Transcripts For CNNW Erin Burnett OutFront 20120709

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good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, the president's math doesn't add up. in a rose garden announcement today, president obama called for a one-year extension of the bush tax cuts for families who make up to $250,000. so, for those families who make $250,000 or more, their taxes will go up in january. >> i believe our prosperity has always come from an economy that's built on a strong and growing middle class. so my message to congress is this, pass a bill extending the tax cuts for the middle class. i will sign it tomorrow. pass it next week, i'll sign it next week. pass it next -- well, you get the idea. >> but how much would extending the tax cuts for the family's making under $250,000 help our economy? bear with me if you will. i want to start by showing you something that the president and most democrats and republicans agree on, and that is that letting all the tax cuts expire would hurt the economy. so if we let all the bush tax cuts expire, the rates go up for everybody as they are set to do by law on december 31st. we would increase tax revenue by $221 billion in a single year. that's a good thing, right? well, sure, it could help the deficit but not necessarily because it of course means less money for families to spend when they spend less, companies don't make as many things. they don't hire as many people and the economy takes a hit. now let's take the president's plan, extending the bush tax cuts only for those making less than $250,000. that will cost the government $150 billion next year. put another way, that's how much tax revenue the government will not get from those people and will need to borrow. washington will get $71 billion in additional money from people who earn more than $250,000. but obviously that $71 billion was, of course, counted in federal revenue already because the tax cuts are set by law to expire. and that $71 billion is a lot less than it has tax cut. the people who earn more who are now paying more in taxes have a little less to spend. obviously it doesn't hit them anywhere near as much as it would hit someone who makes less. it would shave about 1% off of gdp. keep in mind that our economy is only projected to grow between 2.2% and 2.8% next year, according to the fed. so the president's plan would hurt growth, not by as much as if he ended tax cuts for everyone. if he continued them for everyone, but still a hit. even if you agree with the president 100%, the numbers show that today's announcement was a lot about politics. you say, all right, he's a politician, of course. but this is a big play because he's kicking the can down the road, avoiding talking about or paying for other taxes that will go away next year, ones that will hurt the middle class, like the payroll tax cut extension, like unemployment benefit, keeping those everybody will cost another $121 billion on top of the $150 billion tax cut for people earning under $250,000. it's a lot of numbers. of course then there's the $1.2 trillion and those automatic sequestration cuts to defense and social services. if implemented, that will slash growth by another .6%. you can see that growth number getting smaller and smaller. why is the president doing this piecemeal? "outfront" tonight, senator chris coons from delaware. i'm curious as to what you think about the fact that he makes an announcement about the bush tax cuts without dealing with all the other taxes that are very important for the middle class. >> erin, thanks for a chance to be on. as a member of the budget committee, i have to agree that what we need to get to is the much bigger, much harder problem of solving all the different changes, whether it's sequestration or the tax rates scheduled to kick in in january. what i liked about the president's announcement today is he simply said, let's move forward on what we can all agree on, everybody, republicans and democrats, house and senate, agree that we should not allow these bush tax cuts to expire on the middle class, on the 98% of americans who make less than $250,000. and as he said in his extended comments, we'll let the question of what the tax rate should be for millionaires and billionaires be decided by the election. i do think it's important for us to start giving some tax certainty to small business owners and families. if we could start by solving one small piece of it, that would show forward progress toward the much bigger fiscal cliff coming at us in january. >> here's my question. you said the president said the election will decide about the millionaires and billionaires but what about the 3.7 million americans who are not millionaires but earn more than $250,000 as a family? he's made that clear, he's raising their taxes. >> there are between $250,000 and $1 million, that's the position the president's taking. in my view, it helps set the table for the general public. most folks would agree that 98% of americans represents a broad range, more than the middle class, up into the upper middle class. the number that i think the president chose today was designed to strike a balance. in the end, our tax policy, as you mentioned, is going to be about figuring out which tax breaks, which tax expenditures we can afford to continue. and what we have to do to restore some tax fairness that allows the broad run, 98% of americans to accept the cuts in federal spending that will almost inevitably have to come next year. >> most people know that and accept that. all of us as a nation are dealing with that. but what about the jpmorgan analysis said, if this went away for everybody, you get $221 billion in revenue. you're only getting $71 billion from the wealthiest americans. and i get to this point only because i'm trying to understand the reality of it is, you can't pay for this problem by taxing the wealthy. you can pay for a little bit of it. but you can't pay for all of it. that's the math. >> that's right, erin. it's not possible for us to either tax our way or spend our way or cut spending to solve the current problem we have. we have record low federal revenues and record high federal spending post-world war ii and we're in our 28th month of private sector job growth. to strengthen that job growth, we have to continue to make some smart investments. we have to invest in innovation and infrastructure and education. but we have to allow some tax expenditures, some loopholes to be closed or to expire so the broad run of americans believe that this system is getting fairer. >> why wouldn't you go for that, then? why not just go for that and do a deal where you close the loopholes, lower rates but the wealthier end up paying more, you deal with this fairness issue instead of taking the politically easy path of raising taxes on some people and not others and not dealing with the loopholes at all? this thing he said today doesn't do anything with that, nothing. >> my real hope is that we will move forward from this proposal to the broader and more challenging work of trying to engage in comprehensive tax reform. it broadens the base, lowers rates and raises revenue. i'm someone who generally supports the bowles/simpson framework. there has to be a framework we can reduce to legislation that would deal with all of these very tough questions. >> you're very lowering rates? you would be for -- >> as long as we close loopholes to pay for it. >> you're saying you can't get there right now so do this. but once you extend the tax cuts, that makes it more difficult, doesn't it, for some people rather than others? >> it pushes it into next year. the question of what the tax rate will be for the middle class. that's right. but i also think we have to show that in the congress, we can coming to and solve some of these problems. just last week, we managed to finally pass a bipartisan highway bill, something that invests in putting people to work that, invests in strengthening our infrastructure. it took months longer than it should have. but i think it's important that we are still passing legislation that the president is signing into law so that as folks who aren't worried about the election, they're worried about job creation and about our economy, get some positive signals from what we're doing in washington. that's what i hear from the state of delaware. folks want us to make principled comprehensive, improve the fairness of our tax code and strength tennessee competitiveness of our economy. >> thank you for taking the time. let's bring in john avlon and he was honest there. kicks the can down the road. he was very direct about what this does. >> absolutely. and you asked why is the president adopting a piecemeal approach? and the answer is, presidential campaign politics. >> politics, right. >> this is first of all no grand bargain is going to get done. i think there are things congress can agree upon. but in election year, the grand bargain ain't going to get done. the president's trying to draw a contrast that's politically beneficial to him. he's trying to campaign as the defender of the middle class. he's saying, can we agree to extend the bush tax cuts for the middle class. if not, why not? why does that remaining 2% have to put a giant question mark over the rest of the economy? but it opens him up to the republicans' attack that segmenting off that 2% is class warfare. >> and looking at these numbers, the numbers we got from various economists, extending them for the middle class americans under $250,000 and not for everyone else takes a full percent off gdp. you're tact a third to the half of your gdp could go away by not extending them for everyone. the growth does not support, at least on that specific analysis, the point. >> that's why this is ultimately about campaign narratives and campaign contrasts. if the focus is growth and at the end of the day, everyone agrees there needs to be growth, this is about drawing a clear contrast. the real question for democrats is this may poll well. but if it's a household making $250,000, that's not rich in many parts of this country. and so it becomes the question, it's not just a question about the growing gap between the super rich and the middle class but families getting caught in the gray area. >> a lot of independents in the wealthy suburbs in this country. thanks very much to john avlon. texas fought for its voter id law in court today which could keep more than 1 million people from voting. we'll tell you why it may hold up in court. a mysterious illness has killed dozens of children in cambodia. tonight on the scene live, what that deadly illness might be. and george zimmerman is in a safe house and we're going to tell you who's actually paying the bill. cookie-cutter retirement advice ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you get at some places. ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 they say you have to do this, have that, invest here ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 ttd#: 1-800-345-2550 you know what? 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[ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrition in charge! our second story "outfront," the state of texas tries to enforce an id law that could keep more than 1 million people from voting in the presidential election. it's one of 11 states with new laws requiring voters to show a photo id. a justice department lawyer says 1.4 million people in texas don't have a photo id. states with a history of voting rights violations need permission from the justice department before they can change election rules. so today, the two sides took the issue to federal court. roland martin is here, cnn contributor and allison stewart, republican analyst. roland, explain the basics. people with a driver's license have a picture, they may be saying, i don't understand this. how could 1.4 million people not have a photo id? tell me who these people are. >> well, a lot of people don't have it because you're not necessarily required. you're talking about senior citizens. you're also talking about any number of minorities because if you're not having a checking account, you're not showing it. i'm a native of texas. i'm in houston right now. they also don't allow a student id, erin. now, the georgia law allowed for the public university students to use their student id but not private schools. but in texas, you can use your gun permit id to be able to vote but not a student id. that's what's so crazy. but also the legislature in passing this bill bypassed the normal procedure of two-thirds voting to approve the bill. they bypassed that to get this in. and so it raises the question, why would you do that -- why would you go against your normal procedure to pass this bill compared to others? >> alice, let me ask you a question. i don't need to be a genius to recognize what roland was saying. >> first of all, the whole purpose for this is to prevent voter fraud and to combat a culture of election fraud and to bring about free and fair and lawful elections. and the good thing about the law in texas, these voter ids are free of charge and also when you go to the polls, there's a provision where you can go -- if you go to the polls that day and you don't have your id, you can cast a provisional ballot and you have, depending on what state, you have six to ten days to get your id. so no one's turned away from voting. you just have to get your proper id. voting is a privilege in this country. and there are certain requirements that we all have, all three of us here, we have certain requirement that is we need in order to cast a ballot. >> what she just said is shameful, erin. when you say voting is a privilege, these are the same people when we talk about our troops overseas fighting for the american way, democracy, our power and our vote, all of a sudden now it's a privilege? no. any republican, any democrat, any independent should be saying, voting is a fundamental right in this country. erin, what also is troubling about this, the american legislative exchange group, there are lots of corporate funders, will expose them, they begin to lead these efforts. the reality is, it's a partisan issue. we've seen these laws all of a sudden crop up since 2010, many statehouses flip to the gop. what's also interesting in terms of what they're pushing and talking about it's a privilege is when you deny 1 million people and then you're saying the corruption of voter fraud, the national republican lawyers only found 340 cases of voter fraud over a ten-year period in all of america. so you're saying -- >> give alice a chance to respond to that. >> 1 million people for what percentage? >> he has a fair point here, alice. >> just to make sure we get all the facts out there, texas itself has already tried 50 cases and currently in texas alone, there are almost 250 cases pending that are to be investigated that involve dead people casting ballots. we're not talking about huge presidential elections that are decided by tens of thousands of votes. many of these races come down to just a handful of vote, talking about statehouse races that are critical f. you're a candidate on either side of the aisle, you want to make sure these elections are fair and lawful. >> i remember a time when i was 17 years old and a guy that i'd known my whole life, he was almost 60, he was african-american, he'd never voted and he was intimidated and intimidated about reading the ballot. so we spent all summer working on the ballot. and he voted that time for president clinton. and i always remember that when i hear these stories. people are afraid and it shouldn't be that way. and don't you think that some of these laws make people more afraid? >> no, i think -- that's great that he was able to cast his ballot. that's fantastic. but it's very important -- no one's turned away. anyone can go get a free id and go to the polls and vote. you just have to get your id. this is to help make elections for everyone, make sure every vote is fair and it's lawful. >> erin, what she's not -- >> follow all the laws that are on the books in every state. >> many cowan tis -- there are a number of counties in texas that don't have a department of public safety office to get your id. where do they get it? the other deal is, people who are illegal immigrants can get a driver's license in texas. how can you pass that law but then say you can have a driver's license to vote but you pass that law, then you say voter fraud -- well, that makes no sense. >> we'll leave it on that note. thanks to both of you, appreciate it. let us know what you think on twitter. there's a number of reasons "fifty shades of grey" has become an economic powerhouse. and mitt romney doesn't have anything to do with "fifty shades of grey," mitt romney is under fire for his offshore bank accounts. why does he have them? 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borrowing more. consumer credit rose by $17 billion in may. resolving credit includes your credit card, rose by $8 billion, the most since november 2007. our third story "outfront," democrats hammering mitt romney for holding offshore bank accounts. >> this is a guy whose slogan is business in america. >> why does an american businessman need a swiss bank account and secretive investments like that? >> why does an american need a swiss bank account? we asked a professor of tax at new york university. he said the reasons could range from tax fraud to simply having easy access to money abroad but that in mitt romney's cases the benefits are more likely. nobody's alleging anything illegal as well here. but secrecy and confidentiality are the main reason, avoiding tax deduction limits and the professor also said avoiding tax on investment income. in this case, this could be money that his i.r.a. has invested in bonds. he has a $100 million i.r.a. liam cohen, doug holtseeken and j john avlon join me. this is why mitt romney has offshore bank accounts, right, to save money? >> my presume is to make money. i'd be quite surprised -- >> that's an interesting way to put my words back at me. well done. >> this is real simple, i think. for the average person whose only account is in a bank down the street is mysterious. all that could be going on here is that mr. romney's investment investor who makes his investments for him has chosen to invest in some overseas entities. it could be as schism as buying a share of british stock. and when the dividends got paid, he paid taxes on it like everybody else. or he could invest in something in the bahamas or the caymans, those entities are organized to attract investors from many countries. >> but they give you benefits -- talking about that debt tax benefit. if that were the case and we don't know if it is. but a $100 million ire ra could be saving a huge amount of tax dollars? >> it's not taxable in the united states until's taken out for anyone, mitt romney or anyone. those are entities that are typically in the caymans or the bahamas because the europeans don't want to put it into the united states. we are an economy where the president threatens to raise tax every two days. they want it on a third-party neutral site. >> william, what do you make of doug's arguing here? he made a good case. >> well, he's articulate. i'll give him that. but you have to point out here first of all that this wasn't just mitt romney's financial adviser making this decision. these were funds that mitt romney were invested in when he was at bain for 15 years and that were domiciled like many hedge funds or private equity funds in offshore areas in order to frankly avoid paying taxes, if they can. the point of the matter is that if you're an honest person, which let's presume mitt romney is, the federal government will find him and make him pay his taxes no matter where he makes that money on a worldwide basis. but if he were disinclined to report that himself because none of these entities file irs forms. he could easily evade taxes. that's what goes on here repeatedly. and no one's saying that mitt romney is doing that. but the point of the matter is he could do it if he wanted to. >> would you acknowledge, though, that with the tax code being some 60,000-plus pages or something like that, it's that long because people have put loopholes in there. and if you have the time, you should be using those loopholes. if he's doing that, what's he doing wrong? >> erin, he's more than likely playing by the rules. this is not exactly a transparent situation here. let's give him the credit, yes, he is playing by the rules. but to douglas' question or your question about the i.r.a. that he has, he has $102 million in that i.r.a., i don't know he did that putting in $15,000 to $17,000 a year. i would like to know what kind of investments he had making that kind of return. >> that is a great question. >> i think everyone in america would want to know. the bottom line is, why is he doing it? he's been running for president for eight years. >> he's running for office. >> this doesn't play well. why not just close them down? >> he did close down some accounts but obviously because he gets a tax advantage. let's be real about it. >> sometimes when the answer is answer, the answ obvious, the answer is obvious. >> it's a matter of relatability. the democrats are returning to this -- and mitt romney is in danger of not defining himself before his opponent does. fairly or not, it's about relatability. can he relate to you if he is a member of the super rich with a swiss bank account? that's not to say he's done anything wrong or illegal at all. >> doug, final question to you, this point of why wouldn't he have closed some of this stuff down or even perhaps taken a different stance on the carried interest tax. he could have done things to mitigate this. do you think he make a political mistake? >> i certainly think this is very easy to demagogue. i saw robert gibbs on candy crowley's show on sunday and it was borderline character assassination. there's a real political risk there. i want to emphasize if you put things in a blind trust, you no longer control those investments. his investment adviser may very well have made investments without him knowing and he's now paying a political price. but that hurt. >> i think we all know, i'd be like what the -- is in that blind trust? that's all i'm saying. i'll leave it there. thanks to all three of you. appreciate it. our fourth story "outfront," tonight george zimmerman living in a safe house guarded by a private security team. he's charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of trayvon martin. why does zimmerman need this enhanced security and who's paying for it? paul callan is "outfront." what does this mean? >> first time i've ever heard the use of this word in a criminal case was the casey anthony case after she was released. a safe house is where a spy goes. they have encrypted communications. this makes it sound like george zimmerman thinks he's jason bourne and he needs a safe house. i find it to be an odd selection of terminology to describe security. >> so why would he need to hire personal security? the question is, too, does this terminology have anything to do with who's actually paying for it? >> i think it does. i think that by using a term like safe house, it elevates george zimmerman to the point where he maybe can claim to be representing some national idea or a cause. i don't know what it is, self-defense, if he acted in self-defense, he acted in self-defense. that will be up to a jury someday. but certainly for fund-raising purposes, there's a certain glamour to have your own private security team guarding you in your safe house which is what his website now says. in most criminal cases, and i've been involved in a lot of them, if there's a legitimate, credible threat made against somebody, including a defendant, the local police provide security. you don't need a safe house and a private security force. >> we called the sheriff's department and asked to try to find out what was happening here. they said orge zimmerman never had a personal request for protection. who made the decision? >> well, obviously a decision has been made either by zimmerman or by his defense team that they need security. what i'm betting is what he really needs protection against is the paparazzi. his house would be surrounded by photographers and they would be taking his picture and asking him unpleasant questions as he leaves every day. i think that's a greater threat to george zimmerman probably than some hitman who's going to kill him. trayvon martin's family has said that they'll rely on the court system. and the local demonstrations have really died down in seminole county relating to this case. there are always crackpots saying things on the interpret. but a credible threat that would require a private security force, i have my doubts that it's necessary. >> thanks very much to you, paul callan. the mysterious illness that's killed 64 children in cambodia, we'll go there live to see if anybody knows what's happening and why these children are dying. and then, a shark creeps up on a kayaker in cape cod. his first-ever time on a kayak. as luxury s.u.v.s, it helps to have an interior full of hand-selected wood trim and soft premium leather... and it doesn't hurt to have a selec-terrain dial that truly performs. ♪ those little things for you, life's about her. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. that's a dead end. ...don't know which way to turn. 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[ announcer ] we are insurance. -woo! ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ we're back with tonight's outer circle where we reach out to our sources around the world. we begin tonight in cambodia where a mysterious illness has killed 64 children since april. doctors say they may have the first key to solving what is behind the deaths. it's called enterovirus 71. a common childhood disease which was discovered in a number of the children who died. chief medical correspondent sanjay gupta is live in phnom penh. what have we learned about this virus and whether it's contagious? >> reporter: well, we've learned that 15 of these 66 children that you just mentioned tested positive for this enterovirus 71. so it's an important clue, as you mentioned. but as you can tell from the numbers alone, erin, it doesn't explain everything. more testing is still under way. it's also -- it can be a pretty common virus. so the fact that this could be so lethal here in cambodia is a little bit of a puzzle as well. of those 66 children, 64 have died. this is nearly 100% lethal. what's also interesting, to your second question about how contagious, it doesn't appear to be very contagious. enterovirus typically is contagious. typically if a child has in it a household, a sibling or another young child may get it or it may cluser in communities. that doesn't seem to be happening here. that's good news but leaves a lot of unanswered questions. >> i know you spent a lot of time in the hospitals today seeing these children and their mothers. i'm curious what you were able to figure out or what you think might be the reason why the fatality rate is so high for a disease that you say is really rather common? how do you make those two things together work? >> reporter: well, there's a lot of people trying to answer that question. but i can tell you a couple of things that seemingly are coming to the surface here. one is that this enterovirus 71 could, in fact, be one infection and there could be another infection that's at play as well. we don't know. they're trying to test for this. or it could be that the enterovirus caused a sort of mild infection and the children were treated with some sor dicade ition tworse. this would be an interaction literally between medication and virus in this ca. that's the leading sort of theory by one of the doctors that's treated all 66 of these patients. so -- but we can't say that for sure as of now. th inteer vir a mysterious thin they want to solve it to prevent it from continuing to occur. >> sguhank so went all the way cambodia to see these children reporting live from phnom penh tonight. now to afghanistan, where hamid karzai ordered the arrest of taliban members who shot a woman execution style because he was accused of adultery. muhamm mohammed jamjoom tells us why they did it. >> they said they did it to save face by accusing a woman of adultery, a crime punishable by death in afghanistan. afghan president hamid karzai has vowed a manhunt has started and the perpetrators of this crime will be brought to justice. but it must be remember that had in afghanistan, violence towards women is not just committed by the taliban. and it's quite frequent. and in a report released just this year by human rights watch, it stated that nearly nine out of ten afghan women suffer physical, sexual or psychological violence or forced marriage at least one in their lifetimes. erin? >> thanks to mohammed. let's check in with anderson with a look at what's coming up on "a.c. 360." >> we have an exclusive report about crime at sea and how much more common it is than you may realize, about how little protection there is for those victimized on an ocean cruise. and in the end, how little justice some people may be getting. also, the divorce between katie holmes and holmes and tom cruise is final. it was settled apparently amicably. a former member of the church of scientology talks about her own divorce. president obama's tax cut proposal, all that, the riduculist, at the top of the hour, erin. >> now, our fifth story out front. sharks in the water. a great white 12 to 14 feet long that was cruising off the waters of cape cod. that's where first-time kai yauker walter was vacationing when he found himself -- it's like you can hear the "jaws" music, face-to-face with a great white saturday. it was right out of "jaws." >> you're going to need a bigger boat. >> saltz could have used a bigger boat. he was paddling for his life as the shark began following him. this is what it was like. fortunately, he made it safely and he is out front tonight. good to see you, sir. that picture is just -- i can hear the sinister and frightening music. can you tell me when you noticed this shark was behind you? >> yes, i noticed the shark when the man on the sorry, on the surf board pointed it out with his paddle. i was just concerned with landing the kayak without dumping it. >> thank god you didn't dump it. was this your first time out in a kayak? >> it was my first time out in the ocean on a kay yak. >> cab you tell me what happened to your mind, your heart, your stomach, your boat, when you turned around and saw the fin? >> i was a little freaked out. it was -- it was a quick moment. i had to react. i pretty much looked at it, look down, saw the body there. i didn't see the head. i think that was under the kayak. so at that point i just paddled. fortunately, i had plenty of practice time so -- >> wow so we're looking at the picture now. we can see the fin and your kayak. you're saying that was probably 10, 15 feet away, so literally part of the shark was under you? >> that's what it seemed like when i looked back. it was a quick glance and i realized i need to move or the shark's going to do what it's going to do which i suppose it could have anyways. >> i'm just wondering why it didn't. maybe it was just curious about you. i mean, i have no -- it's just such a miraculous thing. i know you recently when your daughter was on cape cod had said, hey, don't worry about sharks, no problem, don't worry about them. i guess you kind of have to have a little problem there now. >> actually, my daughter was a little concerned with the sharks. my sister had texted us we should watch out for the great whites. we sort of made a little joke of it. i told her what was the chance, you know, of bumping into a shark, the amount of people in the water and the amount of sightings that there were, so we were kind of mocking the fact we were going to see the shark and i think i called it out. >> walter, have you seen the pictures of your shark from the air? >> no, i have not. >> you got to look at them because our viewers are looking at them and it's pretty frightening. so one final question, are you going to go back in, go back into the ocean? >> i've already been back in. >> already? >> went in a little ways that same night. >> what? really? >> not far, but we went in a little bit. yeah. >> well, good for you. >> from the way i understand it, i'm assuming i brought the shark in, you know, he followed me from pretty far back so it didn't seem like the people swimming were in danger. i clearly might have been but -- >> yeah, obviously you were. i give you credit. i would never go in the water again. i'm like your daughter, i'm a little nervous about sharks. all right, well, thank you so much. thanks for telling your tale. that was certainly the picture of the day. >> thank you. can i just say hello to my kids, jacob and skyler, they're watching right now, and a little shout out to the people and friends and family in new hampshire. >> you got it. >> and thanks to hearts turkey farm for letting me stay at their place. >> they all heard it, you said it, thanks so much, we appreciate it. a nation celebrates a birthday but there was not a whole lot to celebrate. we're going to look to the bright side. the e block is next. i don't have to use gas. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. drive around town all the time doing errands and never ever have to fill up gas in the city. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. the last time i went to the gas station must have been about three months ago. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. ♪ ♪ what started as a whisper every day, millions of people choose to do the right thing. there's an insurance company that does that, too. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? 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[ speaking foreign language ] i met him once. i was inspired by him. he was the man behind dmt. dignified mobile toilets. he had a great sense of humor about his business. his business card says blank business is serious business. and so it is. he told me, quote, that million people in this country wake up every single day and they have to do their business. he made are

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