remember those brave men and women and what they did that day. >> ainsley: i look and think what did my grandfathers think knowing they were going to be drafted. they were only 18 years old. thankfully both of mine came back, many did not. all right, third hour of "fox and friends" starts right now. >> insults flying at the final republican debate. >> nikki is corrupt. >> i love the attention, thank you for that. >> no one bigger than donald trump. >> record of lying, wall street donors used to support him and now they support me. >> don't interrupt me, i didn't interrupt you. >> i beat the left time and time again. >> it's a bunch of lies. >> president biden dismissing questions about his family business. >> contacts he had with hunter biden's businesses. >> carley: going virtual to avoid pro-palestinian protesters. no way did i obstruct the proceedings. >> will they censor jamaal bowman for pulling the fire alarm? >> what is next, jaywalking? [applause] >> the government. >> give it a whirl. [cheering] >> lawrence: roll tide! roll tide! we got a big conversation coming up live from tuscaloosa, alabama. the location for last night's final presidential debate before the iowa caucuses. it was a fight night there. i'll send it to y'all. >> ainsley: so great to see ron desantis there. you interviewed chris christie earlier. >> steve: with a bloody mary before the interview? >> >> ainsley: that probably smart, people might vote for him for that. >> lawrence: i gave it to the governor, he said, i will not before an interview. >> steve: dropped a couple off to young people. >> steve: you gave one or two bloody marys, maybe they were university students? >> lawrence: that is exactly right. a lot of students. >> ainsley: check their id. >> lawrence: most students ever and they are passionate and not going for one candidate. you have haley supporters, vivek supporters, trump supporters. interesting diner. >> todd: last night was fiery big time and looked like it is last one before iowa debate and first time we had this dinanic on the stage. we had four to go. chris christie was late to qualify and told us big complaint was he wasn't getting calls or questions. that got corrected, he took on everybody. here is a look at some highlights. >> nikki, you were bankrupt when you left the un and then you became a military contractor and you started joining service on the board of boeing, whose back you scratched for a long time and gave foreign multi speeches like hillary clinton is and now you're a multi millionaire, the math does not add up. it adds up to the fact you are corrupt. >> nikki haley, she caves any time the left comes after her, when the media comeings after her. >> there is nothing to what he's saying. in terms of donors supporting me, they are jealous, they wish they were supporting them. >> the only person more fascist is nikki haley. >> i love all the attention, thank you, fellas. >> these three are acting like the race is between us, the fifth guy who doesn't have the guts to stand up here is way ahead in the polls and these guys want to compete. they don't want to talk about him. >> you see to be saying donald trump is no longer fit to be president, is that what you think? >> he is -- father time is undefeated, idea we'll put someone up there almost 80 and no effect from that, we need a president that can serve two terms. >> you are afraid to defend donald trump, what will you do when you sit across from president xi and the ayatollah and sit across from putin? >> i want everybody at home to know i was first to say we need a reasonable peace deal in ukraine. now neocons are coming along with exportion of nikki haley and joe biden. >> this is fourth debate you would be voted as most obnoxious blow hard in america. he has insulted nikki haley's basic intelligence, not her positions, her basic intelligence. >> there is reason ukrainians want to help israelis, if iran wins, russia wins. what wins all of that is strong america. >> how far would you go to secure release of the eight american hostages and would it include sending american forces into combat. >> we should work together with them to bring hamas to heel. i served in iraq back in the day, i'm the only one that served in the military. your question was very specific, you said, would you send american troops as commander-in-chief and he went into a minute and 30 seconds about serving in the military. >> would you? >> you are right i would, i will answer that question directly. >> todd: what we did, boiled down entire two-hour debate to three minutes and this morning on "fox and friends," post-game show, we had each of the people on the stage last night. lawrence is in tuscaloosa and lawrence introduce our latest contestant. >> lawrence: we have governor ron desantis from the free state of florida. [cheering] governor, i want to pick up where that montage left off, there was back and forth between you and governor chris christie about what will you do, would you send military troops into israel to fight the war and you didn't answer that he request. >> that is not true, i said you do what you need to do, defend your people and talked about the larger conflict. i did answer. here is another -- what you -- >> lawrence: the question is, will you send military troops or not? >> you do what you need to do based on the circumstances to be able to get them home. as commander-in-chief, there will be plans, options and you have to vet that, no way of knowing -- >> lawrence: is that on the table? >> of course. what you didn't show in the montage, chris and nikki both support gender transition surgery for minors and mutilation. we passed legislation in florida saying you cannot do that. they say it is parent rights, you don't have a right to mutilate your child. as a party, if we can't stand for the well being of children, then what good are we? we know democrats won't. i did the debate against gavin newsom, california has laws, kids can go from other states and get this transition surgery. >> lawrence: i want to play this exchange, let's play it. >> you have other candidates up here like nikki haley, she caves any time the left comes after her, any time media comes after her. i did a bill in florida to stop gender mutilation of minors, it is wrong. she opposes that bill. >> i actually said his don't say gay bill didn't go far enough, i said it shouldn't be talked about with schools. >> i get to make decisions about my children issue not anybody else and every parent watching, you turn over a little authority, the authority they take next, you will not like. i will stand up for parents each and every time. >> you do not have the right to abuse your kids. >> lawrence: governor, this is important issue for parents? what is rights of parents and what is right of the state in a desantis administration? >> you don't have a right to abuse your kids, that has been the law forever. you can't take a 12 year old and get a tattoo, you have to be a certain age. but somehow you can chop off their private parts? give me a break. nikki haley was talking about parent rights education, nothing to do with this, she was dissembling. she called it the don't say gay bill, that is what liberals call it. that is a false narrative, that is corporate media, she buys into left-wing narrative, the fact she used that term for that bill. they believe this is a parent right even though it is reversible and damaging and many other countries say we can't do it. >> lawrence: on policy, there has been escalation between you and nikki haley. is it because she's surging in the race, you have turned your attention toward her versus donald trump? >> first of all, i take on all comers, they are spending millions trying to attack me, we will fight back. the surge is media thing. you are not seeing on the ground with conservative voters. conservative voters don't support her, that is reality. people are responsible for their record, she runs saying she's tough on china, she was the number one governor in south carolina when she was there of bringing china to her state. we posted the letter on our website of her saying how great they were and in front of a chinese flag in south carolina, she says she works for them now as governor. that is reality. now she's singing a different tune. she was bragging about liberal wall street donors supporting her. these people supported hillary clinton and opposed donald trump in the past, they will not allow strong policy. >> lawrence: she'll be here later in the hour, i'll ask her about that. >> ainsley: thank you for joining us. i want to talk about antisemitism, we see on university campuses and last night you said joe biden was not doing enough to hold hezbollah accountable, what would you do differently? >> he's given them massive sanctions relief. turn the screws on them financially so they are not able to send money across the middle east and biden refuses. on universities, send justice department in for investigation against these people. you have penn, if you say there should be genocide of the jews, they shrug their shoulder, but they fired people for opposing affirmative action. there is sickness in universities, a lot of rot. i'm the only republican that has done something about it. in florida, we're going after this sickness. left wing professors are leaving florida. it needs to be about pursuing truth and preparing students to be citizens of this republic. [cheering] >> lawrence: governor, congratulations, last night calvin koolidge was trending. what president do you look to for inspiration? we heard lincoln, washington, jeffers on and you cited kollidge. it seems like a curious choice, can you explain why he was important to ron desantis. they mentioned lincoln, reagan. calvin koolidge was most constitutionally sound president. when he was president, the country did well, he was right on every issue he tackled, he had a successful presidency. he wasn't flashy, but he got the job done. there was a famous story, silent cal, a lady said i have a bet i can get you to say more than two words. he looked at her and said, you lose. >> brian: governor, you and chris christie clashed on whether he can do the job, you know you wouldn't be running, do you think he could do the job? >> chris christie was going in a different direction, we pointed out donald trump lost some zip, he would be oldest president elected if he could get elected. that is different than saying someone is not mentally competent to be involved, that is what chris was trying to say. that is not what i said. we want somebody in the prime that can serve two full terms and is going to be working at 100%, full of energy, very energetic. that is what we'll do. he has not been willing to campaign hard or go to debates, i think he owes it to show up at debates. he did a town hall the other night, but didn't take questions, it was basically an interview. we go out and that is what you got to do, show people why you are the best choice. >> lawrence: governor, is iowa a must-win for you? >> we are going to win iowa, what is happening there on incredible, defies what d.c. media is trying to do. what you have to do is win majority of delegates. people have won iowa and vice versa, that happened. it is a long slog and you have to accumulate delegates. >> lawrence: governor ron desantis, folks. >> steve: give him that bloody mary now, he's done with the interview. >> brian: 16 after the top of the hour, what does biden think about his family's business deals. >> it's a bunch of lies. >> brian: really? what about this picture? golfing with hunter and business associates and there are pseudonames. >> ainsley: nikki haley will join us live to recap debate night. >> steve: first get kellyanne conway's winners and losers in the post-debate show. we're taking the best fibers our farm can produce, spinning it at one location, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? 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>> kellyanne: i may disagree, nikki haley keeps repeating 9 trillion in debt, etcetera, she was part of the administration. in terms of fitness, the question is joe biden's fitness. i have my eyes on the prize. we have an occupant, joe biden and deputy is kamala harris, neither demonstrate competence to justify a second term. i can't believe i didn't hear more about joe biden. knowing all four of them as i do and happy they are all in the republican party, when you are in debates, focus on three things you want people to take away, make your own moments and memories for voters. three things to improve their lives, people are suffering economically, energy policy and rising cost and rising crime, hot spots, crisis and chaos and certainly at the southern border. here is what was happening last night. they were all over the place, everybody trying to get in sound bites, big on insult, short on insight. way you say you are the alternative to trump, you are the alternative to biden. i heard them talk more about chris christie talked more about donald trump and vivek talked more about 9/11 and january 6 inside job and nikki haley talked about ron desantis and ron desantis talked about dr. fauci than any of them did about the women who were raped in israel. you have to do two things, have that 30,000 foot view of what you would do as president, make me think i will give you another look, you may be my second choice. respond to news of the day, that was faltered. also, i know some of them well enough to know they are not just telling the full truth on the stage. they each benefited from the trump presidency. some were part of the presidency, just say that. desantis would not be governor of florida without trump endorsing him. people want donald trump to be more gracious to them, they could be more grateful to say, we are here to take him on. voters disagree with that. trump will have more voters than in 2016, when i coined that phrase, more voters of color, more younger people, some were women. >> ainsley: if you look at the playback of that and i'm sure they are studying that this morning or will this week. i agree, i wanted to hear more about the economy, they focused on chopping off body parts, i was watching with my daughter, she wanted to stay up late, that presented an interesting conversation with my eight year old, i wanted to hear about the border and those topics were not the focus. i did hear deputy campaign chairman for joe biden say he was not willing to commit on whether or not joe biden was going to debate. he said we're focused on the campaign right now, do you think they will both want to go on the debate stage? >> kellyanne: trump will, he is ready, he can take on joe biden by comparing presidential records and policy prescriptions and i think trump won the week in this i wa. night before this debate, president trump had an hour with sean hannity and had the debate stage to himself and able to layout what he would do on the first day, in the first month or so and it was policy prescriptive. he talked about anwar, the economy, he knows people are living paycheck to paycheck. if you are a young person in this country, what does the biden administration offer you? when are you going to be able to afford your first home? get out of debt, think you are in a financial situation to get married and have children? latest cnn poll, 33% of young voters have favorable opinion of joe biden. i think last night really proves monmouth poll to be true, it shows favorable and unfavorable ratings among republican and independent leaning republican voters. trump has about 80% favorable, 12% unfavorable, desantis gone down, has pretty good delta. the tale is chris christie is way under water with republican voters. nikki haley has plus 12 differential and has to be careful, desantis scored some points, she should be asked why only plus 12 among republicans? they should transport themselves against joe biden in the debate. biden will not want to debate, he should be held to account on afghanistan, energy, border and economy, no doubt. >> ainsley: you brought up excellent point saying they need to focus on beating joe biden. hard to watch when you are a republican and you see competent individuals on stage, all better than joe biden attacking each other and ronald reagan said we shouldn't do that if we're in the same party. >> steve: yeah, 11th commandment. >> ainsley: coming up, what does biden think about his family's business deals. >> president biden: a bunch of lies. they are lies. >> ainsley: is the president hiding something? >> steve: far left squad member jamaal bowman faces a censor vote today, jim jordan will join us on that. >> ainsley: launwrence jones wi have a special guest. >> lawrence: we have governor nikki haley here and we have a crowd in tuscaloosa, alabama. roll tide! 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(tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. i'm patriotic kenny. and, hi, i'm amanda on tiktok. my scooter broke down. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy. within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. i look back with great satisfaction on my 32 years in active duty. i understand the veteran mentality. these are people who have served. they've been in leadership positions. they're willing to put their life on the line if necessary. and they come to us and they say, i need some financial help at this point in time. they're not looking for a handout. they're looking for a little hand up. my team at newday usa is going to do everything we possibly can to make sure that veteran gets that loan. >> brian: house expected to vote today to censor jamaal bowman. peter doocy has the latest. >> peter: he pleaded guilty now congress wants to censor. >> the censor resolution against me today demonstrate their inability to. i tried to exit a door i usually go through, it didn't open and due to confusion and rush to vote, i pulled the fire alarm, no way did i obstruct official proceedings. >> peter: bowman ignored the fact the door was clearly marked. what will happen? he will not lose privileges or trappings of his office and pulling fire alarms is something many learn not to do in kindergarten, bowman's progressive colleagues have his back. >> what is next, jaywalking? do you want to get us for jaywalking? for not crossing the street correctly? this is truly ridiculous. >> peter: i have asked press secretary if president biden has pulled a fire alarm and i was told they don't have comment on that. >> brian: follow-up on that today. thank you. gop congressman jim jordan chairs the committee, where do you stand on jamaal bowman, do you want him censored? >> i will vote that way and i think it will happen today, more broader and emblem attic how crazy things have gotten. department of justice that says parents are terrorists and members of congress pulling a fire alarm to disrupt a vote. i think there will be a censor vote and it will probably pass. as peter pointed out, this is basically reprimand and he will continue to serve. >> brian: we know about cafe milano. we know about the meetings and the phone calls when he was on speaker phone and 82 pages of e-mails documents under pseudoname and e-mails of extreme interest having to interact with schwerin, you would assume joe biden will say of course i had dealings with my son's business partners, but no, here he is yesterday. >> can you explain to americans why you interacted with so many of your son and brother's foreign business associates? >> president biden: i will not comment, i did not, that is a bunch of lies, just lies. i did not, they are lies. >> brian: really? okay. case closed? >> we know he had dinners, phone calls and meetings, hunter biden's business partner testified he did. devon archer under oath, that when hunter biden asked by head of burisma, he was asked, can you help us weigh in with d.c., weigh in to take away pressure from the prosecutor in ukraine, we asked devon archer, what did hunter biden do with that request? devon archer's response was, he called his dad. what did joe biden do? he flue to ukraine and said you are not getting the money unless you fire the person using pressure. in addition to calls, meetings and dinners, hunter biden flew to different locations and conducted business. this is ridiculous. >> brian: 327 e-mail exchanges with pseudoname, with joe biden, hunter biden and schwerin and 27 exchanged prior to return trip in november of 2014, how long can he get away with saying it's lies? when will american people get fed up? >> the american people have common sense, i think they figured it out already. fact pattern related to burisma is the key here. you have a politician who does certain things and actions benefit his family and there is effort to cover it up, joe biden took action to help his son with burisma and other actions, as well. and david weiss spent five years investigating, they let statute of limitation lapse for 2014 and 2015, the year he was getting all the burisma income. look, but for, maybe the key point, but for two whistleblowers from the irs, they might have gotten away with it but these brave whistleblowers stories have held up. mr. shapley and mr. ziegler testimony have not waivered because they are telling the truth. >> brian: they are irs guys, not political guys. to this, most speaking time at the heated debate stage and vivek ramaswamy spent much of it attacking nikki haley. >> ainsley: didn't know we were on camera. >> three provinces they want our troops to fight for. nikki, i don't have a woman problem, you have a corruption problem, that is what people need to know, nikki is corrupt. this woman will send your kids to battle so she can buy a bigger house. only person more fascist than biden is nikki haley. nikki haley latest friends like larry fink created economy with chevron while being a shareholder of petro-china. >> ainsley: nikki haley is live with lawrence in tuscaloosa. lawrence. >> lawrence: can y'all give a roll tide welcome to this clemson graduate? [cheering] >> lawrence: okay. so governor, ambassador, i forget -- >> it is nikki, those are moments in time. >> lawrence: talk about the performance last night. vivek had a sign and said nikki is corrupt. take the banter out, there are a lot of corporations, business people and corporations giving you money. when business folks give money, they want something in return. put it to rest, when they come to you, what do you tell them? >> when they come to me, they ask my views, they know i'm tough on china, they saw my work, they saw me at the un. these fellas would take every bit of that support if it was going to them. they are jealous it is coming to me. last night it was clear, we are surging in the polls, we are picking and choosing battles. it is not worth dealing with vivek, he keeps saying i'm a military contractor. i've never been a military contractor. i will not give him one more second, i will not deal with him anymore. >> lawrence: an issue that got pushback was the social media company and tracking and potential folks having some id to follow them. what did you mean by getting involved with the social media companies and are these folks going to be tracked if nikki haley becomes president. >> absolutely not, i made it clear government should not be involved with social media companies. social media companies need to show everyone their algorithms so they know why things move the way they are. national security side, social media companies need to show us what they are doing to get rid of bots. there are millions of bots spreading disinformation, they are computer generated and dividing our country. we have to get the foreign bots out. we will fight for freedom of speech, we will not fight for russia, hamas iran to have freedom of speech. would it be more civil to put your name, of course, we will not have government do that. social media companies owe it for our country and national security to fight hard to get rid of this foreign intrusion happening in our country. >> lawrence: if they refuse to do it, though, what does a president haley do? >> i think they won't refuse it, because we have to partner on this. these are national security issues. when you have iran going in pushing pro-hamas csentiment an them putting things online to help russia and china and iran, that is national security threat. they have to protect americans. >> lawrence: there are questions for you. >> steve: we do, indeed. hi, guys. >> steve: ambassador, governor, nikki, good morning, thank you. you are right, you are surging in the polls and donations and we read a lot about wealthy people suddenly in your camp and i understand with the debate last night, it was about the other three people -- with exception of chris christie, trying to show differences in policy and ron desantis did that. vivek ramaswamy was so insulting down-right mean to you and chris christie, as well, what happened to the republican party. ronald reagan said, 11th commandment is republicans shalt not say anything ill about other republicans. we drifted a long way from that. >> that is why you didn't see me engage with him, i will not participate with someone who does not know how to act civilized. he is not running for president, he has other motivations. my focus is on the economy, inflation is high, every student is wondering how they will be able to afford a home and pay off student loans and continue to get a job. we are worried about crime in our streets or fentanyl crossing the border or a border out of control, there are a lot of issues and that is why we are sur surging, these issues matter to normal people. that is the focus i've got and will keep. >> ainsley: ambassador, only female running for president this year or next year, i should say. you were the ambassador, you are familiar with the un. the un failed to call out against hamas, what is your message to the un and why are they refusing to do this? >> united nations continue to show they are a farce and have no credibility, this is why i called them out constantly, they claim they are for human rights, but when it comes to fighting, they don't do it. you have women and girls that were not only raped, their naked bodies were dragged through the streets of gaza and mutilated and abused, to not be able to say that was brutality and torture says more about them than the civilized people in civilized countries. it's a shame, they are not relevant and have an issue. >> ainsley: brian, you have a question? >> brian: in the big picture, you just got a huge boost, $250,000 from co-founder of linkedin, he wants joe biden, he is trying to use his money to raise you up, perhaps he thinks you are more beatable than donald trump. is there part of you that does not want to accept that money. >> i don't know who that person is, we have had 150 plus thousand votes from all 50 states, 95% of them $200 or less. anybody that wants to support us, we will take it. i beat joe biden. you have donald trump head-to-head with joe biden. i beat joe biden by 10 to 13 points, this is about saving our country, this is go house seats, senate seats, winning again and ending chaos, we have to end the chaos, i'm determined to do it. we will fight for everyone person's votes i will take whatever we need, republicans have lost last seven out of eight popular votes. you win with addition, not pushing people away. >> lawrence: governor nikki haley, folks. [cheering] >> ainsley: ahead, record-setting day at biden's border, a live report next. first check in with bill hemmer. >> bill: great show today, good stuff, well done to all of you. today marks two months now since the raid in israel, many refuse to recognize damage to the jewish people there and in our country, as well. what is going on here? who runs immigration policy like this administration anywhere in the world? new records at the border yet again insanity. a big debate, a lot to chew on. let the inmates vote? latest idea from a squad member? dana and i will see you top of the hour, in nine minutes, we will see you then. i try to put my arm around any vet that i can. absolutely. at newday usa, that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. when i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. >> ainsley: 2024 republican candidates soundsing the alarm on the crisis of the southern border at the debate last night. >> brian: border patrol hit 12,000 migrants crossed into the u.s. on tuesday, one day. griff jenkins is live in washington. we've never seen anything like this. >> we've reached a breaking point is what every cpb source tells me. the dell row owe sector had more than 3,000 migrants in the last 24 hours. it's the third straight day of 3,000 or more. on any given shift in eagle pass they have no more than 40 to 50 agents per shift. countless miles of wide open border. the record with the 12,000 in one day crossing the southwest border. remember when obama's secretary jay johnson said 1,000 encounters was the definition of a crisis? let's go to lukeville, arizona. migrants there lining up to cross in droves. they see more than 2,000 a day there. on the number across the year the fiscal year we got these, you see that since october one, 535,000 plus encounters with 65,000 plus known gotaways. that's why this crisis was front and center last night. >> here is the thing. if we had a wall across the southern border, which i support, this would not have happened. i am not going to sit and let sex trafficking go unabated or human trafficking go unabated. there will be a new sheriff in town and the cartels better buckle up. >> all the seven or 8 million illegals who have come under biden's watch have to go back. my parents came here legally. they are offended by those coming illegally. we can't let them skip the lines. >> the crisis will get worse. u.n. organization for migration reports more than 500,000 have crossed in that darian gap this year. the bellwether for what's coming our way. ainsley and brian. >> brian: thanks so much. >> ainsley: lawrence is talking to voters live at brick and spoon in alabama where the debate was last night. hey, lawrence. >> back at brick and spoon. let's go -- i want to ask folks about the border. it was donald trump's signature issue looks like it is back in headlines again. who do you think is the best candidate right now, those on the debate stage and the guy that wasn't on the debate stage, to solve our border crisis? >> trump by far because he secured it before. he was for the wall. we are for legal immigration but not illegal immigration. how much money is being spent on illegals could be spent on our own taxpayers. he would be the strongest as he has proven he was. >> my younger voters, tell me what's the most important issue for you in this next election? >> the economy by far. i think as a student we have so many issues with student loans in themselves but then after college we have to be able to support ourselves. i want to have a family and a home and at this point that's not something i can see in my immediate future. that is a very scary thing for me. >> lawrence: a lot of young people agree with you. thank you so much. it has been so great being at the brick and spoon in alabama. i'll send it back to you guys in new york. >> brian: got to wear a suit and tie. hope you brought it. >> ainsley: bye, everyone. have a great day. see you tomorrow. >> brian: stay within yourself. >> bill: thanks, guys. good morning. right now president trump expected back in court. his civil fraud tria

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