Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240624

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>> welcome to the beat. this is it. it's happening this week. what is happening this week? well, we are days away from the first presidential debate of this 2024 campaign. the earliest ever, that's a big deal. we are also days away from the supreme court rulings that could resolve a lot of big issues in the united states including whether or not there will be a federal trial for donald trump this year later, or ever. i can tell you that had a couple more days. debate day on friday his decision day we have a lot coming up tonight. we are living through one of those big weeks. i would've liked a little more time off in the summer. yes, i keep an eye on the news. do we have to do everything? part of the answer is in our coverage the biden campaign things starting it earlier will help them. waking people up to the choice which they think is stark and mobilize people for the debate. this is a campaign that can turn as much as it turns on the so-called undecided voters. debates matter a lot. this year may matter for vocalization, not just people making up their mind. a lot of people have met these two candidates and know what they think about them. as we gear up for this debate over the summer, kickstarting the general election, it could reach tens of millions of people just like last time. >> we handed him a wounded economy. he blew it. >> joe, i ran because of you. iran because of barack obama because you did a poor job. >> one of the most racist presidents we've had in history. >> i'm the least racist person in this room. the president is also opposed to roe v rowade. that's on the ballot as well and in the court. that's also at stake right now. the election -- >> why is it in the ballot? >> it's not on the ballot. >> it's on the ballot in the court. >> there's nothing happening there. >> that's how and went back and forth. you saw donald trump's debate tactics. he said it wasn't technically on the ballot he made it sound like there was a correction. it wasn't a national referendum. but, then candidate biden also had a point that rover evade -- roe v wade wasn't on the ballot. it did go to overturn it. all three justices from trump. we know the backlash from that this is one of the biggest issues right now. the biden campaign pushing the debate. the on-ramp going into the debate, he has the biden campaign trying to push this issue of choice and women's health. >> i was 11 weeks when i had a miscarriage. the pain i was feeling was excruciating. i was turned away from to emergency rooms. that was a direct result of donald trump overturning roe v wade. >> there is a larger strategy here. indeed on msnbc we try to hear from everybody. we welcome everybody back for general action. the big booking today was on the democratic side. vice president harris speaking on the same issue, pushing women's health message and discussing it with her colleague. >> fundamentally on this issue, it's about freedom. every person of whatever gender, should understand that if such a fundamental freedom such as the right to make decisions about your own body can be taken, be aware of what other freedoms may be at stake. >> you can hear the vice president making the point abortion is first and foremost an issue of women's rights and health but it also affects everyone. the second point that the supreme court with these trump judges and this trump agenda, the vice president argues this will affect your freedom and liberties and keep going down this path. there's all kinds of issues going on in the campaign. you would expect thursday's debate to raise many of them. you have moderators turning things that. the audience and the general country inside that debate hall. the entire country is going to be watching this. we already have different indications of what people are thinking. particular the ones they rely on in dc there's other things humans are thinking. not the representative of everyone but we have more folks speaking in their own voice in any other time in history. people uploading videos, not to make a point on the media but sharing their different views and talking in different interview settings. keeping an eye on what folks think this election could be about, including online. >> who are you supporting? >> that's a difficult question. we have to equals. >> i don't know who to vote for. either way it's going to be bad. >> they are both just as bad, i think. >> do not vote for trump, do not vote for biden. it doesn't matter. >> i'm for biden. >> i don't know. both are horrible choices. >> it's important. we can't just vote anybody into office. it doesn't matter. >> reporter: several democratic candidates in swing states are outperforming joe biden in those key states. this is making waves because you actually have a kind of comparison within a given state about what people are willing to do. if you have voters that say they want their democrat in the senate to go back, they want the senate to be controlled by democrats, you have the feeling on major issues they are leaning democratic. some of those voters are not yet saying they back them. that's an interesting gap. whether it's half-full, or half- empty. i will show you this new data. michigan back the democratic senate candidate. for more points than they are currently back biden with. a four point gap with the democratic senator. if they can win michigan and wisconsin, it would be trump. he's got some work to do. the wisconsin democratic center candidate is up eight points over biden. that is the gap. joe biden could make up that number. the democrats say that is good territory for him to win over. right now, he's eight behind the democrats. the democratic senate candidate there is 10 points above joe biden. that's 10 points of people saying yes to a democratic senator. they are not yet sure about joe biden. i mentioned there are ways to read this data. to watch the show i told you be careful with your national polls. and see what people say. this is an interesting way to look at this state-level. they take what they support today in a optimistic view. they're currently on swing states. republicans argue their candidates are still relatively unknown. republicans have their own concerns meanwhile about how trump is fair. what could either be ground to make up for fighting, what could be a warning signal for biden. 900 than the bush white house official says, there's many indications now that the conviction of donald trump in new york is weighing on his candidacy. >> reporter: there's a trend since the guilty verdict in the new york case. the movement is among independence and they have moved in recent polls roughly 9 points towards biden. 21% of independents in a survey shortly after the conviction said they were less likely to vote for donald trump as a result of the conviction. >> a couple points there, to be fair. a staunch republican who knows how to read the polls is also someone who is crossed and clashed with donald trump over and over. it's not exactly like a trump person secretly. it's a republican who has that difference. on the other hand, he spent his whole life trying to win elections for republicans because he's outside of that bubble, he may be able to stay in public or whatever what so many other republicans can't, even though donald trump notoriously rules his party and has no ability to process information. saying something out loud that others can only say in secret. take it altogether. we have a big week with big supreme court rulings coming with a federal trial for trump and a debate that will jumpstart the general election. to experts on this, back to back -- back together in 90 seconds. seconds. so, if you shave it? 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i also have to get your holster take on that gap. i don't know -- you to tell us what you're drinking. whether it's half-full, coconut water, hennessy. are you a glass half-full democrats thing that's great ground for biden to make up. why are so many candidates out pulling the president? >> my martini glass is half- full. i think when you look -- we pay far too much attention to polling. it's not a predictor the good news is most of those democratics senators guess where they are? they are exactly where joe biden is on 99.9% of the issues that are important to americans. that's what campaigns are about. you want to in fact drive home your issues and connect to voters and their issue agenda. the democrats on the senate side at least statewide are connecting with voters. at some point if you are in the biden campaign it's a smaller gap to reach because in the end where are these voters with those important issues? that's where joe biden is. to that point, i've got to go back to your statement earlier where you were going to talk about all the voices on the internet and the voices saying it doesn't matter, don't vote for either one, it doesn't matter. >> it's almost outrageous to think of how big some of these issues are and listening to reproductive rights and a woman having the ability to choose what happens to her own body. the ability being taken away because of the results of an election. you have one of the candidates telling his billionaire wall street donors give me the money, i will take care of the tax cuts and do your complete bidding. elections don't matter. it's the most ignorant thing ever and people honor that ignorance. at some point we have to stop letting stupidity slide. am at the point where not letting stupidity slide. if you are so stupid to think there's no difference between these candidates, i'm not letting it slide. there's huge issues. one candidate is finding for environmental rights and the other will rip away these regulations that we've been fighting for all these years. >> i think that's fair. we've seen it in different cycles. some of it may be fatigue, some of it may be a gap between younger voters to see both of these candidates. i think it's fair to say there are vast differences between these two candidates who follow the issues. if you are a big critic of traditional capitalism and you want capitol change -- radical change. you want a different solution in the mideast, you might go to the left. both of these candidates it doesn't mean there's no difference from you, to one, to the other and congress. on the choice issue what andy cohen, that might not be who everyone is waiting for, he's part of the democratic push as they try to wake people up and read different types of voters. he's trying to make a big deal out of the left. >> if trump wins, he can ensure manga extremists for decades to come. trump already appointed three justices. look what they did. they overturned row, which she dragged -- brags about every chance he gets. >> republicans have led them for a long time on that court issue. they try to harness that same energy. social media influencers, all of the effort with ads in the states to say molly that especially young people should see the supreme court as their cycle. what do you think of their effort? effort? >> i think the political campaigns, the smart thing to do is focus on the consequences. focus on the issues. focus on the policies where as you say, there are big differences between the candidates and it does matter who is elected president. so i think issues like the supreme court tend to be more of interest for people who are deeply engaged in these issues. it's also not necessarily true that the next president will get you to appoint a lot of justices, because he's cleared the bench in that sense. no pun intended. by appointing three justices. we don't see any retirements coming anytime soon, particularly that could lead to a switch with a 6-3 majority on the court. it's going to be a very long time before progressives can rein in any kind of majority. it will be pretty unlikely even for a second term, to restore liberal dominance on the court. all of that being said, this is something i hear from progressives and democratic sources that they feel as you say, conservatives for a long time were able to use the issue for the nominations to motivate their base voters and that the energy is now on the other side. i think the energy again is much more about the choice issue then the court itself but certainly we do see a lot more progressives getting excited about it. >> understood. if you are right about what you said, roadblocks with a progressive breakthrough you are going to have him drinking his share of martinis. you are speaking facts. are you going to be okay, cornell? >> no, but i will live with it. >> they go. thank you to both of you as we start the week. appreciate both of you. we have a lot more to get him, as i mentioned all the new stories we are tracking. meanwhile, watch what happens when maga republicans learned they lost. a special report coming up. we talk about those rico charges in georgia. turning to a very different issue in the same state with free speech and the right to protest. my legal reporter coming up. allie is back with some cold hard truths on what could be the last week of this really difficult at times scandalous supreme court turned. that's next. that's next. you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ you know what's brilliant? 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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. turning to the supreme court, which is arguing how it can finish its term on some big cases this week. major decisions are looming on issues ranging from abortion, the federal agency powers to social media roles and opening a settlement. then there's the case that justices seem to be trying to delay on purpose. the trial or presidential immunity for donald trump. it's been 60 days. the supreme court has been dragging its feet and the delay , there won't be a trial and time. chums that he should be immune overall. there shouldn't be a federal trial related to trying to overthrow the election he lost on june 6. you may recall this is the same case that had so much controversy one trumps lawyers said in court that when tested. you say you have immunity for everything you can be tried for anything, what about something that obviously is not a presidential power like murdering americans who oppose you? that was the issue, which really put this case on the map where people said they are not joking. trumps lawyers and court claiming the power that they say could assassinate rivals, there is no law and protection in the constitution and many legal experts are worried what the overall delay means. >> a president can violate the criminal law in the current -- official capacity. i'm worried about the length of time. speaking on an issue. they could finish what has been a bumpy term to say the least. a pair of misdirection. and can ultimately show its cards if it has one of the very last days if it looks to donald trump rather than equal administration. we're joined now by the nations -- welcome back. >> this court is more like an eyes wide shut party at this point right? we have left the quorum so far in the background. just waiting for them to come out. >> i appreciate a good reference like that. tom cruise, nicole kidman. your point. i said shut party is for those who had forgotten there was many elements. if you are a elite, you have one world and everybody else has a different one. allie, how do you brace for these upcoming cases this week? is it a matter of reading the constitution and whether there could be a federal trial? is it about applying text and law. do you see something more political a foot? >> i see something more political a foot. i brace for it with copious amounts of my liquor cabinet. right? when you say it's been 60 days since the supreme court heard oral arguments, you know as well as everybody else that that is a generous timeline here. right? jack smith initially asked the supreme court to make a ruling on this very issue on december 11th of 2023. right? we are long beyond the bounds of which we thought we could get a decision on, on this critical issue facing the nation. they then decided on september 11th. they decided in a timely manner. whether or not donald trump is relieved from prosecution the day before the presidential debate that they have the presidential debate, or the day after the presidential debate on the new cycle from the presidential debates. you can't get more political with that it's not like the court doesn't understand how a calendar works. which is why i believe trump has already won. he's just waiting. trump has already published what he set out to accomplish with his ridiculous immunity argument. what he was trying to do, was delay his trial until after the election. now, no matter what the supreme court says on wednesday or thursday, or friday. that trial is effectively delayed until they reach those immunity claims. they can reject them and the trial will still be delayed until after the election. they will remand the case back to the trial court saying that trump is immune from some actions, but not all actions. who can know what actions they are? it's going to go through another hearing that has to be appealed and appealed again to the supreme court and maybe sometime this time next year, if trump loses, we will get a decision that will allow a trial against donald trump for his actions on january 6. that requires losing at the battle again. that's his key point. which was to be allowed to run for reelection before facing criminal charges for january 6. >> just briefly. when you are looking at the other january 6th case where they can leave or complicate the convictions of the people who stormed the capitol, what you see there? >> that's a huge case. i don't even know if all the liberals are important. the question is whether or not this obstruction charge, which was an issue as a catchall provision after that debacle. can it be applied to the terrorist to storm the capitol and based on their arguments i'm not sure the court is going to go for that. in the chum context even if they say he's not immune from those crimes of january 6, the court might say he's not immune, but he also can't be prosecuted under this particular statute. he has other charges that would survive, even if they lose that case. again, all that counts as delayed. delayed, delayed, delayed to get trump through the election. i would say they should be paid by donald trump. they are on team trump. they will get a new rv from the trump campaign. the six is already in here. we are just waiting to see who's starting to wait if it's a decision written by roberts or cross stitch by martha when it comes down to wednesday, thursday, or friday. >> tough talk, straight talk. we wanted to get your clear idea. thank you, sarah. >> thank you so much for your time. >> when we come back, i mentioned a special report we are working on with free speech issues in georgia. issues in ge. g for retirement. or college, since you like to get schooled. that's a pretty good burn, right? 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as the officer said? we are talking about some very restrictive tactics. the question is, whether people who are actually protesting the abuse of government and police powers, are then facing punishment or attacks and targeting that goes beyond the original protesting. this began with a police training facility with a building called cops city. it's going to use force outside of atlanta. there have been protests now for years down there. if you live there, it's a big local issue. critics argue this will be a training facility that accelerates police aggression and police misconduct. there are environmental groups concerned about the impact. the citizens and protesters can they be fairly considered as an organized criminal entity? subject to rico, or sometimes terror laws? there's no salaries or structure for most of these protesters. i say that because this is controversial and connects to some wider crackdowns on protesting free speech in america. i say that even if some of these individuals are found to have committed individual crimes and should be held accountable for those. if you broke a window, or trespassed. but does that make it racketeering? these are the questions that face the attorney general. they use the same grand jury to indict over 60 protesters basically saying whatever they did in protesting police misconduct and this facility i mentioned, then they are a racketeering gang. converging on atlanta to protest a $90 million training center for police and first responders. >> a planned public safety training event has been nicknamed cop city. >> this is about how we make sure we do safety right. right. >> reporter: more than 60 people have been indicted on rico and other charges. the opposition movement against the future atlanta public safety training center. >> reporter: they deployed teargas to stop protesters. >> atlanta police should not be rewarded. >> reporter: that is just some of how this has been playing out for years now. this is a clash of some of the typical assumptions of race, politics. it has a diverse leadership. this is more about power and a pattern. the efforts to protest police abuse can lead to, they use it against the protesters. they are targeting citizens. that makes it larger than a local debate over this facility. sadly, these clashes have sometimes continued a tragic cycle. we can tell you police shot one of these protesters to death. police say that individual had a gun and shot first. the police shot way more. 57 gunshot wounds were found on his body in the autopsy. that led to another cycle of escalation in these protests. the georgia bureau of investigations has also charged over 20 people with what they call domestic terrorism. the agitators using the cover of peaceful protesters for a coordinated attack on police. that sounds bad. violence against police goes well beyond protest. domestic terrorism is also a very real problem in america. if you dig a little deeper you find others that this is not an elaborate ruse to hide police attackers inside this protest. there was a concert. some people there said police -- anyone who was present. georgia lawmakers have fortified their domestic terror laws and that was partly in response to something very different than the protest i just told you about. it was in response to a murderous rampage targeting black people at a predominantly black church in charleston. they wanted to quote, empower prosecutors to charge those responsible for racist attacks. we are talking murder and hate crimes. not protests that get out of control. yet, that is the law being used now. as recently as last may, a s.w.a.t. team rated one of these stop cop city activist homes and arresting people for what was described as raising money for a bail fund for other activists. then the rico charges. 61 protesters. that indictment which runs over 100 pages as the republican general saying, those people, predominantly activists, are actually in enterprise of militant anarchists. they have virulent anarchist ideals. and that they occupy the land. i will tell you as a side note, you can accuse people of being anarchists but it's hard to also say they are part of an organized racketeering criminal enterprise. they are still working on constructing that back in december. the officials down there say they have to move forward on this. they will improve public safety. >> we are going to build you a first-class public safety task force. when you're 911 call is made we are trained to come and protect you. you will be found, you will be identified, you will be held accountable. >> reporter: that taken on its own, may sound okay. if you break a law you will be held accountable. if you trespasser you break something, you will be held accountable. you will be held against -- you will be held accountable. will you be charged with domestic terrorism? which seems like something else it could kill everyone else's willingness to join any protest. those activists i mentioned who were indicted, are awaiting trial. the only one who requested a speedy trial continued in the last week. there's some developments there. critics say there's a larger problem here. using the broad laws which are to deal with terrorism, or murder at a black church and then treat activism including let's be specific, activists by blm and black l.a. groups to stifle free speech. really respective groups. human rights watch. aclu. they argue it appears to be punish them themselves. and harkens back to the darkest days of the criminalization of political dissent. it's broader than atlanta. there's other cities including other cities as i mentioned with diverse leadership and democrats in office. this is not just a red blue thing. they are putting more money in police training facilities and the militarization of police and heavy and harsh tactics. now there are municipal leaders who say the training for police when these things are necessary. that's what you want. you unprofessional and organize training. there's other thing you see the mainlining of police brutality and excessive force. that was the original thing that so many were protesting in those largely unified racially diverse blm protests. there is no simple answer there. as i mentioned, this is not a thing about republicans and democrats. atlanta's diverse and democratically run for the most part. he's a big part of this, as i mentioned. after all the talk and all the calls for change in many states and definitely in the south, on free speech itself. that's an update of the story that may not have gotten a lot of national attention. but we think this is national news. up next, the freak out of republicans reminded that trump lost. p lost. s plaque psoriasis. she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. ♪♪ [announcer] with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ♪♪ it finds payments i already make like, insurance, streaming, phone, to build my credit, and it's from the experian, the credit experts. more ways to build credit. download the experian app. shop etsy for thoughtful pieces made by real people to bring a little something extra to the ordinary. more ways to build credit. find items that add wow to walls and make you fall in love with your family room again. when you want one-of-a-kind pieces to refresh your home... etsy has it. smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background. once-daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. 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(vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit we're looking at new evidence about how much republicans and maga circles have trouble dealing with the fact that donald trump lost. even though they know he's running as a challenger, they know joe biden is president, at a republican town hall in arizona, it was all boos and a kind of freak out when this factual statement about biden's victory was made. >> many people who believe the twenty election was stolen. do you believe that? do you believe that, and what will you do to insure future elections are safe, secure, and accurately reflect the votes of people who are legitimate registered voters? >> i do not believe the 2020 election was stolen. [ booing ] >> that is what it feels like in the room when it zooms out and you can see all the booing from a republican official referring to reality. it's a bad sign for any political party when lying about something that is obviously false is a litmus test. and it goes well beyond just random local meetings. a top lawyer who served at the justice department and was trump's defense lawyer had trouble acknowledging biden won when we spoke. >> the question is, did donald trump lose the election? >> the answer is joe biden was elected president of the united states. >> is that a yes, donald trump lost the election? >> you know -- >> when did this become so hard? you're a very serious person. >> it's not hard. i have serious concerns about what happened during the course of the election that should be corrected for the next time. i'm not interested in rehashing -- >> did donald trump lose the election is the question? >> we're done with that. joe biden had an electoral college majority and was elected president of the united states. simple. >> that is how hard it was to just get the factual answer. fox news paid dearly for how long they held on to election lies. huns of millions of dollars and more lawsuits to come. then there is, of course, the ongoing investigation and prosecution of how this works. in arizona where we just showed you, you have all these fraudulent electors facing their own trials. this is important to stay vigilant on because his is now a litmus test in the republican party. lying about the reality in front of you. it is more than orwellian. prosecutors in arizona say it's criminal. if you want to meet rachel maddow, i will tell you how right after this. ow, i will tel right after this some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. if you have chronic kidney disease you can reduce the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ dave's company just scored the an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. real question, not rhetorical, would you like to meet rachel maddow in person? talk to her about democracy and the news or chris hayes or lawrence o'donnell or jen psaki or me too. go to the link on your screen if you want to be anywhere near new york on september 7th, if that is a place you can get to and you're interested, we're launching something. today was the announcement. msnbc live democracy 2024. it's going to be in brooklyn, new york, where i happen to live. that's not why it's there. you can go to, and get tickets to come join us if that's something that is workable for you, if you have the time and budget to do that. i encourage you to check out the link. the first of what might be a lot more msnbc events. that does it for us. "the reidout" with joy reid is up next.

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Racketeering Gang , Police , Training , Safety , Responders , Event , Training Center , On Atlanta , 90 Million , 0 Million , Opposition Movement , Teargas , Future Atlanta Public Safety Training Center , Politics , Clash , Race , Assumptions , Leadership , Pattern , Individual , Clashes , Death , Gun , Gunshot Wounds , Autopsy , Led , 57 , Escalation , Georgia Bureau Of Investigations , 20 , Protest , Problem , Domestic Terrorism , Violence , Attack , Little , Cover , Agitators , Anyone , Terror , Police Attackers , Ruse , Concert , Lawmakers , Black Church , Response , Rampage , Charleston , Quote , Activists , Murder , Indictment , Charges , Control , Bail Fund , Cop City Activist Homes , Hate Crimes , Swat Team , Last May , Enterprise , Pages , Saying , Militant Anarchists , 100 , Anarchists , Ideals , Land , Side Note , Racketeering Criminal Enterprise , Public Safety , Class , Officials , Accountable , Call , Task Force , 911 , Against , Willingness , Everyone Else , Developments , Specific , Black L A Groups , Blm , Human Rights Watch , Activism Including Let , Aclu , Criminalization , Dissent , Harkens , Cities , Police Training Facilities , Red , Militarization , Mainlining , Police Brutality , Leaders , Force , Change , Calls , Talk , South , Update , Up Next , S Plaque Psoriasis , P Lost , Trump Lost , Plaque Psoriasis , Blood Tests , Otezla , Flaking , Itching , Patches , Allison , Doctors , Psoriatic Arthritis , Nausea , Diarrhea , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Weight Loss , Announcer , Vomiting , Thoughts , Depression , Skin Girls , Credit , Payments , Phone , Insurance , Experian , Streaming , Pieces , Items , Credit Experts , Family Room , Walls , Love , Add , App , The One And Only Sotyktu , Finding Psoriasis , Etsy , Pill , Close Up , Moderate , Infections , Changes , Muscle Problems , Better , Cancers , Lymphoma , Labs , Tb , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Jak Family , Find , Kidney Problems , Liver , Risks , Triglycerides , Hiding , One Sotyktu , Jak 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Hayes , Jen Psaki , Lawrence O Donnell , September 7th , 7 , Brooklyn , Tickets , First , Events , Budget , The Reidout , Joy Reid ,

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