economy. >> wanda sykes. >> you thought i had a big mouth before. >> she's not afraid of anything or anybody. tonight she's letting loose on politics -- >> we didn't get bin laden until after he repealed don't ask, don't tell. just saying. >> marriage? >> you've been married to a man and a woman. >> not at the same time. >> no. >> you don't want to start rumors. >> to president obama. >> i think michelle must be growing some weed in that herb garden and that's how he is staying so relaxed. >> and something i've been wanting to do for years, spend the evening with christy super model. tonight she'll tell her story to me. this is piers morgan tonight. good evening. mitt romney officially threw his hat into the crowd and told the crowd what he thinks of president obama. let's take a listen. >> when barack obama came to office, we wished him well and hoped for the best. now in the third year of his fourth year term we have more than slogans and promises to judge him by. barack obama has failed america. >> joining me now on the phone is a man that might be mitt romney's rival. rudy giuliani. rudy, how are you? >> how are you piers? >> i'm good. >> you've all ended up in new hampshire at the same time. the theory that mitt romney finally now, that he's running for presidency, two of his big rivals pitch into town as well. was that coincidence? >> it was, absolutely. i was going to give a speech tonight, the republican fund-raiser in dover with the chairman of the republican party and didn't know that romney was going to announce today. so that part was just pure coincidence. >> i mean, mitt romney said today that he pledged to bring this country back. he says he's the best candidate to turn around the unstable u.s. economy. you know him best. is he the best candidate for this job, do you think? >> well, we're going to have to see. my objective is to see that a republican president is elected in 2012 because i do not think we can sustain another four years of obama's handling of our economy. i think that the numbers yesterday are just another indication of the fact that he has been a failure in guiding our economy. he's been in office now 3 1/2 years. rather, three years. and the reality is, he's still blaming everything on george bush and that's ridiculous. three years into being mayor of new york city, if i was blaming it on my predecessor, they would have thrown me out of office. 9% of unemployment is a disaster for this country. he's allowed that to continue and he's making all of the wrong decisions about our economy and we need to change direction very quickly. >> rudy, one of the strange things that i've thought about mitt romney's speech was the way he accused president obama of being too european. as a european, i find that quite offensive, actually. >> i don't know if -- i think he accused him of being too european. i think he's just made big mistakes. the reality is that the government in england has a much better direction right now than the government in the united states. >> rudy, do you -- sorry. do you believe, rudy, that the election would be won or lost now on the economy, given the data that is coming out in the last 48 hours about jobs, about house prices and so on? do you believe now that this will be determined, as it often is, about the economy? >> yes. i remember being on your show a couple weeks ago about bin laden, i said derogatory things about obama and the way he handled the bin laden situation and i still feel that way and still feel indebted to him for the way that he handled the bin laden situation. but i think i said then, most american elections are decided by the state of the economy. and we have had very few presidents that have had as poor of a record as this president has had in guiding the american economy. it's not just a high level of unemployment. it's how long it has been sustained. and it's his unwillingness to do the things that have to be done to reinvest in the private economy. we're not going to grow jobs by growing up the government. we have to build up the private sector. that's the place we employee people and he doesn't seem to understand that and the whole thing with congress and what they want to do is very damaging. we should lower the corporate tax so we bring a lot more of that corporate money back into the united states. we should reduce the level of regulation on american business, encourage money that is abroad to come back to the united states and reinvest in the united states. these are the big things that have to be done to grow jobs in this country. the president's extreme anti-business posture makes it impossible for us to have the recovery that we should have. >> a recent cnn poll shows that you are the leading gop candidate. you're at 16%, romney at 15% and sarah palin, 13. you and sarah palin haven't decided where you're going to run. is the time coming when you need to say yes or no? >> sure. it's developing much later than ever before. i think that's good. because when you make a decision, you're closer to knowing what the real issues are going to be and from my point of you, i want to see how the field develops and if one of the candidates that's been running convinces me that they can do as good or better of job at winning, then there would be no reason for me to run. but if i think i'm the one that has a better chance of winning, then i would make the decision to do it. >> there are reports today that paul ryan may be considering a run. donald trump is pretty skating about him and his budget plan on my show. what would yours be? >> i have a different view of donald trump. i enjoyed having donald in the race and thought it was good for the republican party to have donald in the race. because he can get attention for the race that just about nobody else can and he's got a lot of good ideas. i think he's wrong about paul ryan. i think somebody needs to put medicare and medicaid on the table. we are being bankrupt because of health care. businesses can't afford the cost of the rising expenses of health care. and at some point there isn't going to be medicare and medicaid, if we don't fix it. that's all paul ryan is saying. >> rudy, if i can move you to sarah palin, she's obviously the big celebrity card here, potentially the one that everyone it most excited by because of the way that she conducts herself. if she does run, it could jeopardize the republican chances of winning an election. do you stand by that now? >> no, i never said that. i don't think that sarah palin would jeopardize the republican chance of being elected. i don't know that she would be the best candidate to win for the republican party but i think her presence in the race because i think she has a lot of good ideas and the reality is -- >> would you ever consider running with her, rudy? >> i wouldn't consider running with anybody. i'm trying to decide whether to run at all. and i'm -- part of trying to figure that out, i think the more people involved in this primary, the better. i have said that in the past, that i thought the more people involved, the more likelihood it is that i would run. but i think sarah palin is a good influence on the party. i don't know that she would be the right candidate for president, however. >> let's turn briefly to weinergate. let's listen to a sound bite of what he said today and then i'll ask you this. >> is this a good spot? okay. good morning. yesterday from 1:00 to almost 10:00 i sat down and did interviews with anyone that wanted questions and answered extensively. i made it very clear i did not send a picture, that my twitter account had been hacked and this prank has apparently been successful but after hours, 11 hours of answering questions, any that anyone wanted to put, today i'm going to have to get back to work, doing the job that i get paid to do. so i appreciate your understanding. if i can make you more comfortable while you're sitting out here in the hallway, please let me know. thank you. >> i mean, really, is talked for ten hours yesterday. with every hour that went by of this explanation, he seemed to get messier and messier. what is going on here, do you think? >> well, i know anthony from the time that he was a city council member and i was a mayor back in 1994 and i always thought of him as one of the more arrogant members of the city council and i think he's fulfilling all the promise i saw him in him as a he's out to lunch. he's living on mars. first of all, he didn't answer the questions yesterday. he double talked and didn't answer the question. i mean, i've spent a lot of time as a trial lawyer cross-examining people and i always enjoyed cross-examining politicians because they can never answer the question. he can't remember wle took a picture like that? i mean, come on. >> well, either he's taken -- >> there are thousands of pictures of him -- >> or he doesn't recognize himself in that situation. >> right. because he's taken that picture so often? the whole explanation is totally absurd. if he's been hacked, he has a responsibility to report that to the fbi. hacking is a serious crime. he's not just a private person. this is not just you and me. >> let's turn, rudy, to chris christie briefly. he's repaid the money for a helicopter trip that he took as governor to watch one of his sons play baseball. was he right to do that? >>. >> first of all, i think they had every right to take them to the baseball game. when you look at the history in the way that he has used that helicopter, he has used it less frequently than any new jersey governor. i mean, the reality is that we live in a time in which we're picking apart every single thing that people do. he's an enormously busy man. they have to protect him. the helicopter has to be in the air for a certain amount of time any way. i think he did that just to avoid a political problem but i don't see anything wrong with what he did. >> rudy giuliani, as always, fascinating. thank you very much, indeed. >> thank you. on monday night, my one on one with mitt romney, the economy, health care, and his republican rivals. mitt romney exclusively for the hour on piers morgan tonight. and coming up, curb your enthusiasm. the always out spoken and hilarious and slightly dangerous wanda sykes on politics scandal, and celebrity. 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pete, back to you! i mean... it doesn't matter what the weatherman says if you have a symmetrical all-wheel drive subaru ranks quicken loans "highest in customer satisfaction in the united states." and if we're this happy about providing great customer satisfaction, imagine how happy you'll be receiving it. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. too, but i didn't realize the may man is an idiot. he's an idiot. the president is on national tv apologizing for giving oral sex. there are men who would gladly accept oral sex on national tv. >> wanda sykes on comedy central. wanda, how are you? >> i'm quite well. thank you. you? >> well, i've had these specially corey graphed questions but wanda sykes, what i want to talk to you about is these extraordinary sex scandals. we've got schwarzenegger, weinergate, the guy from the imf. what is going on? >> first of all, i want to say i'm very flattered that when it comes to sex scandals that you've thought of me. because usually people don't go, wanda sykes, let's talk sex. let's do it. >> let's talk weinergate. >> let's talk weinergate. >> well, here's the thing. the man's last name is weiner. i kind of believe him that he gets all of the weiner jokes. he's probably been doing this since fifth grade, sixth grade, people calling him weiner, look at my weiner. >> do you tweet? >> i tweet. every once in a while you get people that say, can you follow me, it's my birthday? >> private organs? >> have you found any yet? >> no. i would never do that. what made me laugh was when he suddenly said that he couldn't recognize himself in the picture. >> pictures add ten pounds. so he was like, it could be. he was probably flattered, like i wish it were mine but i -- oh, i don't know. so -- >> are you ever shocked by the sheer volume of sex scandals of politicians in particular? >> no. >> why do they all do these kinds of things? >> well, because, one, they are people in power and really when you want those jobs, it's not about public service. no. you want to get some action. you know, really. >> arnold schwarzenegger. >> oh, my gosh. >> who i like very much. i love maria. >> his movies or the person? >> his movies, the person, i've known him for a long time. even i was a bit shocked by the scale of what was going on there. extraordinary story. >> it was very bold and, you know, as far as just -- okay. in your house, you know, your maid and then also he didn't use protection so to me that was just crazy so i don't know. you have californians who want to know if there was maybe some miss appropriation of funds, that he used some money to cover some of this up. i'm like, well, first of all, california is broke. there really isn't anything there for him to spend. >> what is it about -- we've talked about men in power for positions. what is it about the risk taking that goes on, do you think? >> sometimes i think that they want to get caught. you know -- >> i wonder that sometimes. it makes them kind of more interesting. >> right. or they want to see how far they can go, you know, without getting caught. i don't know. it's -- i'm too like nervous about jail and, you know, and my wife is real strong, you know, so i stay away from -- >> you've been married to a man and to a woman? >> not at the same time. >> no. >> we don't want to start rumors. >> i don't want to make any difficulties here. but it's an interesting perspective that you must have. >> right. >> what do you think of men? >> a lot of my good friends, they are men. that sounds like how people say that they are not racist. i know black people. no. i'm saying, i love men. i do. >> i've heard a lot of stuff -- with all of these scandals, women say, all men are the same. they are all basically horn dogs. do you go along with that? >> no. >> a temptation? >> i think all people are susceptible to temptation. >> since you've had your kids. >> right. >> your whole perspective on life has completely changed. you don't even follow the news in the same way, you don't keep up with politics in the same way. >> exactly. >> you're consumed with something where before you had them never realized would be so conceivable? >> yes. like i was a news junkie. now i have no idea what's happening in the world. obama is still president, right? is he? okay. all right. >> what do you make of him? you were a big fan when he came in. yes. >> the white house correspondence, you were very funny there. let's watch this. >> this is amazing. the first black president. i know you're bi-racial but the first black president. i mean, you're proud to be able to say that. the first black president. well, that's unless you screw up. and then it's going to be, what's up with the half white guy, huh? >> how's he doing, the half white guy? >> i'm still rooting for the black president. i think he's doing a great job. i mean the thing is, people don't realize how screwed up the country was. you know, he pretty much pulled it out of the pits. and i think he's doing a great job. i really don't know how he's maintaining his composure, not like going off on people. because if you look at all of the, you know, stuff that's been thrown at him, the criticisms, i think michelle must be growing some weed in that herb garden and that's how he is staying so relacked. >> he's got a remarkably calm demeanor. >> right. and we're not used to that. we're used to fly off the handle, you know, crazy president, let's go blow stuff up, you know. >> having said that, we had the big bin laden thing recently. >> right. >> which was an extraordinary moment for obama because it was the first time that he had gone opportunity bang and it worked. if it hadn't worked it could have been a disaster for him. >> right. but he made the right decision. he had the information, the advisers, the military, he told them what was the deal. he said, okay, let's do it. i want you to notice that we didn't get bin laden until after he repealed don't ask, don't tell. just saying. >> do you think america is more or less racist since it has first had its african-american president? >> i think it's less racist because we elected african-american president but i think now it's becoming more racist because we have an african-american president. so it's like those people who are just inherently not going to like them and they just oppose them because he's black. >> the whole thing, the birther issue, to me what really stung to me was this would never have happened with a white president. i don't care what you say. >> no one has asked newt gingrich where he's from. >> right. >> where were you born? >> where were you born? >> right. >> whether they intended it or not, the birther crowd, i don't think donald trump is a racist for a moment but a lot of people that latched on to that campaign was certainly bordering on racism, wasn't it? >> i would throw donald trump in there, too. because where else would it come from, then? what is it based on? if it's not race? >> yeah. i didn't like it. >> yeah. >> it was distasteful, the whole campaign. >> incredibly distasteful. and just disrespectful. and to the american people, i thought. >> let's take a short break. before we come back, i want to talk to you about this claim you made that it's harder to be gay than black. >> we just lost all of the black people. >> okay. [ male announcer ] this is lara. her morning begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. it's harder being gay than it is being black. it is. there's some things that i had to do as gay that i didn't have to do as black. i didn't have to come out black. >> that was wanda sykes in a special "i may be me." is that right? >> come on, piers. imma be me. >> imma be me. >> you've made my career. i got piers morgan to say imma be me. >> do you really think it's harder to be gay than black? >> yes. i'm talking about at this point right now. >> harder to be american than black? >> yes. >> why? >> i don't know organizations and groups, like foes kus on the family, anti-gay organizations putting out so much money, millions and millions of dollars into stopping me from, you know, being black or telling me that i can't, you know, exercise my blackness or whatever. so it is. there is no equality for that. >> you came out -- correct me if i'm wrong, i remember that moment, it was a big moment, i think, there's been engagement in america because it looked like you had done it from a position of controlled anger. you were like, you know what? enough. i'm going to go and make my stand. am i right in saying that? >> yeah. i had no intentions on making that speech. you know, i was just there as one of the crowd to support. i kind of shocked myself when i was in the middle of it. >> knowing what you were about to do, how did you feel? >> um, liberated and also it was not an in your face. it was a, guess what. oh, so you're going to vote, you know, prop past 8 and people can't get married, i'm a second-class citizen? well guess what, i'm going to put it right back into your face. and that's what it felt like. >> what was the best and worst thing about coming out for you when you look back over the period since? >> best thing is just now that there's this -- >> not that i was hiding before but now there is absolutely nothing to hide. now you thought i had a big mouth before, now it's just crazy. i'm like over the top, you know. there's nothing that i can't say. the worst thing is just dealing with family and it's not necessarily a worse thing. but it's like every day i get invited to some gay event. it's like, good lord. if i show up at all of these gay events, i'm not going to make any money. i'm going to be a broke gay i'm going to be the brokest gay out there. >> you were on larry king last summer and you hinted that your parents had fund it. how are things now? much better. much better, much better. >> what has helped that process? >> i think time. time and also maybe my attitude also where it's more, you know, more about being communication instead of oh, here we go again. yes, i think it's just time. >> and then getting on a plane, which i thought was quite a good trick. give them six hours to think about it. before we have to talk again, right? >> right. right. >> were you very nervous about making that call? >> yes. yeah. >> that's a big moment. >> it is a big moment. >> you're in your 40s. >> you're in your 40s, i'm grown. once you're like, i can take care of myself, you know, it gives you a little more riggle room, i guess. it's not like they could kick me out of the house, you know. >> do you think your parents knew? >> they said they didn't. but i don't know how they couldn't, you know. i mean, i was a tom boy. a big tom boy. just -- yeah. it was so funny when i thought about kids, i always thought that if i did trk i don't know where they came from but i never saw myself with the man or husband or whatever raising kids. >> i would also argue that it's a more tolerant country now. i mean, the body of americans are probably more tolerant now towards someone than 10, 15 years ago. >> i think they are moving in the right direction. definitely. and i think the president is doing a lot with the repeal of don't ask, don't tell. >> >> you came out with a statement in june that was delegated to gays and lesbians. that's something you couldn't imagine the president saying 10 or 20 years ago. when he went through his point by point guide of what he had achieved, what was your reaction? good or bad? >> well, it was good. june is pride month and we're going to recognize this and he made a dedication and it was like, hey, this is the direction that we're headed in and the part that struck me is where he said that, something about continuing to strive for justice and equality for all. to me i'm happy with that. >> where has he been perhaps not gone far enough. >> run that by me again? diffident? >> hesitant. >> when has he not been forceful enough? if you're being critical, how could he have pushed harder. >> i think he's doing it the right way. he's not going to defend darm ma. i think he's going about it the right way. he's not the head of anything. but he's supporting. i think he's going about it the right way. >> let's go to comedy. what makes you laugh and what doesn't make you laugh. and what name is it. [ female announcer ] only yoplait original has twice the calcium of the leading yogurt. that's 50% of the daily value. pass on the news and make sure you and everyone you know is getting the calcium they need. ♪ so, what, the black man in a suit parks cars, a black man, no suit, he's going to steal your car? you saw the black man and said let me lock the car? >> no, i just hadn't done it yet, that's all. >> do you think a black man would want that piece of. [ bleep ] ? >> that was wanda sykes on curb your enthusiasm. it was brilliant. it must be really fun to make, isn't it? >> it is. i so enjoy it but i'm so like tired when i leave there. because all it -- it doesn't take all day but there's no script. so your brain is just going over the lines. >> constant rolling improv, right? >> it is. >> who is the single funniest comedian? >> richard pryor. >> and what made him such a genius? >> his humanity, you know, and also just the -- just little pieces. if he would take things and just build this picture and put you right there and just slight movements and when he was talking about the brother running from the police dog and just that movement where he turned the hat and -- he's just fascinating. >> when you see ricky gervais pricking all of the balloons in hollywood fashion, do you think that's too far? where is the line? >> i love ricky. i think he's hilarious. >> it's like this. i'd rather do it to their face than be somewhere across the country and doing jokes for them. if you want to do a joke in front of somebody, that's the best way to do it. but you can't bring ricky in and then not expect him to, you know, to not be himself. >> seems like -- >> yeah. yeah. why did the shark eat everybody? because he's a shark. >> what is the reward that you like most from the work? >> laughs. laughs. you know, i -- >> a live laugh? >> a live laugh. if i am doing a show and i get the big laugh, i mean, you know -- >> how is married life? >> married life? oh. married life is great. i'm very happy. you know, she's great, you know. she's french but i don't hold that against her i can get past that. >> i heard something interesting about you, that you saw her on a ferry in new york and something happened in your head. >> i look back and i -- she's sitting with the -- some other woman playing with the kid and someone said, wanda, that's it. that's what you need. i didn't think it was her. i just thought maybe that was the situation. >> and you met her where? at a party? >> i was walking along with my friend and my friend and she was with a friend and her friend and they knew each other so they stopped and talked and introduced us and -- >> did you remember her from the ferry? >> no, because i was drunk when i first started having a few drinks and so it wasn't until later that night when i saw her again and she walked by and i went, hey, frenchie and we just started talking and it hit me, i talked to you earlier today and it was like, you were on the ferry and everything just made sense to me. somebody up there was tired of seeing me screw up and get myself in a different situation. it was like, let's just help her. look. here. you go get her. leave me alone. shut up. be happy. geez. you're killing me up here. come on. >> and now that whoever that person was -- >> i'm very happy. >> it's been happy for me to meet you. >> me, too. >> i can deal with this. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> this saturday, at the hotel and casino in atlantic city, i want to thank you again. i really enjoyed that. >> me, too. coming up, a beauty with brains and a story to tell. christy ♪ yeah ♪ [ male announcer ] if you find yourself between a rock and a hard place, on second thought... the 2011 jeep wrangler. ♪ now sign and drive a jeep wrangler sport 4x4 with zero first month's payment, zero down and zero due at signing for qualified lessees. zero down and zero due at signing we share. shop from anywhere. and are always connected. we live in a social world. isn't it time we had a social currency to match? membership rewards points from american express. use them to get the things you love from,, and more unexpected places. they're a social currency with endless possibilities. developments that john edwards will face charges tomorrow for using funds to cover up a marital affair. it was reported as a campaign contribution. also in raw politics, mitt romney has had to share the spotlight in the day that he entered the spotlight for 2012 because sarah palin's bus tour just happened to be into new hampshire today. coincidence? she just happened to trash mitt romney as well. we sort out the republican in-fighting. the latest dramatic video in casey anthony's trial. played in court, her repeated lies to investigators and to her own family. all of that revealed in court today. we'll show you the tapes. all of the details on that and the latest on the torture and murder of a syrian regime of a 13-year-old boy. the family of hamza speaks out tonight. all of that ahead. 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