politics. >> it's flagged it. >> and also donald trump's burden the former president presumptive republican nominee is celebrating the big 78. he says he wants to pretend the day does not exist, but it does. and it highlights one of the biggest issues of this election plus a supreme court decision on guns, the highest court in the land, striking down a ban on bump stocks the one used in the deadliest mass shooting in american history. one liberal justice warren's rulli will have deadly consequences and the lesser of three evil that, that's how some voters who backed trump's 2016 and then biden in 2020, explain why they're choosing robert f. kennedy jr. this time around, you hear firsthand how swing voters and swing-state are weighing their choices. manu raju in for dana bash, let's go behind that leinz in inside politics first up they say age is just a number. but in this presidential race where both candies would be the oldest president ever integrated. it's so much more. now, trump turns 78 today, but he got an early birthday gift from house and senate republicans yesterday, a huge show, show of loyalty cnn's kristen holmes is in west palm beach, close to where trump is spending his birthday. so crystal, what are you hearing about how the present plans to commemorate the former president plans to commemorate this big day we're going to be at an event later today. it's called club 47. it's basically his biggest supporters in florida are holding an event for him at the convention center in west palm beach that he's going to come and speak to it. now, i will note part of the reason that we are down here covering this so closely is because this the same event, not as birthday obviously, but a club 47 event that last year israel, donald trump got up and started talking about bibi netanyahu, much to the chagrin of many of his biggest jewish supporters really criticizing netanyahu. and that is how donald trump gets often when he is in a room full of his biggest most ramping ravid supporters now let's talk about age for one seconds since we brought it up, 78 is not a young man and as you said, age is a huge issue in this presidential election. one of the things that we have continued to report out is you'll never hear donald trump's specifically referring to biden's age, partly because he is so close behind joe biden, if you were to win in the fall, he would be the oldest person older than president joe biden was too, except the presidency to come into the white house. it's one thing to keep in mind. the other part of this is a donald trump has a lot of donors who are older than joe biden, something that he is keenly aware of now you mentioned something else, the gift that he got from both senate republicans, as well as house republicans. i will tell you he had a very candid conversation with multiple senior advisers who said that they were happy with the unity around donald trump yesterday. they obviously were not happy with the remarks and how they played out, calling milwaukee in particular horrible some of the other things that came out of that house republican meeting. >> but the one thing that they really focus down on, i heard this from a number of senior advisers. was this picture donald trump shaking hands with senator mitch mcconnell, all of them pointed to this picture as the most notable moment from yesterday essentially cementing donald trump's grip on the republican party as we, you and i have continually reported, this has been a very rocky, very icy relationship that two of them hadn't spoken, sends mcconnell's certified the elections and secret congratulated since the election was certified, and mcconnell congratulated biden. this was a moment really of unity and they are celebrating that. in particular, coming out of yesterday yes, indeed, kristen holmes live frehse, florida. thank you so much for that. and i want to bring your my great panel reporters the boston globe, jacky coaston, cnn's isaac dovere cnn's eva mccann, and romesh per neuro of the national review, nice to see you all. i want to start off with where chris ingest left about that show of support on capitol hill yesterday, i spoke a lot of house republicans and senate republicans instead was did anyone raise any concerns? were there anyone any dissension? the answer uniformly was no, whether it was a vulnerable republican, wasn't people who are upset about we, donald trump handle generate six generally six didn't even come up in the conversation. you will, that was a chief concern of admission mcconnell on this issue but what do they tell you? it tells me they know where their basis i know where the republican voters are, and they know where where, who the party is. standing behind and that person is former president trump and you know, this better than i think any of us mitch mcconnell wants to win mcconnell is a realist. he is a republican and this is where the party is and he's not going to be a field of where his voters are and let's turn back to the issue of age and that's this being donald trump's birthday. >> he's not excited about it. this is how he put it in a rally with laws las vegas voters this past weekend thank you i wish. thank you there's a certain point at which you don't want to hear happy birthday you just want to pretend the day doesn't exist. >> just want to pretend the day doesn't exist. obviously, this is a huge issue, issue among lots of voters, which is why we've been talking about a lot about the age, about biden trend. biden wants make sure that people remember trump's age as well. this is how poll shows the cbs poll bot has did the vogue candidates have the mental and cognitive health to serve as president? biden 35%, trump, 50%, but the biden campaign is more than happy to try to point out the verbal stumbles of trump, to try to muddy the waters a bit. >> yeah. look, these are both older men who are have lost some of their control, their syntax it's over the years. and are moving differently. i mean, i think it's notable that job in has been for all of it keeping up a pretty busy schedule and donald trump has not had that busy scheduled, but i was at a fundraiser in new york on tuesday night with doug emhoff, the husband of kamala harris, and he said, donald trump is degrading before our eyes. you see that that's where some of this is going among democrats. it's still for the biden campaign, not an issue that they really want to talk about. they'd rather not talk about the age at all, but they feel like if we're going to talk about age, let's talk about both of them vagal. do you see jill biden saying that? and then you'd see some people, jb pritzker, the governor of illinois, was in wisconsin last weekend and he said and it's not a verbatim but close. he said, donald trump is a flashing old man who was falling asleep in his court trial, right that's where some of this energy has gone. >> does that do you think that has any impact among voters, trump's age versus biden or his trump is ease taking advantage of the fact that voters look at biden is someone who is too old well, i think that a lot of voters would prefer it if we had candidates who were more mentally agile than either of these two i do think that people wear their age differently and biden is wearing his in a way that voters find more rumbling. >> but at the same time, i do wonder about the campaign tactics on either side because i think this is one of those things that voters can draw their own conclusions about. they see these people on tv, they hear them, and they don't really need other people to tell them what to think about this issue and i want to turn to how trump is planning to engage in the next couple of days and build his coalition and also tried to court his right-wing base. this is what, this weekend he's going to michigan, isn't be campaigning with two potential vp candidates, byron donalds, ben carson, to reach out to black voters, vote. that is obviously a question about whether biden can maintain is huge advantage that he had with black voters in the 2020 election. some polls do show that is slipping eva, what is your sense of how much trump can cut in to biden's advantage with black voters, will republicans are really confident that this will be the cycle. but i am skipping the gold because republicans have said that for several cycles. so this is going to be the time when they're going to have a deep inroads with black voters, they do see his style of toughness, his brand of masculinity as appealing to some black voters he has black surrogates in different communities talking to small black business owners about capital and they're confident in this strategy that they are employing. black men are very much seen as a swing voter. i think in this cycle group that both parties are really trying to appeal to and democrats, i can say with certainty are worried yeah. >> and what's interesting is that there's a new story out from semaphore from kadena galba. an interesting look at how trump has according to some black celebrities, really backed former athletes over the years who are supporting him. people like darryl strawberry, the former new york med, lawrence taylor, the former new york giant, and calling about man's man, mike tyson, the former box are saying they want to treat him in court. that's the way they did black people and trump himself was taught talked to her about this as well. talking about how he has this is what he's said in the same article. he said, i have so many black friends that if i were racist, they wouldn't be friends. they would know better than anybody in fast. they would know they would not be with me for two minutes if they thought i was racist. and i'm not racist your reaction well, i mean, it is a little bit of a cliche to say that can't be racist because i have black friends on the other end, i actually do think the problem with the cliche historically is that people, these weren't actually their friends, they're people who work for them or are people they had passing acquaintance with and to the extent that is a real friendship, i do think that counts as evidenced, but the problem with trump's support right now among black voters, and it is disproportionately younger black men is that these are also disproportionately people who don't vote regularly. so there's something real happening here, but it's also precarious and we're not really going to know until november whether it pans out great. i think it's also an age question and i'm mean, lawrence taylor mike tyson, darryl strawberry, these are people from my childhood, i'm n young black men, the celebrities, the black celebrities of the 80s and 90s it's all wrapped up together, though they are definitely people that trump was friendly with from his pre politics and i mentioned how trump has. >> he's tried to court black voters this week, but he's also trying to rile up folks on his right flank. there's a far-right group called turning point usa. they're turning action. he's going to this conference to speak to them this weekend along with some others and democratic-controlle d take advantage of the fact of the person who is running this ghraieb, charlie kirk, the things that he has said in the past, including this young ladies present a great opportunity they are not not conservative. they've been sold a lie through culture, through media through even some of their parents that, you basically have to go pursue this corporate trajectory and that men are always the problem and suppress your biological impulses. a lot of them are on birth control to and birth control, like really screws up female brains he also has suggested that women over 30 are less desirable. i take real objection to that blesses hard but but listen, women are such an important constituency for both parties. we know that trump lost women in 2020. the biden walking way with about 60% of the female vote, it was a little bit more white women. that's supportive of him and mostly women of color that led to biden's victory. but he is sort of, i think a complicated ambassador and surrogate for trump because i i'm going to turning point this weekend, so i'll have this conversation with women myself. but i would assume that many women would find the comments at charlie kirk makes deeply offensive. >> i do wonder if the associated trump has all sorts of associations with lots of people with views that are objectionable to a lot of people. i think it's trump himself. what he will say there and what comes out of his mouth. that is much more detrimental until two women do his standing with women and perhaps other groups. >> if you're all that who's not offended by things that trump has said and done, then you're not going to be offended by charlie kirk. >> such a good point, we'll see of course, suburban women key to this election as they have been past cycles. all right, next, donald trump trashes the city that will serve as the stage for his convention coronation. plus joe biden gets an audience with the personal idle, the pontiff the most anticipated moment of this election, and the stakes couldn't be higher the president and the former president, one stage moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn. >> and screaming on max. i brought in a juror max protein with 30 grams of protein. >> those who tried me felt more energy and just two weeks. here, i'll take that ensure max protein, 30 grams protein one prim sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals in a new fiber blend with a prebiotic one, reading sabbath 70. >> yeah, that's not good happened huge things happen happen. be there with three, learn more at in the next 30 seconds, 250 couples will need to make room for a nursery 26 people will go all in this family. will get two bathrooms. and finally, one vacation or we'll say, yeah well, i'm going to live here. that s a euphoria subsides 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bump stocks, shooter to convert a semi-automatic rifle into a weapon that can fire hundreds of rounds a minute. >> but in the court's majority opinion, justice clarence thomas, argues that quote, a bump stock does not convert a semi-automatic rifle into a machine gun anymore than a shooter with that lightning fast trigger finger does. i want to bring in cnn's senior supreme court analyst, joan biskupic, who is in court. decision was being read and joan, there was a fiery dissent from the liberal justice is good to see you, yes, this is the time of the year when we get our most consequential decisions from the supreme court. >> and on occasion will get a rare or for all dissent from the bench. and that's exactly what happened today after justice thomas read from his majority opinion than justice sotomayor gave this very impassioned dissent. but first let's remind everyone of the context of this prohibition on bump stocks and how it came during the trump administration in 2017 after a gunman fired into an outdoor music festival in las vegas, killing 58 people and wounding more than 500 so the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms under the president, former president and trump expanded that idea of what would be covered under the 1934 machine gun prohibition, saying that bump stocks because of what they can enable a weapon to do, should be covered, what to do? today's decision came down to mono, was actually something quite techno, technical in that 1934 law that refers to automatically firing with a single movement of the finger or the single function of the trigger. and just clarence thomas backed, as you said, by the ideological conservative is ideological majority, are all republican appointees said that that provision has to be read narrowly to not include bump stocks because he said for a bump stock it doesn't fire as up to age hundred rounds as it can fire up to 800 rounds with just a single function, justice sotomayor said, no when once somebody pulls that trigger and maintains pressure on the the weapon and the trigger rest. it can fire continuously, so it should be covered and i have to say, manoa, she read portions, have her just ten from the bench. she had a really gloomy voice to say this decision now puts machine guns bump stocks back in the hands of civilians. mano, jump is cooper. thanks for that. and the biden campaign responded to the today's decision within minutes inside, if you care about the gun violence crisis in this country, there's only one candidate and his rise with a proven record of successfully lobby suddenly taking on the gun lobby and only one candidate who will ban assault weapons and lying capacity magazines as a president, biden, my panel is back. this is the debate that joe biden wants clearly about about guns. is that enough to move swing voters, particularly in suburban detroit? they believe so. they moved on bipartisan bill and around last year and but two years ago, in the aftermath of the valade massacre but obviously that's an issue that's very important to democratic voters, swing voters, those the question this is another data point because we're seeing increasingly democrats really using the supreme court as a part of their campaign strategy, which hasn't always been the case historically republicans, it's like in their dna, they campaign on supreme court justices. and this is another data point in that push on the issue of gun violence and guns that i can't imagine is not going to be used as messaging on the trail good guns as an issue that seems like it has changed in the way that it's hitting people politically over the last 1015 years. much like abortion has since dobbs and i've had this conversation with some of joe biden's top political advisers. were they see the connection not just about the issue, it's up, but a connection to extremism than when i talk about extremism, they're saying guns and people who are not for the kind of gun control measures, gun safety measures that they want are extreme as it connects to january 6 for them and they want to make that argument overall. so it is something that i think we're going to hear a lot about. it also points to one of joe biden's big bipartisan achievements as president, something that he says he wants to do more of and bring the assault weapons ban. that bipartisan shipment trump opposed, but he did. the ones responsible for this regulation. and essentially was stuck data struck down by the supreme court today, this is what he said back in 2018 about this ban on bumps bump stocks. we're writing that out. i'm writing that out myself. i don't care if congress does it or not. i'm writing it out myself you put it into the machine gun category, which is what it is. it becomes essentially a machine gun mano. >> what we have seen from this president is that he is not always married to any particular policy issue at the time. he thought that this was good politics and so that's why he advanced this. and i was on the hill at the time i spoke to a lot of republicans about this. a lot of them were upset. some of them like the congressman fitzpatrick of the world in swing districts liked it but others didn't. they thought that this was just if you give an inch, she'll take a mile on guns. so we're very, very concerned and about constitutional rights. so i wouldn't be surprised now that the temperature and the politics have changed. if trump doesn't view this as a victory, but this is speaking the way that trump views are they can't paint, just put out a statement saying the decision should be respected and also talked about how trump is a fierce defender of second amendment rights. but at the time, this was viewed as a relatively oddest step or paul ryan's speaker of the house suggested, we don't need to do legislation. we need to do regulation. instead, regulation is fine and this is the blame game has now happening in the aftermath of this ruling. chuck schumer and senate majority leader talked about that in a statement he just put out. he said i warned the trump administration at the time the only way to permanently closed this loophole is through legislation. he went on to say that the rate of pass legislation on this issue, well, i mean, schumer's right, this should have been done legislatively. that's the right way to do it. the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms had said ten times as the majority opinion today says, that this regulation is not something that the law covers and it was briefly in turn trump's political interest to cater to public opinion and the nra and a lot of republicans didn't want legislation because they feared if you allow legislation, it'll be due sweeping. so let's get a regulation. it might get struck down in courts and lo and behold, that's what's happened. yeah. and you mentioned brian fitzpatrick. he's actually a republican in a swing district, someone who actually predict that joe biden carried. he didn't you just reacted to those two are colleague lauren fox on the hill. he called for legislation on this issue. he disagreed with as much different than the biden campaign so it shows you where some of these members in swing districts are on this issue that may there are in line with biden more than they are with trump. >> right? but i think it's also, it's a way to get your thoughts on this out there and not really have any consequences for that because the makeup of the congress and the current speaker of the house, i doubt that that would ever get, get get beyond the introductory phase. yes exactly. maybe i'm trying to get a vote and then you're not happen. and then we'll see what the voters decide, right? all right. >> up next, joe biden's global test and a meeting of a lifetime the greatest general in history. his body and his tomb are missing but he's, you know, the new season begins with the hunt for alexander the great's tomb. >> wednesday at nine. now, discovery in stream on that. >> hi, i'm 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his son, hunter biden when he was here, but but back to italy, you talked to the biden campaign, the white house. how do they see what he has done overseas and how it translates back home? >> well, look at the g7 is on the calendar when it comes? that's when it was going to come. it's not just control foreign policy, never a big issue for voters politically, this time around, people are thinking, obviously a little bit about ukraine, whether it's the fight for democracy or it's people who are saying why are we sending so much money overseas to ukraine entered israel, i think importantly, that's not always just republicans. you hear that from i've heard from black voters, people who are watching what's going on there and some of the pushback on that. so this is tricky, but it is biden standing among world leaders saying we have to stand up for democracy, by the way, two of the leaders that he's standing with macron sunak may not be in their jobs for very long themselves and so there's a lot of countervailing things going on and trump yesterday in dc saying that his view of what's going on is that the world is laughing at trump also trashed ukraine aid, but house republicans, even though mike johnson got behind it even though trump has been now on every side of that issue, all right. >> but yes. yeah the point that they were trying to make the biden campaign is that they're trying to show that he is as they say, they believe he's affective leader, they don't say age doesn't really matter as we talked about in the last segment about age and the president's how voters view that because of they believe he is in their view, achieving results. >> this is what jill biden, the first lady, said in green bay yesterday this election is most certainly not about age joe, and that other guy are essentially the same age. >> let's not be fooled. joe isn't one of them the most effective presidents of our lives, in spite of his age but because of it, i suspect we'll be hearing a lot more of that. not being not in spite of his age, but because of it. well, they have to find some way to talk about it and turn it into a positive. and i think, i think you're right. i think this is going to be the because being defensive about the fact that he's 81-years-old isn't really getting them anywhere. and also seeing him things like what's what happened in italy, seeing him be presidential putting that out there. that's that is likely a lot more effective than constant uniform. democrats get them out there, let them do stuff and then you'll show voters that he's, you know, we can do the job and then republicans say, yeah, let them do stuff. they believe that right their case as well. but speaking of wisconsin, a great state with a great the university of madison, there was a eyes i must say there was obviously some controversy yesterday about trump's comments behind closed doors about a city close to madison, milwaukee, the city where there will be the republican convention. trump calling it horrible in a closed-door meeting. now there has been a lot of explanations out of it about what he was referring to. was it a crime rates was by these claims about the election and the like. but the biden campaign jumping all over this, the president putting out as tweet saying, i happen to love milwaukee, there and selling t-shirts about this as well. and others are suggesting that they believed that perhaps in a closely contested state, maybe there's could drive up turnout. >> manu i was in milwaukee last weekend talking to voters and i'm happy to report it is not a horrible city. it is a lovely city, but listen, the former president often in a very racialized way, loves to go after american cities. it's his favorite punching bag. i think sometimes it's a stand-in for a lot of other criticisms that he's making a maybe not so veiled way and some of his supporters relish this. i think that the the voters and he's looking for in wisconsin may not necessarily be in milwaukee. so that is perhaps why he felt comfortable saying that i did actually those speak to a young black man in milwaukee. you told me that he's a trump supporter. he voted for trump in 2020 he plans to do so again, much to the chagrin of his family who was very critical of that choice greg, i'll tell you the thing that struck me about it was he said he said no milwaukee is hearable city it's been multiple members of congress said it was reported the number of people who then said he didn't say it, putting the speaker of the house. >> yeah, that is sort of stunning selective hearing, right speaker of the house said on fox news last name, mike johnson said, i was sitting right next to him. i didn't hear it. >> well. i mean, he's this is what's enough listening at that point or is he trying to give a version of reality which is not the reality that we all live in. i'm just mike johnson, cory mills, congressman from the story that trump yeah. >> he says like, welcome to the next four years. >> he never last another groups he said it and it's perfect and that's exactly right i do think that some of those republicans are maybe being a little overly defensive since trump's natural constituency in wisconsin are people who don't really think all that highly walkie typical city, sort of countryside ex, urban divide that you have in a lot of states. >> yeah. and just to look in, just i point this is the map of the 2020 election result in wisconsin to der meshes point no, western wisconsin very rural part of this de northern part of wisconsin, very rural as well. that is trump country. but there are the milwaukee suburbs. and good people in the suburbs vote on this issue was me, but obviously the biden campaign hopes so yeah, and they hope that they'll south of merchandise in-between down then what's we'll see. but this is about the suburban voters. this is the end. sometimes there's suburban voters are connected to the city and feel very proud of and sometimes they are living in the suburbs because they don't want it exactly, exactly. so we'll say, again, there's the reminder biden won wisconsin 49.4%, of trump's 48.8. so a very, very closely contested race, state. it always is. it will be again. >> all right. coming up voters tell us how they really feel about the big issues that will decide who wins in november, and how they'd think about joe biden running for four more years stared frustrated, humored in different irritated, proud this election season stay with cnn with more reporters on the ground and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results follow the facts follow. >> cnn when you're the leader as the clean up and restoration. >> how do you make like it never even happened happened brand whatever comes your way. >> there's appropriate that serve grown like never even happened when your home needs work. >> where do you go and you angie? that's where angie, gay man with angie find top rated certified pros and 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he's back in the oval office it's a terrible precedent for our country does that mean the next president does it to them? >> that's really the question. and it's very possible that it's going to have to happen to them based on what they've done. i would have every right to go after them, revenge does take time. i will say that does. and sometimes revenge can be justified so just how troubling is rhetoric like this to voters. we have new insight from a focus group this week with north carolina voters who chose trump in 2016 and biden in 2020. it was conducted by our friend rich tau of engages in this group, focus group, all 12 said they're concerned with that i don't think using phrases like revenge in politics is the direction we should be going and, you it seems every day we get closer and closer to ediacara, see being premonition rather than a joke. it's just general disregard for life on order it just gives very hate to pull out the big guns, but hitler asked vibes as far as separation and punishment of different groups of people, because trump is like a spoil kids. >> so when he doesn't get his way, i mean, he he wreaks havoc. look at what he did the last time he didn't win. the election, him acting the way hey, he is the way he speaks we're not the only country on this planet. everyone else is listening and i'm just he's treating it like another episode of the apprentice. and this is, this is our future that's kinda interesting. 12 out of 12 voters, all of them say they are concerned about the retribution rhetoric yeah. >> and i think that that is why trump has some sometimes tried to kind of back away from that. so, well, when i say i want revenge, what i mean is the revenge is going to be governing root successfully, just not especially on day one, right? that kind of thing, right? right. but but i do think it's it's not just that people find it alarming, but also what's in it for normal swing voters who aren't deeply invested in donald trump's personal grievances. yeah. and that's why the biden campaign is always jumping on the idea of retribution they don't really see voters concerned about it. >> they are, and voters are concerned, you know, what i heard from the focus group members is what i'm hearing on the ground when i was in wisconsin, i spoke to a former trump supporter, a farmer who told me that he felt like trump now sounds like a broken record and that he sick of hearing about these grievances and that's why he's attracted to kennedy's campaign. so i think that it is a real vulnerability with some voters are kind of tired of it. yes. >> and obviously abortion is gonna be a huge issue in this campaign to that has since the aftermath of dobbs. but just how important is that to this group? of swing voters just listened i have been through that experience myself and, and very much an advocate for women and i think that once they take that away they're coming for a whole other set of rights for women next, you said earlier that in a five way race, you would not vote for biden know by not voting for me, you're basically making it easier for trump to take away women's rights does that argument wash with you at all no, he doesn't why not? >> what did you do to get us to this point of having to make abortion such a big issue. there were things that you've been in government for how many years? nothing has been done up until now so that's also interesting because they say that 1,212 say abortion drive a considerable part of who they vote for. >> but several of them say they still won't vote for biden, even though they believe it's an important issue. hey, there in lies the challenge about using raw relying exclusively are mainly on abortion as a message because he may not turn out to vote. so way you expect right it is one of those issues. >> it's very very personal issue and sometimes i think some of these polls, as we've seen, it's not top of mind for a lot of voters. but then when it comes comes down to it, when they're sitting down to vote for and we've seen we saw this in 2020. it actually did move a lot of votes, but it is really interesting and this is by talking to voters are so important, they don't think, i mean, and they don't fit in neat boxes. there's a lot of nuance to how they're making their decisions. and i think it's really portland to hear that. and you'll take that in and understand it. >> and will they make the decision to vote for the republican nominee or the democratic nominee? or will they decide to vote for a third party candidate? this is how they responded to that question. >> but why would you take kennedy the lesser of the three evils i went and want trump and biden either. >> so in that voting is not an option for me loosely at this point, it would be for his last name and for his fame his history of his family cornell west stopped, done some research on and he's a little too radical for me jill stein don't know much about, but with the last name kennedy and the history in this country, i would put my vote there well that's why the kennedy family has been so out there trying to say, please don't vote for our cousin, brother, uncle, whatever it may be. >> but for joe biden but this is a problem for both biden and trump is trying to figure out where the third party candidacies will sap from you see that the trump campaign is very sensitive about it. trump taking a lot of swings it kennedy including on being off where he think we're trump says he should be on vaccines now, even though trump has previously said similar things about vaccines but the biden campaign and the dnc hugely concerned about kennedy to the biden though, is not going after kennedy the way trump does. trump does. >> they will they rely on the campaign, the biden does around the dnc, but the president himself stays away from directly going after rfk. >> unlike trump, who is not afraid to go after him and call him, left very kind of elevating him if he starts talking about him, it's going to bring him up to biden's level and they don't want to do that, which is why they're relying on all these external groups. to put a billboards to go after him. kinda on biden's behest, not with coordination. >> i think it's beyond just the political strategizing with biden. remember, he has a bust of robert f kennedy in the oval office on his desk. he feels a connection to that family. teddy kennedy was one of his best friends and mentors in the senate. he does not want to go after robert f. kennedy jr. personally, it's it's just not who he is is a guy. then there's also the political considerations here. >> he doesn't have to their infrastructure is in place in the left to go after human are really robust way, we see all the way that they're challenging their ballot access across the country it'd be a. waste of president biden's time and energy to have to put a face to that because he really doesn't have to on the republican side, the way less organized in combating third-party efforts. yeah, i think that's exactly right. >> but i also think that if we get to september and kennedy seems to be taking votes from biden biden will find a way to overcome the scrambles about this. >> this was conducted in north carolina in this group, three of 12 voters who voted for biden said they regret voting for biden in 2020. remember these are voters who voted for trump in 2016. biden in 23 of 12 regretted voting for biden 2020, north carolina, is it really on a map. we expect biden's campaign to invest heavily there. this has been a complicated state for democrats i mean, it is the lucian, the football states for the democrats but there are a lot of reasons why both the trump campaign and the biden campaign feels like it is going to be very competitive this year things that. >> are going on with demographics, changes, governor's race, there is raised the attorney general's rates, by the way, to abortion, which there's now 12 week ban there in north carolina those are all making the state very competitive and all the internal polls, some of the internal polls showing that it's more competitive than georgia we shall say. >> all right, coming up for us, war missing receipts. a top senate democrat asked the supreme court justice explain more evidence of high-flying gifts the athletes in aw are pushing the limits of what is capable ready to show the world? >> good, i am, i trained all over the globe and that's what you're going to see an awl whole different b, c, w wednesday night dynamite it on tv with fas signs create striking custom visuals then inspire pride. district wide that site. >> make your statement. >> you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean, not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed, indeed you do. indeed instant magic instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description visited slash higher. its terms day off but neutrogena ultra shear sunscreen is still on the clock, vital sun 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likes to shower is favorite supreme court justice clarence thomas with gifts, according to information obtained by senate judiciary committee, chairman democrat dick durbin, thomas traveled a lot on the gop megadonor's private jet. >> he took trips in 2017, 20 in 19 and 2021, all were previously undisclosed you admitted these trips from financial disclosure forms. the justices release each year, and those will missions will no doubt add fuel to democrats already burning hot anger at the court thanks for joining inside politics. somebody on inside politics sunday, that's of course at 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. eastern on sunday morning. and be sure to watch jake tapper on state of the union this sunday at 9:00 a.m. senator tom cotton is on the show along with senator chris murphy i think cnn news central starts after a quick break the most anticipated moment of this election, and the stakes couldn't be higher the president and the former president, one stage two, very different visions 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