consensus. they found a center point and that's whereby they governed from. and they passed laws that have well beyond their time in the white house. >> steve: yeah. good point. get stuff done that lasts forever. doug and sydney and lydia, thank you very much for joining us from all across america today. >> god bless america and everyone out to our friends at campbell. >> steve: absolutely. doug, thank you. it is 7:00 here in new york city. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: we begin the second hour of "fox & friends" with this happening. today, hunter biden's legal team is prepared to fire paperwork in delaware later this morning, asking to dismiss the first son's gun charges. >> ainsley: i wonder if that will happen? they have been asking for that for a long time. today is paperwork day. facing a dozen counts. carrying 17 years. tax related charges for last thursday. and maximum 25 years behind bars for the gun related charges back in september. some democrats say it's time hunter faces the consequences. >> i think it's legally justified. i think this is a very troubled individual who has -- ha has done things that are worthy of prosecution and so i look forward to that case continuing. >> brian: wow, that's the new democratic mantra. he has got it coming. this comes as house republicans prepare to formalize their impeachment inquiry into president biden some time later this week. so, it's kind of interesting. we watch nadler and watched jamie raskin come out and then we watched senator murphy. it's hunter -- yeah, did he bad things, bad addiction. no one is making excuses. same with mitt romney. but they stopped there they just stop on a dime and they say this has nothing to do with joe as if we don't know about the restaurant meetings that they had. we don't know about the other times where he called in. we don't know about the tony bobulinski meeting in the beverly hilton where in that exchange he said take care of my family with these deals. and when he says they all lie, they are all liars. these are all lies, that's calling out everybody that was there. that testified. so it's almost a dare. i'm for the inquiry. i think impeachment itself is fruitless, and is going to take a lot of time. but expose what joe biden was up to and how he told -- didn't tell the truth leading up to 2020 and hasn't told i'm all for that. >> brian: find out if there is any information that could connect joe biden if there was any influence peddling with his son. that's why these lawmakers saying you know what? if you do on the do anything wrong, don't be scared. let us inquire. >> lawrence: could, steve. >> steve: we have been talking about this for almost a year now. you know, the problem with going through with an impeachment vote, there are close to 20 republicans who are in the house of representatives who are in districts that joe biden won. and so their jobs are actually in payroll. righ -- in peril. >> ainsley: 20. >> steve: there are 18 biden districts. so, foreign the republicans to put those members on the hook, they don't want to vote for that they would just as soon this goes away. to the department of justice, they were able to do some stuff that the republican could say not put together. and that was they built a solid legal case against hunter biden. and to the we would not be where we were today if it were not for that delaware federal judge whistleblowers. when you were brian, carrie kupec earlier talking about how members the banks flagged suspicious activities and said look at what hunter biden is doing. so the department of justice has the goods on hunter. it looks like. >> brian: vote for the inquiry. congressman lauri one of these people on the bubble in new york trying to hold on to that seat. no, no. i'm in on that. i am in on impeachment. haven't seen enough for impeachment yet. i want to find out more. >> lawrence: at the heart of this is special treatment. we got to go back to what happened with hunter biden as we prepare for his attorney to make this case to have this dismissed. you have secret service agents go pick up the gun. so he is sleeping with his brother's widow haley biden. and she thinks he is going to shoot himself because he is addicted to drugs. thee takes the gun. dumps it outside of a school, a high school. the secret service, which he wasn't under protection. joe biden wasn't vice president. he wasn't president. the 90 days of extra security of secret service protection had already expired. the secret service comes and they pick up the gun out of the store outside the school. and you got to ask yourself why does something like that happen? >> steve: well, and, lawrence, it's such a good point that you just made, and that is that joe biden was not vice president at the time. this was being handled by the donald trump department of justice. and so the question is why didn't bill barr and company, why didn't they follow through on that? and, you know, brian, you were talking about how there are republicans who have suggested, you know, i'm for an inquiry vote. i haven't seen anything yet i would impeach him over. >> steve: looks like they have the goods on hunter biden quid pro quo and stuff like that. >> steve: they have a lot of stuff. a lot of numbers. here is the thing. the american people think it looks bad. there is a cnn poll that came out in september. joe acted illegally. and 55% of americans in the cnn poll say that joe acted inappropriately, regarding the hunter investigation of any potential crime. >> ainsley: looks so fishy. this is a guy who is a drug addict. we have seen all the pictures with him without teeth because of the drugs. this is the guy that did not need to be on the burisma board. he had no experience. he admitted that from an abc interview. is he still on the board. his dad is calling devon archer and -- calling his son and he has it on speaker and they are all listening to it, more than 20 times, devon archer said they are going to meet at dinner parties. they are playing golf. shell companies. it's just -- it seems like something is very fishy. >> brian: here is what congressman byron donalds said and this guy has a business background and accounting background. listen. >> over the next month or two we are going to finish our investigation. i do believe at that point it's going to be crystal clear that there are articles of impeachment that should be drafted for joe biden because, number one, he accepted bribes through his family from foreign nations, especially china and others. number two, he knew that his brother and his son were violating the foreign agents registration act. i believe that's enough to draft articles of impeachment against joe biden. and i believe that is going to happen in the house of representatives in the spring. >> lawrence: here is going to be the problem with the american people. the biden administration has sold the american people two stories. they said that their son was addicted to drugs. and they said he was a successful smart businessman. and as you ask -- when you look at the special prosecutor weiss puts an indictment. hunter biden wasn't doing any business at all. he had all of these business expenses. but he was sleeping with prostitutes. he had people with sex parties and orgies and all this nonsense happening at the time and he was claiming them all as business expenses. i don't know how the white house continues to sell the american people two stories. and when you have 70% of the american people polling if they would have known about the laptop before the prior election, it would have altered their opinion. their viewpoint of how they voted. >> ainsley: don't you think those districts where they have 18, the republicans in those 18 states that voted for joe biden, they are scared to vote for an impeachment because they are scared they will lose votes and they won't have a job. but don't you think if they do this inquiry, which we all are supportive of, if they find enough evidence, don't you think the voters are smart enough in those districts we did vote for biden but this looks really bad. >> steve: if they have the stuff. the republicans at this point don't have -- they have got a lot of ledgers and spreadsheets, they have not connected the dots. they have excepted the dots the department of justice did on hunter. they have not shown where joe biden, you know, did anything illegally. now, here's the other breaking news. and this is the republicans are threatening contempt of congress if hunter does not show up for a closed door deposition. ultimately, on this show, we have been calling for hunter to go and sit in a chair on capitol hill in front of the tv cameras for the last year. now hunter's lawyer, abbe lowell says he will do that but comer and jim jordan will say no, it's not negotiable. he has got to be in private, according to hunter biden's team they don't want to do it because of leaks and stuff like that. >> lawrence: you are talking about a criminal prosecution. impeachment is not a criminal prosecution. it's a political procedure. so you don't have to find a conviction of a crime to get impeachment. now the courts can do. >> steve: we're not at that stage yet. what i'm say something everyone keeps saying where are the goods for a law that was breaking? the bottom line is it was unethical what happened. and that is enough for impeachment. >> brian: right, and there is so much around, you don't have the exact deposits but you have shell companies where money is moving through. if they could start getting more transparency from the people and the request answered from archives on down, they will be able to put those pieces together. if they will be able to put together. right now, you have a lot of money flown in there to the biden family and you have to wonder where that money is and why i only needs to pay $1.4 million in taxes. judging by the money that was moving through hunter biden it should be off the charts, much higher than that probably 1% of what he owes. >> steve: lawrence, you are absolutely right. it's not a criminal activity. an impeachment is a political finding ultimately. and if they decide to if they don't have the stuff and they try to impeach him any way, it could be trouble for those 18 republicans. >> ainsley: 11 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, border patrol turning to ai now to help catch fentanyl that's coming across our border. kurt the cyberguy will explain how the tech works to help the under staffed agency. >> brian: plus iran backed proxy groups threatened around the world. 8 7 a. tacks on u.s. forces since october 7th. now the houthi rebels target all inbound ships in the red sea. ryan zinke of montana reacts now. ♪ ♪ my active psoriatic arthritis can make me feel like i'm losing my rhythm. with skyrizi to treat my skin and joints, i'm getting into my groove. ♪(uplifting music)♪ along with significantly clearer skin... skyrizi helps me move with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue. and is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. skyrizi attaches to and reduces a source of excess inflammation that can lead to skin and joint symptoms. with skyrizi 90% clearer skin and less joint pain are possible. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to skyrizi, there's nothing like clearer skin and better movement... and that means everything. ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time to ask your doctor about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. is this for me? 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why are we letting militias hit our people. can you imagine if you are the parent of somebody stuck on one of these bases 2500 or some of the 900 in syria right now trying to protect our forces and some of our groups and, of course, the oil in the region? our next guest knows all about fighting the war on terror. g.o.p. congressman. retired navy seal congressman ryan zincky. great to see you. when you see these hits on our people. what goes through your mind? >> this right here. where is where they are coming from. >> brian: and they know it and they know that we know it. >> you have proxies, you have either the houthis, hezbollah, hamas, all of them stems from here. what we are see something really a trifecta, russia assaulting ukraine. you have now iran backing forces against israel. and then you have china, you know, also saying out there with taiwan. and should be noted you have joint military operations off the coast with, who? china, russia, and iran. >> brian: looking at these regions, the "new york times" writes a big story this weekend. we know south of baghdad is where these militias train and they build weapons. they are building drones. where do you think they say south of baghdad. where do you think it is? >> technologies came from iran. assembly. and probably in this area. you know, remember, iraq has a lot of she a and she a iranian. look background and history and culture. that's what is driving that effort. >> brian: they are worried about escalating the situation. but how is it escalating returning an attack on your troops? how is it escalating protecting them besides not getting the rockets out of the sky? so let's take a look at another threat. that is the houthi rebels. located here. they said if you come down the red sea, we're going to start hitting you especially if you are redding over to israel. no commercial shipping is safe. tell me where the oil is coming from. tell me what worries you most? >> the sue suez can a no going out to asia and into europe. much of the world's petroleum passes through there and, again, yemen is supported boo, who? once again? that's the target. it's a houthi and primarily supported by iran, which they view them as a brother. >> brian: these are wha raw guy. not so he foist at this indicated fighters and ability to purchase sophisticated weapons. they are coming from them and shell us as we come through. now we have to spend more money to escort ships, commercial ships through this region. where is our fleet? >> some of our fleet is up here in position if hezbollah up north would attack. but, remember the hewittys, what's their mantra? it's death to america. death to israel. victory to islam and annihilation of the jewish people that's the motto of the houthis they said america, how long do we have to take this. can you lend me planes and missile defense and we did. they started bombing into yemen and world consternation. wait a second. they were supposed to take the rockets really from iran. give them to yemen and then toss to them. and when they answered back. they had condemnation. now they are saying look. these guys who were hitting us are now hitting you. they are looking at us saying now you deal with it. >> well, in many cases, you know, action that not responded to. is an incentive, right? when we get hit. we should hit harder twice. that's always been the strength of america to take action. and make sure that we have piece in that area. but when we don't take action, we let missile after missile, ship after ship, and our allies sense we are not going to be with them. that's core to it is our allies sense in a fighting we are not going to be with them. >> brian: we have the fire power. we have the training and the people. we got to make the choice, that comes from the white house. >> absolutely. >> congressman ryan zinke, thank you so much. great to see you. the suit is still doing the military thing put new camouflage again. >> a lot easier i will tell you in the military than congress. >> brian: absolutely it. seems like it. meanwhile, we have fox nation specials coming up on friday night. be in pennsylvania. i hear it's around pittsburgh and holland, michigan. patriotic, motivational night. we're going to stream some of it. specials for fox nation. they do a different one each time. last year they gave a free year on the fox nation app. and you get a book with every seat. go to brian hope to see you out there live unscripted on stage. meanwhile straight ahead on this show. 400 harvard faculty members signing a petition in support of the school's president despite growing calls for her to resign over last week's embarrassing capitol hill testimony. this as these new truck billboards you are seeing right now pop up across harvard campus. more on that coming up. plus, trump says he will not testify as planned in his civil fraud trial today listening to his attorneys. jonathan turley breaks down the decision and what comes next for the defense. don't move ♪ i'll be home ♪ for christmas ♪ ♪ you can plan on me ♪ meet the traveling trio. each helping to protect their money with chase. wooo! tools that help protect. alerts that help check. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. lowe's knows same-day delivery means getting what you need, right when you need it. holiday shopping got easier on affordable décor and more. you know you can get these all at once, right dad? 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>> ainsley: i'm doing great. thank you. over the weekend we thought he was going to evidence and yesterday on truth social he said he is not going. to say why do you think he changed his mind. >> a lot of lawyers would have suggested this course of action. because he has already testified in the trial. and so if you are happy with the record you created. why create the chance for loss or mistake? and so, lawyers tend to be risk averse. and i think many would have said you don't need to evidence it. but, what is going to happen next is maybe some of the most interesting parts of the trial. because there are still some rebuttal witnesses and one defense witness that many of us are interested in. and that defense witness is professor bar to have, who is an nyu professor. he said he did not have evidence of accounting fraud in many of these documents mr. tichina la james. she wants prevent him from conducting business in new york anymore. trump is claiming election interference and a witch-hunt. do you agree? >> i think part of the problem here as you noted you have an ag that ran on the trump on anything. she didn't specify. she used this law which doesn't require a victim two bankers testified we didn't lose money we wanted more loans from trump. one described him as a whale client. so when you want more business with but that hasn't stopped james. she wants the trumps to have the company to be dissolved. she wants a quarter of a billion dollars, when no one lost money. and the fact is that it's so over the top that it may end up really raising concerns upon appeal. look, james had this judge at hello. i mean, i think she knows that this judge has already obviously decided it was fraud. and he is likely to hammer trump in terms of damages. but they still have to go to the court of appeals, which just recently handed trump somewhat of a victory. they said we are not going to dissolve these companies until we see more. >> ainsley: there are so many buildings as you know in new york that have his buildings on it. he saved the ice skating rink where all of our kids go ice skating in central park and many of our viewers go when they visit new york. it would be a travesty to see some of his businesses fail here in new york or he wouldn't be able to have his name on these buildings. thank you so much, jonathan, for coming on. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. coming up live today on fox, at 12:30 today. president biden makes his case to philadelphia voters. then later today, lawyers for the embattled first son hunter biden expected to ask a delaware to judge dismiss the gun charge case. and, finally, the president and first lady will host a hanukkah holiday reception at the white house later this evening. and this is all live today on fox. we'll be covering it. still ahead, fox weather alert. tornadoes tearing through parts of tennessee killing six people. including a child. janice is tracking the storms. and breaking news just. in a new report citing u.s. officials say china affiliated hacking groups have infiltrated key infrastructure here in the u.s. who you need to know right now about the ccp breach. border patrol turning to ai now to help catch fentanyl coming across our border. we will break down how the technology works to helped the under staffed agency. >> and 1.4 seconds, we identified an anomaly of a particular truck that ended up having about 757 kilograms of narcotics in it. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> as border patrol struggles to handle the migrant surges. the department of homeland security is already employing the use of artificial intelligence. listen to this. recent successful operations seized 13,000 pounds of fentanyl precursor chemicals. 10,000 pounds of the drug itself and has led to almost 300 arrests. here with reaction and explain what they are using and doing. kurt knutsson the cyberguy. good morning k kurt. >> good morning to you. >> we heard many things about a.i. going to lead to the end of civilization as we know it worst-case scenario. this is actually a good thing. tell us how the government is using a.i. to keep fentanyl coming into the country. >> one of those scenarios where a.i. plays enormous role in power. human beings simply can't do that analyzing billions of transactions from 450 plus million companies all around the world. when the border protection is able to do that in our country and they have this a.i. system and leasing a database with a contract owe tana atlas that tracks logistics. able to tell patterns to tell where our precursor drugs going and coming from that could turn into fentanyl actually working with that seizure of 13,000 pounds ever those precursor criminals and arrests. this is being identified as really powerful thing. even a particular truck that goes through the border, they can find out patterns of vehicle traffic in one case alone it seized it's a profound new beginning. is it stopping people from plowing through the borders to just come into this country? no a lot of these precursor chemicals they make fentanyl out of not illegal until they are brewed up in a lab. it's interesting how they are keeping an eye on where the stuff is going realizing that's where they're making it and figure out the distribution. then they are putting them on these trucks. then they are going all sorts of places. you have got to figure now the border protection border patrol is using license plate readers, things like that at the border and say that truck has been through 25 times this month. let's pull it over and take a look. >> when you can collect that level of data from the vehicle traffic to those precursor drugs, chemicals sort of every day drug traffickers know that recipe. the dea knows that recipe. the border protection knows that recipe. now a.i. knows that recipe and plow through that data unlike how any human minds goes through that data. see those patterns and intercept drugs at the border or even before they get to the border. >> steve: a.i. a good thing in this case. kurt the cyberguy. check out. he has great website. kurt, thank you very much. >> thank you, steve. >> steve: 15 and a half minutes after the hour and ainsley has news out of china. >> ainsley: u.s. officials say china's cyber army is invading critical u.s. services. "the washington post" reporting chinese hackers affiliated with china's people's liberation army has hacked into the computer systems of about two dozen critical entities over the past year. this includes infiltrating a water utility in hawaii. they also attempted to break into the 3r5eur9 of texas' power grid. we're going to have more on this breaking story in the next hour. plus, portland police arresting 37 people in a sting operation to crack down on organized retail theft. nearly $5,000 in stolen merchandise and four stolen cars were recovered in this bust. police say the thefts happened at local shopping centers. and a new drug that is looking to give your pet a longer life is one step closer to fda approval. loyal for dogs data shows large dogs have up to 2 # times the levels of growth hormone igf 1 than small dogs. by addressing that they hope to add more healthy years to pets lives. if approved, the drug could be available in 2026. >> steve: i wonder if that would impact the char pay. you know the char pay with all the wrinkles? >> ainsley: yes. >> if that's the metric. >> are you saying botox for dogs? >> steve: sounds like it's a hormone thing. stay tuned. >> brian: they have dry skin. so they have flaking. >> steve: char pays? >> brian: they need head and shoulders. head and shoulders for char pays. i should work on that. >> lawrence: add if they decide to do it. >> brian: shampoo a dog. >> ainsley: dogs have a longer life usually smaller dogs have a longer life than the big dogs. >> steve: indeed. more on the dog front later. meantime, let's tell you a little bit about joking going on in our nation's capital. the winter gridiron meeting in washington. presenting the republican side, and a bunch of republican jokes, nancy mace of south carolina. on the democrat side, kind of democrat side, joe manchin who is making some jokes about essentially his age and whether or not he should get into running against joe biden. who is much older. >> lawrence: this is what he said: with all due respect the president is 81 years old. donald trump is 77. i truly believe the american people are ready to pass the torch to a new generation. somebody younger. i say maybe someone close to 76. [laughter] it doesn't look a day over 70. >> ainsley: is he one year younger, right? he is only -- he is 76. he is saying 77 too old. >> brian: the most intriguing thing is having fun but that's the most intriguing thing about this election that would put everything -- you could debate back and forth like r.f.k. jr. you put joe manchin in the mix with no labels that's on most state ballots, if they find a way to get there. it's going to be hard to say how he doesn't get 25%. >> steve: one of the other things joe manchin said. he said keep in mind gridiron a funny -- they say that my running would throw the election to trump. others say my running might help biden i'm just trying to figure out how it would help me he said. >> lawrence: so interesting. if you look at sunday's editorial with the "new york times." you look at "the washington post," you can see that the democrats, they may joke at manchin, they are desperately trying to find a solution to the joe biden problem. >> brian: cnn poll they had 10% in both michigan and georgia say they don't want to vote for either. it joe manchin might be appealing. >> ainsley: does this mean a third party run. sounds like hinting around i will run under no party labels. >> brian: he hates to lose. >> steve: joe manchin is all about joe manchin. >> brian: i never lose an election. >> steve: in the "wall street journal" poll where nikki haley is the better republican in the general election where she would beat joe biden by 17 point. they also took a look at how the two candidates would do against a third party candidate. in that, if a bunch of third parties come in, donald trump would lead by 6. he would actually beat joe biden. do you know who takes the most support from trump? it is r.f.k. jr. when it's just them. and then there are a bunch of others. there are four other candidates taking some others. so r.f.k. jr. actually, if he gets in. >> ainsley: i don't believe that. >> steve: i'm telling you what the poll says. he draws more support from trump people than biden people. >> ainsley: do you believe that poll? r.f.k. is a democrat. you might agree with some things. he is going to get the democratic voter. some independents, more democrats. >> lawrence: some voters see that populist message some of the policies they relate. to say easy to judge right now though where you are not seeing all the candidates head to head. as the election gets closer i see at love the republicans. they may be resistant because of the tone and tenure of donald trump. >> ainsley: maybe i will do r.f.k. jr. >> lawrence: i haven't heard them say maybe. i have heard them say i like that guy. >> ainsley: i have heard that. >> steve: i like r.f.k. jr. period. >> brian: more joe biden and the establishment attacks him, the more he gets lifted up by people that want an alternative. >> ainsley: who, r.f.k. gets lifted up? >> brian: very good shape. he used that testosterone replacement. >> ainsley: we have seen him working out. >> brian: and shaved his chest. >> steve: he hasn't said that. >> brian: he looks like it. >> lawrence: have you worked out with him, brian? >> brian: no he took his shirt off. >> steve: we ran the video. >> lawrence: seems like you appreciate it. >> brian: i do. i appreciate a fit man. >> ainsley: if you are getting ready for work, it is almost 9 minutes until the top of the hour. later today hunter biden's lawyers hope to get thinks gun charges thrown out. we will discuss as problems continue to pile up for the embattled first son. >> brian: plus, a george washington university family member claiming hamas terrorists have a right of resistance? a g.w. student joins us to react, next. ♪ my daddy's a cowboy, i'm a cowboy and i'm raising a cowgirl. and discovering that my family come from farmers for generations. this life is in our blood. give the gift of family heritage with ancestry. for almost 100 years, harry and david has been making gourmet gifts to share with loved ones near and far. because giving is about more than a day on the calendar. we believe the world would be a better place if we all shared more. harry and david. life is a gift, share more. as a way to say thank you this holiday season, bass pro shops and cabela's club members save even more while supporting conservation during club member mondays. for the first time ever, club members receive up to an additional 15% off our best deals of the year, in-store, online, and even on sale items. every monday through christmas. plus, purchases over $500 receive 0% interest for 12 months on qualifying purchases. not a club member? 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>> i am not surprised. we're reaching a low point. spon sponsoring academic programs, that seminar coming out of the elliot school, institute of middle east studies, it is on the website by qatar. we've seen at georgetown and northwestern and other universities. views can be said, but there is no balance here andimis has been promoting for for quite sometime before and after october 7. a bit of picture of what it looked like after the seventh. there was an expert panel with faculty members and they were either not anti-israel, but critical of israel. when you have seven faculty members go in with this. they brought a film called "israelism," two days afterthat. and other events that are skewed. danger we're seeing in the classroom, place we're supposed to get educated and it's turned into indoctrination and it is morally shameful. >> lawrence: there has been so much talk ab about diversity, equity and inclusion. >> jews have been framed into this world view, they are white oppressors and palestinians are

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Gridiron Meeting ,South Carolina ,Joe Manchin ,Respect ,Someone ,Generation ,Torch ,Laughter ,77 ,76 ,81 ,So Rfk Jr ,Labels ,State Ballots ,Mix ,Running ,Editorial ,Funny ,Solution ,Joe Biden Problem ,Georgia ,Run ,Third Party ,Party Labels ,Sounds ,Either ,Candidates ,Wall Street Journal ,Parties ,Candidate ,Voter ,Message ,Rfk ,Independents ,Policies ,I Haven T ,Rfk Jr ,Tone ,Tenure ,Testosterone Replacement ,Establishment ,Alternative ,Shape ,He Hasn T ,Shirt Off ,Video ,Chest ,Problems ,Work ,Fit Man ,9 ,Resistance ,Cowboy ,Family Member ,Student ,Right ,Daddy ,Terrorists ,George Washington University ,React ,Gift ,Generations ,Blood ,Cowgirl ,Farmers ,Ancestry ,Family Heritage ,Giving ,Gourmet ,Harry And David ,Loved Ones ,100 ,Place ,Calendar ,Club Members ,Holiday Season ,Conservation During Club Member Mondays ,Bass Pro Shops ,Cabela S ,Sale Items ,Caplyta ,Club Member ,Interest ,Purchases ,Adventure ,Gear ,Lows ,Before Dawn ,500 ,Bipolar ,Trials ,Bipolar Depression ,Depression 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