Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240708

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i am eric shawn. hi arthel. arthel: hello eric hello everyone i'm arthel neville. president zelensky announced a plan bidding yesterday it is the first american delegation especially once the defense secretary arrives, to be on ukrainian soil since the war began. that meeting is one of several big stories we are following this hour over in france, projections show voters have reelected president emmanuel macron for a second term paid his far right challenger marine le pen conceded about two hours ago back at home the search for missing soldier for the third day he went missing friday after jumping into the rio grande river to save to migrants who appear to be drowning. authorities say those migrants are suspected of drug runners from mexico. will have more stories on that story in a moment but right now are going to get the latest from ukraine, trey yingst is live in kyiv. >> arthel good afternoon per the reports of those critical u.s. officials here on the ground in kyiv come at a very important time for the ukrainian people. today marks two months since russia lost its invasion into ukraine for the civilian death toll here continues to rise for overnight at least eight people were killed in odesa when russian muscles hit a block part of mother and three mental baby among the dead a stark reminder of the innocent people stuck them in this war. further east in the besieged city of mariupol russian troops are poorly trying to storm a steel plant were more than 1000 ukrainian soldiers and civilians are trapped underground bird ukraine deputy prime minister was calling on the united nations to demand a cease-fire in mariupol in order to create a new humanitarian evacuation route for this after one quarter of the port city collapsed earlier today. >> our people will be killed in mariupol of the referendum supreme innate negotiation in the process. >> intense fighting continues on the front lines in the eastern part of this country from our kyiv in the north tank fired an artillery battle are reported we do know the capitol of kyiv remains the sides of those russian forces earlier today we heard air raid siren throughout the city as ukrainian president was preparing to meet those u.s. officials. arthel. trey yingst there at live kyiv thank you very much for. >> so what are vadym or putin's goals and what will the end of the war be like? british ambassador to the united nations in the united states is here. she is to be ambassador to the united nations. always good to see you welcome. >> thanks very much eric good to be here for. >> of course. it's also the breaking news we just gave her the top of this hour comes from president zelensky's office u.s. secretary of state antony blinken has arrived in kyiv following your prime minister primus boris johnson footsteps. what is the meeting of this type of visit by a top u.s. official? >> well i note state departments have not confirmed this that's probably for operational security reasons. but it is very good new secretary blinken is there. as you say boris johnson was or the other day princess side of support for president zelensky and the ukrainian people. was he sort of thing that resistance groups draw strength from gets on the courage to carry on knowing the west and other countries around the world met is all symbolized by secretary blinken's visit. eric: that is not yet been confirmed as you say but the state department for the prime ministers visit we saw him walking in the streets with president zelensky, it was amazing. what did he get out of it? how is his support and the support of blinken helping the ukrainian people and showing this around the world? post wealthy prime minister talk to president zelensky every day on the phone. so he wanted to go in person to show that support and resolve in person, president zelensky we are on his side and that we are rooting for ukraine to be able to push the russians back. he also brought practical sport he announced more anti- tank missiles, more money for ukraine in terms of loan guarantee more money for humanitarian and more money to support the ukrainian's armed forces. so all of that comes into a big package. we are also really working hard on war crimes as you know the international criminal courts opened an investigation into russian war crimes. the prime minister was able to detail to president zelensky how we were going to help in the investigations. but fundamentally, eric it is a matter being willing to take the risk to go so we can devastate overwhelmingly our support for the ukrainian people. before your government is doing something else this week reopening the british embassy and kyiv. >> that is exactly right. my colleague linda simmons at one of our burke best ambassadors, lendable be going back into kyiv's had british embassy personnel and lviv in the west of ukraine keeping things warm if it were. but melinda will be going back into kyiv very shortly. eric: our best wishes to her and the staff of the embassies that are there. in terms of vladimir putin and his goals since creeping toward the west, odesa tronic at the atlanta bridge past mariupol may be into mulled over at some point. what you think his goals are and will he be able to achieve them? >> in my experience, eric, president putin always has more than one objective in any enterprise the fact it's illegal does not worry president putin as we have seen. his overall goal is to subdue ukraine, is to change its orientation to deny the democratic will of the ukrainian people at fundamentally to bring it back into russia's orbit. there are some people say put it was to re-create the russian empire by bringing ukraine back under russian control. i don't know about that. all he succeeded in doing so far as reestablishing the soviet economy of 30 years ago. so as a war objective is not doing so well that front. >> you think he misjudged and will listen has this been backfiring on mr. putin? >> whether it will ultimately backfire i don't know. one has to be very respectful of the russian armed forces capability they have not done so well so far that made lots of mistakes, but you have to remember that phrase quantity has a quality all of its own. they have got a lot of heavy equipment of tanks and things like that the battle in the east of ukraine. so far it's not working all he's done is brought nato closer to russia's own borders and he has united ukraine pretty has united ukraine against russia instead of having a cooperative neighborly relations with ukraine so looked at that war i would not think president putin was doing too well. eric: the vent efforts to talk to various officials rested of finland, chancellor of austria has been close to him, do you think he is going to listen the secretary general is going go to moscow this coming week and visit with him. what you think will make putin stop? will it be his own people, will it be officials? will be international pressure? what would you suggest? >> think it's good the secretary-general can go. he knows moscow well from his time having the refugee agency as well as being un secretary-general. so i think he is exactly the right person who should go to moscow he is also going to go to kyiv and talk to president zelenskyy that's a vital but none of this list of the heads of the ukrainians. there has to be as you imply president putin actually wants to listen to anyone willing to talk to him. he is not listening to have cease-fires he has not listening to request even from places like the red cross to have humanitarian corridors out of places like mariupol. he's not listening to all the assurances of euro atlantic security that nato and others have been given him. at the end of the daily have to remember nobody in europe was threatening russia. nobody in nato was threatening russia. russia has launched this illegal war entirely out of its own fantasy about the threat that it faces. that threat does not exist. it's hard to see what arguments could be used with president putin. it's clear he does not care about the humanitarian, clear he does not care about civilians from all the showing he is doing great nevertheless it is absolutely right to try them out what is going to do. eric: will see what happens after the secretary-general visit this week. ambassadors so well said. thank you and thank you for your service at the united nations you know the international dynamics so well. on the russian thinking to come ambassadors good to see you. >> thank you eric. maria: thank you bassler and eric a growing number of democratic lawmakers are joining republicans in opposing the bite and demonstration plan to lift title 42 pandemic restrictions at the southern border next month for they feared dropping the trump era policy will cause yet another massive migrant surge. alexandria hoff is live at the white house now at the very latest, alexandria? >> well arthel, 47 members of congress are now pushing to extend title 42. but the biden administration is standing by the decision to drop this trump era public health measure under the u.s. has the ability to quickly expel migrants to their home countries. here's democratic congressman. >> yes there listen to the immigration activist but my question is, who is listening to the men and women in green and blue? more important he was listening to the border communities the sheriffs, the landowners, the rest of the people who live on the border. >> added put the democrats especially those in tight midterm races in a tough spot. also on fox news senate congressman michael mccaul to talk touch feeling of homeland security sector terry electra got 2.5 million people crossing this border illegally since the present been inaugurated or title 42 being lifted means 500,000 over the next five weeks. >> mccall did say he feels mayorkas is frustrated among them cap to support the plan to end clip also senator elizabeth warren. she said this earlier paragraph title 42 is not consistent with our values it does not keep us safer. >> on tuesday the supreme court will arguments over the remain in mexico policy which in theory still in place despite the president's effort to suspend it. texas governor greg abbott weighed in on sunday morning futures. >> surely the supreme court will rule in our favor hopefully. no one is holding biden accountable for his reckless decision to ignore all these policies that previously had led to the lowest numbers of illegal crossings in decades. >> in this case texas and missouri will argue that by lifting remain in mexico that will relieve additional undocumented migrants into the united states, arthel. arthel: et cetera half live at the white house thanks. very still searching for texas national guard soldier who went missing after jumping into the rio grande river to save a pair of migrants despite the dangers migrants continue to put their lives at risk to cross the border illegally. we'll have more on that in expert and a california nonprofit is taking a new approach to stop deadly fentanyl overdoses. but their strategy is actually illegal in some states. we will to them about that coming up. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon, matching your job description. so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? fewer groceries. 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his family. as you mentioned he still has not been found. keep in mind he first went into the water more than 48 hours ago friday morning jumping into the rio grande in effort to save the lives of two migrants who he saw struggling in the water. texas rangers later saying they believe those two people were actually drug smugglers. he is presumed to have drowned because it is been so long since he went into the water. and he never resurfaced. his body cells not been recovered pretty can take a live look at our fox drone right now. just a few hard yards away from where we are right now search operations are underweight once again state resources, federal resources they're pulling out all the stops to try to find the body of this missing soldier who again is presumed to have drowned after jumping into the river to try to save lives on friday. they've actually to stop the surgeon multiple times because of strong currents for they had to do that friday night also to stop at yesterday they had to stop the dive teams because of the strong current. they are back out all up and down the river on the rio grande trying to find this missing soldier. but his family has been notified just a horrible situation. no matter the way you look at it. as that is going on, there still illegal crossings taking place nonstop or take a look at this video we shot here in eagle pass earlier this morning as migrants just continue to make these broad daylight crossings in front of the national guard and in front of border patrol this was a line of mostly in his whalen migrants just walking single file across the rio grande when the water runs much lower in the morning for it once they get across to the u.s. side they are very celebratory some more smiling, waving at our cameras, flashing us the thumbs up. many coming from all around the world including cuba, venezuela, northern triangle countries, haiti and as far as africa. texas democratic congressman says when title 42 drops next month you can expect the situation to explode even worse, take a listen. >> this message of lifting title 42 is going to go straight to the criminal organizations bedroom for the last six months there were over a million encounters and does not include the getaways you multiply that by an average of $8000, that is over 8 million -- $8 billion they made and that does not even include drugs. >> again in regard to the missing national guard soldier, it is being handled as a presumed drowning even though they have not found his body. but they have found so far audit body armor, his walkie-talkie in his cell phone which he apparently discarded before jumping into the water. the texas military department says they are going to expand every single resource they have until they find their missing soldier will send it back to you. >> that is good to hear our prayers out to the evans family bill melugin thank you very much, eric. before speaking of drugs a lot of critics say fentanyl comes from over the border. the sheriff's office outside of san francisco made a huge mental bust yesterday morning the sheriff's office seized over 92 pounds of fentanyl. officials say that is enough to kill more than 20 million people. despite the size of the hall the sheriff there said the incident was only a quote glimpse of the fentanyl epidemic. one suspect is under arrest people say the value of what was seized is more than $4 million in the fentanyl is headed to the streets of the bay area. arthel. arthel: u.s. overdose deaths reached record high last year driven by the surge in the use of the powerful opioid that you just showed us fentanyl, cdc data shows more than 106,000 people overdosed and died between november of 2020 in november of 2021. that is a 15% increase from the year before by the cdc says that fentanyl is the biggest contributor to those overdoses it's often laced with other drugs like cocaine or heroin without the users knowing it. harm reducing advocates in california are trying a new way to save lives by putting free fentanyl test strips at bars and restaurants so they can trust their drugs professional before using local business owners is a pretty winning strategy. >> and for us, i want to keep our customers alive. reit fought to stay alive through covid i want them to be able to keep coming here, not die on a street or die at home because they have decided to try some new drug. >> it's making sure my regulars, my customers that choose to do recreational drugs can be more educated if there is or isn't fentanyl. >> joining us now alex and dean they are the cofounders of a fan check a nonprofit that gives out those fentanyl test strips all over the san francisco bay area pretty welcome to you both. are they fentanyl testing strips to check to see if a drug is laced with fentanyl and how do you use them and also where can you get them? >> thank you so much for having us. yes they are really simple. a lot of us use coveted tests this year or pregnancy test is for anyone who's going to engage in may be a decision you are i might not make allow them to take an extra step to make sure there is some safety. arthel: you break it open, put it inside your shrink into minutes later get some result? tells more. >> all you need is a little bit of water a small sample of what you are testing and maybe a shot glass retake that small amount or maybe the insight of a baguette you're going to use one of our test strips to make these incredible instructions. a qr code that is right back to our website allowing five minutes 15 seconds are going to know whether there something in there you should be concerned about. you can find these in your locals bars, restaurants, tattoo parlors places of organ with directly to try to make things safer. arthel: i understand fentanyl is pretty powerful. so even if you have a little trace of it in their, we are test detected? >> yes they are so forensically sound they will find it. fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin 100 times stronger than morphine it's absolutely something it's not a drug you are looking to do and you should be aware of. arthel: and went to look at a map of some states that have legalized fentanyl testing strips or her proposed legislation to do so you got 26 states that have existing laws that deem those fentanyl strips drug paraphernalia then you have 11 states that pending ledges elation to legalize the strips, dean why do you think it's considered the drug testing equipment in some states and drug paraphernalia and others? >> i think it comes from a history of drugs in the u.s. and that various ways we try to actually solve the problem. when we made those laws, tests are being used to prove a substance actually was exactly what they said it was. it was fentanyl, it was heroin, it was cocaine. now they are actually looking at changing the laws so that we can test for fentanyl. we can test for -- in california the assembly bill 1598 not only includes a fentanyl it also includes ghb. [inaudible] may slip that into your drink. allison is there particular age group that is most impacted by these overdose deaths? >> we want to focus on we are really, really looking at adolescence right now were excited to bring this into college campuses and talk about this with highschooler and were seeing so many developments in the last year end our target audience is 30 -- 34 -year-olds. absolutely saw major difference were here to listen to the community and work with them, meet people where they are. really thrilled to start having these uncomfortable conversations to help people that diabetic. >> dean have you had any feedback from parents are people who have used these testing strips themselves in good thing i had it because i could've been a bad situation otherwise? >> absolutely we have a lot of examples we have a lot of parents have come to us and want to start working with us. you just showed a chart of what is different in alameda county from when we started this in early 2001 if you look at the lines that were on that charge everything that we are doing dropped the normalized death rate down to just over three people per hundred thousand as opposed to the rest of california which is almost 25. >> only ask a couple other questions i have the charts there. did you come up with this concept and then hire a pharmacist or chemist to actually develop the product, allison? >> actually i was volunteering with the street based nonprofit in san francisco where we distribute these two people who look like they need help. i thought the to be brilliant to have absolutely everywhere this is harm reduction for everybody especially people who feel like they need it. we just made instructions that go with them for the strips are created by company bt and x and cad that we buy from them. arthel: you are nonprofit so your ideas to get what you believe is a helpful tool, to his many people as possible. >> exactly you also complement with narcan narcan trading which everyone should carry on them. >> listen i know we are not here promoting recreational drug use by the reality is people do use recreational drugs. a lot of people having trouble with folks slipping fentanyl thinking they're taking one thing that should not kill them and then they end up in a bad situation. dean schulte thank you very much for joining us, take care. >> trinity does one reelection as far right challenger marine le pen has conceded. accused her of being too close to vladimir putin. what does emmanuel macron's victory in paris mean beside another five-year term? we'll take a look straight ahead here on "fox news live". to leav? what do you want to give back? what do you want to be remembered for? that's your why. it's your purpose, and we will work with you every step of the way to achieve it. at pnc private bank, we'll help you take care of the how. so tell us - what's your why? ♪♪ zuriel: st. jude gave us hope. so tell us - what's your why? stephanie: all you've got to do is take care of your child, focus on her healing, give her a life. that for mother means a lot. and-- and thank you to st. jude. 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[inaudible] jenness jane campaigned on his environmental accomplishments heavily criticized his opponents on immigration policy proposal to ban muslim headscarves and french public spaces meantime marine le pen slammed amounts of yellow best protests in both candidates condemned potenza war on ukraine though marine le pen cast doubts on sanctions against russia she believes could economically hurt the people of france. reaction to this racist pouring and from all over the world. uk prime minister boris johnson tweeted congratulations to emmanuel macron on your reelection as president of france. france is one of our closest and most important allies. i look forward to continuing to work together on the issues which matter most to our two countries and around the world. emmanuel macron based off marine le pen he won by a landslide this brace was much closer the first round of voting, three weeks ago, emmanuel macron led with the far right challenger, marine le pen trailing by less than 5% today during her concession speech she said her results were still a victory for her political movement. >> the french are showing tonight a wish for a strong counter power against that of emmanuel macron for opposition that will continue to defend and protect them in the face of the segregation of their purchasing power's attacks on the liberty, putting into question our public service and or social system. >> as for emmanuel macron he'll likely make history for the second time he became france's youngest president 39 years old in 2017 once the outcome of this election is officially confirmed he will likely become the first french president to win a second term in 20 years, arthel. arthel: 242 christina coleman thank you, eric. >> the war in ukraine heading home for vladimir putin ambassador to the united nations. newark city townhouse wasn't bathed in the colors of the ukrainian flag. i was a defiant protest against russia's horrific war. the protesters report exclusively hereby fox news was held by the york based humanitarian after this group for ukraine. its members protested outside the upper east side manchin were russia ambassador lt that building where he lives with his wife. not all protected the flag on that but take a look at this, they projected the phrase potent is a war criminal. another said # zelenskyy is a hero. the protesters also sang the ukrainian national anthem and shouted glory to ukraine. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> one member of the group who was there joins us now. former neurosurgeon from ukraine he is also an activist. welcome, good to see a pre- >> eric thank you much for having me. >> the protest was spirited, it was defiant you were bringing that message to the russian ambassador. what is your group's message to putin and to the russian officials who support this work? >> thank you very much the key message get out of ukraine that is for sure. and i don't know what else we can ask from them for now but we are seeking justice. there will be another message justice would definitely find you. eric: did you think or everything to be such humanitarian carnage question of the russians violating every level of human decency from war crimes or crimes against humanity with this barbaric, destruction of your country? >> no. is very hard for me too realize after those pictures from bucha i am a doctor cannot understand how human beings can do the same thing to other human beings as horrible things as atrocities. so no definitely we understood they would try to kill us. but not in such a horrific way. technically what we see today is a genocide. there are worries that there can be more bucha in ukraine. >> you are from odesa's the missiles hit odesa yesterday, several people were killed including a baby. what are your concerns and worries about putin's next moves about what he wants to achieve moving west may be from odesa and trying to get that land bridge and maybe moving off to these other areas? >> maybe. they think i believe in our army. since the very beginning it 60 days today. sixty days, two months the third month started. since the very beginning our army proved the whole world was wrong. they fought up the second largest army in the world. i think whatever move president putin is planning, it will be a failure. but yet again at what cost? antiaircraft missiles and antiaircraft systems that ukraine needs and needed for two months just now are starting to get into our country. that is actually one of the reasons we see such pictures as we saw it yesterday and oh decide the missiles hit the building. eric: secretary of state, antony blinken the offices there they are how can they help and in terms of the military equipment, the administration has been sending more howitzers, heavy artillery in anticipation of the battle of donbas. how can we help you win? >> there are several ways. the first thing is every single person in this country but every sickle person and the world is a very powerful weapon that is voice. today's violence is a crime silence has been a crime all the time, speak, reach out to your representatives. tell them to give more heavy weapons to ukraine. there is no difference between offense and defense to date any weapon is needed especially heavy artillery, especially antiaircraft, weapons and aircraft, okay? let's be honest we need them to win superiority in the air. the second thing that any ukrainian -- any american to do is help ukraine by supporting, by donating money to various organizations and resume for ukraine may be the largest organization that actually happens you ukraine. >> you see it on the screen, also them for purdue would have four protests were told. ambassador didn't show up he was home the night of the protesters in the third-floor library we saw him the next date no word from him but clearly the russians know you were there and are not going away. good to see you. >> thank you very much. thank you. arthel: a brave act of defiance in the first days of russia's war on ukraine now immortalized with a stance and is boosting national pride among ukrainians. that story is up next life... doesn't stop for diabetes. be ready for every moment, with glucerna. it's the number one doctor recommended brand that is scientifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. when you find that perfect pair, nothin' can stop your shine. because when you feel fly, you look fly. um jamie? 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[inaudible] printed more than a million sold in kyiv lines a stretch around the block. some not resorting to spend hundreds of dollars on ebay just to get their hands on them. but of course president vladimir and zelenskyy is far too busy running a country at war has its own set. gone. so i am lucky i'm really lucky to have a break. >> miriam flicked insect five letter she sent to france and family in france we also all the fuss was for pre- >> it is such a beautiful story of a story of heroes. i think this is amazing to. >> recent news of the sinking of the on the background of the receiving end of the soldiers fingers many calling for an updated version. reflecting russia's flagship black sea vessel now being out of the picture. and lviv, ukraine jeff paul seat. arthel: it's a great story not just a stamp i love it, absolute love it. >> so meaningful especially. >> exactly exactly president zelenskyy has a set of his own. this guy is really incredible, glory to ukraine for sure. several see if the u.s. post office is a bike like that too. memo from that to see what's happened in the bronx yesterday? chances are the yankees game during cleveland. man oh man some of those plans through garbage, look at that, what is going on? we will take a look at nay is here to fill us in. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. eric: man was ugly yesterday rowdy fans at their garbage at the visiting cleveland guardians team. players on both teams speaking out about what happened. nate foy saying but i buy with us in the newsroom with play-by-play. >> quite a scene eric theirs beefed up security in yankee stadium today because of what you just saw the two teams finishing his three-game series the yankees swept by the way. it's a fancy start a crybaby chant today directed at guardian centerfielder miles to rob thankfully nothing was thrown on the field today here is why he specifically was targeted by yankees fans. yesterday the drama starts the bottom of the ninth when isaiah ties the game with this double. arden's leftfielder steven ran into the wall really hard, he had to be evaluate for injuries and possible concussion, cuts on his face. that is when stress has yankees fans cross the line making fun of his injured teammate he climb the fence had words of his own with the bands. he was asked he said after the game. >> i don't remember i was hot at the point i basically told him just be quiet, like shut up a. >> that would lead to this hits a walk office english should be a moment of celebration. but you see, right after the winning run slights into home, fans start throwing garbage at the guardian outfielders paid we are talking beer bottles, cans, all sorts of debris. you see the two sides yelling at what another part yankees at players like aaron judge had to come to the outfield to call the fans down yankees manager aaron boone said there's no place for this kind of behavior and guardians of players and their manager agree. >> i don't think people can throw stuff at her players on the field plate that is never going to be okay. >> bringing violence and throwing stuff on the field cheering when someone else gets hurt is not okay. that is when i draw the line for. >> eric, after yesterday's game said the yankees have quote the worst fan base on the planet we have reached out to york city police to see if they will take any action in response to that incident but so far we have not heard back. will send it back to you. sue for unsportsmanlike conduct by the fans in this one that is for sure but. >> more news when we come back. 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[background sounds] arthel: wow. you can see one of the orange county deputies up on the second is floor balcony telling the baby's mother hand her down to him. he lored her down to -- lowered down to other deputies. my goodness, and everyone got out safely, no one was hurt, none of the deputies hurt. just, i mean, really our heroes, right, eric? if. eric: wow. i mean, amazing. i always think of football when they tuck those babies, so glad they catch them. that's amazing. sunday show is next. thanks for watching. ♪ >> hello, everyone. i'm jackie deangelis alone with joey jones, lara trump and leo terrell, and welcome to "the big sunday show." here's what's on tap. leo. >> jackie, the border crisis worsens with the drowning of a texas national guardsman who died trying to save migrants trying to cross into the u.s. illegally. what we just learned about them tied to crime. >> joey? >> hey, look, everybody his it's going to be

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Set , Miriam , Letter , Break , Fuss , Gone , Beautiful Story Of A Heroes , Background , Receiving End , Picture , Version , Calling , Black Sea Vessel , Guy , Seat , Yankees , Game , Glory To Ukraine , Bike , Chances , U S Post Office , Memo , Cleveland , Garbage , Plans , Take A Look At Nay , Project Managers , Projects , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Fans , Players , Newsroom , Play By , Nate Foy , Cleveland Guardians Team , Scene Eric , Crybaby Chant Today , Series , Yankee Stadium , Guardian Centerfielder , Isaiah , Drama , Field , Bottom , Ninth , Double , Arden S Leftfielder Steven Ran , Stress , Concussion , Teammate , Words , Line Making Fun , Fence , Cuts , Injuries , Bands , Shut Up A , English , Celebration , Slights , Run , Aaron Boone , Beer Bottles , Outfield , Cans , Debris , Sorts , Aaron Judge , Outfielders , Plate , Guardians , Someone , Kind , Behavior , The Field , Planet , Action , Quote , York City Police , Fan Base , Unsportsmanlike Conduct , Sue , Tires Squeal , 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