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this isn't just a french story. this is reflected. this surge and support for far-right be reflected in germany and italy in ostia so we'll wait to see what happens in those nations, but it feels like a profound change reverberations all around europe and the world. max foster in paris. thank you very much. i knew our have seen a new central starts right now just a couple of hours, a landmark ruling from the supreme court expected to justices will decide whether donald trump has sweeping presidential immunity from prosecution for standing by for the ruling that will define the presidency for years to come and we will continue to fight. those are the words from first lady jill biden in a new interview after the president's disastrous debate we have new reporting on the advice he has getting from his family this morning and will smith is going back to where it all started. music. he viewed his first new song and more than five years at the bet he awards, i'm sara sidner with john berman, kate bolduan out today. those stories and more head on cnn news central new this, morning, this is a quote, we will not let those 90 minutes to find the four years he's been president, first lady jill biden, telling vogue or family, is gonna continue to fight as president biden and his campaign are facing an avalanche of calls to, have him give up his reelection bid after his poor performance during the debate on thursday. and as key democrats continued to do damage control, others worry that they placement scenarios are just as bad as keeping biden at the top of the ticket. cnn's isaac deavere joins us now with more what are you learning about this? you have this great article that talked through some of the different scenarios that are being discussed right now. >> yeah. good morning, sarah people have that i've spoken to tell me that many of the top people who would be considered as replacements for biden have of course, had their phones buzzing almost nonstop since thursday night and some preliminary thinking and planning is going on for what that might look like. of course, this is all theoretical because the way the convention were, rules work joe biden would have to step aside for there to be any possibility of an opening where it goes from there could go to kamala harris. that's where most people think it would have the edge. but then it could open up to just a floor, fight the kinds of things that really hasn't even happened in the movies but new cbs poll yesterday had 55 hi percent of people saying that joe biden should stay in the race, 45% of likely of registered democrats saying they think that he should go and someone else should be the candidate that is a kind of number that an incumbent president in a tidal action whose approval ratings are already low, pretty scary for them, and they need to figure out what's going to happen here. you do see a response from the biden campaign saying he's the best candidate to knit together the coalition for all this, the kinds of chaos that would be set off by this would be too much and it should take a look at this new ad out this morning that the biden campaign has released to try to answer some of what they're thinking about j. trump last night i mean, this sincerely and most lies told them the single debate about the grade the counter you created he learned about the pandemic, keep blacks, and then his biggest lie, we lie about how he had nothing to do so the insurrection in january said, we're going to walk down. so look, that's the theme of that ad is we get knocked down and get back up. >> that's something that joe biden is trying to say is going on here at that quote that joe biden said, we're not going to let 90 minutes to find the presidency that's also something kamala harris said to anderson cooper right after the debate on thursday night. that is where the biden campaign and the biden administration is going with this not giving it now. and of course, we've got the biden family gathered at camp david over the last de is saying to him privately that they want him to stay in for sure yeah. signal yet joe biden has no intention of stepping down for now. isaac. thank you so much for reporting. john all right. >> with us now, is congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz, a democrat from the state of florida, congresswoman. thank you so much for being with us, your colleague, jamie raskin said that democratic members are having open, honest, serious discussions right now about the future of the presidential campaign. what type of discussions? the colleagues that i have spoken to have talked about focusing on making sure that we can use our hands to dornoch and make phone calls and rally the troops rather than pearl-clutching and hand-wringing john, we have a very serious election coming up just under five months from now. >> that is between a decent man, joe biden, who cares about american families and a con man who cares selfishly only about himself and has proven that time and again, bragged during the debate about overturning roe versus wade told 30 lives according to your network, including his record during covid, which killed millions of people, drove up inflation. this is a man who has bragged that he yanked away the rights of millions of women and he would make it even worse. and that's what we have to focus on right now. we don't have time for hand-wringing. >> hand-wringing, and pearl-clutching. those are the two phrases you just use their, is that what you think the concern is over president biden's debate performance? chorman's thursday night what i think what i know that my colleagues and i have talked about across our clock this when i talked to voters in my district, they want to make sure that we can put our heads down, move forward, and organize and mobilize that. that's what we need to be doing right now is it is 90 minutes focusing on 90 minutes versus the record of a man who has been the best president in modern times who has passed legislation that lowered prescription drug costs for seniors. you know how much that means to constituents in the district like mine in south florida. the fact that diabetic patients now only pay $35 a month for their insulin. that seniors drug costs are going to be kept at $2,000 that joe biden champion in successfully negotiating for lower prices and prescription drugs and medicare. when it was republicans that actually prohibited that. and federal law. those are the things that are going to matter to voters when they make a decision between a guy who is a convicted felon and a president who has championed the things that matter to them and their bottom line in their lives. >> again, can you say 90 minutes. is it just 90 minutes for the voters who for months have been telling pollsters they have concerns about president biden's age the time for focusing on details like that. as long past joe biden is our nominee and should be we have to make sure that we can get ourselves organized and continue to raise the issues that matter to american in our battleground states. get voter turnout to focus on florida as an expansion state in this campaign i want to make sure that we are focused on the priorities that are right in front of us. not what's in our rear view mirror. and i agree with the vice president and many others that focus pressing on what happened in 90 minutes rather than making sure that we can crystallize the choice between a convicted felon who has vowed when he takes the presidency to seek revenge against his enemies. or joe biden who is going to continue to make sure that we can make life better for all americans as he has done over the last three-and-a-half years a better who worked in the clinton white house toluse a little while ago. he thinks that the president biden needs to do town halls. he needs to interviews, he needs to go out there and show something different. what different would he need to show in a town hall? and he showed thursday night? >> joe biden did what he needs to do, just the other day on saturday. on saturday, when he was in north carolina. and took the stage and wow, the crowd showed the the joe biden that we all know. look, this is a conversation, honestly, john, that is taking place among elites that i was out there i mean, anyone who was anywhere but i'm telling you, but i just think that anyone who was anywhere this weekend talking to anybody the subject i'll discussion. was the debate and was president biden's performance? i don't think that that discussion is is only members of congress oh, i don't think it's only members of congress also but there are certainly a greater breadth of how i would define elites i mean, my, my constituents at home voters across this country are not going to be focused on what the new york times, the atlantic journal constitution talks about. they're not focused on what the political elites are hand-wringing about they're focused on making sure that we can have a president like joe biden, who continues to fight to bring inflation down, who continues to fight to make sure that we can reassure american jobs, like we did with the chips and science act when i'm home among my constituents, that they care about the bottom line in their lives and they care that we don't have a president like don't donald trump was who tried to overturn the results of a legitimate election. who populated his administration with unethical people. and who were focused more on on enriching donald trump and themselves. and that's, that's the choice. they want to make. sure we have a president who is going to have their back, not give the american people the back of his hand, which is what donald trump did over and over again and at the end of the day we're stop. you don't have time for this this hand-wringing we have less than five months, 20 election. we have less than two months to the convention. doubled down on organization right now, not on worrying about what happened during a 90 minute debate. >> congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz, thanks so much for being with i really do appreciate the discussion this morning. sir. >> all right. behind me alive, look at the supreme court very soon. the court's long-awaited opinion on donald trump's immunity case will drop. and when it does, trump's legal life, as we know it, the 2024 race, as we know it, and the future of every presidency moving forward could all be hugely impacted. cnn senior supreme court analyst joan biskupic is joining us now. how are we expecting this to be rolled out this morning okay. >> good to see you, sarah, in less than two hours, the justices will take their elevated bench and they'll begin announcing the last three opinions of the term. we expect this one on presidential immunity to be the final one. we don't know yet which justice has written it and how it will be announced. but there's a very good chance that the chief justice of the united states, john roberts, has authored this opinion and he will be the one who will announce it from the bench. sometimes sarah, there are dissenting voices who are heard, who take the unusual step of reading parts of their oral dissent, but i don't i think the chief in this one really wants to get as close to unanimity as possible. so but after that drama of excerpts from the statement read, then the court will announce the end of its session for handy down opinions. and they will begin leaving town. and it will be up to us to then see. bottom line is have the justices ruled in a way that subjects former president donald trump to criminal prosecution for at least some of his conduct after the 2020 election, culminating in the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol so the lower courts, sarah, as you know, had shut the door completely on former president donald trump said, rejected his assertion of categorical immunity. the dc circuit court of appeals said for the purpose of this criminal case, former president trump has become citizen trump with all of the defenses does of any other criminal defendant, but any executive immunity that he may that may have protected him while he served as president. no longer protects him in this prosecution. and just to remind everyone what this prosecution is for counts of conspiracy and fraud but brought against donald trump by special counsel jack smith on behalf of the u.s. justice department, essentially on behalf of the american people, saying that he committed criminal election subversion and should be tried. the trial was going to be held, or at least it was scheduled for march. but because of this these proceedings over his claim of immunity, it's been dragged out and we'll have to see if the justices rule in a way that any trial can possibly take place before the november 2024 election. sarah yeah, certainly could be one of the most consequential decision the court has made in a very long time. >> thank you so much, joan biskupic. thank you. i appreciate it all right. >> breaking overnight, the justice department and boeing are on the brink of a plea deal. new reporting on what is immune agreement and why it is being slammed as a sweetheart deal steve bannon has just a few hours of freedom left, but before he begins his sentence, he is planning to live stream show from right outside the prison walls. in new reporting and how a 15-year-old nickname, god's influencer, just got named the same. but catholic an unprecedented debate as only cnn do it with a record audience around the world. our country is being destroyed, where the most admired country in the world for the most complete coverage through election day and beyond. follow cnn makes me queasy get fast relief with new towns plus upset stomach and najah support and love through what will you do when the power goes out, power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient, but with a generale home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted because when you're generale detects 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maria is live outside of the prison in danbury, connecticut. what have you learned about this grandiose plan to do this live event, if you will? >> yes, there i didn't quite come together as they were hoping. i think they're probably going to do the show back at that hotel that they're saying, i think team bannon is still hoping when he arrives at prison later this morning, early afternoon that he might be able to make a statement to the press. but again, there's now weighing the spectacle that is steve bannon with not trying to upset the prison officials who are now going to in charge of his life in just a few hours, we expect him to roll up to these prison gates to eventually go inside and there he's going to go through the kind of processing that pretty much any inmate would when they arrive in federal prison, hovde both through a metal detector, he'll be strip-searched. she's going to undergo a mental health evaluation and then he's going to be a scientist housing unit and then here at federal prison just over my shoulder in danbury, connecticut is where he's going to spend the next four months. sara. >> all right. we'll be waiting to see when that happens and what happens with his attempts at a live stream there. thank you so much, sarah. all right. it has been a hassle trying to buy a car for weeks, as you know, car buyers because of a massive cyber attack targeting car dealers and some salespeople say they can't get paid. we will discuss this. and will smith returning to the award show stays performing a brand new song about his difficulties of the past few years the hardy you saw a window when the door believe me. you want to see it first? so let me gifts require your to an unprecedented debate as only cnn could do it with a record audience around the world. >> our country is being destroyed. where are the most admired country in the world for the most complete coverage through election day and beyond. followed cnn this summer, snacking, just got serious 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that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain, and rapid breathing or heart rate or your nursing pregnant or plan to be i'm focusing on what counts. talk to your doctor about reducing your risk st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure it's a bold you feel the winds of come at me sharks, let's do this. it's c versus shark in the ultimate strike tests, shark week just got 100% more john c. sharp, we hosted by me johnson starts sunday at eight on discovery and stream on max this morning, lawyers representing families of victims of two fatal 737 max crashes said the justice department is nearing an agreement with boeing the deal reportedly includes a corporate monitor and a fine in exchange for a guilty plea to criminal charges. the lead counsel is calling it a sweetheart deal. see, in an aviation correspondent, pete martin is here with the details p john, this is a huge development in the saga that stretches back. here is you have to think back to the max eight crashes, the 737 max eight crashes of 2018 and 2019, guilt 346 people abroad. boeing reached a deal with the department of justice, essentially a settlement. it's called a deferred prosecution get an agreement that allowed it to avoid a trial over a single fraud charge, that it misled the faa during the certification of the magsafe that lead to those crashes that killed all of those people. now, the development is that boeing has reached a settlement again, referring trial again according to the department, are sorry, according to families with the department of justice, this really means that boeing will not face trial. one more time. this is a really significant development and the terms of this agreement aren't fully known just yet, but according to the families, the lawyers that represent the families and these max-age crashes. they say that here's a three-year probation for boeing, also a small fine for boeing and a monitor that will be in place at boeing to ensure compliance with them. this is the statement from robert clifford. he's one of the attorneys that represent max eight victims families. he says there was no accountability, no admission that boeing admitted crime causing the 346 deaths that's and the families will most certainly object before judge reed o'connor and that he reject the plea. if boeing accepts so this saga continues to get thicker and thicker all the time. this essentially means that boeing will not face trial. one more time. that is really, really significant here. the thing here is that this deferred prosecution agreement had a window on it. it was supposed to end only days after the january 5 door plug blow out that put the department of justice microscope back onto boeing and caused it to reconsider these terms. there was a lot of question here about but whether or not boeing would face some sort of new criminal charges. but according to max, eight victims families, it seems that they will not face new charges. it will be another agreement with boeing and the department of justice. again, pete, i'm so glad you laid out the stakes so clearly here and why this is such a big deal in the midst of all this, boeing is still conducting big business, right? >> boeing just reach an agreement to fully bring in spirit aerosystems, one of its contractors that builds the fuselage of the 7:37. >> it's in wichita now. it will be acquired by boeing that means that boeing is essentially bringing in more control of its quality control. remember, quality control has been at the essence of the problems at boeing lately, there was the door plug blowout back on january 5th, the national transportation safety board said that boeing did not reinsert the door plug bolts on that 737 max nine that had that blowout on alaska airlines flight 12, 80 to the fuselage was built by spirit aerosystems and independent contract are affiliated with boeing. they essentially had a quality control problem on some rivets near the door plug and then the door plug was taken out at boeing, which led to this major omission at the boeing factory in renton in washington. so by boeing acquiring this company, it essentially brings it in house. it makes it so that boeing has more control here and the quality control has really been at the essence of all the issues at boeing pete man teen at reagan national airport. terrific reporting. as always, pete, thank you very much. so starting today, bars in one state will now be required to offer drug tests that can determine if a drink has been spiked. do details in the potentially lifesaving measure and we are standing by for a pivotal decision from the supreme cordless morning on whether donald trump has immunity for actions he took as president et me introduce you to class 500 theme to it and easy to use trading app that gives you a glimpse into the future of futures trading. see a trading 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supreme court ruled war beginning at 10:00 a.m. we of course, will bring it to lie special live coverage before that, though, we have a treat that cnn senior data reporter, harriet, and we're going to find it. well, the court thinks what nine people thing, but what you've got is bigger than that. what voters think that was a very good brand must burger by the way. all right, so looking alive should trump have criminal immunity for his official acts as president, we've been looking at this polling over and over and over again. is this case has made its way up to the supreme court. and consistent simply found is that no no is in the majority here is 60% of americans say no, just 30% say yes, this is true basically across the entire political aisle, only republicans believe in the yes, on this particular one, although i will note john, that in fact, if you take trump's out of the equation, you just say, should a generic president have criminal immunity for official acts as president, even in that particular case republicans say no, it's just right here when you attach trump's name to it. of course, republicans are going to jump over and say, yeah, that's interesting. so this number is actually higher, yes, with trump in the equation, correct? because republicans, all of a sudden say, why have to take trump's side. but if it were a generic president, they would jump over oh, no, i had no idea. that's very all right good. talk about whether people think what trump did was illegal. yeah. so you know, this is to me the question of okay. why is trump ahead in this presidential race? and is there anything that can really sort of jolt that lead and throw it back to biden trump but it's serious federal crimes among all voters. the clear majority have said yes, yes, yes. and that was true of the new york times sienna college poll that was out earlier this month. and you say, okay, how is it that trump actually leads in this presidential race? well, it turns out there's a significant chunk of trump voters, 15% who believed that he committed serious federal crimes. and yet, and yet he's still leads because this 15% are still voting for him. 11 this poll by three points among likely voters, in large part, because there's a chunk of that republican base, that trump bass, who was just like, you know what, he committed serious federal crimes. whatever in in terms of the how voters you, the severity of the federal election subversion charges, where does it right? yeah, this if all of a sudden, trump got immunity for this, you'd basically be taking away the one case or the top case that voters think is the most serious. so if true, the charges with disqualify trump from the presence. look that's nearly a majority, 48% say the federal january 6 charges, if true would disqualify trump from the presidency is very different from what we saw on that new york hush money case, right? we're obviously trump was convicted. it was just 28% there. this is nearly double that at 48%. a lot of voters think these charges are very, very serious. and if the court were in fact to rule them but trump's somehow had immunity. this would just be another one of these rulings in which the court went against the public and took away what they think is something that if true, could very much be the end of trump's run for the presidency. of course, even if they did in fact find they didn't have immunity. i'm not quite sure that they be able to get that case underway in time for it to be determined by the election issuing the decision in july yeah, that might be the most important thing they've done here. harriet and great to see you, great to see your image sir. all right. we're gonna dig into the legal implications of what the supreme court opinion could mean moving forward for president in the future and for donald trump. with me now is university of north carolina law professor michael gearhardt. thank you. so much for joining us this morning. can you give me a sense of what the ramifications are if the majority rules in trump's favor giving him everything that he has asked for well, that the ramifications of that outcome would be enormous to begin with it'd be really significant to figure out what, how the public reacts to that i assume most americans would be quite upset with that ruling because basically most americans think if you committed a crime, you should be held accountable for it it. it would also that outcome would also mean that presidents generally have a very broad scope of immunity for doing things as president, that would be countered as official, even if those official acts could be characterized this is criminal. that means the presidency. will become more unaccountable. and more capable of breaking the law. those are not good outcomes if you believe in the rule of law okay it sounds like when we talk about the fact that, you know, the saying that no one is above the law that the president in this case could be above the law. i do want to play some of the audio from the oral arguments back in april that says justices elena kagan and ketanji brown, jackson, their questioning, trump's lawyers listening how about if a president orders the military to stage a coup an official on the way you've described that hypothetical, it could well be. >> i just don't know. again, it's a fact specific contexts, acidic determination that answer sounds to me as so it's like yeah, under my test, it's an official act, but that sure sounds bad, doesn't it? the most powerful person in the world with the greatest amount of authority could go into office knowing that there would be no potential penalty for committing crimes. i'm trying to understand what the disincentive is from turning the oval office into the seat of criminal activity in this country these are really deep questions being asked here. if the court does rule, presidents are immune for official acts doesn't this cause a huge question of what can be deemed an official act as you heard them sort of going over there and who gets to decide that? >> yes there's no question about that and the real critical thing for the court to give guidance on is how any court whether it's the supreme court, lower court should judge trump's actions on january 6 at do they fall within that official conduct or not? i don't think it's a hard question whether or not the president should be entitled to some immunity for his official x. fair enough. the question in this case is whether or not trump's actions leading up to january 6. and on january 6 our official or unofficial, could they be private? those two justices, i think did an excellent job of highlighting that the stakes in this case, because the broader the immunity the court gives for official acts the more that not only helps trump, but the more it places the president above the law. again, that's a that would be historic and it would be a real injury to the rule of law in this country. country i'm curious what you think this might mean for trump's federal election interference cases yes. >> to begin with we don't know what tests the court or what criteria the court's going to use. for saying, this is what an official act. these are the elements of an official act. either the court or lower court will determine whether or not trump on january 6 satisfied those elements but beyond that question of whether trump trump's conduct met the elements of official conduct there's the question is also whether or not the supreme court will decide that question for itself or will it lead to lower court decided either way, trump wins in the short term because it means it's going to be a delay in terms of an outcome and either the delay is immediate because of what the court says or could the court perhaps even go further and just decide the merits of this question? yes. whatever trump did on january 6 was official conduct in which case, i think the court ultimately hurts itself because it will really undermine its own legitimacy by helping a fellow republican be above the law. >> well, there certainly would be an interesting argument about the balance of power within there. michael gearhardt. thank you so much for your analysis this morning jon. all right. as soon as today, the house judiciary committee could file a lawsuit against attorney general merrick garland, tried to force him to hand over audio recordings of president biden's interview with special counsel robert per, or the house voted last month to hold garland in contempt over this so you didn't sunless or 40 is with this now with the latest suddenly good morning. >> good morning to you, john. yes, this battle is intensifying today. the house judiciary committee, they want to get their hands on these audio tapes. so today we expect them to file a lawsuit and the district court here in washington, dc pc to try to get them. now, these are recordings of president biden's interviews related to his handling of classified documents. and these are his interviews with former special counsel, her that the attorney journal, as you noted, has refused to turn over lawmakers. they already have the transcript of these interviews, but the administration has so far claimed exempt packet of privilege over these recordings republicans on capitol hill, they are they say that hearing these audio of the tapes will provide more context for them and they argue that since the doj has already released the transcripts of biden's interviews. the president's assertion of executive privilege they say is not valid. the doj on other their hand, they say that they have specific security concerns that require them to protect the audio. now, the house voted last month to hold garland in contempt over his refusal to turn over these tapes in. speaker johnson, john has promised in his words, to fight vigorously to try to get them so a notch next stage in this battle potentially filed in a dc court today, john, the next stage could be in a courtroom soundless, your body. thank you very much for that. great to see you owe me the teenager who was called god's influencer set to become the first saint of the millennial generation and will smith now with a new song after his infamous appearance at the oscars the docket you got it into the pride to heaven, you get to enjoy the hadi. you saw mired country in the world for the most complete coverage through election day and beyond, follows cnn my day insurance, uncomfortable dracula, let's wait back against discomfort with new palette group power max hold and convert. >> it has superior hold plus keeps us comfy all day with its pressure absorbing layer. die and put up by if you're now get hey, would ask for you've, never had a pretzel until you've had pretzels, you think they'd give just anyone that domain 50 delicious flavors, perfectly seasoned, shipped fresh to you or a loved one in just days. >> so good. we own the name can the riva support your brain 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alzheimer's patient sunday at eight on cnn. >> this is cnn. the world's news network tony now to israel were thousands of ultra-orthodox jewish men have taken to the streets. >> they are protesting a ruling by israeli supreme court requiring them now to enlist in the military like everyone else, military service is compulsory for most jewish men and women and israel, but ultra-orthodox parties have one exemption for their followers to skip military service and instead study and religious seminaries in just over 30 minutes, defense lawyers for senator bob mann and dads we'll begin presenting their case when court resumes in his federal corruption trial, prosecutors allege menendez and his wife benefited in the form of gold bars nearly half million dollars in cash on mercedes-benz and thousands of dollars in mortgage payments. after seven weeks and 30 witnesses, the prosecution rested their case the defense its aims to wrap up. there's within days. and will smith's returning to his musical roots, lighting up the bet awards stage with a brand new song the hardy you saw a window when closes the door, believe me. you want to see he's begin so let me give you after you remember the slap smith delivered a fiery performance on the night the new gospel-infused song is called, you can make it in comes a fourth after that tumultuous few years for smith, including that infamous moment on the oscars. this is his first solo material in more than five years, stunk all my songs are in the first-person as sara said, thank you very much. so a video game, loving italian teenager known as god's influencer, will become the catholic church's first millennial saint, 15-year-old, the 15-year-old died in 2006. the pope and cardinals just approved his canonization seated back in correspondent christopher lamb has the latest year. what are you hearing well, john the pope and the cardinals met in the vatican today to sign off carlo acutis is canonization cause we expecting that the canonization will take place. >> at some point in 2025 is likely to be a big event in some pizzas square presides that by the pope, carlo acutis has developed a big following of young people over the years. i mean, when you think about saints, often people assume that to be a saint. it's something from the past to think of saints depicted as staff shoes, whereas carlo acutis was a video game, as you mentioned, use also a technological wiz kid used his skills to try and spread awareness of the catholic faith and he was also a teenager who enjoy things like all other teenagers he likes soccer. he loved his pet he had problems with bullies, he had challenges as every other teenager might have, and therefore, he is seen as a very relatable figure for the catholic church to hold up to young people as the catholic church seeks to connect better with a next generation. of course, two comma saint in the catholic church, you do need to have two miracles attributed to you and carlo acutis has had those. the second miracle recently signed off which can concerning a woman in costa rica, costa rican woman who had fallen off a bicycle and sustained a serious injury. and according to the vatican, she was healed after prayers were made to color acutis. so this is an unusual cause for canalization on unusual saint, but someone who is being held up by the church as a relatable figure who can show that to be a saint. it's not something on the past, but very much of today, john because for lamb, thank you very much. >> a milestone here all right. >> a new california law takes effect today, requiring bars and nightclubs to offer common date rape, drug test kits the drug testing devices will either be offered for sale at a very reasonable price or given the customers for free. cnn's camila bernal as joining us now from los angeles this is different. tell us how this all came to fruition with this potentially lifesaving measure? >> yes. sarah is so imagine this, you're at a bar in california and you suspect that maybe someone puts something in your drink, maybe it's spiked. well, now you don't have to wait to find out all you have to do is ask a bartender or someone at the bar for one of these test strips. and what's going to happen here is that you're going to be able to test it right? the way and possibly even have evidence if you need it for later. so this law goes into effect today here in the state of california, and it's going to impact about 2,400 businesses around the state. and what the law says is that this applies to people who have a type 40 license. so that means they sell alcohol and not necessarily the food. and as you mentioned, it could be free. so you could simply just get it at the bar or the law also states that it has to be given at a reasonable price. so i want you to take a listen to some of the reaction from many here in california and i think it's good that you know there's a law like at least safety for patrons is the name. the game. again, hopefully thanks, everyone else in the community feel more comfortable as well. again, being gay and going out and celebrating. sometimes you got to be careful, like the environment that you're in so the law requires businesses to put a sign advertising this at the entrance at the exit and the bathrooms. so you will know that it is available and there's also this. they could face penalties if they do not have the test kids. so if you don't find one on a bar, you'll be able to reported in that could impact the business is licensed. so it's good for everyone people here just reacting and saying this is good for safety and good for just enjoying a night out here in california, serra, a margarita, and a testing kit. you can get it all at your local bar there in california, camila bernal. thank you so much. john alright. this morning, a major cyber attack is leading to millions of dollars in losses for car dealerships. the systems outage at cdk global effecting software used by dealers across the nation. is now entering a second weeks in his matt egan is here. so explain what's going on here. yeah. john, this cyber attack is causing chaos in the auto industry now cdk global, not a household name. i don't think i had ever heard of it before this happened, and yet, it turns out it's software serves as the brains at car dealerships. it's used in almost 15,000 dealerships across north america. so this software blackout has caused massive disruptions. it's impacted everything from sales and the orders to repairs and even payroll i mean, imagine owning a restaurant, but you can't take reservations, you can't pay the bills, you can't order foods, right? it would be crippling. now, in this case, what we've seen is that some auto customers, they faced the lays longer wait times, they haven't ever get the cars fix. sometimes they haven't built to get registered with the dmv employees they've had to go back to pen and paper. in some cases, and some of them are worried that their paychecks are going to be delayed. we've talked to a sales of salesman in south carolina at a ford dealership and he said, i couldn't do anything. i normally can do. i was at a complete standstill. now, cdk is so popular in the auto industry that there could even be a national impact here, jd power estimates that there's gonna be 100,000 fewer cars sold in june because not because of low demand, but because of all the disruptions here. now, those sales would hopefully be made up in july, but still, anderson economic group group estimates that if this last for three weeks and we don't know what we'll but if it does, there could be almost 1 billion in losses for the auto industry. the longer this goes on, the bigger the impact. now, cdk's as they're taking this very seriously, they put out a statement, saying that they understand and share the urgency for their customers to get back to business as soon as usual, promising updates to come. the good news is that cdk, they say that they have been able to bring back some groups of dealers back online. they're scrambling to do the same for others hopefully john, this is moving closer towards resolution, but this is another reminder of how reliant we all are on technology the unexposed to the cyber threat. do they think they know what happened and how to fix it they, they're there it's been reported that this was a ransomware attack, but they are still scrambling to get everything back online and they have to make sure everything is safe before they allow all the dealers back into all these systems. all alright. matt egan pretty interesting, crazy, pretty troubling if you're a car dealer and i'm sure or if you want to get your hands on a car in the next month? yeah. shaded. thank you, john. all right. a new rfc and a new central starts right now so within the next 65 minutes, we will learn whether the supreme court believes donald trump's should be immune from charges surrounding the january 6 insurrection section. we have special live coverage. a new interview from the first lady, her new take on what should happen next after president biden's shaky debate performance and happening now, a powerful now category four hurricane that just increase barrels through the caribbean, who needs to take cover? kate is out on john berman was sarah side you're and this is cnn news central happening now alive, look at the supreme court where we are now standing by for a huge and potentially history defining opinion to be handed down by the court shortly the court will rule on donald trump's immunity claim. >> we believe in special counsel jack smith's federal election subversion case how the court answers is highly

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Challenges , Pet , Bullies , Miracles , Miracle , Comma Saint , Carlo Acutis Has , Woman , Prayers , Bicycle , Costa Rican , Costa Rica , Vatican , Cause , Church , Canalization , Effect , California , Lamb , Nightclubs , Milestone , Bars , Price , Drug Test , Drug Testing Devices , Fruition , Date Rape , Camila Bernal , Los Angeles , Bar , Test Strips , Bartender , Evidence , Businesses , Food , Alcohol , License , 2400 , Listen , Safety , Community , Game , Feel , Patrons , Environment , Penalties , Exit , Entrance , Advertising , Bathrooms , Business , Kids , Car Dealerships , Losses , Cyber Attack , Testing Kit , A Margarita , Serra , John Alright , Dealers , Software , Systems Outage , What S Going On , Nation , Matt Egan , Auto Industry Now Cdk Global , Cdk Global Effecting , Dealerships , Household Name , Brains , Software Blackout , 15000 , Sales , Disruptions , Order Foods , Reservations , Restaurant , Borders , Repairs , Bills , Payroll , Times , Cars , Paychecks , Fix , They Haven T , Haven T , Employees , Paper , Dmv , Auto Industry , Cdk , Impact , Salesman , Dealership , Standstill , Jd Power , South Carolina , Ford , Demand , Anderson , 100000 , Urgency , 1 Billion , Updates , News , Groups , Reminder , Resolution , Technology , Threat , Unexposed , Car Dealer , Safe , Ransomware Attack , Systems , Crazy , John Berman , Rfc , Shaded , 65 , First Lady , Insurrection Section , Cover , Barrels , Kate , Caribbean , Immunity Claim , Court Answers ,

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