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>> dana: yeah. hi, bret. >> bret: welcome, i'm bret baier. will he or won't he. we ask west virginia senator joe manchin the question on everyonens mind in a different way. large numbers of social media posters say usama bin laden was actually right. we'll tell you what they are talking about and the fallout from this viral moment over the last 24 hours. and a scathing ethics report spells big trouble for an embattled republican congressman. ♪ >> bret: but, first, breaking tonight, we're being told israel and hamas are working on a deal for the release of dozens of hostages. also this evening, israel says it has recovered a laptop used by hamas terrorists inside that gaza hospital, used as a staging area by the terrorists. it reportedly contains information about the prisoners. and the body of one hostage has been found had inside gaza. correspondent alex who he begann israel. >> the idf says it found the body of that hostage outside of gaza's largest hospital. she was a woman in her 60's. she was kidnapped from her village on october 7th. her husband died that very same day. [shouting] gunfire] >> it's the ferks phase of the gun battle in gaza. >> we are close to destroying the military system in the north. much depends on us. and we continue to other areas if we can. >> israeli forces, once again, in the al shifa hospital where tonight they said they found a tunnel underneath the facility after yesterday finding information about the hostages on a computer and military equipment scattered around. but the idf has yet to show evidence of the hamas commander center intelligence points to. the idf blew up hamas launch posts and command centers. inside buildings troops found more weapons like these rocket launchers stashed in a little girl's bed. but now the new international concern is that the war won't stop here. israel dropped leaflets on the south telling palestinians east to evacuate. >> israel asked us the citizens of gaza to go to the south. we went to the south, now they are asking us to leave. where do we go? >> very serious concern for palestinians who cannot legally enter egypt. there is also a communications blackout because of lack of fuel according to the plain main pro. fuel depletion could create the collapse of sewage and healthcare systems. >> massive outbreaks of infectious disease and hunger seem inevitable. >> the world food program says nearly the entire population is in desperate need of food. >> this is something unseen before. the situation in gaza is unbearable. this is catastrophe. >> the state department says that 700 americans, legal residents or family members so far have been able to leave gaza. as far as the latest on the hostage negotiation, this current deal would potentially release up to 50 people. so far in the war, one person has been rescued, and four others have been freed. bret? >> bret: wait for news, alex, thank you. just hours after appearing chummy during their first meeting in a year, president biden called chinese leader xi jinping a dictator. china, clearly was not happy with that so will it effect any progress made by the two presidents, after this meeting on the sidelines of white house. correspondent, doocy in san francisco tonight. good evening, peter. >> bret, while president biden was reading from a script. two of them have had. but then, president biden went off script. >> this is not as my generation would say back in the day. this is not all kum ba yah. >> pete: you can say that again about this comment about china's xi. >> he is a dictator. >> peter: had the secretary of state in a state of shock. >> reality is that president biden got this one right. i think secretary blinken knows that too. >> the ccp disagrees. >> such remarks remark is extremely wrong and irresponsible manipulation. china firmly rejects to this. >> in june the president told donors about the spy craft. that's what is a great embarrassment for dictators when they don't know what happened. at the time the chinese reacted furiously, warning the u.s. would bear all the consequences. but chinese state media's coverage of the biden-xi media is overwhelmingly positive and xi himself seems undeterred. >> china is ready to be a partner and friend of the united states. >> a die-in on the bay bridge near apec brought traffic to a stand still. protesters pushing for a cease-fire but there is no indication president biden will tell israel to stand down. >> hamas has already said publicly that they plan on attacking israel again. like they did before. cutting babies heads off to burning women and children alive. >> on a lighter note, president biden is acknowledging that he hears the footsteps of california's governor gavin newsom. >> he has been one hell of a governor, man. as a matter of fact, he could be anything he want. he could have the job i'm looking for. >> peter: we're just finding out about this xi came here with a big surprise. something that didn't pop up in any of the readouts of meetings that he had behind closed doors. the chinese leader told business leaders here that china may soon send the u.s. more giant pandas. bret? >> bret: well, that's a deliverable. okay. peter doocy in san francisco. peter, thanks. defense secretary lloyd austin is blasting pentagon leadership in a memo written after the defense department failed an audit for the sixth year in a row. secretary austin says congress and the american taxpayer are rightfully running out of patience. i expect more measurable progress. the annual audits are required by law. they assess the record-keeping processes for the pentagon's weapon systems, military personnel and property around the world. the clock is ticking on the congressional tenure of embattled new york republican congressman george santos. today he announced the decision about his future. while one of the leaders in his party also chimed in. senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is on capitol hill tonight with that story. >> cheating his own campaign, swindling the voters, conning his way from long island to capitol hill. >> this is unprecedented situation where we have someone here based completely on fraud. >> house ethics committee says santos duped donors and then diverted dollars to himself. splurging on botox. shopping at sephora. forking out $4,100 for a singular purchase at hermez. stares at expulsion vote after thanksgiving. >> he is such an exceptionial case that it merits exceptional remedy. >> house blocked two attempts to boot santos on grounds he didn't z., quote, due process, but now ethics committee committee chairman michael guest offering a resolution to expel santos. >> we passed that due process point and it's time for members of congress to make a personal decision as to whether or not feel the evidence is substantial. >> the house has only expelled five members in history. there is worry about bouncing santos from the house prior to his federal trial on nearly two dozen corruption charges next year. that doesn't concern others i don't need an ethics report to tell me what i know. >> likely changes minds of expulsion skeptics. santos won't reline but won't run again. >> i will take whatever comes my way the way it comes i have no concerns. >> of the ethics committee he claims he was stoned by those who have flaws themselves. by contrast the ethics committee in the senate never investigated democrat bob menendez. he is accused of operating as a foreign agent for egypt. bret? >> bret: chad pergram live on the hill. chad, thanks. ♪ breaking tonight, president biden and his staff will not face legal charges for mishandling classified documents. learning that today. fox news chief legal correspondent anchor of "fox news sunday" shannon bream joins us with an explanation. good evening, shannon. what do we know about the likelihood the president will not actually face any legal liability over those documents found in his office in d.c. and his home in delaware? >> shannon: yeah, so, bret, while there are reports that the president isn't expected to face charges in connection with those documents, a spokesman for special counsel robert herd appointed why robert garland to look into this whole thing tells fox the investigation is ongoing no. official source now willing to go on record to match those reports. here's what we do know. hur was appointed back in january after these documents turned up in that office. the garage of the president's home in delaware in late 2022. reportedly has talked to roughly 100 different people who may have knowledge of those documents. that allegedly includes hunter biden and now secretary of state anthony blinken who back then was working as an aide to president biden when he was a senator. when he was president biden. that's when these documents date back to. the president took a lot of criticism for the way these were handled, especially amid reports that some of them were simply stored in his unsecured garage by his personal vehicles in delaware. the "wall street journal" is reporting that hur is likely to have a detailed report within the next couple of months. maybe by the end of the year. and that it will be, quote, sharply critical about a president and long time aides handle the classified documents. the white house's counsel's office is declining comment for now. bret, i would expect we are going to hear from the former president, if it turns out the current president isn't charged. he and his allies they are going to talk about double standards. remember, there are differences in this case. in both of them. the national archives went back and forth with entrepreneurship for more than a year. there was an fbi warrant to get those documents. and, remember the case of vice president pence as well. he worked with the national archives, with the government when his legal team found documents that were classified and properly stored. went through that process. he is not charged. remember, jack smith, who is the special counsel, looking into those documents at mar-a-lago, he has made allegations that the former president actually tried to keep those documents from coming forward, having employees and legal team, employees potentially the allegation is, block those documents. so, that trial is set for may of next year. we'll stand by. bret? >> bret: okay, shannon. thank you. new york appeals court judge has paused a gag order barring former president donald trump from commenting on court staffers in his civil fraud trial. the trial judge had imposed the gag order last month and later fined the former president $15,000 for violating it. today, the appellate judge cited constitutional concerns about restricting the former president's free speech. he will be after loued to comment freely about the court staff while a longer process plays out dow off 46. the s&p 500 finished ahead 5, the nasdaq was off 10. protests from pro-palestinian demonstrators. we'll take a look at that why some social media users are posting messages saying usama bin laden was right. first, here what happens some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 13 in seattle as workers at hundreds of starbucks stores walk off their jobs during a key professional event. the job action during the red cup day celebration comes as employees improved staffing and schedules. w svn south florida. heavy rain, thunderstorms whipping winds all over the region. widespread flooding left many cars stranded across miami-dade county and broward county that led to road closures and school cancellations. and fox 5 in atlanta where baseball has awarded the 2025 all-star game to atlanta. it took away the 2021 game as punishment for the passage of georgia's new election reform law. you'll remember that and this is a live look at oakland from fox 2 with another big baseball story tonight. ladies and gentlemen league baseball team owners unanimously approve the relocation of the oakland athletics, the a's to las vegas. the action comes about six months after the team reached a tentative agreement for a new stadium in the nevada city. sin city they call it. that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ 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wellness tools from aarp. to help make sure his health lives as long as he does. because the younger you are, the more you need aarp. >> bret: a jury has convicted the man of the who broke into the home of nancy pelosi and her husband. david depape was found it's of attempting kidnapping and assault against paul pelosi. depape faces up to 50 years in prison on those federal counts. he is awaiting a trial on state charges. brand new too fox polls indicate its inflation and hire prices. still the top concern for voters heading into the presidential campaign. the survey suggests they are still not satisfied with the job president biden is doing on a number of fronts. chief washington correspondent mike emanuel looks at the numbers tonight. >> model for growing is delivering real results for all americans. >> but the numbers tell a different story according to a new fox poll which says 78% of voters view the economy negatively and 67% say the worst isn't over yet president biden's handling of inflation and prices are under water. the number is you i have a reveals republicans are seen as better able to handle top voter concerns such as inflation and safety-related issues like crime, national security, and terrorism. while democrats received higher marks on lower ranking problems, climate change, abortion, and transgender issues. a former obama campaign manager argues a lot can change between now and next november. >> like right now, he is running against the almighty. but, next year, it will be a choice between two very defined, very clear candidates in donald trump and joe biden. and, guess what? we have already had that election. >> the headaches for president biden could be about to get worse as west virginia democratic senator joe manchin says he, quote, absolutely would consider a presidential run. on the republican side, nikki haley currently a distant second of former president trump, suggests her campaign is trending in the right direction. >> momentum is real. and we love the fact that, yes, what i'm say something connecting with people. >> former new jersey governor chris christie is going all n new hampshire. >> we continue to move up. we continue to do better. i think this is really now a three-person race in new hampshire with myself and nikki haley and donald trump. >> back to the fox poll, concern over terrorist attacks hang in the u.s. is the only. last your. up 23 points since may when 50% were worried. bret? >> bret: more on this with the panel, mike, thanks. >> you bet. >> bret: coming up why social media users are posting messages saying usama bin laden was right. we will bring that you story. first, beyond our borders tonight. rescuers in northern indiana supply food and medicine to 40 construction workers trapped in a tunnel under a worksite. officials are preparing to start drilling through the rubble to try to reach the men who have been there since last weekend. the turkish parliament foreign affairs committee debate sweden's bid to join nato. the panel adjourned the proceedings until a later date without reaching a decision. and this is a live look at london. one of the big stories there tonight, britain's medicine's regulator authorizes the world's first gene therapy treatment for sickle cell disease. it's a move that could offer relief to thousands of people with the crippling condition in the united kingdom and potentially millions worldwide. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ s on trades. 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[inaudible] >> what is the strategy -- sir, what is the strategy to do that? >> organization to call for hamas to disarm. >> sir, called for. >> i -- almost 24 hours later, there are still barricades outside the front doors of the dnc. injuries to officers and the chaos goes behind the protests insists it was a peaceful demonstration. capitol police released a statement reading in part we have handled hundreds of peaceful protests but last night's group was not peaceful. >> the folks in democratic leadership have not been listening to 80% of us in communities stop cease-fire stop genocide of palestinians. >> on social media, the group, if not now, claimed to be an organizer of the protest. the group demands an end to u.s. support for israel's current government. the group says it joined two others. jewish voice for peace action and democrat socialist for the demonstration. police arrested a 24-year-old for punching a female police officer in the face. the group organizing the protest says around 90 protesters were injured. bret? >> bret: david, thank you. california authorities have arrested a suspect in connection with the death of a jewish man during a demonstration over the israel-hamas war. the ventura county sheriff's office says the 50-year-old suspect was arrested today and will be booked in jail for investigation of involuntary manslaughter. 69-year-old paul kessler died 10 days ago following a confrontation. we told you about, with a pro-palestinian demonstrator in suburban, los angeles. bin laden was right. that is what's coming from social media users tonight following the re-release of a letter from the lacy terrorist leader criticizing america's support for israel. usama bin laden goes on to justify the killing of civilians. while thousands of tiktok users have recorded messages backing up those positions. national correspondent william la jeunesse has the story tonight. good evening, william. >> good evening, bret. you know, the story exploded in last the 24 hours. both political parties are blasting tiktok where this all started yesterday. when a 25-year-old los angeles influencer urged viewers to read usama bin laden's letter to america written 22 years ago which says jews have no right to exist and blames america for 9/11. >> i need everyone to stop what they are doing right now and go read it's literally two pages. go read a letter to america. and, please, come back here and just let me know what you think because i feel like i'm going through existential crisis right now and a lot of people are. so i just need someone else to be feeling, this too. >> so her video got about 2 million views and some 200,000 likes with most saying they, too feel angry, manipulated, and deceived by u.s. media and schools. >> some of these young folks spreading abhorrent, ridiculous views somehow justify usama bin laden? terrorist attack that killed more americans than any terrorist attack in history is just -- why did tiktok take so long to take this down? >> by the time it did, however, the conversation had migrated from tiktok to reddit and twitter where hundreds of thousands mentioned similar viewers no mention of 9/11. a recent pugh study found 30% of gen z gets news on tiktok compared to 3% of those over 65. >> at that point the media consumption it becomes hard for young people to know that there are disconfirming views out there. and so they tend to believe narratives that they are exposed to through social media and through each other. >> tiktok did take down the video and says it, quote. proactively and aggressively is removing this content and investigating how it got on to our platform. well, that shouldn't be a mystery. the "l.a. times" profiled this influencer two years ago where she bragged of earning six figurers a year for posting on tiktok and youtube. moments ago she said on instagram that she did not praise bin laden but admits being banned from tiktok, bret. we reached out to her to find out what she was told. nothing back so far. back to you. >> bret: okay, william, thank you. up next we talk to west virginia democratic senator joe manchin about his decision not to run for re-election for senate and whether he might launch a campaign for president. ♪ ♪ prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] and doug says, “you can customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual.” he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. 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(car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) >> the two of these candidates and joe biden is a friend of mine, but they bring out the absolute worst in their supporters. that's why joe manchin, his effort to try to go out and try to unite middle of the road voters i think is something that might -- a lot of voters might find appealing. >> bret: do you have any advice to senator manchin? should he do it? >> well, learn how to -- learn how to like lobster rolls. >> bret: governor jon huntsman there with some advice and obviously harold ford jr., the big question, whether senator manchin is going to run for president. joining us tonight is the aforementioned west virginia democratic senator joe manchin. senator, thanks for the time. >> thanks, bret. and tell john, my friend, i do like lobster rolls. >> bret: listen, i haven't seen the people doing the whole about network to network in a while but you have been doing it. and it is one question that comes up again and again. take a listen. >> senator, the big question everyone is asking is: will you run for president? it's not about me. it's not about the next election. i keep telling people. this is a movement. >> are you considering running for president. >> i will do anything i can to help my country. >> is that a yes? >> and you are saying does that mean you would consider it absolutely, every american should consider it. >> they believe if you did you would take votes from biden and help reelect donald trump. >> let me just tell you i'm not going to be a spoiler. >> bret: how about, this we will try it a different way. >> okay. >> bret: what would make you decide not to run for president? >> well, first of all, we don't know on super tuesday who the two candidates may be on the democrat and republican side. right now all odds are they would be donald trump and joe biden. i'm as honest as i can be with you, bret, i believe that donald trump being elected again would destroy democracy as we know it. i'm concerned. i'm very scared. he has already said what he would do. he is going to use the power of the office for revenge. is he going to basically -- he doesn't believe that the only election he believes the only fair election is the one he won. and he doesn't believe in the rule of law to where the law only pertains to anybody but him. it's a horrible situation and i just -- i'm scared of that, that would destroy our country as i know it. and joe biden is not the person -- when he came there saying i know how it works. can i bring the country together. i'm sean tryst. he has pulled clear far to the left. so let's see what happens. will anybody change? i don't know. will the rhetoric change? if we don't globalize the moderate, sensible going to call them the radical middle, okay in the radical middle, those are people that make common sense decisions that run their life, that run their family and that run their businesses from the center left, center right. not from the extremes. that's what's happened. the business in washington is too darn good. the republican business and the democrat business is pretty darn good here. and they are not going to change their model. so, unless we push it, nothing will change. >> bret: when you go around the country and you talk to people and they say hey, listen, i liked trump policies. my life was a lot better under donald trump policies. and they hear what you are saying about the threat to democracy and all that he has said. but, as far as what he has done, as president, you know, they say i could live with that again. that's where that support comes from. at least if you ask people in the polls. >> well, and, you know, you look at basically what joe biden has done, a lot of things that were good, too. it's basically where do you end? , i mean, you can't continue to have 33,000,000,000,700 and $20 billion of debt as of today, bret. and both sides are responsible. no one is talking about control, getting your financial house in order. and then we have a border crisis. we all talk about it. everybody raises kaine contain. the border crisis is absolutely detrimental to our country and our way of life. and the bottom line is we have democrats that don't want to secure that border. tight as a drum. and we have republicans that don't want the people that are here to have worker visas that can basically pay for themselves, pay taxes until we get them adjudicated rather than paying for them. those things, common sense. and only thing i'm saying we have got two wars going on with two allies that we are trying to do everything we can to make sure they are victorious and not get pulled into a major war ourself where our own men and women their lives on the line, their blood could be shed. we want to prevent all of that look at what just happened the other day. >> do you want to do it now. >> i would love to do it right now. >> stand your butt up then. >> you stand your butt up. >> hold on. stop it. >> when they get to a fevered pitch they want to fight, they are calling each other names, it looked like a third world country or a banana republic. that's not who we are. we are the super power of the world, bret. people are looking to us for leadership. >> bret: senator, if we look at our latest polls. even out tonight, the condition of the economy, you have 78% that say it's only fair or poor. 20% say excellent or good. if you look at the president's job performance ratings. they are upside down. they are under water on specific issues. national security 40%. israel, hamas 39%. immigration, you mentioned 33%. inflation his approval, senator, is at 29%. you voted for that inflation reduction act, which really hasn't turned out to be that. can you say definitively that bidenomics really isn't working? >> let me just tell you about the inflation reduction act. that bill. >> bret: we have been through that. i know. >> with five years in my republican friends, have you ever heard joe biden say it's pay down debt $230 billion? a third of that bill was for debt reduction? first time since 1997? no. >> bret: it was erased by the student loan deal. >> i'm against that totally against that quit sending checks to everybody. take care of those who can't take care of themself. help those be productive that can. you can't just keep sending checks. inflation is horrible. i agree. >> bret: can you say bidenomics is not working? >> from food and fuel and everything in between. so, the bottom line is can we do better? absolutely. we should do better. but we have got to make sure that we get this debt under control. >> bret: this is just today. you have been fighting this on appropriations and armed services, to have the pentagon audit itself there are articles of you calling for this all the way back 2013, 2013, 2017. >> with john mccain. >> today, there is this sense that -- still today, they are failing. the pentagon is, and the secretary of defense put out this scathing letter today saying they can't audit themselves. if the pentagon can't audit itself, how can it expect to get more funding if you don't know where the fund something going already given to them? >> i can't -- i am in fighting like the dickens to make sure that we have basically a financial officer overseeing independent of the military. we have to make sure we are transparent and we should make sure that our troops and our nation can defend itself and also be able to help our allies. if we can't do that then god help us all. you can't remain the super power of the world. >> bret: senator, when you are ready to make a decision, we hope you come back here to "special report." >> i will. hey, bret, here is the thing. the bits model in washington is working just great for the republican business model and the democrat business model. it's not working for the country. that's what we are talking about. i want to mobilize what we will call the radical moderate, centrist middle person to get involved because neither side can win without them. and there is enough out there. >> bret: democrats who say, senator, by doing that you are going to hand the election to what you call the biggest threat to democracy, former president donald trump. >> i would never be a spoiler for anybody and i don't agree with that. you know, the analysis that they have come up with. the bottom line is, i know one thing, if people get off their high horse from the far right and far left and start looking at how do we continue to be the united states and quit trying to be the divided states and americans and quit worrying about the party democrat or republican. i'm an american first, west virginian second. i'm the most independent, moderate centrist democrat you have ever seen. i have got friends on the republican side exactly the same. and enough's enough. >> bret: sensenator manchin, we appreciate the time. >> thank you. >> bret: up next, the panel on president biden's comments following the meeting with his chinese counterpart. plus, what is going on with congress, fights, corruption, ethics investigation. we'll have the latest and, later, a special day for a brave young man. ♪ ♪ ♪ if you struggle with cpap... 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>> look, he is. he is a dictator in the sense that he is a guy who runs a country that is communist country that based on totally different than ours. >> bret: secretary of state blinken wining at that response. strongly opposing dictator. denounce president joe biden's comment thursday calling chinese president xi a dictator for the second time this year. the statement is extremely wrong and irresponsible. political manipulation. foreign ministry spokesperson said telling reporters on thursday. may have been accurate but that's the reaction. let's bring in our panel, harold ford jr., former tennessee congressman, co-host of "the five." morgan ortagus former state department spokesman and guy benson political editor town and fox news radio. what do you think about the fallout, first from the comment but also from this meeting and what are the deliverables. >> you know, i don't know how much xi jinping actually care what is biden said in terms of him being a dictator because biden said it before. i think what xi jinping really cares about what concessions he was able to achieve in that meeting. and essentially what both leaders seem to want is the kind put a band-aid on the problems on the issues. at least until the 24 elections. and as josh rogin pointed out from "the washington post, the point of this meeting, at least from the xi jinping perspective is to sort of lull america back to sleep. right? that's why they had all of these meetings with all of these american ceos who gave a standing ovation to xi jinping. that's what he wants. he wants to go back to business as usual where american businesses, american ceos are doing business with china and the relationship is sort of simmering underneath the surface. listen, i don't know that other than getting conversations that the ball was moved forward in terms of does xi jinping leave that meeting deterred from invading ukraine? i can't say that i have seen any evidence that he did so. >> bret: you mean invading taiwan. >> taiwan, yes. thank you. >> bret: harold, listen, we heard about military-to-military connection that think could pick pick up the phone. they weren't answering the phone before. we have heard some deal about fentanyl but, as far as checking that, and, you know, check but verify, basically, we don't really know what that looks like. but we didn't hear anything about the origins of covid. we didn't hear anything about the spy base they are building in cuba. we didn't hear anything about the military confrontations in the south china sea or the spy balloon flying over the u.s. we didn't that. >> harold: thanks for having me. the fact china facing headwinds, the real estate crises that is gripping the country, the youth unemployment rate, and the fact that there is a slowdown, overall slow down in their economy, i think some of it has to do with how we have behaved since covid. i would love for some of those things, bret, to have been raised. but the fact that this is the first time in my lifetime that a u.s. president has set down with his chinese counterpart, and we have been in a stronger economic position, vis-a-vis china in so many ways. we are de-risking, diversifying the language is president biden has chosen to use. and i think he is right. we are building more things here. so i think the leverage the president may have had in that meeting and we will learn, we will see what deliverables there were we don't know. >> bret: panda. >> harold: talk about fentanyl to human rights, our economic issues that need to be protected there and even the south china sea. so we will have to wait and see what happens. he was in a strong position to make some real demands on president xi. >> bret: sorry, i didn't mean to interrupt but we did get pandas back. >> and pandas. >> bret: guy, i want to turn to the polls, the president's job approval overall stands at 40% in our new poll out tonight. that's the worst he has done in the disapproval at 59%. if you look at the specifics, as i showed before, really, upside down in all of the categories economy at 33%, inflation at 29, immigration at 33, these are really dismal numbers. turn it around ahead of a presidential election. but really right now, they are pretty bad. >> well, the numbers at the moment are hideous. they have been really bad for a while but they are worse than ever in our polling. and he has richly earned these numbers and rejection of the american on issue after issue. almost 20 point under water overall on approval. losing head-to-head with all of the republicans hypothetical matchup looking ahead to next year. yes, things can turn. yes, things can change. i think one thing that will almost certainly change is this insane talking point that they keep sticking with that bidenomics is working. not only do people not believe that. i think it's insulting to them problems go way beyond rhetoric and framing. >> bret: even senator manchin said bidenomics ♪ getting it done. concerns about how people feel at home, about the price of things. "wall street journal" writes this: the joe manchin experience, why worry about mr. manchin if the country will eventually come to see the heroic benefits of bidenomics, then the appeal of a third party candidate will fade as the election nears. the problem is that democrats really don't believe their own political advertising. you heard that interview. what did you make of it? >> you know, i thought he was going to lean in a bit more to actually potentially maybe running for office now that he said he is not going to run for reelections. i actually thought he sort of framed what the democratic argument will be for the presidency against donald trump electing donald trump would be the end of the democracy. it's confusing how someone being democratically elected could actually be the end of democracy. but, when you look at the fox news polling that you are referring to and you don't have any substantive numbers to run on. when you have, almost 90% of the country, saying that the economy doesn't work, this is what you run on. fear and scare tactics. >> bret: we have asked the former president to come back on and talk about some of the comments he has made, harold, publicly about going after people if he gets elected again, using it for retribution and we will see if he comes back on. i used you in the bump-in to senator manchin. what did you think of that interview and what do you take away from it? i take two things away. first to morgan i think joe manchin has been as critical of democrats as he is of republicans. we need more joe manchins in politics, not fewer, we need more people trying to unify the country, unify his party and help move us forward. not like competition. doesn't understand the competition makes everything better. when you give people choices, you make everything better. be it public schools. be it politics. be it anything you choose to buy online or in a store. all joe manchin is doing is challenging the country and, by definition, challenging his own party. and i support that. >> bret: we will see what happens. panel, thanks. ♪ >> bret: lastly, a special day in washington. [cheers] young boy named samook has reason to celebrate. he just completed his cancer treatment. he earned the nickname the mayor of 4 east. that's children's national hospital floor the pediatric oncology unit where he intent several months. he had the honor of written ringing the children's national hospital bell. hospital staff lined the halls clapping and cheering as you see to help more kids visit children's slash light. a place close to my heart. tomorrow on "special report," three major republican presidential candidates participate in a conservative christian forum in iowa. remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr, 6:00 p.m. in the east. 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us in your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle" is starting right now. ♪ ♪ [applause] >> laura: hello, everyone. ur

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Children S National Hospital Bell , Halls Clapping , Forum , Dvr , Fair , Iowa , Conservative Christian , West Coast , 6 , Ingraham Angle , Laura , Ur ,

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