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450 hamas terror targets have been struck as they push deeper into the gaza strip. coming on the heels of idf taking over an outpost in gaza. this as u.s. central command announces a submarine is in the middle east region signalling strong message of deterrence to bad actors in the highly volatile region. >> ainsley: this conflict could spell trouble for president biden as new poll shows donald trump leading biden in five key swing states in rematch of the presidential election. >> steve: around the planet, anti-israel protests, many calling for a ceasefire. lawrence jones live across the hudson river from new jersey. also, peter doocy live at the white house to discuss poll numbers. start with trey yingst live in southern israel with the latest. good afternoon, trey. >> trey: hi, guys, good morning. the israeli air force is hammering the gaza strip. we've been watching and listening throughout the day as massive airstrikes are shaking the ground. i want to step out of the frame and have my cameraman push into the gaza skyline. that was one of the more distant airstrikes that took place. israelis are working to hit the tunnel network under gaza and many positions, over the past 24 hours, hit 450 different targets in gaza, destroyed a centers and killed militants inside the strip. the sky is shown lighting up with bunker buster bombs being used by israelis to get deep underground killing as many hamas militants as possible. we were inside gaza over the weekend reporting there as battles raged between the israelis and hamas. take a look. [sound of shooting] >> trey: you can hear gunfire in the distance, israelis trying to engage anybody ambushing their forces. the battle is street by street, urban guerilla warfare, hamas is jumping out of tunnels and ambushing israeli troops. we are embedded with israeli military inside the gaza strip. forces have been ambushed, shot at and lost soldiers, still they fight block by black in urban battle, their enemy hamas guerilla fighters popping out of tunnels to kill as many israelis as they can. you can see the level of destruction inside gaza. united nationses -- are displaced. aid was dropped into gaza. indication that israel is still agreeing to let some humanitarian aid into gaza, something the american government issue biden administration has pushed for. >> brian: they are getting 200 trucks per day into gaza. do you sense the civilians have a gateway to get out, haven't the israelis told them how to leave? >> trey: the israelis have given them a corridor. the saladine road from northern part of gaza to the northern part is open and israelis are ensuring there is a humanitarian corridor, releasing video, urging civilians to get out of the main arena. world food program yesterday said it is not enough to support the two million palestinians that live there, part of the reason the biden administration is sending aid to help the civilians. >> carley: what about the submarine, we're told it is rare to announce anything on a submarine. this is supposed to send a strong message to iran. redirected 17,350 military to the area since october 7. how is this perceived by hamas, hezbollah and iran, as well? does this have the intended effect? >> trey: absolutely, talking about the u.s.s. florida, american samarine with 154 tomahawk missiles onboard and a dry dock that can deploy american marines if needed thchl is a significant message to iranians and other actors not to get involved in the fight. the americans releasing the information not in effort to threaten but to deliver message to iran ian leadership not to gt hezbollah more involved or yemen more involved. if israel is attacked at broader level issue the americans will support and use advanced weaponry. >> steve: in the area you were talking about, i saw this morning, this afternoon your time, apparently the prime minister of thailand says he's been told thailand has 23 hostages in gaza. they are safe, they will be freed soon, but there has to be a ceasefire. that is the cover now. they are saying, you want hostages, we got to have a ceasefire, right? >> trey: and the reality on the ground is darker and grim. because we understand according to israeli military, when we were inside gaza on saturday morning, they believe majority of hostages are being held inside gaza city in the tunnel network beneath the city. israelis continue airstrikes against that tunnel network. there is real understanding and hamas has said some hostages will be killed in the strikes. have to make a calculation going into gaza understanding if they don't destroy certain tunnels, those tunnels will be used to ambush soldiers. >> lawrence: as aid comes across the border, will hamas allow the palestinian people to have the aid? or is there some type of issue? when you talk to the israelis, that is part of the point they are making, the aid will go to hamas. what do you know? >> trey: it is a great question and a real concern for the israelis, part of the reason they are not allowing fuel into. it will be helped to air condition tunnels where hamas militants are hiding. in the past hamas has taken humanitarian aid and stored it in their tunnels to use for fighters. the american government and biden administration keep coming out saying we can assure the entire world aid going into gaza is not ending in hands of hamas. they have no way to ensure that and hamas is showing up to locations and distributing aid and taking for themselves to support war efforts against israel, it is a challenging, complex situation, it is critical humanitarian aid get into the gaza strip even if some end in the hands of hamas. there are two million palestinian civilians there and that is part of this eshg kwagz and part of why they are on the ground urging to allow aid go gaza, ensuring humanitarian aid does arrive. >> brian: trey, thanks and keep in mind, we're getting rocketed, up to 32 attacks on our assets in syria and iraq. earlier today issue the voices from gaza producer joseph joined us. by holding their identity back, he's been interviewing people 18 months before this whole war talking to the people of gaza, leaving their information anonymous finding out what they think of hamas and the leadership and they have been blown away by how much they hate hamas, but how threatening hamas is to the families in gaza who are mostly palestinian. here is creative joseph browdy. >> in israel and allies recommit, most gazans will go along with it. that doesn't mean supporters of israel, it is matter of prag pragmatism, they want to live a better life. they don't want an outcome to the war that would leave hamas in place. they want hamas out. they see the protests as pushing for a situation in which israel and hamas cut a deal that leaves hamas in power. they feel protesters are not helping them. >> carley: wow, that is fascinating. >> brian: he said they will kill your family. you speak out against hamas, i don't want them in charge, they will kill you and your family. >> carley: confusing element to the story is how palestinians feel about hamas. it is the elected government in gaza and there is reporting in the west bank, there was election held today, hamas would be the palestinian authority. >> brian: he believes that, too. >> carley: is there a time when they slap a gun on your table and say who are you going to vote for? >> steve: how popular is hamas with the pro-palestinian demonstrators on the streets of america and around the world yesterday, there were protests in london and here in new york city with a couple thousand at the un. estimated 100,000 in washington, d.c. and one chant was f joe biden and the other from the river to the sea, palestine will be free thachl is referring to from the jordan river to the mediterranean sea, wipe the jewish people off the map. rashida tlaib actually is one of the congress people who repeated that chant. she also referred to genocide of the people from palestine at the hands of the israelis and she has gotten blowback. listen to this. >> mr. president, the american people are not with you on this one. [chanting] >> from the river to the sea. >> from the river to the sea. we will remember in 2024. >> steve: so it's a threat. joe biden change your policy. >> carley: we will remember in 2024, what does that mean? who you going to vote for, the republican or not vote at all? she also posted a tweet that said from the river to the sea is aspirational call for freedom, human rights and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction or hate. i would say actions speak louder than words on that one. i remember when hillary vaughn asked how she feeled about how hamas murdered babies and she remained silence. silence in that instance speaks volume. >> steve: lawrence. >> lawrence: good point, carley. i've been talking for a while, there is a difference between reformed muslim and radical islamist and a lot of them exist in our country. for americans listening, you are nothing more than an infidel to them, they will lie, deceive, say they don't stand with hamas, but spew their talking point. from the river to the sea, and have the hamas flag flying as they protest in this country and say anti-american sentiment. take them at their word and action. i understand they have pressure within the party that says put the handcuffs on israel, don't let them bomb people thchl. this is part of war. do you know how many people, children die in iraq and afghanistan as casualties? there were children that didn't have a problem putting on a suicide vest and murdering our guys, as well. be serious about the ideology we are facing, if we're not, more jews will die in america, more americans will die and we could have the next 9/11, this is not idiology you can negotiate with or think they will change their mind, it is deeply rooted in who they are and we should confront them in the same way. >> steve: lawrence is in new jersey and we will be there in a couple minutes. switch over to politics. iowa governor kim reynolds is expected to endorse ron desantis for president in iowa. >> brian: set to give the high profile endorsement at an event there today. consistent edge over president biden in key states. >> carley: peter doocy at the white house with more on this. >> peter: the things this president is doing, making case for reelection is not working. this president trails the former president by five in arizona, in georgia, by six points in michigan five points and nevada by 11 points and pennsylvania by four points. pennsylvania is the state joe biden has visited most other than delaware because it is close to his house there. "new york times" polls have biden ahead in one battleground state. and david axelrod helped joe biden get elected vp. he will be the nominee of the democratic party, he needs to decide if it is wise and in his best interest or the country. no major democrats signalling they will challenge him and it is possible this white house knew the numbers would be soft when they convinced the democratic party to skip new hampshire and iowa. >> steve: in "new york times" sienna poll, number one most important issue to people in the united states is economy. that is why joe biden is talking about bidenomics. is the genius who came up with that name bidenomics, are they still working at the white house? >> peter: he says they ripped it off some op ed in the "wall street journal" and other places where hpolicy was being describd as bidenomics and they tried to own it. he is calling the same policy he's pushed for four years since the last campaign something new, bidenomics. he wants to talk about how much he supports unions and unions support him and he doesn't like trickle-down economics. people are not buying it according to polls. >> brian: way you run against donald trump will be to say how unelectable donald trump is. if he is going to run, attack ads will start. if you look at this cbs poll and go deep into the sienna poll, people rather have trump in charge. >> peter: trump has a way to go before he's nominee. he has a dominant lead in every early state poll but still prominent officials like kim reynolds trying to figure out who the trump alternative is and seems like all reporting over the weekend, it is race between desantis and nikki haley. they are trying to get people that don't like trump behind one of them. it is still early, but two months till the caucus, it will be here before we know it. >> steve: the election is one year from tomorrow. >> carley: it is early-ish. peter, thank you. >> brian: we'll cover the election, right? >> steve: tomorrow in virginia. >> brian: right. >> steve: going to a diner in manassace. >> carley: firefighters battling a massive fire in los angeles. four people were forced out of their homes, one firefighter injured while battling the blaze. today, father of man charged in a deadly july fourth trial last year, the father is faces seven reckless conduct charges after he was accused of helping his son get a gun before the highland park shooting. his son will go to trial next month. reuters report shows more migrants could join the caravan making their way to the u.s. most are fleeing cuba and venezuela and say the wait for humanitarian visa is too long. voters across the nation head to the polls tomorrow to cast their ballot in the biggest election of 2024. governor youngkin is pushing for a sweep in the state legislature, which could give full control of the commonwealth and republican attorney general daniel cameron, will unsseat an brashear. >> steve: governor youngkin will join us tomorrow at the jukebox diner. that is tomorrow. >> brian: hope they count ballots quickly. i think if bashear beats cameron, he becomes a front-runner in 2024. >> carley: i checked polls last week and bashear was 16 point ahead and that poll has cameron up by one. 17-point swing imonth. >> steve: democrat in a red state. >> carley: popular, we will wait and see. >> brian: abortion will play a big role in that vote. veteran day is this saturday, in honor fox news partnering with u.s. vets in camo for a cause campaign. >> steve: we have displayed fox news products t-shirts, mugs, hats, neckties available now and through november 12, 20% of proceeds will be donated to american veterans. >> carley: i hear the oohs and ahs, use the qr code on your screen or head to the website to get that merchandise. >> steve: still ahead on this monday, lindsey graham will join us live in the studio. >> carley: pro-palestinian protests world wild. >> brian: piers morgan on the across the globe up next. my name's dan and i live here in san antonio, texas. my wife magda and i have been married for 39 years. about three or four years ago, i wasn't feeling as if i was as sharp as i used to be. i wanted to try something that was over-the-counter. i saw the prevagen commercials. after a short amount of time taking prevagen, i started noticing a difference-- that i'm remembering this, i'm remembering that. i stopped taking prevagen and i found myself slacking back so i jumped right back on it. i feel as if it's brought me back to the good 'ol days. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. when you're looking for answers, it's good to have help. because the right information, at the right time, may make all the difference. at humana, we know that's especially true when you're looking for a medicare supplement insurance plan. that's why we're offering "seven things every medicare supplement should have". it's yours free, just for calling the number on your screen. and when you call, a knowledgeable, licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have and help you choose the plan that's right for you. the call is free, and there's no obligation. you see, medicare covers only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. that's why so many people purchase medicare supplement insurance plans like those offered by humana. they're designed to help you save money, and pay some of the costs medicare doesn't. depending on the medicare supplement plan you select, you could have no deductibles or copayments for doctor visits, hospital stays, emergency care, and more. you can keep the doctors you have now, ones you know and trust, with no referrals needed. plus, you can get medical care anywhere in the country, even when you're traveling! with humana, you get a competitive monthly premium, and personalized service, from a healthcare partner working to make healthcare simpler and easier for you. you can choose from a wide range of standardized plans. each one is designed to work seamlessly with medicare and help save you money! so how do you find the plan that's right for you? 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>> no, it does not represent the palestinian people. >> do you want to clear the air and condemn it? >> designate the terrorist list and u.s. congress. >> on specific condemnation, quick answer. >> allow me, margaret, the ambassador said two things, those are unintended consequences. >> steve: he refused to condemn pro-palestinian terrorists. speaking of london, from london is piers morgan, host of piers morgan uncensored. good afternoon to you. >> good afternoon, steve. he would like to -- he didn't do it, why? >> i've interviewed pro-palestinian voices in the last month, including that ambassador and asked all of them that question, because to me, you can absolutely say that you are concerned about the plight of the palestinians before and after what happened on october 7. that is normal and human reaction. however, if you're not prepared to condemn that appalling terror attack, i don't want to hear you asking for condemnation of anything else. i start with that question and his inability to give straight, of course i condemn it, it was terrible, it telling. you are seeing demonstrations all over the world, a lot of people demonstrating are genuine peace protesters and i respect that and democracy you are allowed to demonstrate peacefully. they are getting infiltrated with people that are basically pro-hamas and hamas is a terrorist organization. if you support hamas or chant jihad or from the river to the sea, which means erad categorycasion of israel, stated mission of hamas, you are endorsing terrorism and what happened october 7 and that is unacceptable. >> steve: as we were looking at video of the protests there in london on saturday, great big protest in washington, d.c., estimating 100,000 marching. they chanted from the river to the sea and chanted f joe biden. what else were they cheering and chanting in london? >> lots of abuse for our prime minister rishi sunak. in my estimation has a duty to protect his people from an organization whose spokesman reiterated they want to do october 7 again and again and again and again. those people marching for the palestinians, i get it, i get why people are concerned about israel's response, i also asked a simple question, do you think hamas should stay in power in gaza and as if most people answer, no, probably not, how do you get rid of them and nobody has another answer. they live amongst their own population, they themselves repressed for 17 years or so and will continue to do that. they spent a lot of money to make the gaza more prosperous place on terrorizing israelis and now october seven, they did what they warned they would do if they got the chance, that is commit genocide on the people of israel. we have a protest coming on a special day on saturday, it is the day we celebrate end of world war i and the weekend of remembering sunday and senate is off and we honor those who lost their lives serving this country in war around the world. the idea there will be huge mobs of people going around, some promoting a terror organization as we're supposed to be celebrating and honoring memory of those who died in conflict against people like the nazis, make my stomach church. >> steve: that is why you are wearing a poppy today live from london. and we will have veteran's day. thank you for joining us. still ahead college campuses across the country have become epicenter of anti-israel protest. lawrence is live in new jersey at a high school taking extra steps to protect their students. hear from him next coming up on "fox and friends." at red land cotton, the bedding start right here on our family's cotton farm in north alabama. the heartland of america. we rely on hard work and honest manufacturing to deliver high quality, heirloom inspired bedding, bath towels and more, all made in the usa. experience the farm to home difference for yourself. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 15% off your order with code fox news. we believe at newday usa we have a noble purpose. our purpose is not just closing a loan. we want to do whatever is best for the individual service person. we want to be known as america's mortgage company for veterans and active duty service people, and they and their families. we're the ones that are there to help them. people are doing hard, arduous, difficult, dangerous things. some of them are giving their lives right now today for the freedoms that we have here in this country. they're willing to do that for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service. and that's what we're all about. i'm sarah escherich, i'm the life enrichment director at independence village, the senior living community in waukee, iowa. everybody here really, really make you feel like family and that they love you. our goal with tiktok was to enrich the lives of our residents and just to be able to show people what senior living can be like. i think i am a tiktok grandma. my kids think i am. i mean, we're the ones that are being entertained. time goes faster when you're having fun. >> brian: exciting day and exciting monday. president trump will defend himself on trial today. he is hunting for bear. he is upset how eric and don jr. were treated. amtrak, 14 billion for trains is a good thing. and key endorsement for governor desantis, he gets the governor of iowa, will it bolster him? for now, go to lawrence in new jersey. >> lawrence: thanks, antisemitism comments toward students rage on. college recruiters can't visit their school unless they vow to protect jewish students. turn back to our tour academy panel. thank you for being here. what is it like being a student, experiencing this day-to-day? >> i think foundation of democracy is expression and i want to know i have that same right when i move on to university level. it is so important to express my view and jewish teens feel their freedom of speech is being suppressed right now and that is scary thing. >> lawrence: karen, you said the double talk is concerning you, they say we are being peaceful, but they have hamas talking points. >> we saw coverage where a woman calling for destruction of the state of israel and another holding a sign that says cleanse the world of jews, that is not just there, it is jews everywhere. >> lawrence: it is on college and social media. >> people hide behind anonymity of social media and there are people that lack so much humanity and they are just fine with eradication of jewish people. >> lawrence: they say protests are peaceful, it is not about the jewish people, but they protest in front of synagogues, why? >> like karen mentioned, there is a connection between anti-israel and antisemitism. it is down right scary and we use that word a lot, it is scary for them to be targeting our synagogues and our communities and neighborhoods. people have been bussed in to rally and protest violently in our own backyard. we are not used to that. we are grateful for the police and our neighbors who support us, we are scared. >> lawrence: rabbi, why was your letter important? seemed like that was a red line for you. we long for the idea of a college and advanced institution for higher education in which there is civil discourse and we can disagree and disagree in a civilized fashion. it is almost nostalgic to think that is what a university should represent and our students should feel comfortable to engage in freedom of speech and respect for another's view and we long for those times to return, that is not the state of the university at the moment. >> lawrence: rabbi joshua, you say you are hopeful, i said i wasn't hopeful, i should be hopeful, give us hope. there have been leaders who stood up on our behalf from the jewish community, from political stance and people who stand up and advocate for us, like you. sense of strong connection and seeing lights is meaningful to us and inspiring to us. been incredible coming together within the jewish community, despite different religious commitment, which can create distance between the jewish community, there is unity with the jewish community, that gives us strength to know we will persevere through this. we withstood thousands of years until now and not the first time we've been face-to-face with antisemitism. hope it will be the last time, we find comfort within our tradition and relationship we have with god and what we've been trying to do on school level is give our students a feeling that we do things in these situations, we're not victims. yes, we're being attacked, taking proactive stances. hanging up signs of hostages and praying for safety of our jewish community and for the world, hamas is not just attacking the jews, it is attacking freedom. praying for the world gives a sense of comfort and light at the end of the tunnel. >> lawrence: thank you, the jewish community has been educating me, you continue to stand firm and we will continue to show the stories, it's a threat to america, as well. thank you for inviting me this morning. coming up, new op ed said jihadist group are using the israel-hamas war to recruit lone wolf terrorists here in the united states. >> lawrence: lindsey graham react to the potential threat, that is coming up on "fox and friends," don't go anywhere. amen. lord jesus, come to us now. help us to surrender ourselves completely to you. help us to listen to your voice. even when we're distracted or tired, we pray this in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit. amen. thank you so much. i just want to encourage you that if you want to join me in more prayer, check out hallow it's the number one prayer app in the world. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. >> brian: israeli defense forces, 450 over the last 24 hours. here at home, a terror expert warning hamas could inspire lone wolves, in the l.a. times, chilling as it is to imagine, the worst may lie ahead with gruelling ground war and mounting toll will fuel jihad empathizers. let's bring in gop senator air force veteran senator lindsey graham, fresh off trip to saudi arabia. how concerned are you about lone wolves? we've been to terror university since 9/11. >> better terrorists do there, more we will get hit here. remember caliphate? when terrorism rises there, we are more concerned at home and broken border is cocktail for disaster. >> brian: anti-american and anti-israeli comments, does that shake you? >> it shakes me to my foundation, 1400 israelis were slaughtered in their homes, burned alive, women raped and babies beheaded and now saying ceasefire? if you had told america to ceasefire with japan four weeks after pearl harbor, you would have gotten run out of town. try to lessen civilian casualties. if adolf hitler were in an apartment complex, would we bomb the apartment complex? i think israel is at total war with hamas, driveway hamas, how to do it is negotiable. >> brian: is it irresponsible for us to ask for a pause? >> israel needs to make that call issue not us, anything i'm for to help civilians, i'm for, as long as it doesn't hurt. when you chant from the river to the sea means it. you have members of congress chanting from the river to the sea, whichen moos there is no israel. >> brian: the squad and they are being condemned by bernie sanders. 32 and counting, u.s. attacked 32 times in syria and iraq. we answered one time, is that enough for you? >> what did i ask austin last week, would you tell iran it is red line to attack in syria and iraq, if you kill one of our troops, we will come after you in iran. if donald trump were president, would any of this be going on? no. if he was president tomorrow, it would end quickly, they are afraid of him. if they kill an american soldier, we need to blowup oilfields and let them know we're serious and the attacks will stop. you know, when trump killed soleimani, most peaceful time in the middle east. they are trying to stop saudi arabia and -- from reconciling, nightmare for iranians. everybody talk about two-state solution, most radical people on the planet live in gaza strip, from the time they are born, they are told to attack and kill. they teach that in schools. it is hard for israel to coexist with people like this. >> brian: i'll talk to you on radio in 10 minutes, straight ahead, students at umass on edge after student arrested for punching a jewish student in the face. check in with bill hemmer and dana perino. >> good morning, white house gates were trashed this weekend by those opposing israel. >> dana: more firepower in the region, what message is the united states sending? >> donald trump making history this morning, he's on the stand in one hour, what will be his defense in that case? >> dana: meet maverick, special friend with special skills. great guests as we start a new week with you. >> dana: we'll see you in a few minutes. she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back. or finding psoriasis can't deny the splendor of these thighs. once-daily sotyktu is proven to get more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu; serious reactions can occur. sotyktu can lower your ability to fight infections including tb. serious infections, cancers including lymphoma, muscle problems, and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides, or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about sotyktu for clearer skin. so clearly you. sotyktu. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. >> today students at u maas amherst are on edge after a fellow student was arrested for assaulting a jewish student on campus. lydia hu joins us with more. >> according to reports the university of massachusetts am hers student was arrested after hitting a student and spitting on an israeli flag. the student is prohibited from returning to campus. this follows the arrest of patrick dye accused of posting threats to kill or injure jewish students. university funding -- anti-semitism is on the rise. bill actman wrote a letter over the weekend to harvard. their recent failure to create a safe and non-discriminatory environment for jewish students threatens their funding. harvard didn't get back to us. billions of dollars are potentially at stake here. harvard receives more than $3$.1 billion in federal payments over a four-year period including grants and contracts. university of pennsylvania also received nearly 4.4 billion. the universities also benefit from tax breaks. gop lawmakers suggesting that tax exceptions should be reviewed now. colleges and universities avoid paying billions of dollars every year because of these tax incentives. >> gigantic endowment. >> harvard with more than 50 million. >> brian: do you know what's coming up? >> the patriots award at the grand ole opry house in nashville. be part of the "fox & friends" live audience show thursday and friday. all that week. this is "fox & friends." >> steve: while you are buying your tickets for the it pennsylvania patriot awards. tomorrow is election day in virginia. i will be live at the juke box diner in man as -- virginia. come join us. >> politics and pancakes at the juke box diner with steve. >> brian: a lot of drama in kentucky and virginia. can they flip the blue state purple/red? >> they're both considered bell weathers. >> want to show you a live look outside of president trump's tower in mid town manhattan. he i

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