south lawn at columbia university last night. they popped up more than a month after the first encampment set off a domino effect on campuses across the country. and chaos at the brooklyn museum in new york city last night 34 arrests reported at anti-israel event there. meantime israeli president benjamin netanyahu respond to address congress as cease-fire talks ramp up again. good evening i'm jon scott and this is the "fox report." ♪ ♪ jon: our cb kotton live with anti-israel demonstration there is. cb. reporter: small group of protesters showed up here to encourage and celebrate the latest student encampment at columbia university this is all happening jon as university alumni return for reunion weekend and it appears at some point campus public safety officers tried to dismember the latest round of tents on friday inc. shortly after they went up and student paper report as of saturday several remained after students slept on the lawn overnight the new is revolt for rafah we're not allowed on campus from video from inside shows tent but supplies. like food, sleeping bags and pillows all strown across the lawn and alumni able to see several signs reading, quote, we're back. this weekend's foot traffic on campus seems to be the exact reason why student organizers chose to pitch this latest round of tents. they took to social media to say, quote, are you an alum join the 4,000 plus alumni who pledged to withhold donations and until all demands are met. went quote those demands include a call for a full divestment from israel earlier this spring columbia university leadership ride to negotiate with students who wanted the same thing. but when the university said it would not divest from israel students decided to occupy hamilton hall nypd assertions were authorized to come in. and more than 100 people were arrested, leading to clashes on the night of april 30th. watch this. [inaudible conversations] as protest picked back up at columbia university they continue another parts of the city protesters scaled brooklyn art museum on friday repelled downside of it a banner was unfurled reading, quote, free palestinian, divest from genocide end end quote now university leadership is aware of this newest encampment and monitoring the situation. jon, again these chants from protesters out here continue to grow through the evening hours. back to you. jon: so reporters are not allowed on the columbia campus but the anti-israel protesters are -- cb? reporter: the anti-israel protesters are not on campus right outside the campus gates. now depending on how this situation develops we may see at some point that university leadership will allow the press back on campus. but right now we're not there yet. jon: all right cb cotton in new york city keep an eye on it pr for us thank you. >> israel prime minister benjamin netanyahu responded to invitation to a joint meeting of congress also weighing in on a potential cease-fire deal that's backed by president biden. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with more. lucas. reporter: jon those protesters most likely thrilled that prime minister benjamin netanyahu has accepted an invitation from senior leaders from both parties in congress to speak in the israeli prime minister releasing a statement a short tile ago which reads, quote, i'm excited to represent israel before both houses of congress and to present the truth about our just seeking lives to representatives of the american people and the entire world. now the u.s. qatar and egypt are putting pressure on israel and hamas to accept the terming of the cease-fire agreement and many on the right putting pressure odent biden spoke about some words about donald trump. t no one is above the law was reaffirmed. donald trump was given every opportunity to defend himself. with a state case, not a federal case. and it was heard by jury of 12 citizens, 12 americans, 12 people like you. reporter: our own peter doocy follow-upped with president biden outside the rose garden yesterday. >> do you think this conviction helps trump in the election? are you worried this could happen to you someday somebody come up with some charges and tries to bring in the court after your term? >> not at all -- i didn't do anything wrong. ♪ ♪ when trump says you're trying to bruise him. what do you say? politically -- he thinks you're pulling strings behind scenes. doing all of this to help yourself. >> i didn't know i was that powerful. reporter: former president trump says awe of the charges against him were politically motivated. >> it's a rigged it was a rigged trial. honored to be involved in it because somebody has to do it and i might as well keep going and be the one. but i'm very honored to be involved because we're fighting for our constitution. reporter: president biden is spending weekend in rehoboth beach and with his son with gun charges he faces up to 25 years in prison. jon. jon: we're getting into that in a moment. lucas tomlinson at the white house. thank you. so former president trump expected to attend a ufc event tonight in newark, new jersey, days after his new york city conviction. joining us with more on the trump verdict aftermath and president bide 's reaction kansas senator roger marshall member of the hole land security and governmental affairs committee. so you just heard the president say that the former president had every opportunity to defend himself in court and that the justice system worked. what do you say to that, senator? >> well what we saw was a rigged judge. a rigged d.a., the whole timing of the -- of this trial was rigged as well. no i don't i don't think this it is supposed to look like i think everybody across the world is looking at this mockery saying that the president of the united states took the blind poted off of lady justice and then he threw her underneath a speeding bus. no he did not have an opportunity to defend himself. not when a judge like he had in this particular trial put their weight their total weight on the scale. jon: well, you are one of the signers of a senate letter that suggests you don't want to cooperate with the biden administration on anything that doesn't involve the safety and security of the american people as a result of this -- of this conviction. there it is. you're one of the eight u.s. senators who are signed it. what's the purpose here? >> right. so we seen joe biden make a mockery of our legal system. and we're going to fight fire with fire. we are going to grind the senate to a halt as best -- we're going to fight against everyone of this political nominations, every one of his judges that he's nominating any type of his agenda we can we're going to slow it down as best possible. there's something called unanimous consent and that's how that 90% of the legislation gets through the senate. we're going to do everything we can to throw the brakes on it. look what joe biden did was election interference by attacking cheap political rival keeping him from -- from out there campaigning. just the timing of all of this is atrocious so we're going to fight fire with fire. i want to give senator mike lee from the great state of utah a lot of credit from meeting this letter as well so we look forward to fighting fire with fire. jon: as you well know charges were not federal charges not bright but joe biden but the alvin bragg attorney in new york city. >> no doubting about that but the real crime they were trying to -- to put together false charges. you know never did accomplish that. but the timing of this was certainly orchestrated behind scenes by joe biden he orchestrated attacks on donald trump through the legal system. all three different trials. jon: all right. so -- the president according to joe biden had every opportunity to defend himself, but a lot of observers suggest that the judge in the way he wrote the jury instructions left an awful lot of room for a conviction. >> right. you know, so first of all, i don't know of another judge in america would even try this case. i mean it was so atrocious even alvin bragg at the beginning after he was elected even though he ran on gun going after trump. after he was elected said look there's nothing there. i don't this case but suddenly trump -- suddenly trump is leading polls republican nominee and a.m. vein bragg says let's take it on. take on the judge, a person that contributed finances to joe biden's campaign. they found that judge to take this case on and yes he put his foot he took whole body weight put it on top of this scales. again he took the blinds off of lady justice and threw her under a speeding bus. jon: but let's go back to that letter that you signed along with several other republican senators american people want folks in washington to do the business of the american people. are you afraid of running a foul of the american voter by -- you know vowing to sort of grind things to a halt in the senate in response to the trump conviction? >> you probably the best thing that can happen for america is for congress to get nothing more accomplished more likely than not anything they accomplish between now and november is going to be no good. look we've already spent more money than we should of. we're already 34 trillion dollars in debt. the judicial nominee were getting in front of very much political hack jobs as well. i think the very best thing we can do for america is to stop this spengsding stop the new regulations, that they want to throw out there. and stop the biden -- the biden agenda we've seen enough of this. november can't get here soon enough. america is ready for this election. and really jon think about it. every election is about the future and i can't wait to see the two candidates present their vision as they present their vision they're going to have to go back and say here's my policies with the biggest concerns of americans being -- an open southern border and inflation what is joe biden to going to run on and president trump can say the secured the border we didn't have inflation an greatest economy of my professional lifetime i was roll back regulations. so president trump has everything to run on. i think that yes there are thursday verdict was just a blip on the radar screen. and americans are ready to move forward. jon: very quickly, joe manchin left the democratic party as a senator after the trump verdict says he is an independent now but he will still caucus with the democrats. does that change anything in the u.s. senate? >> well, i think that again on these 50/50 nominations as they go forward he has a foot now more in the moderate water as well so i think he's more inclined to say wait a second these judicial nominees that biden is given us, that are not qualified -- mind as well that some of those won't make it across the finish line and i have to point out think about who the democrat party is today. it is not the democrat party if john f. kennedy is not the democrat party of joe manchin anymore either. kyrsten sinema left them as well people are leaving the democratic party. joe biden -- he's not alone. either joe manchin is not alone. so i think that we're seeing this wave throughout the nation. jon: kansas senator roger mash cial, marshall, thank you. >> this important programming note join the "fox & friends" weekends team tomorrow morning for their exclusive sits down interview with former president trump that's right here, on fox news channel. and emotional day in court as the man accused of killing georgia nursing student laikin ray lie not prosecuted and will not seek the death penalty for jose ibarra madison scarpino live. >> her family and friends were visibility devastated as they became face-to-face with the man accused of killing her riley mom and sister started sobbing when he walked in and pleaded not guilty on 10 charges including malice, murder and kidnapping. the hearing comes three months after riley's body was found in a wooded area on uga campus. police say she went for a run and never returned. we want to warn you these details may be hard to hear. according to the indictment, he attempted to rape her and bash her head with a rock and accused of trying to stop her from calling 9-1-1. police say he entered the u.s. illegally from venezuela in 2022. here's what the former i.c.e. director said earlier today. >> he should never have been there but remain in mexico program and killed it and should have been detention. >> the case is ramped up a national immigration debate since arrested in new york in 2023 and mike collins introduced the laken riley act in the house. at riley family request they didn't want this to happen to anyone else a bill that would require dhs to detain any undocumented immigrants for small crimes like theft or shoplifting. >> said mike if there's one thing you can do just one thing you can do congress can do to ensure that maybe this never happens again -- to another family please by all mean dos that. >> the bill overwhelmingly passed in the house. but as lacking support from senate democrats some democrats believe that the bill isn't specific enough. and would disproportionately target people of color back due in court in august. >> madison scarpino thank you. still to come on the "fox report" first son hunter biden trial on gun charges on monday after a contentious over what evidence can and cannot be presented to the jury. former u.s. attorney jaytown tells what you say to watch for in this latest hope -- high profile trial this election cycle. stay tuned. ♪ ♪ to customize and save hundreds with liberty mutual! 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(gentle music) (inspirational music) - [narrator] wounded warrior project helps post-9/11 veterans realize what's possible. with generous community support. - aaron, how you doing buddy? - [narrator] we bring warriors together and empower them to become stronger inside and out. - it's possible to begin healing - to get the help you need. - to find peace. - [narrator] and as each warrior's needs evolve, so do we. because these last 20 years are just the beginning. jon: fox news alert nasa just announcing it will forego tomorrow's expected launch of the boeing star liner. decision come just hours after nasa scrubbed today scheduled flight less than four minutes before lift yore engineers want extra time to a ground supporting issue and nasa set to give an update tomorrow about next steps for star liner first mission carrying crew. history will be made in the courtroom on monday as hunter biden is set to become the first child of a sitting president to be a criminal defendant. for more on this let's bring in jay town, former u.s. attorney. interesting week in the legal system when it comes to the oval office i guess yowxd say you were appointed by president trump should we expect that somehow you're -- you're pronouncements here are tainted by that? >> no. i mean, you have me on as a legal analyst and i give you my legal analysis. doesn't come with my bias attached to it it is based on -- you know, 26 years of experience inside of the courtroom as a career prosecutor. so if i was appointed by obama my analysis could be exactly the same as it is being a trump appointee. jon: supporter of hunter biden say lying on gun form is rarely prosecuted. is that the case? >> well, look, it's very difficult to prove that someone is an addict. more broadly 18g prevents all kinds of individuals from possessing or purchasing a firearm felons, illegal immigrants people convicted of domestic violence and, of course, addicts. now, it's difficult to prove that someone is addicted to control substances unless they've written a book about it where most of the book is about their dealings with their addiction to narcotics and controlled substances. so therein lies the rub for hunter bide incline this particular case. jon: we have a passage from that book that i think we can put up on the screen right now. in which hunter biden himself writes i'm a liar and thief and blamer and a user, and i'm a delusional and an addict. unlike beyond and above all other addicts that you know and i've ruined every relationship i've ever cherished that was a -- text that he wrote to halle biden with whom he was in a relationship at that time. j yeah. she'll be a witness in this case to talk about just that jon that is a passage from his book. he's, in fact, talked about that passage on his book tour. where he was trying to draw sympathy and what he was really doing was admitting to at least one of the elements of the 922g crime in which he's charged. displon so let's say that, well you seem to suggest that there is plenty of evidence to convict him. how long does this trial take and go on for weeks? >> no this isn't judge mershaun courtroom and cram hours testimony into six weeks but get through this in a few weeks and jury selection will take longer than the witnesses and their testimony. you know, there won't be salacious details in the book about prostitutes really even -- some of the lifestyle that hunter was leading again this isn't judge mershawn's courtroom those aspects will come across in the irs case the tax case. and so, but in this case couple of days, jon. jon: all right so let's say that he gets convicted. we don't know yet but if he gets convicted his father could pardon him this is a federal case. >> i would expect it, in fact, i wouldn't before november 5th just the president trump if he's convicted will have a right to an appeal. that appeal will -- be on november 5th which is the national election and, i would expect some time shortly thereafter november 5th hunter biden will get a pardon -- [inaudible conversations] >> all right. speaking of appeals, the trump team is vowing an appeal of his conviction in new york city. now, you and other analysts have said this was a novel maybe twisted use of the law bringing federal, a federal crime, you know, campaign violations campaign finance violations into a state court. so where does this appeal go? does it go to state court or federal courtsome? >> it is going to start this state court. there are those out there that are arguing that he could make a direct appeal to the supreme court. united states supreme court, because of the fifth and sixth amendment violations that were so readily apparent in this trial. you know, fox news contributors andy and jonathon turley done a great job detailing in their writings all of the appellate issues that juan has created and jon i know folks want to blame the jury and bragg i understand some of that blame should go to alvin bragg. but the man on the screen to right there juan he's part of the system that's supposed to protect against the system and guard against temper over zealous prosecutions and juan enabled it in this case he's been an embarrassment to the bench and criminal system and as new york going to give him a fair shot on appeal look what they did with harvey weinstein they overturned his convictions he's no beloved child of new york. he's certainly left leaning but they overturned his conviction because of some of the same details that juan merchan allowing in the courtroom starring president trump and stormy daniels so i do think that this will come back very quickly on appeal maybe not before the election. but this is not going to be a case that is upheld on appeal. >> juan merchan has been a biden donor, in fact, pointed out and judicial review folks took look at it said no, not a big deal. >> yeah. you know the rules of that for judge canon of ethics it is not a dollar or million of dollars that they're politically active it is just the fact they were politically active at all. so whether it is ten, 15, 25 dollars some nominal amount that is not the standard there's a reason why we don't want our judges to be politically active. to be out there having bias and taking a side. it's so that they can call balls and strikes evenly without bias. judge juanmerchan can't do that and knew that from the geng again when people say this was a rigged trial. it's maybe been an exacerbated term but i'll tell you jon really what it was, it was a d.a. and judge only the same page wanting a result. not justice in that courtroom, and i spent my entire adult life in the protection of our criminal justice system and they've done their level best to voi it in the last year but certainly over the course of the last six weeks. >> jay town former district of alabama. jay, thank you. >> thanks, jon. jon: up next, house judiciary committee jim jordan is ordering manhattan d.a. alvin bragg and matthew colangelo to testify on capitol hill about their prosecution of former president trump. new jersey congressman jeff andrew also sits on that committee, what will they be asking bragg and colangelo? 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call 833 leaffilter today to schedule your free inspection. or visit >> this is a disgrace to the new york justice system a disgrace as a new york lawyer to watch this complete attempt to find a verdict, not to find justice under our laws. >> this was the rule of law that was our tried and true criminal justice system playing out donald trump doesn't control the narrative in court. >> i did my job. our job is to follow the facts in the law without fear of favor. and that's exactly what we did here. >> when alvin bragg graduated from harvard college, the school newspaper, the harvard crimson ran a profile of him and the title of that profile in his last week of college was, the anointed one. >> just some of the reaction to the historic guilty verdicts in former president trump's new york criminal trial. now the house judiciary committee is demanding manhattan district attorney alvin bragg and matthew co colangelo come to washington to weaponization of government. new jersey republican congressman jeff bandrew sits on this committee why bring in the d.a. congressman, to testify? >> because this judiciary committee especially under the chairman jim jordan who is a good man of my friend will drill down and we will get through what really is going on here. understand how just for lack of a better word weird this is, michael colangelo left being the third person in the pecking order and the justice department and went to new york city with a pay decrease and, obviously, having less influence just to help alvin bragg. that's, obviously, being orchestrated he was appointed the first day of biden's administration he was appointed to the justice department as, obviously, being orchestrated there's collusion and orchestrated other things to hear about alvin bragg. i want somebody to explain to me how alvin bragg can change something from a misdemeanor to felony because it leads to his basic words another crime unnamed we don't know what the other crime was. we don't know what the other crime was that was perpetuated by the fact that this crime was made to be, you know, greater than anything that ever was. youyou know what i also like to know from alvin bragg jon i would like to know in new york city, 60% of the crimes that take place beatings -- theft, armed robbery all kinds of violent crimes as well, 60% of those crimes have been reduced from felonies to misdemeanors i know why because they want to pretend that the crime rate is going down. it's not new york city is more dangerous than ever. we want to know what communication coordination is taking place here, there's something very wrong, we know that it's wrong. this case is a sham. it truly you know it was a dark, bleak day for the united states of america. it really truly was. we stand for something as a country. the rule of law, and the rule of law was shattered with this decision. jon: former president trump in his remarks after the verdict seemed almost nonplus. he, obviously, wasn't pleased but he seemed to expect what came. and it seemed to be good for his fund raising if you look at the numbers, 52.8 million dollars, the trump campaign says came in during the 24 hours after the verdict. >> shat shattering records you know why because people saw this and they thought my god this is so wrong and jon, words and this really matters. if they can go after donald trump in this way, it was the first thinking that came to me they can go after you. they can go after me. they can go after somebody who has a different opinion or different idea or a different view it is so wrong and so un-american. alvin bragg is so -- so much not a good prosecutor and you know i just heard when you were speaking, when they were speaking previously that he was supposedly the anointed one when he graduated college yet anointed by ultra left some of them internationalist that want to see this country go down he wasn't anointed by good people and he ran understand this. he said he wanted an objective rule of law here. he ran saying, that he was going to put donald trump in jail. jon: yeah. >> that is what we ran on how can we be objective doing the right thing what prosecutor does what? jon: unusual plank for somebody running or that kind of office. congressman jeff van drew of new jersey we have to say good-bye. thank you. >> thank you. jon: coming up on the "fox report" jennifer lopez abruptly scraps her summer tour and rumors are swirling right, christina coleman? >> that's right this set to begin in florida and wrap up in texas in august now called off. coming up in a few what the superstar singer has to say about the cancelation of her big summer tour. ♪ ♪ anything left... —left over? —yeah. oh, absolutely. 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swirl about state of her marriage to actor ben affleck better to go than los angeles and christina coleman with more on the story for us, christina. >> hi jon this tour has been plagued with low cells now called off announcing the news live nation did not make any mention of that instead saying, quote, jennifer is taking time off to be with her children, family, and close friends. the singer adding, i'm completely heartsick and devastated about letting you down. please know that i wouldn't do this if i didn't feel that it was absolutely necessary. i promise i will make it up to you and we will all be together again. i love you all so much. until next time. on j.lo website it says those who purchase through ticketmaster will automatically be refund those who bought from third party resail points go to point of purchase for details and tour was scheduled to run from june to august but a few months ago seven shows were canceled. now this was after promoters had quietly rebranded concert from being in support of her new album to instead being a greatest hit show which still did not boost ticket sales. the tour cancelation amid rumors that she and her husband ben affleck are having issues and two have been living separately here in los angeles while experiencing a strain on their marriage. two were together several decades ago broke up, and then famously rekindled their high profile relationship about three years ago then they tied the knot in 2022. the two have been busy lately lopez has been promoting new netflix @last and ben affleck filming for the accountant 2, jon. jon: we'll see what happens christina coleman in los angeles, christina, thanks. up next on the "fox report" hurricane season officially begins today and some experts are predicting busy one. meteorologist adam klotz joins with us that and plus your weekend forecast, moments away. ♪ ♪ displon get ready 2024 atlantic hurricane season kicks off today and could be the busiest ever. meantime parts of northern indiana soak bid hay rain this is weekend fox weather meteorologist adam klotz is here with the forecast. adam. tammy:hurricane season going toa huge story likely over next several months again the first day is today and you can take historically june, july a little bit slower we really ramp up second half of august into september. those are historically when you see most active periods. this is the forecast from the national weather service there, the name storms way more than you typically see there's your average hurricanes way more cat 3 which is a major hurricane more. this is the most aggressive forecast we've ever seen head intg a -- hurricane season and that just means that we could be dealing with some really big weather. active weather including all of the severe weather we've seen. so it is been an active season unfortunately looks like that could continue. what's the reason for it well water temperatures are a big part of this. we're already currently dealing with water temperatures that are closest to -- closer to august levels. so the water is really warm it is expected to continue to warm to fuel big storms over next several months. otherwise looking at what's happening across the country couple of big weather areas you showed that rain moving through northern indiana also a bunch of rain along gulf coast. louisiana, moving into portions of east texas they've seen round after round of rain unfortunately more on the way back across portion of west texas big thunderstorms firing up. this is exactly where we're expecting today jon everything here in the red is about a medium level of seeing some severe weather it is firing up now. that's going to continue as we head into the evening hours. jon: adam klotz meteorologist adam thank you. lines from around the globe. ♪ ♪ russian missiles hit energy facilities across ukraine last night, ukrainian officials say at least 19 people were injured during those attacks. in south africa, historic election results, the african national congress party lost its majority for the first time in 30 years. that party helped end after and rose to power under nelson mandela. in mexico elections wrap tomorrow and claudia is leading the race for president she could become the country's first female leader. [chanting] across new zealand thousands of people are protesting in support of the morrey population after the government announced new cuts to some of its indigenous programs. >> france prepares to welcome 70 world war ii veterans being flown there by american airlines for the 80th anniversary of d-day oldest veteran to board the specially chartered plane is 107. [cheering] at lon wembley stadium in the record final a record extending 15th victory for the club that's a look at some stories from around the globe. still to come on the "fox report" -- ♪ ♪ jon: rock legend bruce springsteen did a little moonlighting in his glory days. we'll tell you about the blue collar job, the boss took on when he wasn't on stage, ahead. ♪ ♪ make the call. because we care too. ♪ home instead. to us, it's personal. an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. how do you find the perfect father's day gift? simple. just type weathertech has hundreds of premium products that will keep dad's vehicle looking its best. like laser-measured floorliners, cargo liner and seat protector for extra interior protection. sunshade blocks harmful uv rays. the cupfone perfectly secures his phone while driving. order these american made products or a gift card at happy father's day. gloria family doesn't double take after seeing a 5-foot long lizard scurrying across the street. believed to be asian water monitor, they are not native to florida but are sometimes kept as pets and sometimes get away. the woman who took the video said she initially thought the reptile was alligator and her daughter wanted to go take a closer look. mom, showing good signs said no. visitors are fawning over the san diego zoo latest arrival, she is a newborn who do paint pedal. the world's most species of deer made of two south american rain forest and talking under trees and logs the battle might be hard to stop zookeepers say she is worth the search. pandemonium will soon return to d.c. business mullions national super welcome a pair of pandas from china this year. the grandson of a pen a couple of broken hearts and ended an era last year when they returned to china. this is the latest chapter in beijing's long history of panic diplomacy with the u.s. it comes despite rising tensions between beijing and washington. global fake replastering back a fan favorite panda pops to celebrate their arrival. a new interview reveals a blast from the past involving bruce springsteen, former stone pony owner tells the new york post one night it was spotted singing drinks to customers behind the iconic new jersey club where he regularly performed. he has come of the boston really know how to mix cocktails to choices were limited to beer and shots, more of beard hundred and bartender. how is the weather looking? >> that's my order anyway, that's exactly what i go for. nationwide, maybe the nicest weather we are expanding here in the northeast up and down the east coast. he saw the rain and the center of the country, we are waiting for it but beginning to see big storms across portions of the high plains and that's one of the stories the overnight hours. >> what hope nor tornadoes at least for a while. thanks you. that's how fox reports this saturday, the first of june, 2024. i am jon scott, thank you for watching. we'll be back tomorrow. hope to see you then. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

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