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headquarters in new york, a lot of big stories today, including a stunning warning that stopped us in our tracks from the fbi director about what he saysed is an across-the-board rising terrorist threat level here in the united states. >> i see blinking lights everywhere i turn. >> martha: we'll hear more about that. he will -- we'll get more of what he said and explain what he's talking about there. it was stunning. first, a huge story to continue to tackle today. in recent years we have covered what many see on u.s. campuses as the deterioration of education, an active open scholarlish debate that were the foundation of these once great institutions. while that was happening, these universities spend a lot of time and effort of memo sending to champion safe spaces and zero tolerance for everything from trans rights to offensive dining like tacos. after having protected so many groups, it looks like there's a glaring hole in the policy. it doesn't appear to extend to jews post october 7th. watch. >> why did professor ahmad amallah let students off the hook after they were chantining "there's only one solution." why does that professor still have a job at your university? >> representative, our approach to speech as i identified, it follows and guided by the u.s. constitution, which allows for robust perspectives. >> based upon your testimony, you understand that this call for fattah is to commit genocide against the jewish people against israel and globally, correct? >> i will say again, that type of hateful speech is personally abhorrent to me. >> do you believe that type of hateful speech is contrary to harvard's code of conduct or is it allowed at harvard? >> it's at odds with the values of harvard. our values also -- >> can you not say if it's against the code of conduct at harvard. >> we embrace views that are objectionable, offensive and hateful. it's when that speech crosses in to conduct that violates our policies about -- >> does that speech not cross that barrier? does that speech not call for the genocide of jews and the elimination of israel? you testified that you understand that is the definition of into fattah. is that speech according to the code of conduct or not? >> we embrace a commitment to free expression and give a wide birth to free expression and views that are objection able -- >> you and i know that's not the case. >> elise stefanik went to harvard. she's passionate about that. joining me now, ricky schlott who has a record on the backlash to ivy league schools. great to have you here, ricky. it's interesting to see what has happened since october 7th as donors that might have looked at some of the things going on on the campuses are now pulling wholesale out of supporting them in some cases. what do you see? >> absolutely. the schools have to find out how they're going to fill the gap from these major donors pulling pledges from years on end, which might mean smaller dollar donors in the past couple years you'd have to donate $20 million to get in to harvard, that might be closer to $2 million now. the true irony here, the schools are professing an allegiance to free speech. the reason things are so dire is because they failed -- it's no coincidence these most elite schools are the schools where anti-semitism is driving. when discourse cannot happen in the open and competing views can't meet in civil dialogue and discourse, they go underground, they fester, become more extreme and in moments of conflict like this, they rear their heads and you have harvard students for hamas. >> martha: you watch this, feels like you're in an upside-down word. you watch the protection of trans rights. you can make an argument for that. you watch the protection of certain kinds of food that might upset people in dining halls. then you have these calls for fattah against jewish people. you hear these accounts from the students that say i don't feel safe. here's another interexchange between elise stefanik and the president of harvard, dr. gay, watch this. >> dr. gay, a harvard student calling for the mass murderer of african americans is not protected speech at harvard, is it? >> our -- >> it's a yes or no question. is it okay for students to call for the mass murder of african americans? >> our speech -- >> it's a yes or no question. >> martha: she's arguing that they have a solid commitment to free speech. you hear the irony in what elise stefanik is trying to point out there in her question. what do you make of it? >> according to the foundation for individual rights and expressions, harvard is dead last in free speech rankings. this sudden realization that free expression and viewpoint neutrality is an institution and something to uphold is really disheartening giving the timing. when office student, we'll get mails about black lives matter, the election of presidents. all of a sudden in october, harvard and dr. gay who was just testifying were very obviously and suddenly silent on something that should not have been nearly as hard as those other issues to condemn when it's the rape and murder of innocent civilians. >> martha: when you look at this situation -- this is barry weiss telling people in her opinion that families that raise their children with this goal of going to ivy league universities should start looking at the whole thing very differently. watch this. >> friends and enemies are not who they were. not who they thought they were before october 7th. accepting this might be hard for some of you as it has been for me. might mean giving up on nice things, giving up on harvard. harvard and yale don't give us value. we give us value. >> martha: thought on that. >> yeah, i'm a proud drop-out not because i flunked out but because i believe that we should stop forking over our dollars anour time and our institutional faith in to institutions that fail us and delivered us students that are steeped in radicalism. i don't think we should trust these schools to educate future leaders without scrutinizing them. >> martha: you're living proof. she has a biweekly column at the "new york post." you're making a great splash in terms of the thought process and thinking. i watched your interview and discussion with jordan peterson. well-done, rikki. thanks very much. >> thank you. >> martha: thanks for joining us this afternoon. as i mentioned earlier, fbi director wray waved a huge red flag earlier about the likelihood of coming attacks on the homeland. >> i have never seen a time where all of the threats were so many of the threats were all elevated all at exactly the same time. >> martha: ambassador nathan sales joins me next. my mental health was much better. but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. #1-prescribed ingrezza is the only td treatment for adults that's always one pill, once daily. ingrezza 80 mg is proven to reduce td movements in 7 out of 10 people. people taking ingrezza can stay on most mental health meds. ingrezza can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have thoughts of suicide. don't take ingrezza if you're allergic to its ingredients. ingrezza may cause serious side effects, including angioedema, potential heart rhythm problems, and abnormal movements. report fevers, stiff muscles, or problems thinking as these may be life threatening. sleepiness is the most common side effect. it's nice. people focus more on me. ask your doctor about #1 prescribed, once-daily ingrezza. ♪ ingrezza ♪ when we had a significant health scare, we needed to act quickly. because we had christian healthcare ministries. i went directly to the specialist i wanted. they took care of all our medical bills. over $60,000. joining christian healthcare ministries is one of the best decisions we've ever made. we're the suarez family, and this is our chm story. choose your doctor without network restrictions, all at an affordable price. enroll anytime at chministries. dot org / enroll. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? 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>> i see blinking lights everywhere i turn. >> martha: so you think back to 9-11 when you hear that kind of talk from the fbi districter is unsettling. we bring in nathan sales, coordinator for counter terrorism under president trump. ambassador, good to have you with us. thanks for coming back on the program today. as someone who has been in the room for these discussions, can you shed any light on what you think that director wray is really saying here and what he's actually seeing when he talks about all of these different hot spots at an elevated level? >> martha, when you have an enormously consequential terrorist attack like what we saw on israel on october 7th, the first thing you have to worry about is the possibility of follow on attacks or copy attacks. i don't think we've seen any reportings that hamas has sent operatives in the united states to commit attacks here. that would be a pretty significant departure from the way hamas normally does business, which is to focus its energies on killing jews and israelis inside israeli. but the real risk that we have to focus on is the possibility of people who are inspired by hamas attacks. they might try to take matters in their own hands and carry out acts of violence here in the united states. we have already seen a huge spike in anti-semitism in the u.s. including on universities as you just said. we have seen an increase in violent anti-semitic attacks. it's up about 400% this fall compared to the fall of the previous year. so clearly that kind of trend line is something that will worry policy makers in washington, including the fbi. >> martha: when i think back to 9-11 because we know there were a lot of signs that some unusual things were happening and as senator graham pointed out in the retrospect, people talked about a lot of blinking red lightses that were going on. we were looking people throughout the country to carry out the attacks. we hear about people crossing the border. you wonder what's going on there. we know there's hundreds of people, an elevated number of people on the terror watch list that can come across the border. what do we do to keep track of them. is there anything that we can do to find them and make them -- kick them out of the country, which seems like the logical thing to do? >> that's a great question, martha. when you talk about lights blinking red, no light is blinking red more than the southern border. it's a complete and total crisises. millions of people have come across the border since president biden took office. a number of them are known or suspended terrorists. last year 98 known or suspected terrorists were stopped trying to get in the country, this year it's over 150. those are the ones that we stopped. what about the ones we didn't stop? what about the ones that were able to make it in the country undetected. if we're going to get control of national security or protect american people from terrorist threats, it has to start at the border. nothing is more important than gaining control of our border. we have not been able to do that in the past 2 1/2 years. >> martha: if you stop someone and they're on the terror watch list, why would they still be here? weren't they ejected immediately or just running around the country and if they are, why went they ejected immediately? >> we don't know. that's part of the problem. some may have been prosecuted for trying to enter the united states illegally. some might have been let go. some might have been removed. we don't have great visibility on what happened to them. that's a real problem. >> martha: no kidding. nathan sales, thanks. very good to have you with us. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: here's another story this we're watching live on capitol hill. another hot hearing today as president biden pushes to change elements of title 9 and to amend it, which was designed to protect women in sports. now the amendment would also protect gender identity within those sports. that could change a whole lot for athletes in this country. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? 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>> there's real concerns about the rewriting of title 9. a hearing is underway entitled the importance of protecting female athletes and title 9. lawmakers hearing from a women's lacrosse coach after she lost her job after speaking out about transgender athletes in women's sports and from a former ncaa swimmer. >> this new rewrite would place the burden of proving there's an unfair advantage in whatever sport that might be, places the burden on the shoulder of the young girl. men could take academic and athletic scholarships away from women. men could use and would use bathrooms, locker rooms and changing spaces on campuses. >> title 9 was passed to eliminate obstacles for women in higher education. it paved the way for women to have equal access with opportunities regarding sports, regarding scholarships and resources. now the biden administration is trying to redefine sex discrimination. congress woman mcclain sent a letter to education secretary miguel cardona expecting serious concern. >> martha? >> martha: thanks, mike. with that, we bring in betsy devos, the former education secretary. good to have you with us. thanks for joining us. explain what you think would -- there's been push back to this. so this is not about to happen tomorrow because there's been a lot of public outcry about it. how do you see what this change would mean? >> well, martha, if the rule that was put out as a draft is finalized and even close to the form it was put out as, it would effectively render title 9 and the protection for girls and women to access sports meaningless. it would say if biological male who decided that he was a female at that point could join women's teams. we've seen this happening on countless campuses across the country. i give a ton of credit to riley gains and her fellow athletes and coaches that are really standing up and talking about the practical implications of this. >> martha: you know, in terms of what they have focused on at the department of education around this, we grew up in a period where title 9 was allowing young women to play sports that they never had access to before because the funding was different for boy sports a girl sports. it was soccer or tennis basically before all of this happened if you were lucky. so what would this mean for these young women? >> well, it would compromise their ability to compete against other females because it would allow biological males to be in the center of the mix. we've seen what has happened where it has been allowed. biological males have physical advantages. there's no two ways about it. this would fundamentally change or in effect render title 9 a moot point. you can't have title 9 protections and allow men to be a part of it. >> martha: we're going to riley gains opening statement. my thanks to the former education secretary. let's listen. >> in march of 2022, female swimmers from around the country and i were forced to compete against leah thomas. we watched as this male swam to a women's national title beating out the most impressive and accomplished female swimmers in the nation including olympians and american record holders. despite tytying down to the hundreds with thomas in the 200 freestyle, i was denied the trophy. it was clear to me, my teammates and my competitors that they had reduced everything we had worked our entire lives for down to a photo op. that's not all. in addition to losing out on opportunities to thomas, we also had to share a locker room and change in front of the 6'4" fully intacted naked male. as i testified, we were not forewarned of this arrangement or asked for our consent and did not give our consent to this exposure and be exploited. unfortunately thomas was not a one off. across the country, in various sports, males are entering women's athletic competitions being given spots on women's teams and being granted entry to our locker rooms. there's numerous documented of women competing in women's track, field hockey and all other levels of competition. this issue is underreported for various reasons. common sense americans know this is not right. studies consistently show males have about a 10 to 12 percent athletic advantage over females, this gap is evident. hormone therapy can level this gap but cannot close it. studies demonstrate that surgery and testerone suppression don't help. take thomas. he was mediocre tag men at best ranking 400'd and 500th nationally and dominating all of the women in the entire country by body lengths in about a year. not only do women have to worry about losing opportunities and being exploited in locker rooms, allowing men in to women sports put women at greater risk of injury. peyton mcnabb spiked a ball at her head in north carolina. peyton experienced extensive trauma to her head and neck and long-term concussion symptoms. still a year and three days later, she's partially paralyzed on her right side, her version is impaired and memory is impaired and not playing college sports like she dreamed of. a few weeks ago in massachusetts, a male player on the high school field hockey women's tomorrow injured an opposing player with a shot to the face rendering dental and facial injuries. injuries can and do happen when females are playing against other females. but allowing men to play women sports increase the likely head and severity of such years. that's one of the reasons why for 50 years federal title 9 regulations have allowed separate teams for men and women. in april of 2023, the department of education proposed a rule that if adopted would reverse this rule. women sports are not for rules. they're for anybody that says they are a woman include that the school can demonstrate that keeping up a particular team female meets important objectives. the new real mandates every school must show the unfairness of a male competition and develop rules that minimize harm to trans identified athletes. what about the harm to us? who was working to minimize the harm done to female athletes? let me be perfectly clear. a school that knowingly allows a male athlete to take a spot on a women's tomorrow is denying a female student athletic opportunity. that is sex-based discrimination and violates title 9 regardless of what the new regulations might say. it's my sincere hope that members of this committee will take action to stop the biden administration's illegal and administrative rewrite of title 9. of course, there's a place for everyone regardless of gender identity, regardless of sexual orientation, regardless of race or what sports you play, there's a place for everyone to play sports in this country. but unsafe, unfair and discriminatory program tises against women must stop. inclusion could no go over safety and fairness. if my testimony makes me trans phobic, i believe you're opening monologue makes you misogynist. thank you. >> martha: interesting testimony from riley gains who obviously has become the face of this issue. she's been a fierce activist to protect women's sports in the face of participation by trans athletes. he just outline add story that we know well. leah thomas, who she competed against when she says she was one of the fastest swimmers in the kwoun -- country when everything changed. we'll take you back if there's a reason to dip in. meantime, israel says that it has evidence, 1,500 pieces of physical and witness evidence, of hamas sexual atrocities against women during and after october 7th attacks. some of those women were girls. but even eye witness accounts are apparently not enough to trigger outrage from some very well-known groups who say that they support women and girls. those who cried out against me too say nothing about this? warning, this account is graphic. >> a witness from the right party testified. we heard girls that were pulled out from the shelters. girls that shouted. they raped girls. the first time you made a sale online with godaddy was also the first time you heard of a town named dinosaur, colorado. we just got an order from dinaur, colorado. start an easy to build, powerful website for free with a partner that always puts you first. start for free at as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at >> martha: so first were the october 7th eye witnesses. like the one that hit from hamas under a dead body and saw a woman raped repeatedly. this woman according to the eye witness account begged hamas to kill her. after they were done raping her, they shot her in the head. that's an eye witness account. i know it's hard to hear. according to this eye witness and you're looking right now at some of the video from october 7th, that is what this person saw. these survivors are haunted by the things that they saw. those moments will be with them forever. now the first responders and the forensics specialists are on the front line. they're warning us about what they saw and i would say that you need to be warned about what you're about to hear. it is also important to understand. watch. >> we could not identify her from her head to her toes. she was abused in a way that we could not understand and could not deal with. >> so given the reality of what we're learning here, leading groups like the ones that you see on this screen have largely remained silent about these atrocities against women. the world health organization, planned parenthood, women's march, a group called "i stand with her", where are they standing right now? that's just a few. here's israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu speaking out on this a short time ago. watch. >> i say to the women's rights organizations, to the human rights organizations, you've heard of the rape of israeli women. horrible atrocities, sexual mutilation. where the hell are you. >> with that we bring in column first daniella davis. her ancestors were murdered in auschwitz. good to have you here today. >> thanks for having me. >> martha: you heard these things as a child. did you ever imagine that jewish students would feel the kind of pressure they're feeling or people would ignore the atrocities that are being carried out today in 2023? >> no, i never could have imagined this. we talk about me too. we talk about believe all women. we talk about what it means to be a good feminist and support each other. there has never been as much evidence in a case of sexual assault that we have right now with what happens on october 7th. let's not be naive. what is still happening in gaza right now with 17 women that are still being held. we have first hand witnesses, forensic evidence, people whose jobs it was to clean up and identify the bodies, talking about finding broken pelvis bones. we have videos of women walking away with bloody pants with their ankles cut so they can't run. you can't make it any more evidence. still, we're seeing silence from u.n. women, from the me too movement, from every single community that i would have expected that would have shown up from this moment. i got back from israel. was there a week to volunteer on the ground. over and over again the question i was asked is where are american women. where are our sisters? i didn't really have a good answer to tell them. >> martha: what do you think is happening? i've seen -- you've been tweeting a lot about this and writing a lot about this. you say, you know, me too, unless you're a jew. >> yeah. we can close our eyes and pretend this is ignorance or pretend this is anti-semitism. when you have people that have said for years saying it is proof enough. believe all women. the second you accuse someone of something, that's it. their life is over. no investigation needed. now we have evidence, eye witness testimony, video. hamas dock mended themselves with gopros. you can ask for more than what israel has right now. >> martha: this is a tweet from brianna joy gray who is the former national press secretary for bernie sanders. she says believe all women was an absurd overreach. women should be heard, claims should be investigated by evidence is required. this isn't a believe women scenario because no female victims have offered testimony. >> i think it's clear that brianna doesn't think israeli women are human. it's clear that brianna doesn't think that israeli women should be heard. it's clear that she's not willing to look at evidence that has been presented. this is not just from fox news or from outlets that brianna probably doesn't read. the "new york times" as i was walking in here broke a very long story, well-reported, many people involved very clearly outlining all of the pieces again, forensics, eye witness, on film. what people found, broken pelvis bones. some people that were so mutilated they couldn't tell if they were men or women, that's how destroyed the bodies were. and she can tweet there's no evidence. no amount of evidence will change her mind. >> martha: you hear the but thousands of people. many of them women and children have been killed in the israeli attacks in palestine, in the palestinian stair -- territory what do you say to that? >> every single israeli i know would agree this is devastating. nobody is looking or happy that men and women and children are dying. and war is not an episode of band of brothers. there's a reason we all work really hard not to be here. because war is devastating. people, most often innocent people, end up getting killed. that said, i think we need to walk and chew gum and remember that on october 7th there was no act of war. hamas broke a cease fire, came in to innocent communities, raped women and children, kidnapped holocaust survivors, shot parents, shot children in front of their parents. so yeah, now there's a war and people are dying on both sides. it's horrendous. we can't lose sight of how we got here. >> thanks, daniella. i hope you join us again as we continue to cover this. thanks for being here. thanks. so the idf session that they're now in the midst of the most intense fighting to date in their operation to take out hamas. we're live inside israel on the ground next. patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? 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see this upbeat moment. how cute she is. all right. so keep that in perspective as we look at what is still raging in the gaza strip. we go to northern israel and our correspondent there, nate foy. hi, nate. >> hi, martha. it's obviously great seeing videos like that. doctors that evaluated amelia, her mother as well as the over 100 hostages that were freed from hamas captivity are describing the physical and psychological torture that they endured. tonight israel's health men industry is claiming that hamas drugged hostages with an anti anxiety medication to make them appear more calm as they were being released. take a look at this video of the hostage releases as doctors described many of the hostages coming back with rashes and lice. according, they were held in tunnels underground. they had no concept of time. doctors say many suffered injuries on october 7th that then became infected because of the insanitary conditions underground. >> there was a limitation of water, drinking water and the limitation of water to take a shower. because we have one family that took three showers in 54 days. one of the kids took no shower at all in 54 days. >> that is just scratching the surface, martha. on top of getting beaten and sexually abused, released hostages described the fear of getting hit by israeli air strikes. one child reported being shown videos of the october 7 earth attack. hamas terrorists told children that they would be there for a year and that nobody was coming for them. hostages also received very little food. >> the kids, the mothers, all the hostages that were released by now, all of them lost weight. between 10 to 15% of their body weight. >> remember, martha, over 130 hostages are still dealing with these conditions. their families met with israel's war cabinet. some screamed at prime minister netanyahu to resign and others left the meeting halfway through. the war cabinet maintains that the only way to get those 130 hostages home is through military force and to apply more pressure on hamas terrorists in gaza. back to you. >> martha: it's an impossible situation for the families and the hostages themselves as we watch this play out. nate, thank you very much. nate foy reporting from israel. so back here at home, the iowa caucuses are now just six weeks away. tonight sean hannity hosts a town hall with the gop frontrunner, donald trump. they will speak in iowa in a town hall, 9:00 p.m. eastern. must-see tv in prime time this evening on fox. meanwhile, his republican rivals getting ready to face off in their fourth debate tomorrow. only four candidates now make the cut. ron desantis, nikki haley, vivek ramaswamy and chris christie. kayleigh mcenany is here, "outnumbered"ed co host and former white house press secretary for president trump. first to alexis mcadams who is live in tuscaloosa, alabama ahead of tomorrow's debate. hi, alexis. >> hi, martha. a beautiful sunny day here in tuscaloosa, alabama as we wait to see the candidates take the stage behind me in alabama. but as you mentioned, donald trump is not showing up. he will be one-on-one with sean hannity later toy saying he doesn't need to be on the debate stage. it's a fight for second place on the stage tomorrow night. it's going to be led off by ron desantis and nikki haley. ron desantis said after he completed a 99-county tour, i'm not worried about nikki haley. she's not even a real conservative. watch. >> conservatives are not supporting her. her support is in new hampshire, non-republicans mostly. she can't beat trump. everybody knows that. so that's what you're looking for, that's just a dead end. >> as nikki haley works to close the gap, the former ambassador is gaining steam here. now backed by the koch brother and jamie dimon of j.p. morgan. representative run-off more man of south carolina backing haley said this surge in support is because haley is likable. desantis doesn't have the it factor. watch. >> there's a reason that ron desantis is going down in the polls. there's a reason that nikki haley is going up. because people like what they see and they know that she can be the next president of the united states. >> less people on this debate stage tomorrow. who qualified, ron desantis, nikki haley, vivek ramaswamy and chris christie. former president donald trump is holding that strong lead still with 62% of likely republican voters saying trump is their top choice for president. followed by desantis at 14% and haley nipping at his hls at 11%. so back out here live again. trump will not be here in alabama. he says he doesn't have to be. he will be at the intimate setting with a one-on-one with sean hannity tonight. >> martha: thanks. look forward to both. kayleigh mcenany is here, outnumbered co host. great to have you here. >> thank you. >> martha: it's clear these four people are battling it out to be the trump alternative. he's way ahead in the polls. what will you be watching for in this debate? >> what is interesting, you have not seen ron desantis and nikki haley really go head-to-head. yes, you've seen shots here and there. nikki haley going after some of the policies that he has in florida and him fighting back. you haven't really seen him the way you've seen vivek and nikki haley get after it. you should and will. desantis is number 2 in iowa. but nikki haley is number 2 staunchly in new hampshire and south carolina. if you're ron desantis trying to game out past iowa staying in against an enormous frontrunner, donald trump, you have to take her down and likewise for nikki haley. >> martha: strikes me that someone has to have a surprising outcome in iowa. something that makes the gap a little bit smaller in order to make this any kind of contest at this point. because it's pretty clear that the former president is ahead everywhere. but chris sununu, the governor of new hampshire, obviously everybody wants his support in new hampshire. he's very popular there. here's what he had to say about the race. >> in new hampshire, there's a path to kind of break this assumption that donald trump is somehow just a preemptive nominee. he's not. most people won't decide who they will vote for until maybe after christmas. >> martha: you think so? >> not a single vote has been cast. it's true that iowa, for instance, is a late-breaking state. we saw this with santorum and cruz. however, if i'm looking at the map and i see an iowa, former president trump at 54%, if that's a hard 54%, that's majority support. even if everyone drops out except me, how am i going to go up against the giant of donald trump. the poll that you put up, 62% supporting trump? i assessed over the summer, trump with 10 points away from biden who is running as an incumbent against two other candidates. now you have trump racking up the same primaries against a sitting president, buy ten, back when he had two competitors and donald trump has for. shows that he's running as an incumbent. >> martha: and he has the name recognition and deep resonance with a certain number of voters that is unlikely to break unless there's a catalyst, something that changes the game. that remains to be seen. i want to ask you about the movement on the impeachment check. the checks that comer has revealed. do they answer the direct line of money from hunter biden and these chinese companies and helping to support joe biden? >> they do in that look, yes, they were nominal or small adding up to $3,900. this comes after we learned about a $40,000 payment from his sister-in-law to president joe biden prior to being president. my point is you're seeing as more bank recorded are subpoenaed, more payments even though they're small, even though abbe lowell and the team will call them loans. but it's lies. you said never in business deals with my son. yes, you were. it keeps moving the bar from a president that hasn't been forthright and makes the american voter what will we learn of the subpoenas come in of the bank records. >> martha: speaker mike johnson believes he has the vote to start an inpeachment inquiry. he's going to the full house to get the support. it was not taken by kevin mccarthy as speaker. we'll see where it goes from here. great to have you with us. >> thanks very much. >> martha: thank you for being with us this afternoon on "the story." there's a lot coming up. we'll look forward to the town hall with president trump and sean hannity. be interested to see his answers in that environment. we'll also be watching and getting ready for the next debate as we prepare for iowa, which is the big moment six weeks away. thanks for being here. glad to have you on "the story." look forward to seeing you back tomorrow. have a good night. >> i don't want to have to keep advocating for jewish safety on

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,Bank ,Abbe Lowell ,Hasn T ,Voter ,Lies ,Son ,Subpoenas ,Bar ,Mike Johnson ,House ,Speaker ,Bank Records ,Kevin Mccarthy ,Inpeachment Inquiry ,Answers ,Environment ,Night ,Advocating ,

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