5 points squeezing by with a wafer thin majority. Israeli voters were not convinced and he was ousted after one term, and he returned to power in 2009. With pride but with great humility. His relationship, with the new u. S. President , strained from the start, reaching a near Breaking Point as netanyahu positioned himself the chief an tag northwest of the iran nuclear deal, which obama was negotiating, even addressing the u. S. Congress, infuriating the white house. That will not prevent iran from developing nuclear wep kwr weapons. The alternative the Prime Minister offers is no deal in which case iran will immediately begin once again pursuing its nuclear program. The relationship between the two men remained tense, as obama criticized settlement the west bank. But u. S. Relations turned with Donald Trumps 2016 election win. It was a bromance that netanyahu craved. In almost identical middle eastern agenda, Recognizing Jerusalem as israels capital. Endorsing israeli sovereignty and on this day you too chartered a Brilliant Future, a Brilliant Future for israelis, palestinians and the region. Proposing a deal of the century with the palestinians, and the palestinians dismissed it as the slap of the century. Then the abraham accords, the historic normalization agreements with arab countries. You brokered the historic peace we are signing today. For netanyahu shifting from land for peace, to peace for peace. After 12 consecutive years in power, Netanyahu Making Little Progress on the peace with palestinians. Three bloody conflicts with hamasled militants in gaza, all helping israel a partisan issue in u. S. Politics. In the end, it was the personal equation, the many enemies made along the way that led to his downfall. Former allies and long time foes reaching across the political spectrum, all with one goal, bringing king bbs reign to an end, at least for now. Netanyahus political career is likely far from over, and he will be leader of the Opposition Leader of the Largest Party in the israel parliament, and today he vowed to do everything he can to try and topple this new government. A lot of people say hes not going anywhere. Thank you so much. Up next on this sunday, house speaker, nancy pelosi said shes not done trying to convince joe manchin to back the democrats election reform bill. Well be right back. 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Last hour texas congressman explained in stark terms why that comment was so despicable. Thats the kind of dangerous rhetoric that gets people targeted and killed, and thats the kind of rhetoric that led to a guy driving from dallas, texas, to murder 23 people because he considered them hispanic invaders to texas. So at worst what she said was a call to violence, at worst it is as america sees the rise in Mass Shootings and gun crimes. Words matter. Joe manchin is not the most popular guy in his party these days, and hes a human obstacle, including the for the people act. In an oped article, he said i believe partisan voting legislation will destroy the already weakening bonds of our democracy, and this morning on cnn ststate of the union, hou speaker, nancy pelosi, and congresswoman ocasiocortez both addressed manchins critical role. I think we need to talk about the elephant in the room, which are Senate Democrats blocking crucial items in a democratic agenda for very, i think, for reasons that i dont think hold a lot of water. I think the older school way of accepting the role of lobbyists in washington absolutely has a role in joe manchins thinking. Is there something you dont know that we dont know or a lot of people in the caucus dont know about joe manchin and the possibility of this election reform . I dont know about this but i know he had concerns that we could maybe come to terms on. So its bridgeable. I said to him, you you talked to him . Of course. Yeah. Well discuss this and more, is nancy pelosi being realistic when she says the joe manchin divide is bridgeable . I think it was two clips to show you two ways of dealing with the democrats manchin problem, and on the left it is the its very its to hit manchin pretty hard, right, and they dont have a lot of leverage. The left doesnt have much leverage, and pelosis view of this you will get more from manchin with sugar than vinegar. Joe manchin comes from a state that donald trump won between 30 and 40 points, right . He doesnt get 50 in his last election, so joe manchin anything that somebody like aoc says is good for him back hoeplho home, and if you are not thinking about that you will not have much impact influencing him. Democrats that think by attacking him or as some on the left are calling him a protector of the racist institution of the filibuster, none of that will work. Manchin will use that back home to pull support among a lot of conservatives that voted for him and donald trump. Thats the fundamental problem the democrats have with manchin is they have no influence very fu tools to influence him given the realities of West Virginia politics. Thats an interesting perspective to view this. You have congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez saying its a bipartisanship that no longer exists because of republicans, but does manchin still speak for a lot of americans who are politically in the middle . I think he does. This concept of the filibuster, you know, it requires a lot of education, you know, your average person doesnt understand parliamentary procedure and what is the filibuster is, and they hear joe manchin say hes protecting this Great Institution and they hear a lot of liberals saying its destroying democracy, so that has not really crystalized in the minds of a lot of americans, and not even a majority of democrats, because they are hearing mixed messages from people they look to, like the president s position on the filibuster is a little its somewhat vague and different from the pure antifilibuster position, and so the way to get manchin to come around is well, one, there has to be a number of filibusters, and that is a way where eventually manchin can go to his constituents in West Virginia and say, this filibuster thing, its really blocking stuff that i want for this state, but those are the kinds of arguments that will work in the end. Arguments that manchin can use back home, because hes not you know, his constituents are not in park slope, you know, they are in West Virginia and thats the way thats the prism with which he looks at this, and if you go back to the harry reid example, pam, remember when we have the legislative filibuster, but no longer have the filibuster for judges and president ial nominees, and they didnt get rid of that until there was a pattern of obstruction and until we see the pattern of obstruction in the biden era, they are not going to be able to convince manchin. Thank you so much. Thank you. Georgia Secretary Of State and his family are living the consequences of the former president. Pushing the big lie to the masses. They are getting Death Threats that are so terrifying, his wife stopped having her grandkids over to visit. Well have more on that, just ahead. [ ] if you have diabetes, its important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. Try boost glucose control. 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We now know donald trump has issued more statements lying about the 2020 election than statements talking about any other subject. Cnn has the story. You and your family will be killed very slowly. We plan for the death of you and your family every day. And a warning that a Family Member was going to have a very unfortunate incident. The Death Threats came by texts to the wife of georgias Secretary Of State detailed in a reuters interview. The messages coming in april, many months after donald trump lost the election. Earlier threats even forcing them into hiding for nearly one week. Trisha telling reuters, brad and i didnt feel like we could protect ourselves. She said she cancelled weekly visits at her home with two grandchildren, three and five years old. I couldnt have them come to my house any more. You dont know if these people will act on this stuff, she said. She explained how intruders broke into the home of their willowed daughterinlaw. Hes an enemy of the people. Joe biden won by a slim margin. For some reason they targeted her, and they said, tell brad to step down, you know, and that type of thing. But then they just really, you know, ramped up, and then went to stage two, they just got vulgar and rude. Trumps baseless accusations of voter fraud in georgia, led to a worker getting threatened to a news. These incidents led the georgia voter official to call on trump to condemn the threats. Former President Trump didnt skip a beat, still promoting the ideas of election fraud. Trufpls rhetoric could inspire more threats of violence, and theres worry about the impact disinformation can have on workers and officials in the 2022 midterm elections. So so disturbing. Thank you. A quick Programming Note as we learn new details about what happened on january 6th in washington, watch assault on democracy the roots of Donald Trumps insurrection next sunday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern right here on cnn. Thats a wrap on dr. Bidens g g7 meeting. 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Cnn white house correspondent, kate bennett, joins me with more on the very consequential treup. I think she did i think she did really well. Shes been in the landscape for so long, step ago way from that role to be first lady. And, you know, she was fine with the queen. There were no major gaffes. They met the other night at the reception. That made it easier. She didnt buy a new outfit. She wore a suit she just wore a few weeks ago on trap to virginia with the president. She kept true to herself. I think what is really important about this trip is it that we saw her do a lot of solo events. In fact, she did more solo events outside of the g7 outside of the g7 Spouse Leader Events which are usually fun cultural events. But she did a lot on her own besides kate middleton, she met with veterans. She met with groups, you know, talking about her interests, about joining forces. But, you know, meeting the queen is a big deal. The bidens always hold hands, you know, and im sure she saw joe biden wearing his aviators, not taking them off and probably wanted to elbow him and say take off your sunglasses. I i think she did well. I love the point she didnt buy a new outfit to meet the queen. I feel like that if that was me, id be frantically trying to buy a new dress. Yeah. Buy a new dress. But i love what that says, right . Just so interesting. Is there anything else about this trip, as you watched her, you covered other first ladies as well that really stood out or surprised you . I think we saw a jill bidens emotional exuberance. There was a moment today after meeting the queen, i think we have a picture of it. She saw veterans she knew from an event in 2018 in the United States and happy to see them. In a million years i cant imagine milania trump, good or bad, right or wrong, making that gesture. She was a very reserved first lady. Michelle obama is open. Nancy reagan is different. Barbara bush was different. Going back to jackie kennedy, her first trip to europe cemented her as this popular figure. Crowds shouted jackie. In france, she spoke french. First ladies on the world stage, you know, showing off their person as she did. She is so fresh. I think its the world now getting to know who she is and who she is a very relaxed, open, open book if you will. Yeah. She looks relaxed standing next to the queen in that picture. All right. Thank you so much for that. And up next, a desperate search for survivors after a massive Gas Explosion levels parts of a city in china. Sometimes you wanna go where Everybody Knows your name and theyre always glad you came you wanna be where you can see ahah our troubles are all the same ahah you wanna be where Everybody Knows your name you wanna go where people know welcome back, america. It sure is good to see you. When i was young nonononono please please no. I never needed anyone. Front desk. Yes, hello. Im so. Please hold. Those days are done. I got you. All by yourself. Go with us and find millions of flexible options. All in our app. Expedia. Through ancestry i travel with. Learned so much about my grandparents that i never knew. Im a lawyer now, but i had no idea that my grandfather was a federal judge in guatemala. My grandfather used his legal degree and his knowledge to help people that were voiceless in his country. That put a fire in my heart. It made me realize where i got my passion for social justice. Bring your Family History to life like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com 12 people are dead after a huge Gas Explosion devastated part of china today. Look at this. Windows blown out, Rubble Clogging the streets, and a frantic scramble to find survivors. Scouring the scene there. The cause of the explosion is under investigation tonight. And now to the dire situation developing in ethiopia this sunday. Hundreds of thousands of people there in the midst of a famine. And now facing potential starvation. Our Stephanie Basarri has a story from legos, nigeria. United nations and other aid groups are warning that more than 350,000 people in ethiopias conflict ravaged region are experiencing famine conditions. Over 60 of the population, more than 5. 5 Million People were found to have high levels of acute Food Insecurity in tigre. Of these two million are in Emergency Levels of acute Food Insecurity and without urgent action, the u. N. Warns could quickly slide into starvation. The situation is caused by conflict and expected to worsen in coming months, particularly in tigre with over 400,000 people projected to face catastrophic Food Conditions without urgent aid. Last month cnn exclusively reported that the troops were coordinating with Ethiopian Forces to cut critical aid routes. A cnn Traveling Team witnessed soldiers some disguising themselves in old Ethiopian Military uniforms blocking aid to starving populations. Fighting between Ethiopian Government troops and a regions former ruling party, the liberation front, tplf, broke out in november 2020. Troops from neighboring areas later joined the conflict in support of the Ethiopian Government. The government in ethiopia denied that there are severe Food Shortages in the country. Pamela brown and your next hour of cnn starts right now. Tonight, cnn learns the Trump Justice Department secretly accessed the data of trumps former white House Counsel and wife. Plus, Flight Attendants on the front lines as Air Rage Incidents spike in the skies. And were learning just how serious the situation was when a danis danish Soccer Player collapsed before a team. He was gone before being brought back to life. Im pamela brown in washington. Welcome to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Great to you have along with us on this sunday. Youre live in the cnn newsroom. And new tonight, and white House Counsel at the time don mcgann. The data of two House Democrats and senior questions about the scope of the sweeps and what top officials

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