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senate majority leader chuck schumer, highest ranking jewish lawmaker in congress, making an emotional speech last hour about the horrors he has seen in israel after that october 7th massacre. and the rise in threats here at home. breaking overnight, at least one person dead after a u.s. military osprey aircraft crashed off the coast of japan, with six crew members on board. and right now, private funeral services getting under way for former first lady rosalynn carter in her hometown of plains, georgia. we begin this hour with more on the breaking news in the israel-hamas war. just a short time ago, the military wing of hamas announced three hostages have died. the israeli defense forces have notified the bibas family of the hamas statement that three of their family members, mother shiri, 4-year-old ariel and 10-month-old kiefer have been killed. the idf is trying to determine whether it is true. and a deal is now expected to extend the truce for another two days, according to a senior arab diplomat involved in the negotiations. the talks remain fluid and the deal not yet finalized. the pause was set to expire at midnight tonight, local time, with israel warning that it would resume operations within gaza when hamas stops releasing hostages. so far, 81 hostages and 180 palestinians have been released since the truce went into effect on friday. approximately 161 hostages are still being held in gaza, we are expecting more to be released today. joining us now, nbc's richard engel in tel aviv. what do we know about the allegations that these hostages have died? you just spoke with their family? >> reporter: so, the allegation from hamas, which is posted on telegram i that three members of the bibas family have been killed. the mother, and two children, including the 10-month-old baby, the youngest hostage held by -- held in gaza. israeli military put out a statement saying that it is aware, that it reached out to the family, giving them comfort, but has not been able to confirm the validity of that claim and it is still working through it. the reason it seems that this hamas put forward this statement, hamas said that the three members of the bibas family were killed by an israeli air strike previously. didn't say exactly when. the reason it seems that hamas made this claim right now is hamas is under a tremendous amount of pressure from arab mediators, from israel, from the united states, from everyone to release more hostages, particularly women and children in order to keep this truce going. and hamas does want to keep this truce going, partly so that it can reconstitute its defenses. also so that it can stop the bombing campaign and free more palestinian prisoners. but hamas has been struggling to find more women and children. it has been saying that they have been held by other groups, that they are in other parts of the gaza strip, and in this context it came out and said, well, these three high profile cases, this woman and two children, we don't have them anymore, they died earlier because of an israeli air strike. so, we are still trying to determine whether that is true and we are awaiting to hear from more confirmation from the israeli military. but, jose that is just one of so many hostage stories and families and as the releases are taking place, we understand the horrors of what happened on that day. i just -- the reason i'm on this street here in tel aviv is i just walked out of the home of a relative of a different family, the horan family, and just if you give me a moment to explain what happened to them, i think it will help our viewers understand exactly what happened on october 7th and why it was so, so horrific and traumatic for families all across israel and people who are watching it on television. so, this atack happened on the -- on october 7th, 6:00 -- 6:30 in the morning. and it was a jewish holiday at the time. and the horan family were gathered in one kibbutz, the kibbutz berei, close to the border of gaza and suddenly hamas militants broke through the fence, broke into the kibbutz and started going house to house killing people. in the horans' case, they gathered in -- immediately went to the safe room, a lot of israeli homes have safe rooms. so a safe room is a reinforced room, usually with a heavy metal door, the walls are also reinforced and the idea is that if there is a rocket attack or a bombing attack or burglary or in this case a home assault by a terrorist group, you would rush into that safe room, lock the door, and hopefully the danger would pass. hamas in this case tried to get into the door, couldn't get through the door, because it is heavy metal, eight people inside, women and children, including a 3-year-old girl, they are shooting at the door, by shooting the door they seem to have damaged the lock mechanism, they can't get the door open. but instead of leaving, the hamas militants go and find an excavator, break through the wall, use the excavator to burrow a hall through the wall, tear the wall down, you can imagine what it is like to be inside that room as hamas has been shooting and then rips the wall down, brings the people out of the safe room, there is a fight over the 3-year-old, with the mom refusing to allow hamas to hold her child, eventually they're all put into the car, the men are separated, and one of the men is killed. that's the story i just heard ten minutes ago before coming on air. and i'm hearing stories like this every single day. and that is why people here are following each hostage case, why names like the bibas family have become so famous in this country. and why it would be such a tragedy, not just for the family, but for all of israel if this claim by hamas is true, that these two children and their mother died in gaza and were not able to be brought out of the country. brought out of the territory. >> richard, you give us such specific details about what happened, that 7th of october, it is as though in israel, this is an injury that began on the 7th of october, but that remains very real and very raw for israelis. >> reporter: this country is stuck in time. until these hostages are brought home, this country is going through the motions. there are many -- the hostage families in particular are not going on with their lives. their lives have become advocacy, their lives are now focused on doing interviews, trying to keep this story front and center, trying to keep pressure on the israeli government to push this truce, to make the hostages a top priority. and then, of course, there is the situation in gaza, where you have 2.3 million people who also want this truce to continue. many people in gaza hate hamas, hamas was voted into power and then took over, kicked out the opposition, and has stayed in power, entrenched in gaza for the last several years. people there have very little food. barely any drinking water. the water they're drinking now is straight from wells. it is not being purified at all. not healthy to drink. and they are waiting for the potential bombing to resume because of this horrible conflict between hamas and israel and this disagreement about how many hostages should be released and when and how and where. >> and richard what do we know about these talks to extend the pause, maybe for two additional days? >> reporter: so, i've been speaking to a negotiator, senior negotiator directly involved in these talks, this was a few hours ago and the negotiator was quite optimistic they would find some sort of arrangement to extend it potentially two more days. but i was told that they were hoping for two plus. so maybe two, maybe three, maybe four. and israel has made it quite clear what its condition is, israel says that it will allow this pause, this truce to continue, as long as hamas releases at a minimum ten hostages every day. that's what israel is putting as its base price. if you give us ten hostages every day, then the bombing campaign will remain on hold. and it was in that context that hamas initially put out its statement saying, well, we can't release these three hostages, a woman and two children because they're already dead. that information, however, not confirmed. >> richard engel, thank you very much for being with us this morning. really appreciate your time. joining us now is lieutenant colonel peter lerner, israeli defense forces spokesperson, head of the foreign press branch. thank you for being with us. is there anything you can confirm or tell us more about the bibas family? >> this is a very dramatic event, of course. exposing the unfathomable cruelty and barbarity of hamas front and center. the family and most notably these beautiful ginger babies, 10 months, 10-month-old kafir who at the time of abduction was 9 months old, his brother ariel 4 years old and their mother shiri were all alive on the 7th of october and the videos show they were alive. we can't confirm the authenticity of the report that hamas distributed. we have engaged with the family, met with the family, akpg the family because of this tragic announcement made to the family, making it even more difficult times for them. and we will continue to work in order to verify and clarify exactly what the situation is. we hold hamas accountable for their well-being. they are responsible for all of the hostages, every single one. they need to be brought home, every single one. it is our goal to bring them home. it is one of the war goals and the directives that we have received from the government. and it is also the reason why we are holding our fire over the last six days in order to bring home hostages safely. we expect that the international committee of the red cross have access to all the hostages, to assess their well-being and indeed it is hamas that are responsible for their well-being, and they must be held accountable. >> and lieutenant colonel, can you confirm what we heard about a potential two-day extension in the pause? >> jose, we're taking it every day at a time. we still haven't seen the release of the hostages from today. so i don't want to jump the gun, be too advanced. when and if there is an extension, the government will make its announcement. from our perspective, we have two goals in mind, bringing home the hostages, so holding our fire to assist that, and preparing for the next stage of the war in order to be prepared to mobilize against hamas wherever they're hiding, specifically taking the war to them and making sure they never have this power of death, power of abduction, power of hostile towards the people of israel ever again. >> and lieutenant colonel, israel has been very clear, you've been very clear that one of the main goals is the destruction of hamas, the leadership and the infrastructure. but hamas is still there. they are negotiating now how many people they released on a daily basis, at the negotiating table. is this working out? >> so, jose, any decent person realizes and knows and understands, especially from hearing the story of the horan family that richard engel just talked about or as we're seeing the images of the bibas family, the beautiful babies, that hamas has to go. israel is not under pressure. the government has not given the idf a time limit to implement that goal of dismantling and destroying hamas. we will do it step by step, stage by stage, strike by strike. the paradigm has to change. it has to change for the well-being of israelis. but i also say it has to also for the well-being of all of the people of the region, israelis and palestinians alike. >> lieutenant colonel, is it possible, you think, going forward, to indeed eliminate hamas? >> we can definitely take away their governing capabilities. we can definitely negate and take away their terrorist capabilities. those are our goals. we're not talking about ideology. and ideally the people of gaza have to determine their own destiny for the future. but it needs to be a destiny without terrorism, it needs to be a destiny without violence, it needs to be a destiny of understanding and respecting one another's right to live in safety and security. hamas can't be allowed to have this power because what they did with this power over the last 16 years that they have governed the gaza strip is create a terrorist army that infiltrates into israel and abducts, murders, beheads, rapes, abducts, as i said. they build explosive drones. they build hundreds and thousands of rockets, drone capabilities, tunnel capability, not for the well-being or good for the people of gaza, but at the detriment to the people of gaza, and all to fulfill their diabolical plan to annihilate israelis, to kill and bring demise to the state of israel. we won't let that happen. we are determined to make a difference, to make a change once and for all. >> lieutenant colonel peter lerner, thank you for your time. appreciate it. >> thank you, jose. now to capitol hill, where senate majority leader chuck schumer, highest ranking jewish elected official in the united states, gave a speech on the senate floor condemning anti-semitism in the wake ofhe hamas massacre in israel. the speech came just after he wrote an essay for "the new york times" in which he says the normalization and intensifying of anti-semitism is what american jews fear the most. and one day after schumer and a bipartisan group of senators watched video from the october 7th massacre. nbc news capitol hill correspondent ali vitali is with us this morning. ali, great seeing you. what more did the senator have to say? >> reporter: a sober speech here, jose, from the highest ranking jewish official in congress and schumer said that's why he wanted to be the one to speak about this, saying that to jews like him, this moment say five-alarm fire. but contrasting it in his words for so many other people of goodwill, he says, that anti-semitism and the rise of it in this country is merely a problem, a matter of concern. he steeped this speech in the history of the jewish people of the ways in which they have shown up in an inclusive fashion, schumer himself pointing to the way that he has worked against the rise of antiasian violence, the rise against muslims during the trump years, that schum at each turn has worked for equality and protection for each of these minority groups at various points. and now he as a jew is asking people to show up and do the same. listen to a little bit more of what he said here on the senate floor, just in the last hour, jose. >> some of the most extreme rhetoric against israel has emboldened anti-semites who are attacking jewish people simply because they are jewish. independent of anything having to do with israel. and those who are inclined to examine the world through the lens of oppressors versus the oppressed should take note that the many thousands of years of jewish history are defined by oppression. >> reporter: you're right to point out that this speech comes just one day after senators were able to view that really gruesome idf footage of what happened on 10/7, something that house members have previously been able to see. a somber tone here as they debate what aid packages could look like going forward to israel and other countries. jose? >> ali vitali on capitol hill, thank you so very much. up next, catastrophic, that's what the u.n. calls the humanitarian crisis in gaza. health officials are predicting more gazans could die from disease than even the bombings. we'll talk to a physician from doctors without borders about what her teams are seeing on the ground. we're back in 60 seconds. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. um and ipad and apple watch se - all on us. only on verizon. 19 past the hour. breaking overnight, a search and rescue operation is happening now as at least one person died after a u.s. military osprey aircraft carrying six people crashed into the sea off southern japan according to officials. nbc's josh lederman is with us this morning. what do we know about this? >> reporter: well, we just heard from the u.s. air force in the last hour, jose. they are confirming that it was their osprey that crashed near yakashima island in japan. as you pointed out, we have heard from the japanese coast guard they say that during that search and rescue operation they did find one person near the wreckage of that crash. that person was unconscious, brought to the hospital and later declared dead. there is an ongoing rescue operation under way to locate the remaining crew members. but this is a real cause for concern because it is not the only incident that has been fatal involving these ospreys. another incident back in august that killed three marines out in australia. two other incidents last year that killed a total of nine marines, jose. >> josh lederman, thank you very much. and now back to the middle east on the humanitarian crisis that is growing more desperate by the hour. the world health organization is calling for a longer -- a long-term cease-fire in gaza, saying more people could die from disease outbreaks than from israel's bombardment. with us now to talk more about the situation in gaza is dr. tanya hajj hassan with doctors without borders and co-founder of gaza medic voices. thank you, doctor, for your time. what are you hearing from your teams on the ground in gaza? >> thank you, jose. you know, the scale and scope of human suffering that we're seeing has defied the descriptive ability of language. and when i speak with colleagues, doctors, surgeons in gaza, that's what they say. we don't have the words to describe the suffering that we're seeing. and they feel completely stripped of their abilities to relieve that suffering. something extremely difficult as a physician who has dedicated their entire life to the relief of human suffering. i will try to capture some of this avalanche of man made human suffering that we're seeing in gaza right now. and it is very difficult to do following on from the reports that i've been hearing on your news network leading up to my interview because everything is humanized, except the experience of the palestinian people in gaza. we don't hear stories about entire families wiped from civil registries, of children, loved by their parents, who were killed in an instant, of all the children who have survived the death of their entire extended families, wounded child, no surviving family is not unique. these figures are outdated by at least 18 days now because of the complete collapse of the abilities of authorities in the gaza strip to record the death and destruction since november 11th when communications were cut off with -- from the north. but as of november 11th, there are at least 17,000 children who had lost at least one parent. there are at least 15,000 people that have been killed. that's, again, almost three weeks out of date, that figure. 6,000 of those children with thousands still trapped under the rubble and cannot be accounted for. i'll paint the picture for you of some of the experiences we're hearing from colleagues of ours, doctors that have evacuated or been forced to evacuate south. we have been to their homes. they lived in apartments, like me, like you, with their family members, with memories, generations that grew up in these houses. they fled the hospitals in the north after refusing to leave for over a month to care for their patients. they're now in the south with just the clothes on their backs, no warm clothes for the winter, moving from shelter to shelter, trying to find a safe place, and there is no safe place in gaza. at least 30% of those who have been killed so far have been killed by aerial bombardment in the south, which is considered the safe zone. they're trying to find shelter. they have no clothes for warmth. they have no access to clean water. there are reports of starvation as people queue for hours for a tin of sardines and they have no access to medical care. so, what does that mean for the people who have not been killed so far in the gaza strip? what it means is if you're pregnant, knowing there are at least 150 women that deliver per day, if you're pregnant, you have no safe place to deliver, if you have diabetes, kidney failure, hypertension, any chronic illness that needs regular care, you haven't had access to healthcare for over six weeks now. if you have been brutally injured by the violent and indiscriminate aerial bombardment, you cannot access the care that is needed to save both your limb and your life. these sorts of injuries, these extreme burns, you know, a report earlier this morning of a little girl whose entire family was killed and who has deep burns. she needs regular debridements, those are surgeries where part of the burned area is removed and cleaned. she will likely, and i'm telling you as an intensive care doctor who cares for patients with these types of burns, she will hikely die from her injuries because she doesn't have access to adequate care. 75% of all hospitals in the gaza strip are no longer functional. they have been destroyed by either direct targeting or indirect targeting. there have been over 300 attacks on healthcare facilities in the west bank and gaza strip since october 7th. you are talking about a brutal annihilation of a healthcare system of an entire population. so, all of these severely injured patient, over 36,000 is last figure we had from the 11th of november, need regular care to care for their wounds that are being infected, to provide them with pain relief, which we know is in dire shortage in the gaza strip, and to provide them with the regular surgeries that are needed to prevent their injuries from killing them. so, in addition to the need for a functional healthcare system, to care for all the injured and all the chronic diseases, we also have what you just mentioned, which is reports as of one not ago that get worse and worse about outbreaks of epidemics in the crowded refugee camps, epidemics of diseases, illness, and outbreaks of things without sanitation. >> dr. tanya haj hassan, you are so on point, and so important that one does recognize that every human life matters, and to humanize that which is oftentimes ignored is one of the most important things that we as human beings can do to help humanize something that, as you say, you know, it is a man made, man created disaster. and, you know, so very few times do people sit and think and consider and hurt about what the horrible cost of war is. and i can't thank you -- >> jose, jose, you know, i just want to add real quick, there are reports, and i listen to idf spokesperson earlier on your program before i came on, you know, there are efforts to justify what is happening right now. there is nothing justifiable about the brutal annihilation of a population's healthcare system. it is prohibited under international law. there is nothing justifiable about the targeting and indiscriminate killing of tens of thousands of civilians. we have entered into a very dark era of humanity where a nation can repeatedly and intentionally break international law in full view without censure. and i, you know, at doctors without borders, we have members of our team killed, doctors while on duty in their hospital. the same reports have been shared by multiple humanitarian organizations. i understand -- i understand that human suffering breeds more human suffering. but at some point we have to put an end to this violence, this violence cycle and this justification for something that is unjustifiable cannot continue. there needs to be a permanent cease-fire right now and end to all violence to protect civilians everywhere in gaza strip, in the west bank, in israel, there needs to be a permanent cease-fire, there needs to be an unhindered humanitarian aid entering gaza, in torrential amounts, not the drop in the ocean we're seeing right now, and there needs to be a rebuilding of the entire civilian infrastructure that has been destroyed in the last month and a half and that is critical for the ongoing survival and protection of the civilian population. >> nothing as you say justifies but i got to tell you, you said, you know, we're in dark days and i think that there are dark days indeed that we are seeing, maybe in something that we haven't seen as a planet in some time and, you know, i have to always underline what happened on the 7th of october when maybe the darkest of the darkest intentions and the lowest of humanity was shown there as well. and, doctor, let's continue our conversation going forward. i very much appreciate your time being with us this morning. >> thank you. >> thanks. well, up next, we're going to go to georgia, take a turn, back here at home, the carter family is paying tribute to former first lady rosalynn carter at her final farewell in plains, georgia. we'll bring you a live report next. plains, georgia. we'll bring u yoa live report next eze! your bathroom... needs febreze small spaces... the always-on, odor-fighting air freshener you set and forget. no outlets used, no batteries needed, no effort required. so your bathroom stays continuously fresh for 45 days. that's the power of febreze small spaces. the subway series is taking your favorite to the next level! like the #20. the elite chicken and bacon ranch. built with rotisserie-style chicken and double cheese. i love what i'm seeing here. that's some well-coached chicken. you done, peyton? the subway series just keeps gettin' better. why didn't we do this last year? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta®? remember the pain? cancelled plans? the worry? that was then. and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine. but qulipta® reduces attacks, making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp - and is approved to prevent migraine of any 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>> blayne alexander, thank you very much, appreciate it. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. o diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. hello! hello is friendly... hello is open... it's welcoming... everything we want to be when helping people find a medicare plan during the annual enrollment period. so, say hello... to hellomedicare, a one-stop shop for medicare plans, including a range of “all-in-one” medicare advantage plans... from the names you know. learn, compare, even enroll - all in one place. no matter where you are in your search - whether you're just starting out, or already have a good idea of what you want — give us a call. our hellomedicare licensed insurance agents are here to make things easy and help guide you to a plan that fits your needs. because we get it - finding the right medicare plan can be challenging. plans can differ by price... or benefits... they can even differ by where you live. that's why we're here - to put it all together... and be your go-to place for all the latest information... laid out right in front of you, in a way that's easy to understand. it all starts with a few simple questions so we can get to know you better. questions like, “do you want to keep your doctor?” and “which benefits are important to you?” then, based on your answers, we'll match you with plans from well-known names in medicare, giving you a complete picture of your best options. next, we'll help you compare benefits. compare costs. it's easy. and when you feel good about your selection... we'll sign you up. done. and. done. remember, the annual enrollment period is here... and it ends on december 7th. so whether you're looking to save money, or find better coverage... let's do this. let's go find your medicare plan. call us today and speak with one of our helpful, hellomedicare licensed insurance agents. hellomedicare. say hello to an easier way to do medicare. ♪♪ we're not writers, but we help you shape your financial story. ♪♪ we're not an airline, but our network connects global businesses across nearly 160 markets. ♪♪ we're not a startup, but our innovation labs use new technologies to help keep your information secure. ♪♪ we're not architects, but we help build stronger communities. ♪♪ we're not just any bank. we are citi. ♪♪ 42 past the hour. we're now less than a year away from the 2024 election and a brand-new number show us the top issues among latinos, which represent the fastest growing voting bloc in the country. joining us now is msnbc news correspondent morgan radford. morgan, this polling covered a whole series of issues, right? >> a whole series of issues and it also gets really fascinating once you get into the details because, first, this poll makes it really clear how important jobs and the economy are to latino voters. you can see here, 54% of latinos ranked inflation and the rising cost of living as one of their top three issues and that outranks even healthcare, crime, immigration, and then when you ask which party would be best at addressing that top issue, more than a third of latinos say democrats would be best at handling it. but only 47% of voters approve of the job president joe biden is doing in the white house right now. if the election were held today, this is very interesting, a majority of latino voters, 51%, are either leaning toward voting for biden, probably will vote for biden or are definitely voting for biden, an 18-point lead in voter preference over former president donald trump. the question what does all of this mean in context? we spoke with latinos in key swing states. take a listen. >> i used to manage a business on 2020. and i could say -- i can say that trump really helped, even local businesses. >> i think this administration has done a good job. the economy has been growing, compared to other countries our inflation has been the lowest and the u.s. has spearheaded the economy worldwide. >> to democrats, the good news is that hispanics see a lot of alignment in terms of their values with democratic positions. but here, it is important to note that democrats need to do a better job connecting with these voters on economic issues and that they cannot rest in their laurels. >> you heard some trump supporters there, some biden supporters, but as always, i think it is really important we sort of peel back the curtain and explain how these polls are actually conducted. this was conducted by the largest nonprofit program, which focuses on democratic polling. the founding partner is the man who previously work for the biden campaign in 2020. all this matters because as you mentioned right there at the top, 34.5 million hispanic americans will be eligible to vote in the 2024 election, which means latinos are still the fastest growing racial or ethnic voting bloc here in the country. >> 1 million latinos turn 18 years of age every year in our country. u.s.-born latinos. like in 2020, we know this election will come down to results in a couple of states. did this poll look at voters in some key swing states? >> absolutely. we saw how important those swing states were in the last election. and this time is no different. this poll looked at latinos in seven states that are expected to play a pretty outsized role in 2024. if you look at your screen here, for a majority of voters in six of the states, biden would be the candidate they are most likely voting for. but the only state where biden falls behind trump is there in florida, just 39% of latinos say they plan to support the current president's re-election. by comparison, our nbc news exit polls show biden got 53% of voters there, just back in 2020, jose. >> morgan radford, great seeing you. thank you so very much. >> thank you so much, jose. up next, we'll talk to a leader of a group focused on freeing israeli hostages just days after four of his own family members were released. why he says he's still not at peace. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. it helps remove odors 3x better than detergent alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. ♪♪ if you're on medicare, remember, the annual enrollment period is here. the time to choose your coverage begins october 15th and ends december 7th. so call unitedhealthcare and see how you can get more of what matters, with our broad range of plans including an aarp medicare advantage plan from unitedhealthcare. it can combine your hospital and doctor coverage with part d prescription drug coverage, and more, all in one simple plan. these plans are made to support your whole health with $0 annual physical exams, $0 lab tests and $0 preventive care like mammograms and colonoscopies. and you'll get more for your medicare dollar with $0 copays on most covered dental services a $0 eye exam and an allowance for eyewear plus $0 copays on hundreds of prescriptions, at the pharmacy or by mail. now's the time to look at unitedhealthcare's variety of plans. so give us a call to learn more about coverage options in your area. with our right plan promise, you have our commitment to helping you find the right plan for your needs. and to help make life with medicare simpler, you'll get the all-in-one member ucard. only from unitedhealthcare, the ucard is your unitedhealthcare member id and much more. show your ucard when you visit your primary care provider, dentist or eye doctor, or fill a prescription at the pharmacy. and use it to access medicare advantage's largest national network of providers. you can count on unitedhealthcare to help you get the care you need, when you need it. enrollment ends december 7th. now's the time to learn more about america's most chosen medicare advantage plans and how they can open doors to a simpler healthcare experience with the all-in-one ucard. call unitedhealthcare today about the only medicare advantage plans with the aarp name and get more of what matters to you. 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[ting] ♪♪ live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. 51 past the hour. hamas announced three hostages were killed by, according to hamas, an iaeli air strike in the past. hamas identified them as members of the bibas family, including a 10-month-old, believed to be the youngest hostage. the idf notified the family and is working to confirm the claim from hamas. it comes as israel is facing pressure to rescue 161 remaining hostages. joining us now a man whose two members of his family were killed and four others were kidnapped. they founded the hostages and missing families forum to help bring their loved ones home. thank you for being with us. i understand that your relatives were released earlier this week. how are they doing? >> yes. we are fortunate and grateful. four of our family members were released sunday. how they do? well, they went through hell. we may never fully understand. but they are making progress. it's a slow process of recovery. time will tell. >> three of your relatives released are children. i understand that they watched their father being killed by hamas before they were taken? how are young children processing this? >> unfortunately, on this terrible day, my cousin became a hostage, a widow and bereaved mother at once. her husband and her daughter was murdered. i don't know fully if the children saw it. i know she saw it. she had to carry this knowledge through her entire time in captivity while also keeping her kids safe. from what we hear from the family, they showed great courage. they were there for each other. but we are dealing with an historical event. in israel, we need to start to have protocols to how to deal with young children like this that you see them on the screen, how to recover them and what process you need to have to bring them back to normal as much as possible after two months being hostage in a terror organization. we understand the conditions were bearable, from what we understand. we still can't know everything. >> yeah. i know you founded along with others a group to call attention to this crisis that continues. it's important to underline that hamas initially said that they had no hostages, that they took no women and children. now they are reporting a 10-month-old died in their custody. what is it that you feel should be being done that maybe is not being done? how do you see going forward with this possible two-day extension in the pause for another maybe 20 hostages? but the numbers are still really large in the number of men, women, and children who are in gaza today. >> the numbers are historic, again. we are talking about more than 160 captives. we will not stop until everyone is back home. our hearts would not be fully at peace until everyone is safe at home. i think hamas, what it is doing, this is part of the psychological warfare. they're trying to portray themselves as treating all the captives well. they're trying to -- they are lying about what happened. even what you said earlier about the bibas family, that we are praying it's a lie. we hope it's not true. we will see them back home. the way that they treated children -- this is what we hear from other families. they lost weight. some were forced to watch horror video from the massacre of october 7. other were made to whisper under the threat of weapons. we are dealing with an irrational, dangerous, horrible terror organization. we have to put all the pressure that we can, military, diplomatic, whatever we can to bring all of them home. it doesn't matter if it's children or fathers or whatever. >> thank you very much for being with us. appreciate your time. >> thank you for having me. >> that wraps up the hour for me. i'm jose diaz-balart. you can reach me on social media. thank you for the privilege of your time. andrea mitchell picks up with more news next. liberty. liberty. ♪ my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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