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at sea pleading for help from a passing cruise ship but allegedly ignored. now the sole survivor of that horrific 28-day ordeal takes matters into his own hands. we want to welcome our viewers from the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." the 2012 campaign ad wars are threatening to take an lig new turn by dredging up the past. so far mitt romney is rejecting a proposed anti-obama advertising offensive that would have brought back a controversial figure from the last presidential campaign. here's jim acosta. >> it was a pitch to tear down the president laid out in this proposal obtained by the "new york times" for a multi-media ad campaign that recommends, quote, hitting barack right between the eyes. entitled "the defeat of barack hussein obama," it proposes tv spots featuring jeremiah wright in the clips that almost derailed his previous campaign. ending spending says it received the proposal but rejected it. >> we've got to stop this incredible spending. >> the pac is aligned with online brokerage campaign joe rickets. in statement he says rickeths is neither the author or funder of the so-called plan to defeat mr. obama. it's filled with racial overtones referring to the president as the metro sexual black abe lincoln. it was to kick off at the opening of the democratic national convention in charlotte. joe biden questioned the morality of the offense of. >> they act like it's 1942. >> when asked about the story on his campaign plane, mitt romney said he hadn't read it yet. >> sir, have you seen the report in the times this morning? >> i haven't seen the papers this morning. >> governor, do you think reverend wright is off limits in this campaign? >> i'll be right back, i'll be right back. >> slammed by the obama campaign for that nonresponse, romney went further at a campaign event later in the day. >> i repudiate that effort. i think it's the wrong course for a pac or a campaign. i hope that our campaigns can respectively be about the future and about issues and about a vision for america. i've been disappointed in the president's campaign to date, which is focused on character assassination. >> but the gop contender did raise the question of wright's influence on the president earlier this year in. >> the president takes his philosophical leanings in this regard not from those who are believers in various faiths but instead from those who would like to see america more secular. i'm not sure which is worse, him listening to reverend wright or him saying that we must be a less -- >> i stand by what i said. >> this time around the proposed wright offensive managed to inject the pastor into the news cycle without spending a dime on air time. jim april costa, cnn, naples, florida. >> let's turn to our white house correspondent dan lothian. what's the white house reaction to this idea of trying to revive the whole reverend wright controversy? >> first of all, you saw the obama campaign jump all over this, blasting romney for not coming out and issuing a stronger statement initially. what they're trying to use this to do is to show that -- all right, everyone. we'll get back to that in a moment. we're going to take you now live to camp david, the president speaking. he's meeting with leaders from around the world, to try to boost the world, the global economy. >> to get back to a path of recovery and growth. our progress has been tested at times by shocks like the disaster in japan, for example. today it's threatened once again by the serious situation in the eurozone. as all of the leaders here today agreed, growth and jobs must be our top priority. a stable, growing european economy is in everybody's best interests, including america's. europe is our largest economic partner. put simply, if a company is forced to cut back in paris or madrid that is correct might mean less business for manufacturers in pittsburgh or milwaukee. and that might mean a tougher time for families and communities that depend on that business. and that's why even as we've confronted our own economic challenges over the past few year, we've collaborated closely with our european allies and partners as they confronted theirs. today we discussed way they can promote growth and job creation while carrying out reforms necessary to stabilize their economies for the future. we know it is possible. in part based on our own experience here. in my earliest days in office, we took decisive steps to confront our own financial crisis, for making banks submit to stress tests and rebuilding their capital and we put in place some of the strongest financial reform since the great depression. at the same time, we worked to get our own fiscal house in order in a responsible way. and through it all, even as we worked to stabilize the financial sector and bring down our deficits and debt over the longer term, we stayed focused on growing the economy and creating jobs in the immediate term. of course we still have a lot of work to do, too many of our people are still looking for jobs that pay the bills. our deficits are still too high, but after shrinking by nearly 9% the quarter before i took office, america's economy has now grown for almost three consecutive years. after losing hundreds of thousands of jobs a month, our businesses have created more than 4 million jobs over the past 26 months. exports have surged and manufacturers are investing in america again. and this economic growth then gives us more room to take a balanced approach to reducing our deficit and debt while preserving our investments in the drivers of growth and job creation over the long term, education, animation and infrastructure for the 21st century. europe's situation of course is more complicated. they've got a political and economic crisis facing greece, slow growth and very high unemployment in several countries. and what's more when they want to decide on a way to move forward, there are 17 countries in the eurozone that need to come to an agreement. we recognize that and we respect that. but the direction the debate has taken recently should give us confidence. europe has taken significant steps to manage the crisis, individual countries and the european union as a whole have engaged in significant reforms that will increase the prospects of long-term growth. and there's now an emerging con sense us that more must be done to create growth and job creation right now in the context of these fiscal and structural reforms. that consensus for progress was strengthened here at camp david. today we agreed that we must take steps to boost confidence and to promote growth and demand while getting our fiscal houses in order. we agreed upon the importance of a strong and cohesive eurozone and affirmed our interest in greece staying in the eurozone while respecting its commitments. of course we also recognize the painful sacrifices that the greek people are making at this difficult time and i know my european colleagues will carry forward these discussions as they prepare for meetings next week. the leaders here understand the stakes. they know the magnitude of of the choices they have to make and the enormous political, economic and social costs if they don't. in addition to our g-8 meeting, i was able to talk to them individually and i reaffirmed that europe has the capacity to meet its challenges and america is not only confident in its ability to meet their challenges but we are supportive of their efforts. today following our discussion of the economy, we also made progress on a range of other important challenges. we discussed the importance of pursuing an all of the above strategy in energy and security in a safe way. to address climate change by addressing short-lived pollutants and in the face of decreases supplies of oil, we agreed we must closely monitor energy markets. together we stand ready to call upon the international energy agency to take action to ensure the market remains fully and timely supplied. we also announced a new alliance on food security, with african leaders in the private sector as part of an effort to lift 50 million people out of poverty over the next decade. we discussed our support for a sustainable -- >> president obama speaking at camp david talking about what they're talking about at the g8 summer, economics, climate change and the rest we will monitor here on cnn. >> i'm very pleased we were able to make progress here at camp david and tomorrow we'll discuss our plans to responsibly end the war in afghanistan. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? we talked about getting a diamond. but with all the thank you points i've been earning... ♪ ...i flew us to the rock i really had in mind. ♪ [ male announcer ] the citi thank you card. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, with no blackout dates. earn points you can use for travel on any airline, have you ever partaken in a car insurance taste 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>> yes. >> can i just say i'm not so sure that class warfare to say they don't get ushs the way joe biden did this week is a winning strategy with voters. >> i don't think so. i think they think so. >> right. those are the people they have to convince. i think that could turn offer voters. >> class warfare, they don't like to call it that in the reelect committee, has not shown to work. we've seen it before, we saw al gore sort of try it, it clearly didn't work there. >> you know what else isn't going to work, by all accounts except for a small element is reviving the reverend wright uproar. they tried that four years ago. didn't exactly work great. they're running away from this, candy, the romney bunch as quickly as they can. >> they see it -- there was some full horror on the parts of democrats to steer this story, why? it's a bad issue for republicans. it brings up race and that does turn off independents. they don't want to be seen as intolerant or aligned with anything like that and i think the romney folks get that and so before it could touch them in a heavy handed way, they said we renounce this. >> and what the president has going for him is he's liked by a majority of the american public. you have an ad like this and it will turn a lot of people off. admmid -- and mitt romney has t stick to his financial issues. he doesn't want to be talking about reverend wright. >> the romney and obama campaign are raising about the same amount of money, about $40 million, $45 million. they're both doing relatively equally as well. >> i think just putting a period on what we've been seeing for a while, this is going to be a close race. romney is beginning to catch up because now it just romney. i don't know that you can ever get to the point where a president is simply because fund-raising for a president is a lot easier than it is as a challenger but nonetheless, there's plenty of folks they can go to. i think it just shows this is going to be a close race. >> they're both going to have hundreds of millions of dollars. >> where the republicans do have an advantage is the super pacs. they seem to be able to raise a lot more money in the super pacs. >> the democrats now have to go to the grass roots because they understand this isn't going to be like in november of 2008 where they were way ahead. right now we're looking at a race that could be a almost at parity here. eight whole different ball game. of course the first at first was opposed to super pacs and now he's given them his blessing because he's wants to compete against the republican sooup parks. these things have an awful lot of influence in the campaign but sometimes they can run amuck. >> these super pacs? >> these super pac. >> because there's supposed to be no control no, alignment whatsoever. why are you smiling? >> i think it's a very thin line there and i think it's crossed at the time. what is coordination? is it calling the guy saying will you run in these states or is it simply knowing what the guy is going to do and could you something. i think this this line is very light -- or the candidate going to the bully pulpit saying i repudiate this sort of ad. >> the democrats say they hate the super pacs but they don't want to, quote, unilaterally disarm in the face of this war going on. >> you have a big show tomorrow on "state of the union "? >> absolutely. we're going to talk about some of these issues. we have on barbara boxer and kay bailey hutchison to give us their view of what's going on in the senate, which at the moment appears to be nothing. >> are we surprised? >> no, we're not. >> 9:00 a.m. and noon sunday. candy crowley, state of the union. thanks very much for coming in. >> lost at sea his lawyer says he survived fights back. and we're going to tell you what's so unusual about france's new first lady. stick around. i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pitch before. turning data into useful answers. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. three fishermen stranded at sea, pleading for help from a passing cruise ships but allegedly ignored. the sole survivor of that horrific 28-day ordeal is taking matters into his own hands. our brian todd is working the story. >> reporter: this is what the passengers saw, a disabled fishing boat adrift in the pacific ocean. the passengers were on board "the star princess," a massive cruiseliner that had come win sight of the boat. one of the passengers who spotted it described what a man on the stranded boat was doing. >> you could see him doing this with his shirt, over and over and over. >> reporter: meredith and at least one other passenger, jeff gilligan, who took this photo said they immediately notified the crew member. they say the crew member visually confirmed the distressed boat on his own but the cruise ship never stopped. >> while we were on the ship, the feeling of powerlessness because we would have liked to somehow gone over and rescued them. >> the people on the disabled boat were growing more desperate by the moment. one of them, adrian vasquez, is now suing princess cruises for neglect. he spoke with the web site panamaguide. >> translator: it was a really big boat. it was white and had the name in red. >> reporter: vasquez was on the disabled fishing boat with two companions. he says after they were spotted about the bithe cruise ship passengers on march 10th, one of his companion, having lost all hope died that day. the complaint said the other died five days later. vasquez was rescued by another fishing both near tat. the cruise line issued a statement saying this was a case of unfortunate miscommunication, that after the crew members were notified by passenger, he was not notified of the concern and if he had been, he would have had an opportunity to respond. >> the cruise line says the captain was never notified. what does that mean as far as you're concerned? >> well, the fact that the captain wasn't notified is an admission of gross negligence on their part. the captain should have been told whatever any crew member was told about this distressed vessel. there's a rule in admiralty you go up the chain of command. >> reporter: he says if the ship had stopped to help and mabb missed that scheduled docking, it would have lost a lot of money in concessions. a spokeswoman for princess cruises says that assertion is absolutely false. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> facebook has gone public with its stocks and one of its founder is apparently trying to avoid paying taxes on his expected windfall. some senators say no way. >> and france's president is doing things differently by not being married to his first lady. . they grow up, and they're out having their life. i really started to talk to them about the things that are important that they have to take ownership over. my name's colleen stiles, and my kids and i did our wills on legalzoom. 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[ male announcer ] go online to reach every home, every address, every time with every door direct mail. facebook certainly has a lot of new friends, investors who claim clamorred to buy stock when the company went public on friday. mark zuckerberg is about to get richer at the age of 28. he celebrated his birthday this week. >> gosh, okay, i'm glad this isn't live. >> reporter: it was 2006, about two years after launching facebook from his harvard dorm, a nervous and camera-shy mark zuckerberg -- >> sorry, can i start that a different way? i'm so not on today. >> reporter: sits down for a cnn interview. >> can you just say your name and appropriation announce it is so nobody messes it up a and they have it on tape. >> sure, it's mark zuckerberg. >> reporter: how would you like to be roufd, your tight approximately. >> found aer and ceo. >> he was so unknown, our producers had to ask the most basic question ps. >> how did the company start? >> well, it didn't start as a company. afs sophomore at harvard. i've never really been asked how the company was started before. >> reporter: how did facebook start? >> now i'm all embarrassed. you would think i would have been asked that like a ton of times. >> reporter: speaking-wise he may have been rough around the edges but even then it was clear zuckerberg had a laser-like focus of what he wanted facebook to become. >> we view the site as an information directory. it helps you understand what's going around you. once you're better informed about what's going on around you, you're in a better position to meet people. >> mark zuckerberg is one of those rare ceo's who fame and persona make him a compelling figure. >> in private i think mark is a pretty entertaining, engaging fellow who is funny, who has a lot of friends. >> reporter: david kirkpatrick is what you might call a facebook historian, author of the best selling book "the facebook effect." >> he's much more relaxed in private than in public. if it were up to him, he'd never be on a stage. he'd most be just be in front of a computer coding because that's what he loves to do. >> reporter: do you see facebook as your dream job or a stepping stone to something else? >> it's definitely not a stepping stone. i don't necessarily think about what my dream job would be but i guess this is pretty cool. i get to build what i want. that's awesome. >> reporter: it's interesting to get a glimpse of facebook's small office back then. notice the newspapers on the desk. it was only six years ago but this was preiphone and ipad. the one thing that hasn't changed, his attire, t-shirts and sandals. >> reporter: also unchanged -- >> i'm mark zuckerberg. >> reporte i think that the philosophy that this company has is that you solve an important problem and then you have the ability to have a good business but the basis of all is solve ag important problem. >> one of facebook's co-founders is under fire accused of renouncing his united states citizenship to avoid paying taxes. some u.s. senators are fuming and they say they are going to make him pay. let's bring in our senior correspondent. lots of motion on capitol hill on this issue. >> that's right. something big in the news, they certainly will be jumping on it on capitol hill. last year 1,800 people in the u.s. gave up their u.s. citiz citizenship. only one was a facebook balance may -- billionaire. >> in the movie "social network," eduardo saverin was a sympathetic figure betrayed by mark zuckerberg. >> you're going to blame me because you made a bad deal? >>. >> reporter: the way these senators see it, saverin is hardly sympathetic. >> he has turned miss back on the country this welcomed him, educated him, help him become a billionaire. it's a great american success story gone horribly wrong. >> reporter: the back story, saverin lost his position at facebook but still has an estimated 4% stake in the company worth billions of dollars, ahead of facebook's ipo, saverin renounced his u.s. citizenship in favor of the country he's lived in since 2009, singapore, which has no taxes on capital gains. this could save him tens of millions in u.s. taxes. >> eduardo saverin wants to defriend the united states of america just to avoid paying taxes and we aren't going to let him get away with it. >> he spits in the eye of the american people when he does this. it's an insult. he should be head accountable. >> reporter: the senators came one legislation to force wealthy americans who renounce u.s. citizenship to pay a 30% capital gains. if they don't pay that and back income taxes, they'd be barred from the u.s. in a carefully worded statement, saverin responded "i will pay and continue to pay all taxes on everything i earned while a u.s. citizen. he says nothing on paying taxes on facebook profits he'd make while no longer a u.s. citizen. he says he only expatrioted because he wants to live in singapore. >> anyone who believes mr. saverin did do this at least in good pat for tax purposes is gullible. >> a footnote, where else, on his facebook page. the legislation does allow the irs to denounce americans. michael orrin renounced his citizenship to comply with israeli law. >> and like the queen of jordan did, she was an american citizen, had to renounce that in order to become the queen of jordan. >> precisely. >> even by french standard, the new president has an unusual personal life for a politician. and watch two of new jerseys best political figures spoof themselves in the old "seinfeld" sitcom. and environmental recovery. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. like a squirrel stashes nuts, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air. the news socialist president of france is making his debut on the world stage. he's here in the united states for the g8 and nato summits and for some personal face time with president obama. his inauguration this week marked a dramatic transition for france in more ways than one. the new first lady was very different than carla bruni sarkozy. in one way, she's not married. >> she's france's first unmarried premier dame. she's the girl friend of president francois hollande. she prefers the term companion. their affection was evident election eve, a relationship that began if 2005 while they were both with their former partners. >> translator: they have known each other for a very long time because of paris match and before that she was with another paper. she has always been a political journalist. she followed the socialist party for "paris match" so they've known each other for at least 20 years. >> reporter: a feisty, political journalist, the twice divorced mother of three gave up her career so she could actively campaign for hollande. now she has some big shoes to fi fill. that could be out of character for france's new first lady, who says she will keep her day job. >> translator: she wants to stay a normal woman. she says herself that she has no family wealth, she has three children, three adolescents who she still looks after and for her it's crucial that she remains independent, especially financially independent with regards to her husband. she does not want to sponge off the state. so for the first time in france we could have a first lady who is a working woman. >> reporter: but working as a political journalist when you're in relationship with a official, no less the president, could be a conflict of interest. bruni sarkozy married her husband after he divorced his second wife while in office. the last socialist president had a wife and a mistress, followed children will both. but it seems times may have changed. >> translator: i think the french public wants a revelation in opinion. lot of couples in france live together, so it does not shock anyone. a lot of french families are step families. the couple are at the head of a step family. >> reporter: france's first couple may never feel the need to marry, but then again they haven't ruled it out. >> and the new french president also never married his first partner. she was the socialist presidential candidate five years ago and lost to the now former nicholas a cozy. hollande and royale have four children by the way. they're grown now and in their 20s. >> it was one of the worst natural disasters in history. the devastating tsunami in japan swept over 1 million tons of debris out to sea. now it could have a major impact on the west coast of the united states. >> also, probably everyone has an archnemesis. now the new jersey governor chris christie. for him it's the mayor of newark. we have a hilarious tribute to jerry seinfeld's newman. that's coming up as well. just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. mmm-hmm. and just leave your phone in your purse. i don't want you texting, all right? daddy...ok! ok, here you go. be careful. thanks dad. call me -- but not while you're driving. ♪ [ dad ] we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. ♪ that's why we bought a subaru. have you ever partaken in a car insurance taste test before? by taste? yes, never heard of it. well, that's what we're doing today. car insurance x has been perfected over the past 75 years. it's tasty. our second car insurance... they've not been around very long. mmmm... no good! no good? no good! so you chose geico over the other. whatever this insurance is, it's no good. ok so you... you do a lot of no.aking? look i'm going through the rapids. okay... i'll take it. sync your card with facebook, foursquare and twitter for savings. that's the membership effect of american express. the united states is just now beginning it feel the blow of that devastating earthquake in tsunami that struck japan a year ago. the west coast of the united states is bracing for what could be a major threat with tons of debris headed that way. let's bring in lisa sylvester. she has the details. >> reporter: this is a growing concern. scientists say the debris is moving much faster than previously thought. 2013 and 2014 are when the western coast of america could be hit with a wall of debris, but there are major concerns that the united states may not be ready. 1.5 million tons of tsunami debris moving across the pacific ocean, just starting to reach the west coast of north america. recently this harley davidson motorcycle washed up on a remote canadian island. thousands of pieces of plastic, styrofoam and household goods are expected to make landfall starting nks year. nick of ocean conservancy says it's not nuclear reactive but it can be harmful. >> we can't predict the future in terms of where this debris will end up but we certainly can make sure we prepare for it. >> this animation from the national oceanic and atmospheric administration shows >> this shows the path of the debris as it moves across the northern pacific. some u.s. senators are not happy with the progress that's been made. in a hearing, the national ocean service acknowledged it doesn't have the budget or a plan. alaskan senator mark begich. >> have you made a cost analysis of what this would be? and the answer from your administration was no, which made no sense to us after a year knowing, i don't know, the tsunami did happen. >> i don't have an answer that's going to make you happy, that's for sure. i really don't. you know, lots of priorities going on, and small program and we're out there, we don't know what the scope is don't have a clue. >> david kennedy, assistant administrator of the national ocean service admits they don't have the funds to clean up remote areas. the marine debris program is facing a 23% cut under the obama administration budget for next year, so the cleanup may become the problem of cash-strapped states already struggling to make ends meet. >> to be very frank with you're welcome it's somewhat frustrating to hear that statement, because the role of the federal government in emergencies is to assist states, not just say it's your responsibility, good luck, because that's not acceptable. >> the debris is following general ocean current flows, but it has disbursed, which has made it harder to track by satellite. in march, there was a japanese ship that surfaced off the coast of alaska. it made that 4,500-mile trip, not picked up by satellite, it just showed up. it was sunk by the coast guard, but it shows you there may be a lot of other surprises. >> so is alaska the most endangered right now by this debris coming across the pacific? >> if you look and follow the map of where they think this debris is right now, it is headed toward alaska, headed to washington state. these are some of the major areas. also all the way down to california. the mayor of long beach is very concerned that they are going to have a lot of this stuff coming on their shore without the money and resources to clean it up. >> they better get it ready, because that could be a disaster. a second disaster. thanks very much for that report. switching gears. if you're a fan of "seinfeld," you know jerry's arch rival is a mailman. newman. well, new jersey's governor chr chris christie has his own nemesis. a woman drives 25 miles with the roof of her car torn halfway off. if you want to know what happened it to, don't ask the driver. she has no idea. she certainly had no idea anything was wrong. [ heart beating, monitor beeping ] woman: what do you mean, homeowners insurance doesn't cover floods? [ heart rate increases ] man: a few inches of water caused all this? [ heart rate increases ] woman #2: but i don't even live near the water. what you don't know about flood insurance may shock you -- including the fact that a preferred risk policy starts as low as $129 a year. for an agent, call the number that appears on your screen. you may remember the story last month of the democrat rescuing a woman from a burning house. the state's governor republican chris christie teamed up with booker to poke some fun at his heroics. >> listen, i've got to get going. i think we might have a flat tire here. all right, i'll hang up first. goodbye. >> hey, gov, sit tight, i got this. >> booker! >> absolutely. >> governor, stand back! i got this, i got this. >> booker! >> governor romney, governor romney, yes, yes, that was me running into the fire. yes. i do shovel snow as well. yes, you're very persuasive. but i'm not a number two guy. i'm not a background singer. mitt, sir, with all due respect, i know you need a big -- >> excuse me, mayor. i got this. >> christie! fans of "seinfeld" know they got the idea from jerry seinfeld and his arch nemesis, newman. take a listen. >> you're going to the super bowl? >> yes, i am, a guy on my mail route just got a couple tickets and he offered one to me. >> what's his name? >> tim wadley. >> that's my ticket! >> sit? well, if only you'd known, you could have saved some time and given it directly to me. >> newman! >> i have a receipt for a rental car with your signature. it seems as if the springs were so compressed that they completely collapsed the right side. >> newman! i can't. newman. certain moments of your life that are also so intense, so powerful they're etched in our memories forever. apparently, there are some that are immediately forgotten. here's janine moss. >> reporter: what's black and blue and has fur all over? a canadian motorist who hit a moose, lost all memory of the accident and drove the car like this 25 miles to arrive at work on time. co-worker cindy paulson came running. >> and i said, michelle, what happened? require said nothing. she asked me if i was okay. i said yeah, why wouldn't i be? >> reporter: blood streaming down her swollen head. >> you were in an accident. she said no, i wasn't. >> reporter: but when she turned and saw her car, the one she had just stepped out of -- >> i was devastated to see the state my car was in. >> reporter: next stop, the hospital. michelle higgins has been recovering ever since from two broken bones in her neck and bruises galore. did you actually have a hoof print on your face? >> right up there. >> reporter: she calls it a scuff mark. but the moose looked worse than michelle did. police found it dead on the side of the road. michelle was driving from home to her job as a behavior therapist in newfoundland, she believes she rounded a bend on the transcanada highway and struck the moose, peeling back the top of the car. officials told her -- >> if i had been an inch taller, they said it would have took the top of my head off. >> reporter: she has no memory of driving the next 25 miles. stopping at red lights and you're making lefts and rights -- >> exactly. yeah, i made two lefts and a right. >> reporter: michelle says the memory loss really bothers her. >> i lost $5 two years ago and that still drives me crazy wondering where it is. now i've lost my mind. >> reporter: a pair of pedestrians confirmed they saw her driving by. >> there was a lady driving by with no windshield. >> reporter: she may never go down memory lane with her moose, but she's happy. >> i'm breathing and i'm walking. >> reporter: michelle says there

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Confidence , Whole , Prospects , European Union , Emerging Con , Sense , Consensus , Context , Interest , Importance , Houses , Staying , Demand , Colleagues , Commitments , Discussions , Sacrifices , Meetings , Costs , Stakes , Choices , Magnitude , Addition , 8 , Capacity , Ability , Efforts , Discussion , Orange , Strategy , Energy , Face , Security , Pollutants , Climate Change , Market , Energy Markets , Supplies , Action , Decreases , Soil , International Energy Agency , Alliance , Food Security , Support , Poverty , Sustainable , 50 Million , Economics , G 8 Summit , Rest , Plans , Nylons , War In Afghanistan , Announcer , Mind , Citi , Shoes , Girl Wouldn T , Diamond , The Rock , Car Insurance X , Taste , Car Insurance Taste , Yes , Airline , Points , Blackout Dates , Good , Geico , Car Insurance , 75 , Insurance , Mother , Rx , Page , Tires , Engine , Chapter , Sport , Rx Hybrid , Lexus , To Sweeten , Essentialstm No Calorie , Dealer , Sweetener , B Vitamins , Splenda , One , 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, Candidate , Pacs , They Don T Want To , Bully Pulpit , Some , War , View , What S Going On , State Of The Union , Big Show , Barbara Boxer , Kay Bailey Hutchison , Thanks , Nothing , Lawyer , Lost At Sea , Senate , Noon Sunday , Candy Crowley , 00 , France , Fights , First Lady , Kids , Unitedhealthcare , Fastball , Weigh , Options , Coach , Me Cancer , Trained Rn , Wealthy Americans , Numbers , Data , Health , 70 Million , 78000 , Technologies , Producers , Natural Gas , Environment , Emissions , Recycling Systems , Footprint , Air Quality , Wildlife , Conservation , Lives , Power , Domestic , Fishermen , Sea , Passing Cruise Ships , Reporter , Saw , Passengers , Cruiseliner , Fishing Boat , Pacific Ocean , Princess , Matters , The Star , Brian Todd , Adrian Vasquez , Boat , Oman , Shirt , Sight , Win , Meredith , Member , Crew , Passenger , Cruise Ship , Photo , Jeff Gilligan , Ship , Powerlessness , Neglect , Princess Cruises , Feeling , Translator , Name , Companions , Red , Web Site Panamaguide , Two , Companion , Cruise Ship Passengers On March 10th , Complaint , Hope , Bithe , 10 , Five , March 10th , Fishing Both , Concern , Cruise Line , Members , Tat , Miscommunication , Case , Wasn T , Admission , Gross Negligence , Opportunity , Whatever , Crew Member , Vessel , Rule In Admiralty , Concessions , Docking , Chain Of Command , Mabb , Facebook , Taxes , Assertion , Stocks , Founder , Spokeswoman , Washington , Senators , Windfall , Life , Legalzoom , Ownership , Wills , My Name , Colleen Stiles , Side , Ones , Law , Care , Will , Dancing Chicken , Yep , Mail , Customers , Franchise , Franchisees , Store , Service , Word , Neighborhood , Home , Wife , Honey , Address , Friends , Investors Who , Mark Zuckerberg , Stock , Age , Birthday , Claim Clamorred , Gosh , Isn T Live , Harvard Dorm , 2006 , Appropriation , Interview , Ceo , Tape , Roufd , Harvard , Afs Sophomore , Speaking Wise , Ton , Site , Information Directory , Focus , Edges , Position , Fame , Who , Fellow , Mark , Entertaining , Persona , Historian , Funny , David Kirkpatrick , The Facebook Effect , Stage , Front , Stepping Stone , Dream Job , Computer Coding , Something Else , Newspapers , Glimpse , Desk , Preiphone , Six , Hasn T , Thing , Sandals , T Shirts , Ipad , His Attire , Problem , Reporte , Philosophy , Basis , Fire , United States Citizenship , Co Founders , Lots , Correspondent , Motion , Capitol Hill , Billionaire , Citiz Citizenship , May , Balance , 1800 , Eduardo Saverin , Movie , Social Network , Country , Deal , Miss , Back Story , Stake , Him , Great American Success Story , Worth , 4 , Citizenship , Capital Gains , Favor , Ipo , Singapore , 2009 , Insult , Eye , Legislation , Income Taxes , 30 , Citizen , Everything , Anyone , Pat , Tax Purposes , Michael Orrin , Footnote , Irs , Where Else , French , Queen , Jordan , Israeli , Seinfeld , Figures , Politician , Jerseys , Spoof , Sitcom , Long Term , Bp , Five Hundred Million , Five Hundred Million Dollar , Areas , Scientists , Tourism Seasons , Commitment , Gulf , Seafood , Beaches , Job , Doesn T , Person , Wallet , Slide , Save , Shake , Decisions , Zyrtec , Allergies , Try Zyrtec , Squirrel Stashes Nuts , Liquid Gels , Allergy Symptoms , 24 , President Of France , Hair , Summits , Debut , Inauguration , The World Stage , News Socialist , Nato , Transition , Ways , Carla Bruni Sarkozy , Premier , Francois Hollande , Girl Friend , Relationship , Each Other , Affection , Election , Paris Match , 2005 , Journalist , Socialist Party , Paper , Feisty , 20 , Career , Woman , Day Job , Character , Fi Fill , Estate , Adolescents , Husband , Time , Regards , Family Wealth , Sponge , Official , Working Woman , Conflict Of Interest , Mistress , Bruni Sarkozy Married , Revelation , Both , Couples , Opinion , Couple , Head , Step Family , Step Families , Nicholas A Cozy , Tsunami , Children , Disasters , History , 1 Million , Mayor , Debris , Chris Christie , Archnemesis , West Coast , Impact , Tribute , New Jersey , Newark , Jerry Seinfeld , Newman , Phone , Freeways , Purse , Texting , Mmm Hmm , Dad , Thanks Dad , Subaru , Membership Effect , Baking , Rapids , Card , Savings , Foursquare , American Express , Lisa Sylvester , Blow , Tons , Earthquake , Threat , Coast , Details , Hit , 2013 , 2014 , Tsunami Debris , Concerns , 1 5 Million , Goods , Household , Island , Pieces , Plastic , Styrofoam , Harley Davidson Motorcycle , Ocean Conservancy , Landfall Starting Nks , Nick , Canadian , Terms , National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration , Northern Pacific , National Ocean Service , Mark Begich , Hearing , Budget , Cost Analysis , Alaskan , Answer , Administration , Knowing , I Don T Know , Priorities , Program , David Kennedy , , Scope , Clue , Sure , Cleanup , Funds , Cut , 23 , Government , Responsibility , Emergencies , Ends Meet , Role , Satellite , Luck , Ocean Current , Japanese , 4500 , Surprises , Coast Guard , Map , Pacific , Long Beach , California , It , Shore , Stuff , Resources , Switching Gears , Fan , Jerry S Arch Rival , Car , Mailman , Nemesis , Roof , 25 , Driver , Water , Homeowners Insurance Doesn T , Floods , Heart Rate Increases , Heart Rate , Monitor Beeping , Heart Beating , 2 , Number , Flood Insurance , Risk Policy , Agent , 29 , 129 , Screen , Booker , Flat Tire , Heroics , Fun , Gov , Sit Tight , Goodbye , Shovel Snow , Background Singer , Into The Fire , Fans , Respect , Big , Mitt , Listen , Tickets , Arch Nemesis , Super Bowl , Rental Car , Ticket , Sit , Signature , Receipt , Tim Wadley , Springs , Memories , Moose , Memory , Accident , Motorist , Dover , Fur , Janine Moss , Black And Blue , Michelle Higgins , Co Worker , Blood , Cindy Paulson Came Running , Wouldn T , The One , Hospital , Scuff Mark , Hoof Print , Neck , Bruises , Broken Bones , Police , Road , Bend , Behavior Therapist , Newfoundland , Transcanada Highway , Officials , Top , Rights , Red Lights , Making Lefts , Clefts , Right , Memory Loss , 5 , Horn , Campaign Advertising Idea , Wipers , Flap , Jeanne Moos , Pedestrians , Driving , Lady Driving , Windshield , Pair , Memory Lane ,

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