indicted again. hunter biden facing nine new charges and up to 17 years in prison, three felonies and six misdemeanors for allegedly skipping out on a million and a half dollars in federal taxes. estimate living big and shelling out cash on serious debauchery. the filing details massive spending on, this is a direct quote, everything but his taxes. some call hunter indictment round two a, quote, nuclear bomb for the bidens. the president now staring down an impeachment inquiry vote and vying for re-election at the same time. fox news contributor jonathan turley says he has a bit of deja vu. >> remind me of clinton's sort of chest poking saying i did not have intimate relations with that woman. basically he is saying i did not have interactions with those people. it didn't work for clinton and it is even more insulting here. what the president is facing is a trap of his own making. july that in reference to this denial. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky. i never told anybody to lie, not a single time, never. these allegations are false. >> julie: which sounds a lot like these >> president biden: i have never spoken to my son about overseas business dealings. i have never discussed with my son, brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses period. it is just a bunch of lies. lies. i did not. they are lies. >> julie: today's "new york post" cover dubs hunter biden wild child. david spunt with more on this, hey, david. >> the government spells it out quote hunter biden chose not to pay at least $1.4 million in self-assessed federal taxes, end quote. julie, apparently he had plenty of money to do so. the indictment was filed late last night in the central district of california in los angeles where hunter biden called home since 2018. it reads between 2016 and october 15th, 2020, the defendant spent this money on drugs, escorts, girlfriends, luxury hotels and exotic cars, clothing and other items of a personal nature. everything but his taxes, end quote. they include failure to pay taxes in 2016, 2017, failure to file in 2017, failure to pay in 2018. also a failure to file in 2018 and then you get into the felonies of tax evasion in 2018 filing a false return in 2018, which is a felony and filing another false return on another document in 2018. looking at the expenses, 1.6 million plus in atm withdrawals, more than $683,000 for payments to various women according to the document. 397,000 for clothing, 309,000 on education tuition, 237,000 on health and beauty and pharmacy products and miscellaneous purse 236,000. 214,000 on food, groceries, restaurants. 188,000 plus on adult entertainment. 71 grand on drug and alcohol rehab. 24 on home improvement. 23,000 plus on sports and recreation. hunter's attorney telling fox news in a statement based on the facts and law if hunter's last name was anything other than biden the charges in delaware and now california would not have been brought. abbe lowell says now after five years of investigating with no new evidence and two years after hunter paid his taxes in full the u.s. attorney has piled on the nine new charges when he had agreed months to go to resolve the matter with misdemeanors. the nine charges are in addition to those federal gun charges that he is facing in delaware. it appears in both cases he is ready to take his chances on a jury. these trials could happen in 2024 when his dad is running for the white house one more time. >> julie: you could call it bad timing. david spunt. thank you very much. sean duffy former wisconsin congressman and co-host of the bottom line on fox business joins me now. i will admit it is hard to write off drugs, prostitutes and exotic cars. i never personal plea have done it myself. if i told my accountant i wanted to do that he would think i was crazy. clearly hunter's failure to pay his taxes leaves you wondering what other illegal activity was the president's son up to and how much and this is the most critical, i believe, did his dad actually know about it at the time and still does? >> we don't know the answer to how much joe biden knew of hunter biden. we can suspect and have inclinations that joe biden was part of this whole enterprising scheme. it is important to step back and go this was intentional on hunter biden's part and willful on his part not to pay his taxes and to think that we are four, five, six years beyond the tax years which hunter biden was lying on his tax forms and we're now just seeing the department of justice, weiss as a special counsel file charges. it begs the question what is going on? why wasn't this brought the year after his taxes were filed? any other american would have been charged within a year of filing false returns like hunter. to your point in the report, it seems like the department of justice, the f.b.i. and i.r.s. were all trying to sweep this under the rug until the i.r.s. whistleblower shapley came out and said whoa, hunter biden has made $8 million that he hasn't paid taxes on. the house got involved. american public saw the sweetheart deal and because of that pressure only now do we have charges on joe biden's son. >> julie: the "new york post" op-ed board making the point you just raised. this is the case feds should have brought against hunter biden in the first place. an excerpt reads this wasn't an ordinary accounting mistake. it was a scheme to not pay $1.4 million to uncle sam after dithering for years, hunter was originally offered a no jail, no fault misdemeanor plea. why? the evidence seems clear the justice department was burying it as a favor to joe biden. it took a small number of brave whistleblowers and a straight talking judge to stop the sham. now, the bidens would like to say if it wasn't for his last name he would not be indicted as he has been. these are felony charges. these nine additional charges brought up in california are just in addition to the charges that he faces in delaware, which is including the carrying a gun charge and buying a gun which again is a very serious charge. i don't care what your last name is when you have a history with drugs, it is illegal to get a gun permit. so it's not that he is the president's son but he expects to be treated special because he is the president's son. that's the problem. >> we don't have as many cases to compare on the lying on the gun charges but a lot of cases we can compare on tax evasion, tax fraud and he has been treated special because anyone else who has a name different than biden would have been charged right away, probably more charges, and would have been facing higher penalties. they are getting a break here. what's interesting, you mentioned this. you have the federal government, whether the i.r.s., department of justice, f.b.i. that have been running cover for joe biden because joe biden is a powerful democrat, knew he would run for president and wanted to protect him. one of the issues here is if joe biden doesn't run again, i think he is fearful that protection goes away and if joe biden, hunter biden and jim biden are all going to face the full scrutiny of the federal government whether the i.r.s. or department of justice, that is a scary proposition for them because i think they will find some fire where they see smoke. so now even though joe biden's poll numbers are low, he has to run for office. he has to run for re-election because that's how he keeps the cover from the federal government. he doesn't run, he doesn't get the cover. and therefore he will be subject to the scrutiny of the legal system like every other american and he can't have that. >> julie: his father is his fire extinguisher. hunter biden was not tax delinquent because he was broke. he was making piles of money, a big friday dose of irony. let's take a look at his father's take on wealthy americans and taxes by the way. >> president biden: the wealthy still do very well even though they don't pay their taxes. [laughter] the wealthy still do well. they have to start paying their taxes. the wealthy still do well and have to start paying their taxes. we begin to make the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share. >> julie: i guess hunter wasn't there to raise his hand. >> it takes a special politician to make statements and speeches like that knowing all well that your own family hasn't paid their taxes and by the way, this could come back to joe biden as well. he said he was paid back loan money from his brother, jim biden, but if that was payment for the big buy, the 10% and didn't pay taxes on it joe biden might find himself in the same situation that hunter finds himself in. to say that rich americans don't pay their taxes and the rest of that sentence, it's the bidens who don't pay their taxes and filthy rich and made their money in shady ways. one other point, too. i think maybe hunter thought through the shell companies that he had set up to make money off of american enemies, he could have hid some of this income from the i.r.s. he might have thought it was a great scheme. i.r.s. has great accountants and they see everything. that scheme didn't work. >> julie: it is ironic the former present and current president are being accused of not properly filing taxes or not filing their proper saal reels to make due for the taxes they should owe but yet one is being tried and the other is not. thank you very much, sean duffy. we appreciate that. hunter biden's massive legal migraine not just his problem. watch. >> while the words president biden don't appear anyplace in the indictment, the schemes that generated the income are the ones that we've been hearing about for months and he runs through those like a thread. >> julie: the timing couldn't be worse. house republicans firing on all cylinders planning to make an impeachment inquiry into the president official next week and hunter will play a starring role in that. plus voters are down on the biden economy but the liberal media doing its best cheerleader impression. >> people thought a year ago we would be deep in recession. while we might not be thrilled with prices, we might not be thrilled with how difficult it is to buy a house or a car, man, it's a whole heck of a lot better than what we thought it would be. >> julie: the white house down playing changes to the bidenomics messaging. that word we hear so much, poof, gone with the wind. power panel hashs it out next. s you loved doing... before your asthma got in the way? get back to the things you love... with fasenra. fasenra is an add-on treatment for eosinophilic asthma. having too many eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, can cause inflammation and asthma symptoms. fasenra is designed to target and remove eosinophils and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is 1 dose every 8 weeks. fasenra can help patients to breathe better. most patients did not have an asthma attack in the first year. and fasenra helps lower the use of oral steroids. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems or other eosinophilic conditions. allergic reactions may occur. don't stop your asthma treatments without talking with your doctor. tell your doctor if your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. get back to better breathing. and get back to your life. ask your doctor about fasenra. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. vision insurance doesn't do you any good if you don't use it. just like this treadmill i bought, that i keep saying that i'll use... but never do. yeah. put your vision insurance to good use. get 50% off your second pair. book an exam today. sleep more deeply. and wake up rejuvenated. with purple's new mattresses - fall asleep 20% faster. have less aches and pains and sleep uninterrupted. right now save up to $900 dollars off mattress sets during purple's black friday sale. visit or a store near you today. after switching to the farmer's dog we noticed so many improvements in remi's health. his allergies were going away and he just had amazing energy. it looks like nutritious food, and it is. i'm investing in my dog's health and happiness. get started at there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. (car engine revs) (engine accelerating) (texting clicks) (tires squeal) (glass shattering) (loose gravel clanking) >> julie: as always we're watching live events oz they happen. chris christie in iowa on the left of your screen and vivek ramaswamy in new hampshire on the right. it is reversed. ramaswamy is actually in iowa and chris christie is in new hampshire. both are stumping hard with just 38 days until the iowa caucuses. we'll bring you any news out of the campaign events if we get it. meantime weeks of polling shows voters have a dismal view on bidenomics. that could explain why president biden hasn't uttered one word in recent speeches. members of his own party avoiding it like the plague. 2/three of voters disapprove of the president's handling of the economy and inflation. yet the white house insists -- it insists the president hasn't changed his messaging. >> when he talks about the economy, that is bidenomics. when he talks about what we're doing and how we are delivering nor the american people. that's bidenomics. >> julie: which is it? a recent nbc report with the headline jumbled mess. the bidenomics brand leaves nearly everyone, including biden, baffled. the piece goes on to detail how it is a term that mpuzzles americans. the new word from the white house, maganomics. white house spokesman saying in a memo released monday attacking gop policies. efforts to repeal the affordable care act and inflation reduction act put the differences between bidenomics and maganomics into sharp perspective. power panel. jonathan kott, former communications director for manchin and -- could you guys have longer titles? i'll start with you. maganomics is so stupid. they love to make fun of maga. they're promoting the president as far as i'm concerned because it's his term. jonathan, the former president trump. not even democrats use the term bidenomics, okay, which is pretty telling if it was working they would be touting it leading up to the next presidential election. the press secretary likes the word but it doesn't seem any other democrat is on the same page. >> we like 14 million jobs created, almost a million in manufacturing, economic growth at 5%, unemployment at historic lows, small business records being broken there. we do love talking about bidenomics. we love talking about the components of it. if you ask the voters, they love that stuff. they love the infrastructure bill when you talk to them about what's in the bill. they love seeing bridges built, roads built, jobs being created, pipelines being laid. we are getting new drinking water for all those cities and states that haven't had it for years. we are getting fiber in there so people have actual high-speed internet access. those are all components of bidenomics and pretty popular. >> julie: i talk to the american public on twitter and see what they feel like. one wrote before this segment. i wish people who have money would stop saying it's not that bad. my retired husband had to go back to work. he is part of the job market. the one you just mentioned. he should be home with me. we're 70. that's just one of many stories of americans who are struggling not because of inflation, but because of the fact that the president hasn't really done anything to make up for it. you talk about wages up, that doesn't make up for inflation and unfortunately retired folks are having to go back to work. it is that bad. why doesn't the administration actually address this? >> i think it's great that jonathan talks about all these great things and when you look at focus group data from republican voters and likely democratic voters they say we love how great these things sound but the reality is we don't feel them. we don't see them. i travel often, whether it's african-american communities in the inner city or when i go down to texas to do firearms related events and talked to people in rural parts of texas. one consistent theme is similar from both ethnic groups. that is that the economic situation has not improved for them every day. it is easy for those folks in new york city or washington, d.c. or may even l.a. to say things are improved for them because they are making the money. for the average hard working middle class person they are seeing wages not increase. they have seen inflation impact the cost of daily things from paying their cell phone bills and paying rent or mortgage. paying for things that their kids may need for school. god forbid if you have a kid going to college and call and say i need extra money to pay for something i want to join on campus. they don't have the resources, julie. it is great to say that all of these things sound remarkable on paper, but the reality is everyday americans don't feel it. versus looking at the economy under trump two years before the covid pandemic, every single american said you know what? it was really good. which is why people want to go back. they aren't liking bidenomics. >> julie: it's great our infrastructure plan is improving and we have great bridges. unfortunately people need to put food on the table. hunter biden's indictment on nine new tax charges butting up against his father's own legal and political peril. president biden says it is a bunch of lies that he talked with his son and brother's foreign business associates. house oversight chair james comer says the proof is out there. >> there is no shortage of crimes the bidens have committed. our investigation is of joe biden and we know that joe biden met with every single person, including the health people in florida that jim biden defrauded. we know joe biden met with or spoke to every single person that wired his families millions of dollars. the evidence is overwhelming and american people see through it. it is time for the bidens to tell the truth. they cannot lie to the american people anymore. the walls are closing in on the president. >> julie: house rules committee has released the text of the indictment inquiry resolution, a portion reads in part and i quote, the biden family & associates received more than $24 million from foreign nationals. it has become clear the biden family sold influence around the world using joe biden's name as the product. an investigation in any jurisdiction around the country would move forward if it had these facts. a vote on an inquiry puts the house in the best position to prevail in court and uncover the truth. but jonathan, speaking of the truth, the president says these are all lies, not facts. what say you? >> i think the president is correct and the best witness for the president being truthful is james comer because every time he puts out new facts and new evidence, it actually just proves the president's case even stronger. they've been doing this for three years. they have found nothing. their own witnesses prove the case that the president has made. they had four years of investigations from the justice department under donald trump. they found nothing. and if you want even more proof. when hunter biden, the person that james comer has been screaming about for three years said i'll testify but in public, what did he say? no, i don't want that because he then can't cherry pick little pieces of information and put them out there. it turns out joe biden is a very loving father. i wish i had a father that was as caring and loving as joe biden. i didn't. my father didn't care about what i did business-wise. joe biden checked in with his son and called to say hi. if he was with somebody he said hi to them. that's the extent of this evidence and i'm hopeful he puts all the moderate republicans on the record with this vote because it will put the nail in their coffin in 2024 because they told voters they were coming to washington to work on the issues that they want them to work on and they haven't been. i'm hopeful for this. >> julie: i feel like you glossed over a lot of evidence that exists there are emails and evidence that joe biden was with his son. his son owes back taxes and you say the president didn't know about any of this and the president's name was used when hunter biden was trying to make the deals and the president was sitting with him. i'm next to the big guy. his father had to know of the dealings. >> he is a loving father who spent time with his son. >> julie: i'm a loving mom but i don't allow my children to commit crimes. but he has lied about it. there is evidence that shows he lies about it. there are emails and photos of him. what are you talking about? what about the emails and the photos, photographic evidence. >> james comer has been given unprecedented access to financial records and evidence and found nothing. he has been doing this for three years and after three years he is just now saying we're going to now do this >> julie: exactly. investigations take for. when cocaine is found in the white house that investigation happened fast. the white house is responding to the impeachment resolution and why one needs to happen. you know that. a spokesperson tells folks and i quote this baseless stunt is not rooted in facts or reality but republicans shameless desire to smear hunter biden. just put a button on this. address jonathan's point about the evidence has no involvement. >> if this the son of a republican president, if this were one of the sons of donald trump, this would be a national crisis in terms of democrats wanting to look into the president, the media would focus on this exclusively. if the president -- if a republican president's son was indicted by a state on not paying taxes charges. we saw actor wesley snipes go to prison over what hunter biden has been indicted on. it would be covered. questions will be asked why is the son of the president calling his dad when he is having business meetings and the dad never asks why are you calling me when you meet with potential business clients? it doesn't seem weird. i don't know what the details will elude to here but the american people listen to this story, republican voters, independent voters and say where there is smoke there is often fire. maybe we should look into this to see where it goes. >> julie: that's all the time we have. hypocrisy on a roll from the green police. diplomats and world leaders plotting to come after your burger while they are dining on yep, burgers at the annual u.n. climate summit. american farmers ripping their plan and saying it will backfire big time. plus the fallout getting faster and more furious. the presidents of the three elite universities, you know, who testified on capitol hill about campus anti-semitism and are getting it from all sides, from congress to donors and growing demands that they resign. >> as a consequence of the october 7th attack, a lot of students feel that they have a free pass and they can get away with anti-semitism and anti-semitic rhetoric and behavior whether it's harvard, mit or u penn. mit or u penn. clear with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs, and our premium coins, can help you preserve your wealth. call rosland capital at 800-630-8900 to receive your free rosland guide to gold, gold & precious metals ira, and silver brochures. with rosland, there are no hassles, no gimmicks, and our shipping is fast and reliable. remember. keep it simple. make gold your new standard. call rosland capital today at 800-630-8900, 800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. 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you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. >> julie: massive backlash continues over the testimony of the presidents of harvard, m.i.t. and upenn when it comes to calls for genocide of jews. calls growing for them to resign. congress launching an investigation. donors pulling tens of millions of dollars . one republican congressman with this. >> i think the goal is to show the utter hypocrisy of these presidents. it has been coming on for a long, long time. we need to uncover everything that's going on there and the corruption of the young minds that is occurring at these institutions of higher learning. >> julie: harvard president claudia gay out with an apology. she said i'm sorry, words matter. u penn's president apologized. one group flying a plane with a banner saying harvard hates use. u penn has billboards going around -- >> jewish students plan to continue the flights of the planes. the pressure on harvard university president claudia gay to resign continues despite her apology over saying that calling for the genocide of jews violates school policies of harassment, quote. depending on the context. the only rabbi on the university's anti-semitism task force has resigned calling gay's testimony, quote, painfully inadequate. it is penn university president liz mcgill who faces the most intense pressure to resign. the board calling on her to step down immediately, quote. the leadership of the university does not share the values of our board nor does it appear to understand the urgency to address the safety of our students on campus. penn mega donor hedge fund ceo ross stevens says he is appalled by the university stance on anti-semitism and calling on mcgill to resign. withdrawing his $1 hundred million donation to the university. republican congresswoman stefanik who grilled the university presidents on capitol hill wrote an op-ed called harvard shrugs at anti-semitism. the lack of moral clarity is awful. the consequence is the that the boards replace them with leaders who will restore moral clarity. the congressional committee on education and the workforce is opening a formal investigation into the learning environments at all three of these universities warning other universities they will be investigated, too. julie. >> julie: thank you very much. the "new york post" spoke with the israeli president herzog about rampant campus anti-semitism. he says it is a test to all human beings who have to decide between evil and good. raymond arroyo, fox news contributor, joins me now. this situation has just gotten so out of hand. these apologies are too little too late. not sincere. one of them couldn't say the word sorry that reminds me of a child who won't own up for doing something wrong. these are adults and should be health accountable and they should be fired. >> julie, look, what we're seeing and this late-day revisionism, why are they only holding these colleges accountable now? this has been going on in universities for decades. you see a revulsion and hatred of judeo-christian thoughts. the idea was free inquiry when they were founded and pursuit of the truth. now these universities have been perverted and turned into temples of ideology where ideology is not only created but policed and then the mignon s are sent into society. this has to end. the ugly face of it that we're seeing now where you have people demanding the genocide of the jewish people and this is being countenanceed on these universities is simply unacceptable in every level. the public funding should be held up until these schools are reformed. i'm glad these donors have finally engaged but it comes, as i said, late in the game, julie. christian voices, jewish voices, people who just bring forward established truths that we know through time. human truth have been pushed out of university life. now at least this is brought to a head the crisis that these universities find themselves in and i'm glad we're at least having the moment and the rabbi is right. there is an evil in these universities and it is that ideology. that's what he said when he resigned from harvard the other day. i'm glad he said that. >> julie: i have to bring back what bryan mentioned about congresswoman's comments. the undergraduate students are being taught that cis heterosexualism. fat phobia and using the wrong pro nouns qualified as abuse and perpetuated violence on campus but calling for genocide does not? i don't know how you possibly are an educator at this point. just change careers and go into catering. >> this is the problem. this is the ideology in action. you create new status of people. you are redefining nature and protecting a people that don't even exist, you are creating them as you go. meanwhile you are expelling from public life judeo-christian values, faith, people of faith. anyone who dares express it. they are forced away. in this case they are being told you should be killed. we need to remove you from the earth. that's being accepted? i'm sorry, there is something very perverse that has happened in the last century or so in academia. it has to be reformed and money, sadly, is the thing that is galvanizing the attention now. only because those big donors are pulling $100 billion donations to the universities that anybody is paying attention or this protest and the calling for the killing of jews or christians or whoever would continue to go on. i'm sorry, we can never permit this. it is inhuman, it's hate and universities should not be calderons of hate and that's what we have become. i'm glad people are focused on this. >> julie: great talking to you. the biden administration is shattering records and not good ones. this week saw the highest daily crossings ever but we're also talking about burgers and hypocrisy on a roll. the burger police are on the way. u.n. says wealthy countries need to eat less meat for the good of the planet. the u.n. food and agricultural organization outlining plans in a global systems food map released at the cop28 climate summit in dubai where dignitaries kind on gourmet steaks and burgers. "the washington examiner" with this. the climate cops know they would lose in a landslide. why so many of their regulations are hidden in non-binding guidance documents. but the end result is the same. higher prices in supermarkets and at gas pumps. average people are made to suffer so kerry and his ilk can get around the world for a steak dinner and burger. raymond, your thoughts. >> julie, when you look at this, i watched this climate conference last week very closely. john kerry gave a big speech on phasing out coal and controlling methane emissions. he can't control his own methane emissions. stories he may have had his only little natural gas explosion in public a couple of times. when you look at the menu here, julie, these guys are eating steak and burgers and philly cheese steaks, ribs. they don't curtail their own intake. they are in no way regulating their own consumption of livestock but want you to do it. this is the problem. it trumps common sense. it is ideology over common sense. we need protein to survive. human beings need to raise livestock. we need to grow plants to eat and sustain ourselves. the very idea that you are suddenly going to outlaw that trying to save the environment is madness. and when you get down to even the science they put forward, 14% of methane emissions come from livestock. 14%. this is ludicrous that you are suddenly going to regulate and stop farmers and produce providers. this is what the world relies on. what they really want to do is take your burger and distribute it to somebody else. that isn't going to happen no matter how many times john kerry says it. >> julie: putting farmers out of business is a real smart plan. they are eating the burgers and it isn't going anywhere. we're talking about it because it's ridiculous. thank you for coming on. a school book battle one nonprofit now taking on the world's largest kid book publisher starting their own alternative book fairs focused on conservative christian values. my dear friend kirk cameron is helping to lead the charge and he joins me next. benefit allowed me to keep my money in my pocket. and my service was my down payment. i talked with newday on a thursday, put a contract on this house on saturday. 30 days later, we were moving in. i would tell other vets out there who are dreaming of getting into a home to stop dreaming. pick up the phone. call newday. you served your country. allow newday to serve you. - after military service, you bring a lot back to civilian life. leadership skills. technical ability. and a drive to serve in new ways. syracuse university's d'aniello institute for veterans and military families has empowered more than 200,000 veterans to serve their communities and their careers. from professional certifications, to job training, to help navigating programs and services, we give veterans access to support from anywhere in the world. >> julie: we're talking about a battle over books in schools. actor and children's book author kirk cameron headed to virginia last weekend to start a first of its kind book fair. the event designed to give parents and kids a choice. it is a challenge to the major publishers that basically have a lock on kids' books in schools. kirk basically seen here at the virginia fair has spent a year promoting his books with a focus on conservative values and run against resistance with some libraries declining to carry his book all together or allow him to host readings. the sky tree events serve as an alternative for schools and families and kirk joins me now. great to see you. we have both written wholesome children's books. a lot of parents and grand parents have gone to the school board meetings so frustrated because it looks like the education system is trying to do the parenting for us and teaching our children completely inappropriate stuff. tell me how this book fair will hopefully change that. >> you are right. so many of the books in libraries and schools have become public enemy number one to the values that we hold dear. books like these, welcome to st. hell, my trans teen misadventure and others. we hold alternative book fairs to replace pornographic materials in books distributed to minors with wholesome books. i partnered with a nonprofit called sky tree book fairs. we are witnessing over one now people coming to the fairs like last weekend and over 1,000 schools public and private signing up to replace the old traditional fairs with harmful content for kids with wholesome content from sky tree book fairs and if you are a librarian, principle or teacher find out more go to sky tree book >> i have spoken to principals of public schools and they find it frustrating. their hands are tied. it is not the administrators to blame, it seems this has been indoctrinated into our culture now and sadly our children are very young and influential and becoming the victims of what has become crt, critical race theory, for example. sky tree will dilute any of that from getting into the hands of children. they will be basically like our editor and prevent these books from getting into the wrong hands. >> that's right. this is all led by parents and concerned citizens, the way it should be at the local level. and some of the great books that are there are the green ember series, sky tree book fairs. mooses are -- one of the all-time favorites is fiona as fantastical fort that you know about. >> julie: some of the favorite books out there this weekend. the message is what we want to promote here. positive, wholesome messages our children are lacking in school. >> no sexually explicit material in them. nothing that is gender confusing or racially infused. these are wholesome books that are designed to nourish children's imagination while rooting them in truth and character. we're excited about the momentum it's gaining. head to brave to find out more about it. go to sky tree book when you sign up for the book of the month club. >> julie: kirk, thank you so much. go to brave it is my book teaching about perseverance and teaches children not to give up and follow their goals and achieve them and don't expect things to come so easy in life. if you buy my book today on brave if you get a monthly membership you get me and kirk's books for free. check it out. kirk cameron, thank you so much and keep up the hard fight. i do appreciate it as a parent and mother of three. want to thank you for watching "the faulkner focus" today. "outnumbered" is after the break. hope you all have a very safe and wonderful weekend. your heart is the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you. i'm yael eckstein of the international fellowship of christians and jews, and this hanukkah holiday is of urgent importance. this is our last chance to help thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering today. have you eaten this morning? i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and this is what she ate in two days. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty. this hanukkah, your urgently needed gift of only $25, will help rush a food box packed full of life-saving essentials, and includes everything they need to celebrate the miracle of the hanukkah holiday. i am very proud to partner and align with the international fellowship of christians and jews. this trusted ministry is giving christians like me a way to bless elderly jewish people who live in extreme poverty around the world. i need to humbly accept it with gratitude because this is the only food i would have. my brightest memories are going to my aunt rosa, and i remember her on jewish holiday. they lit the menorah. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me. perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand i face hunger again. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the miracle of hanukkah. >> emily: first son hunter biden is facing nine new federal charges in what doj is calling four-year long tax evasion scheme. it comes a

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Organization ,Cop28 ,Climate Cops ,Gourmet Steaks ,Dignitaries ,Landslide ,Washington Examiner ,Many ,Same ,Guidance Documents ,Result ,Regulations ,Supermarkets ,Gas Pumps ,Ilk ,Steak Dinner ,Raymond ,Methane Emissions ,Times ,Speech ,Coal ,Phasing ,Natural Gas Explosion ,Menu ,Couple ,John Kerry ,Livestock ,Cheese Steaks ,Consumption ,Steak ,Ribs ,Intake ,Common Sense ,Plants ,Protein ,14 ,Environment ,Science ,Madness ,14 ,Produce ,Stop ,Somebody Else ,Providers ,Putting Farmers Out Of Business ,Smart Plan ,Anywhere ,Battle One Nonprofit ,Alternative Book Fairs ,Kid Book Publisher ,Kirk Cameron ,Service ,Down Payment ,Pocket ,My Dear ,Newday ,Contract ,Phone ,Call Newday ,Vets ,30 ,Veterans ,D Aniello Institute ,Ability ,Drive ,Military Service ,Leadership Skills ,200000 ,Services ,Job Training ,Programs ,Certifications ,Anywhere In The World ,Books ,First ,Battle ,Kirk Cameron Headed To Virginia ,Children S Book Author ,Parents ,Publishers ,Event ,Challenge ,Choice ,Lock On Kids ,Libraries ,Readings ,Virginia Fair ,Resistance ,Focus On Conservative Values ,Sky Tree Events ,Alternative ,Wholesome Children S Books ,Book Fair ,Parenting ,Teaching ,Education System ,School Board Meetings ,Public Enemy ,Teen Misadventure ,Welcome To St ,Shell ,Sky Tree Book Fairs ,Materials ,Nonprofit ,Others ,Minors ,Fairs ,Content ,Signing ,1000 ,Hands ,Sky Tree ,Teacher ,Book Fairs Org ,Librarian ,Principals ,Administrators ,Victims ,Culture ,Crt ,Critical Race Theory ,Example ,Editor ,Great Books ,Led ,Citizens ,Series ,Ember ,Mooses ,Weekend ,Message ,Favorites ,Fantastical Fort ,Messages ,Positive ,Material ,Gender ,Character ,Brave Books Com ,Momentum ,Nourish Children S ,Imagination ,Book Of The Month Club ,Go To Sky Tree ,Book Teaching ,Perseverance ,Goals ,Book Today On Brave Books Com ,Things To Come ,Membership ,Parent ,Fight ,The Faulkner Focus ,Heart ,Heart Failure ,Beat ,Entresto ,Blood ,Angioedema ,Body ,Baby ,Harm ,Death ,Aliskiren ,Arb ,Ace Inhibitor ,Blood Pressure ,Potassium ,Hanukkah Holiday ,Importance ,International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews ,Yael Eckstein ,Holocaust Survivors ,Chance ,Thousands ,Carrot ,Ministry ,Poverty ,Hanukkah ,Miracle ,Food Box ,Gift ,Essentials ,Rush A ,25 ,Partner ,Aunt Rosa ,Food ,Memories ,Gratitude ,Jewish Holiday ,Menorah ,Soul ,Survival Food Box ,Hunger ,Scan ,Holocaust Survivor ,Holiday Gift ,Tax Evasion Scheme ,

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