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100 minutes of horror, and the video obtained by cnn of the early moments of the october 7th terror attack from the view of a hamas militant and what it revealed of the hamas planning and israel's security. rudy giuliani claims he is going to take the stand in a case that the judge claimed that he defamed two georgia workers and he has millions of dollars on the line. >> and an ethics committee could release the long-awaited ethics report on george santos, and one thing that won't be there is a recommendation to expel him. i'm sara sidner with kate bolduan and john berman. and this is cnn "news central." there are new indications this morning that israel's ground offensive in gaza could be expanding to the south. leaflets were dropped wednesday on the communities to the west of khan yunis which warned the civilians to move to known shelters. in the north, the idf is now 36 hours into the raid at al shifa hospital. the israeli forces remain both inside and in the vicinity of the gaza's largest hospital. several humanitarian groups have questioned this operation as hundreds of patients and thousands of civilians are known to be sheltering in the hospital completion. there is new video of the idf showing weapons found inside of the hospital in the raid and promising more evidence of hamas's presence is coming. this morning john kirby reiterated that u.s. intelligence, has intelligence itself that hamas used the hospital as a head qquarters. >> we are confident that the basement areas underneath the hospital, and the hospital itself is being used by hamas as a command control mode. >> so from the united nations, a new call for an immediate and extended humanitarian pause in the fighting in gaza in order to try to get humanitarian aid in for civilians in need. this is the first adoption by the u.n. security council since the hamas attack on october 7th, but what does it do? we go to nada bashir in jer ruse l -- jerusalem, and this is not the first resolution, and what does it do? >> this is considered a breakthrough in the weeks of bitter negotiations but as we heard from the u.n. ambassador as a resolution passed by 1 countries as meaningless and disconnected from reality that israel has been acting completely from the humanitarian laws, and experts are warning that the violations committed by israeli against palestinians are genocide in the making. of course, they have rejected this resolution calling for a humanitarian pause despite the pushes from the international lies including of course messages from the u.s. officials, and now, of course, the united states abstained from this resolution. we heard from the human watchers and the u.n. director yesterday describing this decision of the united states to abstain from the voting on this resolution as a wake-up call to israel that even the allies are now expressing concern that we are seeing unfolding inside of the gaza strip. as we know, as the bombardment continues across the gaza strip, and the focus around the hospitals, and in particularly the gaza largest hospital al shifa, there is the mounting concern for the civilians and those inside of the hospitals, the patients and the medical staff. now, a key point of concern is this ongoing concern around the evacuation routes, and this resolution is calling for a long pause for the rapid and unhindered access of those groups to provide emergency aid to those in gaza, and we heard from joe biden saying that he had pushed benjamin netanyahu for a pause longer than three days. of course, we know it has proven very, very difficult for civilians in northern gaza to evacuate southwards, and there is a mounting concern for the situation in the south, and the reports of the leaflets falling on communities around khan yunis warning the civilians to take shelter in known shelters and the safe zone established or outlined by the israeli military may not be safe for much longer, and important to underscore here, we are seeing the air strikes continuing here near the south. kate. >> thank you, nada bashir. sara? >> we have breaking news to share, and we told you that the health ethics committee would release a report on george santos. it has happened and manu raju is on the house hill, and what is releasing in that report and they are saying they won't expel him? >> it is a devastating report detailing conduct and misconduct that the house ethics committee has found after months of investigation into the freshman from new york's conduct here and raising serious concerns about george santos' future in the house. it recommends action from the justice department, and remember that george santos has been indicted by a separate case, and he has plead not guilty to that, but this separate probe, this house probe threatens him as a member of this body. what this, and i want to read you some lines from this report that came by and it is more than 50 page, and we are digging through the evidence, but the top lines are devastating for the new york republican. it says representative santos sought to fraudulent exploit every aspect of his house candidacy for his own personal financial profit. he stole from donors to what they believed were contributions to his campaign, and they were payments for his personal benefit, and he reported fictitious loans from his own donors to make donations to the camp campaign, but he diverted it to his own personal needs. he used these campaigns to obtain additional funds for himself for fraudulent and business dealings. and there is questions into his background and a series of lies to his constituents and donors and staff about his background and experience. now, the house ethics chairman said this would not recommend any course of action for the house to take, and the members would have to take for themselves there, but this is going to provide more information for those who would need some more information. expect a vote when they come back, and 2/3 majority to kick him out of the house. there is an effort to kick him out, and that failed because a lot of the members wanted to wait for this report, and if santos is expelled from this chamber, it would be the sixth member in american history to be expelled from the house. the first since 2002 when james traficant was expelled. and we will see, because he has not plead not guilty and responded, but really this bipartisan committee is detailing conduct that a lot the members are going to be concerned about. and how they vote is going to be coming in the days ahead. >> it may not be a court of law, but it is a damning report. and it was sent out by the chairman of the ethics committee. one thing they say is that they will use this and refer this substantial evidence they have gathered of potential federal criminal law to the department of justice, and what are you hearing on that front? >> yeah, look, that is one of the things that the committee sometimes does is as it investigates how to proceed whether to go ahead and refer things to department of justice for further investigation. remember, he has been indicted. the question is going to be how much additional evidence has this panel uncovered that perhaps the justice department did not include in the indictment. we will have to dig into that. i had a chance yesterday to talk to some of the members including the chairman of the ethics committee who explained why it would not have explicit recommendation for expulsion and some of the members who are ready to kick george santos out of the house. >> we were to make, the ethics committee were to make recommendations for sanctions is, it would have carried out well into next year and maybe into the end of next year, so we are not going to be making any recommendation to the house, and this is up to each individual member. >> the people of his district need representation, and they are not getting it right now. clearly he has a lot of issues, and he needs to go home to solve. >> i take whatever comes my way, and i don't have any concerns or premeditated feelings on this. >> and that last comment from congressman santos, and he keeps saying we will see what happens, and what the report says, and he would not say he would accept the findings. and he has had this report since yesterday, and knows what is detailed in this, and we will see, but we are learning so much more about this report as we are digging through it, and i wanted to read you one more line. representative santos sought to fraudulently exploit every aspect of his candidacy for himself. and but for the indictment from the justice department, he took donor credit cards to essentially try to buy personal goods for himself. he has not plead guilty for that offense, but there is devastating evidence in this report for the freshman congressman. >> stick with me, manu. we will bring in the punchbowl co-founder john bresnahan, and what do you think of this? how is that is going to be landing on the hill? >> i was listening to manu. i think this is enough to begin the exsmpulsion process. they don't have a trial date scheduled until september of 2024, and this is going to outrage a number of members on the hill, and you will see the delegation members, and who tried to expel him recently, and say, look, there is enough here. he can have his day in court, but as a member of congress, his tenure should end now. just the allegations here are pretty blatant and that he did not cooperate at all. he was given an opportunity to speak to the investigative subcommittee or the special investigative committee, and they appoint members to do this including two members who are not on ethics, and he didn't do it. that is enough to convince a lot of members, yeah, he had the chance, and he did not take advantage, and we should take a look at expulsion now. >> the first line, and there is a lot that manu was detailing, but the first line in terms of the findings. representative santos sought to fraudulently exploit every aspect of his house candidacy for his own personal financial profit. there is a lot more than that, but that in itself is truly damning. there is always talk, bres, of what the teeth of the ethics committee has, and what impact and mark they can leave on a member. this is going further than what we often see. >> oh, yeah, i have read dozens of these things over the years, and this is extraordinarily explicit for the ethics committee. this is a duty that no member wants to have. they don't want to serve on the ethics committee. it is not a criminal body, and it is not set up for that, and it has subpoena power, but it is not a real investigative body or law enforcement agency, but it is a member who sits in judgment of their colleague, and they hate it. they are circumspect, and they are saying that he just stole from everybody, and he used his whole campaign to profit himself personally. that is what he was in politics for, and that why he ran for congress, and kind of an accidental congressman in a lot of ways, and them just saying it blatantly, a lot of the members are going to hit him between the eyes, and think of taking some action about this. >> you is the new york delegation, and they have been scathing in their criticism of him from jump on this as we know. and part of it is that what it means from the slim republican majority, and the sense is that the new york delegation, and the new york republicans were waiting to see how this reportlanded amongst the other members before they would try to move again, and what is this going to look like again? >> this is going to be enough, and guys like mike lawler, they don't like santos, and they don't like what he represents, and this is a political problem for them, and it is a personal issue for some of them that way he behaves, and you know, he's, it is hard to even describe. >> all of the things. and i mean, it like it would take us minutes to go through the lies in the background and what he has done since, bres. >> oh, my, and even the way he carries himself when he is up there. and manu was there the day when he, you know, they were doing the speaker elections, and he was running around screaming by the cameras. i have never seen in 30 years of covering capitol hill, i have never seen anyone act like this, and it is hard to put in words how he is pretending to be a congressman. this is going to be -- and i think that there are a lot of members saying that we are waiting for ethics, and the justice department subpoena indictment out there, and the superseding indictment, and a lot of allegation, but he has never been in court, and this is, he had a chance to go to ethics, and this is a problem that he didn't. a lot of the members are going to want to act on that. >> the one move that might have tipped the scales is that he didn't take a chance to defend himself in front of the ethics committee. thank you for jumping on, bres. appreciate it. john? >> pouring through the report, and so much more ahead. so much more in there. new video obtained by cnn of how the october 7th attack unfolded with 100 minutes of terror from a camera that a hamas attacker was wearing. and joe mamanchin's owown w. all right. with an estimated 239 hostages now the 41st day in captivity in gaza, this morning we have an cnn exclusive and previously unseen perspective of the horrors of october 7th. when the hamas launched the attack day, many of the hamas attackers were wearing go pro cameras. it shows 100 straight minutes of terror, and warning that some of this is very graphic. our oren liebermann reports. >> reporter: an explosion. before dawn on october 7th. the time is here and the attack is under way. a alou allahu akbar, god is great, they say. they are headed to the kibbutz, and the sun is up in a day that will reshape the region has begun. this video comes from the body cam of one of the terrorists who took part in the attack. it was obtained exclusively by cnn and the israeli defense forces and for first time we are seeing the video of inside of the tunnels before the attack. it is a network of tunnels with what appears to be supplies before the attack in darkness. in arabic written on the walls is far worst. the gunman fires the first shots. go on man, go on man, he screams. they stop on the way, and more than a dozen militants are gathered here to prepare for the next assault, and one has several rocket-propelled grenades on his back. minutes later a group advances across the open field moving towards the village. the gunman charges the last bit and spots an israeli soldier on the ground. others join in celebration. moments later, he is more composed as he turns the camera on himself, and he says his name, and he is 24 years old and a father, and he killed two israelis soldiers and asks god for victory and deserved ma mart martyrdom. they go along nearly empty roads. the man cheers as he sees bodies on the road. his is not the first wave. he rounds corner. here we have seen this place before among the first videos to come out after the attack. this is dash cam video on the car on the same road moments earlier, and the car approachs a group of militants who open fire. the car coasts and the driver is almost certainly dead now, and it is just after 7:40 in the morning. after a quick reload, the group approachs a military base near the kibbutz of rahim. for 65 minutes since crossing the gaza fence, they have had nearly free rein in israel. they have opened fire and fire comes back. this man's part of the attack comes to an end. the terror is just beginning. one thing that is clear in this video is how quickly and easily they were able to move unimpeded, and a quote of one of the group saying, where is all of the soldiers? apparently surprised how easily they move, and this is part of the investigation, and investigation of everyone from the idf and individuals of the public says needs to be thorough and in depth how catastrophic the israel's security failed on that day. >> oren, that is a stunning and horrifying footage to be clear, and this is to be 41 days ago, and israel says that as a result of that, 241 people still in captivity. sara? i am joined by the founder of gaza medic voices. and we have been watching this horrifying video of the day of the attack, but looking at the al shifa, the largest hospital complexes, and have you heard anything from the doctors there? >> thank you, sara, for having me on the program. we have been in constant communications with the doctors and the nursing staff in gaza since the 10th of october when we set up gaza medic voices. what we have heard is that in the last few days, it is extremely difficult to be in communication with anyone at al shifa hospital. the last communication was yesterday morning and i have not been able to communicate with anyone in the hospital since. on friday before the israeli defense forces started to attack and enter and we have messages that we are desperate from the doctors inside saying that there are snipers shooting at the windows and doctors and nurses being shot, and they are concerned that all of them will perish as well as all of the babies and the children and all of the patients in the intensive care units left behind. there are still as far as i know 200 to 300 patients inside of al shifa at the last count. what i can say is that the videos from october 7th are deplorable, and horrific, but as you said rightly, it does not excuse the loss of civilian and human life to the number of almost 12,000 in gaza, and this disproportionate amount of children who are losing their limbs and lives and losing their parents and a whole generation of their family, and many of them are being disfigured or burnt with, you know, extremely toxic chemicals or the toxic weapons being used in munitions. so the situation there is apocalyptic, and what we must not lose sight of is that this is the whole of gaza. so, the whole of gaza is a concentration camp and being bombed indiscriminantly to the level that we have never encountered. the monthly average number of deaths in gaza in the last four weeks is 4,000 children. the nearest conflict that had in the last 10 to 20 years that had numbers of children killed is 200 children in four weeks, and that was in yemen and in syria. so we are talking about a magnitude of death and destruction that is beyond anything that we have witnessed frankly since world war ii in my humble opinion. >> we have heard some of the numbers about the number of children killed from safe the children who have talked about this. that is the most number of children per year that they have seen over the past four years that have been killed. but, we have also heard from the idf who has gone into the hospital and has now taken over the hospital and control of it, if you will, that there was no fighting inside of the hospital, and that most of it happened outside. however, before it was raided by the israeli military, it has been under some of the worst kind of conditions, no electricity, no anesthesia and inundated with the people seeking refuge, and how is it that the military is inside and we saw them bringing in items to try and help, but how are the doctors able to treat any of the patients there at this point? >> we are operating in the dark, and they are operating in the dark realistically, so i have no idea how they are managing with the conditions there. prior to the invasion and the storming of the hospital, these doctors were absolutely exhausted and operating with lack of basics of supplies. many were performing amputations with little pain control with the patients, and afterwards many of them were as you saw in the videos and the pictures taking babies out of the incubators, the 32 weekers or fewer to give them altogether in cots. this is dehumanizing. this is 2023, and we are seeing the levels of health care infrastructure breakdown. i don't think that anyone has seen this in the western world, and the closest thing is probably the earthquake of haiti where 100,000 people died. in that situation, it was a collapse of the infrastructure where mother nature was in course, but this is manmade. i am terrified to think of how they are operating in there. i can tell you that some of the doctors and surgeons are some of the most competent and able doctors in the world. but even some of them are performing in a level that many of the health care systems could not cope with. they are struggling and breaking down. i spoke to a doctor at al shifa hospital before he had to plea, and i said to him, what message do you have for the world, we don't want your food. we don't want your electricity. we don't want your peace and thoughts and love, and we want cease-fire now. we want supplies to come in and take over and help, because we are frankly on our knees and begging. >> lastly, did you hear from any of the doctors about the guns and the ammunition that israeli military says it has found inside of the hospital, and are you concerned about hamas using the hospital as a potential base? >> so, myself and my colleagues, i have asked them who have traveled there over the last ten years, and my colleagues have said i swear on my mother's life i have never seen anything like that, and none of the hamas militants using the hospital as the idf claims and no footage of hamas militants working inside, and if they have evidence, they need to show it. but these -- >> there is video showing the munitions. and the reality for the doctors is impossible right now. >> but it is -- yeah, if there is munitions inside that hospital, that is obviously unacceptable, but at the same time, it means that you cannot blanket and carpet bomb a whole city and country and put 2 million's people's lives at risk. this is the most advanced military, and they can fine tune and take out militants in a more targeted way. this sledge hammer approach is not helpful, and the israeli -- >> doctor, we have lost your signal. doctor, thank you for talking us through this. this is difficult time for you and your colleagues inside of the hospitals there in gaza. kate? come up for us, rudy giuliani is set to take the stand in his own defense, and the plans now to testify in the upcoming civil trial, and involving two election workers that he defamed. the details ahead. in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to a $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yep, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network and that powers more businesses than anyone else. learn how you can get $1000 back for your business today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> so, new this morning a legal filing overnight says that rudy giuliani is planning to take the stand at his civil defamation work. he is being sued by a mother and daughter in a defamation suit for trying to overturn the georgia voting suit. this is a filing that says we are going to testify and does that mean he is really going to take the stand for sure, elliott? >> welklwell, it does not mean sure, but they are signaling that he will, but it is in his interest to testify here, because the judge has ruled against him based on the conduct of not being forth coming with discovery and information provided earlier on. he does not have much left, and sort of the he is wishing to stop the bleeding the once chance might be coming up to testify. >> he is found guilty of defaming what this mother and daughter passing drugs around in there, and what is the risk for him if he takes stand, because that statement in and of itself does not seem sympathetic, and also criminal charges in rudy giuliani in georgia and could what he says on the stand here bleed into another case? >> yes, any time you say in open court be used in other cases be brought against you. so any testimony comes with a risk. but with the specifics of this case, he has to behave himself, and i think that if you take the stand and go after the witnesses further, and say anything other than i defamed you and i am sorry, and it is a tough time, and i don't know what was going on, and i think it is particularly risky for a defendant. so it is a narrow line to walk. he has a history of bluster-filled statements that could get him in trouble, and there is not many options here. he is going to have to end up paying a lot of money, and it is how much he can mitigate it. >> and we are talking about georgia, one of the criminal defendants lloyd harrison, and how unusual for a judge to say he has to go to jail pending trial, and what could that be for the prosecutors to give fannie lewis, the fulton county prosecutor over him. >> well, i don't want to get into the specifics of how the social media works, but he was tagging them so they would see how it works. so if you put @john berman, he is going to see this, and not that anyone would say anything unkind about you, but the thing is that he was doing it about a number of the witnesses which steps up to the line if not witness intimidation, and certainly tinkering with the administration of justice and at the minimum a warning from the judge and maximum might get incarcerated here or put before the judge. >> i see a lot of very handsome @john berman. >> this is a scenario where i will keep my commentary to myself. now, back to capitol hill where the house ethics committee has released the final report into the months' long investigation into george santos. the report is scathing. we will have a report from manu r with what they say. back to the breaking news this hour. the house ethics committee has released their report into the conduct of congressman george santos. they also say that the investigation has uncovered additional uncharge and unlawful conduct. the chairman of the ethics committee, cnn has now reported and projecting his next move against santos. we get back to manu raju on capitol hill. you have called this report devastating. it is also enormous what they have gathered in just in terms of the scope. >> yeah. it is, that is right. it is looking at all aspects of his life, and the conduct and run up to his campaign of the misconduct and alleging and calling on the justice department to investigate further, and going beyond the indictments that george santos now facing, and some that he has plead not guilty to. and now, what we are learning from melanie zanona who is michael guest who is a republican from mississippi plans to introduce a resolution to expel george santos from the house of representatives, and this is significant, because up until now, it was initiated by the democrats to kick him out of the house while the investigation was ongoing and then new york freshmen who wanted him out of the delegation, and simply pushing for his expulsion, and both of the efforts failed, but now the ethics committee chairman putting the weight behind this in the real signal that he believes that the conduct that his committee, bipartisan committee has found should warrant george santos kicked out of the house which is such a rare and dramatic move in the united states house, and five times in american history has a member been expelled from his seat. the other members have been, two of them convicted in a court of law, and three others were working with the confederacy which is why they were expelled showing you how rare this occurrence would in fact be. the question for a lot of the members is the fact that george santos has not been convicted, and he has plead not guilty to the allegations in federal court. he has also yet to weigh in on the allegations of the house committee, but if past is prologue, he is likely to deny these charges as well, and how do they respond if he is not convicted, but it is a significant move by the chairman of the house ethics committee, and he could file the resolution as soon as tomorrow, and that means a vote will come when they come back to the last week of november when they come back from the recess. and the vote in the first week of december. >> this is how quickly they are moving after just releasing this report. manu is working the sources on this one. we will get back to you. sara? joining us is congresswoman haleyst stevens from michigan, d we will get back to this ethics committee chairman who is a republican, and asking for george santos to be expelled. the new york delegation wanted to have him kicked out, and they are here with this damning report, and what are your thoughts? >> well, only five people in the history of the entire house of representatives have ever been expelled. so, while this isn't unprecedented, it is a big deal. i have been shocked, disappointed, upset by the allegations against mr. santos, his behavior, not only starting with lying, but also frankly that the illegal behavior that has now been exposed. wire fraud, abusing campaign dollars, donations -- who is this man? and so now having gone through the right process with the ethics committee chaired by a republican and a democrat, and their findings have revealed that he is indeed at fault. he is qualifying for expulsion. i know mr. guest, and i came into congress with him. i know that he takes his position very seriously, and learning that he is going to file this motion is a big deal. frankly, i voted to expel mr. santos the last time it came to the floor, and i plan to vote for it again. >> yes, and now there is a big packet of information that the house ethics committee has which is again it is damning, and he has not been convicted in court, but exposed be i thi edd by thi i want to go to where two men from these two huge countries president biden and president xi of china have met face-to-face, and to improve relation, and was it accomplished? >> well, look, it has been a tough year, right, for u.s./chinese relations starting with the balloon that we found, the spy balloon that we found, and other balloons that had to be shot down, and one over my home state of michigan, and one thing that we are seeing coming out of this face-to-face meeting is that these two leaders are saying that we won't agree on everything, but we need to find ways to work together. the u.s. is the largest economy in the world, and china is our largest trading partner and manufacturing of many, many american consumer goods, and we are working on reshoring the supply chains and investing in manufacturing which is what we did with the chips and science act that we did last year that is making a big difference for michigan automakers and the deal is this that we have wait ed a long time for china to come along. in many ways, they have not, and there is fishy if not illegal practices going on, and trade imbalance and it is not a wake-up moment for our country, but other trading partners of the united states. the european union and our partners in the global south. so, while, yes, it was important that the president sat down with the head of china, we've got a long way to go. >> congresswoman haley stevens, thank you for taking time to join us this morning. john? >> all right. the virginia mother whose 6-year-old son took a gun to school and shohot his firsrst g teacher, t the mother r is sentd to pririson. also on the radar this hour, the mother of a 6-year-old who shot and injured his teacher was sentenced to nearly two years in prison. d daze ya taylor was ordered straight to jail because she failed several drug tests leading up to the court date. the teacher who was shot gave an emotional impact statement at the hearing, and apparently suing the school district for negligence. space x has the all-clear to make a second attempt at launching the most powerful rocket ever built. the starship spaceship and its super heavy booster are central to the plan to put humans on mars and nasa's efforts to put humans back to the moon. the first attempt ended in fire in june. and at starbucks, hundreds of employees are on strike at the right to bargain, and starbucks have opposed unions and replaced them with non-union staff. most of the locations where the strikes are happening will likely remain open in the protests. john? >> we understand that it has a net impact on pumpkin spice. >> even though it should. >> and even though it should. and now, the turn of the house ethics committee chair is expected to move to expel george santos from congress. we are getting the brand-new reporting on this, so stay with us.

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Need , Adoption , U N Security Council , Attack On October 7th , Resolution , Jerusalem , Nada Bashir , Ruse L , Jer , Breakthrough , Reality , Countries , Ambassador , Negotiations , 1 , Warning , Experts , Laws , Violations , Course , Making , Genocide , Palestinians , Lies , Messages , Officials , Pushes , Human Watchers , Director , Concern , Voting , Bombardment , Wake Up Call , Decision , Gaza Strip , Allies , Hospitals , Staff , Inside , Point , Focus , Evacuation Routes , Access , Unhindered , Emergency Aid , Joe Biden , Northern Gaza , Benjamin Netanyahu , Three , Situation , Reports , Shelter , Southwards , Israeli Military , Air Strikes , Safe , Longer , Zone , Report , News , Manu Raju , Health Ethics Committee , Share , Thank You , Conduct , Misconduct , On The House Hill , Investigation , House Of Representatives , New York , Action , Concerns , Freshman , Future In The House , Justice Department , House Probe , Member , Republican , Lines , Body , Page , 50 , Aspect , Campaign , Candidacy , Profit , Contributions , Donors , Donations , Loans , Camp , Payments , Benefit , Needs , Campaigns , Funds , Background , Questions , Business Dealings , Experience , Constituents , Series , House Ethics Chairman , Members , House , Vote , Information , 2 3 , Lot , Effort , American History , Chamber , James Traficant , 2002 , Open Court , Committee , Law , Chairman , Front , Criminal Law , Things , Justice , Some , Department , Question , Indictment , Panel , Expulsion , The House , George Santos Out , District Need Representation , Sanctions , Recommendations , Long Way To Go , Issues , Congressman , Comment , Feelings , Findings , It , Learning , Donor , Credit Cards , Goods , Manu Raju On Capitol Hill , Offense , Stick , Punchbowl Co Founder John Bresnahan , Landing , The Hill , Number , Delegation Members , Outrage , Exsmpulsion Process , September Of 2024 , 2024 , Allegations , Congress , Tenure , Say , Opportunity , Subcommittee , Special Investigative Committee , Ethics , Chance , Look , Advantage , Terms , Impact , Bres , Teeth , Ethics Committee Has , Dozens , Duty , Subpoena Power , Law Enforcement Agency , Judgment , Colleague , Everybody , Ways , Kind , Politics , Part , Delegation , Criticism , Eyes , Republicans , Sense , Majority , Guys , Reportlanded , Mike Lawler , Wall , Problem , Issue , My , Anyone , Capitol Hill , Elections , Cameras , Words , Speaker , 30 , Department Subpoena , Move , Allegation , Scales , More , Jumping On , Attack , Terror , Camera , Attacker , Owown W , Joe Mamanchin , Captivity , Hostages , 239 , 41 , Many , Horrors , Perspective , Go Pro Cameras , Reporter , Attackers , Oren Liebermann Reports , Explosion , Before Dawn On October 7th , Kibbutz , God , Allahu Akbar , Alou , Terrorists , Sun , Body Cam , Region , Supplies , Tunnels , Network , Darkness , Oman , Gunman , Shots , Walls , Militants , Group , Back , Assault , Grenades , Ground , Soldier , Field , Village , Others , Celebration , Name , Father , 24 , Soldiers , Israelis , Victory , Ma Mart Martyrdom , Videos , Dash Cam Video , On The Road , Wave , Roads , Corner , Place , Road , Car , Car Approachs , Car Coasts , Driver , Open Fire , 40 , Approachs A Military Base , Rahim , Gaza Fence , 65 , Fire , Rein , And A Quote Of One , End , Unimpeded , Individuals , Everyone , Saying , Public , Depth , Footage , Result , Stunning , Oren , 241 , Voices , Founder , Gaza Medic , Anything , Doctors , Hospital Complexes , Communications , Nursing Staff , Program , Medic Voices , 10 , 10th Of October , Communication , Snipers , Nurses , Windows , Children , Shot , Babies , Intensive Care Units , 200 , 300 , Count , Horrific , Loss , Lives , Human Life , Family , Limbs , Parents , Amount , 12000 , Munitions , Sight , Chemicals , Whole , Level , Concentration Camp , Deaths , Four , Conflict , Numbers , Yemen , Syria , 20 , 4000 , Safe The Children , Magnitude , Death , Opinion , Destruction , World War Ii , Control , Anesthesia , Conditions , Most , Electricity , Military , Help , Items , Refuge , In The Dark Realistically , Idea , In The Dark , Storming , Invasion , Pictures , Pain Control , Black , Basics , Amputations , Weekers , Incubators , 32 , Earthquake , Levels , Health Care Infrastructure Breakdown , Cots , Western World , Dehumanizing , 2023 , Collapse , Infrastructure , Mother Nature , Manmade , 100000 , Surgeons , Health Care Systems , Doctor , Message , Plea , Food , Thoughts , Lastly , Cease Fire , Love , Peace , Knees , Begging , Base , Guns , Ammunition , Colleagues , Ten , Mother , Life , Claims , None , Militants Working Inside , Country , Carpet Bomb , City , 2 , Risk , Sledge Hammer , Tune , Signal , Plans , Trial , Defense , Election Workers , Details , Businesses , Comcast Business , Small Business Bonus , Efficient , Savvy , Business Internet , Company , Prepaid Card , Anyone Else , Yep , Business Today , 1000 , 000 , Possibilities , Filing , Daughter , Defamation Suit , Civil Defamation Work , Georgia , Suit , Sure , Welklwell , Interest , Signaling , Elliott , Bleeding , Discovery , Left , Statement , Defaming , Drugs , Yes , Charges , Rudy Giuliani In Georgia , Witnesses , Specifics , Cases , Testimony , History , Defendant , Say Anything , Statements , Options , Trouble , Money , Defendants , Lloyd Harrison , Fannie Lewis , Prosecutors , Jail , Fulton County , Social Media Works , Tagging , Administration , Intimidation , Maximum , Scenario , Commentary , Aspects , Scope , Indictments , Calling , Michael Guest , Melanie Zanona , Mississippi , Democrats , Ethics Committee Chairman , Efforts , Both , Weight , Bipartisan Committee , Times , United States House , Seat , Five , Fact , Confederacy , Occurrence , House Committee , Prologue , Federal Court , Recess , Sources , D , Haleyst Stevens , Michigan , Isn T , Deal , Behavior , Mr , Lying , Campaign Dollars , Process , Wire Fraud , Fault , Motion , Position , Guest , Frankly , Packet , Floor , I Thi Edd , President Xi , Men , China Have Met , Balloon , Relation , Relations , Chinese , Face To , Balloons , Spy Balloon , Estate , Meeting , Shot Down , Trading Partner , Manufacturing , Leaders , Economy , Everything , Supply Chains , Investing , Difference , Science , Chips , Consumer Goods , Automakers , Wait Ed , Trading Partners , Partners , Practices , Trade Imbalance , Global South , European Union , President , Head , Congresswoman Haley Stevens , Sat , His Firsrst G Teacher , Gun , Sentd , Virginia , Pririson , Shohot , 6 , Teacher , Radar , Who , Drug Tests , Prison , Ya Taylor , Daze , School District , Negligence , Hearing , Attempt , Space X , Humans , Starship Spaceship , Plan , Booster , Rocket , Mars , Moon , Nasa , Starbucks , Strike , Unions , Employees , Bargain , Strikes , Locations , Protests , Pumpkin Spice , Turn , Stay , House Ethics Committee Chair ,

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