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good evening, everyone, i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, a shady red line. a red line the whole world is watching. the red line is the line that the obama administration and members of congress say iran cannot cross. listen to this. >> always keep all of our capabilities ready in the event that those red lines are crossed. >> that signaled an intention by iran to cross what we call the red line. >> the fact that they are active here has crossed a red line. >> the problem is, when someone tells you there's a red line you can't cross, or else? two things matter -- where exactly is the line. and what exactly will happen to you if you cross it. defense secretary panetta has stated the obvious -- getting a nuclear weapon crosses the line. and today an obama administration official who would only discuss this sensitive issue anonymously got a little more specific, telling cnn's security blog that iran moved "toward" 90% uranium enrichment, the level required for a weapon, is "potentially" a red line that could trigger american action. but how far "toward"? right now iran is enriching uranium to 20%. now 20% is required to operate nuclear power plants, and iran insists that its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes. nuclear engineer marco caltifan tells cnn that getting to 90% weapons grade uranium enrichment would be much quicker and easier from 20 than getting from 0 to 20 in the first place. but he actually says that iran could do it -- get from 20 from where they are and peaceful purposes it would be 90 and a nuclear weapon months from now and notes anything above 20 isn't really useful for anything but towards building a nuclear weapon. is "toward" 90% enriched uranium anything above what the iranians currently have now? and how would the united states even know what iran is doing since they haven't allowed weapons inspectors in to key facilities? the red line needs to be defined more clearly. oil prices have surged on the uncertainty impacting all americans. and iranians continue to be slammed by crippling u.s. and european sanctions, which would end if the country's leaders prove they're not building a weapon. or have any intent to do so. this is why the eyes of the world will be on a high-stakes, high-pressure meeting on monday between israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and president barack obama in washington. at this hour, netanyahu is on a plane en route to north america ready to make demands. two israeli newspapers are reporting that israel will ask the u.s. to define the red line clearly and deliver an explicit military threat to iran if it crosses the line. the papers say netanyahu wants those answers to be issued in a statement after he meets with president obama. well, how will the united states respond to its important ally, israel? i asked senator robert menendez of the foreign relations committee in just a moment. but first, cnn has gained rare access into tehran. just the day before its first national election since the disputed 2009 presidential election. our ivan watson is there tonight and just before the show i spoke to him and i asked him whether the iranian government's anti-u.s. ret tick and message has been rubbing off on the people he's been speaking to there. >> reporter: well, you know, everybody that i've talked to around iran and every time i've been here is always incredibly friendly. even people who really view the u.s. as a mortal threat to iran tend to be very kind and friendly. here's an example. just tuesday night i was detain here with our camera crew while filming some campaign posters and the guy who detained us, a militia officer, accused me of hurting his government. i bumped into this guy in the bazaar today, surprised him, and he's a shop keeper there. that's his day job. he sells buttons and zippers. and he kissed me on both cheeks and gave me his phone number. that shows some of the contradictions here. there are more restrictions, however, for american journalists and some suspicion here. we weren't allowed to bring satellite telephones in, which we've been able to do in the past to make our broadcasts. and we have come under some pressure on that front for moving around. another example -- tomorrow the friday vote is going to be the first election i've ever covered anywhere in the world where i'm being bussed to the polling station along with other invited journalists. we're not being exactly allowed to move around freely on election day. >> that's a very interesting anecdote. last, but not least, ivan, sanctioned. the government obviously keen to say they're not hurting us or affecting us. but what are you seeing on the ground? >> reporter: well, there's no question that the country's going through a period of economic hardship. the value of the iranian currency has plummeted over the last four months. nearly 50%, according to some estimates, against the dollar. inflation has grown. iranians are saying that their money goes half as far when it comes to importing foreign goods or if they want to travel outside of the country. it's not clear whether that is a direct consequence of the tougher u.s. and european sanctions against iran. that i have not been able to fathom at this time. but there is no question there is more economic hardship right now. what is remarkable, erin, is to be able to walk around tehran, a country that has seen its currency lose so much of its value in such a short period of time, and not to see chaos or problems in the streets, that is pretty much life as usual, although people are feeling economic pressure right now. >> ivan watson thank you very much, reporting from tehran tonight. a very rare opportunity for a journalist and he was able to get in to iran ahead of the elections. thanks. and now joining me, senator robert menendez, democrat on the foreign relations committee. senator, thanks very much for taking the time. so prime minister netanyahu is on a plane on his way to the united states, attending a crucial conference, he's going to meet with president obama. there are reports that president obama is considering in his speech at the big apec summit to outline the "red lines" that iran cannot cross. do you think he will do so in a very specific bullet-pointed sort of way? >> i don't think it will be bullet pointed. i think what we share in common with our partner, the state of israel, is that we seek to prevent iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, not simply to contain it. i think that the only difference between us and the israelis is the question of timing. >> so let me ask you this question. this is where i get confused. leon panetta said you develop a weapon, that's a red line. but with government sources telling cnn well going toward 09% enrichment, the level required for a weapon, that's crossing the red line but anything above 20 is sort of going in that direction. so how do you define it? how would you define it? >> well, clearly going to beyond the 20% headed to 90% is the march towards nuclear weapons. but that uranium that needs to be enriched is under the international atomic energy agency's supervision so we would have a pretty good sense between our intelligence and the intelligence of our allies that the iranians are headed in that direction. and that would evoke the opportunity for us to act. difference is u.s. military capacity is far beyond those of some of our allies so our time frame is more open. >> so we could wait longer. the united states, to be sure. which of course, anybody would want to do, especially what happened with iraq. >> we want these sanctions to actually continue to bite. you saw the report of your colleague and clearly, there's no other reason for iranian currency to be so devalue waiat except for these biting sanctions. >> weapons inspectors from the iaea were not given access to all the facilities they wanted when they left last week. there was another four now they focused in on. i pulled some figures that they had pulled. this is, as you can see, the building right now. this is how it looks. now just look at it a couple years ago and we'll show you how it looked. what you see there is buildings have been put, anything that was happening is now happening underground. i simply use these pictures to ask you the question of, are you confident that we have the intelligence to know what they're doing, when they're doing it and when they cross the line, if they're going to cross the line? >> well, we've got the greatest intelligence that we have had on our own capabilities, as well as what we are sharing. the greatest cooperation that has existed between the state of israel and the united states in both military and intelligence sharing is taking place right now. we have as good as intelligence as any we'll ever have. >> recently they referred to classified intelligence reports that are at least a year old. you're saying -- >> we're getting the best intelligence that we've ever had and the sharing of that intelligence with our ally, the state of israel, is at the best that it's ever been. >> okay. so i'm going to put all this together and tell me if i'm right. best intelligence you've ever had -- which not everyone has said. i think that's important, first of all. but it is telling you that it is okay right now. >> as we speak, erin, right now we're okay. >> right. >> now of course, iranian action can ultimately accelerate that moment. but as of we speak right now and as the iranians are suffering from the beginning -- by the way, these are just the beginning of crippling sanctions. yesterday was the first day in that actually we had sanctionable items for non-oil transactions. at the end of this month the president is going to have to certify that in fact there is enough oil in the marketplace for us to go through with the rest of the sanctions. that takes place at the end of june. so in the next several months this is just going to constantly ratchet up to a point that the iranian regime has to think do we want to put our entire people through this, and potentially lose control here. >> rudy giuliani said last week on this show that the president needed to talk explicitly about the threat of bombing iran, using the word bomb, and if he did so then he would never actually to do it. mike rogers on the house intelligence committee said this to john king just a couple days ago. >> i think this would be better done with rolled up sanctions, really tighten them up fast, don't wait until july, crank everything down, continue to put pressure on them, and have a real option of military consequence for iran. they don't believe it -- iran, i mean -- and neither does israel. we've got to change that equation if we're going to have an impact on iran backing down from their nuclear weapon program. >> once you know where the red line is, what are the consequences. has the united states and the obama administration been clear enough about the consequences, does iran believe them that military action will happen? >> erin, the positioning of military assets in the gulf, assets that did not exist to the extent they exist today which gives the president all options to pursue is enough of a message to the iranians that we are serious about stopping their march to nuclear weapons. >> senator, thank you very much. we appreciate it. obviously going to be a crucial meeting this weekend. ahead on "outfront," a city devastated by the tornado as you saw last night. we'll go to harrisburg, illinois and talk to a grandmother who literally was picked up and thrown from her home during the storm where winds exceeded 175 miles an hour. then, how much should someone be held responsible when someone commits suicide as a result of something they did or said? this is at the center of the trial going on right now involving the death of rutgers student tyler clemente. two more soldiers killed in afghanistan in response to the burning of those korans at bagram air force base. what will stop the violence? the first technology of its kind... mom and dad, i have great news. is now providing answers families need. siemens. answers. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪ then lead a double life! with new blast flipstick from covergirl. creamy color on one end, shimmery color on the other. so you can flip your look from demure, to daring. new blast flipstick from covergirl. who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. it raises your testosterone levels, and... is concentrated, so you could use less gel. and with androgel 1.62%, you can save on your monthly prescription. [ male announcer ] dosing and application sites between these products differ. women and children should avoid contact with application sites. discontinue androgel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or, signs in a woman which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. men with breast cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are, or may become pregnant or are breast feeding should not use androgel. serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. talk to your doctor today about androgel 1.62% so you can use less gel. log on now to and you could pay as little as ten dollars a month for androgel 1.62%. what are you waiting for? this is big news. just about 36 hours after violent tornadoes ripped through the midwest, residents of the storm-tossed region are left with the task of cleaning up. the death toll remains at 13 with harrisburg, illinois suffering the worst hit -- six died there. we spent the day today with a woman who miraculously survived a tornado that demolished her home. >> nearly seconds after the closed the door that it just basically blew the door off and sucked me out. i guess. i remember twirling around and being thrown down on that pile of stuff. and like i said, thank goodness i wasn't buried. i had -- i had a tray like you put christmas cookies on and stuff that was laying beside me. i was trying to put that over my head. i looked down and there's a big fifth of vodka right by my leg and i thought, oh, my gosh, of all things. >> well, this is what remains of the house her parents built back in the 1980s. amazingly, she actually told us this is the third time she has cheated death. she survived a cerebral aen k w new aneurism and a bout of knew known pneumonia. >> everything here can be replaced but not my life or anyone else's life. >> janice was found on a pile of rubble caked in mud with bruises by her son-in-law. "outfront" tonight as they try to pick up the pieces. janice, i'm so glad to see you there with your dog because i know the dog was missing for a while. >> oh, yes. yes, she was. they searched for her for probably eight or nine hours and finally found her in the house. a chair had tipped over and she was under the chair. and she, of course -- i don't know if she has a broken leg or if it's sprained or whatever but she has her little cast on. she's getting along really well. i was so worried because she's 11 years old. >> what a miracle that she was protected by the chair. your story is a miracle, too. i know, janice, obviously you're still -- you're still in shock. i mean you have to be in a lot of pain. do you remember how it happened? >> well, all i remember -- it was so quick, but i heard the tornado sirens and then i heard the sounded like a train, or like you're in a wind tunnel. i ran to the pantry, slammed the door and i mean i could not hold the door closed. it just took the door away from me. i think that's what hit my face and my hand and all that. and then i just started flying through the air. it was really, real lly frightening and landed on top of the pile on the top of the house basically. i couldn't get up. i mean i wasn't really hurt but i was kind of in a little hole and it was pouring rain. and it was awful. then all of a sudden my cell phone rang. because it had flown out there with me in my pocket. and it was a friend of mine and she said, are you all right? i said, no. anyway, she called 911 and called my daughter and my daughter called my son-in-law and i guess he flew over there -- or went as fast as he could and he got there -- you may have gotten there before -- probably about the same time the firefighters got there. >> brett, what happened when you got that call? how did you find her? >> well, when i got there, there was already four firemen that were in the process of dragging her out at the time. i couldn't tell where they were dragging her out of. it was just such a mess. wasn't really a hole. it just -- rubble. josh allen and john gunning were there and brent davis, police officer, was there. there was two guys i didn't know. i didn't know the other two. josh pretty much carried her out an they helped her to the ground over there. i had just pulled up and they were already getting her out. >> then they put me in the back of his pick-up truck. >> they carried her to the back of the truck and let her sit there a while. they couldn't get an ambulance over there so i took her to the hospital in the back of the truck. >> janice, are you feeling all right? obviously i can see on your face. you're injured. you're talking about your hand and your arm. but physically and mentally, are you in shock? >> well, i think i was definitely in shock then and i think now -- i don't know that it has sunken in quite -- i don't know how i'll feel in a few days. but, yeah, it just basically injured me on the whole right side of my body for some reason. i've got scratches and scrapes and my foot, just -- but everything on the right side. so i don't know. it was awfully -- it was really, really frightening. and you don't realize the force of the wind that you hear people talk about, the suction and i mean, i'm telling you, it just takes you. there's -- it was awful. >> unbelievable story and you recount it in a way that sort of makes it come aleve. brett, you obviously have the best mother-in-law, most amazing mother-in-law in the country. >> good son-in-law! i have a good son-in-law. he was right there. >> thanks to both of you. we appreciate it. well, 20-year-old daryn rabe is facing prison after his former rutgers university roommate tyler clemente committed suicide in 2010. five days into his trial prosecutors say they have laid out a case which shows he deliberately placed a webcam in their room so he and others could watch clemente having a romantic encounter with another man. days after tyler complement ta lea clemente learned he was being watched he killed himself by jumping a bridge in new york. the case gained widespread attention to bring attention to bullying and hate crimes. but there are questions as to how responsible someone else is for tyler clemente taking his own life. there is the law and then there is what you you think as a person might be the right thing to do. legally can he be held responsible? >> he's technically not charged with homicide here. this is not a reckless homicide or manslaughter. believe me, if new jersey prosecutors could have charged him with that in the death of tyler clemente, tyler clemente jumped off the george washington bridge, they would have. he's charged with bias intimidation and he's charged with invasion of privacy. now, would he have been charged with those things if there had been no suicide? i don't think he would have. i think tyler clemente's suicide led prosecutors to bring these charges. but, technically the jury's not going to contract suicide. >> he could obviously get a prison term here of up to ten years, i believe. is that reasonable? >> well, there's a disagreement that people have about this. new jersey has the strictest law in the country on invasion of privacy. what the law says basically is, if you film somebody engaging in an act of intimacy and you stream it publicly, you let somebody else see it, you're guilty of a felony. a very serious crime. >> they have a law about that specific thing. >> a specific thing about that in new jersey. it is the strictest law in the country. then they take it to another level. they say if you filmed that because of bias intimidation, because somebody is gay and you want to humiliate them, we're doubling the sentence to ten years. so as a result of that, ravi faces ten years in prison if this jury finds him guilty, as opposed to looking at this as some stupid adolescent college prank which is how it would have been treated in prior years. >> now what he did was awful, it was inhumane, it was thoughtless, it was homophobic. it was all of those things. i don't think anyone would say that it wasn't. >> well, the defense says it wasn't. >> they say that it wasn't. they say it was just a total harmless prank. >> oh, yeah. well, to me the thing that's been amazing about this case as i've watched it go in -- this was a shocking case when it first came down with the suicide, everybody said clearly homophobic. ravi now has said you know why he activated the webcam? there was going to be an older man in the room and he was afraid somebody was going to steal his stuff, steal his computer. i mean people put nanny cams in their own houses. >> he's saying the camera happened to be there, it caught this, then yes -- >> he said i activated it because i didn't know who this strange guy was coming into the room. it had nothing with ravi being gay. i knew he was gay when i moved in with him. i'm not homophobic. that's the defense in this case. >> so what do you think the verdict will be? i know i'm asking you to totally speculate. >> i think it is going to be a not guilty verdict because this is a very, very difficult case, a very hard issues for the jury to grapple it. was it homophobia? was it adolescent stupidity? do you want to send a kid to prison for ten years for this? i think the jury will have a lot of problems with the case. >> it seems like he has learned something no one would ever have to learn, either. thank you. can outrage and targeted attacks against soldiers be stopped in afghanistan? still related to theburns of those korans. a story about a shift adrift at sea with more than 1,000 people on-board. oh! 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[ zipper, heavy breathing ] ♪ [ male announcer ] linens and duvet washed fresh for every guest. real value. from your friends at hampton. we start the second half of our show with stories we care about and focus on our reporting, do the work and find the "outfront" five. first tonight, the so-called red line about iran. that's the line that obama administration officials and members of congress say that iran cannot cross. but, just what defines the red line will be a major topic of discussion when israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu an president obama meet on monday. democratic senator robert menendez, a member of the foreign relations committee told me something very interesting about the quality of america's intelligence about iran right now. >> we've got the greatest intelligence that we have had on our own capabilities, as well as what we are sharing, the greatest cooperation that existed between the state of israel and the united states in both military and intelligence sharing is taking place right now. so we have as good of intelligence as ever. >> red cross support could start arriving in homs, syria in a few hours. government has agreed to allow humanitarian workers into the hard-hit neighborhood with medical arou medical and food supplies. an activist told us there are bodies in the streets and there hasn't been any food or water. three, crude oil prices spiked this afternoon. it was amazing, just an immediate pop on something that came out of saudi arabia, an unconfirmed report about a pipeline explosion there. an economic expert on the region tells "outfront" it is unlikely there actually was an explosion, but just to tell you how important it would be, crude climbed above $110 a barrel in after-hours trading on that report. a disruption in the oil spry from saudi arabia is really the center of everything right now because when you look at iran, if there is an effect or some kind of cut-off of iranian supply because of tensions, the supplier that's going to be able to pick up the difference -- the only one, frankly, that really can, is saudi arabia. so disruption there, crucial for oil prices. initial jobless claims fell by 3,000 to 351,000. claims had been drifting lower the past few weeks. economists say the positive trend is likely to continue. exception of job losses which continue at the government level. speaking of government, it's been 210 days since the united states lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? not enough? new data shows personal income and consumer spending rose in january but not as quickly as economists were hoping. two nato soldiers in southern afghanistan were shot dead today by two gunmen, one in an afghan national army uniform. this is the third shooting at a base or government building since news emerged that american troops mistakenly burned korans an other religious materials last week. the incident has sparked outrage and protests across the country leaving at least 41 dead, hundreds more injured. president barack obama has apologized, but does the united states need to do anything else? journalist an author sebastian younger is no stranger to afghanistan. his latest book "war" is about the time he spent with u.s. troops there and he comes out front tonight. sebastian, good to see you. president obama's apologized, so has the commander general allen in afghanistan and he told abc news that that apology so far is working. here he is. >> the reason that it was important is the same reason that the commander on the ground, general allen, apologized, and that is to save lives and to make sure our troops who are there right now are not placed in further danger per. >> it is hard to tell. do you think it has improved it with that apology? >> it calmed things down. we're not out of the woods yet. >> do you think it calmed things down? >> well, every child is taught that if you offend someone who you care you, you apologize. i think that's intuitively clear to everyone. there's a lot of resentment in afghanistan about the u.s. presence there. it wasn't that way ten years ago. i was there, the afghans were so grateful. but a lot of mistakes have happened an the people who really want to attack troops there? no, it's not going to do anything. karzai needs to do more to make it clear to his people that this is not the way forward for his country. i'm not sure he's done that yet. >> a lot of this has been afghans that are either posing in official uniform or afghans that wear uniforms. how troubling of a trend is that given that so much of what would make any transition here effective from the united states back to afghanistan would be people in uniform working together? >> well, it's incredibly troubling. it is hard to guard against and the taliban are in a perfect position now. they don't have to infiltrate the national police or the army in order to attack u.s. forces because there are individuals in those forces who are just upset and willing to attack on their own unilaterally. so it is a terrible position for us to be in at the moment. >> president karzai is a big question mark in all this. you say he needs to do more. he's actually called for nato to put the troops who did this on trial. don't believe we have a formal answer yet from the united states. what do you think about that? they say that this was completely accidental and we've talked about how the books are in arabic, they would not maybe even have known. but what would the impact of such a thing be, putting them on trial? >> you know, karzai's playing this double game. he needs nato there or he's dead. he's political dead, he's physically dead. he needs nato. >> physically dead. seriously. >> he won't survive that transition. but on the other hand to have political credibility in afghanistan he has to denounce nato at every turn. that's what he's doing right now. my guess is he doesn't really believe a trial will lead anywhere but he wants to be seen as saying that. so it depends on the military laws. i don't know how they would apply to that situation, if the soldiers didn't know what they were burning. they probably didn't. then they're innocent. so it is a show trial. >> you spent an incredible amount of time in afghanistan. over various years. all the way through this process. is hamid karzai part of the problem? is he the wrong guy for the u.s. to be backing? i mean even taking aside the incredible corruption, which he clearly seems to be a part of? >> he is part of the problem. he started out as a very inspiring person. i met him in 2000 before 9/11. he was really inspiring. but he has allowed a really criminal cartel to take over the government, and we are also part of the problem in that we have not used our tremendous leverage to force him to towards good behavior. we could do it. the bush administration didn't do it. obama's not doing it. that's the way out of afghanistan and we're just not doing it. >> all right, sebastian, thank you invevery much. sebastian judgmentnger. passengers stuck on-board a crippled cruise ship. new developments inside the ohio school shooting. we'll hear for the first time from the football coach who's been called a hero for his actions in chasing 26e ining t.t actions in chasing 26e ining t.t staples easy tech can help with everything from new computers to set-ups to tune-ups. stapes. that was easy. from new computers to set-ups to tune-ups. today is gonna be an important day for us. you ready? 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[ female announcer ] try aleve d for strong all day sinus and headache relief. we do this at the same time every night, our outer circle where we reach out to our sources around the world. in the seychelles, a disabled italian cruise ship was towed safely to shore today. passengers spent several agonizing days at sea, no power or running water for days on a cruise ship because a fire broke out in the ship's engine room. cnn's dan rivers is there and dan met passengers as they got off the ship. he told me a little bit ago how they're doing. >> reporter: erin, the people i spoke to seemed exhausted. they seemed sunburned. but above all, they were relieved. they had spent three days adrift on the high saez afteas after t engine fire saw black smoke billowing through the ship, terrifying many of the passengers that were all too aware that it is only a month and a half after the costa concordia disaster in italy. the costa allegra is alongside, the passengers are now installed in hotels, some flying home. many said to me that they would not want to be getting back on a ship any time soon. they survived on salami sandwiches for breakfast, lunch and dinner. one woman said to me she never wants to see another salami sandwich as much as she lives. >> a sentiment i think everyone could understand. obviously the cruise ship industry under investigation by congress as well. let's talk with anderson cooper about what's coming up on "anderson cooper 360." he's been the voice, the face and in many ways the conscience of the opposition in syria. his youtube dispatches telling the stories of ordinary people, children dying at the hands of the assad regime. tonight my exclusive sitdown with danny, a young activist, who told me he's fed up with the international community. >> talking. is there any being as? they've been talking for eight months. not one good thing came out of it. underground is nothing. everyone's just talking and no one's doing anything on the ground and we're just dying there. >> ae second keeping them hones report tonight. tonight you'll see the information toyota didn't share with the government. only cnn has the internal memo. toyota says what we found isn't relevant, but experts we talked to say otherwise. we will slow you the evidence ourselves. those stories at the top of the hour. there are charges today for the 17-year-old accused of killing three students and injuring two others in a crowded high school cafeteria in chardon, ohio. t.j. lane is facing three counts of aggravated murder, two counts of attempted aggravated murder and one count of flownous assau assault. this comes as hundreds of students, their parents and staff returned to chardon high school today for grief counseling. classes officially start again tomorrow. the assistant football coach who is being haimed as a hero for literally chasing lane out of the school spoke earlier for the first time and in hero fashion, he was humble. >> i don't know why this happened. i only wish i could have done more. i'm not a hero. just a football coach and study hall teacher. the law enforcement first responders that came to our aid that day, they are the heroes. >> ted rowlands is outside of chardon high school tonight. ted, the charges against lane were filed in juvenile court. obviously a big center of the debate this week has been whether at 17 he should be tried as a juvenile or tried as an adult given the heinous nature of the crimes he committed. could it change or is he going to be tried as a minor? >> reporter: no, he will be tried as an adult, erin. it would be shocking if he's not tried as an adult. the process is ongoing. the prosecutor say they will ask this judge given his age and the seriousness of the crimes, he would be shocked if he would be tried as a juvenile. i think it is a foregone conclusion he'll be in adult court in just a matter of time. >> what was the process like today? you saw people coming to the school, students, parents, teachers for the grief counseling. what did people say when you spoke to them? >> well, it was emotional just to watch parents holding hands with their children, teen ablers, walking in to the school. they went in to the cafeteria. they had a group there. there were psychologists there, grief counselors there to help with both -- for both parents and students. we talked to some people afterwards and they said it was really overwhelming to be back in that school in that cafeteria where this horror took place on monday. they'll all be back at school without their parents tomorrow morning. >> we just heard some moving comments from earlier today from the assistant football coach, saying "i wasn't a hero." obviously so many have credited him with chasing t.j. out of the school. parents are saying there is a second hero. tell me about that person. >> yeah. nick, one student who is still hospitalized, he still cannot feel his legs. it is going to be a long process for him. but his mother today spoke out and said that there was a teacher by the name of joe richie. he was a teacher that while the gunfire was going on he came out and he pulled nick in to his classroom and started to give him medical attention, right away and she believes that that saved her son's life. so she made a point of thanking him publicly today. he's the second hero in all of this, if you will. >> ted, thanks very much. students, of course, go back to school tomorrow at chardon high school. up next, what happens when a bank decides to start trying to charge for things that were once free? a bank that tried and failed to do this a few months ago. that means "outfront" is on your tail. journalist anthony shadid lost his life while doing what he love, covering a conflict in the middle east. his wife joins us tonight. so what happens when the second biggest bank in the country tries to apply higher fees to basic checking account holders? well, if last year was an indicator, a large number of those customers will tell you to -- i don't know -- i don't know, take a hike? in arizona, georgia and massachusetts bank of america will experiment with monthly fees of up to $25 for checking account customers if they don't maintain a minimum balance, use a bank of america credit card or take out a mortgage with the company. this may be make sense but others may say it is intan at this. the customers rose up and that brings us to tonight's number, 1,300,000, that's the number of clients that credit unions gained last year when customers of the big banks became fed up with fees like that and defected. the total of credit union members increased to a record high $91.8 million americans, almost one third of the population of this country new use credit unions. so, bank of america, we'll see if you lose more customers. we're going to take a break. when we come back, just two weeks ago anthony shadid died trying to get out of syria. he left behind a wife and a baby boy. his wife comes out to talk about her husband next. 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[ sizzling ] ♪ [ male announcer ] free hot breakfast. with fresh waffles. real value. from your friends at hampton. > the fractured world of post saddam, iraq, the civil war, libya, egypt in the wake of revolution, and the remarkably brave journalist anthony shadid of the "new york times" risked his life to find human stories amidst the war and devastation. two weeks ago today he died of an asthma attack in syria unable to get medical care. he was covering the violent conflict that's killed more than 7,500 people in the country. shadid was only 43 years old. he left behind a wife and a baby. his wife said he just finished his masterpiece, a memoir about rebelieve his ancestral home in lebanon. he was supposed to be on a book tour, but she is taking his place. she spoke to me earlier tonight. >> i am trying to get my head around it. it is just so unreal, so unbelievable. it is an unfinished life and he left too soon. part of me feels like when someone had so much more to give and to do and had so many more plans, at least for the near future, they should not go. i will just never understand. >> he writes about being in libya and he was in libya during the civil war and i remember reading the "new york times" covering his coverage of libya. he talks about lying with his pace pressed in the ground and a soldier saying shoot him and then he didn't get shot. he writes about being jailed and says i was blind folded and bound with plastic handcuffs and hit by the but of a gun to the head and panicked as restraints dug into my wrists and numbed my swollen hands. it has to be hard for you to hear that to see him write that and when he came home, at that moment what did you think? >> it was heartbreaking. my son and i picked him up at the airport and we just drove straight there because i knew that if he was going to feel any better and like tried to move on and forget about what happened as hard as it is to forget, it was going to be being in ma june and the house that he wrote about. it was extremely painful. you almost didn't want to touch them or like talk to a person who has been through something like this and just want to give them all the time they need and so it was very, very painful, but i think it helped him a lot being there right after it happened and just kind of come to terms with it and accept what happened. >> he rights about going there with you and your son and saying there was nowhere else in the world i could go at that moment other than his ancestral home, and before he died he spoke about the home and building the home, and i wanted to play a little clip of something he put together recently. >> okay. >> i think the biggest fear i have now finished is there is a certain loneliness and the minute you walk in after being gone for a while it it does feel lonely. there is a sense of it being empty again, and it is repaired and renovated and restored, but how do you fight that loneliness that has been the house's identity for so long? >> are you going to stay there? >> it is my home, too, and anthony so many times asked me when we were sitting in the garden or in the house that if he dies he wants to be -- or when he dies he wants his body to be kre mated and spread the ashes in the garden. i did this, and i put him the two olive trees he loved so much and talked about in the book, and so he is there, and there is no other place for me to be other than with him there. it is our home. >> you're a journalist, too, in your own right, and i was telling you i had read some of your work and you had that passion for the middle east like he did. you wrote about asad and syria. are you going to keep doing that? >> it is a hard question. i don't know. i haven't thought about it enough yet, and i am just still trying to understand what happened and it is going to take a lot of time, but i don't know. i feel like i am a little mad at journalism. it might be hard. >> because of the places that it made him go even though he loved it? >> even though he loved it, yeah. it will always be hard, you know, to do this thing that we did together and we loved doing together so much and it will be hard to do

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Police , Army , Order , More , Question Mark , Unilaterally , On Trial , Answer , Books , Don T , Arabic , Credibility , Dead , Game , Didn T , Guess , Laws , Situation , Part , Show Trial , Amount , Corruption , Cartel , 9 11 , 2000 , Leverage , Behavior , Bush , Passengers , Developments , Cruise Ship , Ohio School Shooting , Hero , Time , Computers , Ining , To Tune Ups , Actions , Stapes , 26 , Joe Namath , Ups , Decatherms , Brother S Keeper , Bout Ya , Site , Gas Turbines , Cities , Everywhere , Luxury , Farewell , Wares , Bygones , Stuffy , Outdated , Morning , Engine , Comparison Test , Inspiration , Illumination , Innovation , Sedan , Audi A8 , Car Driver , Pills , Arthritis Pain , Evening Showings , Walk Ups , Load , Listings , Deal , Hang On , Relief , Lois , Aleve D , Outer Circle , Power , Running Water , Seychelles , Italian , Ship , Dan Rivers , Engine Room , Fire , Many , Black Smoke Billowing , Saez Afteas , T Engine Fire Saw , Hotels , Costa Allegra , Costa Concordia Disaster , Italy , Breakfast , Sentiment , Salami , Dinner , Lunch , Salami Sandwich , The Voice , Cruise Ship Industry , Ways , Anderson Cooper 360 , Anderson Cooper , 360 , Hands , Community , Opposition , Dispatches , Youtube , Tonight My Exclusive Sitdown With Danny , No One , Talking , Underground , Memo , Experts , Information Toyota Didn T Share , Evidence , Ae Second , Toyota , Isn T Relevant , Students , High School Cafeteria , 17 , Lane , Counts , Murder , Count , Chardon , Chardon High School , Assault , Staff , Ohio , Flownous Assau , T J , Back To School , Assistant Football Coach , Grief Counseling , Classes , Being Haimed , Hero Fashion , Study Hall Teacher , Responders , Law Enforcement , Ted , Heroes , Aid , Debate , Juvenile Court , Ted Rowlands , Adult , Crimes , Juvenile , Minor , Nature , Prosecutor , Judge , Seriousness , Age , Conclusion , Matter , Cafeteria , Grief Counselors , Group , Walking , Psychologists , Teen Ablers , Horror , Comments , I Wasn T A Hero , 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